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3.1 Ξ + c → Ξ− π + π + selection criteriaThe secondary vertex is required to have a CL greater than 2% except forType1 Ξ − where we require it to be greater than 10%. For Kink type decayswe require that σ t be less than 0.06 ps and that ISO2 be less than 0.01%. Theadditional cuts are necessary since we cannot make an invariant mass cut onΞ − candidates of this type. We demand that L/σ L be greater than 4.3.2 Ξ + c → Σ+ K − π + selection criteriaIf there is an ambiguity in the Σ + momentum determination we resolve it asfollows. First, we select the higher momentum solution when the differencein the masses calculated using each solution is less than 30 MeV/c 2 . Whenthe difference is greater than 30 MeV/c 2 we reject a solution candidate if theother Ξ + c → Σ + K − π + mass is within 2.5σ of the nominal Ξ + c mass. For asmall fraction of cases this can lead to rejecting or accepting both solutions.Resolving the ambiguity in this way may create a bias and we have studiedthis as a possible source of systematic uncertainty. The CL of the secondaryvertex must be greater than 2% and we require σ t to be less than 0.07 ps. Weask that L/σ L be greater than 7.3.3 Ξ + c → pK− π + selection criteriaWe identify protons by requiring that ∆W p > 10 and that the proton hypothesisis favored over the kaon hypothesis by two units of likelihood i.e.W K − W p > 2. We demand that W p − W K > 0 for the kaon candidate. Forpion candidates we require the momentum to be greater than 5 GeV/c. Thesecondary vertex must have a CL greater than 15% and ISO2 less than 0.01%.To reduce combinatorial background, the Ξ + c candidate momentum is requiredto be less than 120 GeV/c. Long lifetime backgrounds <strong>from</strong> charmed mesons,where one particle is misidentified, are removed by making an invariant masscut. In this way we eliminate contamination <strong>from</strong> the decays D + → K − π + π + ,D + (D + s ) → K− K + π + and D 0 → K + K − . Finally, cuts of σ t less than 0.08 psand L/σ L greater than 7 are applied.3.4 Ξ + c → Λ 0 K − π + π + selection criteriaWe select Λ 0 candidates which decay downstream of the silicon vertex detector.To reduce contamination <strong>from</strong> K S → π + π − decays, we require ∆W p > 8 for5

Professional & ReferenceBusiness*9781599183398*START YOUR OWN GREEN BUSINESSBy Rich MintzerFebruary 2009 / HardcoverISBN: 9781599183398 / US$17.95[An Entrepreneur Press Title]The experts at Entrepreneur help you identify your business goals and discover a “greener” path when it comesto building, launching and running your new business. Our experts take you step by step, <strong>from</strong> turning your businessidea green to developing earth-friendly business and long-term, sustainability plans. Learn the ins and outsof incorporating green policies, products and guidelines and developing environmentally-beneficial relationshipsno matter what industry you enter.Plus, gain priceless insight, tips and resources <strong>from</strong> first-hand interviews and profiles of practicing eco-preneurs,successful business owners and green industry experts. This guide to green startups offers the tools necessary togain the eco-advantage in today’s business world.FINANCE,INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE*9780071629614*SAFE MONEY IN TOUGH TIMESEverything You Need to Know to Survive the Financial CrisisBy Jonathan PondJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 256 pagesISBN: 9780071629614 / US$19.95The “perfect storm” of global economic disaster is now hitting every area of personal finance. Retirement accounts,retiree nest eggs, home prices, and just about everything else of value are being swept away in the chaos. You caneither passively try to wait out the storm or take immediate action to protect yourself, your family, and your future.In Safe Money in Tough Times, Jonathan Pond explains how to stay afloat while the economy sinks. Employingthe practical, commonsense knowledge and wisdom that has made him one of America’s most popular personalfinance experts, Pond helps you both weather the storm and position yourself to profit when the economy inevitablyrebounds. He tackles every area of your financial life that is or will soon be affected by the Great Recession,<strong>from</strong> investing defensively and selecting the safest investments to strategies for paying insurance and tuition billswhen times are tough.Complete with checklists and worksheets, this prescient guide provides everything you need to take control ofyour investments, beat the recession, and develop an all-weather financial and investment plan that will last alifetime.*9780071438902*BANKING ON RELATIONSHIPSBy Paul SiegelJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 320 pagesISBN: 9780071438902 / US$65.00In today’s crowded banking industry, the key to competitive advantage lies in personalized customer service.Banking On Relationships provides 10 market-proven operating principles for banks to create mutually beneficialrelationships with customers at every touch point—marketing, sales, customer service, and field support. As aggressivecompetition and strict cost-cutting initiatives combine to make customer retention more difficult than ever,the book’s focus on integrating people, process, and technology is both valuable and unique.4New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

BusinessProfessional & ReferenceINVESTMENT*9780071591263*ENTREPRENEURIAL FINANCEFinance and Business Strategies for the Serious EntrepreneurSecond EditionBy Steven Rogers, Northwestern UniversityJanaury 2009 / Hardcover / 372 pagesISBN: 9780071591263 / US$59.95Written by one of the country’s leading professors of entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial is the definitive guide to settingup and managing the financial aspects of a business. Steven Rogers covers all the major topics—<strong>from</strong> writing agrowth business plan and compiling and understanding financial statements to making a company profitable, valuinga company, and raising additional venture capital.*9780071615150*STANDARD & POOR’S 500 GUIDE 2009By Standard & Poor’sFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 1024 pagesISBN: 9780071615150 / US$39.95The S&P 500 Index is the most watched index in America—if not the world. Whether you’re an individual investorlooking to make a smart stock purchase, an executive researching corporate competitors, or a job seeker looking forconcise and up-to-the-minute overviews of potential employers, Standard & Poor’s 500 Guide, 2009 Edition deliversthe critical, often hard-to-find information you need.*9780071615174*THE SEVEN RULES OF WALL STREETCrash-Tested Investment Strategies That Beat the MarketBy Sam StovallFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 192 pagesISBN: 9780071615174 / US$21.95It’s an old saying, but this Wall Street adage is as relevant today as when it was first uttered. It worked once againduring the market decline that began in 2008. In The Seven Rules of Wall Street, Sam Stovall, master investmentstrategist and expert on stock market history, presents seven familiar sayings that not only convey enduring truthsbut also serve as superb investment strategies. In this engaging guide, Stovall subjects his chosen sayings to thefacts of history and to his own personal experience. When it comes to building a portfolio, for instance, should you “letyour winners ride, but cut your losers short”? Absolutely. “On average,” Stovall writes, “the ‘winners’ beat the marketby a near two-to-one margin. The winners also beat the losers most years: seven out of every 10 years.”To support his conclusions, Stovall complements his sharp insight with the results of detailed back-testing, as wellas tables and charts drawing on decades of stock market data. A fun and lively read, The Seven Rules of Wall Streetprovides an abundance of wisdom in remarkably few words--proving that investing books can be as entertaining asthey are educating.CONTENTSIntroduction1. The Key to Investment Success2. Let Your Winners Ride, Cut Your Losers Short3. As Goes January, So Goes the Year4. Sell in May, And Then Walk Away5. Buy Straw Hats in Winter and Overcoats in Summer6. Don’t Fight the Fed7. Don’t Get Mad-Get Even!8. There’s No Free Lunch on Wall Street9. There’s Always a Bull Market SomeplacePrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.5

Professional & ReferenceBusinessLEADERSHIP*9781422126127*THINK AGAINWhy Good Leaders Make Bad Decisions and How to Keep It FromHappening To YouBy Sydney FinkelsteinFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 256 pagesISBN: 9781422126127 / US$27.95[A Harvard Business Press Title]Why do smart and experienced leaders make flawed, even catastrophic, decisions? Why do people keep believingthey have made the right choice, even with the disastrous result staring them in the face? And how can you besure you’re making the right decision--without the benefit of hindsight?Sydney Finkelstein, Jo Whitehead, and Andrew Campbell show how the usually beneficial processes of the humanmind can become traps when we face big decisions. The authors show how the shortcuts our brains have learned totake over millennia of evolution can derail our decision making. Think Again offers a powerful model for making betterdecisions, describing the key red flags to watch for and detailing the decision-making safeguards we need.Using examples <strong>from</strong> business, politics, and history, Think Again deconstructs bad decisions, as they unfolded inreal time, to show how you can avoid the same fate.*9781422145357*FIVE MINDS FOR THE FUTUREBy Howard Gardner, Harvard Business School PressFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN:9781422145357 / US$14.95[A Harvard Business Press Title]We live in a time of vast changes. And those changes call for entirely new ways of learning and thinking.World-renowned for his theory of multiple intelligences, Gardner takes that thinking to the next level in this book,drawing <strong>from</strong> a wealth of diverse examples to illuminate his ideas. Concise and engaging, Five Minds for the Futurewill inspire lifelong learning in any reader as well as provide valuable insights for those charged with training anddeveloping organizational leaders-both today and tomorrow.*9781422118238*SUCCESSIONBy Marshall GoldsmithFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 125 pagesISBN: 9781422118238 / US$18.00[A Harvard Business Press Title]A leader’s greatest challenge can be knowing when it’s time to step aside. A great deal has been written for corporateboards on the issue of succession planning. But most executives have few resources to help guide them throughthe process. How do you start preparing yourself and your successor for your inevitable leadership transition?In this concise book, leading executive coach and bestselling author Marshall Goldsmith offers candid adviceon succession <strong>from</strong> the outgoing executive’s perspective. From choosing and grooming a successor while sidesteppingpolitical minefields, to finally handing over responsibility, Goldsmith walks you through each step in thesuccession process. Done right, your successor can enter to applause while you gracefully bow out and start thenext chapter of your life.6New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

BusinessProfessional & ReferenceCONTENTSPrefaceI. Preparing YourselfCh. 1. Slowing downCh 2. Letting Go and Moving OnII. Choosing Your SuccessorCh 3. Choosing Who to Develop as Your SuccessorCh 4. Evaluating Internal Coaching CandidatesIII. Coaching Your SuccessorCh 5. Beginning the Coaching ProcessCh 6. Becoming a CEO Coach-FacilitatorIV. Passing the BatonCh 7. Making a Great Exit*9781422119013*LEADERSHIP CODEBy Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood, Harvard Business School Press, and Kate SweetmanJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 208 pagesISBN: 9781422119013 / US$26.95[A Harvard Business Press Title]What makes a great leader?It’s a question that has been tackled by thousands. In fact, there are literally tens of thousands of leadership studies,theories, frameworks, models, and recommended best practices. But where are the clear, simple answers we needfor our daily work lives? Are there any?Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood, and Kate Sweetman set out to answer these questions to crack the code of leadership.Drawing on decades of research experience, the authors conducted extensive interviews with a variety of respectedCEOs, academics, experienced executives, and seasoned consultants and heard the same five essentials repeatedagain and again. These five rules became The Leadership Code. In The Leadership Code, the authors break downgreat leadership into day-to-day actions, so that you know what to do Monday morning. Crack the leadership codeand take your leadership to the next level.CONTENTSChapter 1: Defining Leadership CodeChapter 2: Rule 1: Shape the futureChapter 3: Rule 2: Make things happenChapter 4: Rule 3: Engage today’s talentChapter 5: Rule 4: Build the next generationChapter 6: Rule 5: Invest in yourselfChapter 7: Using Leadership CodePrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.7

Professional & ReferenceBusinessMANAGEMENT*9781601630484*THE GREEN BUSINESS GUIDEBy Glenn BachmanFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 288 pagesISBN: 9781601630484 / US$15.99[A Career Press Title]The Green Business Guide is a comprehensive resource designed to help organizations incorporate green practicesinto their operations. Its content blends strategic conversation at the board level with green planning and programmanagement at the middle-level, and with how-to direction that spells out actions at the shop level.This book will give you the guidance your organization needs in order to:vvvvvUnderstand the environmental factors that are influencing businesses ability to operate profitablyEvaluate the benefits of going greenDevelop a plan for transforming your organization into a green businessIdentify specific actions to reduce energy use, water use, control packaging waste, and use resources efficientlyCommunicate and report on your environmental successesThe Green Business Guide also contains dozens of user-friendly checklists for every facet of making a businessmore environmentally friendly. By following the guidance contained in this book, organizations will position themselvesas leaders in the marketplace, in their industry, and in the communities in which they operate. Business isrecognizing the importance of being a responsible corporate citizen--not only to avoid negative publicity and branderosion, but also to enjoy benefits that translate directly to the bottom line.*9781601630174*E-MAIL IN AN INSTANT60 Ways To Communicate With Style and Impactby Keith BaileyFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 160 pagesISBN: 9781601630174 / US$11.99[A Career Press Title]Surveys show that people in corporations receive an average of 175 messages per day. Topping the list is e-mail,surpassing voice mail, faxes, and telephone messages as the most frequent type of message received.While e-mail is the biggest communication tool for business use, its remote nature--which eliminates tone of voiceand body language--presents a huge potential for misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Many people findthemselves dealing with dozens of e-mails every day whose impact has been lost in cyberspace and, as a result,frequently miss the mark.E-mail In An Instant helps readers to gain mastery over their electronic mail box and be more effective at gettingtheir messages across with style and impact as well as managing and responding to the messages they receive.The book shows everyone <strong>from</strong> corporate executives to stay-at-home moms how to improve their e-mail efficiencyby:vvvvvvAccelerating your workday by knowing what to send and what not toAssessing your e-mail writing styleAdopting time management for your mailboxLearning to separate the trivial <strong>from</strong> the importantLearning how to say no, e-mail styleWriting business e-mails for other cultures8New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

BusinessProfessional & Reference*9781601630298*THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BUSINESS LETTERS, FAXES, AND EMAILSBy Robert W BlyFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 288 pagesISBN: 9781601630298 / US$19.99[A Career Press Title]Business writing has been transformed in our era <strong>from</strong> long, leisurely letters to fast faxes, instant e-mails, crispmemos, and concise letters. Your reader doesn’t have time to waste. And neither do you.That’s where The Encyclopedia of Business Letters, Faxes, and E-mail can help.Here you’ll find the most complete and up-to-date collection of model business correspondence for every conceivableoccasion--sample letters, memos, and e-mails you can use as is or adapt for your own purposes. This invaluablereference contains more than 300 model letters with instructions for adapting each to your particular situation. Lettersare organized into chapters by category, and the detailed table of contents guides you quickly to the letter thatbest suits your needs.This revised edition of The Encyclopedia of Business Letters, Faxes, and E-mail contains more help than ever,including:vvAn expanded introduction to writing letters, faxes, and e-mails, with new tips and advice on the best use of eachDozens of additional sample e-mail formats to meet today’s communication needsv Even more focused, easy-to-remember directions for organizing your thoughts and composing even the toughest kindsof correspondenceDon’t go to work without it!*9781576757628*RIGHT RELATIONSHIPBy Peter Brown, and Geoffrey GarverFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 192 pagesISBN: 9781576757628 / US$16.95[A Berrett-Koehler Title]Most citizens have been conditioned to accept the operation of the current economic system as an article of faith.Unlimited growth and wealth accumulation are seen as the “natural law” of the economy and nothing can be doneto alter this fact even if it means the integrity of Earth’s ecological and social systems are weakened and severelydamaged in the process. This “inconvenient truth” is now a moral challenge. We are faced with a choice: bring theeconomy into right relationship with the planet and its inhabitants, or suffer the consequences—the increasing destructionof the Earth’s life support systems and social structures.Peter Brown, Geoffrey Carver and their colleagues at the Quaker Institute for the Future have accepted this challenge.Drawing on the core Quaker principle of “right relationship,” they have launched a campaign to bring our economy,our ethics, and our environment into alignment. A handbook for this movement, Right Relationship proposes an alternativeeconomic model that fuses science and ethics with the earth care teachings of the world’s great religions.“Wrong relationships” close down trust and cooperative reciprocity at the social, ecological and biotic levels, and theydegrade moral integrity and adaptive coherence. “Right relationships,” by contrast,” are characterized by interactionsthat satisfy mutually beneficial goals and advance the common good.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.9

Professional & ReferenceBusiness*9780814410639*FROM THE BUREAU TO THE BOARDROOMBy Dan CarrisonJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 272 pagesISBN: 9780814410639 / US$24.95[An Amacom Title]When it comes to motivating and inspiring employees, there is no better or tougher model than the Federal Bureauof Investigation. In its one hundredyear fight against the ever-changing tactics of organized crime and terrorism,the FBI has learned invaluable lessons about powerful leadership and management. Like many companies, theFBI must succeed on a global playing field with limited resources; it must deal with unforeseen challenges andlong-term strategic threats. Former Marine Dan Carrison has had unprecedented access to the inner workings ofthe FBI. Here he offers an insider’s look at the Bureau, taking readers behind the scenes of some of the FBI’s mostimportant missions <strong>from</strong> infiltrating a world-wide drug cartel to closing in on a terrorist cell.Instructive and exciting, From the Bureau to the Boardroom will show all leaders how to win in the marketplaceand stay true to core values, no matter how sense or challenging the situation.*978160163028X*BATTLING BIG BOXHow Nimble Niche Companies Can Outmaneuver Giant CompetitorsBy Henry DubroffJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 256 pagesISBN: 978160163028X / US$15.99[A Career Press Title]Turning any small business into a success is tough. Doing so in a market crowded with Wal-Mart-sized competitorsis challenging. Yet America’s 26 million small business owners continue to fight. Many thousands lose everyyear. Why? Because they fail to capitalize on the agility their small size affords them. Small businesses must adaptvirtually every day if they are to battle--and beat--the Big Box and chain competition.In Battling Big Box, authors Henry Dubroff and Susan J. Marks take you inside the minds of successful entrepreneursas they fend off corporate giants. These small business owners--<strong>from</strong> the ordinary guy who owns the cornercafé to the extraordinary entrepreneur who creates a world-dominate corporation--share their insights on the fourkeys to building and sustaining a successful niche company:vvvvEmpower your people.Build a powerful brand.Manage cash flow.Innovate relentlessly with your vision in mind.*9781422179765*HBR CLASSICS: HOW MANAGEMENT TEAMS CAN HAVE A GOOD FIGHTBy Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, Harvard Business School Press, L. J. Bourgeois III, Jean KahwajyFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 64 pagesISBN: 9781422179765 / US$8.95[A Harvard Business Press Title]Conflict in the workplace is natural and even necessary. Colleagues who challenge one another’s thinking tend toconsider a richer range of options, which ultimately leads to better business decisions.How Management Teams Can Have a Good Fight reveals the tactics managers can use to ensure that thesehealthy back-and-forth moments remain constructive and focused on the issues. Managers who embrace this kindof positive conflict will find increasingly engaged, productive teams and discover that they themselves are betterpositioned to lead these teams to success.10New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

BusinessProfessional & Reference*9780814410653*THE E-POLICY HANDBOOKSecond EditionBy Nancy FlynnJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 304 pagesISBN: 9780814410653 / US$19.95[An Amacom Title]Trillions of e-mails travel each year through corporate networks—and they’re not all work-related. But for organizationswishing to protect themselves <strong>from</strong> liability, e-mail is no longer the only danger—they now have to contend withblogs, social networking sites, and other new technologies. Packed with electronic rules, step-by-step guidelines,sample policies, and e-disaster stories.Updated to cover new technologies, including instant messaging, social networking, text messaging, video sites,and more, this is a comprehensive resource for developing clear, complete e-policies.*9781601630417*WHY CUSTOMERS REALLY BUYUncovering the Emotional Triggers That Drive SalesBy Linda GoodmanJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 256 pagesISBN: 9781601630417 / US$14.99[A Career Press Title]The motivations customers act on are seldom logical, predictable, or even conscious. Instead, their strongest responsesstem <strong>from</strong> one source: emotion. It’s a deceptively simple reality. But it permanently changes the way organizationsmust go about understanding their customers.Why Customers Really Buy introduces emotional-trigger research, a revolutionary new approach that uncoversthe core, unfiltered, and spontaneous triggers that drive customer sales. Traditional market research is outmodedand counterproductive because old methods measure rather than inform. They generate predictable answers thatconfirm preconceived assumptions.Emotional-trigger research is a powerfully different method that gets to the heart of what companies need to know.Based on an indirect approach that features provocative questions, insightful listening, and in-depth conversations,the results are more spontaneous and enlightening.*9781422179772*HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW ON MANUFACTURING EXCELLENCE ATTOYOTABy Harvard Business School PressJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9781422179772 / US$22.00[A Harvard Business Press Title]Few companies have so consistently inspired management best practices as Toyota. In everything <strong>from</strong> strategicoperational design and quality improvement to integrated product development and management training, the companyhas achieved success through constant innovation. This collection shows just how Toyota does it and how youcan apply these same lessons to fuel success in your company.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.11

Professional & ReferenceBusiness*9781422114698*HBR CASE STUDIES: KEEPING STRATEGY ON TRACKBy Harvard Business School PressJanuary 2009 / SoftcoverISBN: 9781422114698 / US$12.95[A Harvard Business Press Title]When facing a difficult management challenge, wouldn’t it be great if you could turn to a panel of experts to helpguide you to the right decision? Now you can, with books <strong>from</strong> the Judgment Calls series. Drawn <strong>from</strong> the pagesof Harvard Business Review, these interactive, solutions-oriented guides allow readers to access the wisdom ofleading experts as they tackle familiar and perplexing business situations. These engagingly written books will helpmanagers improve problem-solving skills and make better judgment calls under fire.A preface provides an overview and sets the context for using these provocative case studies as learning tools incorporate classrooms. A relevant chapter <strong>from</strong> an HBE volume introduces the topic as a refresher course. Finally,an appendix of resources such as executive summaries, guiding questions, and a list of further reading rounds outthe book. Judgment Calls provide insight into a variety of real world difficulties and offer solutions that managerswill find both sound and practical. Our ideal reader is the business traveler who’s thinking about this very issue,sees the book in the airport, and throws it in his or her briefcase to read on the plane. This volume, tentatively titled“Growing for Broke and Other Stories From the Frontlines of Management” looks at growth strategy. How do yougrow your business without sending it flying off the rails? When should you stick to your core? All this and more!*9781422114704*HBR CASE STUDIES: MAKING CHANGE STICKBy Harvard Business School PressJanuary 2009 / SoftcoverISBN: 9781422114704 / US$12.95[A Harvard Business Press Title]When facing a difficult management challenge, wouldn’t it be great if you could turn to a panel of experts to helpguide you to the right decision? Now you can, with books <strong>from</strong> the Judgment Calls series. Drawn <strong>from</strong> the pagesof Harvard Business Review, these interactive, solutions-oriented guides allow readers to access the wisdom ofleading experts as they tackle familiar and perplexing business situations. These engagingly written books will helpmanagers improve problem-solving skills and make better judgment calls under fire. A preface provides an overviewand sets the context for using these provocative case studies as learning tools in corporate classrooms. A relevantchapter <strong>from</strong> an HBE volume introduces the topic as a refresher course. Finally, an appendix of resources such asexecutive summaries, guiding questions, and a list of further reading rounds out the book. Judgment Calls provideinsight into a variety of real world difficulties and offer solutions that managers will find both sound and practical.Our ideal reader is the business traveler who’s thinking about this very issue, sees the book in the airport, andthrows it in his or her briefcase to read on the plane.This volume, tentatively titled “Bob’s Meltdown and Other Stories <strong>from</strong> the Frontines of Management” looks at themost common issue in workplaces--employee behavior. What should you do when a star employee loses his temperin public? Worse yet, what if your protege seems to be coming unglued? All this and more!*9781422199916*HBR CASE STUDIES: MANAGING DIFFICULT PEOPLEBy Harvard Business School PressJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9781422199916 / US$12.95[Harvard Business Press Title]Great managers can lead their teams through any challenge but what if your people are the problem? From decidingwhether an aggressive star performer is worth the trouble to knowing when team morale needs to come first,managers often face questions with no easy answers.See how leading experts weigh in on these and other crucial issues and find solutions to your toughest dilemmasin this collection of the most popular Harvard Business Review cases.Every day, managers face challenges that put them to the test. When it comes to the thorniest dilemmas, there’snever just one right answer. Get the guidance you need <strong>from</strong> our new HBR Case Studies series. Straight <strong>from</strong>the pages of the Harvard Business Review, each book breaks down your most familiar and formidable businessproblems. You’ll get six engaging scenarios, each with several detailed solutions by today’s leading experts. Read12New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

Professional & ReferenceBusinessCONTENTSIntroductionPart One: How Your Brain Makes DecisionsChapter 1 In the Eye of the StormChapter 2 Pattern RecognitionChapter 3 Emotional TaggingChapter 4 One-Plan-at-a-TimePart Two: Why Decisions Go WrongChapter 5 Misleading ExperiencesChapter 6 Misleading Pre-JudgmentsChapter 7 Inappropriate Self-InterestChapter 8 Inappropriate AttachmentsPart Three: Red Flags and SafeguardsChapter 9 Reducing Risks with SafeguardsChapter 10 Selecting SafeguardsChapter 11 Leaders Make Good Decisions*9781422117361*IMMUNITY TO CHANGEBy Robert Kegan, and Lisa LaheyFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 304 pagesISBN: 9781422117361 / US$29.95[A Harvard Business Press Title]In Immunity to Change, authors Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey show how our individual beliefs along with the collectivemind-sets in our organizations combine to create a natural but powerful immunity to change. By revealing howthis mechanism holds us back, Kegan and Lahey give us the keys to unlock our potential and finally moveforward.And by pinpointing and uprooting our own immunities to change, we can bring our organizations forward with us.This persuasive and practical book, filled with hands-on diagnostics and compelling case studies, delivers the toolsyou need to overcome the forces of inertia and transform your life and your work.CONTENTSIntroduction 1Part One: Uncovering a Hidden Dynamic in the Challenge of ChangeChapter One. Re-conceiving the Challenge of ChangeChapter Two. Uncovering the Immunity to ChangeChapter Three. “We Never Had a Language For It”: Engaging the Emotional Life of the OrganizationPart Two: Overcoming the Immunity to Change in Organizations, Individuals, and TeamsChapter Four. Overcoming the Group-Wide Immunity to ChangeChapter Five. Overcoming an Individual’s Immunity to Change: David Doesn’t DelegateChapter Six. Overcoming an Individual’s Immunity to Change: Cathy Can’t Contain HerselfChapter Seven. Overcoming Individual Immunities to Help a Team Succeed: The Case of Nascent PharmaceuticalsPart Three: Over to You: Diagnosing and Overturning Immunities in Yourself and Your OrganizationChapter Eight: Unlocking Potential: The Necessary IngredientsChapter Nine: Diagnosing Your Own Immunity to ChangeChapter Ten: Overcoming Your Immunity to ChangeChapter Eleven: Surfacing Your Collective Immunity to ChangeConclusion: Growing Your Own: How to Lead So People Develop14New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

BusinessProfessional & Reference*9781601630186*PUBLIC SPEAKING IN AN INSTANT60 Ways To Stand Up and Be Heardby Keith BaileyJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 153 pagesISBN: 9781601630186 / US$11.99[A Career Press Title]Whether it’s leading a brainstorming meeting for a staff of five or giving a keynote speech to an audience of 5000,public speaking with confidence and competency is an essential skill for success. Unfortunately, many people feeluncomfortable and even afraid when it comes to standing up and delivering a presentation. The popular comedianJerry Seinfeld once joked that because Americans’ fear of public speaking was on par with their fear of death, at afuneral most people would rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy.Public Speaking In An Instant shows the reader how to make all their presentations professional, polished, andpainless. The book provides time-proven techniques on writing an engaging presentation, developing an interactivestyle, reading and responding to an audience, and making the most of visual aids.*9781576754795*MISSION, INC.By Kevin Lynch, and Julius WallsJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 144 pagesISBN: 9781576754795 / US$16.95[A Berrett-Koehler Title]Until recently, most business thinkers have thought of “social responsibility” as limited to noble best practices inareas like charitable partnerships, environmental impact, and employment practices. But the tide is turning. Businessleaders today understand there is much more to do, while nonprofits are coming to understand that earned incomemay be the only means to survive deep cuts in other sources of funding. For organizations and leaders looking tomake a deep impact, social enterprise—profit-earning business ventures that prioritize their social mission impact--has become the strategy du jour.In this groundbreaking book, Julius Walls and Kevin Lynch have filled the gap. Instead of simply profiling businessesthat have had some success, or dispensing high-level strategic advice <strong>from</strong> afar, they draw on their own extensiveexperiences with successful social enterprises to focus on the fundamental blocking and tackling tactics that makethe difference between success and failure. Exploring the many paradoxes that can hamstring social enterprises,the authors explain how starting and running a social enterprise requires leaders to adopt an entirely different mindset,and often a wholly different perspective on the day-to-day choices they’re forced to make. Likewise, Walls andLynch help readers grapple with a different set of expectations <strong>from</strong> employees, funders, and the community. Forsocial enterprise executives, these expectations present an added layer of difficulty in managing their enterprises—aespecially tricky thing when backing away <strong>from</strong> a social commitment is not an option. Whether readers are lookingfor guidance on handling employee turnover, mission marketing, finding the right scale, or working well with the localcommunity, this practical, accessible guide offers clear and compelling answers that light the way.*9780814412701*THE SECOND LIFE BUSINESS BUILDERBy Sue Martin Mahar, and Jay MaharFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 320 pagesISBN: 9780814412701 / US$24.95[An Amacom Title]One of the hottest trends in pop culture, Second Life®, is a virtual, 3-D “world” that exists on the Internet. Populatedby adults and teens alike - in numbers going into the tens of millions - those who use Second Life® barter and buymuch the way they do in real life. They’re also just as open to ads, products, and marketing—and businesses arejust now discovering the enormous potential.A comprehensive, in-depth guide to the opportunities in this new marketplace, The Second Life® Business Buildergives readers practical tips and strategies for creating an income stream, and marketing or extending a brand on thesite. The book provides relevant examples - <strong>from</strong> IBM creating a collaborative virtual workspace, to start-up companieswith virtual goods, to Princeton University offering Second Life® classrooms - and provides proven techniquesfor successfully generating buzz through Second Life® - centered promotions and advertisements. This is one bookthat reveals the best ways to make money using the hottest thing online.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.15

Professional & ReferenceBusiness*9780814410769*THE MANAGER’S GUIDE TO HRBy Max MullerJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 304 pagesISBN: 9780814410769 / US$24.95[An Amacom Title]Managing people is a tricky business and managers and small business owners can no longer get by withoutunderstanding the essentials of human resources. New questions abound. In our increasingly legal-minded age,how much documentation do we need to keep on each employee? What’s the best way to confront complicatedpersonnel issues, and even workplace violence? The Manager’s Guide to HR provides readers with a straightforward,step-by-step guide to human resources topics.The book clarifies hot-button issues such as dealing with conflict, privacy issues, COBRA compliance, disabilities,sexual harassment, and more. The Manager’s Guide to HR is a quick and ready reference for every leader.*9781422179703*THE TRUTH ABOUT MIDDLE MANAGERSBy Paul Osterman, Harvard Business School PressFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 208 pagesISBN: 9781422179703 / US$35.00[A Harvard Business Press Title]“Middle management” is a term associated with relentless downsizing, corporate drudgery, and career dead-ends.Bashed by management gurus, dismissed by social scientists, and painted as victims by the media, middle managersseem permanently relegated to the sidelines of corporate power.But is this popular picture accurate? Are middle managers really no longer valued by today’s performance-drivenorganizations? The truth is surprising. MIT management scholar Paul Osterman has analyzed over thirty years’worth of employment data, interviewed a wide sample of managers, and uncovered a very different picture ofmiddle managers today. Not only have their numbers increased dramatically, but middle managers are wealthier,more productive, more autonomous and they gain real pleasure <strong>from</strong> their day-to-day work. But there’s anotherside to the story: while managers have maintained their commitment to their tasks and to their colleagues, theyare increasingly cynical and distant <strong>from</strong> their organizations. They are confused about their future and how tomanage their careers.Understand the issues for yourself with The Truth About Middle Managers a refreshing and counterintuitive lookat what’s really going on.CONTENTSChapter 1: What’s Happened to Middle Managers?Chapter 2: The Shifting Context of Middle ManagementChapter 3: What Do the Data Show?Chapter 4: The WorkChapter 5: Climbing the Ladder – or NotChapter 6: LoyaltiesChapter 7: Middle ManagementAbout the Author*9780814413531*TAKING THE SEABy Dennis M. PowersJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 320 pagesISBN: 9780814413531 / US$22.00[An Amacom Title]In the late 19th century, an intrepid, reckless group of men ruled the ocean. Known as “wreckers,” they earned theirliving by rescuing and raising sunken ships, even in the face of monstrous waves and fierce weather. To some, theywere heroes, helping to rescue both passengers and ships with courage and skill. To others they were ruthlesspirates, who exploited these ship wrecks purely for their treasure.In Taking the Sea, Dennis M. Powers uncovers a fascinating, yet largely unknown, period in our history. Here hetraces the journey of these legendary men through the story of Captain Thomas P. H. Whitelaw, the most important16New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

BusinessProfessional & Referenceship salvager of his day. From their early beginnings when greedy villagers would lure ships to the rocky coasts ofEurope to their heyday during the era of the fast but vulnerable American clipper ships and their founding of the cityof Key West, Powers offers a compelling portrait of the wrecker captains and the dangerous lives they and their menled. From the East Coast to the Pacific, we travel along with these men as they faced the savage seas to save shipsand plunder untold wealth. Beautifully written and vividly told, this is a magnificent look at the untold history of thefearless and often mercenary men who made their living <strong>from</strong> the sea.*9780814410738*E-LEARNING 2.0By Anita RosenJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 256 pagesISBN: 9780814410738 / US$29.95[An Amacom Title]When executed well, e-learning is a powerful way for organizations to save money while providing the kind of upto-datetraining and information that will help employees perform better and more efficiently. Unfortunately, all toooften, companies are finding that they’re spending a huge amount of money for less return than they had hoped. Ine-Learning 2.0, Anita Rosen explains what works and what doesn’t, offering businesses a best-practices guide formaking their investment pay off. Using examples of successful companies like National SemiConductor, Telefonica,and the Texas Department of Transportation who have made the most of e-learning.Complete with up-to-date information on the latest technologies, including Web 2.0, this book will help businessesimprove their performance without breaking the bank.*9781576757635*THEORY UBy C. Otto ScharmerJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 560 pagesISBN: 9781576757635 / US$28.95[A Berrett-Koehler Title]In this ground-breaking book, Otto Scharmer invites us to see the world in new ways.What we pay attention to, and how we pay attention both individually and collectively is key to what we create. Whatoften prevents us <strong>from</strong> attending or ‘being present,’ is what Scharmer calls our blind spot, the inner place <strong>from</strong> whicheach of us operates. Learning to become aware of our blind spot is critical to bringing forth the profound systemicchanges so needed in business and society today.First introduced in Presence, the U methodology of leading profound change is expanded and deepened in Theory U.By moving through the “U” process we learn to connect to our essential Self in the realm of presenting a term coinedby Scharmer that combines the present with sensing. Here we are able to see our own blind spot and pay attentionin a way that allows us to experience the opening of our minds, our hearts, and our wills. Through this process weare able to shift our awareness to allow us to connect with our best future possibility and to realize it.*9780071508346*ENERGY SHIFTGame-Changing Options for Fueling the FutureBy Eric Spiegel, strategy+business, Neil McArthur, and Rob NortonJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 208 pagesISBN: 9780071508346 / US$17.95Energy Shift: Game-Changing Options for Fueling the Future is a one-stop resource for busy executives and seniorpolicymakers who need a reliable, accessible guide to the big strategy questions surrounding energy.Supported by the latest studies, articles, and research conducted by Booz & Company, Energy Shift is a visual guidethat puts the most up-to-date information on the future of energy in a handy, easy-to-use format. It provides essentialknowledge on the forces shaping the energy industry, alongside practical advice for making the tough decisions thatleaders in all walks of life will face.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.17

Professional & ReferenceBusinessEnergy Shift helps you distinguish media-driven myths andmisconceptions <strong>from</strong>the actual effects the energycrisis will have on a variety of businesses and organizations—<strong>from</strong> the smallest local enterprise to the largestmultinational.*9781422126097*FREE MARKET MADNESSBy Peter UbelJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9781422126097 / US$26.95[A Harvard Business Press Title]Humans just aren’t entirely rational creatures. We decide to roll over and hit the snooze button instead of going to thegym. We take out home loans we can’t possibly afford. And did you know that people named Paul are more likely tomove to St. Paul than other cities? All too often, our subconscious causes us to act against our own self-interest.But our free-market economy is based on the assumption that we always do act in our own self-interest. In thisprovocative book, physician Peter Ubel uses his understanding of psychology and behavior to show that in somecases government must regulate markets for our own health and well-being. And by understanding and controllingthe factors that go into our decisions, big and small, we can all begin to stop the damage we do to our bodies, ourfinances, and our economy as a whole.Ubel’s vivid stories bring his message home for anyone interested in improving the way our society works.CONTENTSPart I. The Evolution of Homo economicus: Belief in Reason, Faith in Markets1) The Invisible Hand Meets the Unconscious Brain2) 19th Century Economics and the Mathematics of “Happiness”3) 20th Century Politics and the Triumph of Chicago LibertarianismPart II. The Rise of Behavioral Economics4) Librarians, Fighter Pilots and the Limits of Rationality5) Cashews, Coffee Mugs and the Birth of Behavioral Economics6) Marketing and the Science of Persuasion: Madison Avenue Masters Behavioral PsychologyPart III. Irrationality Hits Home7) Spacious Lawns and Long Commutes8) Unconscious Appetites and Expanding Waistlines9) Impulsive Behavior and the Battle Between our Current and Future Selves10) Risky Feelings and Cigarette Breaks11) The Price of Life and the Cost of HealthcarePart IV. Human Nature and the New Paternalism12) Kinder, Gentler Paternalism13) Balancing Liberty and the Pursuit of Well-being*9780814409909*YOU’VE GOTTA HAVE HEARTBy Cess WheelerJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 240 pagesISBN: 9780814409909 / US$24.95[An Amacom Title]We all know that the definition for success in the corporate world is fairly straightforward. To be considered great,companies first need to turn a profit. For organizations in the social sector, however, the challenge is much bigger.To be truly effective, they must stay relevant and, above all, stay true to their mission. For the past twenty-six years,Cass Wheeler has ensured that the American Heart Association has fulfilled its calling to save lives and educatethe public about heart disease by adopting some of the same strategies used in the for-profit sector. In You’veGotta Have Heart, he shows people at all levels of a nonprofit how to make sure their hard work really pays off.Using examples of some of the most lauded organizations including the American Heart Association, The AmericanCancer Society and The Girl Scouts of America, as well as many others, Wheeler reveals the leadership skills thatwill help employees, volunteers, and board members excel at their jobs, become good role models, and build amore visionary, creative, and disciplined nonprofit organization.Filled with honest, practical, and thoughtful lessons <strong>from</strong> the author’s own experience, this book will ensure thatnonprofits of every size continue to do great and be great.18New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

ComputingProfessional & ReferenceCERTIFICATION & CAREER*9780071596800*COMPTIA CONVERGENCE+ CERTIFICATION STUDY GUIDEBy Tom CarpenterJanuary 2009 / Hardcover with CDROM / 497 pagesISBN: 9780071596800 / US$49.99With hundreds of practice questions and hands-on exercises, CompTIA Convergence+ Certification Study Guidecovers what you need to know--and shows you how to prepare--for this challenging exam.Covers all the exam topics, including: Networking Infrastructure and Design; Network Protocols; InfrastructureHardware; Client Devices; Telephony Fundamentals; Telephony Hardware; Multimedia and Video; Quality of Service;Converged Network Management; Troubleshooting Converged Networks; Security Vulnerabilities and SolutionsCONTENTSAcknowledgmentsPrefaceIntroductionChapter 1. Networking Infrastructure and DesignChapter 2. Networking ProtocolsChapter 3. Infrastructure HardwareChapter 4. Client DevicesChapter 5. Telephony FundamentalsChapter 6. Telephony HardwareChapter 7. Data and Voice ConvergedChapter 8. Multimedia and VideoChapter 9. Quality of ServiceChapter 10. Converged Network ManagementChapter 11. Troubleshooting Converged NetworksChapter 12. Security VulnerabilitiesChapter 13. Security SolutionsAppendix A. About the CDGlossaryIndexCIT/APPLICATIONS*9780071498494*HOW TO DO EVERYTHING: NETOBJECTS FUSION 11By David PlotkinJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 432 pagesISBN: 9780071498494 / US$24.99Get up and running quickly on the latest version of the complete, do-it-yourself web site design software. How toDo Everything: NetObjects Fusion 11 explains how to navigate the interface, configure the toolbars and panels,create web sites and pages, position and format text, and include graphics and audio. You’ll get tips for designingand structuring your site, and adding advanced functionality, such as search capability, site mapping, forms, FAQs,Guestbooks, and security. Design, develop, publish, and manage your NetObjects Fusion 11 web site with easeusing this hands-on guide.CONTENTSPart I: Build Web Sites and PagesChapter 1. Navigate in NetObjects FusionChapter 2. Build an Initial Web SiteChapter 3. Build a New Web PageChapter 4. Create and Format TextPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.19

Professional & ReferenceComputingChapter 5. Add Graphics and Sound to Your Web PageChapter 6. Work with TablesChapter 7. Work with ObjectsPart II: Customize the Look and NavigationChapter 8. Establish Look and Feel with SiteStylesChapter 9. Set Up Site Navigation and Build HyperlinksChapter 10. Create a Photo GalleryChapter 11. Add Behavior with Custom ControlsPart III: Advanced Web ToolsChapter 12. Customize Your Web Site with Flash, Java, and ActiveXChapter 13. Collect Data with FormsChapter 14. Create Advanced Functionality with Custom ComponentsPart IV: Manage and Publish Your Web SiteChapter 15. Publish Static DataChapter 16. Publish Your Web SiteIndexNETWORK & COMMUNICATION*9780071613743*HACKING EXPOSEDSixth EditionBy Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray, and George KurtzJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 720 pagesISBN: 9780071613743 / US$49.99Meet the formidable demands of security in today’s hyperconnected world with expert guidance <strong>from</strong> the world-renownedHacking Exposed team. Following the time-tested “attack-countermeasure” philosophy, this 10th anniversaryedition has been fully overhauled to cover the latest insidious weapons in the hacker’s extensive arsenal.CONTENTSPart I: Casing the EstablishmentChapter 1. FootprintingChapter 2. ScanningChapter 3. EnumerationPart II: System HackingChapter 4. Hacking WindowsChapter 5. Hacking UnixPart III: Infrastructure HackingChapter 6. Remote Connectivity and VoIP HackingChapter 7. Network DevicesChapter 8. Wireless HackingChapter 9. Hacking HardwarePart IV: Application and Data HackingChapter 10. Hacking CodeChapter 11. Web HackingChapter 12. Hacking the Internet UserPart V: AppendixesAppendix A. PortsAppendix B. Top 14 Security VulnerabilitiesAppendix C. Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) AttacksIndex20New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

