2010-2011 School Improvement Plan - Highland Elementary (PDF)

2010-2011 School Improvement Plan - Highland Elementary (PDF)

2010-2011 School Improvement Plan - Highland Elementary (PDF)


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<strong>Highland</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Improvement</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong>FOCUS ON LEARNINGGOALS, ACTION STEPS, RATIONALE, ACCOUNTABILITY, RESULTSACADEMIC CONTENT GOAL: WRITINGSTUDENT ACHIEVEMENT PROBLEM:According to our <strong>2010</strong> MSP scores, 66% of our students at <strong>Highland</strong> met proficiency in the area of writing. Breaking downthe data further, we found that 81% of our students were proficient in the area of CON (conventions) while only 61% of ourfourth graders met proficiency in the area of COS (content, organization, style).STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT GOAL:75% of our fourth grade students at <strong>Highland</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> will meet or exceed standard in the area of writing as measured by the <strong>2011</strong> MSP. (66.7%in <strong>2010</strong> MSP)Action Specific Activities/Strategies to ReachStepAcademic Goal1 Staff examination of writing data to betterunderstand how are students are achievingin the area of writing. (Resources: time,building budget, OSPI data)Rationale Evidence of Effectiveness ResultsExaming data allows us to better informour instructional goals as a school, gradelevel, and classroom. We become moreintentional in our planning, instruction,and assessment practices as a result.1. Staff meetings, grade level datasessions, grade level and staffcollaboration.2. Common formativeassignments/assessments, summative4/5 assessments, MSPResults:2 Building-wide plan for monthly grade levelprompts (K-5) in the modes of personalnarrative, narrative, and expository as partof a balanced writing plan for each team.Additionally, writing assessments in grades4 & 5 (anchored by released state items) onthree occasions in addition to the MSP infourth grade). (Resources- time, buildingbudget)Students need an opportunity (K-5) to getpractice at writing to a prompt asmeasured on the fourth grade MSP stateassessment. The writing process must bemodeled and taught to students on aconsistent basis in order for students tobecome proficient writers as measured byour state assessment in the areas of COSand CON.1. Classroom observations, gradelevel collaboration, classroomexamples turned into buildingprincipal monthly.2. Grade level monthlyassignments/assessments, MSPresults.Results:8 8

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