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Accounting & Finance 2012Accounting2012&Finance
CONTENTSAccountingAccounting for Non-Accounting Managers................... 10Accounting Information Systems.................................. 37Accounting Principles...................................................... 5Accounting Principles Supplements................................ 9Accounting Theory........................................................ 54Advanced Accounting................................................... 38Advanced Managerial Accounting................................. 49Auditing......................................................................... 43Auditing Practice Cases................................................ 48Computerized Accounting............................................. 29Corporate Financial Reporting...................................... 60Cost Accounting / Cost Management............................ 33Cost Accounting Supplements...................................... 35College Accounting....................................................... 35Financial Accounting......................................................11Financial Accounting Supplements............................... 21Financial Statement Analysis........................................ 56Governmental / Non Profit............................................ 53Intermediate Accounting............................................... 31Intermediate Accounting Supplements......................... 33International Accounting................................................ 55Management Control.................................................... 61Managerial Accounting.................................................. 22Managerial Accounting Supplements............................ 28MBA Managerial............................................................ 59MBA Principles.............................................................. 60Other Accounting.......................................................... 61Survey of Accounting.................................................... 58Undergraduate Taxation................................................ 49FinanceBank Management........................................................95Behavioral Finance.......................................................97Business Finance..........................................................83Cases in Corporate Finance.........................................87Derivatives / Futures & Options....................................91Finance for the Non-Financial Managers....................101Financial Institutions and Markets.................................93Financial Institutions Management...............................93Financial Planning.........................................................97Financial System.........................................................103International Financial Management.............................96Investments - Graduate................................................87Investments - Supplementary.......................................86Investments - Textbooks...............................................83Managerial & Corporate Finance - Graduate................79Managerial & Corporate Finance - Supplements..........77Managerial & Corporate Finance - Textbooks...............65Mathematics of Finance..............................................102Money and Capital Markets..........................................89Personal Finance..........................................................98Portfolio Management...................................................90Insurance & Real EstateProfessional References.............................................106Real Estate Finance / Investment...............................106Real Estate Principles, Analysis & Management........105Risk Management.......................................................102Upper Division Insurance............................................105IndexesAuthor Index............................................................... 112Title Index................................................................... 107i
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New TitlesACCOUNTING2013 Author ISBN PageIntroduction to Managerial Accounting, 6e Brewer 9780078025419 22Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations, 11e Copley 9780078025457 53Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts, 8e Edmonds 9780078025365 11Computer Accounting with Quickbooks Pro 2012, 14e Kay 9780078025341 29Advanced Accounting, 11e Hoyle 9780078025402 38Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 5e Hoyle 9780078025396 39Accounting Information Systems, 3e Hurt 9780078025334 37Principles of Taxation for Business and Investment Planning: 2013 Edition, 16e Jones 9780078025488 49Auditing & Assurance Services, 5e Louwers 9780078025440 43Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 5e Penman 9780078025310 56Accounting for Governmental and NonProfit Entities, 16e Reck 9780078110931 54Financial Accounting, 7e Spiceland 9780078025327 31Financial Accounting: Making the Connection Spiceland 9780077862268 11<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Taxation of Individuals: 2013 Edition, 4e Spilker 9780077434113 49<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Taxation of Individuals and Business Entites: 2013 Edition, 4e Spilker 9780078025464 50Taxation of Business Entities: 2013 Edition, 4e Spilker 9780077434045 49Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions, 6e Wild 9780078025389 12Computer Accounting Essentials using Quickbooks Pro 2012, 6e Yacht 9780078025570 29Computer Accounting with Peachtree Complete 2012: Release 19.0, 16e Yacht 9780078025358 29ACCOUNTING2012 Author ISBN PageEssentials of Advanced Financial Accounting Baker 9780078025648 39Fundamentals of Taxation: 2012 Edition, 5e Cruz 9780078025471 50International Accounting, 3e Doupnik 9780078110955 55Survey of Accounting, 3e Edmonds 9780078110856 58Managerial Accounting, 14e Garrison 9780078111006 23College Accounting: A Contemporary Approach, 2e Haddock 9780073396958 35Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, 2e Hopwood 9780078136665 61Auditing & Assurance Services, 8e Messier 9780077520151 43College Accounting, Chapters 1-30, 13e Price 9780078025273 36Financial Reporting and Analysis, 5e Revsine 9780078110863 56, 60Auditing and Assurance Services: An Applied Approach Stuart 9780073404004 44An Introduction to Financial Accounting, 7e [UK] Thomas 9780077132682 13Principles of Auditing and Other Assurance Services, 18e Whittington 9780077486273 44iii
New TitlesACCOUNTING2012 Author ISBN PageFundamental Accounting Principles: Including International Financial Reporting Wild 9780071325509 5Standards (IFRS) [Asian]Financial Accounting, 15e Williams 9780077328702 14Financial & Managerial Accounting, 16e Williams 9780078111044 5Computer Accounting with Peachtree By Sage Complete Accounting 2011, Release Yacht 9780077505035 3019.0, 15eACCOUNTING2011 Author ISBN PageFinancial Accounting Theory, 2e [UK] Deegan 9780077126735 54Managerial Accounting: An Asian Perspective [Asian] Garrison 9780071088015 24Accounting: A Framework for Decision Making, 3e [Aust] Jackling 9780071016780 6Management Accounting & Connect Plus, 6e [Aust] Langfield-Smith 9780071016650 25Consolidated Financial Statements, 2e [Asian] Ng 9780071312912 41Taxation in Singapore [Asian] Poh 9780071078764 52Management Accounting, 4e [UK Adaptation] Seal 9780077129897 26Management Accounting for Business Decisions [UK] Seal 9780077126728 27iv
