ne Planet Lifestyle - WWF-India

ne Planet Lifestyle - WWF-India

ne Planet Lifestyle - WWF-India


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Tips for sustainable workingIt is not just the changes to your work-place that can help make a real difference.Even the way you work on a day-to-day level can help. For example:Zero CarbonZero WasteSustainable TransportSustainable MaterialsSustainable food> Meeting rooms canquickly warm up, so avoidun<strong>ne</strong>cessary heating> Turn off IT equipment whennot in use> If having an ‘away-day’,choose a location poweredby green e<strong>ne</strong>rgy.> Collect all used paper (andseparate into the right bins if<strong>ne</strong>cessary)> Set up a link to a paperrecycling company> Compost the left-overs fromwork lunches.> Set up a car pool orlift-share system> Get the latest informationabout local public transport,and share it with others.> Find out where the <strong>ne</strong>arestand most competitivesources of recycled paperetc are, and pass it onto whoever purchasesstationary.> Lobby to get your catererto provide organic andvegetarian options (or findo<strong>ne</strong> who will).Sustainable WaterNatural Habitats and WildlifeCulture and HeritageEquity and Fair TradeHealth and Happi<strong>ne</strong>ss> Campaign to stop the useof bottled water!> Who manages the officeestate? Can they bepersuaded to put up <strong>ne</strong>stboxes? Sow wild flowerseeds? Plant some native orfruit trees?> Paste and share informationabout what’s on in the area,and about the history of thelocal community.> Buy only fair trade coffeeand tea.> Go for a walk once in awhile, if possible! You willfeel better and be moreproductive as a result.The <strong>WWF</strong> Pocket Guide to a O<strong>ne</strong> Pla<strong>ne</strong>t <strong>Lifestyle</strong> // www.panda.org/o<strong>ne</strong>pla<strong>ne</strong>t37EXITSEARCHPRINTBACKNEXT

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