Science Essentials - McGraw-Hill Books

Science Essentials - McGraw-Hill Books

Science Essentials - McGraw-Hill Books


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HOW IT WORKSEssential IdeaBased on nationalscience standards.BuildConceptsOBJECTIVEStudents will learn about thefour layers that make upEarth.Labeled Pictures IntroduceHelp English languagelearners visualize wordmeanings. Read aloud the title and have studentsrepeat after you. Read aloud the Essential Idea. Invite students to look at the diagramon page 93 and engage them in adiscussion about the four layers ofEarth. Explain that the crust is the layer yousee when you go outdoors; the otherthree layers are below the crust. If possible, use a globe to give anothervisual of Earth’s crust.Oral LanguageSeven Steps Use the seven-step modelon page T39 to build background on theacademic content words. Have studentspractice their oral language skills withpartners or groups in Step 6.Vocabulary Introduce vocabulary relatedto the concept.Oral LanguageDevelops backgroundAcademicContent Wordsknowledge and scienceOn-the-SpotWordsvocabulary using aAcademicProcess Wordsresearch-based model.92EARTH SCIENCELanguage-Level DifferentiationCOMPREHENSIONlayer, crust, mantle, outercore, inner coreland, ocean, rock, soil,liquid, metalnot, same, all the waythrough, make upMonitor ProgressUse Master page 44 and class discussionto monitor student progress. Use therubric on page T46 as a resource.EARTH SCIENCE92oceanHelps meet specific needs ofstudents at different levels of Englishlanguage acquisition.<strong>Science</strong> <strong>Essentials</strong>Help students learn about science ideas and the vocabulary used to talk about them. Teachers andstudents can access topics as needed to support the curriculum.ESSENTIAL IDEAEarth is made up of layers.layers. crustmantleouter coreinner coreThe crust is the land you walk on. The landunder the oceans is part of the crust, too.Language-Level DifferentiationSTARTING/EMERGING Slowly read aloud the lesson, then focus on thediagram labels and text on page 93. Say: layers as you point to the crust,mantle, outer core, and inner core, then have students repeat each ofEarth’s layers after you.DEVELOPING Have students explore the diagram on page 93 as youread the text on page 92. Then have partners take turns reading aloudthe labels on the diagram. Have them write short sentences about thediagram and say them to each other (The crust is the outer layer of Earth.)EXPANDING/BRIDGING When students are finished reading the lessonaloud, point out that the mantle and outer core are liquid because theyare very hot. Have small groups talk about the differences between Earth’slayers. Encourage volunteers to share their ideas with the whole group.Literacy <strong>Essentials</strong>Teach students how to read and comprehend content-area text.Asking and AnsweringQuestionslandcrust The crust ismade of rocks and soil.mantle The mantleis made of solid andmelted rock.outer core The outercore is liquid metal.inner core The innercore is solid metal.WHY IT MATTERSYou live on Earth’s crust.Other ResourcesBLACKLINE MASTERS Use Master page 44.TRANSPARENCIES Use Overhead Transparency 4.TECHNOLOGY Earth’s Layers from Content <strong>Essentials</strong> for<strong>Science</strong> Online.Related Lessons Rocks and Minerals (pages 94–95) Landforms (pages 102–105) Changes to Earth’s Surface (pages 106–109) Volcanoes (pages 110–111)layercrustmantleouter coreinner core Earth’s Plates (pages 112–113) Earthquakes (pages 114–115)What Makes Up Earthmade ofrocks and soilsolid and melted rockliquid metalsolid metalTechnology Component<strong>Science</strong> <strong>Essentials</strong> lessons aresupported with video, narratedanimation, a photo library, andonline student activities.Ask and Answer QuestionsAsking and Answering QuestionsAsking and answering questions helpsyou understand what you read.93Teacher GuidesProvide clear and conciseinstructional routinesExtend to help teachers deliverConcepts both content and readinginstruction.Model ItTo demonstrate Earth’s layers, showstudents the different layers of ahard-boiled egg. Gently crack theshell to point out that the crust isthe thinnest layer of Earth, just asthe shell is the thinnest layer of theegg. Peel away the shell and cut theegg in half to show the egg whiteand the yolk. Note that the yolk isthe center of the egg, just as theinner core is at the center of Earth.ComprehensionSummarizing Refer students topages 254–255 to learn aboutsummarizing. Ask students to rereadEarth’s Layers and summarize whatthey know about Earth’s layers usingthe text on pages 92–93.AntonymsExplain that antonyms are words thathave opposite, or nearly opposite,meanings. For example, outside andinside are antonyms. Have studentstell the antonyms for the followingwords from the lesson: same (different),outer (inner), under (over; above).ComprehensionEach <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Essentials</strong>Cognatesrock lesson la roca is linked to a Literacysolid el sólidoliquid el líquido<strong>Essentials</strong> comprehensionmetal el metalcenter el centrolesson. This helps studentsEarth’s Layers93<strong>Science</strong> <strong>Essentials</strong>lesson Level BTeacher Guideapply literacy skills to science.Graphic OrganizersGraphic organizers helpstudents make sense ofnew information.<strong>Science</strong>Essential IdeaExplains the literacyconcept.ESSENTIAL IDEAGood readers stop and askquestions as they read.Take time to pause, or stop, when youread. Ask yourself questions. Getanswers before you go on.questionWhat are somelight sources?answerWe get light from theSun, lamps, candles,and flashlights.Literacy<strong>Essentials</strong> lessonLevel AStudent BookLight Shines on Us AllLight is part of our lives. We see theSun in the morning. We use lamps,candles, and flashlights at night.The Sun is our mostimportant light source.The Sun is far away, butit is very bright.SunWHY IT MATTERSYou ask and answer questions to makesense of what you read.168VocabularyAcademic content words are the words students need forunderstanding science concepts and literacy strategies.Why It MattersEach lesson ends with a connection tostudents’ own lives.169157

Technology ToolsAvailable online or on CD-ROM, technology tools are smart-board compatible andinclude electronic student and teacher pages with easy-to-follow navigation.Student Edition FeaturesOnline CD-ROMElectronic student pagesEnglish audio for all text Native language support forEssential Ideas and VocabularyGlossary link w/audio and picture, word,part of speech, pronunciation Resources ToolboxNarrated animations VideosGraphic organizersPhoto libraryActivities for science content andlanguage skillsTeacher’s Edition FeaturesOnline CD-ROMElectronic teacher pagesGroup games Links to functional StudentEdition pages Resource ToolboxSearchable resource databaseNarrated animations VideosGraphic organizersPhoto libraryActivities for science content andlanguage skillsTeacher reports for quizzes<strong>Science</strong>Toolbar: Allows you toaccess the Table of Contents,go to any page in the book,and launch activities, videos,and animations.Tabbed Interface:Provides easy access toall applications.Support forEnglishlanguagelearnersGraphic organizers:Extend the lesson.Native language audiosupport available online for: SpanishVietnameseHmong Chinese (Cantonese)Korean Haitian Creole Arabic Russian Glossary Pop-ups:Allows students to seeand hear the definitionof key vocabulary.Activities and Games:Engage students as theywork on content.Animations: Bring papersand illustrations to life.Photo Library: Corresponds toand extends lesson concepts.158

<strong>Science</strong>CONTENT ESSENTIALSfor VocabularyContentLiteracyStudent Handbook<strong>Science</strong>CONTENT ESSENTIALSfor VocabularyContentLiteracyStudent Handbook<strong>Science</strong>CONTENT ESSENTIALSfor VocabularyContentLiteracyStudent HandbookEarth’s LayersEARTH SCIENCEEarth’s LayersESSENTIAL IDEAEarth is made of different layers.Earth is not the same the whole way through. It hasdifferent layers.The crust is the rocks and soil that coverEarth. The crust forms the land. It alsoholds lake and ocean waters.Under the crust is the mantle. Most ofthe mantle is solid rock. Some of themantle is hot melted rock that flowslike liquid.Deep inside Earth is its core. Theouter core is a pool of hot, liquid metal.The inner core is a hot, solid ball of metal.crustmantleouter coreinner corecrust The crust formsEarth’s land and holdsits waters.What Makes up Earth?mantle The mantle isEarth’s thickest layer.layer made ofcrust rocks and soilmantle solid and melted rockouter core liquid metalinner core hot, solid ba l of metalouter core The outercore is hot, liquid metal.inner core The innercore is solid metal.UNDERSTANDING LANGUAGEPrefixesWHY YITMATTERSTTEu You know living and nonliving things are on Earth’s crust.ESSENTIAL IDEALearning prefixes helps you read and understandnew words.E rth’s crust.112 113PrefixesA base word is a word part that can be separated fromthe prefix.prefix re + heat base wordReheat has the base word heat and means “to heatagain.” Adding the prefix re, meaning again, changesthe meaning of the base word.A prefix is a group of letters that is added to thebeginning of word parts. Two kinds of word parts are basewords and roots.The paragraph below uses many prefixes.A root is a word part that is used to form other words.Roots are usually not words by themselves.prefix re + volve rootRevolve has the root volv and means “to turn again.”Student Book, Level C360AquariumsAn aquarium holds living and nonliving things. The livingand nonliving things interact in the same habitat. An aquariumhas important parts. A hood encloses the tank. A filter cleansand refreshes the water all the time.Common Prefixesprefix meaning examplenon- not nonliving, nonfictioninter- with, between interact, interstateen- in enclose, endangerre- again refresh, regrowWHY IT MATTERSu Learning common prefixes can help you understandnew words.u Prefixes and roots are common in science words.361<strong>Science</strong>Classroom Set(Includes 24-pack of handbooks in hardpack or softcover,Teacher Guide, CD-ROM technology, and Blackline MastersBook)Classroom Set(Includes 24-pack of handbooks in hardpack or softcover,Teacher Guide, CD-ROM technology, and Blackline MastersBook)Classroom Set(Includes 24-pack of handbooks in hardpack or softcover,Teacher Guide, CD-ROM technology, and Blackline MastersBook)Hardcover Set1-4045-7669-X or 978-1-4045-7669-3 . ........$778.00Hardcover Set1-4045-7671-1 or 978-1-4045-7671-1 . .........$810.60Hardcover Set1-4045-7673-8 or 978-1-4045-7673-5 . ........$839.40Softcover Set1-4045-7670-3 or 978-1-4045-7670-4 . ........$618.60Softcover Set1-4045-7672-X or 978-1-4045-7672-8 . ........$647.40Softcover Set1-4045-7674-6 or 978-1-4045-7674-2 . ........$690.60Individual ComponentsIndividual ComponentsIndividual ComponentsTeacher Guide1-4045-6730-5 or 978-1-4045-6730-6 . .........$77.40Teacher Guide1-4045-6739-9 or 978-1-4045-6739-9 . .........$77.40Teacher Guide1-4045-6748-8 or 978-1-4045-6748-1 . .........$77.40Online Technology ToolsOnline Technology ToolsOnline Technology ToolsSingle Classtoom (1 year Subscription)1-4045-6736-4 or 978-1-4045-6736-8 . ........$666.60Single Classtoom (1 year Subscription)1-4045-6745-3 or 978-1-4045-6745-0 . ........$666.60Single Classtoom (1 year Subscription)1-4045-6754-2 or 978-1-4045-6754-2 . ........$666.60One-Year Subscription Renewal1-4045-7666-5 or 978-1-4045-7666-7 . ........$200.00One-Year Subscription Renewal1-4045-7667-3 or 978-1-4045-7667-4 . ........$200.00One-Year Subscription Renewal1-4045-7668-1 or 978-1-4045-7668-1 . ........$200.00Student Handbook – 6 PackStudent Handbook – 6 PackStudent Handbook – 6 PackHardcover Set1-4045-7648-7 or 978-1-4045-7648-3 . ........$202.60Hardcover Set1-4045-7650-9 or 978-1-4045-7650-6 . ........$210.80Hardcover Set1-4045-7652-5 or 978-1-4045-7652-0 . ........$218.00Softcover Set1-4045-7649-5 or 978-1-4045-7649-0 . ........$162.80Softcover Set1-4045-7651-7 or 978-1-4045-7651-3 . .........$170.00Softcover Set1-4045-7653-3 or 978-1-4045-7653-7 . ........$180.80Poster Big Book1-4045-6731-3 or 978-1-4045-6731-3 . ........ $48.00Transparencies1-4045-6740-2 or 978-1-4045-6740-5 . ........ $26.80Transparencies1-4045-6749-6 or 978-1-4045-6749-8 . ........ $26.80Blackline Masters Book1-4045-6732-1 or 978-1-4045-6732-0 . .........$93.40Blackline Masters Book1-4045-6741-0 or 978-1-4045-6741-2 . .........$93.40Blackline Masters Book1-4045-6750-X or 978-1-4045-6750-4 . .........$93.40Student CD-ROM1-4045-6733-X or 978-1-4045-6733-7 . ........$398.64Student CD-ROM1-4045-6742-9 or 978-1-4045-6742-9 . ........$398.64Student CD-ROM1-4045-6751-8 or 978-1-4045-6751-1 . ........$265.31Teacher CD-ROM1-4045-6734-8 or 978-1-4045-6734-4 . ........$266.64Teacher CD-ROM1-4045-6743-7 or 978-1-4045-6743-6 . ........$266.64Teacher CD-ROM1-4045-6752-6 or 978-1-4045-6752-8 . ........$266.64159