New TitlesFINANCE, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE2013 Author ISBN PageBank Management & Financial Services, 9e Rose 9780078034671 95Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: Alternate Edition, 10e Ross 9780077479459 65Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: Standard Edition, 10e Ross 9780078034633 66Personal Finance Walker 9780073530659 98FINANCE, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE2012 Author ISBN PageFundamentals of Corporate Finance, 7e Brealey 9780078034640 67Finance: Applications and Theory, 2e Cornett 9780073530673 68M: Finance Cornett 9780073382241 69International Financial Management, 6e Eun 9780078034657 96Fundamentals of Cororate Finance, 5e [UK Adaptation] Firer 9780077134525 71Analysis for Financial Management, 10e Higgins 9780078034688 71, 101Fundamentals of Investment Management, 10e Hirt 9780078034626 83Fundamentals of Investments, 6e Jordan 9780073530710 83Personal Finance, 10e Kapoor 9780073530697 99Financial Markets & Institutions, 5e Saunders 9780078034664 93FINANCE, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE2011 Author ISBN PageFinancial Mathematics for Actuaries [Asian Pub] Chan 9780071288934 102Managing Your Personal Finance [Asian Pub] Chan 9780071078863 100Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, 2e [UK Adaptation] <strong>Hill</strong>ier 9780077129422 72Fundamentals of Corporate Finance [UK] <strong>Hill</strong>ier 9780077125257 73Financial Management: Text, Problems and Cases, 6e [India] Khan 9780071067850 73, 80Futures and Options [Asian Pub] Parameswaran 9780071313643 91Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: An Asian Perspective [Asian Pub] Ross 9780071088022 74Security Analysis and Portfolio Management [India] Sasidharan 9780071078016 90Understanding Mutual Funds [India] Shashikant 9780071333481 85v
viNew Titles
Accounting for Non-Accounting Managers.........................................................10Accounting Information Systems........................................................................37Accounting Principles............................................................................................5Accounting Principles Supplements......................................................................9Accounting Theory..............................................................................................54Advanced Accounting.........................................................................................38Advanced Managerial Accounting.......................................................................49Auditing...............................................................................................................43Auditing Practice Cases......................................................................................48Computerized Accounting...................................................................................29Corporate Financial Reporting............................................................................60Cost Accounting / Cost Management..................................................................33Cost Accounting Supplements............................................................................35College Accounting.............................................................................................35Financial Accounting...........................................................................................11Financial Accounting Supplements.....................................................................21Financial Statement Analysis..............................................................................56Governmental / Non Profit..................................................................................53Intermediate Accounting.....................................................................................31Intermediate Accounting Supplements...............................................................33International Accounting......................................................................................55Management Control..........................................................................................61Managerial Accounting........................................................................................22Managerial Accounting Supplements..................................................................28MBA Managerial..................................................................................................59MBA Principles....................................................................................................60Other Accounting................................................................................................61Survey of Accounting..........................................................................................58Undergraduate Taxation......................................................................................49Accounting1
New TitlesACCOUNTING2013 Author ISBN PageIntroduction to Managerial Accounting, 6e Brewer 9780078025419 22Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations, 11e Copley 9780078025457 53Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts, 8e Edmonds 9780078025365 11Computer Accounting with Quickbooks Pro 2012, 14e Kay 9780078025341 29Advanced Accounting, 11e Hoyle 9780078025402 38Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 5e Hoyle 9780078025396 39Accounting Information Systems, 3e Hurt 9780078025334 37Principles of Taxation for Business and Investment Planning: 2013 Edition, 16e Jones 9780078025488 49Auditing & Assurance Services, 5e Louwers 9780078025440 43Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 5e Penman 9780078025310 56Accounting for Governmental and NonProfit Entities, 16e Reck 9780078110931 54Financial Accounting, 7e Spiceland 9780078025327 31Financial Accounting: Making the Connection Spiceland 9780077862268 11<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Taxation of Individuals: 2013 Edition, 4e Spilker 9780077434113 49<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Taxation of Individuals and Business Entites: 2013 Edition, 4e Spilker 9780078025464 50Taxation of Business Entities: 2013 Edition, 4e Spilker 9780077434045 49Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions, 6e Wild 9780078025389 12Computer Accounting Essentials using Quickbooks Pro 2012, 6e Yacht 9780078025570 29Computer Accounting with Peachtree Complete 2012: Release 19.0, 16e Yacht 9780078025358 29ACCOUNTING2012 Author ISBN PageEssentials of Advanced Financial Accounting Baker 9780078025648 39Fundamentals of Taxation: 2012 Edition, 5e Cruz 9780078025471 50International Accounting, 3e Doupnik 9780078110955 55Survey of Accounting, 3e Edmonds 9780078110856 58Managerial Accounting, 14e Garrison 9780078111006 23College Accounting: A Contemporary Approach, 2e Haddock 9780073396958 35Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, 2e Hopwood 9780078136665 61Auditing & Assurance Services, 8e Messier 9780077520151 43College Accounting, Chapters 1-30, 13e Price 9780078025273 36Financial Reporting and Analysis, 5e Revsine 9780078110863 56, 60Auditing and Assurance Services: An Applied Approach Stuart 9780073404004 44An Introduction to Financial Accounting, 7e [UK] Thomas 9780077132682 13Principles of Auditing and Other Assurance Services, 18e Whittington 9780077486273 442
New TitlesACCOUNTING2012 Author ISBN PageFundamental Accounting Principles: Including International Financial Reporting Wild 9780071325509 5Standards (IFRS) [Asian]Financial Accounting, 15e Williams 9780077328702 14Financial & Managerial Accounting, 16e Williams 9780078111044 5Computer Accounting with Peachtree By Sage Complete Accounting 2011, Release Yacht 9780077505035 3019.0, 15eACCOUNTING2011 Author ISBN PageFinancial Accounting Theory, 2e [UK] Deegan 9780077126735 54Managerial Accounting: An Asian Perspective [Asian] Garrison 9780071088015 24Accounting: A Framework for Decision Making, 3e [Aust] Jackling 9780071016780 6Management Accounting & Connect Plus, 6e [Aust] Langfield-Smith 9780071016650 25Consolidated Financial Statements, 2e [Asian] Ng 9780071312912 41Taxation in Singapore [Asian] Poh 9780071078764 52Management Accounting, 4e [UK Adaptation] Seal 9780077129897 26Management Accounting for Business Decisions [UK] Seal 9780077126728 273
