Specifications - Huryn Justice General Contractors

Specifications - Huryn Justice General Contractors

Specifications - Huryn Justice General Contractors


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Repairs to Covered Storage Building AS-4171 05110173appropriate for action indicated.1.5.8 Actions PossibleSubmittals will be returned with one of the following notations:a. Submittals marked "not reviewed" will indicate submittal has beenpreviously reviewed and approved, is not required , does not haveevidence of being reviewed and approved by contractor, or is notcomplete. A submittal marked "not reviewed" will be returned withan explanation of the reason it is not reviewed. Resubmitsubmittals returned for lack of review by contractor or for beingincomplete, with appropriate action, coordination, or change.b. Submittals marked "approved" "approved as submitted" authorizecontractor to proceed with work covered.c. Submittals marked "approved as noted" authorize contractor toproceed with work as noted provided contractor takes no exceptionto the notations.d. Submittals marked "revise and resubmit" or "disapproved" indicatesubmittal is incomplete or does not comply with design concept orrequirements of the contract documents and shall be resubmittedwith appropriate changes. No work shall proceed for this itemuntil resubmittal is approved.1.6 FORMAT OF SUBMITTALS1.6.1 Complete Submittal PackageContractor shall make electronic copies of all submittals, including thetransmittal sheet, and provide a CD/DVD containing all submittals forproject close out.The CD/DVD shall be marked "Complete Submittal Package - Contract#N40085-11-B-0173."1.6.2 Transmittal FormTransmit each submittal, except sample installations and sample panels, tooffice of approving authority. Transmit submittals with transmittal formprescribed by contracting officer and standard for project. Thetransmittal form shall identify contractor, indicate date of submittal, andinclude information prescribed by transmittal form and required inparagraph entitled "Identifying Submittals." Process transmittal forms torecord actions regarding sample panels and sample installations.1.6.3 Identifying SubmittalsIdentify submittals, except sample panel and sample installation, with thefollowing information permanently adhered to or noted on each separatecomponent of each submittal and noted on transmittal form. Mark each copyof each submittal identically, with the following:a. Project title and location.b. Construction contract number.SECTION 01 33 00 Page 9

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