On Level Student Reader, Physical – MatterMatters0-07-610223-8 or 978-0-07-610223-5 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Physical – All AboutMatters0-07-610227-0 or 978-0-07-610227-3 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Health – Talkit Out0-07-610220-3 or 978-0-07-610220-4 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Health – It'sGreat to Communicate!0-07-610224-6 or 978-0-07-610224-2 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Health – GoodCommunication is Key0-07-610228-9 or 978-0-07-610228-0 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, History –The Dine0-07-610280-7 or 978-0-07-610280-8 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, History –The Yurok0-07-610284-X or 978-0-07-610284-6 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, History –The Nimi'ipuu0-07-610288-2 or 978-0-07-610288-4 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Geography –U.S. Landforms0-07-610279-3 or 978-0-07-610279-2 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Geography –Deserts and Coasts0-07-610283-1 or 978-0-07-610283-9 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Geography –Different Climates0-07-610287-4 or 978-0-07-610287-7 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Civics – YourRights and Duties0-07-610277-7 or 978-0-07-610277-8 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Civics –Good Citizens0-07-610281-5 or 978-0-07-610281-5 ......$10.40Above Student Readers, Civics – Rights andResponsibilities0-07-610285-8 or 978-0-07-610285-3 ......$10.40Approaching Student Readers, Economics –What we need, What we want0-07-610278-5 or 978-0-07-610278-5 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Economics –Needs and Wants0-07-610282-3 or 978-0-07-610282-2 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Economics –Making Choices0-07-610286-6 or 978-0-07-610286-0 ......$10.40Classroom Package0-07-610349-8 or 978-0-07-610349-2 ....$1,300.00Library Package0-07-610354-4 or 978-0-07-610354-6 .....$312.00Interactive Skills Handbook0-07-610327-7 or 978-0-07-610327-0 ......$11.08Interactive Skills Handbook (6-pk)0-07-610332-3 or 978-0-07-610332-4 ......$55.44Interactive Skills Handbook TAE0-07-610337-4 or 978-0-07-610337-9 ......$22.16Teacher Guide0-07-610342-0 or 978-0-07-610342-3 ......$66.56Assessment CD-ROM Grades 2–60-07-610345-5 or 978-0-07-610345-4 ......$64.20PuzzleMaker – Grades 2–60-07-610346-3 or 978-0-07-610346-1 ......$64.20Approaching Student Reader, Life –Environments in Action0-07-610229-7 or 978-0-07-610229-7 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Life – EcosystemsEverywhere!0-07-610233-5 or 978-0-07-610233-4 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Life – Ecosystems0-07-610237-8 or 978-0-07-610237-2 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Earth –Objects in the Sky0-07-610230-0 or 978-0-07-610230-3 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Earth – Lookingat Outer Space0-07-610234-3 or 978-0-07-610234-1 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Earth – ExploringOuter Space0-07-610238-6 or 978-0-07-610238-9 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader,Physical –Facts about Matter0-07-610231-9 or 978-0-07-610231-0 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Physical –Matter Matters0-07-610235-1 or 978-0-07-610235-8 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Physical –All about Matters0-07-610239-4 or 978-0-07-610239-6 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Health – Talkit Out0-07-610232-7 or 978-0-07-610232-7 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Health –It's Great to Communicate!0-07-610236-X or 978-0-07-610236-5 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Health – GoodCommunication is Key0-07-610240-8 or 978-0-07-610240-2 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, History –The Dine0-07-610292-0 or 978-0-07-610292-1 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, History –The Yurok0-07-610296-3 or 978-0-07-610296-9 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, History –The Nimi'ipuu0-07-610300-5 or 978-0-07-610300-3 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Geography –U.S. Landforms0-07-610291-2 or 978-0-07-610291-4 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Geography –Deserts and Coasts0-07-610295-5 or 978-0-07-610295-2 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Geography –Different Climates0-07-610299-8 or 978-0-07-610299-0 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Civics – YourRights and Duties0-07-610289-0 or 978-0-07-610289-1 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Civics – GoodCitizens0-07-610293-9 or 978-0-07-610293-8 ......$10.40Above Student Readers, Civics – Rights andResponsibilities0-07-610297-1 or 978-0-07-610297-6 ......$10.40Approaching Student Readers, Economics –What we need, What we want0-07-610290-4 or 978-0-07-610290-7 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Economics –Needs and Wants0-07-610294-7 or 978-0-07-610294-5 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Economics –Making Choices0-07-610298-X or 978-0-07-610298-3 ......$10.40Classroom Package0-07-610350-1 or 978-0-07-610350-8 . . . . $1,300.00Library Package0-07-610355-2 or 978-0-07-610355-3 .....$312.00Interactive Skills Handbook0-07-610328-5 or 978-0-07-610328-7 ......$11.08Interactive Skills Handbook (6-pk)0-07-610333-1 or 978-0-07-610333-1 ......$55.44Interactive Skills Handbook TAE0-07-610338-2 or 978-0-07-610338-6 ......$22.16Teacher 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......$10.40Above Student Reader, Physical –Compunds and Mixtures0-07-610251-3 or 978-0-07-610251-8 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Health –Building Selfesteem0-07-610244-0 or 978-0-07-610244-0 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Health – Self-Esteem and You0-07-610248-3 or 978-0-07-610248-8 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Health – DevelopingSelf-Esteem0-07-610252-1 or 978-0-07-610252-5 ......$10.40Approaching student Reader,History –The Plantation System0-07-610304-8 or 978-0-07-610304-1 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, History – Slaveryin Early America0-07-610308-0 or 978-0-07-910308-9 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, History – FromPlantations to Abolition0-07-610312-9 or 978-0-07-610312-6 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader,Geography –Geography on the Colonies0-07-610303-X or 978-0-07-610303-4 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader,Geography –Settlement in Early America0-07-610307-2 or 978-0-07-610307-2 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Geography – Peopleand the Environment0-07-610311-0 or 978-0-07-610311-9 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader,Civics – YourAmerican Government0-07-610301-3 or 978-0-07-610301-0 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Civics – Craftingthe Constitutions0-07-610305-6 or 978-0-07-610305-8 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Civics – How a BillBecomes a Law0-07-610309-9 or 978-0-07-610309-6 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Economics –Colonial American Trade0-07-610302-1 or 978-0-07-610302-7 ......$10.40On Level student Reader, Economics –Colonial American Economics0-07-610306-4 or 978-0-07-610306-5 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Economics –Economic Choices in Early America0-07-610310-2 or 978-0-07-610310-2 ......$10.40Classroom Package0-07-610351-X or 978-0-07-610351-5 . . . . $1,300.00Library Package0-07-610356-0 or 978-0-07-610356-0 .....$312.00Interactive Skills Handbook0-07-610329-3 or 978-0-07-610329-4 ......$11.08Interactive Skills Handbook (6-pk)0-07-610334-X or 978-0-07-610334-8 ......$55.44Interactive Skills Handbook TAE0-07-610339-0 or 978-0-07-610339-3 ......$22.16Teacher Guide0-07-610344-7 or 978-0-07-610344-7 ......$66.56Assessment CD-ROM Grades 2–60-07-610345-5 or 978-0-07-610345-4 ......$64.20PuzzleMaker – Grades 2–60-07-610346-3 or 978-0-07-610346-1 ......$64.20Approaching Student Reader, Life –Organizing Living Things0-07-610253-X or 978-0-70-610253-2 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Life – TheClassification Systems0-07-610257-2 or 978-0-07-610257-0 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Life – ClassifyingLiving Things0-07-610261-0 or 978-0-07-610261-7 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Earth –Earth Resources0-07-610254-8 or 978-0-07-610254-9 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Earth –Understanding Natural Resources0-07-610258-0 or 978-0-07-610258-7 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Earth – UsingNatural Resources0-07-610262-9 or 978-0-07-610262-4 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Physical –Heating Up0-07-610255-6 or 978-0-07-610255-6 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Physical – HeatAround Us0-07-610259-9 or 978-0-07-610259-4 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Physical –Understanding Heat0-07-610263-7 or 978-0-07-610263-1 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Health –Drugs: Know The Facts0-07-610256-4 or 978-0-07-610256-3 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Health – Factsabout Drugs0-07-610260-2 or 978-0-07-610260-0 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Health – DrugAbuse and Prevention0-07-610264-5 or 978-0-07-610264-8 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, History –Eygpt Long Ago0-07-610316-1 or 978-0-07-610316-4 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, History – AncientChina0-07-610320-X or 978-0-07-610320-1 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, History – AncientGreece0-07-610324-2 or 978-0-07-610324-9 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Geography –The Life-Giving Nile0-07-610315-3 or 978-0-07-610315-7 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Geography – Lifein Africa and Arabia0-07-610319-6 or 978-0-07-610319-5 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Geography –Empires of the Americas0-07-610323-4 or 978-0-07-610323-2 ......$10.40Approaching Student Reader, Civics –Government in Action0-07-610313-7 or 978-0-07-610313-3 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader, Civics – GlobalRelationships0-07-610317-X or 978-0-07-610317-1 . ......$10.40Above Student Readers, Civics –Yugoslavia: A Changing Nation0-07-610321-8 or 978-0-07-610321-8 ......$10.40Approaching Student Readers, Economics –Changing Economics0-07-610314-5 or 978-0-07-610314-0 ......$10.40On Level Student Reader,Economics –Economies Around The World0-07-610318-8 or 978-0-07-610318-8 ......$10.40Above Student Reader, Economics – ManyEconomies, One World0-07-610322-6 or 978-0-07-610322-5 ......$10.40<strong>Science</strong>163

Build the skills students need to perform well on <strong>Science</strong> testsSRA <strong>Science</strong> LaboratoryGrades 3–5Offer your Grades 3–5 students the individualizedinstruction in SRA <strong>Science</strong> Labs to help build confidenceand proficiency in core <strong>Science</strong> content. SRA <strong>Science</strong> Labsincorporate: Pretests to help you diagnose students’ levels ofcomprehension of core <strong>Science</strong> content and vocabularywith prescriptions for individualized instruction based onthe test results Posttests as comprehensive assessments of the contentand vocabularySRA <strong>Science</strong> Laboratory,Grades 3–5<strong>Science</strong>Student MaterialsStudent Record <strong>Books</strong>Provide a place for students to record answers, practicevocabulary, explore writing in <strong>Science</strong>, and chart their ownprogress.<strong>Science</strong> CardsTwo reading levels – Cards A and Cards B – provide belowgrade level and on grade level informational readings andassessments in Life <strong>Science</strong>, Earth <strong>Science</strong>, and Physical<strong>Science</strong>.Teacher MaterialsTeacher’s HandbookThe Teacher’s Handbook includes the pretests and posttests,and suggestions for how to assign <strong>Science</strong> Cards based onstudent performance.CD-ROMCD-ROMs provide writing activities and vocabularycomputer games to help motivate students while learningdifficult <strong>Science</strong> vocabulary. Computer tracking, pretestsand posttests, and management options are also available.Answer Key CardsThis tool for Cards A and B allows students to grade theirwork on the <strong>Science</strong> Cards.Visit SRAsciencelabs.comfor an online demo andFREE samples!ComponentsGrades 3–5SRA <strong>Science</strong> Laboratory Package includes: Teacher’s Handbook; Student RecordBook (5 pack); CD-ROM; <strong>Science</strong> Cards A (80); <strong>Science</strong> Cards B (80); Answer Key CardsA (80); Answer Key Cards B (80); Tabbed Divider Cards: Life <strong>Science</strong> A, Life <strong>Science</strong> B,Earth <strong>Science</strong> A, Earth <strong>Science</strong> B, Physical <strong>Science</strong> A, Physical <strong>Science</strong> B; andDisplay Box.Grades 3–5<strong>Science</strong> Lab Package0-07-604418-1 or 978-07-604418-4 ......$664.24Student MaterialsStudent Record Book (Pkg. of 5)0-07-605697-X or 978-0-7-605697-2 .......$32.16Teacher MaterialsTeacher's Handbook0-07-604415-7 or 978-0-7-604415-3 .......$36.36Additional ResourcesReplacement Cards & Answer Key Cards A0-07-604421-1 or 978-0-7-604421-4 ......$336.00Replacement Cards & Answer Key Cards B0-07-604422-X or 978-0-7-604422-1 ......$336.00<strong>Science</strong> Lab Package0-07-604419-X or 978-0-07-604419-1 .....$664.24Student MaterialsStudent Record Book (Pkg. of 5)0-07-605697-X or 978-0-07-605697-2 ......$32.16Teacher MaterialsTeacher's Handbook0-07-604416-5 or 978-0-07-604416-0 ......$36.36Additional ResourcesReplacement Cards & Answer Key Cards A0-07-604423-8 or 978-0-07-604423-8 .....$336.00Replacement Cards & Answer Key Cards B0-07-604424-6 or 978-0-07-604424-5 . ....$336.00<strong>Science</strong> Lab Package0-07-604420-3 or 978-0-07-604420-7 .....$626.64Student MaterialsStudent Record Book (Pkg. of 5)0-07-605697-X or 978-0-07-605697-2 ......$32.16Teacher MaterialsTeacher's Handbook0-07-604417-3 or 978-0-07-604417-7 ......$36.36Additional ResourcesReplacement Cards & Answer Key Cards A0-07-604425-4 or 978-0-07-604425-2 .....$336.00Replacement Cards & Answer Key Cards B0-07-604426-2 or 978-0-07-604426-9 .....$336.00164