AccountingAccounting PrinciplesNEW *9780071325509*FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLESIncluding International Financial ReportingStandards (IFRS)By John J Wild, University of Wisconsin Madison, Ken Shaw, Universityof Missouri-Columbia, Barbara Chiappetta and Winston Kwok2012 (January 2012) / 1200 pagesISBN: 9780071325509An Asian PublicationFundamental Accounting Principles provides students every advantageas they strive to understand the key concepts of accounting andtheir role in business. Covering both Financial Accounting and ManagerialAccounting, it helps students to develop good decision-makinghabits as they prepare, analyze and apply accounting information. Italso includes the current financial reports of Nestlé, Adidas, and Pumato further reinforce the real-world relevance of accounting concepts.FeaturesA unique pedagogical framework that provides insight intoevery aspect of business decision making supported by accountinginformationThe CAP (Conceptual/Analytical/Procedural) Model that clearlyidentifies learning objectives, textual materials, assignments and testitems so that instructors can easily customize their coursesDecision Insight opening vignettes featuring successful AsianentrepreneursA focus on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)and IFRS-reporting companiesAdditional points and examples placed strategically in sidemarginsComprehensive end-of-chapter questions, exercises, andproblemsInternational editionNEW *9780078111044*FINANCIAL & MANAGERIALACCOUNTING16th EditionWith the sixteenth edition of Financial and Managerial Accounting:The Basis for Business Decisions, the Williams author team continuesto be a solid foundation for students who are learning basic accountingconcepts. In this revision, the authors have added to and refinedthe coverage of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),particularly in Chapter 15 (“Global Business and Accounting”). Hallmarksof the text—including the solid Accounting Cycle Presentation,relevant pedagogy, and high quality, end-of-chapter material—havebeen updated throughout the book.NEW TO THIS EDITIONNew coverage of IFRS discusses how important topics in accountingsuch as LIFO, statement of cash flows, and fixed assetsmight be impacted by the adoption of IFRS.NEW! <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Connect uses end-of-chapter materialpulled directly from the textbook to create static and algorithmic questionsthat can be used for homework and practice tests.MotivationCONTENTSChapter 1: Accounting: Information for Decision MakingChapter 2: Basic Financial StatementsChapter 3: The Accounting Cycle: Capturing Economic EventsChapter 4: The Accounting Cycle: Accruals and DeferralsChapter 5: The Accounting Cycle: Reporting Financial ResultsComprehensive Problem 1: Susquehanna Equipment RentalsChapter 6: Merchandising ActivitiesChapter 7: Financial AssetsChapter 8: Inventories and the Cost of Goods SoldComprehensive Problem 2: Guitar Universe, Inc.Chapter 9: Plant and Intangible AssetsChapter 10: LiabilitiesChapter 11: Stockholders’ Equity: Paid-in CapitalComprehensive Problem 3: McMinn Retail, Inc.Chapter 12: Income and Changes in Retained EarningsChapter 13: Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 14: Financial Statement AnalysisComprehensive Problem 4: Home Depot, Inc.Chapter 15: Global Business and AccountingChapter 16: Management Accounting: A Business PartnerChapter 17: Job Order Cost Systems and Overhead AllocationsChapter 18: Process CostingChapter 19: Costing and the Value ChainChapter 20: Cost-Volume-Profit AnalysisChapter 21: Incremental AnalysisComprehensive Problem 5: The Gilster CompanyChapter 22: Responsibility Accounting and Transfer PricingChapter 23: Operational BudgetingChapter 24: Standard Cost SystemsChapter 25: Rewarding Business PerformanceComprehensive Problem 6: Utease CorporationChapter 26: Capital BudgetingAppendix A: 2009 Home Depot Financial StatementsAppendix B: The Time Value of Money: Future Amounts and PresentValuesAppendix C: Forms of Business Organization2012 (January 2011) / 1264 pagesISBN: 9780078111044ISBN: 9780071316903 [IE] Jan Williams, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Sue Haka, Michigan State University-EastLansing, Mark S Bettner, BucknellUniversity and Joseph V Carcello, University ofTennessee-Knoxville5
AccountingInternational editionIntroduction to ACCOUNTINGAn Integrated Approach, 6th EditionBy Penne Ainsworth, University of Wyoming-Laramie and Dan Deines,Kansas State University2011 (January 2010) / 672 pagesISBN: 9780078136603ISBN: 9780071220583 [IE] textbook integrates Financial and Managerial Accounting asopposed to keeping these areas separate, the approach followed bymost books and curriculums. By “integration”, we mean the authorsfocus on the business process and examine the activities from bothan external, financial reporting perspective and an internal, managementdecision-making perspective. The text incorporates real worldapplications, including actual financial statements, to reinforce therelevance of topics to real business situations and promote studentinterest. The text also promotes active learning through Enhance YourUnderstanding “probing” questions placed sporadically throughoutmany chapters, Of Interest boxes that provide additional informationrelating to the chapter concepts, Fast Fact boxes that provide additionalinformation related to chapter concepts in a short, trivia-likemanner, and end-of-chapter group exercises.NContentsPart One Introduction: Business Operating ActivitiesChapter 1: Accounting and BusinessChapter 2: Business Processes and Accounting InformationChapter 3: Operating Processes: Planning and ControlPart Two Planning: Operating ActivitiesChapter 4: Short-term Decision MakingChapter 5: Strategic Planning Regarding Operating ProcessesChapter 6: Planning, the Balanced Scorecard, and BudgetingPart Three Recording and Evaluating: Operating ActivitiesChapter 7: Accounting Information SystemsChapter 8: Purchasing/Human Resources/Payment Process: Recordingand Evaluating Expenditure Process ActivitiesChapter 9: Recording and Evaluating Conversion Process ActivitiesChapter 10: Marketing/Sales/Collection/Customer Support Process:Recording and Evaluating Revenue Process ActivitiesPart Four Introduction: Capital Resource Process ActivitiesChapter 11: Time Value of MoneyPart Five Planning: Capital Resource Process ActivitiesChapter 12: Planning Investments: Capital BudgetingChapter 13: Planning Equity FinancingChapter 14: Planning Debt FinancingPart Six Recording and Evaluating Capital Resource ProcessActivitiesChapter 15: Recording and Evaluating Capital Resource ProcessActivities: FinancingChapter 16: Recording and Evaluating Capital Resource ProcessActivities: InvestingPart Seven Evaluating: Operating and Capital Resource ProcessesChapter 17: Company Performance: ProfitabilityChapter 18: Company Performance: Owners’ Equity and FinancialPositionChapter 19: Company Performance: Cash FlowsChapter 20: Company Performance: Comprehensive EvaluationAppendix: Apple’s 2008 Financial Statements and AccompanyingNotesIndexNEW *9780071016780*2011 (March 2011)ISBN: 9780071016780<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia aframework for decisionmaking3rd EditionBy Beverley Jackling, Victoria University ofTechnology, Jean Raar, Swinburne University ofTechnology, Graeme Wines and Tracey McDowallof Deakin UniversityThoroughly updated and re-sequenced in response to market feedback,Accounting: A Framework for Decision Making 3e is an idealfirst year accounting principles text. Presented in a straightforwardstyle, the third edition focuses on key concepts and illustrates eachconcept with clear graphical or textual explanations and examples.The latest AASB standards and accounting techniques underpin thecontent throughout and new and revised questions have