1985 [PDF] - Yosemite

1985 [PDF] - Yosemite

1985 [PDF] - Yosemite


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CLINIC UPDATEBP: Your Barometer of HealthThe stethoscope is placed over an artery at your elbow. As theBP cuff deflates, a sound is heard when the BP cuff pressure isequal to the heart’s contracting or systolic pressure. The soundby Jeanne Weston, RNstops when the cuff pressure is less than the heart’s restingMany people have questions regarding their blood pressure pressure. The number when the sound is first heard equals the(BP): what is it, what is normal, how is it measured, and what systolic pressure. The number when the sound is last heard isfactors affect it. This article is designed to provide basic answersthe diastolic pressure.to the above questions.There are many factors which affect blood pressure. SomeYour heart, arteries, veins and blood form what is known as factors are hereditary-- meaning we have no control over them.the cardiovascular system. The blood carries oxygen, nutrients These include age, sex, nationality, and family history. Otherand waste products throughouthe body. The arteries and veins factors such as weight, diet, smoking, exercise and stress alsotransport the blood while the heart acts as a pump to move the affect blood pressure, We do have control over these factors andblood throughout the system.each individual can play an important role in maintaining his/herThere are two pressures which are measured in this system.blood pressure.The first pressure, known as the systolic pressure, represents First, be aware of your hereditary factors. If you have a strongthe pressure generated by the heart when it contracts. An "average"or "normal" systolic value is 120. There is a resting pres-older, you are more likely to develop high blood pressure.family history of high blood pressure and are middle-aged orsure which remains in the cardiovascular system when the heartSecond, remember prevention is the best medicine..,and isis not contracting. This is the second pressure and is known asour own responsibility. Recommendations include: maintainingthe diastolic pressure. An "average" or "normal" diastolic pressureis 80.diet, and not smoking. Recognize the stress factors in your lifea healthy weight, exercising regularly, enjoying a well-balancedA blood pressure reading consists then of two pressures: and minimize them accordingly. This can be accomplished bysystolic and diastolic. The reading in an "average" or "normal" developing awareness and communication skills, and by allowingyourselt play time. In short, be good to yourself...ycu’re oneperson would be 120 systolic over 80 diastolic.Blood pressure is measured by using a BP cuff and a stethoscope.The BP cuff isplaced around the upper arm andof a kind.inflated.!,,, "‘’~ I~James Rodrigues, left above, and 3ennis Yamnitsky toast thesuccess of their recent fundraising efforts for the MERCED CAN-YON COMMITTEE. James and Dennis organized the July 8 Winetastingat Cedar Lodge with door prizes and live entertainmentas just one of several summer events to benefit the "DON’T DAMTHE MERCED RIVER" cause.Have you noticed the facelift at DEGNAN’S DELl? The new opencooler, featuring a wide variety of gourmet items, is popular withguests and employees alike. The Deft also now features anexpanded dell.salad selection, a new hot breakfast sandwich,and a call-in order service for employees. Degnan’s Dell ext.1454.YOSEMITE SENTINELEditor .....................................Alan RichmondContributing Staff .............. Jeff Goulding, Terry FitzpatrickJane Martinez, Kim Saunders<strong>Yosemite</strong> Sentinel is published monthly by Yoeemite Park and CurryCompany for the <strong>Yosemite</strong> Community. Contributions are welcomedat the Sales and Marketing Office or call 372-1445, Deadline for theSeptember issue is Wednesday, August 7, <strong>1985</strong>.

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