Life, Earth, and Physical <strong>Science</strong> for your students in Grades 6 and upSRA <strong>Science</strong> LaboratoryGrades 6–12SRA <strong>Science</strong> Laboratories are a great addition to yourGrades 6 and up classroom helping to ensure you cover Life,Earth, and Physical <strong>Science</strong> topics aligned with state andnational science standards. Plus, there’s standardized testpractice on every card to help prepare students for highstakestesting.Students feel empowered when they work independently.With these Labs, you’ll ensure content area reading isaccessible to all your students: A Cards – for students reading below level; reading checkquestions are included B Cards – for those reading on level; comprehensionquestions are includedStudent MaterialsStudent Record <strong>Books</strong>Help students stay organized and provide a place to recordtheir answers.<strong>Science</strong> CardsIn two reading levels, these cards cover key science conceptsand vocabulary. 180 cards per level (90 A Cards; 90 B Cards)Life, Earth, and Physical <strong>Science</strong> LaboratoryTeacher MaterialsTeacher’s HandbookIncludes pretests and posttests and hands-on Labs forinquiry options.CD-ROMProvides vocabulary games, classroom managementtracking tools, and much more!<strong>Science</strong>Answer Key CardsStudents score their own work and work at their own pace.Visit SRAsciencelabs.comfor an online demo andFREE samples!Grades 6–8SRA Life, Earth, and Physical <strong>Science</strong> Laboratory Packages include: Teacher’sHandbook; Student Record Book (Pkg. of 5); CD-ROM, <strong>Science</strong> Cards A (90); <strong>Science</strong>Cards B (90); Answer Key Cards A (90); Answer Key Cards B (90); Tabbed DividerCards; and Display Box.Grades 6–12Life <strong>Science</strong> Lab Package0-07-618198-7 or 978-0-07-618198-8 .....$652.00Student MaterialsStudent Record Book (Pkg. of 5)0-07-618895-7 or 978-0-07-618895-6 ......$30.64Teacher MaterialsLife <strong>Science</strong> Teacher's Handbook0-07-618883-3 or 978-0-07-618883-3 ......$34.64Additional ResourcesLife <strong>Science</strong> Replacmenet Cards & AnswerKey Cards A0-07-618884-1 or 978-0-07-618884-0 .....$320.00Life <strong>Science</strong> Replacmenet Cards & AnswerKey Cards B0-07-618885-X or 978-0-07-618885-7 .....$320.00Life <strong>Science</strong> Replacment ClassroomResources CD-ROM0-07-618886-8 or 978-0-07-618886-4 ......$66.64Earth <strong>Science</strong> Lab Package0-07-618199-5 or 978-0-07-618199-5 .....$652.00Student MaterialsStudent Record Book (Pkg. of 5)0-07-618895-7 or 978-0-07-618895-6 ......$30.64Teacher MaterialsEARTH <strong>Science</strong> Teacher's Handbook0-07-618887-6 or 978-0-07-618887-1 ......$34.64Additional ResourcesEarth <strong>Science</strong> Replacmenet Cards & AnswerKey Cards A0-07-618888-4 or 978-0-07-618888-8 .....$320.00Earth <strong>Science</strong> Replacmenet Cards & AnswerKey Cards B0-07-618889-2 or 978-0-07-618889-5 .....$320.00Earth <strong>Science</strong> Replacment ClassroomResources CD-ROM0-07-618890-6 or 978-0-07-618890-1 ......$66.64Physical <strong>Science</strong> Lab Package0-07-618200-2 or 978-0-07-618200-8 .....$652.00Student MaterialsStudent Record Book (Pkg. of 5)0-07-618895-7 or 978-0-07-618895-6 ......$30.64Teacher MaterialsPhysical <strong>Science</strong> Teacher's Handbook0-07-618891-4 or 978-0-07-618891-8 . .$34.64Additional ResourcesPhysical <strong>Science</strong> Replacmenet Cards &Answer Key Cards A0-07-618892-2 or 978-0-07-618892-5 .....$320.00Physical <strong>Science</strong> Replacmenet Cards &Answer Key Cards B0-07-618893-0 or 978-0-07-618893-2 .....$320.00Physical <strong>Science</strong> Replacment ClassroomResources CD-ROM0-07-618894-9 or 978-0-07-618894-9 ......$66.64165

Ensure your students have access to current and relevant core science content<strong>Science</strong>SRA <strong>Science</strong> iLabsGrades 6–12SRA <strong>Science</strong> iLabs boost students’ confidence as theyguide themselves through customized lessons to buildboth reading skills and core science knowledge. Theseonline independent, targeted curricula can be tailored toindividual student needs as well as state standards for Life,Earth, and Physical <strong>Science</strong>.SRA <strong>Science</strong> iLabs,Screen CapturesSimilar to the <strong>Science</strong> Cards in the SRA <strong>Science</strong> Laboratory,iReadings in the iLabs include features to make sure thatstudents have access to current and relevant sciencecontent and vocabulary. Students access core scienceconcepts with the appropriate level of reading supportthrough customized learning paths.SRA <strong>Science</strong> iLabs deliver content tailored to the needs oftoday’s electronic classroom, offering another instructionalformat for reaching students. Accessible anywhere there isan internet connection, SRA <strong>Science</strong> iLabs can be used asa supplement to whole class instruction or to aid individuallearning. Students can work with the iLabs during studyhall, in after-school programs, or as homework.The system includes:Two reading levels, one at a higher reading level and oneat a lower reading level Preview of key vocabulary Hotlinks to the electronic glossary Audio-enabled narration in both English and Spanish Additional support for English language learners andstruggling readersProgram Features Accommodates all learners’ needs throughmotivating instruction delivered in an online,personalized format. Pretests help identify students’ areas of need forreinforcement in science content and vocabulary. State Specific: Sort and assign iReadings and pretestsby state standard for each state!Grades 6–12Single Class License(Access for 1 teacher and up to 40 students)0-07-623480-0 or 978-0-07-623480-6 . ........$193.32Multiple Class License(Access for 1 teacher and up to 150 students)0-07-623481-9 or 978-0-07-623481-3 .........$664.00Building Licence(Unlimited access for the entire building)0-07-623482-7 or 978-0-07-623482-0 ....... $2,319.84166

SRA <strong>Science</strong> Photo LibrarySRA <strong>Science</strong> Photo LibraryGrades 3–AdultSRA <strong>Science</strong> Photo Library builds asolid foundation in <strong>Science</strong> vocabularyfor students from Grades 3–Adult. Theprogram collections help you teachEnglish <strong>Science</strong> vocabulary using vividphotography, <strong>Science</strong> backgroundparagraphs, and translations andpronunciations in 10 languages:VietnameseSpanishComponentsSRA <strong>Science</strong> Photo Library Collections include:Photo Cards (210); Sorting Mat; World/U.S. Map; CD-ROM; and Teacher’s Idea Book.SRA <strong>Science</strong> Photo Library has15 categories split amongst threedifferent collections:<strong>Science</strong>Hmong Cantonese Korean Haitian Creole Arabic Russian Tagalog Khmer Life <strong>Science</strong>Collection(210 Cards) PlantsInvertebratesVertebrates Humans Ecology Earth <strong>Science</strong>Collection(210 Cards) Space Weather andwaterChanging earth Inside earth Earth’s surface Physical <strong>Science</strong>Collection(210 Cards) EnergyForce and motion Matter andchange <strong>Science</strong> in society <strong>Science</strong>equipmentProgram Features The flashcard format makes <strong>Science</strong> Photo Library perfect for groupor individual practice. The <strong>Science</strong> Photo Card collections feature full-color, originalphotography. Collections are available on an accompanying multimedia CD-ROMwith photo index, audible translations, flash cards, dictionary, andelectronic games.Grades 3–AdultLife Collection0-07-614708-8 or 978-0-07-614708-3 .........$205.32Earth Collection0-07-614709-6 or 978-0-07-614709-0 .........$205.32Physical Collection0-07-614710-X or 978-0-07-614710-6 .........$205.32Complete Collection with CD-ROM0-07-614712-6 or 978-0-07-614712-0 .........$750.96Complete Collection without CD-ROM0-07-614713-4 or 978-0-07-614713-7 .........$607.44CD-ROM0-07-614711-8 or 978-0-07-614711-3. . . . . . . . . .$180.56167

A new way to make <strong>Science</strong> fun and exciting for your students!SRA Snapshots <strong>Science</strong>SRA Snapshots Simply <strong>Science</strong>Grades 1–2SRA Snapshots Video <strong>Science</strong>Grades 3–5SRA Snapshots <strong>Science</strong> focuses on three specificinstructional goals:Building background knowledge in science fromstudents’ prior experiencesProviding and reinforcing key science vocabularyTeaching the main ideas of science.These programs lay the foundation students need to besuccessful in learning the more rigorous science contentthey will encounter in later grades.See <strong>Science</strong>!Snapshots Videos build background knowledge andconnect science to students’ livesDigital Read-Alouds at Grades 1–2 show the stories andconcepts in action while the Student Editions at Grades3–5 contain vibrant photos to connect the videos toscienceVocabulary Photo Cards make visual connectionsbetween abstract terms, concepts, and imagesHear & Read <strong>Science</strong>!Snapshots Videos connect with concepts and vocabulary(audio also available in Spanish)Fiction/Nonfiction Read-Alouds allow students to hearfluent models of reading (audio also available in Spanish)Student Editions introduce main ideas with opportunitiesto “Think About It”Simply <strong>Science</strong> Songs provide early science learners amemorable format that is fun and educational<strong>Science</strong>These flexible and easy-to-use programs reach everystudent by helping them:SRA SnapshotsSimply <strong>Science</strong>,Digital Read-AloudSRA SnapshotsSimply <strong>Science</strong>Grades 1–2Complete Teacher’s Kit0-07-622476-7 or 978-0-07-622476-0 ..... $799.96Teacher’s Idea Book0-07-622452-X or 978-0-07-622452-4 .....$166.64Technology Package *0-07-622477-5 or 978-0-07-622477-7 .....$466.64Read-Aloud <strong>Books</strong> (Pkg. of 9)0-07-622440-6 or 978-0-07-622440-1 . . .$132.00Vocabulary Photo and Routine Cards0-07-622456-2 or 978-0-07-622456-2 .....$132.00Complete Teacher’s Kit0-07-622478-3 or 978-0-07-622478-4 ..... $799.96Teacher’s Idea Book0-07-622469-4 or 978-0-07-622469-2 .....$166.64Technology Package*0-07-622479-1 or 978-0-07-622479-1 .....$466.64Read-Aloud <strong>Books</strong> (Pkg. of 9)0-07-622459-7 or 978-0-07-622459-3 .....$132.00Vocabulary Photo and Routine Cards0-07-622473-2 or 978-0-07-622473-9 .....$132.00168

Learn <strong>Science</strong>!e! Easy-to-use teacher materials include the Glance, Grab,and Go approach with differentiated instruction options,hands-on activities, and formal and informal assessmentoptions Non-complex technology componentsFocuses on the Big Ideas of <strong>Science</strong>Correlated to all 50 states’ standardsCorrelated to many basal science and reading programsComponentsSRA Snapshots Simply <strong>Science</strong> (Grades 1–2) Complete Teachers Kit includes:A convenient carrying case that includes everything needed to teach one level ofthe program: Teacher’s Idea Book; Simply <strong>Science</strong> Video DVD; Digital Read AloudCD-ROM; <strong>Science</strong> Songs Audio CD; Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM; Read Aloud <strong>Books</strong>;and Vocabulary & Photo Routine Cards.SRA Snapshots Simply <strong>Science</strong> (Grades 1–2) Technology Package includes:Simply <strong>Science</strong> Video DVD; Digital Read Aloud CD-ROM; <strong>Science</strong> Songs Audio CD;and Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM.SRA Snapshots Video <strong>Science</strong> (Grades 3–5) Teacher Resource Packageincludes: A convenient carrying case that includes everything needed to teach onelevel of the program: Teacher’s Guide; Teacher’s Resource Book; Student Edition(1 copy); DVD Set (with English and Spanish audio tracks); and Teacher SupportCD-ROMs (including ExamView® Test Generator and Vocabulary PuzzleMaker – withSpanish puzzles).<strong>Science</strong>SRA SnapshotsVideo <strong>Science</strong>Grades 3–5Student MaterialsStudent Edition0-07-609679-3 or 978-0-07-609679-4 ......$22.12Teacher MaterialsTeacher Resources Package0-07-609692-0 or 978-0-07-609692-3 .....$485.32Teacher's Guide0-07-609682-3 or 978-0-07-609682-4 ......$55.44Teacher's Resource Book0-07-609685-8 or 978-0-07-609685-5 ..... $173.32DVD Set0-07-609689-0 or 978-0-07-609689-3 .....$414.60Teacher Support CD-Roms0-07-609688-2 or 978-0-07-609688-6 .....$228.80Student MaterialsStudent Edition0-07-609680-7 or 978-0-07-609680-0 ......$22.12Teacher MaterialsTeacher Resources Package0-07-609693-9 or 978-0-07-609693-0 .....$485.32Teacher's Guide0-07-609683-1 or 978-0-07-609683-1 ......$55.44Teacher's Resource Book0-07-609686-6 or 978-0-07-609686-2 ..... $173.32DVD Set0-07-609690-4 or 978-0-07-609690-9 .....$414.60Teacher Support CD-Roms0-07-609688-2 or 978-0-07-609688-6 .....$228.80Student MaterialsStudent Edition0-07-609681-5 or 978-0-07-609681-7 ......$22.12Teacher MaterialsTeacher Resources Package0-07-609694-7 or 978-0-07-609694-7 .....$485.32Teacher's Guide0-07-609684-X or 978-0-07-609684-8 ......$55.44Teacher's Resource Book0-07-609687-4 or 978-0-07-609687-9 ..... $173.32DVD Set0-07-609691-2 or 978-0-07-609691-6 .....$414.60Teacher Support CD-Roms0-07-609688-2 or 978-0-07-609688-6 .....$228.80169

Contemporary’s <strong>Science</strong> SeriesGrades 6–12Making <strong>Science</strong> Accessible for All Students<strong>Science</strong>Contemporary’s <strong>Science</strong> Series fromWright Group/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Contemporary’s Comprehensive <strong>Science</strong> Series offers aninstructional balance of teacher-directed and hands-onactivities. The curriculum is flexible and offers teachersactivities for differentiated instruction.Components of the program include the following:Student Materials Hardcover Student EditionStudent CD-ROMStudent WorkbookLaboratory ManualTeacher Materials Hardcover Wraparound Teacher’s EditionTeacher’s CD-ROMExamView® Assessment Suite CD-ROMBlackline Master Assessment PacketOverhead Transparency PacketEach book contains key features that enhance learning:Aligns to the “5E” instructional model (Engage, Explore,Explain, Extend, Evaluate)Literacy strategies in each lesson engage students inlanguage acquisition through research-based pre-,during-, and post-reading activitiesConnection features link chapter content across bothscientific and nonscientific curricular areasPeople in <strong>Science</strong> features profile key individuals andtheir contributions to the scientific communityLaboratory Manuals provide three activities per chapterthat scaffold learning to differentiate instruction andpromote writing comprehensive conclusionsStudent Workbooks reinforce vocabulary, key concepts,graphic organizing skills, reading comprehension, crosscurriculartopics, writing skills, and provide challengingactivitiesThe program includes Biology: Exploring the <strong>Science</strong> of LifeEarth & Space <strong>Science</strong>: Exploring theUniversePhysical <strong>Science</strong>: Exploring Matter andEnergy170