been addedto the end of chapter material. With an accessible technical focus,Accounting 3e has a clear and broad content structure that meansthe book lends itself to both majors and non-majors courses.ContentsPart 1 Background environment and principlesCHAPTER 1 The accounting environmentCHAPTER 2 Accounting reports: their nature and usesCHAPTER 3 Classification and analysis of transactionsCHAPTER 4 The structure and content of financial statementsCHAPTER 5 Financial statement analysisCHAPTER 6 Accounting and financial managementPart 2 Accounting for management decisionsCHAPTER 7 Managerial decisionmaking and the accountantCHAPTER 8 Cost concepts for management decisionsCHAPTER 9 Accounting for short-term management planningPart 3 Conceptual frameworks for financial reportingCHAPTER 10 Sources of authority and conceptual frameworks foraccountingCHAPTER 11 Assets and expenseCHAPTER 12 IncomeCHAPTER 13 LiabilitiesCHAPTER 14 The recording focusCHAPTER 15 Inventory transactionsCHAPTER 16 End-of-period adjustmentsCHAPTER 17 Accounting information systems and internal controlCHAPTER 18 The principles applied: owner’s equityAPPENDIX 1 Extracts from Santos Ltd Annual Report 2008APPENDIX 2 Interest tablesGlossaryIndex6
AccountingCOLLEGE ACCOUNTING CHAPTER 1-29WITH ANNUAL REPORT2nd EditionBy John J Wild, University of Wisconsin Madison, Vernon Richardson,University of Arkansas-Fayetteville and Ken Shaw, University ofMissouri-Columbia2011 (January 2010)ISBN: Accounting by Wild, Richardson, and Shaw draws upon thesuccess of Wild’s Fundamental Accounting Principles text. Its innovationis reflected in its extensive use of small business examples,the integration of new computerized learning tools, superior end-ofchaptermaterial, and a highly engaging, pedagogical design. Inclusionof technology products such as Connect, Connect Plus, ExcelTemplates, and Quick<strong>Books</strong> Pro 2010 software provides studentswith every possible advantage as they strive to understand the keyconcepts of accounting and their role in business.CONTENTS1 Introduction to Accounting2 Accounting for Business Transactions3 Applying Double-Entry Accounting4 Preparing the General Journal and General Ledger5 Adjusting Accounts and Preparing Financial Statements6 Closing Process and Financial Statements7 Fraud, Ethics, and Controls8 Cash and Controls9 Employee Earnings, Deductions, and Payroll10 Employer Payroll Tax Reporting11 Merchandise Sales and Accounts Receivable12 Merchandise Purchases and Accounts Payable13 Accrual Accounting Overview14 Financial Statements and the Accounting Cycle15 Accounts Receivable and Uncollectibles16 Notes Receivable and Notes Payable17 Inventories and Cost of Sales18 Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and Intangibles19 Accounting for Partnerships20 Corporate Formation and Stock Transactions21 Corporate Earnings, Taxes, and Distributions22 Long-Term Bonds23 Cash Flow Reporting24 Financial Statement Analysis25 Managerial Accounting Concepts and Principles26 Departmental and Responsibility Accounting27 Job Order Cost Accounting28 Budgets and Standard Costing29 Relevant Costing for Managerial DecisionsAppendix A: Financial Statement InformationAppendix B: Accounting PrinciplesAppendix C*: Capital Budgeting and Investment DecisionsAppendix D*: Time Value of Money* Appendixes C and D are available on the book’s Website,, and as print copy from a <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> representativeFUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES20th EditionBy John Wild, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Barbara Chiappetta,Nassau Community College and Ken Shaw, University of Missouri-Columbia2011 (October 2010) / 1188 pagesISBN: 55 years of success in the principles of accounting market,Fundamental Accounting Principles, 20th edition by Wild, Shaw andChiappetta has endured and adapted to changes in accounting,technology, and student learning styles. Its innovation is reflected inits extensive use of small business examples, the integration of newtechnology learning tools, superior end-of-chapter material, and ahighly engaging, pedagogical design. Inclusion of Connect, ConnectPlus and Carol Yacht’s General Ledger and Peachtree applicationsoftware provides students every advantage as they strive to understandthe key concepts of accounting and their role in business.Contents1. Accounting in Business2. Analyzing and Recording Transactions3. Adjusting Accounts and Preparing Financial Statements4. Completing the Accounting Cycle5. Accounting for Merchandising Operations6. Inventories and Cost of Sales7. Accounting Information Systems8. Cash and Internal Controls9. Accounting for Receivables10. Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and Intangibles11. Current Liabilities and Payroll Accounting12. Accounting for Partnerships13. Accounting for Corporations14. Long-Term Liabilities15. Investments and International Operations16. Reporting the Statement of Cash Flows17. Analysis of Financial Statements18. Managerial Accounting Concepts and Principles19. Job Order Cost Accounting20. Process Cost Accounting21. Cost Allocation and Performance Measurement22. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis23. Master Budgets and Planning24. Flexible Budgets and Standard Costs25. Capital Budgeting and Managerial DecisionsREVIEW COPY(Available for course adoption only)To request for a review copy,• contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>representatives or,• fax the Review Copy Request Form foundin this catalog or,• e-mail your request or,• submit online at www.mheducation.asia7
AccountingAsian AdaptationPRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING19th EditionBy John Wild, University of Wisconsin Madison, Ken Shaw, University ofmissouri-Columbia, Barbara Chiappetta, Nassau Community College andPatrick Ng2009 (December 2008) / 1240 pagesISBN: 9780071282833ISBN: 9780071269308 (Chapter 1-17)An Asian AdaptationPrinciples of Accounting 19e combines leading-edge accounting contentwith state-of-the-art technology to provide accounting studentsevery advantage as they strive to understand the key concepts of accountingand their role in business. The book’s innovation is reflectedin its extensive use of small business examples, the integration ofnew computerized learning tools, superior end-of-chapter material,and a highly engaging, pedagogical design.ContentsChapter 1 Accounting in BusinessChapter 2 Analyzing and Recording TransactionsChapter 3 Adjusting Accounts and Preparing Financial StatementsChapter 4 Completing the Accounting CycleChapter 5 Accounting for Merchandising OperationsChapter 6 Inventories and Cost of SalesChapter 7 Accounting Information SystemsChapter 8 Cash and Internal ControlsChapter 9 Accounting for ReceivablesChapter 10 Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and IntangiblesChapter 11 Current Liabilities and Payroll AccountingChapter 12 Accounting for PartnershipsChapter 13 Accounting for CorporationsChapter 14 Long-Term LiabilitiesChapter 15 Investments and International OperationsChapter 16 Reporting the Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 17 Analysis of Financial StatementsChapter 18 Managerial Accounting Concepts and PrinciplesChapter 19 Job Order Cost AccountingChapter 20 Process Cost AccountingChapter 21 Cost Allocation and Performance MeasurementChapter 22 Cost-Volume-Profit AnalysisChapter 23 Master Budgets and PlanningChapter 24 Flexible Budgets and Standard CostsChapter 25 Capital Budgeting and Managerial DecisionsAppendix A Financial Statement Information A-1Appendix B Time Value of MoneyAppendix C Comparison between IFRSs and U.S. GAAPInternational editionFUNDAMENTAL FINANCIAL ANDMANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTSWITH H-D ANNUAL REPORTBy Thomas P. Edmonds, Cindy Edmonds and Bor-Yi Tsay of Universityof Alabama-Birmingham and Philip R. Olds, Virginia CommonwealthUniversity and Frances M McNair, Mississippi