ne Planet Lifestyle - WWF-India

ne Planet Lifestyle - WWF-India

ne Planet Lifestyle - WWF-India


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Your <strong>ne</strong>w lifestyle...Well do<strong>ne</strong> on taking your first steps towards a O<strong>ne</strong> Pla<strong>ne</strong>t lifestyle!Below we look at the <strong>ne</strong>w lifestyle you have chosen for yourself, and its implications for our pla<strong>ne</strong>t.YOUR NEW FOOTPRINT1. up to 20,000m 20You’ve do<strong>ne</strong> it! Well do<strong>ne</strong>.You have achieved a O<strong>ne</strong> Pla<strong>ne</strong>t lifestyle – so now enjoy it!Joe, aged 3, grows prize-winning vegetableson his allotment. So can you!2. 20,000m 2 - 40,000m 23. 40,000m 2 - 60,000m 24. over 60,000m 2You are <strong>ne</strong>arly there! Go ahead and start implementing your pledges. When you havesuccessfully do<strong>ne</strong> so, come back to the list and see if there are <strong>ne</strong>w commitments you cantake on.You are not quite there…! You are still living as if we had 3 pla<strong>ne</strong>ts to draw on, which wedon’t! Hopefully, though, this book will have ope<strong>ne</strong>d your eyes to the challenges we all face,and will have inspired you to start making real changes to your lifestyle.Oops! Let’s look again at the way you live, work and play. You are not alo<strong>ne</strong> – it’s somethingwe all <strong>ne</strong>ed to do, to ensure that the legacy we are leaving for future ge<strong>ne</strong>rations is a rosyo<strong>ne</strong>. Visit our website at www.panda.org/o<strong>ne</strong>pla<strong>ne</strong>t for inspiring stories about how peopleanywhere can make O<strong>ne</strong> Pla<strong>ne</strong>t Living a reality.Thank you for having had the courageto do this quiz! Hopefully you will havefound it interesting and illuminating, andwill have seen for yourself the scale of thechallenge we all face.On the <strong>ne</strong>xt few pages are resources onwhere you can get help in implementingsome of your eco-pledges.Enjoy your <strong>ne</strong>w life!Remember: it’s not all down to you.We <strong>ne</strong>ed governments and busi<strong>ne</strong>sses to changethings too. You can help do this by supporting<strong>WWF</strong>’s campaigns - for example, for a <strong>ne</strong>w globaldeal to tackle climate change.The <strong>WWF</strong> Pocket Guide to a O<strong>ne</strong> Pla<strong>ne</strong>t <strong>Lifestyle</strong> // www.panda.org/o<strong>ne</strong>pla<strong>ne</strong>t49EXITSEARCHPRINTBACKNEXT

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