NUCIS number 12. September 2004. 52 pages (full ... - IAMZ - ciheam

NUCIS number 12. September 2004. 52 pages (full ... - IAMZ - ciheam

NUCIS number 12. September 2004. 52 pages (full ... - IAMZ - ciheam

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P. atlantica sub-sp. mutica trees P. atlantica sub-sp. kurdica treesForest of P. atlantica sub-sp. cabulicaLeaves of P. atlantica sub-sp. muticaLeaves of P. atlantica sub-sp. kurdicaDistribution of P. atlantica sub-sp. muticaLeaves of P. atlantica sub-sp. cabulica2.5-8 cm x 0.7-2 (-2.5) cm, obtuse orblunt at apex, never mucronate, at marginciliate, becoming glabrous, nerves inconspicuousor slightly conspicuous. Rachismarginate or narrowly winged. Maleinflorescence paniculate, 2-8.5 cm x 6-9.5cm, different in subspecies. Floweringtime early spring. Fruit drupe, with aromaticpericarp, seed oily (Rechinger 1969).WORLD GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTIONOF P. atlanticaP. atlantica is located in the Atlantic region,Turkey, Iran, Caucus, Afghanistan,Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, north Africa, and Algeria.However its origin is Iran, but it hasexpanded from east to southwest of Europeand from southeast to North of Africaand the Canary islands.P. atlantica subspecies in IranRechinger classified P. atlantica intothree subspecies: mutica, kurdica, cabulica(Rechinger 1969). However non-Iranianbotanists have not accepted thisclassification.P. atlantica subspecies mutica (Fishand May) Rech. 1969Rachis winged up to terminal leaflets,leaflets narrowly oblong, 3-8 cm x 1.5-3cm, at margin ciliate. Drupe slightlybroader than long. This subspecies is locatedin Turkey, Iran, and the Caucus. InIran, it is found in northwest, northeast,center, east and south including Azerbaijan,Esfahan, Kohkiloyeh Va Boyer-Ahmad,Fars, Kerman, Khorasan, Yazd,Semnan and Tehran provinces.28 FAO-CIHEAM - Nucis-Newsletter, Number 12 <strong>September</strong> 2004

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