State University2007 (December 2005)ISBN: 9780073222936ISBN: 9780071107693 [IE] 1 Elements of Financial StatementsChapter 2 Understanding the Accounting CycleChapter 3 The Double-Entry Accounting SystemChapter 4 The Double-Entry Accounting SystemChapter 5 Accounting for InventoriesChapter 6 Internal Control and Accounting for CashChapter 7 Accounting for ReceivablesChapter 8 Accounting for Long-Term Operational AssetsChapter 9 Accounting for Current Liabilities and PayrollChapter 10 Accounting for Long-Term Notes Payable and Bond LiabilitiesChapter 11 Proprietorships, Partnerships, and CorporationsChapter 12 Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 13 Financial Statement AnalysisChapter 14 Management Accounting: A Value-Added ApproachChapter 15 Cost Behavior, Operating Leverage, and ProfitabilityAnalysisChapter 16 Cost Accumulation, Tracing, and AllocationChapter 17 Product Costing in Service and Manufacturing CompaniesChapter 18 Job-Order, Process, and Hybrid Cost SystemsChapter 19 Analysis of Cost, Volume, and Pricing to Increase ProfitabilityChapter 20 Relevant Information for Special DecisionsChapter 21 Planning for Profit and Cost ControlChapter 22 Performance EvaluationChapter 23 Responsibility AccountingChapter 24 Planning for Capital InvestmentAppendix A Accessing the EDGAR Database through the InternetAppendix B Topps Annual Report for 2003 / IndexSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF BOOKKEEPINGAND ACCOUNTING4th EditionBy Joel J Lerner, Sulivan County Community College and Rajul Gokarn2010 (September 2009) / 480 pagesISBN: 9780071635363A Schaum PublicationSchaum’s Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting is the ideal reviewand reference for your accounting class. Inside you’ll find explanationsof the subject’s fundamentals and topics such as financial analysis,preparing cash flow statements, and the distinction between accountingfor perpetual and periodic inventory system. It also includes achapter on the most popular accounting software, which accountingstudents are expected to master before they graduate.Contents1. Assets, Liabilities, and Capital2. Debits and Credits: The Double-Entry System3. Journalizing and Posting Transactions4. Financial Statements5. Adjusting and Closing Procedures6. Computer Application: Peachtree Complete® Software Introduction7. Repetitive Transaction: The Sales and the Purchases Journals8. The Cash Journal9. Summarizing and Reporting via the Worksheet10. The Merchandising Company11. Costing Merchandise Inventory12. Pricing Merchandise13. Negotiable Instruments14. Controlling Cash15. Payroll16. Property, Plant, and Equipment: Depreciation17. The Partnership18. The Corporation8
AccountingSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF FINANCIALMANAGEMENT3rd EditionBy Jae K Shim, California State University Long Beach and Joel G Siegel2010 (September 2009) / 504 pagesISBN: 9780071635318A Schaum PublicationSchaum’s Outline of Financial Management provides a succinct reviewof all financial management concepts in topics such as financial forecasting,planning and budgeting, the management of working capital,short-term financing, time value of money, risk, return, and valuation,capital budgeting, and more.Contents1. Introduction2. Analysis of Financial Statements and Cash Flow3. Financial Forecasting, Planning, and Budgeting4. The Management of Working Capital5. Short-Term Financing6. Time Value of Money7. Risk, Return, and Valuation8. Capital Budgeting (Including Leasing)9. Capital Budgeting Under Risk10. Cost of Capital11. Leverage and Capital Structure12. Dividend Policy13. Term Loans and Leasing14. Long-Term Debt15. Preferred and Common StockAccounting PrinciplesSupplementsSCHAUM’S EASY OUTLINE OFACCOUNTINGRevised EditionBy Joel Lerner, Sullivan County Community College and James Cashin2012 (December 2011) / 160 pagesISBN: 9780071777520A Schaum PublicationSchaum’s Easy Outline of Principles of Accounting I mirrors thecourses in scope and sequence to help enrolled students understandbasic concepts and offer extra practice on topics such as debits,credits, the chart of accounts, the ledger, inventory measurement, netrealizable value, recovery of bad debts, and methods for computinginterest. Coverage also includes fixed assets, depreciation and scrapvalue, methods of depreciation, payroll, and payroll taxes.SCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF PRINCIPLES OFACCOUNTING I5th EditionBy Joel Lerner, Sullivan County Community College and James Cashin2010 (September 2009) / 408 pagesISBN: 9780071635387A Schaum PublicationSchaum’s Outline of Principles of Accounting I helps you understandbasic accounting concepts and offer extra practice on topics such asdebits, credits, the chart of accounts, the ledger, inventory measurement,net realizable value, recovery of bad debts, and methods forcomputing interest. Coverage also includes fixed assets, depreciationand scrap value, methods of depreciation, payroll, and payroll taxes.CONTENTS1. Accounting Concepts2. Financial Statements3. Analyzing and Classifying Transactions, Examination I4. Recording Transactions5. Repetitive Transactions6. Adjusting and Closing Procedures, Examination II7. Summarizing and Reporting Via the Service Business Work Sheet8. Summarizing and Reporting Via the Merchandising9. Business Work Sheet10. Costing Merchandise Inventory11. Alternative Inventory Valuation Methods12. Repetitive Transactions 13. Capital and Equity, Examination III14. Receivables and Payables15. Cash and Its Control16. Payroll17. Property, Plant, and Equipment: Depreciation18. Property, Plant, and Equipment: Disposal and Taxation19. Examination IV20. Final Examination.SCHAUM’S EASY OUTLINE OF PRINCIPLESOF ACCOUNTINGBy Joel J. Lerner, Sullivan County Community College2001 / 153 pagesISBN: 9780071369725A Schaum PublicationCONTENTSChapter 1: Accounting Concepts: The Accounting Equation andFinancial Statements.Chapter 2: Analyzing and Recording Transactions.Chapter 3: Adjusting and Closing Procedures.Chapter 4: Summarizing and Reporting Via the Work Sheet.Chapter 5: Inventory Valuation Methods.Chapter 6: Alternative Valuation Methods.Chapter 7: Cash and Its Control.Chapter 8: Receivables and Payables.Chapter 9: Property, Plant, and Equipment: Depreciation.Chapter 10: Property, Plant, and Equipment: Disposal and Taxation.Chapter 11: Capital and Equity.Chapter 12: Repetitive Transactions and Payroll.9
AccountingSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF PRINCIPLES OFACCOUNTING II4th EditionBy Joel J. Lerner, Sullivan County Community College and James A.Cashin, Hofstra University1994 / 306 pagesISBN: 9780070375895A Schaum Publication(International Edition is not for sale in Japan)CONTENTSPartnerships: Formation.Partnerships: Admission and Dissolution.The Corporation: Organization.The Corporation: Stock Issue and Book Value.The Corporation: Subscriptions and Treasury Stock.The Corporation: Retained Earnings.The Corporation: Issuing Bonds.The Corporation: Redemption of Bonds. Examination I.Manufacturing Accounting: Accounts and Statements.Manufacturing Accounting: Worksheets and Joint and By-Products.Cost Systems: Job Order.Cost Systems: Process.Budgets: Income Statement.Budgets: Balance Sheet and Standard Costs. Examination II.Financial Statement Analysis: Horizontal and Vertical.Financial Statement Analysis: Ratios. Examination III.Appendix: Statement of Cash Flows.Accounting ForNon-Accounting ManagersACCOUNTINGUnderstanding and Practice, 3rd EditionBy Robert Perks and Danny Leiwy2010 (March 2010) / 584 pagesISBN: 9780077124786<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK Understanding and Practice by Robert Perks and DannyLeiwy provides a gentle introduction to the complexities of accounting.An evolution of the successful textbook Financial Accounting:Understanding and Practice, this new edition has been enhancedto provide more emphasis on Management Accounting topics, withnew material that has