EngineeringProfessional & ReferenceCIVIL ENGINEERING*9780071493017*HANDBOOK OF RIGGINGFifth EditionBy Joseph A. MacDonald, W. A. Rossnagel deceased), and Lindley R. Higgins (deceased)January 2009 / Hardcover / 792 pagesISBN: 9780071493017 / US$99.95Recent years have seen an abundance of changes in the rigging industry. This popular, hands-on reference bringsyou completely up to date on equipment, materials, systems, and regulations that affect your profession. Whether youare a maintenance technician, hoist operator, worksite foreman, or any other specialist requiring the use of riggingequipment, this comprehensive guide will help ensure that your projects are completed in a cost-effective manner,without sacrificing safety and efficiency.CONTENTSPrefaceIntroductionSection 1: Codes, Standards, and RegulationsChapter 1. Codes and StandardsChapter 2. Government RegulationsSection 2: Engineering PrinciplesChapter 3. Basic MachinesChapter 4. Wood TechnologyChapter 5. Wood Structural MembersChapter 6. Metal Structural MembersChapter 7. Useful Formulas, Tables, and Conversion FactorsSection 3: Worksite PreparationsChapter 8. Protection of Worksite, Adjacent Areas, and UtilitiesChapter 9. Support SystemsSection 4: Rigging SystemsChapter 10. Fiber Rope (Cordage)Chapter 11. Knots, Bends, Hitches, and SplicesChapter 12. Slings and HitchesChapter 13. Fiber Rope Slings and Synthetic Fiber Web SlingsChapter 14. Wire Strand RopeChapter 15. Wire Rope, Metal Mesh, and Chain SlingsSection 5: Rigging DevicesChapter 16. Connections, Fittings, and End AttachmentsChapter 17. SheavesChapter 18. Reeving Blocks and TacklesChapter 19. Winches and DrumsSection 6: Rigging ToolsChapter 20. Hand Tools and Portable Power ToolsChapter 21. Welding and CuttingChapter 22. Jacks, Rollers, and Air SkidsSection 7: Lifting and Hoisting MachineryChapter 23. Derricks and CranesChapter 24. ForkliftsChapter 25. Portable Overhead HoistsChapter 26. Personnel/Material HoistsChapter 27. HelicoptersSection 8: Scaffolding and LaddersChapter 28. Scaffolding SystemsChapter 29. Swinging or Suspended ScaffoldsChapter 30. Stationary ScaffoldsChapter 31. Specialized ScaffoldsChapter 32. Safe Scaffolding Practices and GlossaryChapter 33. Portable LaddersSection 9: Protective Equipment and DevicesChapter 34. Personal Protective EquipmentChapter 35. Protective DevicesSection 10: Safety, Health, and SecurityChapter 36. Personal Safety and HealthChapter 37. Project Safety and SecurityPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.21

Professional & ReferenceEngineeringChapter 38. Fire SafetyAppendix A: BibliographyAppendix B: AcronymsAppendix C: OSHA RegulationsAppendix D: Government AgenciesAppendix E: Construction Safety and Health Standards (ANSI, ASME, AWS, NFPA, SAE, UL)Appendix F: Standard Writing ResourcesAppdndix G: Document DistributorsAppendix H: Industry ResourcesIndexMECHANICAL ENGINEERING*9780071621304*LEAN SIX SIGMA USING SIGMAXL AND MINITABBy Issa BassJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 384 pagesISBN: 9780071621304 / US$29.95Written by a Six Sigma Master Black Belt and a Ph.D., this practical guide to Lean Six Sigma project executionfollows the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) roadmap. The many real-world examplesused in the book offer in-depth theoretical analyses and are implemented using the two most popular statisticalsoftware suites--SigmaXL and Minitab. This expert resource covers Lean topics ranging <strong>from</strong> basic data analysis tocomplex design of experiments and statistical process control. Harness the power of SigmaXL and Minitab and enablesustained positive operational results throughout your organization with help <strong>from</strong> this authoritative guide.CONTENTSPrefaceAcknowledgmentsIntroductionAn Overview of SigmaXLChapter 1. DefineChapter 2. MeasureChapter 3. AnalyzeChapter 4. ImproveChapter 5. ControlAppendix. TablesTable A.1: BinomialTable A.2: PoissonTable A.3: Chi SquareTable A.4: Z TableTable A.5: tTableTable A.6: F TableIndex*9780071606134*PRACTICAL CONTROL ENGINEERINGGuide for Engineers, Managers, and PractitionersBy David M. KoenigJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 508 pagesISBN: 9780071606134 / US$99.95Understand the day-to-day procedures of today’s control engineer with the pragmatic insights and techniquescontained in this unique resource. Written in clear, concise language, Practical Control Engineering shows, step-bystep,how engineers simulate real-world phenomena using dynamic models and algorithms. Learn how to handlesingle and multiple-staged systems, implement error-free feedback control, eliminate anomalies, and work in thefrequency and discrete-time domains. Extensive appendices cover basic calculus, differential equations, vectormath, Laplace and Z-transforms, and Matlab basics.22New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

EngineeringProfessional & ReferenceCONTENTSChapter 1. Qualitative Concepts in Control Engineering and Process AnalysisChapter 2. Introduction to Developing Control AlgorithmsChapter 3. Basic Concepts in Process AnalysisChapter 4. A New Domain and More Process ModelsChapter 5. Matrices and Higher Order Process ModelsChapter 6. An Underdamped ProcessChapter 7. Distributed ProcessesChapter 8. Stochastic Process Disturbances and the Discrete Time DomainChapter 9. The Discrete Time Domain and the Z-TransformChapter 10. Estimating the State and Using It for ControlChapter 11. A review of Control AlgorithmsAppendix A: Rudimentary CalculusAppendix B: Complex NumbersAppendix C: Spectral AnalysisAppendix D: Infinite and Taylor’s SeriesAppendix E: Application of the Exponential Function to Differential EquationsAppendix F: The Laplace TransformAppendix G: Vectors and MatricesAppendix H: Solving the State-Space EquationAppendix I: The Z-TransformAppendix J: A Brief Exposure to MatlabIndex*9780071604994*HVAC TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEBy Rex MillerJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 720 pagesISBN: 9780071604994 / US$49.95Applicable to residential, commercial, and industrial jobs, this essential handbook puts a wealth of real-world informationat your fingertips. HVAC Troubleshooting Guide shows you how to read, interpret, and prepare schedules,mechanical plans, and electrical schematics. This handy resource will aid you in your everyday tasks and keep youup to date with the latest facts, figures, and devices. The book includes numerous illustrations, tables, and charts,troubleshooting tips, safety precautions, resource directories, and a glossary of terms.CONTENTSPrefaceAcknowledgmentsChapter 1. Tools and InstrumentsChapter 2. Heat Pumps and Hot-Air FurnacesChapter 3. Ventilation RequirementsChapter 4. RefrigerationChapter 5. Refrigerants: New and OldChapter 6. Solenoids and RelaysChapter 7. Electric MotorsChapter 8. CondensersChapter 9. CompressorsChapter 10. EvaporatorsChapter 11. Controlling Refrigerant: Valves, Tubing, and FiltersChapter 12. Complying with the Section 608 Refrigerant-Recycling RuleChapter 13. Programming ThermostatsChapter 14. Control DevicesChapter 15. Insulating Pipes and TubingChapter 16. Electrical SafetyChapter 17. Temperatures, Thermometers, and PsychometricsChapter 18. TroubleshootingChapter 19. Solid-State ControlsChapter 20. Electrical and Electronic Symbols Used in SchematicsAppendix A. Professional OrganizationsAppendix B. Industrial AssociationsAppendix C. New RefrigerantsIndexPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.23

Professional & ReferenceEngineering*9780071614757*EXISTING SEWER EVALUATION AND REHABILITATION MOP FD-6Third EditionBy Water Environment FederationJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 360 pagesISBN: 9780071614757 / US$99.95Fully revised and updated, this authoritative volume offers the most comprehensive information available on systemmaintenance, repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of existing sewers. This definitive guide <strong>from</strong> the Water EnvironmentFederation and the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineerscovers sewer evaluation and monitoring, sewer rehabilitation methods and materials, and quality assurance. TheThird Edition features new material on tools and procedures for pipe evaluation, infiltration and inflow problemsand detection, rehabilitation materials and methods, and effective repair techniques. Detailed and up-to-date, thisis a must-have resource for all sewer system professionals.CONTENTSPrefaceList of FiguresList of TablesChapter 1. IntroductionChapter 2. Systematic Approach to Evaluation and RehabilitationChapter 3. Methods of Structural EvaluationChapter 4. Methods of Hydraulic EvaluationChapter 5. Infiltration and Inflow Source DetectionChapter 6. Selection of Sewer Rehabilitation Methods and MaterialsChapter 7. Effectiveness of Sewer RehabilitationIndexTELECOMMUNICATION*9780071608930*ANALOG IC DESIGN WITH LOW-DROPOUT REGULATORS (LDOS)By Gabriel A. Rincón-MoraFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 400 pagesISBN: 9780071608930 / US$99.95Design, analyze, and build linear low-dropout (LDO) regulator ICs in bipolar, CMOS, and biCMOS semiconductorprocess technologies. This authoritative guide offers a unique emphasis on embedded LDO design. Throughintuitive explanations and detailed illustrations, the book shows how you can put these theories to work creatinganalog ICs for the latest portable, battery-powered devices.Analog IC Design with Low-Dropout Regulators details the entire product development cycle-<strong>from</strong> defining objectivesand selecting components to blueprinting, assembling, and fine-tuning performance. Work with semiconductors,employ negative feedback, handle fluctuating loads, and embed regulators in ICs. You will also learn how to buildprototypes, perform tests, and integrate system-on-chip (SoC) functionality.CONTENTSPrefaceChapter 1. System ConsiderationsChapter 2. Microelectronic DevicesChapter 3. Analog Building BlocksChapter 4. Negative FeedbackChapter 5. AC DesignChapter 6. IC DesignChapter 7. System DesignChapter 8. IC Protection and CharacterizationIndex24New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

General ReferenceProfessional & ReferenceGENERAL INTEREST*9780071621021*TEACH YOURSELF CHOOSING THE RIGHT WINEBy Beverley BlanningJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9780071621021 / US$14.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]This unique blend of insight and information will show you how you can learn to really love wine--on any budget andin every situation. You will learn about the major grape varieties, the key countries and the essential terminology;more importantly, you will learn how to develop your tastes, and how to select and buy wines that you really like.Not only will you develop a genuine enjoyment of wine, you will also discover the practicalities of buying, storing, andserving, allowing you to feel confident on every occasion and to enjoy your wines for many years to come.CONTENTSChapter 1: What is wine?Chapter 2: How to taste wineChapter 3: The flavours of wine: grape varietiesChapter 4: The flavours of wine: climateChapter 5: The flavours of wine: the winemakerChapter 6: The flavours of wine: understanding your own tasteChapter 7: How to identify wine stylesChapter 8: Wine regions: EuropeChapter 9: Wine regions: New WorldChapter 10: Wine with foodChapter 11: Understanding wine labelsChapter 12: Buying wineChapter 13: Serving wineChapter 14: Storing wineChapter 15: Learning more…What Wine and When?Glossary*9780071621434*TEACH YOURSELF BASIC WEBSITE CREATIONBy Peter CopeFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 208 pagesISBN: 9780071621434 / US$14.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Do you want to get online, perhaps to promote your family or a hobby? Want to set up a blog of your life or makesome money selling?Teach Yourself Basic Website Creation is designed for those who want to create compelling websites but don’t necessarilywant to get weighed down with programming and designing using software coding. Using easily availableapplications you can produce websites <strong>from</strong> scratch--no prior web design experience required! You will learn how toproduce Web pages, make them reflect their subject, and post them on the Internet for all to see!CONTENTSIntroduction1. All about websites2. Essentials of website creation3. Design and Style4. Software and tools: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Extras and freebies5. Your first website: Planning and goals6. Adding Extra Features: Images, photographs, blogs, online shops and ecommerce7. Creating a family website: What to feature8. Creating a hobby or interest website9. Online photo galleries and video sharing sitesPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.25

Professional & ReferenceGeneral Reference10. Web design <strong>from</strong> scratch: The basics of HTML11. The futureGlossaryIndex*9780071550130*TEACH YOURSELF BASIC DIYBy DIYDoctor.orgJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9780071550130 / US$14.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Basic DIY explains how to maintain, decorate, and improve your house. You’ll get help throughsound advice and plenty of diagrams.CONTENTSChap 1. Foundations & DrainageChap 2. KitchenChap 3. Downstairs looChap 4. HallwayChap 5. LoungeChap 6. BedroomChap 7: BathroomChap 8: LoftChap 9: RoofChap 10: ExternalChap 11: Using professionals*9780071621007*TEACH YOURSELF SCREENWRITINGThird EditionBy Ray FrenshamJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 320 pagesISBN: 9780071621007 / US$14.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Screenwriting is a comprehensive, jargon-free guide for all budding screenwriters. Its aim is notjust to guide you through the techniques and skills you need to write for the screen (film and television), but alsoto give you guidance on how to approach the industry as a whole.Focusing on every aspect of screenwriting, <strong>from</strong> how to start the writing process and develop your characters,plot, and structure, to how to break into this highly competitive industry and make a career for yourself as a writer,this book uncovers all.CONTENTSAcknowledgementsintroductionscreenplay layout: your visual languageoriginating your ideasdeveloping your ideas: <strong>from</strong> idea to frameworkcreating your characterscharacter growth, motivation and conflictstructurestructural variations‘deep structure’enhancing emotionthe next stepthe actual writingthe craft of the rewritethe ‘finished’ item26New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

General ReferenceProfessional & Referenceassembling your portfoliocopyrightagents: what they do, how to get and keep oneadaptations, shorts, soaps, series, sitcoms and collaborationsthe industry: how it works and your place in ityour career as a writerfinal commentsappendices.*9780071583114*TEACH YOURSELF WEATHERBy Peter InnessJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9780071583114 / US$12.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Know whether to grab your umbrella or parka on your way out the doorTeach Yourself Weather shows you how to interpret the nightly weather report and even make your own predictions.It examines climate change and its effect on the weather.CONTENTSIntroduction.1 A survey of the atmosphere2 The global circulation3 Weather systems4 Local weather effects5 Wild weather6 Observing the weather7 Forecasting the weather 1: operational weather forecasting8 Forecasting the weather 2: making your own forecasts9 The weather in the future--climate changeTaking it furtherIndex*9780071621045*TEACH YOURSELF CONFIDENCE AND SOCIAL SKILLSBy Paul JennerFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 192 pagesISBN: 9780071621045 / US$14.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]This book uses proven techniques, interactive tools, case studies, and motivational advice to help you communicate,socialize, and relate to others with real panache. If you’ve always been a little shy, it will give you step-by-stepguides to becoming popular and confident, with practical tips on everything <strong>from</strong> body language to great conversationopeners.Covering work, home, relationships, and every other area of your daily routine, this is an aspirational but achievablemanual that will help you to feel better not only about yourself, but about the way in which you talk to people, makefriends, and make an impression.CONTENTS01. introduction: acceptance02. your secret weapons for overcoming shyness03. how to make people like you – and love you04. the easy art of conversation05. where to make friends06. I’ll be me, you be you07. does your body say hello?08. if you’re afraid of it, do it09. being a ‘yes’ person, creating ‘yes’ peoplePrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.27

Professional & ReferenceGeneral Reference10. if you want friends, learn to be alone11. how to be calm and assertive without being aggressive12. let people persuade themselves13. helping other people to do their best14. resolving disagreements15. the opposite sex16. taking it further*9780071621038*TEACH YOURSELF HOW TO GET ON A TV SHOWBy Katherine LapworthJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 176 pagesISBN: 9780071621038 / US$14.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself How to Get on a TV Show gives you everything you need to find, apply for, and take part in anyreality program. It explains every different type of show, but most important it gives lots of practical advice <strong>from</strong>industry insiders on what to say in an application, how to audition, what to expect and how to cope with life before,during and after your 15 minutes of fame.PARENTING*9780814409916*PARENTING AN ADULT WITH DISABILITIES OR SPECIAL NEEDSBy Peggy Lou MorganJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9780814409916 / US$17.95[An Amacom Title]Every parent of a child with disabilities knows just how overwhelming and frustrating it can be. When these childrenenter adulthood, the difficulties can become even greater. Many parents are tempted to keep their childrenat home, believing that they will be safer and happier under their care. But adults with special needs deserve thesame chance at a happy life as everyone else. As the mother of an adult child with disabilities, Peggy Lou Morganhas years of experience dealing with the challenges these adults face every day. She believes that the most lovingthing parents can do for their children is to prepare them to leave home in a way that works best for them.Compassionate and thorough, this guide will help readers to ensure that their children leave the nest with confidenceand joy.*9780814412961*STILL A FAMILYBy Lisa Rene ReynoldsFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 288 pagesISBN: 9780814412961 / US$16.95[An Amacom Title]Divorce can have a devastating effect on children. Yet for families who care fully consider and manage the intricaciesassociated with this difficult and upsetting time, the family, as seen <strong>from</strong> the child’s perspective, can remainstrong, healthy, and as loving and supportive as it ever was.Still a Family clearly and concisely lays out the specific emotions and reactions parents need to anticipate <strong>from</strong>their children while going through separation, divorce, and its aftermath. Rather than weighing parents down withcomplicated plans, confusing information, and legal terminology, this book takes a commonsense approach, providingreaders in a state of emotional distress with the practical, down-to-earth advice they need to sensibly and28New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

General ReferenceProfessional & Referencecomfortingly guide their children through this often painful process. The book covers the most common mistakesdivorcing parents tend to make, as well as addressing special issues that come up for kids of different age groups.This is a much-needed repository of wisdom and practical counsel for any family going through a time of heightenedfeelings and fragile relationships.SELF-IMPROVEMENT*9780071598439*TEACH YOUSELF MANAGING YOUR TODDLER’S BEHAVIORBy Kelly BeswickJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 192 pagesISBN: 9780071598439 / US$14.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Managing Your Toddler’s Behavior will give you all the advice, support and reassurance you need tohelp you not only cope with but enjoy your child’s toddler needs.It will explain exactly why your toddler is now behaving the way they are, with plenty of reassuring help for anyonewho is worrying that their child is not “normal.” You will get advice and insight into all those new and unfamiliar areas--sleep,potty training, diet and other “flashpoints”--with supportive help for dealing with the much bigger issuesof coping with change, becoming independent and--of course--the inevitable temper tantrums.CONTENTSToddler factsToddler personalitiesThe push for greater independenceToddler flashpointsTemper tantrumsToddler disciplineToddler talkFussy eatingToddler sleepToilet trainingFun and gamesCoping with change*9781576756300*THREE DEEP BREATHSSecond EditionBy Thomas CrumJanaury 2009 / Softcover / 120 pagesISBN: 9781576756300 / US$12.00[A Berrett-Koehler Title]Using the popular parable/story format, Three Deep Breaths focuses on three simple, effective practices that busypeople can implement with little time—or even with just a few minutes while they are driving to an appointment,commuting to work, or walking to a meeting as a simple, effective antidote to “busyness.”Three Deep Breaths illustrates this radically simple technique through the story of a harried worker struggling bothto achieve work/life balance family and break through negative habitual habits that lead to anger, exhaustion, andpoor performance.In short, all it takes to change your life is Three Deep Breaths which you can do in an instant, <strong>from</strong> anywhere, atany time.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.29

Professional & ReferenceGeneral Reference*9780814413012*TRUE GREATNESSBy Kevin Elko, and Bill BeausayJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 240 pagesISBN: 9780814413012 / US$21.95[An Amacom Title]How do you measure greatness? Whereas “excellence” is about becoming the best you can be at one particularthing, greatness moves you past routine success and onto a new plateau where your achievements are moremeaningful and satisfying. It is a deliberate act of finding the best in yourself and making choices <strong>from</strong> a differentmindset. It’s a way of seeing a special kind of “more” in your life. And while achieving greatness inevitably leads toprofit and phenomenal success in business, it’s also ‘surprise!’ a profoundly satisfying way to live.Filled with inspiring examples <strong>from</strong> sports and business, this book points the way to a life lived more deeply andfilled with joy, passion, success, excitement, and peace.*9780071545129*TEACH YOURSELF UNDERSTANDING TERRORISMBy John J. HorganFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9780071545129 / US$14.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Never shying away <strong>from</strong> controversial or difficult questions, Teach Yourself Understanding Terrorism is a fascinatingand thought-provoking read. It considers how we define terrorism (What distinguishes terrorism <strong>from</strong> other typesof warfare? Can a state engage in terrorism? Why should we ‘understand’ terrorism?) before turning its attentionon individual terrorists, terrorist groups, and organizations.Packed full of in-depth case studies, you will gain an insight into the root causes and catalysts, the recruitmentpatterns, and leading figures in organizations such as the Provisional IRA, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and the TamilTigers. Drawing on Dr. John Horgan’s vast research into the psychological aspects of political violence, this bookalso focuses on the psychology of terrorism and analyzes the possible responses to this complex phenomenon.CONTENTSA brief history of terrorismDefining terrorismUnderstanding terrorism: theories, methods, conceptsThe terroristTerrorist groups and organisationsCase study--The Provisional IRACase study--Al QaedaCase study--HizbollahCase study--The Tamil TigersCase study--Lone TerroristsThe psychology of terrorism: becoming, remaining, leavingSuicidal terrorismResponding: lessons learnedThe future of terrorism*9780071583060*TEACH YOURSELF SUCCESSFUL BREASTFEEDINGBy Pauline LimJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 192 pagesISBN: 9780071583060 / US$12.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Successful Breastfeeding gives non-judgmental advice on breastfeeding and how to make it arewarding experience for you and baby. You’ll learn how to tackle problems like soreness and tiredness and dealwith issues such as returning to work.30New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

General ReferenceProfessional & ReferenceCONTENTSGetting StartedEarly DaysDay to day feedingDealing with minor problemsProblems you may experienceProblems that may arise with your babyWhat is a Baby Friendly HospitalWhen to supplementWhen to introduce mixed feedingWhere can I find help*9780814413463*REINVENTIONBy Brian TracyJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9780814413463 / US$21.95[An Amacom Title]If you knew you couldn’t fail, what is the greatest thing you would dare to dream? Is the job you now have the oneyou’ve always wanted? Do you work with the kind of people you’d like to work with? As personal success expertBrian Tracy can attest, it’s not until you deal with the dissatisfactions of the present that you can move onward andupward to create the wonderful future that is possible for you. And it is possible.In Reinvention, Brian Tracy reveals how every one of us is engineered for success, and with the right focus, canremake ourselves and put an end to the chronic stress, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction we might feel in our careersand lives. We live in a time of rapid change...but also of unprecedented opportunity. This book supplies readers witha proven system they can use to turn their greatest dreams into reality!*9780071583107*TEACH YOURSELF TRIATHLONBy Steve TrewJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9780071583107 / US$14.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Whether you are doing your first triathlon or your tenth, Teach Yourself Triathlon is appropriate for all levels of experienceand commitment. With training advice <strong>from</strong> an experienced Olympic triathlon coach, your journey <strong>from</strong> practiceto finish line will be a successful, satisfying one.CONTENTS1. Why triathlon is for you!2. What you need to know about triathlon3. Starting training4. A practical application of exercise physiology & training with a heart rate monitor5. Swimming (1)6. Swimming (2)--Adapting training to open water7. Cycling (1)8. Cycling (2)--Turbo-training for cycling9. Running10. Crossing training, brick training and back to back training11. Going long12. Tapering and racing13. Nutrition14. Extra training--weight training and resistance training15. Stretching and flexibility16. Injury and its prevention17. Mental attitude, relaxation18. Some examples of individual training programmesTaking it furtherPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.31

Professional & ReferenceGeneral Reference*9780071602556*TEACH YOURSELF GETTING STARTED IN THE SECOND LIFE WORLDBy Irie TsureJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 208 pagesISBN: 9780071602556 / US$12.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Written by successful Second Life resort owner, Irie Tsure, this resourceful and comprehensive guide will accompanyyou on the tricky journey <strong>from</strong> “newbie” to seasoned resident in the virtual world of Second Life. Intended to coverevery skill required to enjoy and prosper within the Second Life experience, the book will follow the developmentand provide support for a new character <strong>from</strong> deciding to download the software right through to proficient use ofthe modeling tools needed to be really creative within Second Life.CONTENTSWhat and where is Second Life? (SL)SL Time (SLT)The SL EconomyWhat can I see and do in SL?Why?!What is my AV?What is my inventory?Move and explore (maps, landmarks and navigation)Chat and communicateChange my appearanceManage my inventorySearchMeet other peopleJoin or create a groupListen to musicWatch a videoBuild and create objectsDesign and make clothesScriptMake a movieRent, buy, sell and manage landMake moneyGet a jobIntellectual property rightsStart a businessSocializingGet ahead in your new social world10 tips on SL social etiquetteGlossary for ‘noobs’Taking it furtherIndex*9780071602587*TEACH YOURSELF MAKING MONEY IN THE SECOND LIFE WORLDBy Irie TsureJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 208 pagesISBN: 9780071602587 / US$12.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Written by successful Second Life resort owner Irie Tsure, this comprehensive guide will accompany you on thetricky journey <strong>from</strong> “newbie’” to expert in the virtual world of Second Life. Teach Yourself Making Money <strong>from</strong> SecondLife is intended to cover every skill required to enjoy and prosper within this virtual world but in particular focuseson those entrepreneurial activities, strategies, and skills which can help you get ahead in business in Second Life.This book is packed with advice for virtual entrepreneurs looking to develop independent businesses within SL,perfect for individuals or small companies interested in entering SL and succeeding there.32New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

General ReferenceProfessional & Reference*9781601630407*FIND YOUR INNER VOICEBy Karol WardJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9781601630407 / US$14.99[A Career Press Title]Our instinct and intuition are available for us to use in everyday life. Yet over time we lose the ability to locate andtrust those innate guides for decision-making. We might get an occasional flash of information but end up discountingour instinctive feelings and intuitive insight. In Find Your Inner Voice, you will learn how to reclaim those innerresources through the power of the body-mind connection.This book will teach you how to make decisions about love, relationships, career path, health and spirituality by usingyour body as a natural compass. When you learn to trust your instinct and recognize your intuitive voice, you canuse them both to make everyday decisions and larger, more significant life choices.Psychotherapist and professional speaker Karol Ward illustrates how to get the body-mind connection flowing and thenhelps you approach goal-setting <strong>from</strong> the inside out. She combines a five-step methodology with practical exercisesthat wake up the body and mind. From there, you will learn to recognize the inner voice that not only “knows” whatyou need but also “knows” what to do in order to achieve your goals.*9780071602501*TEACH YOURSELF WRITING POETRYBy John Hartley WilliamsJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 240 pagesISBN: 9780071602501 / US$12.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Writing Poetry is a user-friendly and comprehensive guide that will prove indispensable if you’re seekingcreative guidance, inspiration, and practical advice. Covering everything <strong>from</strong> mood, style, and tone to learningabout poetry on the ‘Net, this fully updated edition will help you find your voice. Containing straightforward advice onhow to get published, the very latest on prizes, festivals, and performance poetry as well as plenty of useful examplesand exercises to try out yourself, it is a thoroughly readable and engaging book.*9780814412800*THE VOICE OF SUCCESSBy Joni WilsonJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 240 pagesISBN: 9780814412800 / US$17.95[An Amacom Title]As women, we all want to be heard and respected for our contributions. However, a weak or grating voice cansabotage even the most articulate and brilliant ideas. To get her point across, every woman needs a pleasant, yetstrong voice that will get others to really hear what she has to say. The Voice of Success is written just for womenand covers every characteristic of the female voice, with all of its assets and liabilities. Vocal coach Joni Wilson hashelped women across the country communicate more effectively and become more successful in their careers byshowing them how to use their voices to get what they want. Here she shows readers how to be taken more seriouslyby conquering their top voice complaints.Complete with invaluable exercises readers can do easily and quickly, The Voice of Success will give every womana voice she loves and that others will love to listen to.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.33

Professional & ReferenceGeneral ReferenceSPORTS/FITNESS*9780071480451*HARD CORE HOCKEYBy Rand Pecknold, and Aaron FoesteJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9780071480451 / US$18.95Hard Core Hockey is an all-in-one guide to playing high-caliber hockey <strong>from</strong> a veritable who’s who of the world’stop coaches. Including advanced skating and stick-handling techniques, collegiate-level systems, and effectivedrills, it features contributions <strong>from</strong> Ted Donato, head coach of Harvard University; Frank Serratore, head coachat the United States Air Force Academy; and more.CONTENTS1. What Do College Recruiters Look For?2. Power Skating3. Shooting4. Passing5. Stick handling6. Goaltending7. Systems8. Off-Ice Training9. Coaching Youth Hockey10. What to Expect When You Advance to College Hockey and BeyondTEST PREP*9780071609227*MCGRAW-HILL’S SAT SUBJECT TEST: MATH LEVEL 1Second EditionBy John J. Diehl, Hinsdale Central High SchoolFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 368 pagesISBN: 9780071609227 / US$16.95Many colleges and universities require you to take one or more SAT II Subject Tests to demonstrate your masteryof specific high school subjects. <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s SAT Subject Test: Math Level 1 is written by experts in the field,and gives you the guidance you need perform at your best.CONTENTSThe Top 25 Things You Need to Know for the SAT Math Level 1 TestPart I. About the SAT Math Level 1 TestChapter 2. Calculator TipsPart II. Math ReviewChapter 4. AlgebraChapter 5. Plane GeometryChapter 6. Solid GeometryChapter 7. Coordinate GeometryChapter 8. TrigonometryChapter 9. FunctionsChapter 10. Data Analysis, Statistics, and ProbabilityChapter 11. Number and OperationsPart III. Six Practice TestsPractice Test 1Practice Test 2Practice Test 3Practice Test 434New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

General ReferenceProfessional & ReferencePractice Test 5Practice Test 6*9780071609241*MCGRAW-HILL’S SAT SUBJECT TEST: MATH LEVEL 2Second EditionBy John J. Diehl, Hinsdale Central High SchoolFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 416 pagesISBN: 9780071609241 / US$16.95Many colleges and universities require you to take one or more SAT II Subject Tests to demonstrate your masteryof specific high school subjects. <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s SAT Subject Test: Math Level 2 is written by experts in the field, andgives you the guidance you need perform at your best.CONTENTSThe Top 30 Things You Need to Know for the SAT Math Level 2 TestPart I: About the SAT Math Level 2 TestChapter 1: Test BasicsChapter 2: Calculator TipsChapter 3: Diagnostic TestPart II: Math ReviewChapter 4: AlgebraChapter 5: Solid GeometryChapter 6: Coordinate GeometryChapter 7: TrigonometryChapter 8: FunctionsChapter 9: Data Analysis, Statistics, and ProbabilityChapter 10: Number and OperationsPart III: Eight Practice TestsPractice Test 1Practice Test 2Practice Test 3Practice Test 4Practice Test 5Practice Test 6Practice Test 7Practice Test 8*9780071608848*MCGRAW-HILL’S SAT SUBJECT TEST: CHEMISTRYSecond EditionBy Thomas A. EvangelistFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 320 pagesISBN: 9780071608848 / US$16.95Many colleges and universities require you to take one or more SAT II Subject Tests to demonstrate your mastery ofspecific high school subjects. <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s SAT Subject Test: Chemistry is written by experts in the field, and givesyou the guidance you need perform at your best.CONTENTSPart I. Introduction to the SAT Chemistry TestPart II. Diagnostic TestPart III. Review1. Matter and Energy2. Phases of Matter3. Atomic Structure4. The Periodic Table and Periodic Trends5. Bonding6. Stoichiometry and Solution Chemistry7. Energy and Chemical Reactions8. Reaction Rate sand Chemical Equilibrium9. Acids and BasesPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.35

Professional & ReferenceGeneral Reference10. Redox and Electrochemistry11. Organic Chemistry12. Nuclear Chemistry13. Laboratory SkillsPart IV. 4 Full-Length Practice Tests*9780071609265*MCGRAW-HILL’S SAT SUBJECT TEST: UNITED STATES HISTORYSecond EditionBy Daniel Farabaugh, Stephanie Muntone, and The Publisher’s PartnershipFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 480 pagesISBN: 9780071609265 / US$16.95Many colleges and universities require you to take one or more SAT II Subject Tests to demonstrate your masteryof specific high school subjects. <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s SAT Subject Test: United States History, Second Edition, is writtenby experts in the field, and gives you the guidance you need perform at your best.CONTENTSThe Top 30 Things You Need to Study for the United States History TestPart I. Introduction to the SAT U.S. History TestPart II. Topic Review for the U.S. History TestChapter 1. Pre-Columbian America and the Age of ExplorationChapter 2. English Colonial SettlementsChapter 3. Colonial LifeChapter 4. Conflicts in the Colonial EraChapter 5. The Road to RevolutionChapter 6. The American RevolutionChapter 7. The Articles of ConfederationChapter 8. The ConstitutionChapter 9. Establishing a New NationChapter 10. The Early Nineteenth CenturyChapter 11. Religion and ReformChapter 12. The Market Revolution, 1812-1845Chapter 13. National Expansion and Sectional Division, 1830-1850Chapter 14. A House Divided, 1820-1860Chapter 15. The Civil War, 1861-1865Chapter 16. Reconstruction, 1865-1877Chapter 17. Westward Movement, 1860-1898Chapter 18. The Rise of Big Business and the Gilded Age, 1870-1896Chapter 19. Politics and the Call for Reform, 1865-1900Chapter 20. Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Movement, 1900-1920Chapter 21. The United States Becomes a World PowerChapter 22. World War I and Its Aftermath, 1914-1920Chapter 23. The Jazz AgeChapter 24. The Great DepressionChapter 25. World War II (Part I)Chapter 26. World War II (Part II)Chapter 27. Postwar America, 1945-1960Chapter 28. The New Frontier and the Civil Rights MovementChapter 29. The Great SocietyChapter 30. The Vietnam WarChapter 31. Watergate and Its AftermathChapter 32. The Reagan Era and the End of the Cold WarChapter 33. The 1990s and BeyondPart III. Six Full-Length Practice TestsPractice Test 1Practice Test 2Practice Test 3Practice Test 4Practice Test 5Practice Test 636New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

General ReferenceProfessional & Reference*9780071609289*MCGRAW-HILL’S SAT SUBJECT TEST: LITERATUREBy Stephanie Muntone, The Publisher’s PartnershipFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 256 pagesISBN: 9780071609289 / US$16.95Many colleges and universities require you to take one or more SAT II Subject Tests to demonstrate your mastery ofspecific high school subjects. <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s SAT Subject Test: Literature is written by experts in the field, and givesyou the guidance you need perform at your best.CONTENTSThe Top 20 Things You Need to Know for the SAT Literature TestPart I. Introduction to the SAT Literature TestPart II. Topic Review for the Literature TestChapter 1. Literary TermsChapter 2. FictionChapter 3. NonfictionChapter 4. PoetryChapter 5. DramaPart III. Six Full-Length Practice TestsPractice Test 1Practice Test 2Practice Test 3Practice Test 4Practice Test 5Practice Test 6*9780071609203*MCGRAW-HILL’S SAT SUBJECT TEST: BIOLOGY E/MSecond EditionBy Stephanie Zinn, The Spence SchoolFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 352 pagesISBN: 9780071609203 / US$16.95Many colleges and universities require you to take one or more SAT II Subject Tests to demonstrate your masteryof specific high school subjects. <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s SAT Subject Test: Biology E/M is written by experts in the field, andgives you the guidance you need perform at your best.CONTENTSThe Top 20 Things You Need to Know for the SAT Biology E/M TestPart I: About the SAT Biology E/M TestChapter 1: What You Need to Know about the SAT Biology E/M TestChapter 2: How to Use This BookChapter 3: Smart Tips for the SAT: Biology E/M TestChapter 4: Diagnostic TestChapter 5: Test-Taking Skills and StrategiesPart II: Review of Biology TopicsChapter 6: Understanding Molecular and Cellular BiologyChapter 7: Understanding GeneticsChapter 8: Understanding Evolution and DiversityChapter 9: Understanding Organismal BiologyChapter 10: Understanding EcologyPart III: Four Practice TestsPractice Test 1: Biology-EPractice Test 2: Biology-EPractice Test 3: Biology-MPractice Test 4: Biology-MPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.37

Professional & ReferenceMedicalCARDIOLOGY*9780071592987*HURST’S THE HEART MANUAL OF CARDIOLOGYTwelvth EditionBy Robert A. O’Rourke, The University of Texas Health Science Center Teaching Hospital, Richard Walsh, and ValentinFuster, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NYFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 784 pagesISBN: 9780071592987 / US$59.95Summarizing the clinical sections of Hurst’s the Heart, 12e, this point-of-care resource covers the key points ofcardiovascular pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment in a quick-access presentation, making it essential forrounds, at the bedside, or on the wards.<strong>NEW</strong> TO THIS EDITION:vUpdated information on cardiovascular drugs highlights the latest indications, important data, and side effectsv Full coverage of vital topics such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, peripheral arterialdisease, stroke, and cardiovascular disease in the elderlyvvCurrent US and European practice guidelines and treatment protocols help reinforce clinical decision-makingTranslation of genetic basis of arrhythmias to clinical practice provides a solid framework for diagnostic techniques.CLINICAL MANUAL SERIES*9780071485678*MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY THE BIG PICTUREBy Jonathan D. Kibble, St George’s University, and Colby R. HalseyJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 448 pagesISBN: 9780071485678 / US$44.95ISBN: 9780071640053 [IE]If you don’t have unlimited study time Medical Physiology: The Big Picture is exactly what you need! With anemphasis on what you “need to know” versus “what’s nice to know,” and enhanced with 450 full-color illustrations,it offers a focused, streamlined overview of medical physiology. You’ll find a succinct, user-friendly presentationdesigned to make even the most complex concepts understandable in a short amount of time.CONTENTSGeneral PhysiologyMembrane TransportMembrane Potentials and Action PotentialsCellular CommunicationsAutonomic Nervous SystemNeuromuscular and Synaptic TransmissionSkeletal MuscleSmooth MuscleBloodBlood ComponentsBlood Groups--TransfusionHemostasis and CoagulationCardiovascular PhysiologyHemodynamicsCardiac ElectrophysiologyCardiac Muscle and MechanicsRegulation of Venous Return and Cardiac OutputRegulation of Arterial Pressure38New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

MedicalProfessional & ReferenceCapillary Fluid ExchangeRegulation of Blood FlowRenal PhysiologyBody Fluid CompartmentsUrine FormationGlomerular Filtration RateRenal Blood FlowTubular ProcessesRegulation of Extracellular OsmolarityControl of Blood and Extracellular VolumeRenal Regulation of K+Ca++, Phosphate, and Mg++Acid-Base DisturbancesDiureticsRespiratory PhysiologyVentilation and Lung MechanicsAlveolar-Blood Gas ExchangeTransport of O2 and CO2Pulmonary Circulation and EdemaVentilation/Perfusion DefectsControl of BreathingCauses of HypoxemiaEXAM REVIEW/MANUALS*9780071601351*FIRST AID CASES FOR THE USMLE STEP 1Second EditionBy Tao Le, University Of Louisville-Medical SchoolFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 497 pagesISBN: 9780071601351 / US$44.95First Aid Cases for the USMLE Step 1 features 400 well-illustrated cases to help you relate basic science conceptsto clinical situations. Each case includes drawings or clinical images with Q&As that reinforce key concepts. Thecontent is keyed to First Aid for the® USMLE Step 1 to help you create the ultimate study package.CONTENTSSection I. General PrinciplesBehavioral ScienceBiochemistryMicrobiology and ImmunologyPharmacologySection II. Organ SystemsCardiovascularEndocrineGastrointestinalHematology and OncologyMusculoskeletalNeurologyPsychiatryRenalReproductiveRespiratoryAppendix: Case IndexIndexAbout the AuthorsPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.39

Professional & ReferenceMedical*9780071597944*FIRST AID Q&A FOR THE USMLE STEP 1Second EditionBy Tao Le, University Of Louisville-Medical School, and Seth K. BechisFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 704 pagesISBN: 9780071597944 / US$44.95First Aid Q&A for the USMLE Step 1 features 1,000 board-style questions and answers, along with explanationsfor both correct and incorrect answers. The content is keyed to First Aid for the® USMLE Step 1, allowing you tostudy high-yield facts and Q&As simultaneously. All questions have been reviewed by students who just aced theexam.CONTENTSSection I. General PrinciplesBehavioral SciencesBiochemistryEmbryologyMicrobiology and ImmunologyPathologyPharmacologySection II. High-Yield Organ SystemsCardiovascularEndocrineGastrointestinalHematology and OncologyMusculoskeletal and Connective TissueNeurology and PsychiatryRenalReproductiveRespiratory*9780071598941*FIRST AID FOR THE ORTHOPAEDIC BOARDSSecond EditionBy Robert A. Malinzak, Mark J. Albritton, and Trevor R. PickeringJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 260 pagesISBN: 9780071598941 / US$69.95First Aid for the® Orthopaedic Boards is a concise, up-to-date review of frequently-tested, must-know topics for thein-service exam (OITE) and the orthopaedic boards. High-yield facts and numerous illustrations make this reviewperfect for early board preparation as well as last-minute review before the exam.CONTENTSIntroduction1. Basic Science2. Orthopaedic Anatomy3. Orthopaedic Trauma4. Joint Anthroplasty5. Sports Medicine6. The Hand7. Foot and Ankle8. Orthopaedic Tumors9. Pediatric Orthopaedics10. The Spine11. Miscellaneous FactsIndex40New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

MedicalProfessional & ReferenceGASTROENTEROLOGY*9781556428111*COMPLICATED CASES IN GIBy Anthony KallooFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 304 pagesISBN: 9781556428111 / US$109.95[A Slack Inc Title]Complicated Cases in GI follows patient-physician interactions and includes over 50 cases that are complex in theirnature, interesting in their presentations, or a representation of a unique therapeutic challenge.Each chapter case includes:vvvvA detailed summary of a particular patient presentationAssociated pathology slides, radiology films, or endoscopy photographsA brief evidence-based discussion focusing on the main learning objectivesThree to five key learning points listed to highlight the most important featuresComplicated Cases in GI also includes 150 board review-like questions taken directly <strong>from</strong> the cases themselves.The questions highlight the salient aspects and are meant to reinforce the learning objectives involved in each case.They will also serve as a useful study aid for anyone preparing for an examination in general medicine, gastroenterologyor hepatology. Complicated Cases in GI is ideal for residents, fellows, practicing physicians preparing forrecertification, nurses, and students looking for a quick reference text that can be read and absorbed over time—onecase at a time.GENERAL MEDICINE*9780071494564*FAMILY MEDICINE: AMBULATORY CARE AND PREVENTIONFifth EditionBy Mark B. Mengel, and L. Peter SchwiebertJanuary 2009 / Softcover with access card / 892 pagesISBN: 9780071494564 / US$54.95Family Medicine: Ambulatory Care & Prevention is the ultimate at-a-glance guide to the diagnosis and treatment ofcommon primary care problems. The book spans the full scope of ambulatory medicine, and is organized accordingto the flow of patient care--starting with insights into signs and symptoms, followed by expert disease managementrecommendations.The information is presented in a manner that enables you to quickly formulate a list of possible diagnoses, performcost-effective diagnostic work-up, and prescribe therapy. The principles of clinical decision-making and effectiveevidence-based management strategies are woven throughout.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.41

