1985 [PDF] - Yosemite

1985 [PDF] - Yosemite

1985 [PDF] - Yosemite


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L ,~ %/ "A .Christmas Greeting from the HardysChristmasa season of gratitude and love. We are very grateful to everyone foryour efforts which resulted in the highest rating ever as measured by the NPSconcessioner evaluation system. We genuinely appreciate all of you who contributedto make <strong>Yosemite</strong>xperience successful for our guests.We look forward to working with you during the New Year as we help protect<strong>Yosemite</strong> and provide for its visitors. Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy NewYear!Jackie and Ed HardyGolden Year!This winter season marks the golden anniversary of California’soldest organized ski area, Badger Pass. Downhill skiingmade its debut in <strong>Yosemite</strong> near the Valley Stables in the latetwenties with the construction of a special ski jump. This ski hill,even with the advent of the <strong>Yosemite</strong> Ski School in 1928, proveda bit tame, and by mid-December, 1935, downhill skiing movedto its present site at Badger Pass, twenty-three miles from theA MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTValley floor at an elevation of 7300 feet.by Ed HardyIn January the new Badger Pass at Monroe Meadows wasThe National Park Service has awarded YP&CC the highest officially opened and fifty years of skiing fun began.rating received by the Company as part of the annual evaluation With this season’s opening of Badger’s gentle slopes andprocess. The overall evaluation rates the protection of <strong>Yosemite</strong>’s Nordic trails, a long tradition of skiing in <strong>Yosemite</strong> enters its fiftyfirstyear and a season-long celebration is underway.natural resources, as well as the quality of service, health andsafety programs.To mark the festivities and share in the celebration, the January1986 issue of the <strong>Yosemite</strong> Sentinel will feature news of theYP&CC is the most diverse concessioner oDerating in anynational park in the world. The detailed evaluation encompassesexciting events planned to honor Badger Pass as well as arooms, meals, beverages, golf, swimming, tennis, skiing, rafting, fascinating review of the past fifty years. Join us in the Januarybiking, transportation, horseback riding, grooming, cleanliness, issue for a nostalgic look back through Badger’s history and joinlitter, business practices, contracting conformance, cooperation us on the slopes and trails in the golden celebration!with the government, safety and health.The public health ratings are a major part of the evaluation.These ratings increased from 88.4 in 1984 to 92.6 in <strong>1985</strong>. The A Letter of Appreciation...NPS states that this is an important improvement and reflects theeffectiveness of combined NPS/concessioner training in foodservice sanitation.The average of summary ratings of individual facilitiesincreased from 4.45 in 1984 to 4.62 in <strong>1985</strong>, on a five-pointsystem, indicating a continuing ncrease in the quality of services.YP&CC is participating in the concessioner’safety pilot program.The Company was evaluated for safety using a questionnairefrom the National Park Service’s Director. "he answersdemonstrate significant progress has been made toward developmentof loss control policies, continuation of an active safetycommittee, and identification of causes of losses. Much improvementremains to be made, particularly with regard to managementraining,safety officer training, and employee education, theNPS stated. A joint NPS/concessioner training session that wasschedule during November should help significantly. The pilotprogram wil continue for two years and set the example for othernational parks.Congratulations to everyone involved in making YP&CC’s <strong>1985</strong>year a most successful one based upon the NPS evaluation. Welook forward to attaining even higher quality in the future..J

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