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as “Formally not Accepted” but were subsequently vindicated followingobjection of a bidder.6.4.1.aOn a suitable date to be determined the “FormallyAccepted” Consulting Companies will be invited topresent, clarify and discuss their proposals to theauthorized Evaluation Committee of PPC S.A.The presentations will take place at 27, Patission Street,2th floor, office 217, 104 32 Athens, GREECE. Theestimated duration of each presentation (includingdiscussion) is 60 min. The participating Companies will beofficially notified for the exact starting time of theirpresentation.Taking into account the presentation of all Proposals theEvaluation Committee evaluates the Technical Proposalsand compiles a marking table as described in par.6.4.1.b. below.The technical evaluation will be based, without, however,being limited to the following criteria:The proven sound expertise and know how of thebidder in electric utilities issues.The data submitted regarding the project (-s),relevant to the project in question, which theBidder uses to meet the requirement set forth bythe present Call for Tenders regarding the eligibilityfor Participation in the Tender, according toparagraph 3.1 of the Document “Call for Tenders”.The relevance between this project and the projectin question as well as the role assumed by theBidder shall be assessed.6.4.1.bThe Technical Proposal itself. The understanding bythe Consultant of the problem of the project inquestion, the general approach he proposes tofollow and the integrity of the technical proposal(project management, timetable proposed,personnel assignment etc.) shall be assessed.The marking of the Technical Offers will be conducted byassigning marks to each one of the criteria listed below asfollows:0 : when the Offer is unacceptable with reference tothe criterion.1-2 : when the Offer is inadequate with reference tothe criterion.3-4 : when the Offer is satisfactory with reference tothe criterion.21/53

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