Professional & ReferenceMedical*9780071496773*PEDIATRIC PRACTICE SPORTS MEDICINEBy Dilip R. Patel, Donald E. Greydanus, Director, Adolescent Medical Program, Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies,and Robert J. Baker, Michigan State University KCMSJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 552 pagesISBN: 9780071496773 / US$85.00Pediatric Practice: Sports Medicine explains the practical aspects of treating children who participate in sports. Theauthors cover everything <strong>from</strong> screening and safety issues to the treatment of sports-related injuries and trauma.How to manage patients with medical conditions that impact sports participation is also included. Providing criticalinformation about what you need to know and do in virtually any case, this book also offers valuable perspectiveson pathophysiology, epidemiology, and diagnosis.This full color guide is designed to ensure quick, easy searches for treatment directives. Perfect for pediatricians,family practice physicians, and nurse practitioners, Pediatric Practice: Sports Medicine is the handiest and mostcomprehensive guide available for treating children participating in sports of all kinds.CONTENTSForeword, Sandra J. HoffmannSECTION 1: General and Basic ConceptsSECTION 2: Medical Conditions and Sport ParticipationSECTION 3: Musculoskeletal InjuriesSECTION 4: Team Physician, Emergencies, and Other TopicsSECTION 5: Appendices*9780071489249*PEDIATRIC PRACTICE INFECTIOUS DISEASESBy Samir Shah, The Children’s Hospital of PhiladelphiaJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 806 pagesISBN: 9780071489249 / US$85.00Part of the Pediatric Practice series, Pediatric Practice: Infectious Diseases is filled with practical, clinically relevantguidance for successful infectious disease management. The care of the patient forms the core of this indispensableresource, which also provides perspectives on epidemiology, pathophysiology, and diagnosis that every pediatrician,infectious disease specialist, and pediatric nurse needs to know.The book’s high-yield coverage includes detailed, yet precise overviews of specific infections and their etiology,along with proven diagnostic and management strategies that you can incorporate into your practice right away.INTERNAL MEDICINE*9780071599993*QUICK ANSWERS TO MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENTFourth EditionBy <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>January 2009 / Softcover / 720 pagesISBN: 9780071599993 / US$69.95When every second counts, turn to Quick Answers to Medical Diagnosis & Treatment–the ultimate on-call and officecompanion. This streamlined, alphabetically arranged reference delivers evidence-based diagnosis and treatmentinformation on more than 500 diseases and disorders regularly encountered in hospital and outpatient settings.FEATURES:vA time-saving bulleted presentation that allows you to immediately access critical informationv Content derived <strong>from</strong> CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, the world’s most trusted annually updated internalmedicine text42New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

MedicalProfessional & ReferenceOPTHALMOLOGY*9781556427909*CONTACT LENSESSecond EditionBy Ken DanielsJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 160 pagesISBN: 9781556427909 / US$37.95[A Slack Inc Title]Inside this second edition, Dr. Ken Daniels explains the fundamentals of contact lens composition, fitting, proper use,and patient education. Each chapter is written in an easy-to-read format that provides a foundation for understandingcontact lenses and sequentially builds upon that knowledge throughout the book. Numerous illustrations, charts, andgraphs are included to highlight the text’s main points.Offers quick access to:vvvvvScience of contact lensesLatest technology of lens material and designMethodologies of fitting basic soft and rigid lenses as well as complex designsOcular anatomy, physiology, and contact lens useImmediate and long term effects of contact lenses on vision and healthConcise and user-friendly, Contact Lenses, Second Edition serves as a quick, easy to reference guide for practicingclinicians and is the ideal resource for optometric and ophthalmic technicians, assistants, residents, and studentslooking to enhance their understanding and working knowledge of contact lenses.*9781556428812*DSEKWhat You Need to Know About Endothelial KeratoplastyBy Frank W PriceFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 200 pagesISBN: 9781556428812 / US$114.95[A Slack Inc Title]Today’s corneal and anterior segment surgeons are in need of a comprehensive text that covers all endothelialkeratoplasty procedures, including DSEK, DMEK, and DSAEK.DSEK: What You Need to Know About Endothelial Keratoplasty is the first text to explore the rapid evolvementof endothelial keratoplasty (EK) procedures. Endothelial keratoplasty is part of a revolution in corneal transplantsurgery in which surgeons perform disease specific tissue replacement, as opposed to full thickness replacementof the cornea for all conditions. Today, patients are demanding EK procedures such as DSEK, DMEK, and DSAEK,instead of standard transplant methods because these newer methods are safer while the visual recovery is quickerand more predictable.DSEK: What You Need to Know About Endothelial Keratoplasty provides a comprehensive background of EK,where it is today, and where it is headed in the future. Francis W. Price, MD, who was the first to complete DSEK inthe United States, along with Marianne Price, PhD, have designed this text to offer a special emphasis on how toperform surgeries along with preventing and managing complications. In addition, a diverse group of contributingauthors provides a wide array of insights and tips for better patient outcomes.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.43

Professional & ReferenceMedical*9781556428500*BIOLOGIC JOINT RECONSTRUCTIONBy Brian ColeFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 376 pagesISBN: 9781556428500 / US$149.95[A Slack Inc Title]The treatment of chondral damage and early arthritis in active patients remains a challenge. Biologic Joint Reconstruction:Alternatives to Joint Arthroplasty has accepted this challenge, providing a comprehensive look into thefast growing area of cartilage repair and early arthritis surgery for virtually every major joint.Drs. Brian J. Cole and Andreas H. Gomoll have created a text that includes a detailed approach to surgical managementutilizing procedures relative to all joints such as osteotomy, cartilage repair, cartilage restoration, andlimited resurfacing. Treatment indications, surgical techniques, and non-operative treatment in the knee, shoulder,hip and smaller joints are also highlighted in the text.Biologic Joint Reconstruction is the only orthopedic text on the market that combines discussion of biological andlimited prosthetic options for the treatment of chondral damage and early arthritis for the young active adult, aswell as for traditional joint replacement patients.PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS*9780070207486*PAIN: MECHANISMS AND MANAGEMENTSecond EditionBy Howard L. Fields, University Of California-San FranciscoJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 416 pagesISBN: 9780070207486 / US$55.00This latest edition provides a thorough overview of the neural mechanisms of pain. Relying on the latest basic andclinical research, a comprehensive approach to patient evaluation and current treatment strategies develop in thistext. Subjects covering the sensory transmission system, pain modulation, and analgesic treatment modalitiesare discussed. Dozens of supplementary tables, figures, and illustrations summarize key information and furtherreinforce important clinical points.44New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

SciencesProfessional & ReferenceCHEMISTRY*9780071611633*SCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF ELEMENTARY ALGEBRAThird EditionBy Barnett Rich (deceased), and Philip Schmidt, State University Of NY-New PaltzFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 400 pagesISBN: 9780071611633 / US$18.95Fortunately for you, there’s Schaum’s Outlines. More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum’s to help themsucceed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum’s is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject.Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also gethundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills.Fully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum’s highlights all the important facts you need to know. Use Schaum’sto shorten your study time-and get your best test scores!CONTENTS1. From Arithmetic to Algebra2. Simple Equations and Their Solutions3. Signed Numbers4. Introduction to Monomials and Polynomials5. First-Degree Equations6. Formulas7. Graphs of Linear Equations8. Introduction to Simultaneous Equations9. Problem Solving and Mathematical Modeling10. Products and Factoring11. Fractions12. Roots and Radicals13. Quadratic Equations14. The Pythagorean Theorem and Similar Triangles15. Introduction to Trigonometry16. Introduction to GeometryPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.45

Professional & ReferenceSocial ScienceFOREIGN LANGUAGE*9780071615884*101 AMERICAN ENGLISH PROVERBS WITH MP3 DISCSecond EditionBy Harry CollisFebruary 2009 / Softcover with Audio CD / 128 pagesISBN: 9780071615884 / US$12.95Adding proverbs to your language skills opens up a whole new way for you to express yourself. But to translatecommonly known proverbs word-for-word <strong>from</strong> your own language into another doesn’t work and may even changemeaning all together. 101 American English Proverbs with MP3 Disc presents their translations and explains how touse them. Humorous illustrations help you remember the meaning of the proverbs. This enhanced edition containsa 90-minute MP3 disc with 101 dialogues, spoken by native speakers, so you can hear how these are used andpractice your own use of these colorful sayings.CONTENTS1 All Together Now2 Try This3 Watch Out!4 Getting Ahead5 It NeverWorks6 It’s Human Nature7 Friend or Foe?8 Words to Live By9 Some Things Never Change*9780071615525*101 JAPANESE IDIOMS WITH MP3 DISCSecond EditionBy Michael MaynardJanuary 2009 / Softcover with Audio CD / 224 pagesISBN: 9780071615525 / US$14.95To really talk like a native speaker of Japanese, you have to know the language’s idioms. But sometimes idiomsare confusing on the surface. This book uses fun illustrations to show the humor of taking idioms literally and explainswhat these common phrases really mean. This enhanced edition contains a 90-minute MP3 disc with 101dialogues, spoken by native speakers, so you can hear how these are used and practice your own use of thesecolorful expressions.CONTENTS1. Relating to Nature:Things that growWater, wind, and clouds2. Creatures Large & Small:Birds and beastsFish, frogs, and others3. The Human Body4. From One to Ten and More5. From Place to Place6. More Cultural KeysIndexes.46New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

Social ScienceProfessional & Reference*9780071597760*PERFECT PHRASES IN FRENCH FOR CONFIDENT TRAVELBy Eliane KurbegovFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 192 pagesISBN: 9780071597760 / US$9.95More than your average phrasebook, this portable title shows you how to be a well-mannered visitor and speak thelocal language in the correct contextAny phrasebook can give you a line listing of essential phrases. But if you use a phrase or term without knowing thecorrect way to use it, you can find yourself in an embarrassing situation.Perfect Phrases in French for Confident Travel addresses this problem expertly. Yes, you get the basics but you geta lot more background and guidance on how to use these words and phrases correctly without making a faux pas.With the confidence that you are using a phrase correctly, you will enjoy a smoother adventure in France.CONTENTSIntroduction 1. Good Manners2. Money Matters3. Hotels4. Public Transportation5. Driving6. Shopping7. Grooming8. Shopping for Food9. Eating Out10. Entertainment11. Museums to Mountains12. Common Warnings13. Emergencies14. Health Issues15. Making Plans16. Romance17. Keeping in Touch18. Sports19. Weather20. Conversational Phrases Index*9780071613156*TEACH YOURSELF BEGINNER’S FRENCHFourth EditionBy Catrine CarpenterJanuary 2009 / Softcover with Audio CD / 256 pagesISBN: 9780071613156 / US$10.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Beginner’s French requires no prior experience in the language and gives you the opportunity tostudy at a reasonable, steady pace. This course makes the process nearly painless--it is written in a friendly andsupportive tone, and the structure offers you plenty of opportunities for self-practice. You are in control of your learningexperience, so you never feel overwhelmed or rushed.This practical course introduces the new language without inundating you and includes dialogues and exercises, ahelpful pronunciation section, manageable lists of practical vocabulary, a glossary of grammar terms, and more.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.47

Professional & ReferenceSocial Science*9780071613309*TEACH YOURSELF BEGINNER’S GERMANFourth EditionBy Rosi McNabJanuary 2009 / Softcover with Audio CD / 256 pagesISBN: 9780071613309 / US$10.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Beginner’s German requires no prior experience in the language and gives you the opportunity tostudy at a reasonable, steady pace. This course makes the process nearly painless--it is written in a friendly andsupportive tone, and the structure offers you plenty of opportunities for self-practice. You are in control of yourlearning experience, so you never feel overwhelmed or rushed.This practical course introduces the new language without inundating you and includes dialogues and exercises, ahelpful pronunciation section, manageable lists of practical vocabulary, a glossary of grammar terms, and more.*9780071613200*TEACH YOURSELF BEGINNER’S ITALIANFourth EditionBy Vittoria BowlesJanuary 2009 / Softcover with Audio CD / 256 pagesISBN: 9780071613200 / US410.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Beginner’s Italian requires no prior experience in the language and gives you the opportunity tostudy at a reasonable, steady pace. This course makes the process nearly painless--it is written in a friendly andsupportive tone, and the structure offers you plenty of opportunities for self-practice. You are in control of yourlearning experience, so you never feel overwhelmed or rushed.This practical course introduces the new language without inundating you and includes dialogues and exercises, ahelpful pronunciation section, manageable lists of practical vocabulary, a glossary of grammar terms, and more.*9780071613408*TEACH YOURSELF BEGINNER’S MANDARIN CHINESEFourth EditionBy Elizabeth Scurfield, and Song LianyiJanuary 2009 / Softcover with Audio CD / 256 pagesISBN: 9780071613408 / US$12.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Beginner’s Chinese requires no prior experience in the language and gives you the opportunity tostudy at a reasonable, steady pace. This course makes the process nearly painless--it is written in a friendly andsupportive tone, and the structure offers you plenty of opportunities for self-practice. You are in control of yourlearning experience, so you never feel overwhelmed or rushed.This practical course introduces the new language without inundating you and includes dialogues and exercises, ahelpful pronunciation section, manageable lists of practical vocabulary, a glossary of grammar terms, and more.48New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

Social ScienceProfessional & Reference*9780071613255*TEACH YOURSELF BEGINNER’S PORTUGUESEThird EditionBy Sue Tyson-WardJanuary 2009 / Softcover with Audio CD / 256 pagesISBN: 9780071613255 / US$12.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Beginner’s Portuguese requires no prior experience in the language and gives you the opportunityto study at a reasonable, steady pace. This course makes the process nearly painless--it is written in a friendly andsupportive tone, and the structure offers you plenty of opportunities for self-practice. You are in control of your learningexperience, so you never feel overwhelmed or rushed.This practical course introduces the new language without inundating you and includes dialogues and exercises, ahelpful pronunciation section, manageable lists of practical vocabulary, a glossary of grammar terms, and more.*9780071613354*TEACH YOURSELF BEGINNER’S SPANISHFourth EditionBy Mark Stacy, and Angela Gonzalez HeviaJanuary 2009 / Softcover with Audio CD / 256 pagesISBN: 9780071613354 / US$10.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Beginner’s Spanish requires no prior experience in the language and gives you the opportunity tostudy at a reasonable, steady pace. This course makes the process nearly painless--it is written in a friendly andsupportive tone, and the structure offers you plenty of opportunities for self-practice. You are in control of your learningexperience, so you never feel overwhelmed or rushed.This practical course introduces the new language without inundating you and includes dialogues and exercises, ahelpful pronunciation section, manageable lists of practical vocabulary, a glossary of grammar terms, and more.HEALTH/PHYSICAL ED/NUTRITION*9780814409947*FITNESS AFTER 40By Vonda Wright, and Ruth WinterJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 304 pagesISBN: 9780814409947 / US$17.95[An Amacom Title]It’s one of the undeniable facts of life. After we reach a certain age, our bodies change. No matter how fit we mayhave been at 20, we’re very different people after 40. But growing older doesn’t have to diminish our fitness level.The good news is that not only can we retain the vigor of our youth, we can actually perform as well, if not better,than ever. Dr. Vonda Wright is the creator of a unique medical program specifically designed to target the fitnessand performance needs of mature athletes. In Fitness After 40, she shows readers how to use flexibility, aerobicexercise, and strength training to maximize the benefits of their fitness regime.Complete with a nutrition plan and an exercise program for older athletes, Fitness After 40 will help everyone regainthe energy of their youth and look and feel better than ever.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.49

Professional & ReferenceSocial SciencePHILOSOPHY/RELIGION*9780071620994*TEACH YOURSELF NIETZSCHEBy Roy JacksonJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9780071620994 / US414.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Nietzsche helps you quickly gain an understanding of the man himself while exploring his philosophyand work. It also considers his legacy and lasting influence.You’ll discover what Nietzsche meant by “God is dead,” get insight on works such as Beyond Good and Evil, andlearn how other movements and key figures have interpreted Nietzsche’s work.CONTENTSChapter 1: Who was Nietzsche?Chapter 2: Nietzsche the Wagnerian.Chapter 3: The Philistines of Culture.Chapter 4: Human, All Too HumanChapter 5: The Man of StyleChapter 6: The Overman and the Eternal RecurrenceChapter 7: The Philosophers of the FutureChapter 8: The AntichristChapter 9: Nietzsche ‘The Crucified’Chapter 10: Nietzsche’s Legacy*9781601630476*11:11 THE TIME PROMPT PHENOMENONThe Meaning Behind Mysterious Signs, Sequences, and SynchronocitiesBy Marie D Jones, and Larry FlaxmanFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 256 pagesISBN: 9781601630476 / US$15.99[A Career Press Title]Is it happening to you? You wake up at night, look at the clock, and notice that it is 11:11 p.m. This happens againthe next night, and the next. You think it is a coincidence, but what if you were to discover that it was happeningto others--possibly millions of others--all over the world?And that it meant something...something important?The reports of people noticing strange and repeated associations with the number 11 are on the rise, promptingtheories connecting this phenomenon with the coming Mayan calendar end date of 12/21/2012. But it’s not just thenumber 11 that is showing up in people’s lives, it is often accompanied by unusual events or profound insights.Mysterious numbers and strange sequences appear throughout the history of human experience. What do theymean? What secrets do they keep? Are these wake-up calls to a higher state of consciousness, triggers of paranormalexperiences, or the activation of what some scientists refer to as “junk DNA”?In this fascinating new work, you’ll learn about:v Number-based patterns in nature--such as the Fibonacci spiral, the golden ratio, and DNA sequences--and thesecrets of sacred geometry.vvvvSynchronicity: The science behind coincidences and what they might be trying to tell us.How the entire universe can be condensed into a handful of mathematical numbers and equations.The power of numerology in human lives.Is God a number? How numbers relate to the creative force behind all reality.v We live according to times, dates, and numbers, and 11:11 The Time Prompt Phenomenon will explore the mysteriesof 11:11 and the many other ways in which numbers compose the very foundation of our reality.50New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009

Social ScienceProfessional & ReferencePSYCHOLOGY*9780071621014*TEACH YOURSELF PSYCHOLOGYFourth EditionBy Nick HayesJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 336 pagesISBN: 9780071621014 / US$14.95[Not for sale in British Commonwealth, Hong Kong & Japan]Teach Yourself Psychology is a jargon-free guide to the psychological processes that affect each and every one ofus. It investigates how the human experience can be understood on numerous levels, exploring why we are the waywe are, how we came to be this way, and what we might do to change seemingly fundamental traits.You will delve into a huge array of fascinating subjects, <strong>from</strong> how the individual connects with others and developsrelationships to emotions, memory, sleep and intelligence.CONTENTSintroducing psychologyself and othersunderstanding other peopleemotionsstates of mindmotivationcognitiongenetics, evolution and learninglearning and intelligencechildhood and adolescenceadulthood, retirement and ageingworking lifeleisureeducation and healthliving in the worlddeveloping psychological understandingindexPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.51

Higher EducationBusinessACCOUNTING/AUDITING*9780073379616* *9780073359861* *9780073359854*MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTINGThirteenth EditionBy Ray H. Garrison, Brigham Young University-Provo, Eric Noreen, University of Washington, and Peter C. Brewer, MiamiUniversity Of OH-OxfordFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 896 pagesISBN: 9780073379616 / US$172.50ISBN: 9780070170445 [IE]ISBN: 9780073359861 [Working Papers] / US$59.69ISBN: 9780073359854 [Workbook/Study Guide] / US$60.00As the long-time best-seller, Garrison has helped guide close to 3 million students through managerial accountingsince it was first published. It identifies the three functions managers must perform within their organizations—planoperations, control activities, and make decisions—and explains what accounting information is necessary for thesefunctions, how to collect it, and how to interpret it. Garrison’s Managerial Accounting, is known for its accuracy andrigor. It is also unique in that the authors write the most important supplements that accompany the book: solutionsmanual, test bank, instructor’s manual, and study guide.CONTENTSChapter 1: Managerial Accounting and the Business EnvironmentChapter 2: Managerial Accounting and Cost ConceptsChapter 3: Systems Design: Job-Order CostingChapter 4: Systems Design: Process CostingChapter 5: Cost Behavior: Analysis and UseChapter 6: Cost-Volume-Profit RelationshipsChapter 7: Variable Costing: A Tool for ManagementChapter 8: Activity-Based Costing: A Tool to Aid Decision MakingChapter 9: Profit PlanningChapter 10: Flexible Budgets and Performance AnalysisChapter 11: Standard Costs and Operating Performance MeasuresChapter 12: Segment Reporting, Decentralization, and the Balanced ScorecardChapter 13: Relevant Costs for Decision MakingChapter 14: Capital Budgeting DecisionsChapter 15: “How Well Am I Doing?” Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 16: “How Well Am I Doing?” Financial Statement AnalysisAppendix A: Pricing Products and ServicesAppendix B: Profitability Analysis*9780077305079* *9780077311957*COLLEGE ACCOUNTING: A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH WITH HOMEDEPOT 2006 ANNUAL REPORTBy M. David Haddock, Chattanooga State Technical, John Ellis Price, University Of North Texas, Michael Farina, CerritosCollegeFebruary 2009 / Hardcover with softcover (unboxed)ISBN: 9780077305079 / US$139.38ISBN: 9780077311957 [Study Guide/Working Papers] / US$15.50http://www.mhhe.com/haddock1eThe Haddock text features the successful author team Price et al. The author team based A Contemporary Approachon the solid foundation of the Price 12e textbook; however, in Haddock, the approach has been modifiedto fit the needs of a growing number of College Accounting instructors who teach the course without coveringspecial journals. These instructors feel that special journals are an unnecessarily complicated subject for sucha basic course. By eliminating special journal coverage, professors are free to focus on recording to the generaljournal and posting to the general ledger - the basic bookkeeping functions that are so important to accountants inthe real world. Competing books have placed special journals in an appendix (Slater) or tried to separate specialjournal coverage <strong>from</strong> general journal coverage but retain both (McQuaig). Haddock is the only text on the marketthat eliminates special journal coverage completely (why make students pay for material they will not learn in thecourse?). With Haddock on the roster, instructor’s have a choice between a traditional approach that fully integratesspecial journals into the text in a succinct and logical way (Price 12e) or a contemporary approach that focuses onthe basics and is more in keeping with where the course is headed in the future (Haddock 1e).52 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200952

BusinessHigher EducationCONTENTS1. Accounting: The Language of Business2. Analyzing Business Transactions3. Analyzing Business Transactions Using T Accounts4. The General Journal and the General Ledger5. Adjustments and the Worksheet6. Closing Entries and the Postclosing Trial Balance7. Accounting for Sales and Accounts Receivable, and Cash Receipts8. Accounting for Purchases, Accounts Payable, and Cash Payments9. Cash10. Payroll Computations, Records, and Payment11. Payroll Taxes, Deposits, and Reports12. Accruals, Deferrals, and the Worksheet13. Financial Statements and Closing ProceduresAppendix A: The Home Depot, Inc. Annual Report.*9780077300432*PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING VOLUME 2CHAPTER 12-25 WITH ANNUAL REPORTBy Robert Libby, Cornell University-Ithaca, Patricia Libby, Ithaca College, Fred Phillips, University of Saskatchewan, andStacey M. Whitecotton, Arizona State Univ-TempeJanuary 2009 / Hardcover with softcover (unboxed) / 688 pagesISBN: 9780077300432 / US$93.75FEATURESv Focus Company Approach - The authors first introduced their trademark focus company approach as the best methodfor helping students understand financial statements and real world implications of financial accounting for future managers.This approach shows that accounting is relevant and motivates students by explaining accounting in a real-world context.In each chapter, the material is integrated around a familiar focus company, its decisions, and its financial statements. Thisprovides the perfect setting for discussing the importance of accounting and how businesses use accounting information.Furthering its real-world applicability, the end-of-chapter cases tie directly to the Home Depot Annual Report and the contrastingreport <strong>from</strong> Lowe’s Form 10-K in Appendix C. This gives students valuable practice reading and interpreting realfinancial data. In addition, real-world excerpts expand on important chapter topics with insight into how real firms use financialaccounting to their competitive advantage.v Technology - Students have different learning styles and conflicting time commitments, so they want technology toolsthat help them study more efficiently and effectively. <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Homework Manager and Homework Manager Plus, iPoddownloadable content, and ALEKS provide students with three powerful tools tied directly to the textbook, which will helpthem maximize their study time and make their learning experience more enjoyable. In addition, the Algorithmic Test Bankallows instructors to create an infinite number of algorithm-generated quizzes and test assignments, and gives students anendless number of problems with which to practice.*9780077300456*PRINCIPLES OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING CH 1-17 WITH ANNUALREPORTBy Robert Libby, Cornell University-Ithaca, Patricia Libby, Ithaca College, Fred Phillips, University Of Saskatchewan, AndStacey M. Whitecotton, Arizona State Univ-TempeJanuary 2009 / HardcoverISBN: 9780077300456 / US$115.31The philosophy of Libby 1e is that “Teaching Accounting in the context of business” and that no matter what thestudent background or where their future lies, this book will give them the foundation they need to be a successfulbusiness owner or manager. Principles of Accounting is the first business course for nearly all of these students.Libby 1e is written by recognizing that students in the principles of accounting course have no previous exposure toaccounting and financial statements and often little exposure to the business world but many of them have ambitionsto own a business. Libby 1e slows down the approach to teaching transaction analysis, slowly building each layerof detail related to the financial statements and the accounting equation, as students work through the book. Theylearn the role of accounting <strong>from</strong> starting a business to operating it successfully.CONTENTS1 Accounting and Starting a Business2 Establishing a Business and the Balance SheetPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.5353

Higher EducationBusiness3 Operating a Business and the Income Statement4 Completing the Accounting Cycle5 Accounting Systems6 Merchandising Operations7 Inventories8 Internal Control and Cash9 Receivables10 Long-lived Tangible and Intangible Assets11 Current Liabilities and Payroll12 Partnerships13 Corporations14 Long-term Liabilities15 Investments16 Statement of Cash Flows17 Financial Statement Analysis*9780073526959*TAXATION OF INDIVIDUALS, 2010 EDITIONBy Brian C. Spilker, Brigham Young University-Provo, Benjamin C. Ayers, University Of Georgia, John Robinson, UniversityOf Texas At Austin, Edmund Outslay, Michigan State University-East Lansing, Ronald G. Worsham, Brigham YoungUniversity-Provo, John A. Barrick, Brigham Young University-Provo, And Connie Weaver, Texas A & M UniversityFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 768 pagesISBN: 9780073526959 / US$185.00http://www.mhhe.com/spilkerindividuals2010The basic approach to teaching taxation hasn’t changed in decades. Today’s student deserves a new approach.<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Taxation of Individuals is a bold and innovative new textbook that’s already generating enthusiasmacross the country. <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Taxation Series is designed to provide a unique, innovative, and engaging learningexperience for students studying taxation. The breadth of the topical coverage, the storyline approach to presentingthe material, the emphasis on the tax and nontax consequences of multiple parties involved in transactions, andthe integration of financial and tax accounting topics make this book ideal for the modern tax curriculum.CONTENTSPart I: Intro to Taxation1. An Introduction to Tax2. Tax Compliance, the IRS, and Tax Authorities3. Tax Planning Strategies and Related LimitationsPart II: Basic Individual Taxation4. Individual Tax Overview5. Gross Income and Exclusions6. Individual Deductions7. Individual Income Tax Computation and Tax CreditsPart III: Business and Investment–Related Transactions8. Business Income, Deductions, and Accounting Methods9. Property Acquisition and Cost Recovery10. Property Dispositions11. InvestmentsPart IV: Specialized Topics12. Compensation13. Retirement Savings and Deferred Compensation14. Tax Consequences of Home OwnershipAppendix A: Tax FormsAppendix B: Tax Terms GlossaryAppendix C: Comprehensive Tax Return ProblemsAppendix D: Code IndicesAppendix E: Table of Cases Cited54 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200954

BusinessHigher Education*9780077304454* *780073359908*PRINCIPLES OF AUDITING & ASSURANCE SERVICES WITH ACLSOFTWARE CDSeventeenth EditionBy Ray Whittington, DePaul U/McGowan Center, and Kurt Pany, Arizona State University-TempeJanuary 2009 / Hardcover with CDROMISBN: 9780077304454 / US$171.88ISBN: 9780071288422 [IE]ISBN: 9780073359908 [Study Guide] / US$62.50Whittington/Pany’s Principles of Auditing, is a market leader in the auditing discipline. Until October 2002, Ray Whittingtonwas a member of the Audit Standards Board and prior to Ray being on the ASB, Kurt Pany was on the board.Whittington recently completed his term as President of the Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association.Principles of Auditing presents concepts clearly and proactively monitors changes in auditing making the relationshipbetween accounting and auditing understandable. The 17th edition maintains the organization and balance sheetorientation, while adding and enhancing topics of Risk, Assurance Services, Fraud, E-Commerce, and the latestauditing standards to meet the needs of the current marketplace.CONTENTS1. The Role of the Public Accountant in the American Economy2. Professional Standards3. Professional Ethics4. Legal Liability of CPAs5. Audit Evidence and Documentation6. Planning the Audit; Linking Audit Procedures to RiskAppendix A Selected Internet AddressesAppendix B Examples of Fraud Risk FactorsAppendix C Illustrative Audit Case7. Internal ControlAppendix A Antifraud Programs and Control Measures8. Consideration of Internal Control in an Information Technology Environment9. Audit SamplingAppendix A Probability-Proportion-to-Size SamplingAppendix B Audit Risk10. Cash and Financial Investments11. Accounts Receivable, Notes Receivable, and RevenueAppendix A Illustrative Audit CaseAppendix B Illustrative Audit Case12. Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold13. Property, Plant, and Equipment: Depreciation and Depletion14. Accounts Payable and Other LiabilitiesAppendix A Illustrative Audit Cases15. Debt and Equity Capital16. Auditing Operations and Completing the Audit17. Auditors’ Report18. Integrated Audits of Public Companies19. Additional Assurance Services: Historical Financial Information20. Additional Assurance Services: Other Information21. Internal, Operational, and Compliance AuditingPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.5555

Higher EducationBusiness*9780073526997*FINANCIAL & MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTINGFifteenth EditionBy Jan Williams, University Of Tennessee-Knoxville, Sue Haka, Michigan State University-East Lansing, Mark S. Bettner,Bucknell University, And Joseph V. Carcello, University Of Tennessee–KnoxvilleJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 1216 pagesISBN: 9780073526997 / US$172.19ISBN: 9780071220125 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/williams_basic15eWith the fifteenth edition of Financial and Managerial Accounting: The Basis for Business Decisions, the Williamsauthor team continues to be a solid foundation for students who are learning basic accounting concepts. In thisrevision, the authors have added to and refined the coverage of International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS), particularly in Chapter 15 (“Global Business and Accounting”). Hallmarks of the text—including the solidAccounting Cycle Presentation, relevant pedagogy, and high quality, end-of-chapter material—have been updatedthroughout the book.CONTENTSChapter 1: Accounting: Information for Decision MakingChapter 2: Basic Financial StatementsChapter 3: The Accounting Cycle: Capturing Economic EventsChapter 4: The Accounting Cycle: Accruals and DeferralsChapter 5: The Accounting Cycle: Reporting Financial ResultsComprehensive Problem 1: Susquehanna Equipment RentalsChapter 6: Merchandising ActivitiesChapter 7: Financial AssetsChapter 8: Inventories and the Cost of Goods SoldComprehensive Problem 2: Guitar Universe, Inc.Chapter 9: Plant and Intangible AssetsChapter 10: LiabilitiesChapter 11: Stockholders’ Equity: Paid-in CapitalComprehensive Problem 3: McMinn Retail, Inc.Chapter 12: Income and Changes in Retained EarningsChapter 13: Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 14: Financial Statement AnalysisComprehensive Problem 4: Home Depot, Inc.Chapter 15: Global Business and AccountingChapter 16: Management Accounting: A Business PartnerChapter 17: Job Order Cost Systems and Overhead AllocationsChapter 18: Process CostingChapter 19: Costing and the Value ChainChapter 20: Cost-Volume-Profit AnalysisChapter 21: Incremental AnalysisComprehensive Problem 5: The Gilster CompanyChapter 22: Responsibility Accounting and Transfer PricingChapter 23: Operational BudgetingChapter 24: Standard Cost SystemsChapter 25: Rewarding Business Performance Comprehensive Problem 6: Utease CorporationChapter 26: Capital BudgetingAppendix A: 2007 Home Depot Financial StatementsAppendix B: The Time Value of Money: Future Amounts and Present ValuesAppendix C: Forms of Business Organization56 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200956

BusinessHigher Education*9780073526980*FINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGFourteenth EditionBy Jan Williams, University Of Tennessee-Knoxville, Sue Haka, Michigan State University-East Lansing, Mark S. Bettner,Bucknell University, And Joseph V. Carcello, University Of Tennessee–KnoxvilleJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 832 pagesISBN: 9780073526980 / US$175.00ISBN: 9780070187603 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/williams14eWhile many texts characterize themselves as having either a “user” approach or a “preparer” approach, Williams’Financial Accounting is written for faculty who want to strike a balance between these approaches. Business majorswill find relevance in the “Ethics, Fraud & Corporate Governance,” “Your Turn” and “Case in Point” boxes throughoutthe chapters while accounting majors will receive a firm grounding in accounting basics that will prepare them fortheir intermediate course. A unique feature is the multimedia companion, My Mentor. This text-specific technologyresource (available free on the book’s website) uses video clips, animated graphics, PowerPoints and Excel templatesto demonstrate accounting concepts visually. This allows students to link concepts and numbers together inan interactive rather than print environment.CONTENTSChapter 1: Accounting: Information for Decision MakingChapter 2: Basic Financial StatementsChapter 3: The Accounting Cycle: Capturing Economic EventsChapter 4: The Accounting Cycle: Accruals and DeferralsChapter 5: The Accounting Cycle: Reporting Financial ResultsComprehensive Problem 1: Susquehanna Equipment RentalsChapter 6: Merchandising ActivitiesChapter 7: Financial AssetsChapter 8: Inventories and the Cost of Goods SoldComprehensive Problem 2: Guitar Universe, Inc.Chapter 9: Plant and Intangible AssetsChapter 10: LiabilitiesChapter 11: Stockholders’ Equity: Paid-in CapitalComprehensive Problem 3: McMinn Retail, Inc.Chapter 12: Income and Changes in Retained EarningsChapter 13: Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 14: Financial Statement AnalysisComprehensive Problem 4: Home Depot, Inc.Chapter 15: Global Business and AccountingAppendix A: 2007 Home Depot Financial StatementsAppendix B: The Time Value of Money: Future Amounts and Present ValuesPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.5757

Higher EducationBusinessADVERTISING/MARKETING*9780073381114*SPORTS MARKETINGSecond EditionBy Sam Fullerton, Eastern Michigan UniversityJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 512 pagesISBN: 9780073381114 / US$120.94ISBN: 9780071267632 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/fullerton2eSports Marketing presents this field as a new discipline, helping readers gain a stronger understanding of how toapply marketing strategies and tactics within the sports marketing environment.Sam Fullerton crafted this text to present the discipline of sports marketing in two broad perspectives. The firstpart of the text provides an introduction to the field of sports marketing and examines how marketers use sportsas a platform for developing their strategies and tactics. The second part of the text provides detailed coverageof the marketing of sports products, increasing media audiences and live attendance, the selling of sports-relatedproducts, and more.This is not simply a basic marketing text using sports examples. Sports Marketing fills a gap for this newly recognizedcourse area by presenting a strong business perspective through its content. It looks at the economic impactof the industry and identifies an array of career opportunities for students interested in sports marketing. There iscomprehensive coverage of how sports are used as a marketing platform and an abundance of real-world nationaland international examples to support the material.*9780073380957* *9780073362250*MARKETINGSecond EditionBy Dhruv Grewal, Babson College, and Michael Levy, Babson CollegeFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 576 pagesISBN: 9780073380957 / US$123.75ISBN: 9780071285469 [IE]ISBN: 9780073362250 [Video to accompany Marketing] / US$22.00It is clear that marketing has changed significantly in the past few decades. So much so, that in 2004 and againin 2007, the American Marketing Association redefined the word “marketing” itself. Grewal/Levy is the first Principlesof Marketing text to be written <strong>from</strong> the ground up using the new definition and its value focus. In keepingwith the value theme of the text, the authors met face to face with more than 150 instructors and walked througheach chapter of the text and each supplement of the package in order to provide the most current, useful text andpackage on the market. Other themes that permeate throughout the text are: services, ethics, global marketingand the power of the internet. Because services marketing and ethics in marketing play such vital roles in marketingpractice today, the authors have dedicated an entire chapter to each of these concepts. The authors provideadding value, superior service, ethical and societal dilemmas and the power of the internet examples throughout,and everywhere these themes fit. The authors have also been careful to integrate the 4Ps of marketing with theoverriding value theme.CONTENTSSection One Assessing the MarketplaceChapter 1 Overview of MarketingChapter 2 Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing PlanChapter 3 Marketing EthicsChapter 4 Analyzing the Marketing EnvironmentSection Two Understanding the MarketplaceChapter 5 Consumer BehaviorChapter 6 Business-to-Business MarketingChapter 7 Global MarketingSection Three Targeting the MarketplaceChapter 8 Segmentation, Targeting, and PositioningChapter 9 Marketing Research and Information SystemsSection Four Value CreationChapter 10 Product, Branding, and Package Decisions58 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200958

BusinessHigher EducationChapter 11 Developing New ProductsChapter 12 Services: The Intangible ProductSection Five Value CaptureChapter 13 Pricing Concepts for Establishing ValueChapter 14 Strategic Pricing MethodsSection Six Value Delivery: Designing the Channel and Supply ChainChapter 15 Supply Chain ManagementChapter 16 Retailing and Multi-Channel MarketingSection Seven Value CommunicationChapter 17 Integrated Marketing CommunicationsChapter 18 Advertising and Sales PromotionsChapter 19 Personal Selling and Sales Management*9780077294106*CONSUMER BEHAVIOR WITH DDB LIFESTYLE STUDY DATA DISKEleventh EditionBy Delbert I. Hawkins, University Of Oregon, David L. Mothersbaugh, University Of Alabama-Tuscaloosa, And Roger J.Best, University Of OregonJanuary 2009 / Hardcover with CDROMISBN: 9780077294106 / US$165.94ISBN: 9780070171008 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/hawkins11eThis book is a strategic look at consumer behavior in order to guide successful marketing activities. The Wheel ofConsumer Analysis is the organizing factor in the book. The four major parts of the wheel are consumer affect andcognition, consumer behavior, consumer environment, and marketing strategy. Each of these components is thetopic of one of the four major sections in the book.CONTENTSPart One: IntroductionChapter One: Consumer Behavior and Marketing StrategyPart Two: External InfluencesChapter Two: Cross-Cultural Variations in Consumer BehaviorChapter Three: The Changing American Society: ValuesChapter Four: The Changing American Society: Demographics and Social StratificationChapter Five: The Changing American Society: SubculturesChapter Six: The American Society: Families and HouseholdsChapter Seven: Group Influences on Consumer BehaviorPart Two Cases: Cases 2-1 through 2-9Part Three: Internal InfluencesChapter Eight: PerceptionChapter Nine: Learning, Memory, and Product PositioningChapter Ten: Motivation, Personality, and EmotionChapter Eleven: Attitudes and Influencing AttitudesChapter Twelve: Self-Concept and LifestylePart Three Cases: Cases 3-1 through 3-10Part Four: Consumer Decision ProcessChapter Thirteen: Situational InfluencesChapter Fourteen: Consumer Decision Process and Problem RecognitionChapter Fifteen: Information SearchChapter Sixteen: Alternative Evaluation and SelectionChapter Seventeen: Outlet Selection and PurchaseChapter Eighteen: Postpurchase Processes, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer CommitmentPart Four Cases: Cases 4-1 through 4-8Part Five: Organizations as ConsumersChapter Nineteen: Organizational Buyer BehaviorPart Five Cases: Cases 5-1 through 5-2Part Six: Consumer Behavior and Marketing RegulationChapter Twenty: Marketing Regulation and Consumer BehaviorPart Six Cases: Cases 6-1 through 6-2Appendix A: Consumer Behavior Research MethodsAppendix B: Consumer Behavior AuditPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.5959

Higher EducationBusiness*9780077121907*FOUNDATIONS OF MARKETINGThird EditionBy David Jobber, University of Bradford, and John Fahy, University of LimerickFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 408 pagesISBN: 9780077121907 / US$79.50[A <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK Title]http://www.mcgraw-hill.co.uk/textbooks/jobberThe bestselling Foundations of Marketing by David Jobber and John Fahy is back in a contemporary and engagingthird edition. It offers comprehensive coverage of the essentials of marketing in a concise and student-friendly format,firmly rooting theory in real marketing practice. With its wealth of captivating examples, concise 12-chapter structure,and characteristic accessible style, it remains the ideal text for students on introductory marketing courses.CONTENTS1. The nature of marketing2. The global marketing environment3. Understanding customer behaviour4. Marketing research and information systems5. Marketing segmentation, targeting and positioning6. Brand and product management7. Services marketing management8. Pricing strategy9. Integrated marketing communications part I: Mass communications techniques10. Integrated marketing communications part II: Direct communications techniques11. Distribution management12. Marketing planning and strategy*9780073529790*MARKETING MANAGEMENTBy Greg W. Marshall, Rollins College-Winter Park, and Mark W. Johnston, Rollins College-Winter ParkJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 768 pagesISBN: 9780073529790 / US$157.19ISBN: 9780071283182 [IE]This is a textbook that instructors can connect with and students can learn <strong>from</strong>, in that it pulls them into the world ofmarketing through real-world applications. This textbook stays current by covering the hottest topics in this coursearea, such as Customer Relationship Management and Metrics, in a user-friendly, non-encyclopedic format.CONTENTSPart 1: Introduction to Marketing ManagementChapter 1 Marketing in Today’s Business MilieuChapter 2 Elements of Marketing Strategy and PlanningChapter 3 Understanding the Global Marketplace: Marketing Without BordersPart 2: Information Drives Marketing Decision MakingChapter 4 Perspectives on Customer Relationship ManagementChapter 5 Managing Marketing InformationChapter 6 Understanding Competitors: Analysis to ActionChapter 7 Understanding Customers—Business-to-Consumer MarketsChapter 8 Understanding Customers—Business-to-Business MarketsPart 3: TBDChapter 9 Segmentation, Target Marketing, PositioningChapter 10 The Product Experience—Product StrategyChapter 11 The Product Experience—Building the BrandChapter 12 The Product Experience—New-Product DevelopmentChapter 13 Service as the Core OfferingChapter 14 Managing Pricing DecisionsPart 4: TBDChapter 15 Managing Marketing Channels and the Supply ChainChapter 16 Points of Customer Interface—Bricks and ClicksChapter 17 Integrated Marketing Communications: Promotional Strategy, Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public RelationsChapter 18 Integrated Marketing Communications—Personal Selling, Direct Marketing, and Interactive MarketingChapter 19 The Marketing Dashboard: Metrics for Measuring Marketing Performance60 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200960