Biology: Exploring The<strong>Science</strong> Of LifeBiologyexplores thescience oflife. Studentsdiscoverthe origin,structure,function,growth, andevolution ofspecies whilelearning tocategorize living organisms.Unit 1: Learning About Living ThingsChapter 1 Studying Life <strong>Science</strong>Chapter 2 The Nature of LifeChapter 3 Cell Structure, Function, andProcessesChapter 4 Heredity and GenesUnit 2: Diversity of Living ThingsChapter 5 Change Over TimeChapter 6 Classification of Living ThingsUnit 3: Microorganisms and FungiChapter 7 Viruses and BacteriaChapter 8 Protists and FungiUnit 4: PlantsChapter 9 Introduction to PlantsChapter 10 Nonflowering andFlowering PlantsChapter 11 Plant Parts and FunctionsUnit 5: AnimalsChapter 12 Sponges, Cnidarians,Worms, and MollusksChapter 13 Arthropods and EchinodermsChapter 14 Fishes, Amphibians, andReptilesChapter 15 Birds and MammalsUnit 6: EcologyChapter 16 Living Things and TheirEnvironmentChapter 17 Earth’s BiomesChapter 18 Interactions Among LivingThingsUnit 7: Human BodyChapter 19 Skin, Skeletal, and MuscularSystemsChapter 20 Respiratory and CirculatorySystemsChapter 21 Digestive and ExcretorySystemsChapter 22 Nervous and EndocrineSystemsChapter 23 Reproduction andDevelopmentChapter 24 Disease and the Body’sDefensesChapter 25 Health and WellnessEarth & Space <strong>Science</strong>:Exploring The UniverseEarth andSpace <strong>Science</strong>explores thehistory ofour planet,the universe,and thecompositionof Earth’ssurface, core,oceans, andatmosphere.Students learn about howenvironmental changes affect ourweather as well as the impact peoplehave on the earth’s resources.Unit 1: Exploring EarthChapter 1 Earth <strong>Science</strong>Chapter 2 Mapping EarthUnit 2: Composition of the EarthChapter 3 Matter and AtomsChapter 4 MineralsChapter 5 RocksUnit 3: Forces in the EarthChapter 6 Plate TectonicsChapter 7 EarthquakesChapter 8 VolcanoesUnit 4: Earth’s Changing SurfaceChapter 9 Weathering and SoilFormationChapter 10 Erosion and DepositionUnit 5: Earth’s HistoryChapter 11 Studying the PastChapter 12 Geologic TimeUnit 6: Earth’s Atmosphere and WeatherChapter 13 The AtmosphereChapter 14 WeatherChapter 15 ClimateUnit 7: Earth’s WatersChapter 16 FreshwaterChapter 17 OceansChapter 18 The Marine EnvironmentUnit 8: Earth’s Resources andEnvironmentChapter 19 Earth’s Natural ResourcesChapter 20 Human Impact on Earth’sResourcesUnit 9: Exploring SpaceChapter 21 Earth and Its MoonChapter 22 The Solar SystemChapter 23 StarsChapter 24 Galaxies and the UniversePhysical <strong>Science</strong>: ExploringMatter And EnergyPhysical<strong>Science</strong>explores thebasic principlesof matterand energy,integratingphysics,chemistry, andmathematics.Students learnthe physicallaws of howevents happen in their world.Unit 1: Learning About MatterChapter 1 Studying Physical <strong>Science</strong>Chapter 2 Types of MatterChapter 3 Properties of MatterChapter 4 States of MatterUnit 2: Building Blocks of MatterChapter 5 The AtomChapter 6 The Periodic TableUnit 3: Interactions of MatterChapter 7 BondingChapter 8 Chemical ReactionsChapter 9 SolutionsChapter 10 Carbon ChemistryChapter 11 Nuclear ChemistryUnit 4: Motion and ForcesChapter 12 What Is Motion?Chapter 13 Nature of ForcesChapter 14 Forces in FluidsChapter 15 Work, Power, and SimpleMachinesUnit 5: Energy: Its Forms and ChangesChapter 16 Nature of EnergyChapter 17 Thermal Energy and HeatChapter 18 Heat TechnologyUnit 6: Sound and LightChapter 19 Waves and EnergyChapter 20 SoundChapter 21 Light and OtherElectromagnetic WavesChapter 22 Light and Its UsesUnit 7: Electricity and MagnetismChapter 23 Electric Charges andCurrentsChapter 24 MagnetismChapter 25 ElectromagnetismChapter 26 Electronic Technology<strong>Science</strong>171

Student EditionIntroductionA Unit OpenerThe Unit Opener provides a preview ofthe material with thought-provokingquestions.B Chapter OpenerABThe introductory story captures interestand motivates continued reading.C Key ConceptThe standards-based Key Conceptidentifies the “big idea” of the chapterand connects the various conceptswithin the chapter.D Scilinks® CodesSciLinks codes direct students to NSTAapprovedWeb sites.E Think About …CED<strong>Science</strong>An activity that allows students toactivate prior knowledge by recordingresponses to questions in their <strong>Science</strong>Notebooks.FHF Learning GoalsGStandards-based learning goals begineach lesson.G New VocabularyImportant terms in the lesson thatappear in boldface type upon initialreference are highlighted for students.Recall vocabulary appears in chapterswhere previously taught words andterms are crucial to student learning.IH Before You ReadOne of three literacy activities thatincorporates appropriate readingcomprehension and literacy skillsstrategies.I As You ReadThe second literacy activity includesa content-related question thatincorporates literacy skills andencourages students to workcollaboratively.172

InstructionJ Did You Know?The Did You Know? feature addressescommon misconceptions, providesadditional content, and presents funfactoids.JKK Narrative And VisualsBoth the narrative and the visualssupport all students, particularly Englishlanguage learners and strugglingreaders. Visuals are functional,interesting, and understandable.Narrative is clear, concise, logicallysequenced, and is presented in anoutline-style format.LMNPOL Explain It!Writing activities assess students’understanding of the contents.M Figure It OutTables, graphs, diagrams, and photosin the lessons are accompanied byquestions.<strong>Science</strong>N ConnectionDemonstrates how science concepts andthinking skills can be applied to otherareas of learning.O Extend It!Research-based activities encouragestudents to study related topics andreport their findings.P After You ReadContains content-related questionsranging from recall to higher-levelthinking. One question utilizes theliteracy activity introduced in Before YouRead and supplemented in As You Read.Q Explore It!Active-learning experiences arecompleted by students in class withpartners, in groups, or at home as ahomework assignment.QR People In <strong>Science</strong>Biographical information is presentedon historical and/or current influentialfigures in science, emphasizing theircontribution to scientific research.R173

Review and AssessmentS Chapter SummaryTUVProvides concept review, vocabularyreview, and assessment.ST Key ConceptsKey scientific principles in each lessonare listed in Key Concepts.WU Vocabulary ReviewStudents are encouraged todemonstrate their understandingof the terms by defining them incomplete, well-developed sentences orparagraphs.V Mastering Concepts<strong>Science</strong>Students can test their knowledge ofthe facts, evaluate their understandingof the concepts, and apply theirunderstanding. Assessment formsinclude modified true or false, shortanswer,and critical thinking questions.Standardized test questions are alsoincluded to help familiarize studentswith this format. Test-Taking Tips areincluded.XW Prepare for Chapter TestThis self-assessment activity integratesthe lesson Learning Goals with thechapter Key Concept.YExtension ActivitiesX <strong>Science</strong> Journal<strong>Science</strong> Journal contains several casestudies and a career connection, whichhighlight how the study of science canbe applied to a variety of interesting andimportant vocations.Y Research and ReportResearch and Report provides studentsa research topic related to the unitcontent.174

Teacher’s EditionA Unit OpenerOffers strategies for introducing unitprojects in the areas of career, handson,and technology research. Studentsare encouraged to use the PresentationBuilder and the Student CD-ROM todisplay results from projects.B Chapter OpenerIncludes a reference to the introductoryLab A in the Lab Manual, a strategy forintroducing the chapter content, andsuggestions for the Think About…feature.ABC Software SummaryProvides a list of resources available onCD-ROM for use within the unit.CDD Chapter Planning GuideIdentifies the print ancillaries designedfor use with each lesson, chapter pacing,and the National Standards covered bythe lesson content.Wraparound side columns feature toolsto reinforce learning while encouragingstudent writing and assessment. Thesetools correspond to features in thestudent book. VocabularyUse the Visual<strong>Science</strong><strong>Science</strong> NotebookAlternative AssessmentBottom margins contain support thatsupplements and extends lessons:E Background InformationEmbedded information for topics tosupport the teacher.EFF E L L StrategyVocabulary reinforcement andinstructional strategies for Englishlanguage learners.Additional features found in the Teacher’s Edition include:Differentiated InstructionExtra support to accommodate a variety of learners.Teacher AlertEmbedded professional support providing teaching tips throughout thecurriculum.Field StudyProvides activities that can easily be completed in the classroom oraround the school.Reading LinksSuggested supplemental readings to support topics discussedthroughout the chapter.175

Laboratory ProgramTeacher’s EditionThis two-page spread found at the endof each chapter provides importantinformation and guidance for each ofthe three chapter laboratory activitiesfound in the Laboratory Manual.Teaching notes include:AA ObjectivesStandards-based learning outcomes.B Skill SetScientific skills that are taught throughthe lab activity.C Planning (time, grouping,complexity)Number of periods and studentgrouping.BDCEFName Date Time5CGHThe Genetics of Natural SelectionChapter5<strong>Science</strong>D MaterialsA full list is in the Student Edition; thefull-year supply list is in the back of theTeacher’s Edition.E Advance PreparationDetails how to be prepared for the lab.F Answers to ObservationsLists what the students should observewhile completing the lab.G Answers to Analysis andConclusionsProvides sample answers to studentquestions, interpretation of collecteddata, and answers to seven questionsthat need to be answered in everyconclusion.H Going FurtherCopyright © Wright Group/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Name Date Time5A Happy HuntingTraits that help an organism survive and reproduce in itsenvironment are called adaptations. Organisms that haveinherited the ability to camouflage themselves have beenadapted for their environments. That means prey canavoid detection by its predator, or the predator can avoiddetection by its prey.The peppered moth is an example of how adaptations andvariations within a species can help an organism survive inits environment. If you were a bird, how many pepperedmoths could you see?ProcedureCover your desk with a newspaper. Scatter 50 newspaperdiscs and 50 white paper discs on the newspaperbackground. One member of your group should then usethe forceps or tweezers to pick up as many discs as he orshe can in 15 seconds. At the end of 15 seconds, count thenumber of discs picked up and record the number in yourdata table. Repeat this activity with each person in yourgroup. Then, change the background to a white piece ofpaper and repeat the activity. Total the number of discs your group collectedduring the activity, and record this in your data table. Clean up your materialsaccording to your teacher’s directions.Did you and the members of your group pick up more contrasting discs ormatching discs? Why?Chapter5Change Over TimeWhat two variations in the peppered moth species Name did the discs represent?Date Time5B Measuring Variations in a PopulationPredict what would happen to the number of moths with each passingBackground Informationgeneration if the environment suddenly changed. Explain your answer.As you look around the room, you will notice many differences in hair color, eye color,chin shape, and height among your classmates. You and your classmates all belong tothe same species, but you are different in many ways. The differences are calledvariations, and they exist in all species.In this activity, you will observe variations in seeds and in your class population.Problem How can you measure the variations in plant and animal populations?BIOLOGY LABORATORY MANUAL Materials (per CHAPTER pair) 5: CHANGE OVER TIME25 ProcedurePART A VARIATION IN SEEDS1. Get eight pumpkin seeds from your teacher.2. Using a metric ruler, measure the length of each pumpkin seed in millimeters.Record your measurements, rounded to the nearest millimeter, in Data Table 1.3. Record your group’s pumpkin seed measurements on the chalkboard so that allgroup data can be seen.4. Using data from the entire class, record the range in lengths for the pumpkin seedsone millimeter. Add more columns to the data table, if necessary.5. Record the class’s total number of each size of pumpkin seed in the second row of6. Construct a line graph for the pumpkin seed lengths on graph paper. Label thex-axis Pumpkin Seed Length (mm) and the y-axis Number of Pumpkin Seeds.26 CHAPTER 5: CHANGE OVER TIMEBIOLOGY LABORATORY MANUALCopyright © Wright Group/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Copyright © Wright Group/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Background InformationCharles Darwin was a naturalist who observed plants and animals in their naturalenvironments. He spent five years sailing throughout the world, observing anddiscovering a wide range of living things. During this time, he encountered manyplants and animals he had never seen before. He wondered why these organisms wereso different from those in his native England. Darwin’s observations led him to developa very important scientific theory: the theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwinsuggested that most organisms produce more offspring than are able survive. He alsosuggested that variations exist among the offspring, that these variations can increaseor decrease the offspring’s chance of survival, and that only the fittest organismssurvive to reproduce.This lab explores natural selection and how it leads to changes in a species over aperiod of time. As you will find, genetic factors and environmental factors affect theprocess of natural selection.Problem How do genetic and environmental factors change a species over time?Materials cards cards Procedure1. Before beginning the activity, title one index card Produces Offspring andthe other card Fails to Reproduce. Set the cards at your work station in twoseparate areas.PART A2. Use the two sets of cards to model a group of hummingbirds living in an area full offirst two in the pile. Allele pairs BB and BbAllele pair bba tally mark in Data Table 1.3. Choose an event card. An R card means the hummingbird reproduces. An F or Pcard means the hummingbird fails to reproduce. An Sfailure with a tally mark in Data Table 1.4. If the hummingbird reproduces, put the cards in the Produces pile. If it does not,put the cards in the Fails pile. Put the event card at the bottom of its deck.5. BIOLOGY LABORATORY MANUALCHAPTER 5: CHANGE OVER TIMEName Date Time6. Leave the Fails cards as they are. Do not place them back with the other cards.Mix up the remaining hummingbird cards and the event cards.7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for the second generation. Then repeat steps 2 through 5for the third generation.PART BHow would the data differ if the hummingbirds lived in an environment in whicha short beak had advantages over a very long beak? Such an environment mighthave fewer flowers and more varied food sources. Record your prediction.8. Use the cards to test your prediction. Repeat Part A for three generations ofhummingbirds. Remember that an S card now means that any hummingbirds withlong beaks will not reproduce. Record your data in Data Table 2.PART C9. Use the Fails to Reproduce data from Data Table 1 to construct a line graph. Besure to label each axis, review the data before numbering each axis, and carefullyplot the data. Use two different colored pencils to represent the long- and shortbeakedhummingbirds.10. Use the Fails to Reproduce data from Data Table 2 to construct another line graph.Be sure to label each axis, review the data before numbering each axis, andcarefully plot the data. Use two different colored pencils to represent the long- andshort-beaked hummingbirds.ObservationsData Table 1: Trumpet-Shaped Flower EnvironmentGeneration12Long-BeakedHummingbirds29Short-BeakedHummingbirdsFails to ReproduceLong-Beaked Short-BeakedHummingbirds HummingbirdsCopyright © Wright Group/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Provides sample extension activities.Student Laboratory Manual330 CHAPTER 5: CHANGE OVER TIMEBIOLOGY LABORATORY MANUAL176

