1985 [PDF] - Yosemite

1985 [PDF] - Yosemite

1985 [PDF] - Yosemite


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<strong>Yosemite</strong> Park and Curry Company HonoredFor Hire The Disabled Efforts<strong>Yosemite</strong> Park and Curry Company was proud to receive two Though these are the first awards of this nature received by theawards recently honoring their efforts in hiring the disabled. Company, YP&CC has a long-standing commitment to hiring theOn October 8, the State of California "Hire a Winner" awards disabled. The California State Departments of Rehabilitation inwere presented in Sacramento as part of the Celebration of the Fresno and Merced routinely refer good employees with learning,California Employ Disabled Persons Week, October 6-12, <strong>1985</strong>. hearing or physical disabilities; and since 1981, the GauledetRon Jennings, YP&CC Equal Employment Opportunity Supervisor,accepted a runner-up award honoring the Company’s det is a college especially suited to the hearing impaired, DuringCollege in New York has been a solid recruitment source. Gaule-efforts in hiring the disabled. The <strong>1985</strong> Employer of the Year for the summer season of 1983, students and two interpreters werethe State of California was Safeway Stores, Inc., and other runners-upincluded IBM, McDonalds, Lockheed and Tandem Com-employed throughout the Company.puters.On October 24, Rick Vocelka, Director of Personnel for YP&CC,accepted the Annual Large Private Employer Award from theFresno Mayor’s Committee to Hire the Handicapped, presentedby Mayor Dale Doig.Be Prepared ForWinter DrivingAt this time of year, roads in <strong>Yosemite</strong> require your utmostattention when driving. The following safe driving suggestionswere compiled by YP&CC and the NPS to assist you in dealing Tim Arnst and Ed Hardy display the YP&CCo. "Hire the Dis.with special winter driving conditions.abled" Awards,The most important words to remember when driving on icy orsnow-covered roads are SLOW and GRADUAL. Maintain a slow,Ski Days Are Comingcontinuousspeed, well under the speed limit. Abrupt motionsshould be avoided. Brake, accelerate, and execute turns in slow, We Need Volunteers!gradual movements,Your start from a complete stop should be with slow and steady Here comes the snow -- and with it, plans are beginning for theacceleration. Stops on icy or snow.covered roads should be done 45th season of the Wednesday Ski Day Program. This programgradually with a gentle pumping on the brake pedal to prevent loss provides an opportunity for the children of <strong>Yosemite</strong> and El Portalof traction. Remember to reduce your speed and increase the to learn to ski, or improve their skiing abilities.distance between cars. Passing another vehicle during winter For $1.25 a week, the children from the El Portal and <strong>Yosemite</strong>conditions is extremely dangerous and should be attempted only schools are transported to and from Badger Pass on YTS buses,where sufficient distance of straight road is available,offered rental equipment and lift tickets. The children are dividedKeep your car in good driving condition, If your tires require into classes by abilities, which may range from a child’s firstreplacement, new radials or snow tires are a good investment. experience on skis to kids getting ready to try out for the Ski Team.Also, carry flares in your car should you stall or become stuck in The program’s success relies solely on volunteers from thethe roadway,community, and the need exists in several areas...don’t excludeCertain areas in <strong>Yosemite</strong> Valley are notorious for their almost yourself if you’re not a skier, Bus monitors and ski instructors forcontinual ice cover during winter months. Be especially careful all levels are needed. The <strong>Yosemite</strong> Ski School instructors offer aaround Fern Spring, at the Bridalveil Fall junction, on and near clinic for all Ski Day instructors before the program begins.Sentinel Bridge, on the curve by Le Conte Memorial, and anywherenear a stream, waterfall or source of water where moistureAll volunteers participating in the program receive a free liftticket for each Ski Day, plus additionalift tickets good for any daycreates black ice.during the week it is earned,A final note: Follow the directions on chain control signs. NPSThis program is made possible through the combined efforts ofdetermines the chain requirements based on road conditions. the <strong>Yosemite</strong> Park and Curry Company, the Badger Pass staff,They may seem unnecessary or overly cautious to you, but they and the people of the community who volunteer their time andare set for your safety as well as that of others less familiar withenergy,Park roads, and are strictly enforced.So be a part of this worthwhile program -- if you are interestedEnjoy this special season in <strong>Yosemite</strong>, and take the time to do it in being a Ski Day volunteer, or if you’d like more information,safely!please contact Judy Ernest at 372-4592 or Gall Miller at 372-2418.

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