BusinessHigher EducationGlossaryEndnotesIndex*9780073381169*MARKETING MANAGEMENT: A STRATEGIC DECISION-MAKINGAPPROACHSeventh EditionBy John Mullins, University of Denver, Orville C. Walker, University Of Minnesota-Minneapolis, and Harper W. Boyd, Jr.(deceased)February 2009 / Softcover / 544 pagesISBN: 9780073381169 / US$137.81ISBN: 9780071267762 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/mullins7eThe concentration on strategic decision making sets this book apart <strong>from</strong> other texts that place greater emphasison the description of marketing phenomena than on the strategic and tactical marketing decisions that managersand entrepreneurs must make each and every day. This edition continues to be the most current and Internet-savvybook available, injecting the latest developments in Internet-based communication and distribution technology intoevery chapter. The author team’s rich entrepreneurial, marketing management, and consulting experience spans abroad variety of manufacturing, service, software, and distribution industries, providing an abundance of real-world,global perspectives.CONTENTSSection One: The Role of Marketing in Developing Successful Business StrategiesChapter 1 The Marketing Management ProcessChapter 2 The Marketing Implications of Corporate and Business StrategiesSection Two: Market Opportunity AnalysisChapter 3 Understanding Market OpportunitiesChapter 4 Understanding Consumer Buying BehaviorChapter 5 Understanding Organizational Markets and Buying BehaviorChapter 6 Measuring Market Opportunities: Forecasting and Market KnowledgeChapter 7 Targeting Attractive Market SegmentsChapter 8 Differentiation and Brand PositioningSection Three: Developing Strategic Marketing ProgramsChapter 9 Business Strategies: A Foundation for Marketing Program DecisionsChapter 10 Product DecisionsChapter 11 Pricing DecisionsChapter 12 Distribution Channel DecisionsChapter 13 Integrated Promotion DecisionsSection Four: Strategic Marketing Programs for Selected SituationsChapter 14 Marketing Strategies for the New EconomyChapter 15 Strategies for New and Growing MarketsChapter 16 Strategic for Mature and Declining MarketsSection Five: Implementing and Controlling Marketing ProgramsChapter 17 Organizing and Planning for Effective ImplementationChapter 18 Measuring and Delivering Marketing PerformancePrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.6161

Higher EducationBusinessBUSINESS LAW/TAXATION*9780073377681*DYNAMIC BUSINESS LAW: THE ESSENTIALSBy Nancy K. Kubasek, Bowling Green State University, M. Neil Browne, Bowling Green State University, Dan Herron,Miami University Of OH-Oxford, Andrea Giampetro-Meyer, Loyola College Of Maryland, and Linda Barkacs, UniversityOf San DiegoJanuary 2009/ Softcover / 896 pagesISBN: 9780073377681 / US$120.63http://www.mhhe.com/kubasekessBusiness Law is often a required course for most business majors in 2- and 4-year programs. The course coversaspects of contracts, torts and negotiable instruments, as well as various regulatory topics such as the environment,employment and international business law. Often a two-term course, the first term of the Business Lawcourse generally is required of business majors and the second by accounting majors, as it prepares them to sitfor the CPA exam. Dynamic Business Law: The Essentials is appropriate for the one-semester Business Lawcourse. It contains the basics of business law but does not get bogged down in the kind of details that are moreappropriate in an upper-level law class. The text provides an examination of the basic questions, concepts, andlegal rules of business law.*9780073377667*THE LEGAL AND REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESSFifteenth EditionBy O. Lee Reed, University Of Georgia, Peter J. Shedd, University Of Georgia, Jere W. Morehead, University Of Georgia,and Marisa Anne PagnattaroFebruary 2009/ Hardcover / 704 pagesISBN: 9780073377667 / US$165.94http://www.mhhe.com/reed15eIn 1963, the first edition of Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business, authored by Bob Corley, started a newcourse emphasizing the legal environment in which business is conducted. By focusing on the public nature ofhow government regulates business activities, rather than simply how businesses privately make transactions, amovement away <strong>from</strong> traditional Business Law began. Through its previous 14 editions, The Legal and RegulatoryEnvironment of Business has been the leader in setting the standard for materials covered in an introduction tothe legal and regulatory environment of business.CONTENTSChapter 1 Law as the Foundation of BusinessChapter 2 The Ethical Basis of Law and Business ManagementChapter 3 The Court SystemChapter 4 LitigationChapter 5 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution SystemsChapter 6 The Constitution and Regulation of BusinessChapter 7 The Property-Based Legal SystemChapter 8 Introduction to Contracts – Classifications, Terminology, and FormationChapter 9 Contractual Issues – Form, Interpretation, Performance, and DischargeChapter 10 Torts in the Business EnvironmentChapter 11 Intellectual Property in the Property SystemChapter 12 Criminal Law and BusinessChapter 13 International LawChapter 14 Formation and Operation of Business OrganizationsChapter 15 Sarbanes-Oxley and Securities RegulationsChapter 16 Antitrust Laws – Regulating CompetitionChapter 17 Consumer ProtectionChapter 18 Environmental Laws and Pollution ControlChapter 19 Agency and Employment LawsChapter 20 Discrimination in EmploymentChapter 21 Labor-Management RelationshipAppendix I Case Briefing and Legal Study TipsAppendix II Sample ComplaintAppendix III The Constitution of the United States of AmericaAppendix IV Selected Sections of Article 2 of Uniform Commercial Code62 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200962

BusinessHigher EducationAppendix V Selected Sections of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002Appendix VI Selected Sections of Securities Act of 1933Appendix VII Selected Sections of Securities Exchange Act of 1934GlossaryIndex*9780073026978*EMPLOYMENT LAW: GOING BEYOND COMPLIANCE TO ENGAGEMENTAND EMPOWERMENTBy Rosemarie Feuerbach Twomey, Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 396 pagesISBN: 9780073026978 / US$150.63http://www.mhhe.com/twomey1eEmployment Law: Going Beyond Compliance to Engagement and Empowerment, by Rosemarie Feuerbach Twomey,focuses on the laws that have the greatest impact on the relationships between employers and employees—inparticular, the common law governing the employment relationship which has dramatically changed the applicationof the employment at will doctrine, and the many statutory requirements of fair employment practices that promoteequal opportunity to all employees.CONTENTSPART ONE – INTRODUCTIONChapter 1 OverviewPART TWO – BASIC LEGAL CONCEPTS AND FORUMSChapter 2 LitigationChapter 3 Alternative Dispute Resolution: ArbitrationChapter 4 Alternative Dispute Resolution: MediationPART THREE – EMPLOYMENT LAW AND THE COMMON LAWChapter 5 Employment at WillChapter 6 Privacy Rights, Restrictive Covenants, and Intellectual PropertyPART FOUR – REACHING FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITY BASED ON SEX AND RACEChapter 7 Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII)Chapter 8 Race and Color DiscriminationChapter 9 The Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Glass Ceiling Act, and the Pregnancy Discrimination ActChapter 10 Sex Discrimination, the Equal Pay Act, and the Civil Rights ActPART FIVE – REACHING FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITY BASED ON RELIGION, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AGE, AND DIS-ABILITYChapter 11 Religious DiscriminationChapter 12 National Origin Discrimination and Immigration IssuesChapter 13 Age DiscriminationChapter 14 Disability DiscriminationPART SIX--EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS AND FAMILY LEAVE LAWChapter 15 The Family and Medical Leave Act, Workers’ Compensation, and the ADAPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.6363

Higher EducationBusinessBUSINESS MATHS/STATISTICS*9780077323134*ESSENTIALS OF BUSINESS STATISTICS WITH STUDENT CDThird EditionBy Bruce L. Bowerman, Miami University Of OH-Oxford, Richard T. O’connell, Miami University Of OH-Oxford, J. BurdeaneOrris, Butler UniversityJanuary 2009 / Hardcover with CDROMISBN: 9780077323134 / US$146.88The new edition of Essentials of Business Statistics delivers clear and understandable explanations of core businessstatistics concepts, making it ideal for a one term course in business statistics. Containing continuing casestudies that emphasize the theme of business improvement, the text offers real applications of statistics that arerelevant to today’s business students. The authors motivate students by showing persuasively how the use ofstatistical techniques in support of business decision-making helps to improve business processes. A variety ofcomputer centered examples and exercises, and a robust, technology-based ancillary package are designed tohelp students master this subject.CONTENTSChapter 1 An Introduction to Business StatisticsChapter 2 Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical MethodsChapter 3 Descriptive Statistics: Numerical MethodsChapter 4 ProbabilityChapter 5 Discrete Random VariablesChapter 6 Continuous Random VariablesChapter 7 Sampling DistributionsChapter 8 Confidence IntervalsChapter 9 Hypotheses TestingChapter 10 Statistical Inferences Based on Two SamplesChapter 11 Experimental Design and Analysis of VarianceChapter 12 Chi-Square TestsChapter 13 Simple Linear Regression AnalysisChapter 14 Multiple Regression and Model BuildingAppendix A Statistical TablesAppendix B Counting RulesAppendix C The Hypergeometric DistributionAnswers to Most Odd-Numbered ExercisesChapter 15 (On Website) Process Improvement Using Control Charts*9780077312367* *9780073364698*ESSENTIAL STATISTICS IN BUSINESS AND ECONOMICSWITH STUDENT CDSecond EditionBy David P. Doane, Oakland University, and Lori E. Seward, University of Colorado-DenverJanuary 2009 / Hardcover with CDROMISBN: 9780077312367 / US$146.88ISBN: 9780071104333 [IE]ISBN: 9780073364698 [Study Guide] / US$37.50http://www.mhhe.com/doaneess2e<strong>NEW</strong> TO THIS EDITIONvvvvvvUpdated with Excel 2007 as well as Excel 2003.Connect Business Statistics / Connect PlusBetter non-technical motivation of chapter topics.Improved transitions between concepts within chapters.More and updated mini cases on topics that will interest students.Revisions to graphic illustrations and tables in order to provide a better “picture” of the64 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200964

BusinessHigher Educationvvconcept for students.More large real data sets for student assignment projects, included on Student CD.v New exercises and examples using real data <strong>from</strong> Noodles & Company, a rapidly growing casual dining chain whosesuccess is based on a customer-driven business model and decision making using statistical analysis.vvvvUpdated examples and updated data sets used in exercises.Enlarged and improved test bank for instructors.Added section exercises for review before exams, with complete solutions (Appendix H).Available as a CourseSmart eBook at 55% of the cost of the print textbook.*9780077109875*STATISTICAL METHODS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICSBy Gert Nieuwenhuis, and Tilburg UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 952 pagesISBN: 9780077109875 / US$81.50[<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK Title]http://www.mcgraw-hill.co.uk/textbooks/nieuwenhuisThis brand new text offer students complete coverage of Statistical Methods concepts, ideal for a statistics moduletaken as part of an economics, business or management degree programme. The book has been specifically writtenfor for students in Europe, and contains examples, cases and problems that draw on data <strong>from</strong> European companiesand organisations.CONTENTSDetailed table of contentsPrefaceGuided TourTechnology to enhance teaching and learning1 Introduction and basic conceptsPart 1 Descriptive Statistics2. Tables and graphs3. Measures of location4. Measures of variation5. Pairs of variablesPart 2 Probability6. Definitions of Probability7. Calculation of probabilities8. Probability distribution, expectation, variance9. Families of discrete distributions10. Families of continuous distributions11. Joint probability distributionsPart 3 Sampling theory12. Random samples13. The sample mean14. Sample proportion and other sample statisticsPart 4 Inferential statistics15. Interval estimation and hypothesis testing: a general introduction16. Confidence intervals and tests for and17. Statistical inference about18. Confidence intervals and tests to compare two parameters19. Simple linear regression20. Multiple linear regression: introduction21. Multiple linear regression: extension22. Multiple linear regression: model violations23. Time series and forecasting24. Chi-squared tests25. Nonparametric statisticsAppendix A1 Excel and SPSS (on Internet)Appendix A2 Summation operator ¿Appendix A3 Greek lettersAppendix A4 TablesAppendix A5 Numeric answers of exercisesPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.6565

Higher EducationBusinessBUSINESS WRITING/COMMUNICATION*9780077314064*M: BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS WITH PREMIUM CONTENT CARD ANDSTUDENT PREP CARDSBy Marie E. Flatley, San Diego State University-San Diego, and Kathryn Rentz, University of Cincinnati–CincinnatiJanuary 2009 / Softcover with access cardISBN: 9780077314064 / US$61.25http://www.mhhe.com/flatleymM: Business Communication is the newest Business Communication textbook that was created with students’ andprofessors’ needs in mind. A unique approach to a hands-on course, written by the co-authors of Business Communication:Making Connections in a Digital World , 11/e, provides both student and instructor with all the toolsneeded to navigate through the complexity of the modern business communication environment. M: BusinessCommunication attends to the dynamic, fast-paced, and ever-changing means by which business communicationoccurs by being the most technologically current and pedagogically effective books in the field. It has realisticexamples that are both consumer-and business-oriented.CONTENTSPART 1: Understanding Business CommunicationChapter 1:Communicating in the WorkplacePART 2: Mastering Writing and Presentation BasicsChapter 2: Understanding the Writing Process and the Main Forms of Business MessagesChapter 3: Using Visuals in Written and Oral CommunicationChapter 4: Using an Appropriate StylePART 3: Writing Effective MessagesChapter 5: Writing Good-News and Neutral MessagesChapter 6: Writing Bad-News MessagesChapter 7: Writing Persuasive MessagesPART 4: Writing Effective ReportsChapter 8: Researching and Writing ReportsChapter 9: Writing Short ReportsPART 5: Using Oral and Job-Search SkillsChapter 10: Communicating OrallyChapter 11: Communicating in the Job SearchECONOMICS*9780073511368*LABOR ECONOMICSFifth EditionBy George J. Borjas, Harvard University-CambridgeFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 576 pagesISBN: 9780073511368 / US$151.56ISBN: 9780070172708 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/borjas5eLabor Economics, 5e is a well-received text that blends coverage of traditional topics with modern theory and developmentsinto a superb Labor Economics book. The Fifth Edition builds on the features and concepts that madethe first four editions successful, updating and adding new content to keep the text on the cusp of recent eventsin the Labor Economics field. The new edition continues to be the most concise book in the market, enabling theinstructor to teach all relevant material in a semester-long class. Despite the book’s brevity, the instructor will findthat all of the key topics in labor economics are efficiently covered in the Fifth Edition. Thanks to updated pedagogy,new end-of-chapter material, and even stronger instructor support, the Fifth Edition of Labor Economics remainsone of the most relevant textbooks in the market.66 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200966

BusinessHigher EducationCONTENTSChapter 1: Introduction to Labor EconomicsChapter 2: Labor SupplyChapter 3: Topics in Labor SupplyChapter 4: Labor DemandChapter 5: Labor Market EquilibriumChapter 6: Compensating Wage DifferentialsChapter 7: Human CapitalChapter 8: The Wage StructureChapter 9: Labor MobilityChapter 10: Labor Market DiscriminationChapter 11: Labor UnionsChapter 12: Incentive PayChapter 13: Unemployment*9780073511313* *9780077213169*ESSENTIALS OF ECONOMICSSecond EditionBy Stanley L. Brue, Pacific Lutheran University, Campbell R. Mcconnell, University Of Nebraska–Lincoln, And Sean MasakiFlynn, Vassar CollegeJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 480 pagesISBN: 9780073511313 / US$130.94ISBN: 9780070172661 [IE]ISBN: 9780077213169 [Study Guide] / US$29.38http://www.brue2e.comBuilding on the tremendous success of their best-selling Principles of Economics text, Brue, McConnell, and Flynnhave revised their one-semester text to provide a fresh alternative. This 18-chapter textbook utilizes clear and carefullanguage along with pedagogy and topic discussion suited to the needs of one-semester course.. Brue/McConnell/Flynnis a patient, substantive treatment of micro and macro economics for the one-semester course with manyup-to-date, motivating examples.CONTENTSPART ONE: Introduction1 Limits, Alternatives, and Choices Appendix: Graphs and Their Meaning2 The Market System and the Circular FlowPART TWO: Price, Quantity, and Efficiency3 Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium4 Elasticity of Demand and Supply5 Public Goods and ExternalitiesPART THREE: Product Markets6 Businesses and Their Costs7 Pure Competition8 Pure Monopoly9 Monopolistic Competition and OligopolyPART FOUR: Resource Markets10 Wage Determination11 Income Inequality and PovertyPART FIVE: GDP, Growth and Instability12 GDP and Economic Growth13 Business Cycles, Unemployment, and Inflation14 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply15 Fiscal Policy, Deficits, and DebtPART SIX: Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy16 Money and Banking17 Monetary PolicyPART SEVEN: International Economics18 International Trade and Exchange RatesPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.6767

Higher EducationBusiness*9780073528564*ANNUAL EDITIONS: ECONOMICSThirty-Fifth EditionBy Don Cole, Drew UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 192 pagesISBN: 9780073528564 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0073528560.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a widerange of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources.The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a generalaudience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to makethem particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide;an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume alsooffers an online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is thegeneral instructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online.Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.CONTENTSPrefaceCorrelation GuideTopic GuideInternet ReferencesUNIT 1: IntroductionUNIT 2: MicroeconomicsUNIT 3: The Economics of Work and IncomeUNIT 4: MacroeconomicsUNIT 5: The Changing Global EconomyTest-Your-Knowledge FormArticle Rating Form*9780077230975*MACROECONOMICS, BRIEF EDITIONBy Campbell R. McConnell, University of Nebraska---Lincoln, Stanley L. Brue, Pacific Lutheran University, and SeanMasaki Flynn, Vassar CollegeFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 288 pagesISBN: 9780077230975 / US$103.13ISBN: 9780070183285 [IE]http://www.mcconnellbriefmicro1e.comMcConnell, Brue, and Flynn’s Macroeconomics, Brief Edition comes <strong>from</strong> the same author team as the marketleadingPrinciples of Macroeconomics textbook. It continues to be innovative while teaching students in a clear,unbiased way. Like the 18th edition, Macroeconomics, Brief Edition has 3 main goals: help the beginning studentmaster the principles essential for understanding the economizing problem, specific economic issues, and thepolicy alternatives; help the student understand and apply the economic perspective and reason accurately andobjectively about economic matters; and promote a lasting student interest in economics and the economy. Althoughthe Brief Edition is a derivative of Macroeconomics 18e, is not a cut-and-paste book that simply eliminates severalchapters of Macroeconomics 18e and reorders and renumbers the retained content. Instead, Macroeconomics,Brief Edition is a very concise, highly integrated economics textbook that is distinct in purpose, style, and coverage<strong>from</strong> Macroeconomics 18e.CONTENTSPART 1: INTRODUCTIONCh 1 Limits, Alternatives, and Choices (+ Appendix on Graphs)Ch 2 The Market System and the Circular FlowPART 2: PRICE, QUANTITY, and EFFICIENCYCh 3 Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium (+ Web Appendix on Supply and Demand)Ch 4 Pubic Goods and ExternalitiesPART 3: GDP, GROWTH, AND INSTABILITYCh 5 GDP and Economic GrowthCh 6 Business Cycles, Unemployment, and InflationCh 7 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate SupplyCh 8 Fiscal Policy, Deficits, and DebtPART 4: MONEY, BANKING, AND MONETARY POLICY68 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200968

BusinessHigher EducationCh 9 Money and BankingCh 10 Interest Rates and Monetary PolicyPART 5: LONG-RUN CONSIDERATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICSCh 11 Long Run Aggregate Supply and Aggregate DemandCh 12 International Trade and Exchange Rates*9780077230982*MICROECONOMICS, BRIEF EDITIONBy Campbell R. McConnell, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Stanley L. Brue, Pacific Lutheran University, and Sean MasakiFlynn, Vassar CollegeFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 288 pagesISBN: 9780077230982 / US$103.13ISBN: 9780070183292 [IE]http://www.mcconnellbriefmicro1e.comMcConnell and Brue’s Microeconomics, Brief Edition comes <strong>from</strong> the same author team as the market-leading Principlesof Microeconomics textbook. It continues to be innovative while teaching students in a clear, unbiased way. Likethe 18th edition, Microeconomics, Brief Edition has 3 main goals: help the beginning student master the principlesessential for understanding the economizing problem, specific economic issues, and the policy alternatives; helpthe student understand and apply the economic perspective and reason accurately and objectively about economicmatters; and promote a lasting student interest in economics and the economy. Although the Brie Editionf is a derivativeof Microeconomics 18e, is not a cut-and-paste book that simply eliminates several chapters of Economics 18eand reorders and renumbers the retained content. Instead, Microeconomics, Brief Edition is a very concise, highlyintegrated economics textbook that is distinct in purpose, style, and coverage <strong>from</strong> Microeconomics 18e.CONTENTSPART 1: INTRODUCTIONCh 1 Limits, Alternatives, and Choices (+ Appendix on Graphs)Ch 2 The Market System and the Circular FlowPART 2: PRICE, QUANTITY, and EFFICIENCYCh 3 Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium (+ Web Appendix on Supply and Demand)Ch 4 Elasticity of Demand and SupplyCh 5 Pubic Goods and ExternalitiesPART 3: PRODUCT MARKETSCh 6 Businesses and Their CostsCh 7 Pure CompetitionCh 8 Pure MonopolyCh 9 Monopolistic Competition and OligopolyPART 4: RESOURCE MARKETSCh 10 Wage DeterminationCh 11 Income Inequality and PovertyPART 5: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICSCh 12 International Trade and Exchange RatesPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.6969

Higher EducationBusinessFINANCE,INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE*9780073382456*CASE STUDIES IN FINANCESixth EditionBy Robert F. Bruner, University Of Virginia-Charlottesville, Kenneth Eades, University of Virginia, Michael Schill, Universityof VirginiaJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 784 pagesISBN: 9780073382456 / US$158.75ISBN: 9780071267526 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/bruner6eCase Studies in Finance, 6e links managerial decisions to capital markets and the expectations of investors. At thecore of almost all of the cases is a valuation task that requires students to look to financial markets for guidancein resolving the case problem. The focus on value helps managers understand the impact of the firm on the worldaround it. These cases also invite students to apply modern information technology to the analysis of managerialdecisions.The cases may be taught in many different combinations. The eight-part sequence indicated by the table of contentsrelates to course designs used at the authors’ schools. Each part of the casebook suggests a concept module,with a particular orientation.CONTENTSPrefaceNote to Student: How to Study and Discuss CasesEthics In FinancePart I: Setting Some ThemesPart II: Financial Analysis and ForecastingPart III: Estimating the Cost of CapitalPart IV: Capital Budgeting and Resource AllocationPart V: Management of the Firm’s Equity: Dividends, Repurchases, Initial OfferingsPart VI: Management of the Corporate Capital StructurePart VII: Analysis of Financing Tactics: Leases, Options, and Foreign CurrencyPart VIII: Valuing the Enterprise: Acquisitions and Buyouts*9780077305574*INVESTMENTS WITH S&P BIND-IN CARDSecond EditionBy Mark Hirschey, University of Kansas–Lawrence,and John Nofsinger, Washington State University-PullmanJanuary 2009 / Hardcover with access cardISBN: 9780077305574 / US$166.88Investments: Analysis and Behavior, 2e is the first textbook to integrate exciting new developments <strong>from</strong> the fieldof behavioral finance in a comprehensive and balanced introduction to the field of investments. Since behavioral isintertwined in all aspects of investing, this text does just that. Investments: Analysis and Behavior is written <strong>from</strong> aunique perspective that will provide students with knowledge of investment analytical tools and an understandingof the forces that drive the industry.CONTENTSPart 1 Introduction to InvestmentsChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Equity MarketsChapter 3 Buying and Selling EquitiesChapter 4 Risk and ReturnPart 2 Market Efficiency and Investor BehaviorChapter 5 Asset Pricing Theory and Performance EvaluationChapter 6 Efficient-Market HypothesisChapter 7 Market AnomaliesChapter 8 Psychology and the Stock MarketPart 3 Investment AnalysisChapter 9 Business EnvironmentChapter 10 Financial Statement Analysis70 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200970

BusinessHigher EducationChapter 11 Value Stock InvestingChapter 12 Growth Stock InvestingChapter 13 Technical AnalysisPart 4 Fixed IncomeChapter 14 Bond Instruments and MarketsChapter 15 Bond ValuationPart 5 Investment ManagementChapter 16 Mutual FundsChapter 17 Global InvestingChapter 18 Option Markets and StrategiesChapter 19 Futures MarketsChapter 20 Real Estate and Tangible AssetsAppendix A The Time Value of Money and CompoundingAppendix B Reference to the Chartered Financial Analyst QuestionsGlossaryIndex*9780077246129* *9780073382395*FUNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE FINANCEBy Stephen A. Ross, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, Randolph W. Westerfield, University Of Southern California, AndBradford D. Jordan, University Of Kentucky-LexingtonFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 992 pagesISBN: 9780077246129 / Alternate Edition / US$176.25ISBN: 9780070183346 [IE]ISBN: 9780073382395 / Standard Edition / US$176.25ISBN: 9780070171589 [IE]The best-selling Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (FCF) is written with one strongly held principle– that corporatefinance should be developed and taught in terms of a few integrated, powerful ideas. As such, there are three basicthemes that are the central focus of the book: 1) An emphasis on intuition—underlying ideas are discussed in generalterms and then by way of examples that illustrate in more concrete terms how a financial manager might proceed ina given situation. 2) A unified valuation approach—net present value (NPV) is treated as the basic concept underlyingcorporate finance. Every subject covered is firmly rooted in valuation, and care is taken to explain how particulardecisions have valuation effects. 3) A managerial focus—the authors emphasize the role of the financial manageras decision maker, and they stress the need for managerial input and judgment.The Eighth Edition continues the tradition of excellence that has earned Fundamentals of Corporate Finance itsstatus as market leader. Every chapter has been updated to provide the most current examples that reflect corporatefinance in today’s world. The supplements package has also been updated and improved. From a new computerizedtest bank that is easier than ever to use, to new narrated PowerPoint for students, to new interactive learningmodules, student and instructor support has never been stronger. <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Homework Manager is availablefor free when packaged with new copies of the book.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.7171

Higher EducationBusinessMANAGEMENT*9780077318833*INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSThe Challenge of Global Competition with CESIM access cardTwelfth EditionBy Donald Ball, Wendell H. McCulloch, California State University Long Beach, Michael Geringer, California PolytechnicState University, Michael S. Minor, University Of Texas Pan American, And Jeanne M. Mcnett, Assumption CollegeFebruary 2009 / Hardcover with access cardISBN: 9780077318833 / US$168.75International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition, 12th Edition, by Ball, Geringer, Minor and McNettcontinues to be the most current, objective and thorough treatment of International Business available for students.Enriched with maps, photos, and the most up-to-date world data, this text boasts the collective expertise of fourauthors with firsthand international business experience, specializing in international management, finance, law,global strategy, and marketing – a claim no other text can make. In addition, each new copy of International Business,12e includes access to CESIM – an interactive IB simulation developed for industry professionals. Ball, et.al. is the only textbook on the market which features access to CESIM. Only Ball, Geringer, Minor and McNett canoffer a complete view of International Business as diverse as the backgrounds of business students.CONTENTSPart I: The Nature of International BusinessChapter 1 The Rapid Change of International BusinessChapter 2 International Trade and Foreign Direct InvestmentChapter 3 Theories of International Trade and InvestmentChapter 4 International Institutions <strong>from</strong> an International Business PerspectivePart II: International Environmental ForcesChapter 5 Sociocultural ForcesChapter 6 Natural Resources and Environmental SustainabilityChapter 7 Economic and Socioeconomic ForcesChapter 8 Political ForcesChapter 9 Intellectual Property and Other Legal ForcesChapter 10 Understanding the International Monetary System and Financial ForcesChapter 11 Labor ForcesPart III: The Organizational EnvironmentChapter 12 International Competitive StrategyChapter 13 Organizational Design and ControlChapter 14 Assessing and Analyzing MarketsChapter 15 Entry ModesChapter 16 Export and Import PracticesChapter 17 Marketing InternationallyChapter 18 Global Operations and Supply Chain ManagementChapter 19 Human Resource ManagementChapter 20 International Accounting and Financial Management*9780073381435*HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTFifth EditionBy H. John Bernardin, Florida Atlantic University-Boca RatonFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 736 pagesISBN: 9780073381435 / US$135.00ISBN: 9780071267472 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/bernardin5eThis convenient guide matches the units in Annual Editions: Human Resources 09/10 with the corresponding chaptersin three of our best-selling <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Human Resource textbooks by Bernardin, Ivancevich, and Cascio.CONTENTSPart I Human Resource Management and the Environment72 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200972

BusinessHigher EducationChapter 1 Strategic Human Resource Management in a Changing EnvironmentChapter 2 The Role of Globalization in HR Policy and PracticeChapter 3 The Legal Environment of HRM: Equal Employment OpportunityPart II Acquiring Human Resource CapabilityChapter 4 Work Analysis and DesignChapter 5 Human Resource Planning and RecruitmentChapter 6 Personnel SelectionPart III Developing Human Resource CapabilityChapter 7 Performance Management and AppraisalChapter 8 Training and DevelopmentChapter 9 Career DevelopmentPart IV Compensating and Managing Human ResourcesChapter 10 Compensation: Base Pay and Fringe BenefitsChapter 11 Rewarding PerformanceChapter 12 Managing the Employment RelationshipChapter 13 Labor Relations and Collective BargainingChapter 14 Employee Health and SafetyAppendix A Critical Thinking ApplicationsAppendix B Chapter ExercisesAppendix C Assessment Guidelines for Self, Peer, and Designated AssessorsEndnotesIndexes*9780073381459*SUPPLY MANAGEMENTEighth EditionBy David N. Burt, University Of San Diego, Sheila Petcavage, and Richard Pinkerton, California State University–FresnoJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 640 pagesISBN: 9780073381459 / US4162.81ISBN: 9780071263306 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/burt8eSupply Management is a major revision of the classic text in the field of procurement. The Eighth Edition builds onthe strengths of prior editions, while including state of the art coverage and enhancements to help prepare studentsfor the globalized world of business they will enter.CONTENTSPART 1--The Foundation1. The Progression to Professional Supply Management2. Organizational Issues3. Supply Management: An Organization Spanning Activity4. A Portfolio of RelationshipsPART 2--The Requirements Process5. New Product Development6. Purchasing Descriptions and Specifications7. Managing for Quality8. The Procurement of Equipment9. Purchasing ServicesPART 3--Sourcing: Sourcing Perception and Corporate Outsourcing10. Outsourcing11. Sourcing12. Global Supply ManagementPART 4--Cost Management13. Total Cost of Ownership14. Price and Cost Analysis15. Methods of Compensation16. NegotiationPART 5--Managing Contracts and Relationships17. Contract Formation and Legal Issues18. Contract and Relationship Management19. Ethics and Social ResponsibilitiesPART 6--Materials Management20. Production and Inventory Control21. Demand Management and LogisticsPART 7--Implementing Value Network ManagementPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.7373

Higher EducationBusiness22. Implementing Value Network ManagementName IndexSubject Index*9780073530260*MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCESEighth EditionBy Wayne Cascio, University Of Colorado-DenverFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 736 pagesISBN: 9780073530260 / US$163.44ISBN: 9780071106153 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/cascio8eWayne Cascio’s Managing Human Resources, 8e is perfect for the general management student whose job inevitablywill involve responsibility for managing people. It explicitly links the relationship between productivity, quality of worklife, and profits to various human resource management activities and as such, strengthens the students’ perceptionof human resource management as an important function, which affects individuals, organizations, and society. Itis research-based and contains strong links to the applicability of this research to real business situations.CONTENTSPart I ENVIRONMENTChapter 1: Human Resources in a Globally Competitive Business EnvironmentChapter 2: The Financial Impact of Human Resource Management ActivitiesChapter 3: The Legal Context of Employment DecisionsChapter 4: Diversity At WorkPart II EMPLOYMENTChapter 5: Planning for PeopleChapter 6: RecruitingChapter 7: StaffingPart III DEVELOPMENTChapter 8: Workplace TrainingChapter 9: Performance ManagementChapter 10: Managing CareersPart IV COMPENSATIONChapter 11: Pay and Incentive SystemsChapter 12: Indirect Compensation: Employee Benefit PlansPart V LABOR-MANAGEMENT ACCOMMODATIONChapter 13: Union Representation and Collective BargainingChapter 14: Procedural Justice and Ethics in Employee RelationsPart VI SUPPORT AND INTERNATIONAL IMPLICATIONSChapter 15: Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance ProgramsChapter 16: International Dimensions of Human Resource Management*9780078112553*ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOREssentials for Improving Performance and CommitmentBy Jason A. Colquitt, University of Florida @ Gainesville, Jeffrey A. LePine, University of Florida @ Gainesville, andMichael J. Wesson, Texas A & M University–College StationJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 480 pagesISBN: 9780078112553 / US$106.56ISBN: 9780070183506 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/colquittessColquitt, LePine, and Wesson’s Organizational Behavior: Essentials for Improving Performance and Commitmentin the Workplace represents the most up-to-date perspective on Organizational Behavior (OB) on the market today.Many students leave their OB courses asking questions like: “Does any of this stuff really matter?”, “How does allthis stuff fit together?”, “If that theory doesn’t work, why is it in the book?”, and “Does this stuff have to be so dry?”Those questions will never be asked if Colquitt Essentials is used. The author team has written a text that highlightsthe importance of course topics while organizing them around an integrative model of OB. The text is alsocontemporary, omitting outdated and disproven models that remain in other texts. Most important to students, thetext is written in an approachable, conversational tone, with features that students actually want to read. ColquittEssentials is the complete package in a condensed, unique, and visually stimulating format, all without losing the74 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200974

BusinessHigher Educationintegrity and level of quality we’ve come to expect <strong>from</strong> this author team.CONTENTSPART 1 Introduction to Organizational BehaviorChapter 1: Organizational Behavior: An OverviewChapter 2: Performance and CommitmentPART 2 Individual MechanismsChapter 3: Job SatisfactionChapter 4: StressChapter 5: MotivationChapter 6: Trust, Justice, and EthicsChapter 7: Learning and Decision MakingPART 3 Individual CharacteristicsChapter 8: Personality, Cultural Values, & AbilityPART 4 Group MechanismsChapter 9: TeamsChapter 10: LeadershipPART 5 Organizational MechanismsChapter 11: Organizational StructureChapter 12: Organizational Culture*9780073381466*HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTEleventh EditionBy John M. Ivancevich, University Of Houston-HoustonJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 672 pagesISBN: 9780073381466 / US$163.44ISBN: 9780071267700 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/ivancevich11eIvancevich’s Human Resource Management, 11e takes a managerial orientation; that is it takes the position that HRMis relevant to managers in every unit, project, or team. Managers are constantly faced with HRM issues, problems,and decision-making and the text’s primary goal is to show how each manager must be a human resource problemsolver and diagnostician. This book pays attention to the application of HRM approaches in “real” organizationalsettings and situations. Realism, understanding, and critical thinking were important in the revision. Students andfaculty alike have identified readability and relevance as key strengths of the text. It provides a book that stimulatesideas and keeps all users up-to-date on HRM thinking and practice.CONTENTSPART ONE Introduction to Human Resource Management and the Environment1. Human Resource Management2. A Strategic Management Approach to Human Resource management3. Equal Employment Opportunity: Legal Aspects of Human Resource Management4. Global Human Resource ManagementPART TWO Acquiring Human Resources5. Human Resource Planning and Alignment6. Job Analysis and Design7. Recruitment8. SelectionPART THREE Rewarding Human Resources9. Performance Evaluation and Management10. Compensation: An Overview11. Compensation: Methods and Policies12. Employee Benefits and ServicesPART FOUR Developing Human Resources13. Training and Development14. Career Planning and DevelopmentPART FIVE Labor-Management Relations and Promoting Safety and Health15. Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining16. Managing Employee Discipline17. Promoting Safety and HealthAPPENDIXESGLOSSARYINDEXESPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.7575

Higher EducationBusiness*9780073377049*HUMAN RELATIONSFourth EditionBy Lowell Lamberton, Central Oregon Community College, Leslie Minor-Evans, Central Oregon Community CollegeJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 672 pagesISBN: 9780073377049 / US$88.00More than ever, effective human relations skills are crucial to business success as organizations grow and competein a global business environment. Employees must have the knowledge and skill to adapt to a workplace wherechange is frequent and inevitable.Using time-tested, research-based psychology and management principles, as well as newer theories and philosophiesof human relations drawn <strong>from</strong> management theory, group theory, personality theory, and relationshiptheory Lamberton, Human Relations will help you prepare for this changing world. You will find strategies andtechniques to achieve human relations success on and off the job, and human relations skills that transfer <strong>from</strong>the classroom to the real world of work.CONTENTSPart One: Human Relations and YouChapter 1: Human Relations: A BackgroundChapter 2: Self-Concept and Self-Esteem in Human RelationsChapter 3: Self-Awareness and Self-DisclosureChapter 4: AttitudesChapter 5: Personal and Organization ValuesChapter 6: Motivation: Increasing ProductivityPart Two: Human Relations in GroupsChapter 7: Communication and Human RelationsChapter 8: People, Groups, and Their LeadersChapter 9: Teams in Quality OrganizationsChapter 10: Achieving Emptional CEmotional3>Part Three: Building Your Human Relations SkillsChapter 11: Individual and Organizational ChangeChapter 12: Creativity and Human RelationsChapter 13: Conflict ManagementChapter 14: Stress and Stress ManagementChapter 15: Your External and Internal CustomersPart Four: Thriving In a Changing WorldChapter 16: Human Relations in a World of DiversityChapter 17: Business Ethics and Social ResponsibilityChapter 18: Maintaining Workplace HealthChapter 19: Human Relations and Your Future Success*9780073528533*ANNUAL EDITIONS: HUMAN RESOURCES 09/10Eighteenth EditionBy Fred H. Maidment, Western Ct State UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 192 pagesISBN: 9780073528533 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0073528536.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a widerange of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources.The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a generalaudience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to makethem particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide;an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume alsooffers an online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is thegeneral instructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online.Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.76 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200976

BusinessHigher Education*9780073528557*ANNUAL EDITIONS: BUSINESS ETHICS 09/10Twenty-First EditionBy John E. Richardson, Pepperdine University-Los AngelesFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9780073528557 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0073528552.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a widerange of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources.The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a generalaudience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make themparticularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotatedlisting of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offersan online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is the generalinstructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online. Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.*9780073528526*ANNUAL EDITIONS: MARKETING 09/10Thirty-Second EditionBy John E. Richardson, Pepperdine University-Los AngelesJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 208 pagesISBN: 9780073528526 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0073528528.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a widerange of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources.The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a generalaudience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make themparticularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotatedlisting of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offersan online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is the generalinstructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online. Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.*9780077247690*CRAFTING & EXECUTING STRATEGY: TEXT AND READINGSSeventeenth EditionBy Arthur A. Jr. Thompson, University Of Alabama-Tuscaloosa, A. J. Strickland Iii, University Of Alabama-Tuscaloosa, JohnE. Gamble, University Of South Alabama-MobileJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 640 pagesISBN: 9780077247690 / US$112.50ISBN: 9780070183391 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/thompsonThompson, Strickland and Gambles’, CRAFTING AND EXECUTING STRATEGY, 17e presents the latest researchfindings <strong>from</strong> the literature and cutting-edge strategic practices of companies have been incorporated to keep stepwith both theory and practice. The chapter content continues to be solidly mainstream and balanced, mirroring boththe best academic thinking and the pragmatism of real-world strategic management.An attractive collection of 20 readings that amplify important topics in managing a company’s strategy-making, strategy-executingprocess is included in this Text and Readings version to provide students with a taste of the literatureof strategic management before tackling cases or simulation projects.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.7777

Higher EducationComputingAPPLICATION SOFTWARE*9780073519272*OFFICE 2007 WINDOWS VISTA VERSIONBy Linda I. O’LearyFebruary 2009 / Spiral Bound/Comb / 1408 pagesISBN: 9780073519272 / US$96.25http://www.mhhe.com/olearyTimothy and Linda O’Leary and the Computer Information Technology Team at <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Higher Educationoffer your students a fully integrated learning program with time-tested quality and reliability. It’s theme of “MakingOffice Relevant” helps students understand why they need this course and these skills. Student success isassured through clear step-by-step instruction, plentiful screen captures and conceptual explanations, UPDATEDFOR VISTA USERS! Each Lab, designed to be covered in 1 hour of class time, combines conceptual coveragewith detailed software-specific instructions. Each Lab opens with a running case study that highlights real-worldapplications of each software program and leads students <strong>from</strong> problem to solution. The O’Leary Series helpsstudents learn specific applications skills along with those that cross all Office applications, which is especiallyimportant in mastering this version of Office. The O’Leary Series also correlates with SimNet Online, our onlinetraining and assessment program for Office 2007.CONTENTSIntroduction to Computer EssentialsIntroduction to Microsoft Office 2007Office Word 2007Office Excel 2007Office Access 2007Office PowerPoint 2007Command SummaryGlossary of Key TermsAppendix: More about Office 2007Reference 1Reference 2IndexCOMPUTER CONCEPTS*9780073516745*COMPUTING ESSENTIALS 2010, COMPLETE EDITIONTwentieth EditionBy Timothy J. O’Leary, Arizona State University-Tempe, and Linda I. O’Leary, IndependentFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 544 pagesISBN: 9780073516745 / US$86.56ISBN: 9780070172791 [IE]Your definitive guide to computing concepts! Motivate your students to reveal the relevancy of technology. ComputingEssentials 2010 provides you with a complete learning package focusing on the most important and essentialconcepts of information technology. Students are given a streamlined, concise, attractive approach to thefundamental issues surrounding the world of computing. It has a balanced approach between theory and appliedlearning while highlighting the relevance of these important topics. All of the items featured with this text – includingthe end of chapter materials and the text websites – work together to help you truly understand the basics ofcomputer concepts. This text correlates with Simnet Online for full integration of resources within the ComputingConcepts course.78 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200978