Life <strong>Science</strong> Earth and Space <strong>Science</strong> Physical <strong>Science</strong><strong>Science</strong>BIOLOGY STUDENT WORKBOOK CHAPTER 1: STUDYING LIFE SCIENCE 1Chapter16 CHAPTER 3: CELL STRUCTURE, FUNCTION, AND PROCESSES BIOLOGY STUDENT WORKBOOKBIOLOGY STUDENT WORKBOOKl,BIOLOGY STUDENT WORKBOOKCHAPTER 5: CHANGE OVER TIME31CHAPTER 10: NONFLOWERING AND FLOWERING PLANTSBIOLOGY STUDENT WORKBOOK65CHAPTER 16: LIVING THINGS AND THEIR ENVIRONMENT107Student CD-ROM & Print ResourcesStudent SoftwareThe Student CD-ROM makes science accessible to morestudents through visual, audio, and print functionality. Usersunderstand through analysis, exploration, and practice ofconcepts at school or at home. Features of the CD-ROMinclude: Student Edition in Audio PDFChapter and Unit Reinforcement ActivitiesInteractive Student Laboratory ActivitiesDemonstration Laboratory ActivitiesStudent Presentation BuilderGraphic Organizing SoftwareSpanish Chapter SummariesSpanish Pre-Chapter Writing ActivitiesSpanish Post-Chapter Writing ActivitiesSpanish Cognate DictionaryCopyright ©2009 Wright Group/<strong>McGraw</strong>-HiBIOLOGYExploring the <strong>Science</strong> of LifeStudent CDl. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce this material only for classroom use. ISBN: 9780077041335MHID: 007704133XStudent Lab ManualThe Student Lab Manual provides hands-on experiences thatrange from short in-class or at-home assignments to 45-50minute in-class assignments. Discovery experiences providethe challenges necessary to reinforce concepts.Lab A is a one-page, 15- to 20-minute activity that activatesprior knowledge and introduces the chapter conceptsLab B and Lab C are scaffolded according to difficulty leveland are designed to be completed in a class period of 45 to50 minutes.Both labs follow a standard lab sequence:1) Background Information2) Problem3) Materials4) Procedure5) Observations6) Analysis7) ConclusionsObservations are recorded in the form of Data Tables.Student Workbook activities include:The Student Workbook of activities helps students developa deeper understand through study, practice, and review.Each activity is designed to help students to become betterproblem-solvers and critical thinkers. Key Concept ReviewVocabulary ReviewInterpreting Diagrams/Graphic OrganizersReading ComprehensionCurriculum Connection<strong>Science</strong> ChallengeCopyright © Wright Group/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Name Date TimeKey Concept ReviewPART A ClassifyThe graphic organizer below shows the three branches of science. Classify each termfrom the box by placing it under the appropriate branch.air animals electricity human bodyinsects land light motionplants solar system sound water Interpreting DiagramsPART APerform a search on the Internet to find thelocation of each of the bacteria in the humanbody. Then label the diagram with the letterof the bacteria to show its location.a. Propionibacterium acnesb. Streptococcus salivariusc. Helicobacter pylorid. Escherichia colie. Staphylococcus cus epidermidisf. Staphylococcus cuaureusPART B1Studying Life <strong>Science</strong>Label the diagram of the AIDS-causing virus,using the following terms: Envelope,Nucleic acid, and Protein coat.SCIENCE EXTENSION44 1.2.3.Name Date TimePART B Comprehension Vocabulary ReviewPART ARead each question below and answer it on the lines provided, using complete sentences.Match each term in Column B with its description in Column A. Write the letter of1. What is the system of measurement used by scientists?the correct term in the space provided.Column AColumn B2. What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable?groups of similar cells that form a specific function 1. osmosisdiffusion of water through a selectively permeable 2. cellular respiration3. What is a control group?membraneprocess that releases energy from food using3. microorganismsoxygen4. What is a hypothesis?living things that can only be seen with a4. tissuemicroscopeName Date TimeChapterPART BSCIENCE EXTENSIONWill liquids other than pure water help plants survive? Review To the find vocabulary out, you put in five Lesson pairs 3.2. Then, describe each cell part Graphic in the chart Organizer5below.of the same type of potted plant near a window. Indicate For two weeks, whether you the give cell each is found pair of in an animal a cell, a plant cell, or PART both. Aplants a different liquid—pure water, sugar water, salt water, soda, and milk. What are theindependent variables in this experiment? What is the dependent variable?Identify main ideas and examples in the chart below.Cell Part Description Animal/Plant/BothchloroplastEvolutioncytoplasmSupported byendoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatusExample Types Example ExamplelysosomemitochondrionExample Exampleribosome Name Date TimeChapterSCIENCE EXTENSIONReading Comprehension10In your <strong>Science</strong> Notebook, describe two different e cellular processes that can be identifiedusing the new vocabulary in the chapter. Exchange your descriptions with a partner, andPART A Chapter SummaryPART Bhave the partner identify the processes.Chapter 10 contains many details about plants. To help you remember the details, createAnswer the questions below.a chapter summary in your <strong>Science</strong> Notebook. Use the lesson numbers and titles asheadings in your summary. Use bullet points under each heading to record important Suppose the body structures of two organisms have the same function. Why doinformation. You may need to read the chapter again to help you identify the main points.scientists need to determine whether they are analogous or homologous toestablish an evolutionary line? Once you have completed your chapter summary, compare it with a classmate’s. If thereare any differences, discuss why you chose the information that you did. Revise yoursummary if needed. Finally, compare your summary with the key concepts at the end ofthe chapter. If you missed any important points, and review those sections again. What type of evidence leads scientists to PART conclude B Neandertals Comprehension did not evolve Questions intomodern humans?The following questions focus on the relationship between humans and plants. If youneed to, refer back to your reading to help you answer the questions.1. Why would it not be surprising to find the same moss growing over hundreds ofislands in an island chain?SCIENCE EXTENSIONNIn your <strong>Science</strong> Notebook, draw a flow chart that shows how fossils are formed. Label anddescribe each step.2. Coastal areas often suffer from erosion. How could plants prevent soil arounda home from eroding?Name Date Time<strong>Science</strong> Challenge3. Why might you keep desert plants, such as cactus, in your home instead ofother plants?PART ASometimes animals in a population live in groups. Groups of animals have differentnames. For example, a group of fish is a school of fish. Match each animal below withthe name of the group in which it lives. Use your textbook and the Internet for help asSCIENCE EXTENSIONnecessary. Then write the letter of each group next to the correct animal.Traces of PlantsBrandon and his parents recently moved into a house. The previous owners had removed all1. lion a. bloatthe plants in the backyard. While Brandon and his family are searching around, they foundthe following evidence of the plants that 2. used goose to be present. Based on the evidence, brieflyb. colonydescribe what their backyard once looked like. Write your answer in your <strong>Science</strong> Notebook.3. reindeer c. cote Brandon’s dad finds three separate areas containing long, thin needles. Brandon’s mom discovers curled fronds, 4. wolf which are now brown, buried in a sandbox.d. pride Brandon finds a clump of tiny, green plants on the only rock in the backyard. A hummingbird flies around for a 5. while, buffalo then leaves.e. pack Dried apple seeds are found spread in a large circular area.6. turkey f. gaggle A number of bees are hovering around in the yard, but no hive seems to be nearby.CO_Biology_WB_C07.indd 44 8/2Copyright © Wright Group/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Copyright © Wright Group/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Copyright © Wright Group/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>Chapter16<strong>Science</strong>7. dove g. herd8. penguin h. herd9. quail i. rafter10. bee j. rookery11. hippopotamus k. hive12. ant l. bevy13. What advantages might there be to living in a group?Copyright © Wright Group/<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>PART B14. For one of the animals above, find information about the environment in which itlives. What are the abiotic things in this environment? What are the biotic things?What is the temperature like in this area? How much rainfall is there? Write yourfindings in a well-ordered paragraph in your <strong>Science</strong> Notebook.15. Research whether this animal is a herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore. Draw a foodweb to show the feeding relationships between this animal and other members ofthe community. Include at least five organisms in the food web.Student Workbook16. Describe a natural event that could disturb the environment of the animalsin your food web. After this event, would primary succession or secondarysuccession likely take place? Explain your answer in well-developed sentences.177

Biology Student Edition with CD-ROM0-07-704129-1 or 978-0-07-704129-8 ..........$79.96Earth and Space Student Edition with CD-ROM0-07-704149-6 or 978-0-07-704149-6 ..........$79.96Physical <strong>Science</strong> Student Edition with CD-ROM0-07-704139-9 or 978-0-07-704139-7 ..........$79.96Biology Student Edition0-07-704536-X or 978-0-07-704536-4 ..........$53.28Earth and Space Student Edition0-07-704148-8 or 978-0-07-704148-9 ..........$53.28Physical <strong>Science</strong> Student Edition0-07-704138-0 or 978-0-07-704138-0 ..........$53.28Biology Student CD-ROM0-07-704133-X or 978-0-07-704133-5 ..........$53.28Earth and Space Student CD-ROM0-07-704153-4 or 978-0-07-704153-3 ..........$13.28Physical <strong>Science</strong> Student CD-ROM0-07-704143-7 or 978-0-07-704143-4 ..........$53.28Biology Laboratory Manual0-07-704131-3 or 978-0-07-704131-1 . ..........$12.68Biology WorkBook0-07-704132-1 or 978-0-07-704132-8 ..........$12.68Biology Teacher Edition0-07-704130-5 or 978-0-07-704130-4 ..........$77.28Earth and Space Laboratory Manual0-07-704151-8 or 978-0-07-704151-9 ..........$12.68Earth and Space WorkBook0-07-704152-6 or 978-0-07-704152-6 ..........$12.68Earth and Space Teacher Edition0-07-704150-X or 978-0-07-704150-2 ..........$77.28Physical <strong>Science</strong> Laboratory Manual0-07-704141-0 or 978-0-07-704141-0 ..........$12.68Physical <strong>Science</strong> WorkBook0-07-704142-9 or 978-0-07-704142-7 ..........$12.68Physical <strong>Science</strong> Teacher Edition0-07-704140-2 or 978-0-07-704140-3 ..........$77.28<strong>Science</strong>Biology Teacher's CD-ROM0-07-704134-8 or 978-0-07-704134-2 .........$133.32Earth and Space Teacher's CD-ROM0-07-704154-2 or 978-0-07-704154-0 .........$133.32Physical <strong>Science</strong> Teacher's CD-ROM0-07-704144-5 or 978-0-07-704144-1 .........$133.32Biology BLM Assessment Packet0-07-704136-4 or 978-0-07-704136-6 ..........$93.32Earth and Space BLM Assessment Packet0-07-704156-9 or 978-0-07-704156-4 ..........$93.32Physical <strong>Science</strong> BLM Assessment Packet0-07-704146-1 or 978-0-07-704146-5 ..........$93.32Biology Overhead Transparency Packet0-07-704137-2 or 978-0-07-704137-3 . .........$106.64Earth and Space Overhead Transparency Packet0-07-704157-7 or 978-0-07-704157-1 ..........$106.64Physical <strong>Science</strong> Overhead Transparency Packet0-07-704147-X or 978-0-07-704147-2 ..........$106.64Biology Examview Assessment Suite CD-ROM0-07-704135-6 or 978-0-07-704135-9 .........$133.32Earth and Space Examview Assessment Suite CD-ROM0-07-704155-0 or 978-0-07-704155-7 .........$133.32Physical <strong>Science</strong> Examview Assessment Suite CD-ROM0-07-704145-3 or 978-0-07-704145-8 .........$133.32179

BC <strong>Science</strong>Grades 6–10<strong>Science</strong>BC <strong>Science</strong> 6–7BC <strong>Science</strong> 6 Development Team:Authors: Adrienne Mason, KarenCharleson, Darcy Dobell, Eric Grace;Contributing Authors: Karen Walsh,Tara Shepherd, Judy Gadicke; SeniorPedagogical Consultant: SandyWohl; Aboriginal Consultants: KarenCharleson, Dr. E.R. Atleo (Umeekof Ahousaht), Dr. David Blades,David Rattray; Consultants: HerbJohnston, Dr. Doug Roberts, Bruce McAskill (Assessment), ShirleyChoo (Reading), Gloria Gustafson (Literacy), Jennifer Katz(Differentiated Instruction), Glen Holmes (Technology), NancyJosephson (Social Considerations), Elizabeth Sparling (SpecialEducation), Ken P. Waldman (Health and Safety) BC <strong>Science</strong> 7 Development Team: Authors: Adrienne Mason,Karen Charleson, Eric Grace, Jacque Martin; Senior PedagogicalConsultant: Sandy Wohl; Resource Development Consultants:Panel: Elspeth Anderson, Dr. David Blades, Dr. Allan MacKinnon,Darren Macmillan, Dr. Jolie Mayer-Smith, Steve Williams, JosieWilson, Dr. E.R. Atleo (Umeek of Ahousaht)These exciting resources developed specifically forthe new curriculum provide solid science process skillsreinforcement, engaging text and visuals, and a widechoice of easy-to-do hands-on activities to meet the needsof every learner.Student Workbook These softcover workbooks reinforce student learningand science literacy while also offering modifiedactivities, enrichment and extension, additionalvocabulary practice, further practice of science processskills, support for reading comprehension, and additionalopportunities for assessment and evaluation. Specifically developed to address the needs of ESLstudents and struggling readers.Teacher Support MaterialTeacher’s Resource The Teacher’s Resource package offer planning ideas,teaching strategies, troubleshooting hints, classroommanagement tips, science background for the nonspecialistteacher, advice on how to handle commonmisconceptions, ideas on cross-curricular integration, andextensive support for assessment and evaluation. Complete answers for all questions are provided.Strategies for addressing diverse student needs areoutlined, along with support for struggling readers.CD-ROMs contain all the content of the print Teacher’sResource, plus chapter-specific blackline mastersdesigned to reinforce or extend student learning, as wellas chapter quizzes and unit tests.All BLMs, checklists, and rubrics are in both modifiableWord® versions as well as in Portable Document Format(PDF) versions.Computerized Assessment Bank Each features approximately 900 questions.Questions include True/False, Correction, Matching,Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Problem Solving,Application, and Critical Thinking. Uses ExamView® Pro software.www.mcgrawhill.ca/books/bcscience6www.mcgrawhill.ca/books/bcscience7Online Study Quizzes provide immediate feedback tostudents.Cool Stuff to See and Do (animations, simulations, andvideo clips).BC <strong>Science</strong> 6-7 Program FeaturesCovers 100% of the Prescribed Learning Outcomespresented in the British Columbia science curriculum.Labs and activities featuring inexpensive, easy-to-obtainmaterials are suited to both elementary and middleschool classrooms.Feature photographs, locations, examples, role models,and careers specific to British Columbia. Reading Check features enhance students’ readingcomprehension. Ask an Elder profiles integrate Aboriginal perspectiveswith science content.180

