NUCIS number 12. September 2004. 52 pages (full ... - IAMZ - ciheam

NUCIS number 12. September 2004. 52 pages (full ... - IAMZ - ciheam

NUCIS number 12. September 2004. 52 pages (full ... - IAMZ - ciheam

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Table 1. Climatic characteristics of chestnut areas in Asturias (www.inm.es), El Bierzo (www.inm.es), Extremadura (www.inm.es),Tenerife (www.inm.es), Andalusia (www.inm.es) and Galicia (Carballeira, 1983).Region Province Location Annual average Annual rainfall Average temperature Annual temperaturetemperature (°C) (mm) in January (°C) range (°C)Asturias Asturias Gijón 13,8 971 4,7 —Oviedo-El Cristo 12,9 973 4,2 —Aeropuerto Ranón 13,2 1140 5,4 —Bierzo León Ponferrada 13,0 675 1,1 17,5Extremadura Cáceres Guadalupe 14,7 755 3,3 17,6Canarias Tenerife Aeropuerto TenerifeNorte-Los Rodeos 16,5 557 12,8 —Andalucía Málaga Gaucín 15,0 1161 6,2 35,0Huelva Almonaster La Real 16,0 1137 4,9 34,9Aracena 14,0 1107 3,1 35,8Galicia Lugo Outeiro de Rei 12,0 1004 2,0 23,3Vilar do Caurel 7,9 1679 -1,3 24,5Ferreira 3,2 1086 2,4 25,7Fonsagrada 8,8 1754 -1,0 23,3Ourense Mesón de Pentes 10,6 1460 0,8 26,0Poboa de Trives 8,9 874 0,1 26,6A Rúa-Petín 15,6 763 5,1 26,7Table 2. Main characteristics of the cultivars of Andalusia (adapted from Pereira and Ramos, 2003).Cultivar Origin Harvesting time Use Male Nuts/kg Lateral Poly-embrionic Splitcatkin z nut (g) nuts (%) nuts (%)Capilla Málaga 20 - 26 Oct Industry, fresh, pollinizer L 66 17,00 11,00 16,00Comisaria Huelva 20 Oct - 2 Nov Industry, fresh, pollinizer L 80 13,37 6,00 0,50Corriente Málaga 18 Sep - 4 Oct Fresh, pollinizer L 65 18,58 15,50 4,50Dieguina Huelva 20 Oct - 1 Nov Marrón al natural, fresh L and M 87 13,61 8,00 2,50Helechal Huelva 22 - 29 Oct Industry, fresh B and L 80 14,14 7,00 1,50Pelón Huelva 19 Oct - 1 Nov Marmalades and purees, L 113 10,22 3,54 7,81pollinizerPilonga Málaga 17 Sep - 4 Oct Industry, fresh, pollinizer L 63 18,32 7,61 8,67Planta Alájar Huelva 20 - 29 Oct Fresh M 71 16,06 10,50 2,25Rubia Tardía Málaga 25 Oct Industry, fresh, pollinizer L 49 20,76 10,00 2,50Temprana Málaga 15 Sep - 4 Oct Fresh, pollinizer L 61 18,76 11,67 8,53Tomasa Málaga 20 - 29 Oct Fresh, pollinizer L 44 24,86 14,38 23,13Vázquez Huelva 20 Oct - 5 Nov Fresh, industry, pollinizer L 73 16,05 4,00 1,50zL = longuistaminate; M = mesostaminate; B = braquistaminateFigure 1. High density spacing in new orchardsof Serranía de Ronda, MálagaFigure 2. New orchard with irrigation in Güimar-Sierra, GranadaFigure 3. Old chestnut orchard in Sierra deHuelva, Huelvabeing established (Figure 3) though traditionallychestnut production came fromseedlings. Chestnut is an interesting alternativein Andalusia, mainly in Málaga,because of the precocity of two cultivars,‘Temprana’ and ‘Pilonga’, harvested atthe end of <strong>September</strong>. Most of the productionis commercialised by cooperativeswhere big quantities of chestnuts arecleaned and classified. Chestnuts aresold in Spain and in the international market.Recently, an important industry fortransforming chestnuts has been establishedin Huelva. Both in Huelva and Málaga,production is based on local cultivars.Growers graft them over seedlings producedin the same area. In Málaga, due tothe high prices of the nuts, trees are plantedso close as 5 m x 5 m, though it is necessaryto prune severely or remove partof the trees later. In Granada, no localcultivars have been found and new orchardsare based on the excellent cultivarsof Málaga (Figure 3). Weather conditionsfor chestnut areas in Spain are quitesimilar (Table 1), with a rainfall around1.000 mm per year and mild temperatu-34 FAO-CIHEAM - Nucis-Newsletter, Number 12 <strong>September</strong> 2004

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