Statement of Intent 2011-2014 - New Zealand Customs Service

Statement of Intent 2011-2014 - New Zealand Customs Service

Statement of Intent 2011-2014 - New Zealand Customs Service


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OUTCOME: TRAVELTravel to and from <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> fl ows more freely through more secure and efficient border processes<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> competes with othercountries for tourists and trade.Managing the border effectivelyenhances <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>’s reputation asa safe and secure country to trade withand travel to, and is therefore criticalto our ability to compete for tourists.<strong>Customs</strong> facilitates internationaltravel, while maintaining safety andsecurity in ways that do not causeundue delay or costs to travellers.We aim to improve the travelexperience through <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>’sborder for legitimate travellers, whilemanaging risks. This involves workingwith other border sector agencies todeliver more integrated and seamlessborder services, supported by moderntechnology.The Travel outcome is deliveredthrough services across four <strong>of</strong> thesix output classes for Vote <strong>Customs</strong>. 21<strong>Customs</strong> facilitates the passage <strong>of</strong>craft, and people and their possessionsthrough direct interaction, and selfservicetechnology for some travellers.We maintain security through ourenforcement mandate and riskapproach. This approach relieson information, and integratedintelligence with risk assessmentcapabilities that target resources toareas <strong>of</strong> higher risk. This enables<strong>Customs</strong> to clear the majority <strong>of</strong>legitimate travel with little or nointervention at the border. <strong>Customs</strong>’policy and international services seekto advance <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>’s travelfacilitation and security interests.MINISTERIAL PRIORITYFrom <strong>2011</strong>/12, <strong>Customs</strong> will seek toachieve the following, as agreed withthe Minister <strong>of</strong> <strong>Customs</strong>:More efficient, streamlined, andsecure passenger facilitation,particularly for trans-Tasmanand Asia-Pacific travelWe will deliver this priority throughthe following initiative:Expand the SmartGateprogramme, trial SmartGateintegration with Australia, andimprove our risk approachto support rising travel fromAustralia and the Asia-PacificIMPACT AND OBJECTIVES WE SEEK TOACHIEVE 22From <strong>2011</strong>/12 <strong>Customs</strong> seeks toachieve the following impacts:»»improved experiences for travellersthrough border processesmaintained high levels <strong>of</strong>voluntary compliance.These impacts support theGovernment’s goal to build astronger economy. In particular,it seeks to support <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>’stourism economy by improving theborder experience for complianttravellers, especially Australians and<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>ers, while continuing tomanage risks effectively.It will also enable <strong>Customs</strong> andother border agencies to deal withincreasing travel volumes and risksin the medium term, without acomparable increase in costs, whileachieving more efficient passengerprocesses.21 Clearance and enforcement services relating to passengers, crew, and their possessions; Clearance and enforcement services relating to goods; Information and intelligenceservices; and Policy advice and international services.22 An impact is the direct societal, economic, or environmental change or effect made to an outcome by a specified set <strong>of</strong> outputs and/or actions.<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Customs</strong> <strong>Service</strong> 23

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