Grade 6 Table of ContentsUnit 1: Diversity of Life1 A Closer Look at Living Things3 Classifying Living ThingsGrade 7 Table of ContentsUnit 1: Ecosystems1 Organisms and Their Environment3 Ecosystems and PeopleUnit 2: Electricity6 Power To YouUnit 2: Chemistry6 Exploring Solutions<strong>Science</strong>Unit 3: Exploring Extreme Environments7 A Challenge to Explorers8 Technologies for Unknown WorldsUnit 3: Earth’s Crust7 The Composition of Planet Earth8 Earth’s Moving Crust9 Earth’s Changing SurfaceStudent Text0-07-095900-5 or 978-0-07-095900-2 ......$73.50Student Text and Workbook Package0-07-096755-5 or 978-0-07-096755-7 ......$78.95Teacher's Resource with CD-ROM0-07-095901-3 or 978-0-07-095901-9 ..... $115.00Student WorkBook0-07-095902-1 or 978-0-07-095902-6 .......$8.50Package of 10 Student Workbooks0-07-096754-7 or 978-0-07-096754-0 ......$80.95Computerised Assessment Bank(Windows and Macintosh)0-07-095903-X or 978-0-07-095903-3 .....$104.00Student Text0-07-094786-4 or 978-0-07-094786-3 ......$73.50Student Text and Workbook Package0-07-095237-X or 978-0-07-095237-9 ......$78.95Teacher's Resource with CD-ROM0-07-094790-2 or 978-0-07-094790-0 .....$122.00Student WorkBook0-07-094789-9 or 978-0-07-094789-4 .......$8.50Package of 10 Student Workbooks0-07-096753-9 or 978-0-07-096753-3 ......$80.95Computerised Assessment Bank(Windows and Macintosh)0-07-094900-X or 978-0-07-094900-3 .....$109.00181

<strong>Science</strong>BC <strong>Science</strong> 8–10Grade 8 Author Team: Lionel Sandner, Edvantage Press;Jim Milross, Grade 9 and 10 Author Team: Lionel Sandner, Edvantage Press;Glen Fatkin, North Surrey Secondary School, Surrey, BC; DonaldLacy, Stelly's Secondary School, Saanichton, BC; James Milross,Fraser Heights Secondary School, Surrey, BC; Karen Naso, DavidA brand new British Columbia <strong>Science</strong> 8-10 program tosupport the new <strong>Science</strong> 8-10 IRP. BC <strong>Science</strong> 8 providescurrent, relevant, and rigorous content that stressesscience process skill development, mastery of knowledgeoutcomes, and the connections between science,technology, society, and the environment. Developedby <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson, Edvantage Press, and a team ofexperienced reviewers, consultants, and advisory panelmembers.Student Workbook These softcover workbooks reinforce student learningand science literacy while also offering modifiedactivities, enrichment and extension, additionalvocabulary practice, further practice of science processskills, support for reading comprehension, and additionalopportunities for assessment and evaluation. Specifically developed to further support the needs ofESL students and struggling readers.Teacher’s ResourceTeacher Support MaterialTeacher Resources are designed for both the beginning andexperienced <strong>Science</strong> teacherTeacher’s ResourceStudent WorkbookComputerizedAssessment BankCD-ROM The Teacher’s Resource packages offer planning ideas,teaching strategies, troubleshooting hints, classroommanagement tips, science background for the nonspecialistteacher, advice on how to handle commonmisconceptions, ideas on cross-curricular integration, andextensive support for assessment and evaluation. Complete answers for all questions are provided.Strategies for addressing diverse student needs areoutlined, along with support for struggling readers.CD-ROMs contain all the content of the print Teacher’sResource, plus chapter-specific blackline mastersdesigned to reinforce or extend student learning, as wellas chapter quizzes and unit tests.All BLMs, checklists, and rubrics are in both modifiableWord® versions as well as in Portable Document FormatBC <strong>Science</strong> 8-10 Program Features Written specifically to the new British Columbia IRPComprehensive Professional Development support toassist in implementation of the new <strong>Science</strong> curriculum Current and relevant science content designed toengage a diverse range of learners British Columbia content featuring photographs,references, and researchers A variety of motivating hands-on activities Student-friendly features throughout the text,supporting Multiple Intelligences and students’ differentlearning styles, including Foldables—a proven studytool providing hands-on/minds on opportunities forstudents to organize their learningHigh-interest special features, including interdisciplinaryconnections and National Geographic “Visualizing<strong>Science</strong>,” extend the learning in the text and openstudents’ eyes to the wonders of <strong>Science</strong>(PDF) versions.Computerized Assessment BankQuestions include True/False, Correction, Matching,Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Problem Solving,Application, and Critical Thinking. Uses ExamView® Pro software.All grades include: Online Student Home Version e-book Online Student Workbook Online interactive student study quizzes and activities Interactive animations, simulations, video clips, and moreAccess to art from student textAdditional worksheetsPowerPoints for use in classroomwww.bcscience8.cawww.bcscience9.cawww.bcscience10.ca182

Grade 8 Table of ContentsGrade 9 Table of ContentsGrade 10 Table of ContentsUnit 1: Cells and Systems1 The cell is the basic unit of life.work independently and together.3 The immune system protects thehuman body.Unit 2: Opticsunderstood using ideas about waves.and lenses.6 Human vision can be corrected andextended using optical systems.Unit 3: Fluids and Dynamics7 Kinetic molecular theory explains thecharacteristics of solids, liquids, andgases.8 Forces applied to fluids can changetheir characteristics.9 There are both natural andconstructed fluid systems.Unit 4: Water Systems on Earth10 The water cycle plays a vital role onEarth.11 The oceans control the water cycle.quantity can harm living things.<strong>Science</strong> Skills GuideGlossaryUnit 1: Atoms, Elements, andCompounds1 Observing matter has led to thedevelopment of atomic theory.matter.3 Elements combine to formcompounds.Unit 2: Reproductionlife.reproduction.6 Meiosis is the basis of sexualreproduction.Unit 3: Characteristics of Electricity7 Static charge is produced by electrontransfer.8 Ohm's law defines the relationship ofcurrent, voltage, and resistance.9 Circuits are designed to control thetransfer of electric energy.Unit 4: Space Exploration10 Scientific evidence suggests that theuniverse formed about 13.7 billionyears ago.11 Unimaginably vast distances separatethe components of the universe.the universe continues to increasethrough observation and exploration.Unit 1: Sustaining Earth's Ecosystems1 The biosphere is organized intobiomes and ecosystems.cycles support life in ecosystems.3 Ecosystems continually change overtime.Unit 2: Chemical Reactions andRadioactivitythe formation of compounds.different ways.6 Chemical reactions occur inpredictable ways.7 Radioactivity is explained by modernatomic theory.Unit 3: Motion8 Average velocity is the rate of changein position.9 Average acceleration is the rate ofchange in velocity.Unit 4: Energy Transfer in NaturalSystems10 The kinetic molecular theory explainsthe transfer of thermal energy.11 Climate change occurs by natural andhuman processes.tectonics.<strong>Science</strong>Student Text0-07-097299-0 or 978-0-07-097299-5 ......$81.50Student Text0-07-098451-4 or 978-0-07-098451-6 ......$81.50Student Text0-07-098465-4 or 978-0-07-098465-3 ......$81.50Student WorkBook0-07-098461-1 or 978-0-07-098461-5 .......$8.50Student Text and Workbook Package0-07-098156-6 or 978-0-07-098156-0 ......$86.95Student Text and Workbook Package0-07-098573-1 or 978-0-07-098573-5 ......$86.95Student Text with Workbook0-07-098572-3 or 978-0-07-098572-8 ......$86.95Package of 10 Student Workbooks0-07-096750-4 or 978-0-07-096750-2 ......$50.95Teacher's Resource0-07-097298-2 or 978-0-07-097298-8 .....$218.00Student WorkBook0-07-097296-6 or 978-0-07-097296-4 .......$8.50Package of 10 Student Workbooks0-07-096752-0 or 978-0-07-096752-6 ......$80.95Computerised Assessment Bank(Windows and Macintosh)0-07-097297-4 or 978-0-07-097297-1 .....$208.00Teacher's Resource0-07-098468-9 or 978-0-07-098468-4 . .$218.00Student WorkBook0-07-098467-0 or 978-0-07-098467-7 .......$8.50Package of 10 Student Workbooks0-07-096751-2 or 978-0-07-096751-9 ......$80.95Computerised Assessment Bank(Windows and Macintosh)0-07-098466-2 or 978-0-07-098466-0 . ....$208.00Provincial Exam Study Guide0-07-007302-3 or 978-0-07-007302-9 ......$17.50Student Edition online PDF format0-07-007502-6 or 978-0-07-007502-3 ......$69.00Teacher's Resource0-07-098462-X or 978-0-07-098462-2 .....$282.00Computerised Assessment Bank(Windows and Macintosh)0-07-098460-3 or 978-0-07-098460-8 . ....$259.00Exam Preparation Booklet0-07-007302-3 or 978-0-07-007302-9 ......$17.50183

<strong>Science</strong> <strong>Essentials</strong>Grades 9–10<strong>Science</strong>Grade 9: Authors: Glen Hutton, Educational Consultant; DavidKamatovic, District School Board of Niagara; Roger Levert, TorontoDistrict School Board; Barbara Nixon-Ewing, Toronto DistrictSchool Board; Bala Rasul, Toronto District School Board; AndreaStewart, Trillium-Lakelands District School Board; Sandy Szeto,Toronto District School Board Grade 10: Authors: Stan Gajewski, Halton Catholic DistrictSchool Board; Glen Hutton, Educational Consultant; BarbaraNixon-Ewing, Toronto District School Board; John Patterson,Algoma District School Board; Leonarda Ricciuto, Toronto DistrictSchool Board; Sandy Szeto, Toronto District School Board<strong>Science</strong> <strong>Essentials</strong> 9 and 10 are written specifically for theLocally Developed Compulsory Credit Course SNCIL andKey Benefits:Develops student scientific and literacy skills for real lifeapplicationAddresses the diverse learning needs of the strugglingstudent populationPromotes ease of organization and classroommanagementStudent Resource Consumable student book Multiple short lessons can be taught in a variety ofways: teacher directed, class/group hands-on work, andindividual work Unit Opener provides common starting pointBalance of open-ended and directed activitiesLiteracy and scientific skills focusAccessible ReadabilityOnline Student Technology ResourcesTeacher Resource Comprehensive teaching suggestions and review ofcommon challenge areas for students Classroom management strategies and tools Assessment tools Diagnostic and intervention tools to facilitate theimplementation of successful learning strategies. Digital editable blackline masters, checklists and rubrics Overhead Transparencies of a selection of studentworkbook pages and colour imagesGrade 9 Table of ContentsHow to Think Like a ScientistWhat Are Variables?Scientific MethodUnit A: Chemistry and You1 Chemistry the Safe Way3 Classifying MatterChemistryTask: Choose and Test a ProductUnit B: Lighten Up6 Working with Circuits7 Series and Parallel Circuits8 Making Connections toYour HomeTask: What can you Build?Grade 10 Table of ContentsHow to Think Like a ScientistWhat Makes a Fair Test?Scientific MethodAdvertising ClaimsMedia LiteracyUnit A: A Daily Dose ofChemistry1 Everyday ChemistryChanges Every Day3 Rates of ChangeTask: Design More PowerfulRocket FuelUnit B: Using ElectricalEnergy6 Batteries and Power7 Generating Electric EnergyUnit C: Staying Alive9 Staying Alive!10 Human Body Systems11 Frog Dissection13 Making Connections withBiologyTask: Choose an ActivityUnit D: <strong>Science</strong> in My LifeGood16 <strong>Science</strong> in SportsTask: Safety CheckGlossary8 Reducing EnergyConsumptionTask: Design a School EnergyPlanUnit C: Living Together9 Populations10 Communities11 Interactions AmongCommunitiesCommunitiesTask: Reduce Waste at SchoolUnit D: <strong>Science</strong> and Media13 Media and Food ProductsTask: Frequently AskedQuestions aboutTobacco and HealthGlossarywww.mcgrawhill.ca/books/sciess9www.mcgrawhill.ca/books/sciess10Student Text0-07-097636-8 or 978-0-07-097636-8 ......$17.50Teacher Resource0-07-097637-6 or 978-0-07-097637-5 .....$285.50Student Text0-07-081440-6 or 978-0-07-081440-0 . .....$19.50Teacher Resource0-07-081434-1 or 978-0-07-081434-9 .....$271.95184