ComputingHigher Education*9780077270742*COMPUTING ESSENTIALS 2010 INTRODUCTORY EDITIONBy Timothy J. O’Leary, Arizona State University, and Linda I. O’Leary, IndependentFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 320 pagesISBN: 9780077270742 / US$74.38ISBN: 9780070183483 [IE]<strong>NEW</strong> TO THIS EDITIONvvCURRENCY: highly updated pictures, topics and examplesTHEME: RELEVANCYv Careers in IT: Each chapter includes a job description for a different career in Information Technology. These descriptionsprovide students with education requirements, as well as salary ranges.v End of Chapter Material: The end of chapter material has been revised and redefined, making it easy for instructorsand students to exercise different skill sets.vApplying Technology: Making correlations between chapter material and real life.v Expanding Your Knowledge: Citing sources other than the textbook to learn more about a specific topic, which encouragesstudents to dig deeper to obtain a more technical understanding.v Writing about Technology: Sharpening critical thinking, analysis, and writing skills by responding to technology-relatedissues such as privacy, security and ethics.v Application-Based Material: Features updated coverage of new Windows and Mac operating systems, expandedcoverage of e-commerce and new material*9780073516752*USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYEighth EditionBy Brian K. Williams, and Stacey SawyerJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 592 pagesISBN: 9780073516752 / US$80.94ISBN: 9780070184992 [IE]The Williams, Using Information Technology, 8th edition utilizes a practical, applied approach to technology. This textis user-focused and has been highly updated including topics, pictures and examples. The Williams text contains lesstheory and more application to engage students who might be more familiar with technology. Continually publishedand updated for over 15 years, Using Information Technology was the first text to foresee and define the impactof digital convergence—the fusion of computers and communications. It was also the first text to acknowledge thenew priorities imposed by the Internet and World Wide Web and bring discussion of them <strong>from</strong> late in the course tothe beginning. Today, it is directed toward the “Always On” generation that is at ease with digital technology—comfortablewith iPhones, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, and the blogosphere—but not always savvy aboutits processes, possibilities, and liabilities. This 8th edition continues to address the two most significant challengesthat instructors face in teaching this course: •Trying to make the course interesting and challenging, and Trying toteach to students with a variety of computer backgrounds. In addition, this text correlates with Simnet Online for fullintegration of resources within the Computing Concepts course.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.7979

Higher EducationComputingCOMPUTER SCIENCE*9780073523378*EXPLORING PYTHONBy Timothy A. Budd, Oregon State UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 408 pagesISBN: 9780073523378 / US$52.19http://www.mhhe.com/buddExploring Python takes an active learning approach which engages the student as an equal partner in the processof learning the fun, educational, and powerful programming language. This approach instills habits that studentswill carry with them throughout their programming career and helps them retain and use the information they havelearned.Tim Budd is one of the best-known authors in Computer Science and has a reputation for producing writing textsalong the leading edge of the discipline. Exploring Python provides an accessible and reliable introduction intoprogramming with the Python language.CONTENTSPart I. Basic features of Python1. Interactive Execution2. Programs in Python3. Functions4. Strings5. Dictionaries6. Files7. Classes8. Functional Programming9. Object-Oriented Programming10. Modules11. Advanced FeaturesPart II.12. GUI programming with Tkinter13. Web-based Applications14. A Blog15. A Wiki web16. A Suduko Solver17. XML parsing with the iTunes database18. Data StructuresAppendicesA. Python Reference ManualB. How to Learn a Second Programming Language*9780073523354*JAVA PROGRAMMING: FROM THE GROUND UPBy Ralph Bravaco, Stonehill College, And Shai Simonson, Stonehill CollegeJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 1136 pagesISBN: 9780073523354 / US$109.06ISBN: 9780070181397 [IE]Java Programming, From The Ground Up, with it’s flexible organization, teaches Java in a way that is refreshing,fun, interesting and still has all the appropriate programming pieces for students to learn. The motivation behindthis writing is to bring a logical, readable, entertaining approach to keep your students involved. Each chapterhas a Bigger Picture section at the end of the chapter to provide a variety of interesting related topics in computerscience. The writing style is conversational and not overly technical so it addresses programming concepts appropriately.Because of the flexibile organization of the text, it can be used for a one or two semester introductoryJava programming class, as well as using Java as a second language.The text contains a large variety of carefully designed exercises that are more effective than the competition.80 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200980

ComputingHigher EducationCONTENTSPart I: The Fundamental Tools1. An Introduction to Computers and Java2. Expressions and Data Types3. Variables and Assignment4. Selection and Decision: if Statements5. Repetition6. Methods7. Arrays and Lists: One Name for Many Data8. RecursionPart II: Principles of Object Oriented Programming9. Objects and Classes I: Encapsulation, Strings, and Things10. Objects and Classes II: Writing Your Own Classes11. Designing With Classes and Objects12. Inheritance13. PolymorphismPart III: More Java Classes14. More Java Classes: The Wrapper Classes and Exceptions15. Stream I/O and Random Access Files16. Data Structures and Generics17. The Java Collections FrameworkPart IV: Basic Graphics, GUIs, and Java’s Event-Driven Model18. Graphics: AWT and Swing19. Event Driven Programming20. A Case Study: Video Poker RevisitedAppendix A: Java KeywordsAppendix B: The ASCII Character SetAppendix C: Operator PrecedenceAppendix D: JavadocAppendix E: Package*9780072449815*OPERATING SYSTEMS: A SPIRAL APPROACHBy Ramez Elmasri, University Of Texas Arlington, A G. Carrick, And David Levine, University Of Texas ArlingtonFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 544 pagesISBN: 9780072449815 / US$138.75ISBN: 9780070164543 [IE]Elmasri, Levine, and Carrick’s “spiral approach” to teaching operating systems develops student understanding earlyand helps students approach the more difficult aspects of operating systems with confidence.While operating systems have changed dramatically over the years, the authors of most operating systems booksuse a linear approach that is difficult for students to follow and requires instructors to constantly put materials incontext. Elmasri, Levine, and Carrick do things differently by following an integrative or “spiral” approach to explainingoperating systems. The spiral approach alleviates the need for an instructor to “jump ahead” when explainingprocesses by helping students “completely” understand a simple, working, functional system as a whole in thevery beginning. This is more effective pedagogically, and it inspires students to continue exploring more advancedconcepts with confidence.CONTENTSPART 1: Operating Systems Overview and Background1 Getting Started2 Operating System Concepts, Components, and ArchitecturesPART 2: Building Operating Systems Incrementally: A Breadth-Oriented Spiral Approach3 A Simple, Single Process Operating System4 A Single User Multi-tasking Operating System5 An Advanced Single User Multi-tasking Operating System6 A Multiple-User Operating System--Linux7 Parallel and Distributed Computing, Clusters and GridsPART 3: In Depth--Processes and Memory8 Process Management: Concepts, Threads, and Scheduling9 More Process Management: Inter-process Communication, Synchronization, and Deadlocks10 Basic Memory Management11 Advanced Memory ManagementPART 4: In Depth--Files and Input/Output12 File Systems--BasicsPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.8181

Higher EducationComputing13 File Systems--Examples and More Features14 Disk Scheduling and Input/Output ManagementPART 5: In Depth--Networks and Distributed Processing15 Introduction to Computer Networks16 Protection and Security17 Introduction to Distributed SystemsPART 6: Case Studies18 Windows Vista19 Linux20 The Palm OSAppendicesAppendix A: Overview of Computer System and Architecture Concepts*9780073375977*SOFTWARE ENGINEERINGA Practitioner’s ApproachSeventh EditionBy Roger S. Pressman, R.S. Pressman & AssociatesJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 928 pagesISBN: 9780073375977 / US$136.56ISBN: 9780071267823 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/pressmanFor almost three decades, Roger Pressman’s Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach has been the world’sleading textbook in software engineering. The new seventh edition represents a major restructuring and update ofprevious editions, solidifying the book’s position as the most comprehensive guide to this important subject.The seventh edition of Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach has been designed to consolidate andrestructure the content introduced over the past two editions of the book. The chapter structure will return to a morelinear presentation of software engineering topics with a direct emphasis on the major activities that are part of ageneric software process. Content will focus on widely used software engineering methods and will de-emphasizeor completely eliminate discussion of secondary methods, tools and techniques. The intent is to provide a moretargeted, prescriptive, and focused approach, while attempting to maintain SEPA’s reputation as a comprehensiveguide to software engineering.The book will be organized in five (5) parts-Process, Modeling, Quality Management, Project Management, andAdvanced Topics. The chapter count will remain at 32, unchanged <strong>from</strong> the sixth edition. However, eight new chaptershave been developed and another six chapters have undergone major or moderate revisions. The remainingchapters have undergone minor edits/updates.CONTENTS1 Software and Software EngineeringPart One The Software Process2 Process Models3 Agile DevelopmentPart Two Modeling4 Principles that Guide Practice5 Understanding Requirements6 Requirements Modeling: Scenarios, Information, and Analysis Classes7 Requirements Modeling: Flow, Behavior, Patterns, and WebApps8 Design Concepts9 Architectural Design10 Component-Level Design11 User Interface Design12 Pattern-Based Design13 WebApp DesignPart Three Quality Management14 Quality Concepts15 Review Techniques16 Software Quality Assurance17 Software Testing Strategies18 Testing Conventional Applications19 Testing Object-Oriented Applications20 Testing Web Applications21 Formal Modeling and Verification22 Software Configuration Management82 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200982

ComputingHigher Education23 Product MetricsPart Four Project Management24 Project Management Concepts25 Process and Project Metrics26 Estimation for Software Projects27 Project Scheduling28 Risk Management29 Maintenance and ReengineeringPart Five Advanced Topics30 Software Process Improvement31 Emerging Trends in Software Engineering32 Concluding CommentsAppendix I-An Introduction to UMLAppendix II-Object-Oriented ConceptsPROGRAMMING*9780073517223*ADVANCED PROGRAMMING USING VISUAL BASIC 2008Fourth EditionBy Julia Case Bradley, Mt San Antonio College, And Anita C. Millspaugh, Mt San Antonio CollegeJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 672 pagesISBN: 9780073517223 / US$90.00The author team of Julia Bradley and Anita Millspaugh remain the guiding light for countless students around the worldin Programming in Visual Basic 2008. How better to master the most popular object-oriented programming languagethan to use the bestselling textbook? Be at the cutting edge of technology with examples, feedback questions, and afull Hands-On Programming Example. Apply the concepts yourself with Case Studies and Exercises. Screen captures,step-by-step exercises, and thorough appendices ensure that Programming Excellence Begins Here.CONTENTSChapter 1. Visual Studio and the .NET Framework 1Chapter 2. Building Multitier Programs with Classes 49Chapter 3. Windows Database Applications 105Chapter 4. Windows Database using Related Tables 149Chapter 5. Windows Database Updates 187Chapter 6. Services 249Chapter 7. Web Applications 275Chapter 8. Web Database Applications 351Chapter 9. Reports 403Chapter 10. Collections 431Chapter 11. User Controls 465Chapter 12. Help Files 491Chapter 13. Additional Topics in Visual Basic 507AppendixGlossaryIndexPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.8383

Higher EducationComputing*9780073517216*PROGRAMMING IN VISUAL C# 2008Third EditionBy Julia Case Bradley, Mt San Antonio College, And Anita C. Millspaugh, Mt San Antonio CollegeJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 704 pagesISBN: 9780073517216 / US$88.44ISBN: 9780070172814 [IE]Be sharp. Learn C#. Programming in Visual C# 2008 gives you a fresh and easily accessible approach to learningprogramming concepts using Visual C# for 2008, one of the most pervasive programming languages in the job markettoday. Best-selling authors Bradley and Millspaugh apply their proven pedagogy, incorporating basic concepts ofprogramming, problem solving, and programming logic and design techniques to teach a mastery of Visual C# atan introductory level. A hands-on approach, Programming in Visual C# 2008 lets you begin programming in the veryfirst chapter. Thought-provoking feedback questions and in-chapter tips are dispersed throughout so students canreflect on a topic introduced and evaluate their understanding of the details. Comprehensive Hands-On ProgrammingExamples found in each chapter reinforce the programming logic and techniques learned in the chapter.CONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual C# 2008 1Chapter 2 User Interface Design 67Chapter 3 Variables, Constants, and Calculations 107Chapter 4 Decisions and Conditions 157Chapter 5 Menus, Common Dialog Boxes, and Methods 217Chapter 6 Multiform Projects 259Chapter 7 Lists, Loops, and Printing 293Chapter 8 Arrays 331Chapter 9 Web Applications 369Chapter 10 Database Applications 411Chapter 11 Data Files 451Chapter 12 OOP: Creating Object-Oriented Programs 481Chapter 13 Graphics, Animation, Sound, and Drag-and-Drop 535Chapter 14 Additional Topics in C# 571Appendix A Answers to Feedback Questions 613Appendix B Methods for Working with Dates, Mathematics, and String Operations 627Appendix C Tips and Shortcuts for Mastering the Environment 635Appendix D Security 653Glossary 657Index84 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200984

EngineeringHigher EducationELECTRICAL ENGINEERING*9780073380407*COMMUNICATION SYSTEMSFifth EditionBy A. Bruce Carlson, Rensselaer Polytech Institute, Paul B. Crilly, University Of Tennessee-Knoxville, and Janet Rutledge,University of Maryland at BaltimoreFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 944 pagesISBN: 9780073380407 / US$167.19ISBN: 9780071263320 [IE]This exciting revision of Communication Systems, a classic text in the communications field, presents an introductionto electrical communication systems, including analysis methods, design principles, and hardware considerations.The fifth edition has been updated to reflect current technology in this ever-evolving field.The text covers both analog and digital communications. It features worked examples and exercises for students tosolve within chapters, helping them to master new concepts as they are introduced.CONTENTS1 Introduction2 Signals and Spectra3 Signal Transmission and Filtering4 Linear CW Modulation5 Exponential CW Modulation6 Sampling and Pulse Modulation7 Analog Communication Systems8 Probability and Random Variables9 Random Signals and Noise10 Noise in Analog Modulation Systems11 Baseband Digital Transmission12 Digitization Techniques for Analog Messages and Computer Networks13 Channel Coding and Encryption14 Bandpass Digital Transmission15 Spread Spectrum Systems16 Information and Detection TheoryAppendix: Circuit and System Noise*9780073191645*INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC DESIGNThird EditionBy Alan B. Marcovitz, Florida Atlantic University-Boca RatonJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 656 pagesISBN: 9780073191645 / US$155.63ISBN: 9780070164901 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/marcovitzIntroduction to Logic Design by Alan Marcovitz is intended for the first course in logic design, taken by computerscience, computer engineering, and electrical engineering students. As with the previous editions, this edition has aclear presentation of fundamentals and an exceptional collection of examples, solved problems and exercises.The text integrates laboratory experiences, both hardware and computer simulation, while not making them mandatoryfor following the main flow of the chapters. Design is emphasized throughout, and switching algebra is developed asa tool for analyzing and implementing digital systems. The presentation includes excellent coverage of minimizationof combinational circuits, including multiple output ones, using the Karnaugh map and iterated consensus. Thereare a number of examples of the design of larger systems, both combinational and sequential, using medium scaleintegrated circuits and programmable logic devices.The third edition features two chapters on sequential systems. The first chapter covers analysis of sequential systemsand the second covers design. Complete coverage of the analysis and design of synchronous sequential systemsadds to the comprehensive nature of the text. The derivation of state tables <strong>from</strong> word problems further emphasizesthe practical implementation of the material being presented.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.8585

Higher EducationEngineeringCONTENTS1 Introduction2 Combinational Systems3 The Karnaugh Map4 Function Minimization Algorithms5 Designing Combinational Systems6 Analysis of Sequential Systems7 The Design of Sequential Systems8 Solving Larger Sequential Problems9 Simplification of Sequential CircuitsAppendix A Relating the Algebra to the Karnaugh MapAppendix B Answers to Selected ExercisesAppendix C Chapter Tests AnswersAppendix D Laboratory ExperimentsAppendix E Complete ExamplesGENERAL ENGINEERING*9780073385860*SPREADSHEET TOOLS FOR ENGINEERS USING EXCEL 2007By Byron S. Gottfried, University Of Pittsburgh-PittsburghJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 512 pagesISBN: 9780073385860 / US$63.13This practical text is a perfect fit for introductory engineering courses by successfully combining an introduction toExcel fundamentals with a clear presentation on how Excel can be used to solve common engineering problems.Updated to ensure compatibility with Excel 2007, Spreadsheet Tools for Engineers Using Excel 2007 providesbeginning engineering students with a strong foundation in problem solving using Excel as the modern day equivalentof the slide rule.As part of <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s BEST series for freshman engineering curricula, this text is particularly geared towardintroductory students. The author provides plenty of background information on technical terms, and numerousexamples illustrating both traditional and spreadsheet solutions for a variety of engineering problems. The first threechapters introduce the basics of problem solving and Excel fundamentals. Beyond that, the chapters are largelyindependent of one another. Topics covered include graphing data, converting units, analyzing data, interpolationand curve fitting, solving equations, evaluating integrals, writing macros, and comparing economic alternatives.CONTENTS1. Engineering Analysis and Spreadsheets2. Creating an Excel Worksheet3. Editing an Excel Worksheet4. Making Logical Decisions (IF-THEN-ELSE)5. Graphing Data6. Analyzing Data Statisically7. Fitting Equations to Data8. Sorting and Filtering Data9. Transferring Data10. Converting Units11. Solving Single Equations12. Solving Simultaneous Equations13. Evaluating Integrals14. Creating and Executing Macros and Functions15. Comparing Economic Alternatives16. Finding Optimum SolutionsAppendixIndex86 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200986

EngineeringHigher Education*9780072483116*INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING ETHICSSecond EditionBy Mike Martin, Chapman University, and Roland Schinzinger (deceased)February 2009 / Softcover / 288 pagesISBN: 9780072483116 / US$57.19Introduction to Engineering Ethics provides the background for discussion of the basic issues in engineering ethics.Emphasis is given to the moral problems engineers face in the corporate setting. It places those issues within aphilosophical framework, and it seeks to exhibit their social importance and intellectual challenge. The primary goalis to stimulate critical and responsible reflection on moral issues surrounding engineering practice and to providethe conceptual tools necessary for pursuing those issues.Students preparing to function within the engineering profession need to be introduced to the basic issues in engineeringethics.CONTENTS1 Ethics and Professionalism2 Moral Reasoning and Codes of Ethics3 Moral Frameworks4 Engineering as Social Experimentation5 Commitment to Safety6 Workplace Responsibilities and Rights7 Truth and Truthfulness8 Computer Ethics9 Environmental Ethics10 Global JusticeAppendix: NSPE Code of EthicsINDUSTRIAL/PLANT ENGINEERING*9780077298340*INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS RESEARCH WITH STUDENT ACCESSCARDNinth EditionBy Frederick S. <strong>Hill</strong>ier, Stanford UniversityFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 1088 pagesISBN: 9780077298340 / US$184.38For over four decades, Introduction to Operations Research by Frederick <strong>Hill</strong>ier has been the classic text on operationsresearch. While building on the classic strengths of the text, the author continues to find new ways to make thetext current and relevant to students. One way is by incorporating a wealth of state-of-the-art, user-friendly softwareand more coverage of business applications than ever before. The hallmark features of this edition include clearand comprehensive coverage of fundamentals, an extensive set of interesting problems and cases, and state-ofthe-practiceoperations research software used in conjunction with examples <strong>from</strong> the text.CONTENTS1 Introduction2 Overview of the Operations Research Modeling Approach3 Introduction to Linear Programming4 Solving Linear Programming Problems: The Simplex Method5 The Theory of the Simplex Method6 Duality Theory and Sensitivity Analysis7 Other Algorithms for Linear Programming8 The Transportation and Assignment Problems9 Network Optimization Models10 Dynamic Programming11 Integer Programming12 Nonlinear ProgrammingPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.8787

Higher EducationEngineering13 Metaheuristics14 Game Theory15 Decision Analysis16 Markov Chains17 Queueing Theory18 Inventory Theory19 Markov Decision Processes20 SimulationAppendix 1 Documentation for the OR CoursewareAppendix 2 ConvexityAppendix 3 Classical Optimization MethodsAppendix 4 Matrices and Matrix OperationsAppendix 5 Table for a Normal Distribution*9780077289317*PRINCIPLES OF STATISTICS FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTSBy William C. Navidi, Colorado School Of MinesJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 608 pagesISBN: 9780077289317 / US$135.00Principles of Statistics for Engineers and Scientists offers the same crystal clear presentation of applied statisticsas Bill Navidi’s Statistics for Engineers and Scientists text, in a manner especially designed for the needs of aone-semester course that focuses on applications.The text features a unique approach accentuated by an engaging writing style that explains difficult concepts clearly.By presenting ideas in the context of real-world data featured in plentiful examples, the book motivates students tounderstand fundamental concepts through practical examples found in industry and research.CONTENTS1 Sampling and Descriptive Statistics2 Summarizing Bivariate Data3 Probability4 Commonly Used Distributions5 Point and Interval Estimation for a Single Sample6 Hypothesis Tests for a Single Sample7 Inferences for Two Samples8 Inference in Linear Models9 Factorial Experiments10 Statistical Quality ControlMECHANICAL ENGINEERING*9780077275563*VECTOR MECHANICS FOR ENGINEERS: STATICSNinth EditionBy Ferdinand P. Beer deceased), E. Russell Johnston, Jr. University of Connecticut, Elliot R. Eisenberg, Pennsylvania StateUniversity, and David Mazurek, U S Coast Guard AcademyJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 992 pagesISBN: 9780077275563 / US$154.06Continuing in the spirit of its successful previous editions, the ninth edition of Beer, Johnston, Mazurek, andCornwell’s Vector Mechanics for Engineers provides conceptually accurate and thorough coverage together witha significant refreshment of the exercise sets and online delivery of homework problems to your students. Nearlyforty percent of the problems in the text are changed <strong>from</strong> the previous edition.The Beer/Johnston textbooks introduced significant pedagogical innovations into engineering mechanics teaching.The consistent, accurate problem-solving methodology gives your students the best opportunity to learn staticsand dynamics. At the same time, the careful presentation of content, unmatched levels of accuracy, and attentionto detail have made these texts the standard for excellence.88 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200988

EngineeringHigher EducationCONTENTS1 Introduction2 Statics of Particles3 Rigid Bodies: Equivalent Systems of Forces4 Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies5 Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity6 Analysis of Structures7 Forces in Beams and Cables8 Friction9 Distributed Forces: Moments of Inertia10 Method of Virtual WorkFundamentals of Engineering ExaminationIndexAnswers to Problems*9780077275556*VECTOR MECHANICS FOR ENGINEERS: STATICS AND DYNAMICSNinth EditionBy Ferdinand P. Beer (deceased), E. Russell Johnston, Jr. University of Connecticut, Elliot R. Eisenberg, Pennsylvania StateUniversity, Phillip J. Cornwell, Rose-Hulman Institute Technology, And David Mazurek, U S Coast Guard AcademyJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 1376 pagesISBN: 9780077275556 / US$190.31Continuing in the spirit of its successful previous editions, the ninth edition of Beer, Johnston, Mazurek, and Cornwell’sVector Mechanics for Engineers provides conceptually accurate and thorough coverage together with a significantrefreshment of the exercise sets and online delivery of homework problems to your students. Nearly forty percentof the problems in the text are changed <strong>from</strong> the previous edition.The Beer/Johnston textbooks introduced significant pedagogical innovations into engineering mechanics teaching.The consistent, accurate problem-solving methodology gives your students the best opportunity to learn statics anddynamics. At the same time, the careful presentation of content, unmatched levels of accuracy, and attention to detailhave made these texts the standard for excellence.CONTENTS1 Introduction2 Statics of Particles3 Rigid Bodies: Equivalent Systems of Forces4 Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies5 Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity6 Analysis of Structures7 Forces in Beams and Cables8 Friction9 Distributed Forces: Moments of Inertia10 Method of Virtual Work11 Kinematics of Particles12 Kinetics of Particles: Newton’s Second Law13 Kinetics of Particles: Energy and Momentum Methods14 Systems of Particles15 Kinematics of Rigid Bodies16 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Forces and Accelerations17 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Energy and Momentum Methods18 Kinetics of Rigid Bodies in Three Dimensions19 Mechanical VibrationsAppendix Fundamentals of Engineering ExaminationPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.8989

Higher EducationEngineering*9780077295493*VECTOR MECHANICS FOR ENGINEERS: DYNAMICSNinth EditionBy Ferdinand P. Beer deceased), E. Russell Johnston, Jr. University of Connecticut, William E. Clausen, Ohio State University,Elliot R. Eisenberg, Pennsylvania State University, and Phillip J. Cornwell, Rose-Hulman Institute TechnologyJanuary 2009 / HardcoverISBN: 9780077295493 / US$154.06Continuing in the spirit of its successful previous editions, the ninth edition of Beer, Johnston, Mazurek, andCornwell’s Vector Mechanics for Engineers provides conceptually accurate and thorough coverage together witha significant refreshment of the exercise sets and online delivery of homework problems to your students. Nearlyforty percent of the problems in the text are changed <strong>from</strong> the previous edition.The Beer/Johnston textbooks introduced significant pedagogical innovations into engineering mechanics teaching.The consistent, accurate problem-solving methodology gives your students the best opportunity to learn staticsand dynamics. At the same time, the careful presentation of content, unmatched levels of accuracy, and attentionto detail have made these texts the standard for excellence.CONTENTS11 Kinematics of Particles12 Kinetics of Particles: Newton’s Second Law13 Kinetics of Particles: Energy and Momentum Methods14 Systems of Particles15 Kinematics of Rigid Bodies16 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Forces and Accelerations17 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Energy and Momentum Methods18 Kinetics of Rigid Bodies in Three Dimensions19 Mechanical VibrationsAppendix A Some Useful Definitions and Properties of Vector AlgebraAppendix B Moments of Inertia of MassesAppendix C Fundamentals of Engineering Examination*9780073529363*HEAT TRANSFERTenth EditionBy Jack P. Holman, Southern Methodist UniversityJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 752 pagesISBN: 9780073529363 / US$179.38ISBN: 9780071267694 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/holmanAs one of the most popular heat transfer texts, Jack Holman’s Heat Transfer is noted for its clarity, accessibleapproach, and inclusion of many examples and problem sets. The new tenth edition retains the straight-forward,to-the-point writing style while covering both analytical and empirical approaches to the subject. Throughout thebook, emphasis is placed on physical understanding while, at the same time, relying on meaningful experimentaldata in those situations that do not permit a simple analytical solution. New examples and templates provide studentswith updated resources for computer-numerical solutions.CONTENTS1 Introduction2 Steady-State Conduction--One Dimension3 Steady-State Conduction--Multiple Dimensions4 Unsteady-State Conduction5 Principles of Convection6 Empircal and Practical Relations for Forced-Convection Heat Transfer7 Natural Convection Systems8 Radiation Heat Transfer9 Condensation and Boiling Heat Transfer10 Heat Exchangers11 Mass Transfer12 Summary and Design Information90 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200990

EngineeringHigher Education*9780077117399*MANUFACTURING, PLANNING AND CONTROLBy Patrik Jonsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and Stig-Arne MattssonFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 552 pagesISBN: 9780077117399 / US$85.50[<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK Title]FEATURESvProblems, Exercises ExamplesSome of the chapters feature problems and exercises to help explain concepts. Full solutions to the Problems areprovided in Appendix A. Boxed examples show how a particular concept or idea is used in practice.vFigures and TablesEach chapter provides a number of figures, illustrations and tables to help you visualize the examples. Descriptivecaptions summarise important concepts and explain the relevance of the illustration.vCases and Discussion QuestionsThis book includes cases at the end of many of the chapters to illustrate current practice and key concepts definedand described in the book. Each case is followed by a set of related questions to help you critically apply your understandingand further develop some of the topics introduced to you.vDiscussion TasksThis feature encourages you to review and apply the knowledge you have acquired <strong>from</strong> each chapter.CONTENTSPart I: Starting points of production and materials managementChapter One: Introduction and backgroundChapter Two: The manufacturing companyChapter Three: Approaches in production and materials managementPart II: Preconditions for production and materials managementChapter Four: Efficiency through production and materials managementChapter Five: Basic data for manufacturing operationsChapter Six: Planning parameters and variablesPart III: Forecasting and master planningChapter Seven: ForecastingChapter Eight: Customer order managementChapter Nine: Sales and operations planningChapter Ten: Master production schedulingPart IV: Detailed planning and executionChapter Eleven: Material planningChapter Twelve: Lot SizingChapter Thirteen: Determining safety stocksChapter Fourteen: Capacity planningChapter Fifteen: Execution and control in pull environmentsChapter Sixteen: Execution and control in a traditional planning environmentChapter Seventeen: Procurement of materialsChapter Eighteen: Inventory accountingPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.9191

Higher EducationEngineering*9780073529271*SYSTEM DYNAMICSSecond EditionBy William J. Palm IIIJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 944 pagesISBN: 9780073529271 / US$170.63ISBN: 9780071267793 [IE]System Dynamics includes the strongest treatment of computational software and system simulation of any availabletext, with its early introduction of MATLAB® and Simulink®. The text’s extensive coverage also includes discussionof the root locus and frequency response plots, among other methods for assessing system behavior in the timeand frequency domains as well as topics such as function discovery, parameter estimation, and system identificationtechniques, motor performance evaluation, and system dynamics in everyday life.CONTENTS1 Introduction2 Modeling of Rigid-Body Mechanical Systems3 Solution Methods for Dynamic Models4 Spring and Damper Elements in Mechanical Systems5 State-Variable Models and Simulation Methods6 Electrical and Electromechanical Systems7 Fluid and Thermal Systems8 System Analysis in the Frequency Domain9 Transient Response and Block Diagram Models10 Introduction to Feedback Control11 Control Systems Design and the Root Locus Plot12 Compensator Design and the Bode Plot13 Vibration ApplicationsAppendices*9780072975741*THE MECHANICAL DESIGN PROCESSFourth EditionBy David G. Ullman, Oregon State UniversityFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 480 pagesISBN: 9780072975741 / US$123.44ISBN: 9780071267960 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/ullman4eThe fourth edition of The Mechanical Design Process combines a practical overview of the design process with casematerial and real-life engineering insights. Ullman’s work as an innovative designer comes through consistently,and has made this book a favorite with readers.This book conveys the “flavor” of design, addressing both traditional engineering topics as well as real-world issueslike creative thinking, synthesis of ideas, visualization, teamwork, sense of customer needs and product successfactors, and the financial aspects of design alternatives, in a practical and motivating manner. The Industrial Clampbrings the design stages and concepts to life, and shows the actual steps taken to generate design ideas andbring them to fruition. Approaches to concept generation, including TRIZ and axiomatic design, are given strongcoverage.This text is appropriate primarily for the Senior Design course taken by mechanical engineering students, thoughit can also be used in design courses offered earlier in the curriculum. Working engineers also find it to be a readable,practical overview of the modern design process.92 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200992

MedicalHigher EducationALLIED HEALTH*9780073374147*ESSENTIALS OF MEDICAL LANGUAGEBy David Allan, and Karen LockyerJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 736 pagesISBN: 9780073374147 / US$66.00http://www.mhhe.com/allanessmedlanguageESSENTIALS OF MEDICAL LANGUAGE FOR MODERN HEALTH CARE provides students with an active learningapproach. It is Easy to Use because of the carefully planned content; students see all of the information they need onlay-flat two-page spreads. They no longer need to flip forward or backward to see definitions, word parts, or illustrations.Easy to Teach because of the visual, detailed lesson plans in the Instructor’s Manual. Even novice instructorswill have everything they need in one place. Easy to Implement because of the detailed syllabi and lessons plans aswell as “How To Teach Medical Terminology” training on the OLC. Chapters in the textbook are organized by bodysystem in accordance with an overall anatomy and physiology (A & P) approach. Lessons introduce and defineterminology through the context of A & P, pathology, and clinical and diagnostic procedures/tests. The organizationof the body systems into chapters is based on an “outside to inside” sequence that reflects a physician’s differentialdiagnosis method used during an examination. To provide students with an authentic context, students actually stepinto the role of an allied health professional associated with each specialty. Patient cases and documentation areused to illustrate the real-life application of medical terminology in modern health care: to care for and communicatingwith patients, and to interact with other members of the health care team. The A & P organizational approach, usedin conjunction an authentic medical setting and patient cases, encourages student motivation and facilitates active,engaged learning. The unique interior design of the text makes it much easier for students to learn medical termsand apply those terms in numerous exercises and applications.CONTENTSPrefaceWelcomeChapter 1 The Anatomy of Word Construction: The Essential Elements of the Language of MedicineChapter 2 The Body as a Whole: The Essentials of the Language of AnatomyChapter 3 The Integumentary System: The Essentials of the Language of DermatologyChapter 4 Special Senses of the Eye and Ear: The Essentials of the Languages of Ophthalmology and OtologyChapter 5 The Digestive System: The Essentials of the Language of GastroenterologyChapter 6 Cardiovascular and Circulatory Systems: The Essentials of the Language of CardiologyChapter 7 Respiratory System: The Essentials of the Language of PulmonologyChapter 8 Bones and the Axial Skeleton: The Essentials of the Language of OrthopedicsChapter 9 The Appendicular Skeleton: The Essentials of the Languages of Orthopedics and RehabilitationChapter 10 Endocrine System: The Essentials of the Language of EdocrinologyChapter 11 The Blood, Lymphatic, and Immune Systems: The Essentials of the Languages of Hematology and ImmunologyChapter 12 The Nervous System: The Essentials of the Language of NeurologyChapter 13 Urinary System and Male Reproductive System: The Essentials of the Language of UrologyChapter 14 Female Reproductive System: The Essentials of the Language of GynecologyChapter 15 Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Breast: The Essentials of the Language of ObstetricsChapter 16 Life Span: The Essentials of the Languages of Pediatrics and GerontologyAppendix A: End-of-Book ExercisesAppendix B: Word PartsAppendix C: AbbreviationsAppendix D: Diagnostic and Therapeutic ProceduresAppendix E: PharmacologyGlossaryIndexPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.9393

Higher EducationMedical*978007729049*MATH & DOSAGE CALCULATIONS FOR HEALTH CAREERS WITHSTUDENT CDThird EditionBy Kathryn A. Booth, Total Care Programming, and James Whaley, Baker CollegeFebruary 2009 / Softcover with CDROMISBN: 9780077290498 / US$85.00http://www.mhhe.com/mathdosage3eMath and Dosage Calculations for Medical Careers teaches the skills and techniques medical assistants, nurses,pharmacy technicians, and paramedics need to calculate the amount of medication they should administer to patients.Students learn to calculate dosages based on ratio proportions, fraction proportions, the formula method,and dimensional analysis.CONTENTS1 Fractions and Decimals2 Percents, Ratios, and Proportions3 Systems of Weights and Measures4 Equipment for Dosage Measurement5 Drug Orders6 Drug Labels and Package Inserts7 Methods of Dosage Calculations8 Oral Dosages9 Parenteral Dosages10 Intravenous Dosages11 Calculations for Special Populations12 Specialized CalculationsAppendices.*9780077290504*MATH FOR THE PHARMACY TECHNICIAN WITH STUDENT CD-ROMBy Lynn Egler, Dorsey Business School, Kathryn A. Booth, Total Care ProgrammingFebruary 2009 / Softcover with CDROMISBN: 9780077290504 / US$54.06http://www.mhhe.com/eglermathpharmacytechRecognizing the enormous need for well-trained Pharmacy Technicians as well as the serious need to decreasemedication errors, Math for Pharmacy Technicians: Concepts and Calculations was developed. This textbook isorganized <strong>from</strong> simple to complex and walks the student through the necessary information to pass the math portionof the PTCB exam. The text includes Pharmacy Technician-specific information that is non-threatening andhelps the student learn to safely practice as a Pharmacy Technician. This text is organized into 11 chapters, alongwith a pretest and a comprehensive evaluation or posttest.CONTENTSPRETEST –(covers basic math concepts chapters 1 & 2)CHAPTER 1--Numbering Systems and Mathematical ReviewCHAPTER 2--Working with Percents, Ratios and ProportionsCHAPTER 3--Systems of Measurement and WeightCHAPTER 4--Drug OrdersCHAPTER 5--Drug Labels, Package Inserts, and ReferencesCHAPTER 6--Dosage CalculationsCHAPTER 7--Oral Medications and Parenteral DosagesCHAPTER 8--Intravenous CalculationsCHAPTER 9--Special Preparations and CalculationsCHAPTER 10--Pediatric and Geriatric ConsiderationsCHAPTER 11--Operational CalculationsPost Test (covers entire of text)Appendix A-Common Look/Alike and Sound/Alike MedicationsAppendix B-Answer Key-Review & Practice ProblemsGlossaryCreditsIndexConversion Cards94 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200994

MedicalHigher Education*9780073373980*CODING REVIEW FOR NATIONAL CERTIFICATION: PASSING THE CPCAND CCS-P EXAMSBy Mary A. Harmon, Medtech CollegeJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 288 pagesISBN: 9780073373980 / US$86.33http://www.mhhe.com/harmoncodingreview“Coding Review for National Certification: Passing the CPC and CCS-P Exams” is for the student who has completeda formal education in medical coding or an individual with at least three years full-time medical coding experiencewho is seeking certification. The goal of the textbook is three-fold. First, it guides through an overall review of theCPT and ICD-9 manuals, their guidelines, modifiers, coding conventions and specific notations to coding descriptors.Secondly it provides many practice problems throughout the text, coding problems at the end of each chapter, anda mock examination at the end of the text. Thirdly it helps students to “think like a coder.” Learning to think throughevery coding problem or question in an analytical, organized, sequential approach teaches students to attack the“problem” in a consistent manner, which in turn, provides consistent accuracy in coding.CONTENTSPrefaceUnit 1: Foundation for Taking the Coding ExaminationChapter 1: Test Taking SkillsChapter 2: Anatomy and Physiology ReviewChapter 3: Medical Terminology and Pathophysiology ReviewUnit 2: Procedures ReviewChapter 4: CPT Guidelines ReviewChapter 5: Evaluation and Management ReviewChapter 6: Anesthesia ReviewChapter 7: Surgery ReviewChapter 8: Radiology ReviewChapter 9: Pathology and Laboratory ReviewChapter 10: Medicine Section ReviewChapter 11: HCPCS Level II Codes ReviewUnit 3: Diagnoses ReviewChapter 12: ICD-9 CM Guidelines and Coding Conventions Review—Parts I and IIUnit 4: Practice Coding ExaminationChapter 13: Practice ExaminationAppendix A: Answers and RationaleAppendix B: AbbreviationsAppendix C: Correlations to Certification ExaminationsGlossaryIndex*9780073374130*MEDICAL OFFICE HANDBOOKBy Carlene Harrison, Hodges UniversityJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 240 pagesISBN: 9780073374130 / US$45.33The Medical Office Handbook provides readers with a handy resource for both the student on their externship or goingto their first job, as well as the seasoned professional who has been in the medical office for years. The medicaloffice is a busy place with many day-to-day challenges. Each chapter of the Handbook was written to provide thereader with a practical summary of the critical information they need to know. Sample forms, checklists and letters,as well as resources for more information are included.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.9595

Higher EducationMedical*9780073402062*LAW & ETHICS FOR MEDICAL CAREERSFifth EditionBy Karen Judson, and Carlene Harrison, Hodges UniversityJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 400 pagesISBN: 9780073402062 / US$82.67http://www.mhhe.com/judson5eLaw and Ethics for Medical Careers, Fifth Edition, provides an overview of the laws and ethics you should knowto help you give competent, compassionate care to patients that is within acceptable legal and ethical boundaries.The text can also serve as a guide to help you resolve the many legal and ethical questions you may reasonablyexpect to face as a student and, later, as a health care practitioner. The text features pertinent legal cases, anecdotes,and sidebars related to health-related careers. Content has been updated and special attention has beenpaid to legislation affecting health care.*9780077302368*PHARMACY TECHNICIAN: PRACTICE AND PROCEDURES WITH STUDENTCDBy Gail Orum-Alexander, and James MiznerFebruary 2009ISBN: 9780077302368 / US$68.75Pharmacy Technician: Practice and Procedures provides a comprehensive approach to the training of a PharmacyTechnician. Written for students in career and community colleges, vocational schools, and pharmacy chain trainingprograms, the text focuses on customer service and communication, critical thinking and problem solving, andemphasizes hands-on lab work. Pharmacy Technician: Practice and Procedures enlists technology, comprehensiveeducational methodologies and a range of resources to help students succeed.CONTENTSUnit 1: The Pharmacy TechnicianChapter 1: Overview, Practice Settings and OrganizationsChapter 2: Basic Safety and StandardsChapter 3: Communications and Customer ServiceChapter 4: Law and EthicsUnit 2: Pharmacology and MedicationsChapter 5: Measurements and CalculationsChapter 6: Introduction to PharmacologyChapter 7: Classifications of DrugsChapter 8: Over the Counter AgentsChapter 9: Complementary and Alternative ModalitiesUnit 3: Medication Management and PreparationChapter 10: Dosage Forms, Abbreviations, and Routes of AdministrationChapter 11: Extemporaneous Compounding and IV AdmixturesChapter 12: Medication ErrorsChapter 13: ReferencingUnit 4: Practice SettingsChapter 14: Retail SettingChapter 15: Hospital SettingChapter 16: Other EnvironmentsChapter 17: Inventory ManagementUnit 5: Transition From Student to TechnicianChapter 18: Preparing for Your Career as a Pharmacy TechnicianChapter 19: Career Development.96 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200996

MedicalHigher Education*9780073401911*BUILDING A HEALTHY BUSINESSFor Massage and Alternative Healthcare PracticesBy Jan Saeger, Keiser University, and Lewis RudolphJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 272 pagesISBN: 9780073401911 / US$40.67http://www.mhhe.com/saegerbussuccessMany students in health care and healing arts curriculums, including massage therapy, physical therapy, chiropractic,homeopathy, athletic or personal training, naturopathy, acupuncture, Reiki, and many more, possess a strong desireto help others but do not know how to create and maintain a thriving practice. Building a Healthy Business: ForMassage and Alternative Practices by authors Jan Saeger and Lewis Rudolph gives students of any age the toolsneeded to start and grow a successful business.CONTENTSPart One: Starting in the Business WorldChapter 1-Building a Strong FoundationChapter 2-Creating a Mission StatementChapter 3-Setting GoalsChapter 4-Evaluation and Application of Your GoalsChapter 5-Putting Together a TeamPart Two: Living in the Business WorldChapter 6-BudgetingChapter 7-Customer, Locations and Service ProvidedChapter 8-Buisness Layout and LookChapter 9-The Legal AspectsChapter 10-Getting HelpChapter 11-Success Through EthicsChapter 12-Ethical Business PracticesChapter 13-Marketing Your BusinessChapter 14-Financial PoliciesChapter 15-Additional Business PoliciesChapter 16-Medical DocumentationChapter 17-AccountingPart Three: Enjoying the Fruits of Your LaborChapter 18-Enjoying the Fruits of Your LaborAppendix A-State-by-State Resource GuideAppendix B-Web Resource GuideAppendix C-Business PlanAppendix D-References and ResourcesAppendix E- Sample FormsGlossaryIndex*9780073402000*CASE STUDIES FOR THE MEDICAL OFFICE: CAPSTONE BILLINGSIMULATIONFifth EditionBy Susan Sanderson, Chestnut <strong>Hill</strong> EnterprisesJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 280 pagesISBN: 9780073402000 / US$53.00http://www.mhhe.com/casestudies5eThis capstone simulation using Medisoft Patient Billing Software, Version 14, gives students enhanced training thatfosters superior qualifications for a variety of medical office jobs. Extensive hands-on practice with realistic sourcedocuments teaches students to input information, schedule appointments, and handle billing, reports, and otheressential tasks. The simulation is recommended for students who have completed the study of Medisoft AdvancedVersion 14 using Computers in the Medical Office or Patient Billing.CONTENTSPart 1 Introduction to Polaris Medical GroupPart 2 Polaris Medical Group Policy and Procedure ManualPart 3 On the JobPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.9797

