1985 [PDF] - Yosemite

1985 [PDF] - Yosemite

1985 [PDF] - Yosemite


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................... 7. ~- ........&.,Talented SecretariesJensen, Vice Presi."Behind thedent of Plant Servicesand Guest Rec-scenes" in manydivisions of <strong>Yosemite</strong>reation; "the bestPark and Curry Co.boss I’ve ever had."are employed someGeorgia Baker, ExecutiveSecretary toof the most talentedand unique people inthe Hotel Division,<strong>Yosemite</strong>, A diversefinds meeting thegroup of personalities,they are noneutivesa very chal-needs of three execthelessalike in theirlenging job. Sheability to provide theworks with Tom Williams,Vice Presidentnecessary support tokeep their units functioningeffectively onof the Hotel Division,Alan Richmond, Directorof Marketing,a daily basis. Morethan just the stereotypicalduties ofand Bill Germany, Directorof Hospitalityanswering phonesServices, and saysand typing, theseanswering phonespeople’s responsibilitiesinclude public Accounting."never boring U’Executive Secretary Ann Finch offor these busy men isrelations, coordinating,trouble-shooting, and organizing.Arriving from Marin in 1971 to escape the high cost of living inRarely known outside their own offices except perhaps as a the Bay Area, Georgia most appreciates <strong>Yosemite</strong>’s "beautifulvoice on the phone, the secretaries of YPCC are an interestingscenery." She does, however, miss her friends in Marin andgroup of capable women, the "unsung heroes" of the Company. visits there often.We took a look behind the scenes at some of these secretaries toAsked what brought her to <strong>Yosemite</strong>, Administrative Assistantget to know them better.to the President Connie Archer smiles, "a Greyhound busF’A Mariposite, Ann Finch, Executive Secretary in the AccountingDepartment, commutes to work daily. She came to <strong>Yosemite</strong> responded to a San Francisco Chronicle ad and liked Mr. HardySeeking a challenging job, "something different," Connieadmittedly "by fluke," arriving two and a half years ago to interview,along with Dorothy Richards, of Personnel, and Liz Barajas,of the Village Store, "We all got the jobs we interviewed forand we’re all still here." Ann loves her work, her boss, ControllerMike Welch, and the six oilier people she assists on a day-to-daybasis. And, she has a special attachment to her word processor!In hi~r spare time ("What spare time?") she gardens ("1 havegreat strawberries!"), tends to her husband and ranch ("horses,dogs, cats, and kids") and jogs. "1 started jogging just threeweeks ago, getting up at 4:30 a.m. to run/walk my one and a halfmiles, and my goal is to outrun Connie Archer!"Linda Smith, the self.proclaimed "gypsy" of the bunch, is anative Californian who has lived and worked all over the State,She’s owned her own restaurant, danced in performing troupes,majored in math and physics in college, aspires "to be afreelance writer" and came to <strong>Yosemite</strong> to enjoy the "absolutelysuperb climbing,"While her goals in life are simple -- "Climb by day, write bynight and give my parents the world because that’s what theygave me" -- Linda’s secret ambition is to participate in climbingexpeditions worldwide!With such a varied background and aspirations, it comes as Hotel Division’s Executive Secretary, Georgia Baker.high praise that Linda’s favorite part of the job is working for DanII I

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