Discovering <strong>Science</strong>Grades 7 and 8Authors: Tricia Armstrong, Jonathan Bocknek, Lois Edwards, EricGrace, Christine WeberContributing Author: Dinah ZikePedagogical Reviewers: James Butler, Jennifer Clarke, CherylDonovan-White, Sheldon Gillam, Musgrave HarbourThis exciting resource developed specifically for the newcurriculum provides solid science process skills reinforcement,engaging text and visuals, and a wide choice of easy-todohands-on activities to meet the needs of every learner.Grade 7 Table of ContentsUnit 1: Interactions Within Ecosystems1 An ecosystem is all the living and non-living things in aparticular place 3 Natural events and human activities cause changes inecosystemsUnit 2: Heat temperature6 Heat is transferred from one place to another by threedifferent processesUnit 3: Mixtures and Solutions7 Matter can be classified as mixtures or pure substances8 Some substances dissolve to form solutions faster and moreeasily than others9 Many useful product depend on technology for separatingmixtures and solutionsUnit 4: Earth’s Crust10 Earth’s crust is made up of rocks and minerals11 Earth’s crust is constantly changingProgram FeaturesLabs and activities featuring inexpensive, easy-to-obtainmaterials are suited to both elementary and middleschool classrooms.Feature photographs, location, examples, role models,and careers. Reading Check features enhance students’ readingcomprehension. Ask an Elder profiles integrate Aboriginal perspectiveswith science content.Student Text0-07-072602-4 or 978-0-07-072602-4 ......$81.50Teacher Resourcewith CD-ROM0-07-072601-9 or 978-0-07-072601-7 .....$301.50Student Text0-07-072364-8 or 978-0-07-072364-1 ......$83.95Teacher Resourcewith CD-ROM0-07-072413-X or 978-0-07-072413-6 .....$246.50Grade 8 Table of ContentsUnit 1: Water Systems on Earth1 The water cycle plays a vital role on Earth 3 Bodies of water influence climate and species distributionUnit 2: Optics model of light 6 Lenses refract light to form imagesUnit 3: Fluids7 Viscosity describes a fluid’s resistance to flow8 Density describes the amount of mass in a given volume of asubstance9 Forces influence the motion and properties of fluidsUnit 4: Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Systems10 The cell is the basic unit of life11 Human body cells are organized as tissues, organs, andsystemsTeacher Support MaterialTeacher’s Resource The Teacher’s Resource package offers planning ideas,teaching strategies, troubleshooting hints, classroommanagement tips, science background for the nonspecialistteacher, advice on how to handle commonmisconceptions, ideas on cross-curricular integration, andextensive support for assessment and evaluation. Complete answers for all questions are provided.Strategies for addressing diverse student needs areoutlined, along with support for struggling readers.CD-ROMs contain all the content of the print Teacher’sResource, plus chapter-specific blackline mastersdesigned to reinforce or extend student learning, as wellas chapter and unit quizzes.All BLMs, checklist, and rubrics are in both modifiableWord® versions as well as in Portable Document Format(PDF) versions.www.discoveringsceince.ca<strong>Science</strong>185

ON <strong>Science</strong>Grades 9 and 10Development Team: Lessa Blake, TDSB; Alex Mills, Universityof Windsor; Jim Ross, Retired, London Catholic DSB; MichaelMazza, Leander, Texas; Frank Mustoe, Retired, U of T Schools; EricGrace, Victoria, BC; Nancy Flood, Kamloops, BC; Tom Dickinson,Kamloops, BC; Tom Stiff, Lakehead University, Orrillia Campus;Steve Bibla, TDSB; Anu Aurora, PRDSB, Peel; Tigest Amdemichael,TDSB; Lea Francis, YRDSB; Jennifer Parrington, YRDSB; TinaClancy, Dufferin-Peel DSB; Paul PassAfiume, YRDSB; Anjuli Ahooja,Appleby College; Rob Smythe, Retired, Halton DSB; Craig Jackson,TV Ontario<strong>Science</strong>Written to the new Ontario Curriculum,Grades 9 and 10, <strong>Science</strong>, Academic (SNC1D and SNC2D)Engaging learners with what’s important to them! Multimediascience resources taking full advantage of STSEscience experiences that are accessible to every student inyour classroom.Program Features Written specifically for students of academic scienceEasy-to-navigate layoutSTSE issues illustrate key science conceptsInquiry skills developed through scaffolded andopen-ended investigationsDifferentiated learning opportunities and strategiesto ensure access by every studentLiteracy strategies and tools support the learningprocess and preparation for the OSSLTEmpowering students to believe in themselves asscience learners and as stewards of their environmentDigital resources bring difficult concepts to lifeStudent Text0-07-072689-2 or 978-0-07-072689-5 ........TBDTeacher's Resource0-07-072367-2 or 978-0-07-072367-2 ........TBDBlackline Master Package0-07-031863-8 or 978-0-07-031863-2 ........TBDComputerised Assessment Bank0-07-031852-2 or 978-0-07-031852-6 ........TBDStudent Text0-07-072222-6 or 978-0-07-072222-4 . .......TBDTeacher's Resource0-07-072365-6 or 978-0-07-072365-8 ........TBDBlackline Master Package0-07-031859-X or 978-0-07-031859-5 ........TBDComputerised Assessment Bank0-07-031860-3 or 978-0-07-031860-1 ........TBDTeacher Support MaterialTeacher Resource This comprehensive package offers teaching suggestions,technology support, and assessment and evaluationstrategies for each chapterBlackline Master Package Both MS Word and PDF formatComputerized Assessment BankUses ExamViewPro softwareHere’s what our reviewers are saying about ON <strong>Science</strong>: “Like the title, ON <strong>Science</strong> is right on in terms of studentinterest” “Very readable; the images tell the story purposefully”“Activities are neat—worth doing—they value studentinput”“The resource is tender friendly—especially for thoseteaching out of their field”“Both learning and assessment are differentiated—great fora mix of learners”pages flow without interruption”“Significant attention has been given to language level andaccessibility of the content”www.sceinceontario.ca186

<strong>Science</strong> LinksGrades 9 and 10Development Team: Beth Lisser, Consultant, Peel DSB; BardNixon, OSIE; Sandy Searle, Calgary, AB; Dave Erb, Retired, RedLake DSB; Eric Brown, Toronto, ON; Rob Smythe, Retired, HaltonDSB; Steve Bibla, TDSB; Katy Farrow, Thames Valley DSB; KayStephen, Ottawa-Catholic DSB; Pat Gaspar, York Region DSB; KeithGibbons, London Catholic DSB; Mirella Sanwalka, York RegionDSB; Mike Lattner, Hasting-Prince Edward DSB; Thomas Stiff,Lakehead University, Orillia Campus; Craig Jackson, TV OntarioWritten to the new Ontario Curriculum,Grades 9 and 10, <strong>Science</strong>, Applied (SNC1P and SNC2P)Building student confidence for success! The first resourcesdeveloped specifically for the student of applied science.These resources take full advantage of students’ diverselearning styles, interests, and talents to ensure students’success and belief in themselves as science learners.Program Features Written specifically for students of applied science Concrete topic presentations with compelling andinstructional visual support that simplify challengingconceptsSTSE issues make science concepts meaningful tostudents’ livesInquiry skills developed through scaffolded andopen-ended investigationsDifferentiated learning opportunities and strategiesto ensure access by every studentLiteracy strategies and tools support the learningprocess and preparation for the OSSLTEmpowering students to believe in themselves asscience learners and as stewards of their environmentDigital resources bring difficult concepts to lifeTeacher Support MaterialTeacher Resource This comprehensive package offers teaching suggestions,technology support, and assessment and evaluationstrategiesBlackline Master Package Both MS Word and PDF formatComputerized Assessment BankUses ExamViewPro softwareHere’s what our reviewers are saying about <strong>Science</strong> Links: “Very readable” “The use of literacy strategies throughout is a great supportto the applied learner” “Great differentiated learning opportunities” “Presentation is engaging and easy-to-follow—veryappealing for students in applied science”“Content presentation is concrete with great visual support”“There is something for everyone in this resource!”<strong>Science</strong>Student Text0-07-072690-6 or 978-0-07-072690-1 ........TBDTeacher’s Resource0-07-072368-0 or 978-0-07-072368-9 ........TBDStudent WorkBook0-07-031871-9 or 978-0-07-031871-7 ........TBDBlackline Master Package0-07-031854-9 or 978-0-07-031854-0 ........TBDComputerised Assessment Bank0-07-031855-7 or 978-0-07-031855-7 ........TBDStudent Text0-07-072221-8 or 978-0-07-072221-7 ........TBDTeacher’s Resource0-07-072366-4 or 978-0-07-072366-5 ........TBDStudent WorkBook0-07-031867-0 or 978-0-07-031867-0 ........TBDBlackline Master Package0-07-031859-X or 978-0-07-031859-5 ........TBDComputerised Assessment Bank0-07-031860-3 or 978-0-07-031860-1 ........TBDwww.sceinceontario.ca187

<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> RyersonChemistryAtlantic EditionGrades 11–12<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> RyersonChemistry 11Ontario EditionGrade 11Authors: Mustoe, Jansen,Doram, Ivanco, Clancy,Ghazariansteja, Bedry, Hayhoe<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Chemistryis a dynamic program writtento provide excellent conceptdevelopment for Ontariostudents preparing for university.New, as well as tried-and-true, hands-on investigationswill allow students to explore how chemistry is used inthe products and processes that affect our lives and theenvironment.<strong>Science</strong>Authors: Mustoe, Jansen, Webb, Doram, Hayhoe, Gatlor,Ghazariansteja<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Chemistry is a program developedcourses.Program Features Align 100 per cent with the APEF Chemistrycurriculum guideline. An optional Chapter 1 reviews key concepts and skillslearned in Grade 10.Program FeaturesA problem-solving model that will stimulate the studentto think through the concepts and not “plug numbersinto formulas”.Teacher Support MaterialTeacher’s Resource This comprehensive package offers planning ideas,teaching strategies, answer keys, science background,and extensive support for assessment and evaluation.Solutions Manual CD-ROM Provides fully worked solutions for all Practice Problemsin the student text.www.mcgrawhill.ca/books/atlchemistryStudent Resources include Study Quizzes, Web Links,Electronic Learning Partner and Probeware. TeacherResources include Probeware, Web Links and PresentationTools.Computerized Assessment Bank Types of questions include True/False, Correction,Multiple Choice, Matching, Completion, Short Answer,Graphics, Critical Thinking, and Applicationsand Macintosh®.www.mcgrawhill.ca/books/chemistry11Student Text with e-book0-07-097106-4 or 978-0-07-097106-6 .........$110.00Teacher Resource with CD-ROM0-07-093857-1 or 978-0-07-093857-1 .........$364.00Computerised Assessment Bank0-07-097779-8 or 978-0-07-097779-2 .........$363.00Student Text0-07-088681-4 or 978-0-07-088681-0 ..... $116.00Teacher Resource with CD-ROM0-07-089609-7 or 978-0-07-089609-3 .....$368.00Lab and Problems Manual CD-ROM0-07-089514-7 or 978-0-07-089514-0 .....$209.00Lab and Problems Manual (Print)0-07-089509-0 or 978-0-07-089509-6 . ....$232.00Solutions Manual CD-ROM0-07-089528-7 or 978-0-07-089528-7 .....$209.00Solutions Manual (Print)0-07-089510-4 or 978-0-07-089510-2 .....$209.00Computerised Assessment Bank(Windows 95® and Macintosh®)0-07-088684-9 or 978-0-07-088684-1 ....$286.00188

<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> RyersonChemistry 12Ontario EditionGrade 12Authors: Mustoe, Jansen, Webb,Hayhoe, CherkasContributing Author: Bedry<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Chemistry 12provides clear, well developedexplanations, effective visualsupport, and a variety of practiceproblems and activities designed to inspire a sense ofcompetence within students on the threshold of university.Program Features Many opportunities for problem solving based ona carefully developed problem-solving model andnumerous Practice Problems.Teacher Support MaterialTeacher’s Resource This comprehensive package offers planning ideas,teaching strategies, answer keys, science background,and extensive support for assessment and evaluation.Solutions Manual CD-ROM Provides fully worked solutions for all Practice Problemsin the student text.Computerized Assessment Bank Types of questions include True/False, Correction,Multiple Choice, Matching, Completion, Short Answer,Graphics, Critical Thinking, and Applications. Uses ExamView®Pro software.www.mcgrawhill.ca/books/chemistry12Student Resources include Study Quizzes, Web Links andCourse Culminating Tasks. Teacher’s Resources includeIllustrations, Performance Tasks and Web Links.Student Text0-07-091643-8 or or 978-0-07-091643-2 . . . $116.00Teacher Resource with CD-ROM0-07-088687-3 or or 978-0-07-088687-2 . . . $148.00Lab and Problems Manual CD-ROM0-07-091644-6 or or 978-0-07-091644-9 . . . $203.00Lab and Problems Manual (Print)0-07-091669-1 or or 978-0-07-091669-2 . . . $218.00Solutions Manual CD-ROM0-07-091672-1 or or 978-0-07-091672-2 . . . $209.00Solutions Manual (Print)0-07-091673-X or or 978-0-07-091673-9 . . . $209.00Computerised Assessment Bank(Windows 95® and Macintosh®)0-07-088689-X or or 978-0-07-088689-6 . . . $286.00Inquiry intoChemistryGrades 10–12 Ian Phillips, Edmonton Public SchoolBoard; Sandy Searle, Calgary Boardof Education; Audrey Chastko, RockyView School District; Jeff Goldie,Edmonton Public School Board;Frank Mustoe, University of TorontoCurrent, relevant, and rigorous content supports studentmastery of knowledge, skill, STS, and attitude outcomes forthe new Alberta Education Chemistry 20–30 Program ofStudies.Supporting you…100% curriculum fit to the new Alberta Education Links to ICT outcomesTeacher Resources designed for both the beginning andexperienced chemistry teacherDetailed laboratory support for before, during, and afterthe investigation (eg., solution preparation, disposalprocedures)… and you studentsAlberta content featuring photographs, references, andresearchersA variety of motivating hands-on investigations andactivitiesCurrent and relevant science content designed toengage a diverse range of learners Online quizzes, applets, internet connects, and moreTable of ContentsUnit 1: The Diversity of Matterand Chemical Bonding1 Chemical BondingUnit 2: Forms of Matters: Gases3 Properties of GasesUnit 3: Matter as Solutions,Acids, and Bases6 Acids and BasesUnit 4: QuantitativeRelationships in ChemicalChanges7 Stoichiometry8 Applications of StoichiometryUnit 5: ThermochemicalChanges9 Energy and ChemicalReactions10 Theories of Energy andStudent Text0-07-096051-8 or 978-0-07-096051-0 .....$122.00Teacher Resource Binder0-07-097420-9 or 978-0-07-097420-3 .....$272.00www.albertachemistry.caChemical Changes11 Activation Energy andCatalystsUnit 6: ElectrochemicalChangesReactions13 Cells and BatteriesUnit 7: Chemical Changes ofOrganic CompoundsProperties of OrganicCompoundsCompoundsUnit 8: Chemical EquilibriumFocussing on Acid-BaseSystems16 Chemical Equilibrium17 Acid-Base EquilibriumSystemsComputerised Assessment Bank0-07-098095-0 or 978-0-07-098095-2 .....$173.00<strong>Science</strong>189