been structured in line with current teaching inintroductory accounting modules. Fully revised throughout, the wholetext has been thoroughly updated in accordance with the InternationalFinancial Reporting Standards. Ample practice illustrations and exampleshelp present the subject in relation to a business world to whichreaders can easily relate.CONTENTS1- The Balance Sheet and What It tells us2- The Income Statement3- The Development of Financial Reporting4- Ratios and Interpretations: A Straightforward Introduction5- How the Stock Market Assesses Company Performance6- Cash Flow Statements: understanding and preparation7- Advanced Interpretation of Company and Group Accounts8- Current Issues in Financial Reporting9- Financing a Business10- Management of Working Capital11- Introduction to Management Accounting12- Investment Appraisal13- Budgetary Planning and Control14- Absorption Costing15- Marginal Costing and Decision Making16- Standard Costing and Variance Analysis17- Book-keeping to Trial Balance18- Trial Balance to Final Accounts19- Incomplete RecordsAppendix 1: Developments in Management AccountingAnswers to Self Test QuestionsAnswers to ActivitiesInvitation to Publish<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> is interested to review yourtextbook proposals for publication.Please contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> office oremail to <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)Website:
AccountingFinancial AccountingInternational editionNEW*9780078025365*2013 (January 2012) / 808 pagesISBN: 9780078025365ISBN: 9780071317856 [IE] FINANCIALACCOUNTING CONCEPTS8th EditionThomas P Edmonds, University of Alabama atBirmington, Frances M McNair, MississippiState University and Philip R Olds, VirginiaCommonwealth UniversityFundamental Financial Accounting Concepts 8th Edition by Edmonds/McNair/Olds is ideal for the undergraduate introductory financialaccounting course, specifically for those wanting to focus on therelationships between business events and financial statements. Thistext is also appealing to those instructors looking for a shorter textthat focuses more on “key” financial accounting concepts rather thanrather than procedural details, and to those desiring a stronger userorientation in their course. Overview: Students are often overwhelmedby the amount of information presented in the introductory financialaccounting course. By focusing on fundamental concepts in a logicalsequence, students are able to fully comprehend the material ratherthan memorize seemingly unrelated terms and topics. The goal ofFundamental Financial Accounting Concepts is to enable students tounderstand how any given business event affects the financial statements.The “financial statements model” is a highly praised featurebecause it allows students to visualize the simultaneous impact ofbusiness events on all of the key financial statements (the incomestatement, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows).NEW TO THIS EDITIONChapters 1 and 2 have been broken into 2 parts that allowinstructors to cover the pace of coverage. Chapter 1, Section 1covers basic terminology, introduces the accounting equation, anddemonstrates how business events are recorded under the equation;Section 2 introduces students to financial statement. Chapter 2, Section1 covers accruals, while Section 2 covers deferrals. Breaking thechapters into sections offers an added benefit of promoting a stepwiselearning environment.Enhanced coverage of financial statement analysis.Created an appendix for Chapter 2 that covers depreciationand the computation of interest with EOC material added coveringthese topicsAdded an appendix and related end-of-chapter materials toChapter 3 that provide continuing coverage of depreciation and thecomputation of interest.Added coverage of the framework for internal controls and enterpriserisk management developed by the Committee of SponsoringOrganizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) to Chapter 6The Target annual report in Appendix D has been redesigned:Target’s 2008, 2009, and 2010 financial statements have beenloaded into an Excel spreadsheet that is available on the OLC. Theincome statement shown in the spreadsheet has been revised tobetter reflect the income statement format and wording used in thetextbook. Credit card revenues (interest income) are moved to thenonoperating section, enabling the project solution for gross marginpercentages to agree to those identified in the Management Discussion& Analysis section of the annual report. A multiple choice projectquiz is available in Connect.ContentsChapter 1 An Introduction to AccountingSection 1: Collecting and Organizing InformationSection 2: Reporting InformationChapter 2 Accounting for Accruals and DeferralsSection 1: Accounting for AccrualsSection 2: Accounting for DeferralsChapter 3 The Double-Entry SystemChapter 4 Accounting for Merchandising BusinessesChapter 5 Accounting for InventoriesChapter 6 Internal Control and Accounting for CashChapter 7 Accounting for ReceivablesChapter 8 Accounting for Long-Term Operational AssetsChapter 9 Accounting for Current Liabilities and PayrollChapter 10 Accounting for Long-Term DebtChapter 11 Proprietorships, Partnerships, and CorporationsChapter 12 Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 13 Financial Statement Analysis 13-0 (ONLINE ONLY)Appendix A Accessing the EDGAR Database through the InternetAppendix B Portion of the Form 10-K for Target CorporationAppendix C Summary of Financial RadiosAppendix D Annual Report and Financial Statement Analysis ProjectsAppendix E Accounting for Investment SecuritiesAppendix F Time Value of MoneyGlossaryNEW *9780077862268*FINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGMaking the ConnectionBy David Spiceland, University of Memphis, Wayne Thomas, University ofOklahoma and Don Hermann, Oklahoma State University2013 (January 2012) / 672 pagesISBN: Accounting: Making the Connection 1e, has been developedbased on the great success of Financial Accounting 2e, Spiceland,Thomas, Herrmann. 2e was developed with feedback from over 330reviewers and focus group participants from across the country. Withthe usage of digital resources growing exponentially, and high Connectusage rates among instructors and students using Financial Accounting,2e, Financial Accounting: Making the Connection 1e, removes allend of chapter content from the 2e print text, and houses it exclusivelyin Connect. The result is the same highly successful content containedin 2e, without the added page length of end of chapter problems andexercises. Financial Accounting: Making the Connection, 1e alsoprovides additional study materials and explanations through shorttutorial videos and practice activities that can be accessed via Smart-Phone by scanning the Quick Response codes in the margin. Just likewith Financial Accounting 2e, the authors, David Spiceland, WayneThomas and Don Herrmann, have developed a unique text basedon over 50 collective years of experience in the classroom. They’vebrought together best practices like highlighting Common Mistakes,offering frequent Let’s Review exercises, integrating the course witha running Continuing Problem, demonstrating the relevance of thecourse to non-majors with a Career Corner, and communicating it allin a student-friendly Conversational Writing Style.FEATURESConversational Writing Style The authors took special care towrite a textbook that fosters a friendly dialogue between the text and11