Higher EducationMedicalPart 4 Source DocumentsGlossaryIndex*9780077302344*MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY: LANGUAGE FOR HEALTH CARE WITHSTUDENT CD-ROMS AND AUDIO CDSThird EditionBy Nina Thierer, Ivy Techical Community College Of Indiana, Deb Nelson, Judy Ward, Ivy Techical Community College OfIndiana – Indianapolis, And La Tonya Young, Georgia State UniversityJanuary 2009 / Softcover with Audio CDISBN: 9780077302344 / US$88.13http://www.mhhe.com/medterm3eMedical Terminology: Language for Health Care provides the comprehensive coverage needed for a 2-term orintensive 1-term Medical Terminology course. It provides clear instruction on the basics of anatomy and physiology,using a body systems approach, and making use of extensive new line art figures and photos. The text includesboth clinical and administrative office examples and cases that provide a realistic context for introducing terms anddefinitions. The student textbook comes with a free Student CD-ROM with interactive exercises and activities, anda two-CD audio program for building pronunciation skills.CONTENTSHow to Use This Program1 Learning Terminology2 Prefixes and Suffixes in Medical Terms3 Body Structure4 The Integumentary System5 The Musculoskeletal System6 The Cardiovascular system7 The Respiratory System8 The Nervous System9 The Urinary System10 The Female Reproductive System11 The Male Reproductive System12 The Blood System13 The Lymphatic and Immune Systems14 The Digestive System15 The Endocrine System16 The Sensory System17 Human Development18 Terms in Oncology—Cancer and Its Causes19 Diagnostic Imaging, Radiation Oncology, and Surgery20 Terms in Psychiatry21 Terms in Dental Practice22 Terms in Pharmacology23 Terms in Complementary and Alternative MedicineAppendix A—Combining Forms, Prefixes, and SuffixesAppendix B—Abbreviations—Ones to Use and Ones to AvoidAppendix C—English GlossaryAppendix D—Spanish GlossaryAppendix E—Normal Laboratory ValuesAppendix F-Medical Terminology StyleIndex98 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 200998

MedicalHigher EducationNURSING*9780335223565* *9780335223558*CLINICAL SKILLSThe Essence of CaringBy Helen Iggulden, University of Salford, Caroline Macdonald, The Robert Gordon University, and Karen Staniland, Universityof SalfordFebruary 2009 / 296 pagesISBN: 9780335223565 / Hardcover / US$140.00ISBN: 9780335223558 / Softcover / US$59.95[An Open University Press Title]Clinical Skills: The Essence of Caring is an innovative new textbook and integrated Media Tool package which makesteaching and learning nursing interactive! Based on the Essence of Care, this book covers the core clinical skillscurriculum and takes a holistic approach to the importance of delivering excellent nursing care.CONTENTSChapter 1 Clinical skills: the essence of caringChapter 2 CommunicationChapter 3 Record keepingChapter 4 The care environmentChapter 5 Privacy and DignityChapter 6 Safety of patients with mental health needsChapter 7 Self careChapter 8 Personal and oral hygieneChapter 9 Food and nutritionChapter 10 Continence, bladder and bowel careChapter 11 Pressure ulcersPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.9999

Higher EducationSciencesBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES*9780073383200*ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCETwelfth EditionBy Eldon Enger, Delta College, and Bradley F. Smith, Western Washington UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 512 pagesISBN: 9780073383200 / US$117.50ISBN: 9780070171664 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/enger12eThis full-color, introductory environmental science text is known for being concise, conceptual, and value-priced.The approach and reading level cover the basic concepts without overloading students with too much detail. Theauthors reinforce the text’s central theme of “interrelationships” by providing a historical perspective, information oneconomic and political realities, discuss the role of different social experiences, and integrate this with the crucialscience to describe the natural world and how we affect it.CONTENTSChapter 1 Environmental InterrelationshipsChapter 2 Environmental EthicsChapter 3 Environmental Risk: Economics, Assessment, and ManagementChapter 4 Interrelated Scientific Principles: Matter, Energy, and EnvironmentChapter 5 Interactions: Environments and OrganismsChapter 6 Kinds of Ecosystems and CommunitiesChapter 7 Populations: Characteristics and IssuesChapter 8 Energy and CivilizationChapter 9 Energy SourcesChapter 10 Nuclear EnergyChapter 11 Biodiversity IssuesChapter 12 Land-Use PlanningChapter 13 Soil and Its UsesChapter 14 Agricultural Methods and Pest ManagementChapter 15 Water ManagementChapter 16 Air Quality IssuesChapter 17 Solid Waste Management and DisposalChapter 18 Environmental Regulations: Hazardous Substances and WastesChapter 19 Environmental Policy and Decision MakingAppendix 1 Periodic Table of the Elements Appendix 2 Metric Unit Conversion Tables.*9780077281533*ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY WITH INTEGRATED STUDY GUIDEFourth EditionBy Stanley E. Gunstream, Emeritus, Pasadena City CollegeJanuary 2009 / SoftcoverISBN: 9780077281533 / US$108.44http://www.mhhe.com/gunstream4Designed for an introductory, one-semester course, the scope, organization, writing style, depth of presentation,and pedagogical aspects of this text have been tailored to meet the needs of students preparing for a career inallied health. This text does not assume any prior science knowledge on the part of the student and effectivelypresents students with the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology. It’s the only one-semester text available witha built-in study guide/workbook.CONTENTSPart 1 Organization of the Body1 Introduction to the Human Body2 Chemical Aspects of Life3 Cell100 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009100

SciencesHigher Education4 Tissues and MembranesPart 2 Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body5 Integumentary System6 Skeletal System7 Muscular SystemPart 3 Integration and Control8 Nervous System9 Senses10 Endocrine SystemPart 4 Maintenance of the Body11 Blood12 Heart and Blood Vessels13 Lymphatic System and Defenses Against Disease14 Respiratory System15 Digestive System16 Urinary SystemPart 5 Reproduction17 Reproductive Systems18 Pregnancy, Prenatal Development, and GeneticsPart 6 Study Guides Appendix A Keys to Medical Terminology Appendix B Answers to Check Your Understanding Questions.*9780077283766*ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY TEXTBOOK ESSENTIALSVERSIONFifth EditionBy Stanley E. Gunstream, Emeritus, Pasadena City CollegeFebruary 2009 / SoftcoverISBN: 9780077283766 / US$94.69Gunstream’s manual presents the fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology in an easy-to-read manner appropriatefor allied health students. Designed especially for a one-semester course, the Essentials Version featuresa concise writing style, 37 self-directing exercises, full-color photomicrographs in the Histology Atlas, and numerousillustrations in each exercise.CONTENTSPart 1 Fundamentals1 Introduction to Human Anatomy2 Body Organization3 The Microscope4 Cell Anatomy5 Mitotic Cell Division6 Diffusion and Osmosis7 Epithelial and Connective Tissues8 The IntegumentPart 2 The Skeletal System9 The Skeletal Plan10 The Skull11 The Vertebral Column and Thorax12 The Appendicular Skeleton13 ArticulationsPart 3 The Muscle System14 Muscle Organization and Body Movements15 Head and Trunk Muscles16 Muscles of the Upper Limb17 Muscles of the Lower Limb18 Muscle and Nerve Tissues19 The Nature of Muscle Contraction20 The Physiology of Muscle Contraction: Using the BIOPAC Student Lab System21 The Physiology of Muscle Contraction: Using the Intelitool Physiogrip (TM)Part 4 The Nervous System22 The Spinal Cord and Reflex Arcs23 Brain Anatomy: External24 Brain Anatomy: Internal25 The Eye26 The EarPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.101101

Higher EducationSciencesPart 5 The Circulatory System27 Blood Tests28 The Heart29 Blood Vessels, Fetal Circulation, and Lymphatic System30 Cardiovascular PhenomenaPart 6 The Respiratory System31 The Respiratory Organs32 Respiratory PhysiologyPart 7 The Digestive System33 The Digestive Organs34 DigestionPart 8 The Urinary System35 The Urinary Organs36 Urine and UrinalysisPart 9 The Endocrine and Reproductive Systems37 The Endocrine Glands38 The Reproductive Organs Histology Atlas Laboratory Reports Appendices.*9780077280086*THE LIVING WORLDSixth EditionBy George B. Johnson, and Jonathan Losos, Washington University-St LouisFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 832 pagesISBN: 9780077280086 / US$140.31http://www.mhhe.com/tlw6The Living World is often considered a student favorite. George Johnson has written this non-majors textbook<strong>from</strong> the ground up to be an engaging and accessible learning tool with an emphasis on “how things work andwhy things happen the way they do”. The Living World focuses on concepts rather than terminology and technicalinformation, and features a straightforward, clear writing style and a wide variety of media assets to enhance thecontent of the textbook.CONTENTSPart 1 The Study of LifePart 2 The Living CellPart 3 The Continuity of LifePart 4 The New BiologyPart 5 The Evolution and Diversity of LifePart 6 Plant LifePart 7 Evolution of Animal LifePart 8 Animal LifePart 9 The Living Environment*9780077274337* *9780077226176*BIOLOGYTenth EditionBy Sylvia S. MaderJanuary 2009 / HardcoverISBN: 9780077274337 / US$153.13ISBN: 9780071288446 [IE]ISBN: 9780077226176 [Lab Manual] / US$91.88Biology is a comprehensive introductory biology textbook for non-majors or mixed-majors courses that covers biologyin a traditional order <strong>from</strong> the structure and function of the cell to the organization of the biosphere. The book,which centers on the evolution and diversity of organisms, is appropriate for a one- or two-semester course.It’s no wonder that Sylvia Mader’s Biology continues to be a text that’s appreciated as much by instructors as it is bythe students who use it. The ninth edition is the epitome of Mader’s expertise: Its concise, precise writing uses aneconomy of words to present the material as succinctly and clearly as possible, thereby enabling students -- evennon-majors -- to understand the concepts without necessarily asking the instructor to explain further.102 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009102

SciencesHigher EducationCONTENTSPart I The CellPart II Genetic Basis Of LifePart III EvolutionPart IV Microbiology And EvolutionPart V Plant Evolution And BiologyPart VI Animal Evolution And DiversityPart VII Comparative Animal BiologyPart VIII Behavior And Ecology.*9780077280093* *9780077234256*ESSENTIALS OF BIOLOGYSecond EditionBy Sylvia S. MaderJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 672 pagesISBN: 9780077280093 / US$112.50ISBN: 9780070172272 [IE]ISBN: 9780077234256 [Lab Manual] / US$55.00Essentials of Biology is an introductory biology text for non-major students that combines Dr. Sylvia Mader’s superb andaccessible writing style with clear visuals, a comprehensive learning system, and abundant supplements. Essentialsof Biology explains the principles of biology clearly and illustrates them in a captivating, easy-to-understand manner.It emphasizes the relevance of biology to students’ lives within a framework of biodiversity and is organized aroundthe major concepts of biology—cells theory, gene theory, evolution, the theory of homeostasis, and ecosystems.*9780077280116* *9780077235130*HUMAN BIOLOGYEleventh EditionBy Sylvia S. MaderJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 608 pagesISBN: 9780077280116 / US$130.31ISBN: 9780070167780 [IE]ISBN: 9780077235130 [Lab Manual] / US$80.94CONTENTSChapter 1: Exploring Life and SciencePart I: Human OrganizationChapter 2: Chemistry of LifeChapter 3: Cell Structure and FunctionChapter 4: Organization and Regulation of Body SystemsPart II: Maintenance of the Human BodyChapter 5: Cardiovascular System: Heart and Blood VesselsChapter 6: Cardiovascular System: BloodChapter 7: Lymphatic System and ImmunityChapter 8: Digestive System and NutritionChapter 9: Respiratory SystemChapter 10: Urinary System and ExcretionPart III: Movement and Support in HumansChapter 11: Skeletal SystemChapter 12: Muscular SystemPart IV: Integration and Coordination in HumansChapter 13: Nervous SystemChapter 14: SensesChapter 15: Endocrine SystemPart V: Reproduction in HumansChapter 16: Reproductive SystemAIDS SupplementChapter 17: Development and AgingPart VI: Human GeneticsChapter 18: Patterns of Chromosome InheritancePrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.103103

Higher EducationSciencesChapter 19: CancerChapter 20: Patterns of Genetic InheritanceChapter 21: DNA Biology and TechnologyPart VII: Human Evolution and EcologyChapter 22: Human EvolutionChapter 23: Global Ecology and Human InterferencesChapter 24: Human Population, Planetary Resources, and Conservation.*9780077283780*LABORATORY MANUAL HOLE’S HUMAN A&P (FETAL PIG)Twelfth EditionBy Terry R. Martin, Kishwaukee CollegeFebruary 2009 / Spiral Bound/CombISBN: 9780077283780 / US$105.94This best-selling Laboratory Manual, written by Terry R. Martin, has been updated throughout. The new 12th editionis now available in a Cat version or a Fetal Pig version. Both versions of the 12th edition are organized intounits that correlate directly with the text and include new and updated art to match Hole’s Human Anatomy andPhysiology, 12e.*9780077283773*LABORATORY MANUAL HOLE’S HUMAN A&P (CAT)Twelfth EditionBy Terry R. Martin, Kishwaukee CollegeFebruary 2009 / Spiral Bound/CombISBN: 9780077283773 / US$105.94This best-selling Laboratory Manual, written by Terry R. Martin, has been updated throughout. The new 12th editionis now available in a Cat version or a Fetal Pig version. Both versions of the 12th edition are organized intounits that correlate directly with the text and include new and updated art to match Hole’s Human Anatomy andPhysiology, 12e.*9780073383224*ECOLOGY: CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONSFifth EditionBy Manuel C. Molles, University Of New Mexico-AlbuquerqueJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 592 pagesISBN: 9780073383224 / US$129.06ISBN: 9780070171688 [IE]http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0073383228This introductory general ecology text features a strong emphasis on helping students grasp the main conceptsof ecology while keeping the presentation more applied than theoretical. An evolutionary perspective forms thefoundation of the entire discussion. The book begins with the natural history of the planet, considers portions of thewhole in the middle chapters, and ends with another perspective of the entire planet in the concluding chapter. Itsunique organization of focusing only on several key concepts in each chapter sets it apart <strong>from</strong> the competition.CONTENTS1 Introduction to Ecology: Historical Foundations and Developing FrontiersSection I Natural History and Evolution2 Life on Land3 Life and Water4 Population Genetics and Natural SelectionSection II Adaptations to the Environment5 Temperature Relations6 Water Relations7 Energy and Nutrient Relations104 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009104

SciencesHigher Education8 Social RelationsSection III Population Ecology9 Population Distribution and Abundance10 Population Dynamics11 Population Growth12 Life HistoriesSection IV Interactions13 Competition14 Exploitative Interactions: Predation, Herbivory, Parasitism, and Disease15 MutualismSection V Communities and Ecosystems16 Species Abundance and Diversity17 Species Interactions and Community Structure18 Primary Production and Energy Flow19 Nutrient Cycling and Retention20 Succession and StabilitySection VI Large-Scale Ecology21 Landscape Ecology22 Geographic Ecology23 Global Ecology*9780077276195* *9780077283759*SEELEY’S ESSENTIALS OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGYSeventh EditionBy Cinnamon Vanputte, Southwestern Illinois College, Jennifer Regan, University Of Southern Mississippi, Andrew F. Russo,University Of Iowa-Iowa CityFebruary 2009 / Hardcover / 704 pagesISBN: 9780077276195 / US$126.25ISBN: 9780077283759 [Lab Manual] / US$97.81Designed for the one-semester course, Seeley’s Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology is written to allow instructorsthe ability to accomplish one overall goal: to teach the basics of A&P while fostering the skill of problem solving.Through learning how to solve problems and think critically, students learn A&P based on two themes: the relationshipbetween structure and function, and homeostasis.CONTENTS1 Human Organism2 Chemical Basis of Life3 Cell Structures and Their Functions4 Tissues, Glands, and Membranes5 Integumentary System6 Skeletal System: Bones and Joints7 Muscular System8 Nervous System9 Senses10 Endocrine System11 Blood12 Heart13 Blood Vessels and Circulation14 Lymphatic System and Immunity15 Respiratory System16 Digestive System17 Nutrition, Metabolism, and Body Temperature Regulation18 Urinary System and Fluid Balance19 Reproductive System20 Development, Heredity, and Aging Appendixes A Table of Measurements B Some Reference Laboratory Values C SolutionConcentrations D Answers to Critical Thinking QuestionsPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.105105

Higher EducationSciences*9780073028262*BIOLOGY OF THE INVERTEBRATESSixth EditionBy Jan A. Pechenik, Tufts UniversityJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 624 pagesISBN: 9780073028262 / US$140.31ISBN: 9780071284554 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/pechenik6eThis textbook is the most concise and readable invertebrates book in terms of detail and pedagogy (other texts donot offer boxed readings, a second color, end of chapter questions, or pronunciation guides). All phyla of invertebratesare covered (comprehensive) with an emphasis on unifying characteristics of each group.CONTENTS1 Environmental Considerations2 Invertebrate Classification and Relationships3 The Protozoan Protists4 The Poriferans and Placozoans5 Introduction to the Hydrostatic Skeleton6 The Cnidarians7 The Ctenophores8 The Platyhelminthes9 The Gnathifera: Rotifers, Acanthocephalans, and two smaller groups10 The Rotifers and Acanthocephalans11 The Nemertines12 The Molluscs13 The Annelids14 The Arthropods15 Two Phyla of Likely Arthropod Relatives: Tardigrada and Onychophora16 The Nematodes17 Four Phyla of Likely Nematode Relatives: Nematomorpha, Priapulida, Kinorhyncha, and Loricifera18 Three Phyla of Uncertain Affiliation: Gastrotricha, Chaetognatha, and Cyliophora19 The Lophophorates (Phoronids, Brachiopods, Bryozoans) and Entoprocts20 The Echinoderms21 The Hemichordates22 The Xenoturbellids23 The Nonvertebrate Chordates24 Invertebrate Reproduction and Development--An Overview*9780077276201* *9780073250960*ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: THE UNITY OF FORM AND FUNCTIONFifth EditionBy Kenneth S. Saladin, Georgia College And State UniversityJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 1248 pagesISBN: 9780077276201 / US$179.06ISBN: 9780071283410 [IE]ISBN: 9780073250960 [Student Study Guide] / US$50.94http://www.mhhe.com/saladin5Memorable stories must be effective in multiple ways. The story must paint a strong visual picture. The story mustweave in tools to make the reader remember important events and understand their impact. Ken Saladin weavesgraceful descriptions of human anatomy and physiology processes together with carefully selected clinical applicationsand fascinating stories <strong>from</strong> the history of medicine and evolutionary medicine to create a multi-layered storyabout the human body. A consistent set of chapter learning tools helps students identify and retain key conceptswhile the stunning visual program provides a realistic view of body structures and processes. The fifth edition isfurther improved by a complete integration of the text with extensive digital teaching and learning tools.CONTENTSPart 1 Organization of the BodyPart 2 Support and MovementPart 3 Integration and ControlPart 4 Regulation and MaintenancePart 5 Reproduction and Development106 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009106

SciencesHigher Education*9780077276188*HOLE’S HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGYTwelfth EditionBy David N. Shier, Washtenaw Community College, Jackie L. Butler, Grayson County College, and Ricki Lewis, ContributingEditor, “The Scientist”January 2009 / Hardcover / 1056 pagesISBN: 9780077276188 / US$179.06ISBN: 9780071220095 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/shier12Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology was created for the introductory level student and assumes no prior scienceknowledge by placing emphasis on the fundamentals. This new edition updates a great A&P classic while offeringgreater efficiencies to the user. The format for the 12th edition focuses on Learning Outcomes and Assessments.This will benefit the student along with the instructor. The 12th edition of Hole also continues to offer technologythat combined with the text offer users an incredible Course Solution! Technology like Anatomy and PhysiologyRevealed and the new online Homework Manager bring unprecedented opportunities to the classroom whether oncampus or at home!CONTENTSUnit One Levels of Organization1 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology2 Chemical Basis of Life3 Cells4 Cellular Metabolism5 TissuesUnit Two Support and Movement6 Integumentary System7 Skeletal System8 Joints of the Skeletal System9 Muscular SystemUnit Three Integration and Coordination10 Nervous System I: Basic Structure and Function11 Nervous System II: Divisions of the Nervous System12 Nervous System III: Senses13 Endocrine SystemUnit Four Transport14 Blood15 Cardiovascular System16 Lymphatic System and ImmunityUnit Five Absorption and Excretion17 Digestive System18 Nutrition and Metabolism19 Respiratory System20 Urinary System21 Water, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base BalanceUnit Six The Human Life Cycle22 Reproductive Systems23 Pregnancy, Growth, and Development24 Genetics and GenomicsPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.107107

Higher EducationSciences*9780077283797*LABORATORY MANUAL ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY: THE UNITY OF FORMAND FUNCTIONFifth EditionBy Eric Wise, Santa Barbara City CollegeFebruary 2009 / Spiral Bound/CombISBN: 9780077283797 / US$105.94This manual (utilizing the cat as the primary dissection specimen) uses the same four-color art program as the fifthedition of Saladin’s Anatomy & Physiology and follows the same order of presentation. The 47 exercises providea comprehensive overview of the human body and present the core elements of the subject matter.CONTENTS1 Introduction to Lab Science, Measurement, and Chemistry2 Organs, Systems, and Organization of the Body3 Microscopy4 Cell Structure and Function5 Some Functions of Cell Membranes6 Tissues7 Integumentary System8 Introduction to the Skeletal System9 Appendicular Skeleton10 Axial Skeleton, Vertebrae, Ribs, Sternum, Hyoid11 Axial Skeleton--Skull12 Articulations13 Introduction to the Study of Muscles and Muscles of the Shoulder and Arm14 Muscles of the Forearm and Hand15 Muscles of the Hip and Thigh16 Muscles of the Leg and Foot17 Muscles of the Head and Neck18 Muscles of the Trunk19 Muscle Physiology20 Introduction to the Nervous System21 Structure and Function of the Brain and Cranial Nerves22 The Spinal Cord and Nerves23 Nervous System Physiology--Stimuli and Reflexes24 Introduction to Sensory Receptors25 Taste and Smell26 Eye and Vision27 Ear, Hearing, and Balance28 Endocrine System29 Blood30 Blood Tests and Typing31 Structure of the Heart32 Electrical Conductivity of the Heart33 Functions of the Heart34 Introduction to Blood Vessels and Arteries of the Upper Body35 Arteries of the Lower Body36 Veins and Special Circulation37 Functions of Vessels, Lymphatic System38 Blood Vessels and Blood Pressure39 Structure of the Respiratory System40 Respiratory Function, Breathing, Respiration41 Physiology of Exercise42 Anatomy of the Digestive System43 Digestive Physiology44 Urinary System45 Urinalysis46 Male Reproductive System47 Female Reproductive SystemAppendix108 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009108

SciencesHigher EducationCHEMISTRY*9780077274306*A CONCEPTUAL INTRODUCTION TO CHEMISTRYSecond EditionBy Rich Bauer, Arizona State University, James Birk, Arizona State University-Tempe, And Pamela S. Marks, Arizona StateUniversity-TempeJanuary 2009 / HardcoverISBN: 9780077274306 / US$134.06http://www.mhhe.com/bauer2eA Conceptual Introduction to Chemistry, 2e by Bauer/Birk/Marks offers today’s student a fresh perspective to theintroduction of chemistry. This new textbook offers a conceptual approach to chemistry by starting first with macroscopicphenomena, and then presenting the underlying microscopic detail. Each chapter opens with a real-lifescenario that helps students connect abstract chemical concepts to their own lives. The math found in A ConceptualIntroduction to Chemistry, 2e is introduced on a need-to-know basis, with “Math Toolboxes” in select chapters to helpsupport the math skills required in that chapter.CONTENTS1 Matter and Energy2 Atoms, Ions, and the Periodic Table3 Chemical Compounds4 Chemical Composition5 Chemical Reactions and Equations6 Quantities in Chemical Reactions7 Electron Structure of the Atom8 Chemical Bonding9 The Gaseous State10 The Liquid and Solid States11 Solutions12 Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium13 Acids and Bases14 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions15 Nuclear Chemistry16 Organic Chemistry17 BiochemistryAppendix A Useful Reference InformationAppendix B ToolboxesAppendix C Answers to Practice Problems Appendix D Answers to Selected Questions and Problems.*9780077274313*CHEMISTRYTenth EditionBy Raymond Chang, Williams CollegeJanuary 2009 / HardcoverISBN: 9780077274313 / US$178.13ISBN: 9780073226767 [Student Study Guide] / US$61.56http://www.mhhe.com/chang10eDesigned for the two-semester general chemistry course, Chang’s best-selling textbook continues to take a traditionalapproach and is often considered a student and teacher favorite. The book features a straightforward, clear writingstyle and proven problem-solving strategies. It continues the tradition of providing a firm foundation in chemicalconcepts and principles while presenting a broad range of topics in a clear, concise manner.The new edition of Chemistry continues to strike a balance between theory and application by incorporating realexamples and helping students visualize the three-dimensional atomic and molecular structures that are the basisof chemical activity. An integral part of the text is to develop students’ problem-solving and critical thinking skills.A hallmark of the 10th anniversary edition is the integration of many tools designed to inspire both students andinstructors. The textbook is a foundation for the unparalleled, effective technology that is integrated throughout. Themultimedia package for the new edition stretches students beyond the confines of the traditional textbook.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.109109

Higher EducationSciencesCONTENTS1 Chemistry: The Study of Change2 Atoms, Molecules, and Ions3 Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions4 Reactions in Aqueous Solutions5 Gases6 Thermochemistry7 Quantum Theory and the Electronic Structure of Atoms8 Periodic Relationships Among the Elements9 Chemical Bonding I: Basic Concepts10 Chemical Bonding II: Molecular Geometry and Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals11 Intermolecular Forces and Liquids and Solids12 Physical Properties of Solutions13 Chemical Kinetics14 Chemical Equilibrium15 Acids and Bases16 Acid-Base Equilibria and Solubility Equilibria17 Chemistry in the Atmosphere18 Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium19 Electrochemistry20 Metallurgy and the Chemistry of Metals21 Nonmetallic Elements and Their Compounds22 Transition Metal Chemistry and Coordination Compounds23 Nuclear Chemistry24 Organic Chemistry25 Synthetic and Natural Organic PolymersAppendixes*9780077274320*PRINCIPLES OF GENERAL CHEMISTRYSecond EditionBy Martin SilberbergJanuary 2009 / HardcoverISBN: 9780077274320 / US$151.88ISBN: 9780073367323 [Student Study Guide] \ US$52.19http://www.mhhe.com/silberberg2eSilberberg’s Principles of General Chemistry offers students the same authoritative topic coverage as its parenttext, Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change. The Principles text allows for succinct coverage ofcontent with minimal emphasis on pedagogic learning aids. This more straightforward approach to learning appealsto today’s efficiency-minded, value-conscious instructors and students without sacrificing depth, clarity, or rigor.CONTENTS1 Keys To The Study Of Chemistry2 The Components Of Matter3 Stoichiometry Of Formulas And Equations4 Three Major Classes Of Chemical Reactions5 Gases And The Kinetic-Molecular Theory6 Thermochemistry: Energy Flow And Chemical Change7 Quantum Theory And Atomic Structure8 Electron Configuration And Chemical Periodicity9 Models Of Chemical Bonding10 The Shapes Of Molecules11 Theories Of Covalent Bonding12 Intermolecular Forces: Liquids, Solids, And Phase Changes13 The Properties Of Mixtures: Solutions And Colloids14 The Main-Group Elements: Applying Principles Of Bonding And Structure15 Organic Compounds And The Atomic Properties Of Carbon16 Kinetics: Rates And Mechanisms Of Chemical Reactions17 Equilibrium: The Extent Of Chemical Reactions18 Acid-Base Equilibria19 Ionic Equilibria In Aqueous Systems20 Thermodynamics: Entropy, Free Energy, And The Direction Of Chemical Reactions21 Electrochemistry: Chemical Change And Electrical Work22 The Transition Elements And Their Coordination Compounds110 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009110

SciencesHigher Education23 Nuclear Reactions And Their ApplicationsAppendix.*9780077274290*GENERAL, ORGANIC & BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRYBy Janice Gorzynski Smith, University Of Hawaii-ManoaFebruary 2009 / HardcoverISBN: 9780077274290 / US$157.46http://www.mhhe.com/smithGOBThis new GOB textbook is written with the same student-focused, direct writing style that has been so successfulin the Smith: Organic Chemistry text. Smith writes with a bulleted approach that delivers need-to-know informationin a succinct style for today’s students. Armed with an excellent illustration program full of macro-to-micro art, aswell as many applications to biological, medical, consumer, and environmental topics, this book is a powerhouse oflearning for students.EARTH SCIENCE/GEOLOGY*9780073515496*ANNUAL EDITIONS: ENVIRONMENT 09/10Twenty-Eighth EditionBy Zachary Sharp, University of New Mexico-AlbuquerqueFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 240 pagesISBN: 9780073515496 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0073515493.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a widerange of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources.The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a generalaudience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make themparticularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotatedlisting of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offersan online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is the generalinstructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online. Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.111111

Higher EducationSciencesGEOGRAPHY*9780077294366*INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS WITH DATAFILES CD-ROMFifth EditionBy Kang-tsung (Karl) ChangJanuary 2009 / Hardcover with CDROMISBN: 9780077294366 / US$120.31http://www.mhhe.com/changgis5eIntroduction to Geographic Information Systems, 5e is designed to provide students in a first or second GIS coursewith a solid foundation in both GIS concepts and the use of GIS. Introduction to GIS strikes a careful balance betweenGIS concepts and hands-on applications. The main portion of the chapter presents GIS terms and conceptsand helps students learn how each one fits into a complete GIS system. At the end of each chapter, an applicationsection with 2-7 tasks presents students with actual GIS exercises and the necessary data to solve the problem.CONTENTS1 Introduction2 Coordinate Systems3 Vector Data Model4 Raster Data Model5 GIS Data Acquisition6 Geometric Transformation7 Spatial Data Editing8 Attribute Data Management9 Data Display and Cartography10 Data Exploration11 Vector Data Analysis12 Raster Data Analysis13 Terrain Mapping and Analysis14 Viewsheds and Watershed15 Spatial Interpolation16 Geocoding and Dynamic Segmentation17 Path Analysis and Network Applications18 GIS Models and Modeling.*9780077293321*MASTERING ARCGIS WITH CD VIDEOCLIPSFourth EditionBy Maribeth H. Price, South Dakota School Mines & TechnologyJanuary 2009 / Spiral Bound with CDISBN: 9780077293321 / US$75.94http://www.mhhe.com/price4ePrice: Mastering ArcGIS is an introductory GIS text that is designed to offer everything you need to master thebasic elements of GIS. The author’s step-by-step approach helps students negotiate the challenging tasks involvedin learning sophisticated GIS software. This text employs a carefully developed learning system to help studentsuse ArcView 9.3 or ArcGIS Desktop or higher, to set up and solve GIS problems. An innovative and unique featureof Mastering ArcGIS is its accompanying CD-ROM with narrated video clips that show students exactly how toperform chapter tutorials before attempting an exercise on their own.CONTENTSINTRODUCTIONWhat is GIS?PART I. GIS DATA and MAPSChapter 1: GIS DataChapter 2: Mapping GIS DataChapter 3: Presenting GIS DataChapter 4: Attribute DataPART II. GIS ANALYSIS112 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009112

SciencesHigher EducationChapter 5: QueriesChapter 6: Spatial JoinsChapter 7: GeoprocessingChapter 8: Raster AnalysisChapter 9: Network AnalysisChapter 10: GeocodingPART III. DATA MANAGEMENTChapter 11: Coordinate SystemsChapter 12: Basic EditingChapter 13: More Editing TechniquesChapter 14: GeodatabasesChapter 15: MetadataGlossarySelected AnswersIndexAlphabetical Skills IndexConversion TableMATHEMATICS*9780077297947*MATH FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS: AN ACTIVITY APPROACHEighth EditionBy Albert B. Bennett, University Of New Hampshire, Laurie J. Burton, Western Oregon University, And Ted Nelson, PortlandState UniversityJanuary 2009 / SoftcoverISBN: 9780077297947 / US$100.00http://www.mhhe.com/bbnThis book is designed for a mathematics for elementary school teachers course where instructors choose to focuson and/or take an activities approach to learning. It provides inductive activities for prospective elementary schoolteachers and incorporates the use of physical models, manipulatives, and visual images to develop concepts andencourage higher-level thinking. This text contains an activity set that corresponds to each section of the companiontext, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach which is also by Bennett/Nelson. The ActivitiesApproach text can be used independently or along with its companion volume. The authors are pleased to welcomeLaurie Burton, PhD, Western Oregon University to this edition of Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: An ActivityApproach.CONTENTS1 Problem Solving1.1 Seeing and Extending Patterns with Pattern Blocks1.2 Geometric Number Patterns with Color Tile1.3 Solving Story Problems with Algebra Pieces2 Sets, Functions, and Reasoning2.1 Sorting and Classifying with Attribute Pieces2.2 Slope and Linear Functions on Geoboards2.3 Logic Problems for Cooperative Learning Groups3 Whole Numbers3.1 Models for Numeration with Multibase Pieces3.2 Adding and Subtracting with Multibase Pieces3.3 Multiplying with Base-Ten Pieces3.4 Dividing with Base-Ten Pieces4 Number Theory4.1 Models for Even Numbers, Odd Numbers, Factors, and Primes4.2 Models for Greatest Common Factors and Least Common Multiple5 Integers and Fractions5.1 Black and Red Tile Model for Integers5.2 Fractions Bar Model for Equality and Inequality5.3 Computing with Fraction Bars6 Decimals: Rational and Irrational6.1 Decimal Squares Model6.2 Operations with Decimal SquaresPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.113113

Higher EducationSciences6.3 A Model for Introducing Percent6.4 Irrational Numbers on the Geoboard7 Statistics7.1 Collecting and Graphing Data7.2 Analyzing Data, Sampling, and Simulation7.3 Statistical Distributions: Observations and Applicatons8 Probability8.1 Probability Experiments8.2 Multistage Probability Experiments9 Geometric Figures9.1 Figures on Rectangular and Circular Geoboards9.2 Regular and Semiregular Tessellations9.3 Models for Regular and Semiregular Polyhedra9.4 Creating Symmetric Figures: Pattern Blocks and Paper Folding10 Measurement10.1 Measuring the Metric Units10.2 Areas on Geoboards10.3 Models for Volume and Surface Area11 Motions in Geometry11.1 Locating Sets of Points in the Plane11.2 Drawing Escher-Type Tessellations11.3 Devises for Indirect ActivitiesAnswers to Selected ActivitiesCreditsIndexMaterial CardsNCTM Standards*9780077297930*MATH FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS: A CONCEPTUAL APPROACHEighth EditionBy Albert B. Bennett, University Of New Hampshire, Laurie J. Burton, Western Oregon University, And Ted Nelson, PortlandState UniversityFebruary 2009ISBN: 9780077297930 / US$139.69http://www.mhhe.com/bbnOverview: Albert B. Bennett, Jr. and L. Ted Nelson have presented hundreds of workshops on how to give futureteachers the conceptual understanding and procedural fluency they will need in order to successfully teach elementary-schoolmathematics. The Eighth Edition of Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approachcontinues their innovative, time-tested approach: an emphasis on learning via specific, realistic examples and theextensive use of visual aids, hands-on activities, problem-solving strategies and active classroom participation.Special features in the text ensure that prospective teachers will gain not only a deeper understanding of the mathematicalconcepts, but also a better sense of the connections between their college math courses and their futureteaching experiences, along with helpful ideas for presenting math to their students in a way that will generateinterest and enthusiasm. The text draws heavily on NCTM Standards and contains many pedagogical elementsdesigned to foster reasoning, problem-solving and communication skills. The text also incorporates references tothe virtual manipulative kit and other online resources that enhance the authors’ explanations and examples.CONTENTS1 Problem Solving1.1 Introduction to Problem Solving1.2 Patterns and Problem Solving1.3 Problem Solving with Algebra2 Sets, Functions, and Reasoning2.1 Sets and Venn Diagrams2.2 Functions, Coordinates, and Graphs2.3 Introduction to Deductive Reasoning3 Whole Numbers3.1 Numeration Systems3.2 Addition and Subtraction3.3 Multiplication3.4 Division and Exponents4 Number Theory4.1 Factors and Multiples4.2 Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple114 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009114

SciencesHigher Education5 Integers and Fractions5.1 Integers5.2 Introduction to Fractions5.3 Operations with Fractions6 Decimals: Rational and Irrational6.1 Decimals and Rational Numbers6.2 Operations with Decimals6.3 Ratio, Percent, and Scientific Notation6.4 Irrational and Real Numbers7 Statistics7.1 Collecting and Graphing Data7.2 Describing and Analyzing Data7.3 Sampling, Predictions, and Simulations8 Probability8.1 Single-Stage Experiments8.2 Multistage Experiments9 Geometric Figures9.1 Plane Figures9.2 Polygons and Tessellations9.3 Space Figures9.4 Symmetric Figures10 Measurement10.1 Systems of Measurement10.2 Area and Perimeter10.3 Volume and Surface Area11 Motions in Geometry11.1 Congruence and Constructions11.2 Congruence Mappings11.3 Similarity MappingsReferences for Research Statements by ChaptersAnswers to Selected ActivitiesAnswers to Odd-Numbered Exercises, Problems and Chapter Tests.*9780077276515*ALGEBRA & TRIGONOMETRYSecond EditionBy John W. Coburn, Saint Louis Community College-Florissant ValleyFebruary 2009ISBN: 9780077276515 / US$146.88Three components contribute to a theme sustained throughout the Coburn Series: that of laying a firm foundation,building a solid framework, and providing strong connections. Not only does Coburn present a sound problemsolvingprocess to teach students to recognize a problem, organize a procedure, and formulate a solution, the textencourages students to see beyond procedures in an effort to gain a greater understanding of the big ideas behindmathematical concepts.Written in a readable, yet mathematically mature manner appropriate for college algebra level students, Coburn’sAlgebra & Trigonometry uses narrative, extensive examples, and a range of exercises to connect seemingly disparatemathematical topics into a cohesive whole. Coburn’s hallmark applications are born out of the author’s extensiveexperiences in and outside the classroom, and appeal to the vast diversity of students and teaching methods in thiscourse area.Benefiting <strong>from</strong> the feedback of hundreds of instructors and students across the country, Algebra & Trigonometrysecond edition, continues to emphasize connections in order to improve the level of student engagement in mathematicsand increase their chances of success in college algebra.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.115115

Higher EducationSciences*9780077276492*COLLEGE ALGEBRASecond EditionBy John W. Coburn, Saint Louis Community College-Florissant ValleyJanuary 2009ISBN: 9780077276492 / US$131.25Three components contribute to a theme sustained throughout the Coburn Series: that of laying a firm foundation,building a solid framework, and providing strong connections. Not only does Coburn present a sound problemsolvingprocess to teach students to recognize a problem, organize a procedure, and formulate a solution, thetext encourages students to see beyond procedures in an effort to gain a greater understanding of the big ideasbehind mathematical concepts.Written in a readable, yet mathematically mature manner appropriate for college algebra level students, Coburn’sCollege Algebra uses narrative, extensive examples, and a range of exercises to connect seemingly disparatemathematical topics into a cohesive whole. Coburn’s hallmark applications are born out of the author’s extensiveexperiences in and outside the classroom, and appeal to the vast diversity of students and teaching methods inthis course area.Benefiting <strong>from</strong> the feedback of hundreds of instructors and students across the country, College Algebra secondedition, continues to emphasize connections in order to improve the level of student engagement in mathematicsand increase their chances of success in college algebra.*9780077297909*COLLEGE ALGEBRA ESSENTIALSSecond EditionBy John W. Coburn, Saint Louis Community College-Florissant ValleyJanuary 2009ISBN: 9780077297909 / US$102.19Three components contribute to a theme sustained throughout the Coburn Series: that of laying a firm foundation,building a solid framework, and providing strong connections. Not only does Coburn present a sound problemsolvingprocess to teach students to recognize a problem, organize a procedure, and formulate a solution, thetext encourages students to see beyond procedures in an effort to gain a greater understanding of the big ideasbehind mathematical concepts.Written in a readable, yet mathematically mature manner appropriate for college algebra level students, Coburn’sCollege Algebra Essentials uses narrative, extensive examples, and a range of exercises to connect seeminglydisparate mathematical topics into a cohesive whole. Coburn’s hallmark applications are born out of the author’sextensive experiences in and outside the classroom, and appeal to the vast diversity of students and teachingmethods in this course area.Benefiting <strong>from</strong> the feedback of hundreds of instructors and students across the country, College Algebra Essentialssecond edition, continues to emphasize connections in order to improve the level of student engagement inmathematics and increase their chances of success in college algebra.*9780077276508*PRECALCULUSSecond EditionBy John W. Coburn, Saint Louis Community College-Florissant ValleyFebruary 2009ISBN: 9780077276508 / US$146.88Three components contribute to a theme sustained throughout the Coburn Series: that of laying a firm foundation,building a solid framework, and providing strong connections. Not only does Coburn present a sound problemsolvingprocess to teach students to recognize a problem, organize a procedure, and formulate a solution, thetext encourages students to see beyond procedures in an effort to gain a greater understanding of the big ideasbehind mathematical concepts.Written in a readable, yet mathematically mature manner appropriate for college algebra level students, Coburn’sPrecalculus uses narrative, extensive examples, and a range of exercises to connect seemingly disparate mathematicaltopics into a cohesive whole. Coburn’s hallmark applications are born out of the author’s extensiveexperiences in and outside the classroom, and appeal to the vast diversity of students and teaching methods in116 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009116

SciencesHigher Educationthis course area.Benefiting <strong>from</strong> the feedback of hundreds of instructors and students across the country, Precalculus second edition,continues to emphasize connections in order to improve the level of student engagement in mathematics andincrease their chances of success in college algebra.*9780077297886*APPLIED CALCULUS FOR BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, AND THE SOCIAL ANDLIFE SCIENCES,EXPANDED EDITIONTenth EditionBy Laurence D. Hoffmann, Salomon Smith Barney, Gerald L. Bradley, Claremont Mckenna CollegeJanuary 2009ISBN: 9780077297886 / US$138.44ISBN: 9780070182820 [IE]Applied Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Expanded Edition provides a sound,intuitive understanding of the basic concepts students need as they pursue careers in business, economics, and thelife and social sciences. Students achieve success using this text as a result of the author’s applied and real-worldorientation to concepts, problem-solving approach, straight forward and concise writing style, and comprehensiveexercise sets. More than 100,000 students worldwide have studied <strong>from</strong> this text!CONTENTSChapter 1: Functions, Graphs, and LimitsChapter 2: Differentiation: Basic ConceptsChapter 3: Additional Applications of the DerivativeChapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 5: IntegrationChapter 6: Additional Topics in IntegrationChapter 7: Calculus of Several VariablesChapter 8: Differential EquationsChapter 9: Infinite Series and Taylor Series ApproximationsChapter 10: Probability and CalculusChapter 11: Trigonometric FunctionsAppendix*9780077292737*CALCULUS FOR BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, AND THE SOCIAL AND LIFESCIENCES, BRIEFTenth EditionBy Laurence D. Hoffmann, Salomon Smith Barney, Gerald L. Bradley, Claremont Mckenna CollegeJanuary 2009ISBN: 9780077292737 / US$145.94ISBN: 9780071220248 [IE]Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Brief Edition introduces calculus in real-worldcontexts and provides a sound, intuitive understanding of the basic concepts students need as they pursue careersin business, the life sciences, and the social sciences. Students achieve success using this text as a result of theauthors’ applied and real-world orientation to concepts, problem-solving approach, straightforward and concise writingstyle, and comprehensive exercise sets. More than 100,000 students worldwide have studied <strong>from</strong> this text!CONTENTSChapter 1: Functions, Graphs, and LimitsChapter 2: Differentiation: Basic ConceptsChapter 3: Additional Applications of the DerivativeChapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 5: IntegrationChapter 6: Additional Topics in IntegrationChapter 7: Calculus of Several VariablesAppendix.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.117117