<strong>Science</strong>190Inquiry into BiologyGrade 11(retired); Helen Colbourne, Calgary SchoolDistrict; Darcy Dobell, Tofino, BritishColumbia; Claudia Fehres, Calgary SchoolDistrict; Adrienne Mason, Tofino, BritishColumbia; Deborah MacFadyen, CalgarySchool District; George Thomson, MedicineHat School District; Alexandra Venter,Written to support the new BiologyStudent's ResourceVariety of accessibility optionsavailable for the Student Textmaterial — print, e-book and onlineversion Unit Opener/Unit PreparationMaterial — Reviews previouslylearned material from <strong>Science</strong> 10or previous units, both in the textand online. Unit Preparation in thestudent resource includes reviewmaterial and questions and variesUnit Pre-quizzes provides feedbackto teachers on which topics needreview. Richness of visuals — graphicorganizers at the end of eachchapter, illustrations, photos, allillustrations available digitally forclassroom use.Table of ContentsUnit 1: Energy and Matter Exchangein the Biosphere1 Energy Transfer in the BiosphereUnit 2: Ecosystems and PopulationChange3 Ecosystems and Their DiversityUnit 3: Photosynthesis and CellularRespirationRespirationUnit 4: Human Systems6 Digestion and Human Health7 The Respiratory System8 Circulation and Immunity9 Excretion and the Interaction ofSystems10 The Muscular System andHomeostasisUnit 5: The Nervous and EndocrineSystems11 The Nervous System13 Hormonal Regulation ofHomeostasisUnit 6: Reproduction andDevelopmentUnit 7: Cell Division, Genetics, andMolecular Biology16 Cellular Reproduction17 Patterns and Processes in Inheritance18 Molecular GeneticsUnit 8: Population and CommunityDynamics19 Genetic Diversity in PopulationsTeacher Support MaterialTeacher’s ResourceAvailable in Print, CD-ROM and Online Curriculum CorrelationLesson planner and chartList of course materials by unitAssessment toolsAssessment planning and teachingstrategiesthe content, highlights conceptualchallenges and offers tips fordelivering the informationscience from previous coursesrelating to the material they areabout to cover Supports diverse student needsComputerized AssessmentBank (ExamView®)Question types include: shortanswer, Multiple choice, NumericResponse, and Problem Questions are correlated to outcomesQuestions can be easily added ormodified Tests can be selectively built orrandomly generatedTeacher Resource materialson CD includes: Electronic version of the teacher’sresource Chapter specific blackline mastersdesigned to reinforce or extendstudent learning available in bothmodifiable MS Word as well as PDFversions.Student Centrewww.albertabiology.ca Unit Preparation and Unit Prequizzes Carefully selected Web Links to aidstudent research Animations and Virtual Lab Exercises Illustrations from the Student Edition Essential Study Partner—a complete,interactive student study tool packedwith animations and learning activitiesdesigned to engage, investigateand reinforce what you are learningfrom your textbook. From quizzes tointeractive diagrams, you’ll find thatthere has never been a better studypartner to ensure the mastery of coreconcepts.Teacher CentrePassword ProtectedAccess to the student materialsavailable on the website Curriculum correlation Materials and equipment lists Blackline masters Animations relevant to the studentedition that illustrate and reinforcescientific principles Access to full solutions and answersfor all in-student book questionsKey illustrations from the text thatcan be incorporated into classroompresentationsChapter specific and generalinformation Internet links andresourcesIncludes tips for students in preparingfor the Diploma ExamsA Pre-Quiz for each unit (8 total) withprevious courses and chaptersStudent Text0-07-096052-6 or 978-0-07-096052-7 .........$122.00Teacher Resource0-07-096543-9 or 978-0-07-096543-0 .........$272.00Computerized Assessment Bank0-07-098098-5 or 978-0-07-098098-3 .........$173.00

<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> RyersonBiologyAtlantic EditionGrade 11–12<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> RyersonBiology 11Ontario EditionGrade 11<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> RyersonBiology 12Ontario EditionGrade 12Authors: Bullard, Chetty, Dobell,Flood, Galbraith, Grace, Jasper, Mason,Matovinovic, Price, Banerd, Blake, Bocknek,Dunlop, Gibbons, Letcher, Little, D. LittleStudents will benefit from fluent, easyto-understandexplanations, highqualityphotographs and micrographs,and clear, well-labelled diagrams,technical illustrations, and ConceptOrganizers.Authors: Galbraith, Blake, Bullard, Chetty,Grace, Mason, Matovinovic, Price, Price,Gibbons, C. Little, D. Little M.D., Schramek<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Biology 11 isa dynamic program researchedand written to develop a thoroughunderstanding and appreciation forbiology.Authors: Blake, Craven, Dobell, Flood,Jasper, C. Little, Mason, Price, Banerd,<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Biology 12,designed to prepare your students forUniversity, is enhanced by well-writtenprofiles of careers in biology and theachievements of Canadian scientistsand researchers, as well as BiologyMagazine features that explore STSEconnections.Program FeaturesAligns 100% with the APEF Biologycurriculum guidelines.Each chapter ends with a set offeatures and questions to reviewand reinforce understanding of theknowledge, concepts, skills, andissues presented in the chapter.Program Features Both investigations and STSEoutcomes are integratedthroughout the textbook. Special feature articles highlightCanadian contributions to scienceand technology, and the roleof biological research in theworkplace.Program Features Investigations, MiniLabs, andThinking Labs provide a widevariety of activities to reinforcescience inquiry skills. Review questions for each section,chapter, and unit.<strong>Science</strong>www.mcgrawhill.ca/books/atlbiologywww.mcgrawhill.ca/books/biology11www.mcgrawhill.ca/books/biology12 Student and Teacher Resourcesinclude Web Links and Animations.Student Resources include StudyQuizzes, Web Links and CourseCulminating Tasks. Teacher’sResources include Illustrations,Performance Tasks and Web Links.Student Text0-07-091676-4 or 978-0-07-091676-0 .........$101.00Student Text0-07-088708-X or 978-0-07-088708-4 .........$116.00Student Text0-07-091674-8 or 978-0-07-091674-6 .........$116.00Teacher Resource with CD-ROM0-07-091677-2 or 978-0-07-091677-7 .........$194.00Teacher Resource with CD-ROM0-07-089663-1 or 978-0-07-089663-5 .........$368.00Teacher Resource with CD-ROM0-07-088714-4 or 978-0-07-088714-5 .........$148.00Video t/a Biology 11/120-07-088712-8 or 978-0-07-088712-1 .........$219.00Lab and Problems Manual CD-ROM0-07-089606-2 or 978-0-07-089606-2 $ 209.00Lab and Problems Manual CD-ROM0-07-091679-9 or 978-0-07-091679-1 .........$194.00Biology 11 Computerized Assessment Bank0-07-088711-X or 978-0-07-088711-4 .........$286.00Lab and Problems Manual (Print)0-07-089507-4 or 978-0-07-089507-2 .........$232.00Lab and Problems Manual (Print)0-07-091678-0 or 978-0-07-091678-4 .........$216.00Biology 12 Computerized Assessment Bank0-07-088716-0 or 978-0-07-088716-9 .........$286.00Presentation Tools0-07-088710-1 or 978-0-07-088710-7 .........$232.00Computerized Assessment Bank (Examview)0-07-088716-0 or 978-0-07-088716-9 .........$286.00Computerised Test Bank0-07-088711-X or 978-0-07-088711-4 .........$286.00Video t/a Biology 11/12 (51 min)0-07-088712-8 or 978-0-07-088712-1 .........$219.00Video t/a Biology 11/12 (51 min)0-07-088712-8 or 978-0-07-088712-1 . ......$219.00191

<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> RyersonPhysicsAtlantic EditionGrades 11–12<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> RyersonPhysics 11Ontario EditionGrade 11<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> RyersonPhysics 12Ontario EditionGrade 12<strong>Science</strong>Authors: Dick, Edwards, Geddis, Gue,Brown, Callcott, James, McCaul, McGuireStudents will benefit from fluent,easy-to-understand explanations,high-quality photographs and clear,well-labelled diagrams, technicalillustrations, and Concept Organizers.Canadian information relatingto physics research, careers, andtechnological innovation has beenintegrated into this highly visual text.Authors: Dick, Geddis, Holzer, James,<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Physics 11 is adynamic program specifically writtenfor the Ontario Physics, Grade 11University Preparation course.Authors: Dick, Edwards, Gue, Brown,<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Physics 12 is adynamic program specifically writtenUniversity Preparation course.Program FeaturesAligns 100% with the APEF Physicscurriculum guidelines.The Student Text presents a widevariety of Practice Problems thatnot only help the student learnthe physics principles, but alsosee how physics problems relateto other sciences and to everydayexperience.www.mcgrawhill.ca/books/physics11www.mcgrawhill.ca/books/physics12Student Resources include StudyQuizzes, Web Links and CourseCulminating Tasks. Teacher’sResources include Illustrations,Performance Tasks and Web Links.www.mcgrawhill.ca/books/atlphysicsStudent Text0-07-088691-1 or 978-0-07-288691-9 .........$116.00Student Text0-07-091633-0 or 978-0-07-091633-3 .........$116.00 Student Resources include Web Links.Teacher Resource0-07-089647-X or 978-0-07-089647-5 .........$368.00Lab and Problems Manual CD-ROM0-07-089607-0 or 978-0-07-089607-9 .........$209.00Teacher Resource with CD-ROM0-07-088697-0 or 978-0-07-088697-1 .........$148.00Lab and Problems Manual CD-ROM0-07-091634-9 or 978-0-07-091634-0 .........$209.00Solutions Manual CD-ROM0-07-089608-9 or 978-0-07-089608-6 . ........$209.00Lab and Problems Manual (Print)0-07-091635-7 or 978-0-07-091635-7 .........$218.00Student Text with CD-ROM0-07-092280-2 or 978-0-07-092280-8 .........$181.00Teacher Resource with CD-ROM0-07-092279-9 or 978-0-07-092279-2 .........$578.00Solutions Manual (Print)0-07-089513-9 or 978-0-07-089513-3 .........$232.00Computerised Assessment Bank(Windows 95® and Macintosh®)0-07-088694-6 or 978-0-07-088694-0 . ........$286.00Presentation Tools0-07-088693-8 or 978-0-07-088693-3 .........$221.00Solutions Manual CD-ROM0-07-091638-1 or 978-0-07-091638-8 .........$209.00Solutions Manual (Print)0-07-091641-1 or 978-0-07-091641-8 .........$216.00Computerized Assessment Bank (ExamView® Pro)0-07-088699-7 or 978-0-07-088699-5 .........$286.00192

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Index3-D Algebra Lab Gear®.............. 127EIAabc’s of Algebra, The .............. 126Advanced Functions................ 151Algebra Lab Gear®.................. 127Algebra Lab, The .................. 127Algebra Lab for Middle School ...... 127Algebra Thinking: First Experiences . 127Algebra with Pizzazz!.............. 127BBC <strong>Science</strong> ......................... 180Boosting Your Math Skills.......... 122Building Math Ideas ............... 124Elementary Math with Pizzazz! .... 133Everyday Mathematics Spanish ...... 58Everyday Mathematics................24Explain It! .......................... 125FFacts That Last ..................... 134Foundation for College Mathematics11–12............................... 149Foundations of Mathematics........ 147Foundations: Mathematics.......... 142Foundations: <strong>Science</strong> ............... 160Functions 11........................ 153Functions and Applications ......... 150Inquiry into Biology ................ 190Inquiry into Chemistry .............. 189MMath Connects Spanish...............14Math Connects ........................4Math Connects: Concepts, Skills andProblems Solving.....................19Math Triumphs .......................21Mathematics Workplace andEveryday Life....................... 148Mathematics Laboratory®........... 108MathLinks Adapted Program........ 144MathLinks ........................ 143<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Biology 11..... 191CCalculus and Vectors................ 152Connecting Math Concepts ..........112Contemporary’s <strong>Science</strong> Series...... 170Content <strong>Essentials</strong> for <strong>Science</strong> ..... 156Corner Piece........................ 127Corrective Mathematics..............114DDiscovering <strong>Science</strong> ................ 185GGroundworks® Algebraic Thinking . . 128Groundworks® Reasoning AboutMeasurement .......................131Groundworks® Reasoning with Dataand Probability..................... 129Groundworks® Reasoning withGeometry .......................... 130Groundworks® Reasoning withNumbers........................... 132Growing with Mathematics Spanish .. 88Growing with Mathematics .......... 64<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Biology 12..... 191<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Biology ....... 191<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Chemistry 11 . . 188<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Chemistry 12 . . 189<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Chemistry..... 188<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Physics 11 ..... 192<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Physics 12..... 192<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Ryerson Physics........ 192Middle School Math with Pizzazz!. . 133194

NSTNiktu............................... 126Schoolhouse MathematicsLaboratory ..........................111Top 50 Math Skills for GED®Success ............................ 142OON <strong>Science</strong>......................... 186PPinpoint Math......................119Practice Worth Repeating........... 134Practice Your Facts.................. 134Pre-Algebra with Pizzazz!.......... 127Principles of Mathematics........... 145Problem Solver II.................. 136Problem Solver, The............... 135Problem Solving in the Content Areas 137Problem-Drivem Math............. 139<strong>Science</strong> <strong>Essentials</strong> .................. 184<strong>Science</strong> Links....................... 187Spotlight on Math ...................116SRA Algebra Readiness ............. 106SRA Essential for Algebra ........... 107SRA Math Skillbuilder................110SRA Number Worlds® ................ 90SRA Reading for Information........ 161SRA Real Math Technology.......... 100SRA Real Math........................97SRA <strong>Science</strong> iLabs ................. 166SRA <strong>Science</strong> Laboratory............. 164SRA <strong>Science</strong> Photo Library .......... 167SRA Snapshots <strong>Science</strong> ............. 168Top 50 <strong>Science</strong> Skills for GED®Success ............................ 160UUCSMP Middle School ................62WWeekday Workouts................ 140RRoads to Reasoning................. 138195

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