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8.4.3. In case competition was inadequate, or if there is serious evidencethat there has been an agreement between the Bidders to avoid realcompetition.8.4.4. In case there have been essential changes in the needs of theCorporation.8.5. The Contract shall be drawn up according to the “Contract Specimen”included in the present Call for Tenders (Document 4 of 5).ARTICLE 9.PPC’s S.A. Reservations and Rights9.1. By participating in the present Bid (submission of Proposal) a Bidderunreservedly declares that he is fully aware of the terms as well as ofall the data and documents of the Inquiry and that he accepts them.9.2. PPC S.A. reserves the right to postpone the closing date of the presentCall for Tenders or to modify any part of the Inquiry. Thesemodifications shall be included in Supplement(s) to the Inquiry, theissue of which shall be announced with the same way the Inquiry wasannounced with.9.3. PPC S.A. shall in no case be responsible or liable to indemnify Biddersfor any expense or cost Bidders may have sustained for thepreparation and submission of their offer, particularly in case theiroffer is not accepted or the Procedure is cancelled or postponed ortransferred at any phase and time and for any reason or cause thereof.Consequently, those who participate in the present Bid and submit theoffer, independently of whether they have been finally accepted or not,do not acquire any right at all against PPC S.A. from this Inquiry andtheir participation to the Bid.9.4. Any Tender, submitted according to the terms of the present Inquiry,is considered as proposal to PPC S.A. and not as an acceptance ofPPC’s S.A. proposal.9.5. No Bidder is entitled to invoke any omissions in the submission of theoffer or in signing of any document in order to be exempted from ordiminish his liabilities.9.6. The terms and restrictions concerning the submission of offers are toPPC’s S.A. benefit, which has the right to waive them, without such anaction however providing any right to the Bidders or any other thirdparties.ARTICLE 10. Special Penalty Clause of compliance with labour andsocial security laws10.1. The Contractor and any Subcontractors shall be obliged to complywithout fail with the provisions of labour and social security law fortheir personnel occupied within the context of the Contract, includingpaying their personnel lawful remuneration, which may under nocircumstances be lower than the one provided for in the relevant25/53

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