Higher EducationSciences*9780077299620*PREALGEBRA, MEDIA ENHANCED EDITIONThird EditionBy Barry Bergman, Stefan Baratto, Clackamas Community CollegeJanuary 2009ISBN: 9780077299620 / US$130.31http://www.mhhe.com/hutchisonPrealgebra: Media Enhanced Edition, 3e by Baratto/Bergman is the latest offering <strong>from</strong> authors Stefan Barattoand Barry Bergman. This media enhanced edition of Prealgebra focuses on mastering math through practice withthe integration of the ALEKS® software. ALEKS helps to remediate students who may have a lack of prerequisiteknowledge for the prealgebra course by way of an artificial intelligence engine. ALEKS provides students with a map(pictorial graph) of their progress to identify mathematical skills they have mastered and skills where remediationis required. Icons accompany exercises in the text where a similar problem is available in ALEKS.CONTENTSCHAPTER 1 Whole NumbersCHAPTER 2 Integers and Introduction to AlgebraCHAPTER 3 Fractions and EquationsCHAPTER 4 Applications of Fractions and EquationsCHAPTER 5 DecimalsCHAPTER 6 Ratio, Rate, and ProportionCHAPTER 7 PercentCHAPTER 8 GeometryCHAPTER 9 Graphing and Introduction to StatisticsCHAPTER 10 Polynomials*9780077281113* *9780077304256*INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRASecond EditionBy Julie Miller, Daytona State College-Daytona Beach, Molly O’Neill, Daytona State College-Daytona Beach, and NancyHydeJanuary 2009 / 992 pagesISBN: 9780077281113 / Softcover / US$135.94ISBN: 9780077304256 / Alternate Ed Hardcover / US$130.31Intermediate Algebra offers a refreshing approach to the traditional content of the course. Presented in worktextformat, Intermediate Algebra offers a review of problem solving, solving equations in two and three variables, achapter devoted to functions, polynomials, radicals and complex numbers, factoring and quadratic functions, rationalexpressions, and inequalities. Other topics include exponential and logarithmic functions and conic sections. Thetext reflects the compassion and insight of its experienced author team with features developed to address thespecific needs of developmental level students.CONTENTSChapter 1 Review of Basic Algebraic ConceptsChapter 2 Graphing Linear Equations and FunctionsChapter 3 Systems of Linear EquationsChapter 4 PolynomialsChapter 5 Rational Expressions and Rational EquationsChapter 6 Radicals and Complex NumbersChapter 7 Quadratic Equations and FunctionsChapter 8 More Equations and InequalitiesChapter 9 Exponential and Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 10 Conic SectionsAdditional Topics Appendix118 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009118

SciencesHigher EducationPHYSICS/ASTRONOMY*9780077263218* *9780077263126**9780077263225*COLLEGE PHYSICSThird EditionBy Alan Giambattista, Cornell University–IthacaJanuary 2009 / HardcoverISBN: 9780077263218 / US$174.06ISBN: 9780071284431 [IE]ISBN: 9780077263126 [Volume 1] / US$108.75ISBN: 9780077263225 [Volume 2] / US$108.75http://www.mhhe.com/grrCollege Physics, Third Edition is the best solution for today’s college physics market. With a unique, new, approachto physics that builds a conceptual framework as motivation for the physical principles, consistent problem solvingcoverage strategies, stunning art, extensive end-of-chapter material, and superior media support, Giambattista,Richardson, and Richardson delivers a product that addresses today’s market needs with the best tools available.CONTENTSChapter 1: IntroductionPART ONE: MECHANICSChapter 2: ForceChapter 3: Acceleration and Newton’s Second Law of MotionChapter 5: Circular MotionChapter 6: Conservation of EnergyChapter 7: Linear MomentumChapter 8: Torque and Angular MomentumChapter 9: FluidsChapter 10: Elasticity and OscillationsChapter 11: WavesChapter 12: SoundPART TWO: THERMAL PHYSICSChapter 13: Temperature and the Ideal GasChapter 14: HeatChapter 15: ThermodynamicsPART THREE: ELECTROMAGNETISMChapter 16: Electric Forces and FieldsChapter 17: Electric PotentialChapter 18: Electric Current and CircuitsChapter 19: Magnetic Forces and FieldsChapter 20: Electromagnetic InductionChapter 21: Alternating CurrentPART FOUR: ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND OPTICSChapter 22: Electromagnetic WavesChapter 23: Reflection and Refraction of LightChapter 24: Optical InstrumentsChapter 25: Interference and DiffractionPART FIVE: QUANTUM AND PARTICLE PHYSICSChapter 26: RelativityChapter 27: Early Quantum Physics and the PhotonChapter 28: Quantum PhysicsChapter 29: Nuclear PhysicsChapter 30: Particle PhysicsAPPENDICESPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.119119

Higher EducationSciences*9780077270674* *9780077270698**9780077270681*PHYSICSSecond EditionBy Alan Giambattista, Cornell University–Ithaca, Betty Richardson, Cornell University-Ithaca, and Robert C. Richardson,Cornell University¬–IthacaJanuary 2009 / HardcoverISBN: 9780077270674 / US$174.06ISBN: 9780070172449 [IE]ISBN: 9780077270698 [Volume 1] / US$108.75ISBN: 9780077270681 [Volume 2] / US$108.75http://www.mhhe.com/grrPhysics 2nd edition is an alternate version of the College Physics 3rd edition text by Giambattista/Richardson/Richardson. The key difference is that Physics covers kinematics and forces in the more traditional organizationof beginning with Kinematics and proceeding to forces. (College Physics takes an integrated approach to forcesand kinematics, introducing forces and interweaving kinematics.)CONTENTSPart One: MechanicsPart Two: Thermal PhysicsPart Three: ElectromagnetismPart Four: Electromagnetic Waves And OpticsPart Five: Quantum And Particle PhysicsAppendices.*9780077270704* *9780077236809*THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSEThirteenth EditionBy Konrad B. Krauskopf (deceased), and Arthur Beiser, formerly New York UniversityJanuary 2009 / SoftcoverISBN: 9780077270704 / US$133.75ISBN: 9780077236809 [Study Guide] / US$30.00http://www.mhhe.com/krauskopfThis is an outstanding text with a long history that has been updated and given a fresh look. The 2010 copyright yearrepresents the 50th anniversary of the publishing of this classic text. The text is also accompanied by strong mediacomponent with the ARIS online homework system, “CPS” eInstruction student response system questions, moreextensive online quizzing, and PowerPoint lectures. Aimed at presenting the essentials of physics, chemistry, earthscience, and astronomy in a clear, easy-to-understand way, The Physical Universe shows students how scienceworks, how scientists approach problems, and why science constantly evolves in its search for understanding. Thetext can also be packaged with its long time companion student study guide, which includes a review of chapterterms and concepts; self quizzing for extra practice; and solved problems <strong>from</strong> the text.120 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009120

Social ScienceHigher EducationANTHROPOLOGY*9780073530987*CORE CONCEPTS IN CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGYFourth EditionBy Robert Lavenda, Saint Cloud State University, And Emily A. Schultz, Saint Cloud State UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 288 pagesISBN: 9780073530987 / US$45.63This concise and affordable introduction to the basic ideas and practices of contemporary cultural anthropology addressesthe needs of anthropology professors who make extensive use of ethnographies and other supplementaryreadings in their courses. Core Concepts in Cultural Anthropology offers a thorough annotated bibliography of theterms and concepts that anthropologists use in their work, while its conceptual and theoretical framework preparesstudents to read ethnography more effectively.CONTENTS1 Anthropology2 Culture3 Language4 Culture and the Individual5 Expressive Culture: Religion, Worldview, and Art6 The Dimensions of Social Organization7 Political Anthropology8 Economic Anthropology9 Relatedness: Kinship and Descent10 Marriage and Family11 Globalization12 Theory in Cultural Anthropology*9780078127748*ANNUAL EDITIONS: ARCHAEOLOGYNinth EditionBy Mari Pritchard Parker, Pasadena Area Community College,And Elvio Angeloni, Pasadena Area Community CollegeFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 208 pagesISBN: 9780078127748 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0078127742.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a widerange of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources.The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a generalaudience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make themparticularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotatedlisting of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offersan online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is the generalinstructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online. Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.121121

Higher EducationSocial ScienceCRIMINAL JUSTICE*9780073527963*CRIMINAL JUSTICENinth EditionBy James A. Inciardi, University of DelawareJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 672 pagesISBN: 9780073527963 / US$121.25http://www.mhhe.com/inciardi9eAn internationally recognized scholar and author, James A. Inciardi presents a solid overview of the structure,processes, and problems of the criminal justice system in the United States. Inciardi brings his significant field andresearch experience to bear on the revision of this successful textbook; his research background, his privilegedaccess to national data, and his story-telling style of writing guarantee a unique perspective to criminal justice. Theninth edition includes many new “Famous Criminals” sections, added coverage on media and criminal justice, andupdated exhibits that showcase research, historical perspectives, current events, and the viewpoints of victims inthe criminal justice system.CONTENTSPART ONE: The Foundations of Crime and Justice1 “Criminal Justice” in America2 Crime and the Nature of Law3 Legal and Behavioral Aspects of Crime4 Criminal Statistics and the Extent of Crime5 The Process of Justice: An OverviewPART TWO: The Police6 Police Systems in the United States: History and Structure7 Enforcing the Law and Keeping the Peace: The Nature and Scope of Police Work8 The Law of Arrest, Search, and Seizure: Police and the Constitution9 Police Misconduct and Police IntegrityPART THREE: The Courts10 The Structure of American Courts11 The Courtroom Work Group and the Right to Counsel12 The Business of the Court: From First Appearance Through Trial13 Sentencing, Appeal, and the Judgment of DeathPART FOUR: Corrections14 From Walnut Street to Alcatraz: The American Prison Experience15 Penitentiaries, Prisons, and Other Correctional Institutions: A Look Inside the Inmate World16 Prison Conditions and Inmate Rights17 Probation, Parole, and Community-Based CorrectionPART FIVE: Juvenile Justice18 Juvenile Justice: An Overview122 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009122

Social ScienceHigher EducationEDUCATION*9780335225217*QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGN FOR SOFTWARE USERSBy Silvana di Gregorio, and Judith DavidsonJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 272 pagesISBN: 9780335225217 / US$49.95[An Open University Press Title]This book is an essential guide for anyone using qualitative data analysis software (QDAS), particularly useful forthose who want to go beyond a basic introduction to discover how to get the most out of software and how to identifythe methodological issues they need to consider.The book is organized in three parts - the first part addresses the methodological issues that need to be addressedwhen designing qualitative research using QDAS; the second part uses case studies to demonstrate the issues andthe design framework introduced in the first part. These chapters are supported by numerous screenshots illustratingthe software under discussion. The last part contains practical appendices to help readers apply the frameworkintroduced to their own research.*9780335234158* *9780335234165*A TOOLKIT FOR CREATIVE TEACHING IN POST-COMPULSORYEDUCATIONBy Linda Eastwood, Jennie Coates, Liz Dixon, Josie Harvey, Chris Ormondroyd, and Sarah Williamson2009 / 184 pagesISBN: 9780335234158 / Hardcover / US$120.00ISBN: 9780335234165 / Softcover / US$39.95[An Open University Press Title]This is the essential resource for trainees and teachers working in the PCET sector who are looking for new andcreative ways of engaging and motivating their learners. The book contains 50 brilliant activities that can be usedin a variety of settings and applied to different subject areas. The authors give specific details relating to planning,preparation and implementation for each activity and, in addition, suggest a whole range of further variations foreach activity to try out too!CONTENTSIntroductionSection 1: Practical activitiesText free teachingRadio interviewsWhat do you think you are?DominoesIn the bagUsing models and metaphorsThe learning caféOn the one handLearning laundry lineTerminology bingoA card to rememberMenu cardsLearning partyBoard gamesOdd oppositesGet physicalLearning carouselUsing recipesCensored!I’m in chargeSpeed networkingOrganising an eventRainbow groupsJust a minuteFilm festivalPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.123123

Higher EducationSocial ScienceExplain to the aliensE-Treasure huntJigsawsProblem pageUsing puppetsLearning landscapesMemory boxLearning diceLearning laddersRoving reportersIn the frameIn the mood for musicWeb chat : Online discussion groupsChanging roomsCharacter biography cardsWear your learningHeadaches and aspirinsWikis at workPaper chainsCluster cardsMarket placeLearning matsLearning museumsAsk the expertInside outsideSection 2: Theoretical frameworkBibliography*9780073378800*MULTICULTURALISM 101By Namulundah Florence, City College Of New YorkFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 160 pagesISBN: 9780073378800 / US$30.00In response to concerns about teacher retention, especially among teachers in their first to fourth year in theclassroom, we offer future teachers a series of brief guides full of practical advice that they can refer to in boththeir student teaching and in their first years on the job. MULTICULTURALISM 101 addresses the challenges andjoys of working in today’s diverse classroom. Topics include a range of diversities, curriculum ideas, and engagingpedagogy.*9780071268486*TEACHING PRIMARY SCHOOL MATHEMATICSSecond EditionBy Peng Yee Lee, and Ngan Hoe Lee2009 / Softcover / 304 pagesISBN: 9780071268486 / US$15.50[An Asian Title]Teaching Primary School Mathematics: A Resource Book presents discussions on the syllabus and concepts, teachingapproaches and ideas, common errors and learning difficulties, as well as sample activities and test items. Thebook is divided into two parts: Part I examines the Singapore curriculum framework while Part II provides practicalhelp on the teaching of specific topics. Each chapter draws <strong>from</strong> the experience of various authors in this volume,and is well researched, well written and easy to understand.Teaching Primary School Mathematics: A Resource Book is the current text used in the training of primary schoolteachers in Singapore. Prepared by lecturers at the National Institute of Education (NIE) - the only teachers’ trainingcentre in Singapore - this book is written for pre-service and in-service teachers, and anyone interested in primaryschool mathematics education.This book is the first of two volumes in the Singapore Mathematics Education Series. This series offers teachersin Singapore and beyond valuable pedagogical aid in the instruction of mathematics and statistics. The secondvolume in the series, Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: A Resource Book, is the companion to this title.124 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009124

Social ScienceHigher EducationThis second edition has been updated to be in line with the latest 2007 syllabus.CONTENTSPrefaceContributing AuthorsPart I Curriculum FrameworkChapter 1 Introduction: A Framework for Learning to Teach Mathematics in PrimarySchoolsChapter 2 The Singapore Primary Mathematics CurriculumChapter 3 Teaching and LearningChapter 4 Problem Solving in MathematicsChapter 5 Assessment: Paper-and-Pencil Test in Singapore SchoolsPart II Teaching of Specific TopicsChapter 6 Teaching of Whole NumbersChapter 7 Teaching of FractionsChapter 8 Teaching of DecimalsChapter 9 Teaching of PercentageChapter 10 Teaching of RatioChapter 11 Teaching of MeasurementChapter 12 Teaching of GeometryChapter 13 Teaching of AlgebraChapter 14 Teaching of Rates and SpeedChapter 15 Teaching of Data HandlingIndex.*9780071268493*TEACHING SECONDARY SCHOOL MATHEMATICSSecond Edition, UpdatedBy Peng Yee Lee, and Ngan Hoe LeeJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 440 pagesISBN: 9780071268493 / US$18.00[An Asian Title]Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: A Resource Book is a sequel to its companion volume, Teaching PrimarySchool Mathematics: A Resource Book, in the Singapore Mathematics Education Series. Both are used as a mainreference for training school teachers at the National Institute of Education, the only teachers’ training centre inSingapore. The series has been updated to follow the 2007 syllabus, implemented in schools in Singapore.Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: A Resource Book covers the following four aspects of teaching andlearning: syllabus (standards) and concepts, teaching approaches and ideas, common errors and learning difficulties,and sample activities. Each chapter draws <strong>from</strong> the experience and teaching materials of the various authorsin this volume, and is well researched, clearly written and easy to understand. This book is useful for pre-serviceand in-service teachers as well as mathematics educators, parents and anyone interested in secondary schoolmathematics education.CONTENTSPreface to the First EditionPreface to the Second EditionContributing AuthorsIntroductionPart I Teaching of Specific TopicsChapter 1 Teaching of ArithmeticChapter 2 Teaching of AlgebraChapter 3 Teaching of GraphsChapter 4 Teaching of StatisticsChapter 5 Teaching of MensurationChapter 6 Teaching of GeometryChapter 7 Teaching of TrigonometryChapter 8 Teaching of SetsChapter 9 Teaching of CountingChapter 10 Teaching of ProbabilityChapter 11 Teaching of Higher AlgebraChapter 12 Teaching of FunctionsChapter 13 Teaching of CalculusChapter 14 Teaching of VectorsChapter 15 Teaching of MatricesPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.125125

Higher EducationSocial SciencePart II Reading ResourcesChapter 16 Learning Theories for Mathematics EducationChapter 17 Mathematical Problem Solving in the Secondary Classroom;Chapter 18 Preparation of Schemes of Work and Lesson PlansChapter 19 ICT and Mathematics EducationChapter 20 Designing Test ItemsChapter 21 Making Alternative Assessment an Integral Part of InstructionalPracticeChapter 22 The Model-drawing Method with AlgebraIndex.*9780073378640*CRITICAL ISSUES IN EDUCATION: DIALOGUES AND DIALECTICSSeventh EditionBy Jack L. Nelson, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Stuart B. Palonsky, University Of Missouri-Columbia, And MaryRose Mccarthy, Pace UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 544 pagesISBN: 9780073378640 / US$77.50Critical Issues in Education is designed to be used in courses that examine current, relevant pro and con disputesabout schools and schooling. By exploring the major opposing viewpoints on these issues, the text encourageseducation students to think critically and develop their own viewpoints. The clear writing and dramatic dialectic approachare conducive to dynamic classroom discussions that help students grasp the many sides of these complexissues. Three integrating themes provide a solid framework for examining the eighteen topics covered. Each partbegins with a chapter-length introduction that provides background material and organizing themes for the issuesthat follow. Each issue is then presented <strong>from</strong> two divergent viewpoints, each one written in advocate languageto be as compelling as possible. The book’s objective, in addition to informing the reader about the issues, is todevelop critical thinking skills within the context of education.*9780335234363*HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR ASSIGNMENT RESULTSBy Colin Neville, University of BradfordJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 184 pagesISBN: 9780335234363 / US$79.50[An Open University Press Title]vAre you puzzled by tutor comments on your assignments?vvDo you want to improve your grades but aren’t sure how?Do you want help but don’t know where to go or who to ask?If so, then this book will save the day! It will help any student to understand the comments they receive on theirassignments and improve their assignment results.The book focuses on the common weaknesses that lecturers highlight when they write comments such as:vvvv‘You have not answered the question’‘Your work is more descriptive than critical’‘You did not tell me anything new’‘Your English is weak; it was difficult to follow your arguments’And by understanding what tutors are looking for in essays, students can quickly learn how to improve their assignmentstructures, the language they use, and their referencing skills in order to raise their grades. There is alsoa vital section on how to be more creative in assignments as well as a chapter on where to go for more help.This is an essential companion for all students who are not sure how to address the assignment feedback raisedby their lecturer. It is also key reading for those who give feedback to students.CONTENTSAcknowledgementsWhy read this bookChapter 1: The shock of poor results126 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009126

Social ScienceHigher EducationChapter 2: Interpreting your assignment resultsChapter 3: ‘You have not answered or addressed the question’Chapter 4: ‘Your work is more descriptive than critical’Chapter 5: ‘Your assignment was poorly structured’Chapter 6: ‘You did not tell me anything new’Chapter 7: ‘Your reading for this assignment is limited’Chapter 8: ‘You need to improve your referencing’Chapter 9: ‘Your English is weak; it was difficult to follow your arguments’Chapter 10: Finding your own voice in assignmentsChapter 11: Sources of helpAppendix.*9780073545653*TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS ON EDUCATIONAL ISSUES, EXPANDEDFifteenth EditionBy James Wm. Noll, University Of Maryland-College ParkFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 448 pagesISBN: 9780073545653 / US$30.94http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0073545651.mhtmlTAKING SIDES: EDUCATIONAL ISSUES, 15/e EXPANDED presents current controversial issues in a debate-styleformat designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed withan issue summary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is availablefor each volume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practicalsuggestions on incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features anannotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by a book website. Visit www.mhcls.com.*9780073378435*TEACHING READING IN SECONDARY SCHOOLBy Andrew Ratner, City College Of New YorkFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 256 pagesISBN: 9780073378435 / US$29.06In response to concerns about teacher retention, especially among teachers in their first to fourth year in the classroom,we offer future teachers a series of brief guides full of practical advice that they can refer to in both their studentteaching and in their first years on the job.*9780073378732*DECULTURALIZATION AND THE STRUGGLE FOR EQUALITYA Brief History of the Education of Dominated Cultures in the UnitedStatesSixth EditionBy Joel Spring, Queens CollegeFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 176 pagesISBN: 9780073378732 / US$42.19This text is a concise history of Anglo American racism and school policies affecting dominated groups in the UnitedStates. It focuses on the educational, legal, and social construction of race and racism, and on educational practicesrelated to deculturalization, segregation, and the civil rights movement. Spring emphasizes issues of power andcontrol in schools and shows how the dominant Anglo class has stripped away the culture of minority peoples in theU.S. and replaced it with the dominant culture. In the process, he gives voice to the often-overlooked perspectivesof African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, and Native Americans. An understanding ofthese historical perspectives and how they impact current conditions and policies is critical to teachers’ success orfailure in today’s diverse classrooms.Very brief and affordable, Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality is an ideal supplement for Introduction/Foundations of Education, Multicultural Education, or any course that seeks to expand student notions of what U.S.education has been and can be.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.127127

Higher EducationSocial ScienceCONTENTSAbout the AuthorPrefaceCHAPTER 1: Deculturalization and the Claim of Racial and Cultural Superiority by Anglo-AmericansCHAPTER 2: Native Americans: Deculturalization, Schooling, and GlobalizationCHAPTER 3: African Americans: Deculturalization, Transformation, and SegregationCHAPTER 4: Asian Americans: Exclusion and SegregationCHAPTER 5: Hispanic/Latino Americans: Exclusion and SegregationCHAPTER 6: The Great Civil Rights Movement and the New Culture WarsCHAPTER 7: Twenty-First Century: Post-Racial Society?Index.*9780073378473*NUMBER THEORY FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERSBy Edward Wall, City College Of New YorkFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 192 pagesISBN: 9780073378473 / US$29.06In response to concerns about teacher retention, especially among teachers in their first to fourth year in theclassroom, we offer future teachers a series of brief guides full of practical advice that they can refer to in both theirstudent teaching and in their first years on the job. Number Theory for Elementary School Teachers is designedfor preservice candidates in early and/or elementary education. The text complements traditional Math Methodscourses and provides deep content knowledge for prospective and first year teachers.FEATURESv Brief and Affordable. Number Theory for Elementary School Teachers is a concise and practical guide to teachingnumber theory.*9780335223763*KEYWORDS IN POLICINGBy Ian Pepper, University of Tesside, and Helen PepperJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 144 pagesISBN: 9780335223763 / US$120.00[An Open University Press Title]Like any large organisation, the police service has developed its own language that may be confusing to those newto its ranks, such as Police Officers, Community Support Officers, Special Constables, Crime Scene Investigatorsor Intelligence Analysts.This book is an invaluable reference, providing short, easy to read definitions of the most significant keywords andabbreviations used within contemporary policing and law enforcement.Presented in alphabetical order, the user-friendly definitions describe the words, terms and abbreviations whichare frequently used within 21st century policing.Keywords in Policing is essential reading for students and professionals studying and working in the fields of policing,law enforcement and criminal justice, particularly those on vocational courses, serving within the police force,community support officers, or working with alternate law enforcement agencies.128 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009128

Social ScienceHigher EducationENGLISH*9780073407104*GOING PLACES: PARAGRAPH TO ESSAYBy Richard E. Bailey, Henry Ford Community College, Linda Denstaedt, Oakland Writing Project - University of MichiganJanuary 2009 / 640 pagesISBN: 9780073407104 / US$68.75http://www.mhhe.com/goingplacesThis two-book developmental writing series with help students become more effective and more confident writersby meeting students where they are and by helping them get to where they want to go.One of the authors’ primary goals in teaching writing is to help their students explore how college writing can enhancestudents’ lives and help them achieve their goals, whether academic, professional, or beyond. Such explorationoften begins with igniting a change in how our students look at writing. Far too often, students come to the first dayof class thinking of the course as something simply to “get through,” something without any real connection to whatgoes on outside the classroom, when, in fact, writing is an essential part of their journey.With these goals in mind, the authors have written, developed, and student-tested Going Places (P¿E), and its partnertext On the Go (S¿P), so you can meet students where they are and use writing to take them where they want to go.After all, engaged students and good writers do well in their classes; they retain content better and participate morefully. They use writing to learn and to share what they know. In addition, critical thinkers and good writers participatemore fully in the workplace and are more likely to advance. Whatever their destination, effective writing will make afundamental difference in each student’s journey.*9780073375120*PEAK PERFORMANCE: SUCCESS IN COLLEGE AND BEYONDSeventh EditionBy Sharon Ferrett, Humboldt State UniversityJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 568 pagesISBN: 9780073375120 / US$61.67This best-selling text presents new and returning college students with practical, hands-on strategies for increasingtheir performance inside and outside the classroom. Peak Performance helps students make the connection betweentheir academic efforts and their job and life skills. Students learn a variety of personal productivity skills related topositive work and study habits, as well as creative problem-solving, organizational, and interpersonal skills.This new edition includes the latest issues affecting students, such as campus safety and changing technology.Also, more “how to” information gives students even more opportunity to put the material into practice. The reviseddesign and new illustrations help visual learners understand key theories and concepts and provide more practicalapplications.CONTENTSPart One: Building Foundation SkillsChapter 1: Be a Lifelong LearnerChapter 2: Expand Your Emotional IntelligenceChapter 3: Manage Your TimeChapter 4: Maximize Your ResourcesPart Two: Basic Skills and StrategiesChapter 5: Listen and Take Effective NotesChapter 6: Actively ReadChapter 7: Improve Your Memory SkillsChapter 8: Excel at Taking TestsChapter 9: Express Yourself in Writing and SpeechPart Three: ApplicationChapter 10: Become a Critical Thinker and Creative Problem SolverChapter 11: Create a Healthy Mind, Body, and SpiritChapter 12: Build Supportive and Diverse RelationshipsChapter 13: Develop Positive HabitsChapter 14: Explore Majors and CareersGlossaryAdditional Credits.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.129129

Higher EducationSocial Science*9780073371603*ENGLISH ESSENTIALSSecond EditionBy John Langan, Atlantic Cape Community CollegeJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 368 pagesISBN: 9780073371603 / US$28.75John Langan’s English Essentials offers guidance through the grammar, punctuation, and usage skills neededfor success in college and beyond. In short, English Essentials is an efficient, accessible, and helpful guide tomastering practical English skills.CONTENTSPreface to the InstructorIntroductionAbout the BookBecoming a Better WriterWriting AssignmentsVisual Writing Prompts (insert)Part One: Fifteen Basic SkillsPreview1: Parts of Speech2: Subjects and Verbs3: Irregular Verbs4: Subject-Verb Agreement5: Sentence Types6: Fragments I7: Fragments II8: Run-Ons and Comma Splices I9: Run-Ons and Comma Splices II10: The Comma11: The Apostrophe12: Quotation Marks13: Homonyms14: Capital Letters15: ParallelismPart Two: Extending the SkillsPreview16: Preparing a Paper17: Punctuation Marks18: Pronoun Forms19: Pronoun Problems20: Adjectives and Adverbs21: Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers22: Word Choice23: Numbers and Abbreviations24: More about Subjects and Verbs25: More about Subject-Verb Agreement26: More about Verbs27: Even More about Verbs28: More about Run-Ons and Comma Splices29: More about Commas30: More about Apostrophes31: More about Quotation Marks32: More about Homonyms33: More about Capital LettersPart Three: ProofreadingPreview34: Basics about Proofreading35: Ten Proofreading TestsPart Four: Related MattersPreview36: Spelling Improvement37: Dictionary UseIndex.130 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009130

Social ScienceHigher Education*9780073522418*THE PURPOSE-GUIDED STUDENT: DREAM TO SUCCEEDBy Jerry Pattengale, Indiana Wesleyan UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 208 pagesISBN: 9780073522418 / US$49.06Jerry Pattengale’s The Purpose-Guided Student: Dream to Succeed helps students to find their way, and to be excitedabout doing so! Through connecting class work to life passions, Pattengale helps students to persist to graduation andbeyond. The Purpose-Guided Student has a practical and engaging “big picture approach” that helps students “to createdreams stronger than their struggles,” and to develop intrinsic motivation. Engaging students in discussions aboutimportant questions relative to their future and capitalizing on the many classes and campus experiences studentsface, The Purpose-Guided Student motivates students find their passion and succeed in college and beyond.CONTENTSChapter 1: Dreams: Drawing Your Life WedgeChapter 2: Heroes and Their CausesChapter 3: The Connection to Class WorkChapter 4: Willpower and WaypowerChapter 5: Hope and PerseveranceChapter 6: Seeing the Big PictureChapter 7: Taking Ownership of Your EducationChapter 8: Writing Your Own Story: The Power of Purpose.*9780073407241*IMPROVING READING SKILLSSixth EditionBy Deanne Spears, City College Of San FranciscoJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 528 pagesISBN: 9780073407241 / US$63.44The sixth edition offers students insightful, engaging, contemporary selections that to challenge them and to makethem want to turn the page. The book’s subtitle, Contemporary Readings for College Students, reflects the nature ofthe book. In addition to acquiring skills, students will learn something about the world as they read.In addition to the readings, the book includes a wide variety of practice exercises to reinforce good reading skillsand to help students develop a college-level vocabulary. This basic principle—high-interest contemporary readingsand useful exercises—has accounted for the book’s success in the past and remains the guiding principle for thisedition.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.131131

Higher EducationSocial ScienceFOREIGN LANGUAGE*9780073386249* *9780077270445**9780077270483*AVANTI!: BEGINNING ITALIANSecond EditionBy Janice Aski, Ohio State University, and Diane Musumeci, University Of Illinois-ChampaignJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 576 pagesISBN: 9780073386249 / US$106.25ISBN: 9780077270445 [DVD] / US$26.25ISBN: 9780077270483 [Workbook/Laboratory Manual] / US$59.06http://www.mhhe.com/avanti2Welcome to the second edition of Avanti! In the new edition out priorities remain the same as those of the firstedition, to provide an introductory language course that meets the needs of both instructors and learners. Threesignificant characteristics set Avanti! apart <strong>from</strong> other first-year Italian texts:First, Avanti! satisfies students’ desire to communicate in everyday situations right <strong>from</strong> the start and to exploreItaly’s rich and unique culture in meaningful ways.Second, Avanti! responds to instructors’ concern that most textbooks attmattemptcover too much material in thefirst year. We have designed an elementary course that reflects reasonable expectations for the amount of materialthat most beginning learners can acquire in one year of classroom instruction.Third, the methodology of Avanti! is firmly grounded in current findings of research in second language acquisitionand foreign language pedagogy. The materials provide support for instructors, particularly those with limitedexperience, whose goals are to teach mainly, if not exclusively, in Italian, and to create the student-centered, communicativeclassroom environment that is promoted by this research.*9780077264109*PASAJES: CULTURASeventh EditionBy Mary Lee Bretz, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Trisha Dvorak, University Of Washington, And Carl Kirschner,Rutgers University-New BrunswickJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 336 pagesISBN: 9780077264109 / US$62.19http://www.mhhe.com/pasajes7The Pasajes series is one of the most widely used and highly respected programs for intermediate Spanish coursesin North America. As in previous editions, the seventh edition of Pasajes consists of three volumes, all coordinatedby theme, chapter by chapter: a review of grammar (Lengua), a cultural reader Cultura), and a literary reader (Literatura).The result is a very flexible program that can be used in any combination and thus is easily adapted tosuit the needs of a wide variety of instructors and intermediate courses. The new edition offers a new film featurein Lengua with pre- and post-viewing questios and an accompanying image. In addiiton, Literatura and Culturaeach have three new or revised readings. All three volumes have a modified interior design, as well as updatedand revised activities and photos.132 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009132

Social ScienceHigher Education*9780077264093*PASAJES: LITERATURASeventh EditionBy Mary Lee Bretz, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Trisha Dvorak, University Of Washington, Carl Kirschner, RutgersUniversity-New Brunswick, and Constance Kihyet, Saddleback CollegeJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 288 pagesISBN: 9780077264093 / US$62.19http://www.mhhe.com/pasajes7The Pasajes series is one of the most widely used and highly respected programs for intermediate Spanish coursesin North America. As in previous editions, the seventh edition of Pasajes consists of three volumes, all coordinatedby theme, chapter by chapter: a review of grammar (Lengua), a cultural reader Cultura), and a literary reader (Literatura).The result is a very flexible program that can be used in any combination and thus is easily adapted tosuit the needs of a wide variety of instructors and intermediate courses. The new edition offers a new film feature inLengua with pre- and post-viewing questios and an accompanying image. In addiiton, Literatura and Cultura eachhave three new or revised readings. All three volumes have a modified interior design, as well as updated andrevised activities and photos.*9780073385235*PASAJES: LENGUAStudent EditionBy Mary Lee Bretz, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Trisha Dvorak, University Of Washington, Carl Kirschner, RutgersUniversity-New Brunswick, and Rodney Bransdorfer, Central Washington University-EllensburgJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 448 pagesISBN: 9780073385235 / US$97.50http://www.mhhe.com/pasajes7The Pasajes series is one of the most widely used and highly respected programs for intermediate Spanish coursesin North America. As in previous editions, the seventh edition of Pasajes consists of three volumes, all coordinatedby theme, chapter by chapter: a review of grammar (Lengua), a cultural reader Cultura), and a literary reader (Literatura).The result is a very flexible program that can be used in any combination and thus is easily adapted tosuit the needs of a wide variety of instructors and intermediate courses. The new edition offers a new film featurein Lengua with pre- and post-viewing questios and an accompanying image. In addiiton, Literatura and Culturaeach have three new or revised readings. All three volumes have a modified interior design, as well as updated andrevised activities and photos.*9780073386430* *9780077272913*DÉBUTS: AN INTRODUCTION TO FRENCHStudent EditionBy H. Jay Siskin, Cabrillo College, Ann Williams, Metropolitan State College Of Denver, And Tom Field, University OfMaryland, Baltimore CntyJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 544 pagesISBN: 9780073386430 / US$130.00ISBN: 9780077272913 [Workbook/Laboratory Manual Part 1] / US$42.50http://www.mhhe.com/debuts3Welcome to Débuts: a completely integrated film-based introductory course for learning French language and culture.The film narrative of Le Chemin du retour is what drives the scope and sequence of vocabulary and grammar, thepresentation of culture, and the development of reading and writing. A two-hour feature-length film, Le Chemin duretour is the story of a young television journalist, Camille Leclair, and her pursuit of the truth about her grandfather’smysterious past. Through Camille’s quest, students learn language and culture in the functional context providedby the story. The textbook/film package grew out of the authors’ conviction that language learning is more than justlearning skills: it is also a process in which understanding of culture must surely occupy a central position. Therefore,Débuts and Le Chemin du retour emphasize the importance of cultural awareness and understanding, not only ofFrench and Francophone culture, but also of the student’s own culture. In addition, the Débuts program containsboth literary and cultural readings, as well as a playlist of Francophone songs, to provide even more authentic inputto students on current on provocative topics allowing for more students interaction in class.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.133133

Higher EducationSocial Science*9780073385211*DOS MUNDOSSeventh EditionBy Tracy Terrell deceased), Magdalena Andrade, Irvine Valley College, Jeanne Egasse, Irvine Valley College, Elías MiguelMuñozJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 656 pagesISBN: 9780073385211 / US$135.00ISBN: 9780070171817 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/dosmundos7Dos mundos made its name as a pioneer in Beginning Spanish, and has maintained its spirit of innovation throughmany successful editions: today, it continues to be one of the best-selling beginning Spanish language textbooksin the nation. Based on the communicative approach, Dos mundos stresses the use of engaging activities in anatural and spontaneous classroom atmosphere. In this research-based approach to learning language, the developmentof communicative language skills is the central goal, with formal grammar presentation and practice atthe service of communication.*9780073385327*DOS MUNDOS: EN BREVEFourth EditionBy Tracy Terrell deceased), Magdalena Andrade, Irvine Valley College, Jeanne Egasse, Irvine Valley College, Elías MiguelMuñozJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 512 pagesISBN: 9780073385327 / US$115.94Dos mundos made its name as a pioneer in Beginning Spanish, and has maintained its spirit of innovation throughmany successful editions: today, it continues to be one of the best-selling beginning Spanish language textbooksin the nation. Based on the communicative approach, Dos mundos stresses the use of engaging activities in anatural and spontaneous classroom atmosphere. In this research-based approach to learning language, the developmentof communicative language skills is the central goal, with formal grammar presentation and practice atthe service of communication.<strong>NEW</strong> TO THIS EDITIONv The new Conozca section on each chapter opener gives an introduction of the country or region of focus, includinginformation about holidays, foods, famous people, important cities, and more.v The Enlace literario readings have been changed to include Enlace a la literatura / al cine / a la música. In additionto several literary readings, this section has been expanded to include information on Latin American and Spanish musicand cinema. Each reading is followed by a set of questions to check student comprehension.v Also featured in CENTRO is a new collection of minidocumentaries and interviews <strong>from</strong> Yabla, delivered in a playerthat allows students to view subtitles of the clips as well as to slow down the pace of the speaking. They can also click onany word in the subtitles for an instant definition. Interactive games are embedded in the player for additional comprehensionand practice.vUnparalleled technology components, all together and accessible via Centro.*9780073385228* *9780077273019*VISTAZOS: UN CURSO BREVEThird EditionBy Bill VanPatten, Texas Tech University, James F. Lee, University Of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, Terry L. Ballman,California State University Channel Islands, Andrew P. Farley, Texas Tech University, William R. Glass, And DonnaDeans Binkowski, Indiana University-BloomingtonJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 432 pagesISBN: 9780073385228 / US$115.94ISBN: 9780077273019 [Workbook/Laboratory Manual] / US$60.31http://www.mhhe.com/vistazos3This brief version of the successful ‘Sabías que…’ is perfectly designed for Beginning Spanish programs that areinterested in an innovative task-based approach but whose curriculum necessitates a more concise textbook. Accompaniedby an outstanding ancillary package, Vistazos represents the practical application of the theories andresearch presented in Lee and VanPatten’s methods text, Making Communicative Language Teaching Happen.134 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009134

Social ScienceHigher EducationOf special note are the select textbook activities that are available in an optional online format through Quia. Theonline delivery of these activities makes Vistazos an ideal textbook for instructors who want to place more focus oncommunicative interaction in the classroom.HEALTH/PHYSICAL ED/NUTRITION*9780071281645*PERSPECTIVE ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS SCIENCESBy Nick AplinJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 268 pagesISBN: 9780071281645 / US$21.50[An Asian Title]In 2008, Singapore secured the bid to host the first-ever Youth Olympic Games in 2010. The eyes of the world will beon Singapore as the games - now a national concern - encompasses an initiative to invite the international sportingyouth to participate, not only in competitive games, but also in educational and cultural activities. This event as wellas Singapore’s silver medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the Singapore F1 Grand Prix - Formula One’s inauguralnight race - have acted as catalysts for more young Singaporeans to engage in sports.This book addresses thev concurrent need to apply new knowledge and develop a greater understanding of meaningful sports and physicaleducationvvcontemporary needs in schools and within the communityfuture developments in sports and physical educationIn addition, itvvvvvvexamines current pedagogical practices in schoolsevaluates attitudes towards health and fitnessexplains the relevance of talent identificationreflects on the past and future development of the culture of sports in Singaporeidentifies areas of concern and interest for educationalists and scientists with a close affinity to physical activityexplores areas in obesity management, character development, and technologyCONTENTS1. The Passage of Time: Laying the Foundations for Sports2. Creating a Collective Memory: Pioneers of Physical Education in Singapore3. Should PE Teachers Promote Lifelong Physical Activity or LifelongPhysical Fitness?: A Critical Analysis of the Scientific Evidence4. School Physical Education Programmes: Health and Fitness Issues and Challenges5. Managing Obesity in Schools: Holistic Approaches for the Future6. A Holistic Approach to Managing Fitness and Obesity: The Raffles Experience7. Enhancing Cultural Literacy in Students through Folk Dance8. Character Development through Physical Education9. Enhancing Game Play in Physical Education and Sports: A Holistic Approach10. The Case for Small-sided Games in Physical Education and Sports in Singapore Primary Schools11. A Systematic Approach to Coach Appraisal in Singapore Schools12. Sports in Singapore: The Path to “First-World” Status13. How Coaches Coach: The Case of High Performance Basketballin Singapore14. Sports Talent Identification: A Critical Review15. Talent and Talent Identification in Singapore16. Consumption of Sports Products in Singapore17. The Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in PE: A Singapore Case Study18. Identity and Expediency: Towards the Youth Olympic Games 2010.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.135135

Higher EducationSocial Science*9780073380759*DRUGS IN PERSPECTIVESeventh EditionBy Richard Fields, Private Counseling Practice, Bellevue, WA; Owner/Director, FACES Conferences, Redmond, WAFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 416 pagesISBN: 9780073380759 / US$89.06http://www.mhhe.com/fields7eThis text is designed for the drug and substance abuse counseling course that prepares future health professionalsto work with patients, clients, and families of abusers. It provides perspective on the aspects and problems associatedwith addiction and discusses the fundamentals of the dynamics of chemical dependency. The new editionimproves topic flow for easier understanding and brings the research base into the 21st century.CONTENTSSection I: Understanding Substance Abuse1 Putting Drugs in Perspective2 Why Do People Abuse Drugs?3 Drug-Specific Information4 Definitions of Substance Abuse, Dependence, and AddictionSection II: Family5 Substance Abuse and Family Systems6 Parenting7 Growing Up in an Alcoholic Family SystemSection III: Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment8 Prevention of Substance-Abuse Problems9 Change, Motivation & Intervention for Substance-Abuse Problems10 Disorders Co-Occurring with Substance Abuse11 Alcohol/Drug Treatment and Relapse PreventionAppendix A: Trends in Annual Prevalence of Use of Various Drugs for Eight, Tenth, and Twelfth GradersAppendix B: Alcohol/Drug Screening InventoriesAppendix C: Medication ExamplesAppendix D: At-Risk Factors For Substance Abuse*9780077305611*CHILDREN MOVING: A REFLECTIVE APPROACH TO TEACHINGPHYSICAL EDUCATIONEighth EditionBy George M. Graham, Penn State University-University Park, Shirley Ann Holt/Hale, Linden Elementary School, OakRidge, Tennessee, and Melissa A. Parker, University Of Northern ColoradoJanuary 2009 / Hardcover with softcover (unboxed)ISBN: 9780077305611 / US$129.38Soundly based in the research literature and theory, this comprehensive introductory text is a practical guide toteaching physical education to the elementary school child. Its skill theme approach guides teachers in the process ofassisting children develop their motor skills and physical fitness through developmentally appropriate activities.CONTENTSPART I. INTRODUCTION AND CONTENT OVERVIEW1. The Value and Purpose of Physical Education for Children2. The Skill Theme Approach3. Skill Themes, Movement Concepts, and the National Standards4. Physical Fitness and Wellness for Children5. Reflective Teaching6. Teaching Children with Special NeedsPART II. TEACHING SKILLS7. Determining Generic Levels of Skill Proficiency8. Planning9. Establishing an Environment for Learning10. Maintaining Appropriate Behavior11. Developing the Content12. Observing Student Responses13. Instructional Approaches14. Assessing Student Learning15. Understanding Your Teaching136 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009136

Social ScienceHigher EducationPART III. MOVEMENT CONCEPTS DEFINED16. Space Awareness17. Effort18. RelationshipsPART IV. SKILL THEME DEVELOPMENT19. Traveling20. Chasing, Fleeing, and Dodging21. Jumping and Landing22. Balancing23. Transferring Weight and Rolling24. Kicking and Punting25. Throwing and Catching26. Volleying and Dribbling27. Striking with Rackets and Paddles28. Striking with Long-Handled ImplementsPART V. MOVEMENT CONCEPTS AND SKILL THEMES IN THE CONTENT AREAS29. The Skill Theme Approach in Dance30. The Skill Theme Approach in Gymnastics31. The Skill Theme Approach in Games32. Integrating the Skill Theme Approach Across the CurriculumPART VI. THE FUTURE33. Building Support for Your Program34. Physical Education for Tomorrow’s ChildrenAppendix. Index*9780073376493*A HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATIONFrom Ancient Civilizations to the Modern WorldFifth EditionBy Robert A. Mechikoff, San Diego State University-San DiegoJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 480 pagesISBN: 9780073376493 / US$98.44http://www.mhhe.com/mechikoff5eThis engaging and informative text will hold the attention of students and scholars as they take a journey through timeto understand the role that history and philosophy have played in shaping the course of sport and physical educationin Western and selected non-Western civilizations. From Mesoamerica and Ancient Greece to the 2008 OlympicGames, the book touches on religion, politics, social movements, and individuals as they contributed to the developmentof sport and physical education. An extensive array of pedagogical tools--including timelines, comprehensivelists of chapter objectives, suggested websites, and discussion questions--aids the learning experience.CONTENTSSection I Ancient Civilizations1. History and Philosophy in Sport and Physical Education2. Sumer, Egypt, China, and Mesoamerica3. Greece4. RomeSection II From the Spiritual World to the Secular World: Changing Concepts of the Body5. Philosophy, Sport, and Physical Education During the Middle Ages: 900-14006. The Renaissance and the Reformation: 1300-16007. The Age of Science and the Enlightenment: 1560-17898. Philosophical Positions of the Body and the Development of Physical Education: Contributions of the Germans, Swedes,and Danes in Nineteenth-Century EuropeSection III The Theoretical and Professional Development of American Physical Education9. The Impact of Science and the Concepts of Health on the Theoretical and Professional Development of Physical Education,1885-193010. The Transformation of Physical Education: 1900-1939Section IV Historical and Philosophical Development of Sport in America11. Sport in the Colonial Period12. Changing Concepts of the Body: An Overview of Sport and Play in Nineteenth-Century America13. Sport in the Twentieth CenturySection V A Social and Political History of the Modern Olympic Games14. Pioneers and Progress: 1896-193615. The Cold War Olympics: 1948-198816. After the Cold War: 1992-2008Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.137137

Higher EducationSocial Science*9780073375557*NUTRITION FOR HEALTH, FITNESS & SPORTNinth EditionBy Melvin H. Williams, Old Dominion UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 648 pagesISBN: 9780073375557 / US$101.56ISBN: 9780070165519 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/williams9This textbook provides the reader with thorough coverage of the role nutrition plays in enhancing one’s health,fitness, and sport performance. Current research and practical activities are incorporated throughout.CONTENTS1 Introduction to Nutrition for Health, Fitness, and Sports Performance2 Healthful Nutrition for Fitness and Sport: The Consumer Athlete3 Human Energy4 Carbohydrates: The Main Energy Food5 Fat: An Important Energy Source during Exercise6 Protein: The Tissue Builder7 Vitamins: The Organic Regulators8 Minerals: The Inorganic Regulators9 Water, Electrolytes and Temperature Regulation10 Body Weight and Composition for Health and Sport11 Weight Maintenance and Loss through Proper Nutrition and Exercise12 Weight Gaining through Proper Nutrition and Exercise13 Food Drugs and Related SupplementsAppendix A—Units of Measurement: English System—Metric System EquivalentsAppendix B—Approximate Caloric Expenditure per Minute for Various Physical ActivitiesAppendix C—Self-Test on Drinking Habits and AlcoholismAppendix D—Determination of Healthy Body WeightAppendix E—Exchange Lists for Meal PlanningAppendix F—Calories, Percent Fat, Cholesterol, Sodium, and Dietary Fiber in Selected Fast-Food Restaurant ProductsAppendix G—Energy Pathways of Carbohydrate, Fat, and ProteinAppendix H—Small Steps: 120 Small Steps to a Healthier Diet and Increased Physical ActivityAppendix I—Sample Menu for a 2000-Calorie Food PatternAppendix J—MyPyramid for Kids.*9780073523637*EXPLORING EXERCISE SCIENCEBy Gregory S. Wilson, University Of EvansvilleJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 256 pagesISBN: 9780073523637 / US$83.44Exploring Exercise Science is written <strong>from</strong> a practical standpoint. It blends scientific elements such as metabolicresponses to exercise or the amount of force needed to generate an overhand throw with professional issues suchas legal liability and employment opportunities. Each chapter is written by a leading expert in the field. Most booksonly present an overview, but Exploring Exercise Science integrates these concepts with practical informationconcerning types of employment possibilities and the certifications required to work in a specific area.The distinct approach of this textbook bridges the gap between subject material and how that information is usedin the workplace. Students interested in employment in specific areas of exercise science have the opportunity totruly understand what is required in pursuit of their long-term goals.CONTENTSExploring Exercise SciencePart 1: IntroductionChapter 1: Introduction to Exercise SciencePart 2: Exploring the PhysiologicChapter 2: Exercise PhysiologyChapter 3: Nutrition for Sports and ExercisePart 3: Exploring the BehavioralChapter 4: Exercise and Sport psychologyChapter 5: Motor Learning and Motor ControlPart 4: Exploring the BiomechanicalChapter 6: Biomechanics138 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009138

Social ScienceHigher EducationPart 5: Exploring Sports MedecineChapter 7: Athletic TrainingPart 6: Exploring Social ScienceChapter 8: Sociology of Physical ActivityChapter 9: History of Exercise and SportPart 7: Exploring the Context and Future of Exercise ScienceChapter 10: Current Societal Health TrendsChapter 11: Physical Activity EpidemiologyChapter 12: Laws That Affect Exercise ScienceChapter 13: Ethical Considerations in Exercise ScienceChapter 14: The Future of Exercise Science: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Research and Applied Intervention Strategies.HISTORY*9780073022048*THE AMERICAN CIVIL WARBy Terry L. Jones, University Of Louisiana @ MonroeFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 752 pagesISBN: 9780073022048 / US$61.88This rich and balanced narrative of the American Civil War combines a chronological organization with a thematicapproach to provide a comprehensive introduction to this pivotal conflict in the nation’s history. Chronologicallyorganized chapters on military history allow readers to easily follow the ebb and flow of the battlefield, while other,more topical chapters interspersed throughout explore such subjects as Civil War medicine, politics, prisoners of war,diplomacy, and the role of African-Americans and women, providing strong social and political context for the war anda greater understanding of the lasting impact of the time period. Each chapter also includes high interest featuresthat provide biographical sketches of important personalities, little known facts about the Civil War, the histories offamous fighting units, and eyewitness accounts of dramatic events.CONTENTSPrefaceIntroductionChapter I: A House DividedChapter II: A Parting of WaysChapter III: War!!Chapter IV: SoldieringChapter V: Yankee Onslaught: The Western Theater, 1862Chapter VI: Lee Takes Command: Virginia, 1862Chapter VII: Confederate Jugernaughts: From Antiem to Stone’s RiverChapter VIII: The War at SeaChapter IX: The Fight for FreedomChapter X: The Diplomatic WarChapter XI: Finance and IndustryChapter XII: The Politics of UnionChapter XIII: The Politics of RebellionChapter XIV: Advance and Retreat: The Chancellorsville and Gettysburg CampaignsChapter XV: Pocketing the Key: The Vicksburg and Port Hudson CampaignsChapter XVI: Shifting Fortunes in the West: The Chickamauga and Chattanooga CampaignsChapter XVII: The Other ParticipantsChapter XVIII: Medical Care in the Civil WarChapter XIX: In the Hands of the EnemyChapter XX: The Irregular WarChapter XXI: The Bloody Road to Richmond: From the Wildnerness to PetersburgChapterWildernessm Meridian to AtlantaChapter XXIII: The Rebellion’s Last GaspChapter XXIV: From Petersburg to Appomattox: The Final CampaignsChapter XXV: Reconstructing the NationChapter XXVI: The Long Shadow of WarBibliography.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.139139

Higher EducationSocial ScienceMASS COMMUNICATION & MEDIA*9780073378909*INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATIONMedia Literacy and CultureSixth EditionBy Stanley J. Baran, Bryant UniversityJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 528 pagesISBN: 9780073378909 / US$103.13ISBN: 9780070169135 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/baran6eThis text encourages students to be active media consumers and gives them a deeper understanding of the rolethat the media play in both shaping and reflecting culture. Through this cultural perspective, students learn thataudience members are as much a part of the mass communication process as are the media producers, technologies,and industries. This was the first, and remains the only, university-level text to make media literacy centralto its approach, and given recent national and global turmoil, its emphasis on media use and democracy couldnot be more timely.Building on this tested emphasis, the sixth edition features a complete updating of industry statistics throughout,numerous new examples <strong>from</strong> the ongoing Iraq war, the Presidential election, and the emergence of wildly popularInternet applications such as massive multiplayer online worlds like Second Life and social networking sites likeFacebook and MySpace.CONTENTSPart One: Laying the Groundwork1. Mass Communication, Culture, and Media Literacy2. The Evolving Mass Communication ProcessPart Two: Media, Media Industries, and Media Audiences3. <strong>Books</strong>4. Newspapers5. Magazines6. Film7. Radio, Recording, and Popular Music8. Television, Cable, and Mobile Video9. Video Games10. The Internet and the World Wide WebPart Three: Supporting Industries11. Public Relations12. AdvertisingPart Four: Mass-Mediated Culture in the Information Age13. Theories and Effects of Mass Communication14. Media Freedom, Regulation, and Ethics15. Global Media*9780073385143*EFFECTIVE GROUP DISCUSSIONTheory and PracticeThirteenth EditionBy Gloria J. Galanes, Missouri State University, Katherine L. Adams, California State University-FresnoFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 448 pagesISBN: 9780073385143 / US$85.31ISBN: 9780071267649 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/galanes13eCombining the most recent research findings with the practical tools students need to become productive groupmembers, this leading text covers secondary groups of all kinds: work groups, committees, task forces, self-directedwork teams, and other small groups whose objectives include finding solutions to problems, producing goods, andcreating policies.140 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009140

Social ScienceHigher EducationCONTENTSPart I: The Foundations of Communicating in GroupsChapter 1. The Small Groups in Everyone’s LifeChapter 2. Human Communication Processes in the Small Group ContextChapter 3. The Small Group as a SystemPart II: Developing the GroupChapter 4. Diversity and the Effects of CultureChapter 5. Members and their RolesPart III: Small Group Throughput ProcessesChapter 6. Communication and Group Culture: Tensions, Fantasy, Socialization, Norms, and ClimateChapter 7. Leading Small Groups: Theoretical PerspectivesChapter 8. Leading Small Groups: Practical TipsPart IV: Improving Group OutputsChapter 9. Problem Solving and Decision Making: Theoretical PerspectivesChapter 10. Problem Solving and Decision Making: Practical Tips and TechniquesChapter 11. Managing Conflict in the Small GroupPart V: Group Evaluation and Observation ToolsChapter 12. Tools for Assessing and Evaluating GroupsAppendix A: Preparing for Problem-Solving Discussions: Informational Resources for the GroupAppendix B: Making Public Presentations of the Group’s OutputGlossaryAuthor IndexSubject Index.*9780078127762*ANNUAL EDITIONS: MASS MEDIA 09/10Fifteenth EditionBy Joan Gorham, West Virginia University-MorgantownFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 208 pagesISBN: 9780078127762 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0078127769.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a widerange of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources.The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a generalaudience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make themparticularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotatedlisting of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offersan online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is the generalinstructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online. Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.*9780073385129*INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN CONTEXTSFifth EditionBy Judith N. Martin, Arizona State University-Tempe, And Thomas K. Nakayama, Northeastern UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 544 pagesISBN: 9780073385129 / US$81.56ISBN: 9780070171770 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/martinnakayama5eThis popular text addresses the core issues and concerns of intercultural communication by integrating three differentperspectives: the social psychological, the interpretive, and the critical. The dialectical framework, integratedthroughout the book, is used as a lens to examine the relationship of these research traditions. This text is uniquein its emphasis on the importance of histories, popular culture, and identities. The new edition features expandeddiscussion on globalization, computer-mediated technologies, and the role of religion in global and domestic contextsand how they relate to intercultural communication.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.141141

Higher EducationSocial ScienceCONTENTSPART I. FOUNDATIONS OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONChapter 1. Why Study Intercultural Communication?Chapter 2. The History of the Study of Intercultural CommunicationChapter 3. Culture, Communication, Context, and PowerChapter 4. History and Intercultural CommunicationPART II. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION PROCESSESChapter 5. Identity and Intercultural CommunicationChapter 6. Language and Intercultural CommunicationChapter 7. Nonverbal Codes and Cultural SpacePART III. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION APPLICATIONSChapter 8. Understanding Intercultural TransitionsChapter 9. Popular Culture and Intercultural CommunicationChapter 10. Culture, Communication, and Intercultural RelationshipsChapter 11. Culture, Communication, and ConflictChapter 12. Striving for Engaged and Effective Intercultural Communication.*9780073511955*MASS MEDIA IN A CHANGING WORLDThird EditionBy George Rodman, Brooklyn CollegeFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 544 pagesISBN: 9780073511955 / US$100.00ISBN: 9780070172739 [IE]This engaging text introduces students to the world of media through a unique structure that makes the materialeasily intelligible and meaningful to their lives. Each chapter is divided into three-part narrative sections: history,industry, and controversy. Mass Media in a Changing World is the story of where the media came <strong>from</strong>, why theydo what they do, and why those actions cause controversies. The Third Edition features updated statistics andcurrent examples including the selling of the war in Iraq, shock jock Michael Savage, the work being done to saveDarfur and much more!CONTENTSPART 1: OVERVIEWChapter 1: Introduction: Media in a Changing WorldChapter 2: Media Impact: Understanding Research and EffectsPART 2: THE PRINT INDUSTRIESChapter 3: <strong>Books</strong>: The Durable MediumChapter 4: Newspapers: Where Journalism BeginsChapter 5: Magazines: The First of the Specialized MediaPART 3: THE ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIESChapter 6: Movies: Magic <strong>from</strong> the Dream FactoryChapter 7: Recordings and the Music Industry: Copyright Battles, Format WarsChapter 8: Radio: The Hits Keep ComingChapter 9: Television: Reflecting and Affecting SocietyChapter 10: The Internet: Convergence in a Networked WorldPART 4: INFORMATION AND PERSUASION INDUSTRIESChapter 11: Electronic Journalism: News in an Age of EntertainmentChapter 12: Public Relations: The Image IndustryChapter 13: Advertising: The Media Support IndustryPART 5: MEDIA LAW AND ETHICSChapter 14: Media Law: Understanding Freedom of ExpressionChapter 15: Media Ethics: Understanding Media MoralityNotesGlossaryComplete Timeline of Mass Media MilestonesCreditsIndex.142 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009142

Social ScienceHigher Education*9780073385075*INTRODUCING COMMUNICATION THEORYAnalysis and ApplicationFourth EditionBy Richard L. West, Emerson College, and Lynn H. Turner, Marquette UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 640 pagesISBN: 9780073385075 / US$92.81ISBN: 9780071276344 [IE]This text introduces the field of communication to students who may have little or no background in communicationtheory. Its three overriding goals are to help students understand the pervasiveness of theory in their lives, to demystifythe theoretical process, and to help students become more systematic and critical in their thinking about theory.CONTENTSPrefacePart One. Setting the StageChapter 1. Thinking about Communication: Definitions, Models, and EthicsChapter 2. Thinking about the Field: Traditions and ContextsChapter 3. Thinking About Theory and ResearchChapter 4. Before We Begin...Part Two. Understanding the DialogueTHE SELF AND MESSAGESChapter 5. Symbolic Interaction TheoryChapter 6. Coordinated Management of MeaningChapter 7. Cognitive Dissonance TheoryChapter 8. Expectancy Violations TheoryRELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENTChapter 9. Uncertainty Reduction TheoryChapter 10. Social Penetration TheoryChapter 11. Social Exchange TheoryChapter 12. Relational Dialectics TheoryChapter 13. Communication Privacy Management TheoryGROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONSChapter 14. GroupthinkChapter 15. Structuration TheoryChapter 16. Organizational Culture TheoryChapter 17. Organizational Information TheoryTHE PUBLICChapter 18. The RhetoricChapter 19. DramatismChapter 20. The Narrative ParadigmTHE MEDIAChapter 21. Cultural StudiesChapter 22. Cultivation AnalysisChapter 23. Uses and Gratifications TheoryChapter 24. Spiral of Silence TheoryChapter 25. Media Ecology TheoryCULTURE AND DIVERSITYChapter 26. Face-Negotiation TheoryChapter 27. Communication Accommodation TheoryChapter 28. Muted Group TheoryChapter 29. Standpoint TheoryPart Three: On the Horizon...Chapter 30. Moving in New Directions.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.143143

Higher EducationSocial SciencePHILOSOPHY/RELIGION*9780073134901*THINKBy Judith Boss, Brown UniversityJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 496 pagesISBN: 9780073134901 / US$85.31ISBN: 9780070164895 [IE]For your classes in Critical Thinking, <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> introduces THiNK, the latest in its acclaimed M Series. CriticalThinking begins by listening and we began THiNK by listening to and observing students and instructors. <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> conducted extensive research to gain insight into students’ studying and buying behavior, as well as instructorchallenges. Students told us they wanted more portable texts with innovative visual appeal and content that isdesigned according to the way they learn. Instructors told us they wanted a way to engage their students withoutcompromising on high quality content.THiNK is critical thinking come to life. This innovative text provides instructors with scholarly yet succinct contenton critical thinking and logical argumentation in a format that captivates students. With current examples, exercises,and applications, and powerful pedagogy that links concepts within and between chapters, THiNK directsstudents to make connections between skill development and application to their college studies, careers, andpersonal lives.More current, more portable, more captivating, plus a rigorous and innovative research foundation adds up to: morelearning. When you meet students where they are, you can take them where you want them to be.POLITICAL SCIENCE*9780078127519*TAKING SIDES: CLASHING VIEWS IN WORLD POLITICSFourteenth EditionBy John T. Rourke, University Of Connecticut-StorrsFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 432 pagesISBN: 9780078127519 / US$30.94http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0078127513.mhtmlTAKING SIDES: WORLD POLITICS, 14/e presents current controversial issues in a debate-style format designedto stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed with an issuesummary, an issue introduction, and a postscript. An instructor’s manual with testing material is available for eachvolume. USING TAKING SIDES IN THE CLASSROOM is also an excellent instructor resource with practical suggestionson incorporating this effective approach in the classroom. Each TAKING SIDES reader features an annotatedlisting of selected World Wide Web sites and is supported by a book website. Visit www.mhcls.com.*9780078127663*ANNUAL EDITIONS: COMPARATIVE POLITICS 09/10Twenty-Seventh EditionBy Fiona Yap, University of Kansas–LawrenceFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9780078127663 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0078127661.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to awide range of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals publishedtoday. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodicalsources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a144 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009144

Social ScienceHigher Educationgeneral audience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to makethem particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; anannotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offersan online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is the generalinstructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online. Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.*9780073379876*GLOBAL STUDIES: CHINAThirteenth EditionBy Zhiqun Zhu, Bucknell UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 224 pagesISBN: 9780073379876 / US$34.38http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0073379875.mhtmlGLOBAL STUDIES is a unique series designed to provide comprehensive background information and selected worldpress articles on the regions and countries of the world. Each GLOBAL STUDIES volume includes an annotatedlisting of World Wide Web sites and is now supported by an online Instructor’s Resource Guide. Visit our websitefor more information: www.mchls.com.CONTENTSIntroductionSelected World Wide Web SitesU.S. Statistics and MapCanada Statistics and MapWorld MapChina MapChina (People’s Republic of China)Hong Kong Special Administrative Region MapHong Kong Special Administrative RegionTaiwan MapTaiwanArticles <strong>from</strong> the World PressPSYCHOLOGY*9780073516394*ANNUAL EDITIONS: PSYCHOLOGY 09/10Fortieth EditionBy William Buskist, Auburn University-AuburnJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 208 pagesISBN: 9780073516394 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0073516392.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a widerange of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources.The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a generalaudience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make themparticularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotatedlisting of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offersan online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is the generalinstructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online. Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.145145

Higher EducationSocial Science*9780073516400*ANNUAL EDITIONS: EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 09/10Twenty-Fourth EditionBy Kathleen M. Cauley, Virginia Commonwealth University, Gina Pannozzo, Virginia Commonwealth UniversityFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 256 pagesISBN: 9780073516400 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0073516406.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a widerange of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources.The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a generalaudience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to makethem particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide;an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume alsooffers an online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is thegeneral instructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online.Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.*9780073531830*PSYCHOLOGY: MAKING CONNECTIONSBy Gregory J. Feist, San Jose State University, And Erika Rosenberg, University Of California DavisJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 768 pagesISBN: 9780073531830 / US$135.00ISBN: 9780071285339 [IE]ISBN: 9780077287511 [Student Study Guide] / US$44.69http://www.mhhe.com/feist1eConnect with science. Connect with students. Connect with Feist and Rosenberg’s Psychology. In Psychology:Making Connections, Greg Feist and Erika Rosenberg provide the tools for students to make meaningful connectionswith the material encompassed in Introductory Psychology while still presenting psychology as a scientificendeavor. With its focus on connections, Feist helps your students to understand both the discipline and conceptsof psychology as well as psychology’s relevance to their lives. Feist provides you with the science you are seekingwhile bringing it alive for your students in an accessible way. By challenging students to make connections betweenwhat they are reading and learning about in class and the world around them outside the classroom, Psychology:Making Connections fosters students’ critical thinking skills. At the same time, the authors consistently reinforcethe idea that science is a process and not just a collection of resulting outcomes to be memorized. In doing so,they bring to life the names and experiments on the page and vividly illustrate the human element in the scientificmethod.*9780073377025*PSYCHOLOGY AND YOUR LIFEBy Robert S. Feldman, University Of Massachussetts-AmherstJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 624 pagesISBN: 9780073377025 / US$95.67ISBN: 9780070167117 [IE]Psychology Matters. Robert Feldman’s Psychology and Your Life is an engaging new introductory psychology textthat uses experiential exercises and activities, career-oriented text examples, and features designed to directly correlatepsychology concepts to the professional and personal lives of readers. Throughout the text and supplements,Psychology and Your Life reinforces why a basic understanding of psychology is relevant to today’s students.This text also provides instructors with a fully-integrated supplements package to help instructors objectively gaugetheir students’ mastery of psychology’s key principles and concepts and to create dynamic class experiences—whether in the classroom or online. All ancillary materials are organized by the measurable learning outcomesof each module within the text—there is no more wondering whether the text in use will meet the accreditationguidelines for schools!Emphasizing practical application, Psychology and Your Life offers examples and perspectives <strong>from</strong> the healthcareindustry (including Allied Health), technology, criminal justice, legal, and business, among others to prepare studentsto readily prepare and apply psychology throughout their lives and careers.146 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009146

Social ScienceHigher Education*9780078127779*ANNUAL EDITIONS: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 09/10 (2010 UPDATE)Thirty-Eighth EditionBy Karen L. Freiberg, University of Maryland, Baltimore CountyFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 208 pagesISBN: 9780078127779 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0078127777.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a widerange of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources.The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a generalaudience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to make themparticularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; an annotatedlisting of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume also offersan online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is the generalinstructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online. Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.*9780073370699*ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGYClinical Perspectives on Psychological DisordersSixth EditionBy Richard P. Halgin, University Of Massachussetts-Amherst, and Susan Krauss Whitbourne, University Of MassachussettsJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 608 pagesISBN: 9780073370699 / US$127.19ISBN: 9780070165076 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/halgin6ePresenting the Human Experience of Psychological Disorders. In Richard Halgin and Susan Krauss Whitbourne’sAbnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders, students are shown the human side ofAbnormal Psychology. Through the widespread use of current and highly relevant clinical case studies, the biographiesand first-person quotations in the Real Stories feature, and the unique case media program Faces InteractiveOnline, students are presented with real-life portrayals of the disorders featured in the text. The new sixth editionincludes updated research coverage and increased pedagogy, designed to maximize student comprehension. Thetext maintains the integrative approach to treatment using the biopsychosocial model, the lifespan approach, andthe succinct coverage that have been the foundations of the text’s success.*9780073532141*THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY: AN APPRECIATIVE VIEWStudy EditionBy Laura A. King, University of Missouri,ColumbiaJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 816 pagesISBN: 9780073532141 / US$135.00Why Things Go Right. The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View Study Edition by Laura King (University ofMissouri at Columbia) is the first text to bring a truly appreciative view of psychology-as a science and for exploringbehavior-to introductory students. It is built around the idea that students must study the discipline of psychology asa whole, that the sub-disciplines are intricately connected, and that human behavior is best understood by exploringits functioning state in addition to its potential dysfunctions.In this new Study Edition, Laura King maintains her extremely popular blend of contemporary research and writingthat maximizes students’ interest. This edition offers multiple choice review questions throughout each chapter aswell as practice quizzes and exams.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.147147

Higher EducationSocial SciencePSYCHOTHERAPY/COUNSELING*9780335217243* *9780335217236*CRIME, PUNISHMENT AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMBy Stephen Moore, Anglia Polytechnic University2009 / 304 pagesISBN: 9780335217243 / Hardcover / US$130.00ISBN: 9780335217236 / SOftcover / US$43.95[An Open University Press Title]The book is a clear and highly accessible introduction to the theories and policies of the criminal justice system.The book is written for students studying criminology as all or part of their degree who need a simple, yet authoritativeintroduction to the subject which they can rely upon for clarity. The writing style is one which is informative,but manages to convey to the reader the enthusiasm the author has for subject matterhe book is provides acomprehensive coverage of criminal justice issues. These include introductions to criminal statistics, explanationsfor crime and disorder, historical perspectives on crime; policing, the courts, justifications for punishment; prisonsand community punishment; the media and crime; and finally the emergence of community safety and anti-socialbehavioupolicies The text is packed full of brief extracts and diagrams which help the reader to understand andrelate the issues discussed.CONTENTSChapter One: IntroductionChapter Two: Explaining CrimeChapter Three: Policing and ProsecutingChapter Four Punishment, Prisons and Community SanctionsChapter Five:Risk, social policy and crime, crime prevention and community safetyChapter Six: Youth OffendingChapter Seven: Crime and Social DivisionsChapter Eight: Crime and the MediaChapter Nine: Criminal futures.*9780335221615* *9780335221608*PASSING AQUAINTANCESBy David H.J. Morgan, University of Manchester2009 / 192 pagesISBN: 9780335221615 / Hardcover / US$120.00ISBN: 9780335221608 / SOftcover / US$39.95[An Open University Press Title]This interesting project looks at the social relations and social networks in the circles outside of the ‘primary’ rangeof intimate or close relationships. As society becomes more and more fragmented we are building up more andmore complex and important networks of second level associations. Although these are important social networks,these all remain relatively impersonal and non-permanent. The book will look at such non-intimate interpersonalrelationships such as neighbours, parents collecting children <strong>from</strong> school together, work colleagues, cab-driversand waitresses, colleagues and ‘false friends’.CONTENTS1. Locating Acquaintances2. Acquaintances in Space: Neighbours3. Overlapping Timetables4. Fleeting Acquaintances in Time and Space5. Client-Professional Encounters6. “Mates are not Friends”: Relations in Employment7. “False Friends” and Unwanted Encounters8. Conclusion.148 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009148

Social ScienceHigher Education*9780335219476* *9780335219476*LAUGHING MATTERSBy John Mundy, and Glyn White2009 / 256 pagesISBN: 9780335219476 / Hardcover / US$120.00ISBN: 9780335219469 / Softcover / US$35.95[An Open University Press Title]Although comedy is an important aspect of contemporary culture and a significant presence in film, television and radio,there is a surprising shortage of academic writing about comedy and the media. Laughing Matters: UnderstandingComedy in Film, Television and Radio offers a comprehensive introduction to the history, development and currentimportance of comedy in film and broadcasting media. It offers a concise critical overview of comedy, its history anddevelopment in film and broadcasting, outlines some important theoretical approaches to understanding comedy,and raises some wider questions about the function of comedy, its appeal to audiences and the role of comedy inthe construction of social values. Key theoretical debates and concepts are grounded in an understanding of theformal, institutional and cultural contexts which influence both the production and consumption of comedy, contextswhich can sometimes render much comedy transitory, unfashionable and even offensive.The book offers a broad chronological approach to understanding the history and development of comedy <strong>from</strong> silentfilm to contemporary developments in radio, film and television comedy. It encourages understanding of differentforms, modes and techniques of comedy in different media across different historical moments, relating these toshifting patterns of consumption and cultural meaning. It examines the social function of comedy, addresses issuesof class, ethnicity and gender in comedy, explores specific issues of taste and the politics of representation, andconsiders ways in which cultural values are constructed, transmitted and sometimes contested through comedy.By focussing on a broad range of distinctive but easily-accessible textual examples and by offering suggestions forfurther work and reading, the book aims to encourage readers to make sense of film, television and radio comedy,examine the significance and function of comedy in society, and to consider the role of comedy in the constructionof cultural values.CONTENTS1. Laughing Matters: Understanding Comedy2. Comedy and Silent Cinema3. Film Comedy and the Transition to Sound: Comedy Teams4. Radio Comedy5. Cinema and Romantic Comedy6. Animation and Comedy7. Border Crossings: Comedy and Generic Hybridity8. Television Situation Comedy9. Sketch, Satire and Spoof10. Comedy Taste and Cultural Values11. Comedy and Gender12. Comedy Race and Ethnicity13. Conclusion*9780335225408*EFFECTIVE BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT IN THE PRIMARY CLASSROOMBy Fiona Shelton, and Simon BrownhillJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 184 pagesISBN: 9780335225408 / US$120.00[An Open University Press Title]Successful teaching and learning requires a thorough understanding of how to implement a range of effective behaviourmanagement approaches, strategies and philosophies. It is not only essential to put be able to put theseapproaches into practice, but also have an understanding of the reasoning behind the behaviour and the underlyingtheoretical perspectives to maintain an effective working environment.Through the use of case studies, reflective tasks and examples <strong>from</strong> the classroom this book generates a new approachto the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ of behaviour management in the primary school. With its interactive style of discussion,debate, reflection and analysis, it supports and develops classroom practice to ease the stresses and strainsof those entering the teaching profession - and those already with experience.Effective Behaviour Management in the Primary Classroom is a key resource for all students on Initial Teacher Trainingcourses and Early Years Foundation/Childhood Studies degrees and primary practitioners.CONTENTSChapter One: What is your philosophy?Chapter Two: Putting the practice into theoryPrices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.149149

Higher EducationSocial ScienceChapter Three: Behaviour phases through the agesChapter Four: Emotional Intelligence and Emotional LiteracyChapter Five: Policy into practiceChapter Six: Creative approaches to behaviour managementChapter Seven: Using the Arts to guide behaviourChapter Eight: Behavioural partnershipsChapter Nine: Looking ForwardReferences.SOCIOLOGY*9780073516349*ANNUAL EDITIONS: HUMAN SEXUALITIESThirty-First EditionBy Bobby Hutchison, Modesto Jr CollegeFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 240 pagesISBN: 9780073516349 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0073516341.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a widerange of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources.The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a generalaudience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to makethem particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide;an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume alsooffers an online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is thegeneral instructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online.Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.*9780078127625*ANNUAL EDITIONS: RACE AND ETHNIC RELATIONSSeventeenth EditionBy John A. Kromkowski, Catholic University Of AmericaJanuary 2009 / Softcover / 272 pagesISBN: 9780078127625 / US$28.44http://www.mhcls.com/text-data/catalog/0078127629.mhtmlAnnual Editions is a series of over 65 volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a widerange of current articles <strong>from</strong> some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today.Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources.The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a generalaudience. The Annual Editions volumes have a number of common organizational features designed to makethem particularly useful in the classroom: a general introduction; an annotated table of contents; a topic guide;an annotated listing of selected World Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for each section. Each volume alsooffers an online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing materials. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is thegeneral instructor’s guide for our popular Annual Editions series and is available in print (0073301906) or online.Visit www.mhcls.com for more details.150 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009150

Social ScienceHigher Education*9780335229154*ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOURBy Andrew MillieJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 248 pagesISBN: 9780335229154 / US$130.00[An Open University Press Title]vWhat is anti-social behaviour?vvCan it be dealt with effectively?Is the problem exagerated?From the Daily Mail’s claim of Britain being named ‘Yob Capital of Europe’, to the headline in The Times of ‘Tearawaygiven ASBO at 10’, the subject of anti-social behaviour has been given a huge amount of political, social, media,public policy and academic interest in recent years.Using lively case studies and examples, Andrew Millie introduces the concept of anti-social behaviour (ASB) andexamines its implications for society in the 21st century.CONTENTSPart one: Defining the problem1: What is anti-social behaviour?2: The extent and nature of anti-social behaviour in BritainPart two: Explaining anti-social behaviour3: A theoretical framework for anti-social behaviour4: What causes anti-social behaviour?5: What can be gained by tackling anti-social behaviour?Part three: Approaches to tackling anti-social behaviour6: The Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO)7: Other enforcement options8: Preventing anti-social behaviour9: Conclusions.*9780335223893*READINGS IN CRIMES OF THE POWERFULBy Dave WhyteJanuary 2009 / Hardcover / 280 pagesISBN: 9780335223893 / US$130.00[An Open University Press Title]Crimes of the powerful - the crimes committed by state institutions and private business organizations or corporations– are often overlooked by Criminology, or are treated at best as a mildly interesting diversion <strong>from</strong> the real business ofcrime and criminal justice. Indeed, academic Criminology in the main tends to reinforce the idea that the real problemsof society can be located in the lower strata of society and is yet to come to terms with overwhelming evidence thatcrimes of the institutionally powerful kill, rip off and steal <strong>from</strong> more people than crimes committed by individuals.This exciting Reader introduces debates on crimes of the powerful with a selection of 45 extracts <strong>from</strong> key authors.Each section of the book is introduced with an original essay to contextualize the readings and explain their importancefor rethinking the relationship between crime and power.If we are to fully understand the crimes of the powerful, it is crucial to recognise that the process of criminalisationis profoundly influenced by state institutions and corporations – and more importantly, by the relationship betweenthem. The readings in this book show how their ability to both make and break the law remains a key source ofpower for those institutions.Crimes of the Powerful explores how law and ‘crime’ provide a framework for configuring and reproducing socialrelations of power, in doing so, provides criminology, sociology, politics and international relations students with newinsights into a subject of growing importance.CONTENTSSection 1: Criminal OriginsSection 2: Capitalist States and the Crimes of the PowerfulSection 3: Modernity and Crimes of the PowerfulSection 4: The Problem of CriminalisationSection 5: Crimes of the Global Order.Prices in US$ are subject to change without notice.Shipping and handling charges are extra.151151

Higher EducationSocial ScienceSTUDENT SUCCESS*9780073375175*PSYCHOLOGY OF SUCCESSFifth EditionBy Denis WaitleyFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 400 pagesISBN: 9780073375175 / US$65.33http://www.mhhe.com/waitley5ePsychology of Success defines the fundamental psychology principles of success—principles applicable to everyoneregardless of age, major, background or specialty. Unlike many books, Psychology of Success doesn’t takea one-size-fits-all approach; rather it asks students to take an active role in defining what is right for them as anindividual. It calls on students to use self-awareness and critical thinking to examine their dreams, values, interests,skills, needs, identities, self-esteem, and relationships and to set and achieve goals based on their personal visionof success. It introduces key concepts of psychology and offers creative exercises designed to help students understandthese concepts and apply them to their lives. A workbook as well as a textbook, Psychology of Successoffers simple yet effective strategies for self-improvement.CONTENTSChapter 1. Psychology and SuccessChapter 2. Self-AwarenessChapter 3. Goals and ObstaclesChapter 4. Self-EsteemChapter 5. Positive ThinkingChapter 6. Self-DisciplineChapter 7. Self-MotivationChapter 8. Managing Your ResourcesChapter 9. Communication and Relationships.THEATRE*9780073386133*FILM HISTORY: AN INTRODUCTIONThird EditionBy Kristin Thompson, University Of Wisconsin Madison, And David Bordwell, University Of Wisconsin MadisonFebruary 2009 / Softcover / 768 pagesISBN: 9780073386133 / US$96.25ISBN: 9780071267946 [IE]http://www.mhhe.com/thompson3eWritten by two of the leading scholars in film studies, Film History: An Introduction is a comprehensive, globalsurvey of the medium that covers the development of every genre in film, <strong>from</strong> drama and comedy to documentaryand experimental. As with the authors’ bestselling Film Art: An Introduction (now in its eighth edition), conceptsand events are illustrated with frame enlargements taken <strong>from</strong> the original sources, giving students more realisticpoints of reference than competing books that rely on publicity stills.The third edition of Film History is thoroughly updated and includes the first comprehensive overviews of the impactof globalization and digital technology on the cinema. Any serious film scholar--professor, undergraduate, orgraduate student–will want to read and keep Film History.152 New <strong>from</strong> <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> January-February 2009152

<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)SINGAPORE(also servicing Mauritius)<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)CHINA<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Int’l Enterprises, IncHONG KONG<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Int’l Enterprises, IncINDIA(also servicing Bangladesh, Pakistan,Nepal & Sri Lanka)<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (India) LimitedINDONESIAP T Media Global EdukasiJAPAN<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education JapanKOREA<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Korea IncMALAYSIA/BRUNEI<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Malaysia Sdn BhdPHILIPPINES(also servicing Guam)<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Int’l Enterprises, IncTAIWAN<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Int’l Enterprises, IncTHAILAND(also servicing Cambodia & Laos)<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Int’l Enterprises, IncVIETNAM<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Int’l Enterprises, Inc

Asian PublicationsTEACHING PRIMARY SCHOOL MATHEMATICSSecond EditionPeng Yee Lee, and Ngan Hoe LeeJanuary 2009 • Softcover • 304 pagesISBN: 978-0-07-126848-6 • US$15.50Teaching Primary School Mathematics: A Resource Book presents discussions on thesyllabus and concepts, teaching approaches and ideas, common errors and learning difficulties,as well as sample activities and test items. The book is divided into two parts: PartI examines the Singapore curriculum framework while Part II provides practical help on theteaching of specific topics. Each chapter draws <strong>from</strong> the experience of various authors inthis volume, and is well researched, well written and easy to understand.Teaching Primary School Mathematics: A Resource Book is the current text used in thetraining of primary school teachers in Singapore. Prepared by lecturers at the NationalInstitute of Education (NIE) - the only teachers’ training centre in Singapore - this book iswritten for pre-service and in-service teachers, and anyone interested in primary schoolmathematics education.This book is the first of two volumes in the Singapore Mathematics Education Series. Thisseries offers teachers in Singapore and beyond valuable pedagogical aid in the instructionof mathematics and statistics. The second volume in the series, Teaching Secondary SchoolMathematics: A Resource Book, is the companion to this title.[Refer to Page 124 for more details]TEACHING SECONDARY SCHOOLMATHEMATICSSecond Edition, UpdatedPeng Yee Lee, and Ngan Hoe LeeJanuary 2009 • Softcover • 440 pagesISBN: 978-0-07-126849-3 • US$18.00Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: A Resource Book is a sequel to its companionvolume, Teaching Primary School Mathematics: A Resource Book, in the Singapore MathematicsEducation Series. Both are used as a main reference for training school teachers atthe National Institute of Education, the only teachers’ training centre in Singapore. The serieshas been updated to follow the 2007 syllabus, implemented in schools in Singapore.Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: A Resource Book covers the following four aspectsof teaching and learning: syllabus (standards) and concepts, teaching approaches andideas, common errors and learning difficulties, and sample activities. Each chapter draws<strong>from</strong> the experience and teaching materials of the various authors in this volume, and iswell researched, clearly written and easy to understand. This book is useful for pre-serviceand in-service teachers as well as mathematics educators, parents and anyone interestedin secondary school mathematics education.[Refer to Page 125 for more details]PERSPECTIVES ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION ANDSPORTS SCIENCESNick AplinJanuary 2009 • Softcover • 268 pagesISBN: 978-0-07-128164-5 • US$21.50In 2008, Singapore secured the bid to host the first-ever Youth Olympic Games in 2010.The eyes of the world will be on Singapore as the games - now a national concern -encompasses an initiative to invite the international sporting youth to participate, not onlyin competitive games, but also in educational and cultural activities. This event as well asSingapore’s silver medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the Singapore F1 Grand Prix- Formula One’s inaugural night race - have acted as catalysts for more young Singaporeansto engage in sports.This book addresses thev concurrent need to apply new knowledge and develop a greater understanding of meaningfulsports and physical educationvvcontemporary needs in schools and within the communityfuture developments in sports and physical education[Refer to Page 135 for more details]C09-000647-U

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