AccountingChapter 11: Reporting and Analyzing EquityChapter 12: Reporting and Analyzing Cash FlowsChapter 13: Analyzing and Interpreting Financial StatementsAppendix A: Financial Statements InformationAppendix B: Applying Present and Future ValuesAppendix C: Investments and International OperationsAppendix D: Reporting and Analyzing Partnerships (online only E: Reporting and Analyzing Special Journals (online*9780077132682*2012 (January 2012) / 872 pagesISBN: 9780077132682<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK INTRODUCTION TOFINANCIAL ACCOUNTING7th EditionBy Andrew Thomas, University of Birminghamand Ann Mary WardThe new seventh edition of Introduction to Financial Accounting byAndrew Thomas and Anne Marie Ward has been fully revised andupdated to reflect the very latest developments in this dynamic fieldand offers contemporary and comprehensive coverage of FinancialAccounting today.New to this editionFully revised and updated to include the latest developments inboth the InternationalAccounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial ReportingStandards (IFRS).Part One has been revised to feature a new chapter to greaterreflect the history and purposeof the accounting framework.Increased coverage of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)and new coverage of EnvironmentalAccounting has been included to reflect the growing importanceof these issues in financial accounting today.Over 50 brand new real world examples from companies suchas Tesco, Ryanair, BP, Nortel andMarks & Spencer’s help illustrate accounting concepts and bringthe subject to life.Plentiful worked examples and assessment material give studentsthe opportunity to practise keyconcepts and techniques. Review questions are highlighted bylevel of difficulty to offer progressivelearning and some solutions can be found at the end of the book.Excellent supplements package – packed with a wealth of additionalonline material for instructorsand students as well as additional assessment platforms andpractise resources to aid learning.ContentsPart 1: The Framework of Accounting1. Entities and financial reporting statements2. International accounting: institutional framework and standards3. The history and purpose of the conceptual framework4. The nature and objectives of financial accounting (corporate socialresponsibility and accountability)5. Accounting principles, concepts and policies6. The conceptual framework of accounting7. Auditing, corporate governance and ethicsPart 2: Double-entry bookkeeping (recording transactions andthe books of account)8. The accounting equation and its components9. Basic documentation and books of account10. Double entry and the general ledger11. The balancing of accounts and the trial balance12. Day books and the journal13. The cash book14. The petty cash bookPart 3: Preparing final financial statements for sole traders15. The final financial statements of sole traders (introductory)16. Depreciation and non-current assets17. Bad debts and provisions for bad debts18. Accruals and prepayments19. The preparation of final financial statements from the trial balance(advanced)Part 4: Internal control and check20. The bank reconciliation statement21. Control accounts22. Errors and suspense accounts23. Single entry and incomplete recordsPart 5: Preparing final financial statements for manufacturingentities24. Inventory valuation25. Financial statements for manufacturing entitiesPart 6: Clubs26. The final financial statements of clubsPart 7: Partnerships27. The final financial statements of partnerships28. Changes in partnerships29. Partnership dissolution and conversion to a limited companyPart 8: Companies30. The nature of limited companies and their capital31. The final financial statements of limited companies32. Statement of cash flows33. The appraisal of company financial statements using ratio analysisREVIEW COPY(Available for course adoption only)To request for a review copy,• contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>representatives or,• fax the Review Copy Request Form foundin this catalog or,• e-mail your request or,• submit online at www.mheducation.asia13
AccountingNEW *9780077328702*2012 (January 2011) / 800 pagesISBN: ACCOUNTING15th EditionBy Jan Williams, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Sue Haka, Michigan State University-EastLansing, Mark S Bettner, BucknellUniversity and Joseph V Carcello, University ofTennessee-KnoxvilleWhile many texts characterize themselves as having either a “user”approach or a “preparer” approach, Williams’ Financial Accountingis written for faculty who want to strike a balance between these approaches.Business majors will find relevance in the “Ethics, Fraud& Corporate Governance,” “Your Turn” and “Case in Point” boxesthroughout the chapters while accounting majors will receive a firmgrounding in accounting basics that will prepare them for their intermediatecourse.New to this editionNew International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) coveragethroughout the book introduces students to the concept in relationto important topics in accounting such as LIFO, statement of cashflows, and fixed assetsNEW! <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Connect uses end-of-chapter materialpulled directly from the textbook to create static and algorithmic questionsthat can be used for homework and practice tests.ContentsChapter 1: Accounting: Information for Decision MakingChapter 2: Basic Financial StatementsChapter 3: The Accounting Cycle: Capturing Economic EventsChapter 4: The Accounting Cycle: Accruals and DeferralsChapter 5: The Accounting Cycle: Reporting Financial ResultsComprehensive Problem 1: Susquehanna Equipment RentalsChapter 6: Merchandising ActivitiesChapter 7: Financial AssetsChapter 8: Inventories and the Cost of Goods SoldComprehensive Problem 2: Guitar Universe, Inc.Chapter 9: Plant and Intangible AssetsChapter 10: LiabilitiesChapter 11: Stockholders’ Equity: Paid-in CapitalComprehensive Problem 3: McMinn Retail, Inc.Chapter 12: Income and Changes in Retained EarningsChapter 13: Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 14: Financial Statement AnalysisComprehensive Problem 4: Home Depot, Inc.Chapter 15: Global Business and AccountingAppendix A: 2009 Home Depot Financial StatementsAppendix B: The Time Value of Money: Future Amounts and PresentValuesInternational editionFUNDAMENTAL FINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGCONCEPTS7th EditionThomas P Edmonds, University of Alabama at Birmington, Frances MMcNair, Mississippi State University and Philip R Olds, Virginia CommonwealthUniversity2011 (January 2010) / 800 pagesISBN: 9780073527123ISBN: 9780071220712 [IE] are often overwhelmed by the amount of information presentedin the introductory financial accounting course. By focusingon fundamental concepts in a logical sequence, students are ableto fully comprehend the material rather than memorize seeminglyunrelated terms and topics. The goal of Fundamental Financial AccountingConcepts is to enable students to understand how any givenbusiness event affects the financial statements. The “financial statementsmodel” is a highly praised feature because it allows studentsto visualize the simultaneous impact of business events on all of thekey financial statements (the income statement, the balance sheet,and the statement of cash flows).ContentsChapter 1: An Introduction to AccountingChapter 2: Understanding the Accounting CycleChapter 3: The Double-Entry Accounting SystemChapter 4: Accounting for Merchandising BusinessesChapter 5: Accounting for InventoriesChapter 6: Internal Control and Accounting for CashChapter 7: Accounting for ReceivablesChapter 8: Accounting for Long-Term Operational AssetsChapter 9: Accounting for Current Liabilities and PayrollChapter 10: Accounting for Long-Term DebtChapter 11: Proprietorships, Partnerships, and CorporationsChapter 12: Statement of Cash FlowChapter 13: (Online) Financial Statement AnalysisAppendix A: Accessing the EDGAR Database through the InternetAppendix B: Portion of the Form 10-K for Target CorporationAppendix C: Summary of Financial RatiosAppendix D: Annual Report and Financial Statement Analysis ProjectAppendix E: Accounting for Investment SecuritiesAppendix F: Time Value of MoneyInvitation to Publish<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> is interested to review yourtextbook proposals for publication.Please contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> office oremail to <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)Website:
AccountingGlobal editionfinancial accounting7th EditionBy Robert Libby, Cornell University-Ithaca, Patricia Libby, Ithaca Collegeand Daniel G Short, Texas Christian University2011 (September 2010) / 896 pagesISBN: 9780078111020ISBN: 9780071313940 [GE] wrote this text based on their belief that the subjectof financial accounting is inherently interesting, but financial accountingtextbooks are often not. They believe most financial accountingtextbooks fail to demonstrate that accounting is an exciting field ofstudy and one that is important to future careers in business. Whenwriting this text, they considered career relevance as their guide whenselecting material, and the need to engage the student as their guideto style, pedagogy, and design. Libby/Libby/Short is the only financialaccounting text to successfully implement a real-world, single focuscompany approach in every chapter. Students and instructors haveresponded very favorably to the use of focus companies and thereal-world financial statements. The companies chosen are engagingand the decision-making focus shows the relevance of financialaccounting regardless of whether or not the student has chosen tomajor in accounting.ContentsChapter 1: Financial Statements and Business DecisionsFocus company: Maxidrive CorporationChapter 2: Investing and Financing Decisions and the Balance SheetFocus company: Papa John’s InternationalChapter 3: Operating Decisions and the Income StatementFocus company: Papa John’s InternationalChapter 4: Adjustments, Financial Statements, and the Quality ofEarningsFocus company: Papa John’s InternationalChapter 5: Communicating and Interpreting Accounting InformationFocus company: Callaway GolfChapter 6: Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables,and CashFocus company: Deckers Outdoor CorporationChapter 7: Reporting and Interpreting Cost of Goods Sold andInventoryFocus company: Harley-Davidson, Inc.Chapter 8: Reporting and Interpreting Property, Plant, and Equipment;Natural Resources; and IntangiblesFocus company: Southwest AirlinesChapter 9: Reporting and Interpreting LiabilitiesFocus company: StarbucksChapter 10: Reporting and Interpreting BondsFocus company: Burlington Northern Santa FeChapter 11: Reporting and Interpreting Owners’ EquityFocus company: KrogerChapter 12: Reporting and Interpreting Investments in Other CorporationsFocus company: The Washington Post CompanyChapter 13: Reporting and Interpreting Investments in Other CorporationsFocus company: National Beverage Corp.Chapter 14: Analyzing Financial StatementsFocus company: Home DepotAppendix A: Present and Future Value TablesAppendix B: American Eagle Outfitters Annual ReportAppendix C: Pacific Sunwear 2004 Annual ReportAppendix D: Industry Ratio ReportInternational editionFUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIALACCOUNTING WITH ANNUAL REPORT3rd EditionBy Fred Phillips, University of Saskatchewan, Robert Libby, CornellUniversity and Patricia Libby, Ithaca College2011 (January 2010)ISBN: 9780077344931ISBN: 9780071313780 [IE] of Financial Accounting, presents an engaging, balanced,and appropriately paced analysis of the fundamentals of financialaccounting. Its conversational writing style makes it easy to readand understand, while the selection of real focus companies reinforcesthe relevance of accounting by introducing students to accounting andbusiness activities in the context of their favorite companies. Balancebetween preparer and user orientations is achieved throughout thebook, by studying both the accounting activities that take place insidethe company, as well as evaluating their impact on decisions, andusers outside the company. Topic coverage is paced appropriatelyfor students new to accounting, and is thoroughly reinforced everystep of the way with an ample variety of innovative pedagogical tools.Clearly understandable, relevant, and accessible, Fundamentals ofFinancial Accounting is simply the most student-friendly financial bookon the market and provides the tools for students to grasp financialaccounting from the ground up.ContentsChapter 1: Business Decisions and Financial AccountingChapter 2: Reporting Investing and Financing Results on the BalanceSheetChapter 3: Reporting Operating Results on the Income StatementChapter 4: Adjustments, Financial Statements, and Financial ResultsChapter 5: Financial Reporting and AnalysisChapter 6: Internal Control and Financial Reporting for Cash andMerchandise SalesChapter 7: Reporting and Interpreting Inventories and Cost of GoodsSoldChapter 8: Reporting and Interpreting Receivables, Bad Debt Expense,and Interest RevenueChapter 9: Reporting and Interpreting Long-Lived Tangible andIntangible AssetsChapter 10: Reporting and Interpreting LiabilitiesChapter 11: Reporting and Interpreting Stockholders’ EquityChapter 12: Reporting and Interpreting the Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 13: Measuring and Evaluating Financial PerformanceAppendix A: Excerpts from the Fiscal 2008 Annual Report of TheHome Depot, IncAppendix B: Excerpts from the Fiscal 2008 Annual Report of Lowe’sCompanies, IncAppendix C: Present and Future Value ConceptsAppendix D: Reporting and Interpreting Investments in Other Corporations(at text website Global Editions areadapted to better meet theneeds of courses outsidethe United States.Please contact your localsales representative formore details.15
AccountingInternational editionFINANCIAL ACCOUNTING2nd EditionBy J David Spiceland, University of Memphis, Wayne M Thomas,University of Oklahoma-Norman and Don Herrmann, Oklahoma StateUniversity-Stillwater2011 (October 2010) / 736 pagesISBN: 9780078110825ISBN: 9780071088381 [IE] Spiceland, Wayne Thomas and Don Herrmann have developeda unique text based on over 50 collective years of experience in theclassroom. They’ve brought together best practices like highlightingCommon Mistakes, offering frequent Let’s Review exercises, integratingthe course with a running Continuing Problem, demonstratingthe relevance of the course to non-majors with a Career Corner, andcommunicating it all in a student-friendly Conversational Writing Style.The new 2nd edition of Financial Accounting, Spiceland, Thomas, Herrmann,has been developed with feedback from over 330 reviewersand focus group participants from across the country. The followinglist of changes and improvements is a testament to the many hoursthat reviewers spent analyzing the 1st edition, helping make FinancialAccounting, 2nd edition, the best book of its kind.Contents1. Accounting Information and Decision Making2. The Accounting Information System3. The Financial Reporting Process4. Cash and Internal Controls5. Receivables and Sales6. Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold7. Long-Term Assets8. Current Liabilities9. Long-Term Liabilities10. Stockholders’ Equity11. Statement of Cash Flows12. Financial Statement AnalysisAppendix A – Annual Report of American EagleAppendix B – Annual Report of The BuckleAppendix C – Time Value of MoneyAppendix D – InvestmentsAppendix E – International Financial Reporting StandardsAsian AdaptationFINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGAn IFRS PerspectiveBy John Wild, ken Shaw, Barbara Chiappetta and Winston Kwok (NUS)2011 (July 2010) / 664 pagesISBN: 9780071288972An Asian Accounting: Information for Decisions provides leadingaccounting content that engages and motivates students. It helpsstudents to develop good decision-making habits as they prepare,analyze, and apply accounting information. It also includes the currentfinancial reports of Nestle, Kraft Foods, and Adidas to further reinforcereal-world relevance of accounting concepts.ContentsChapter 1 Introducing Accounting in BusinessImportance of AccountingFundamentals of AccountingTransaction Analysis and the Accounting EquationFinancial StatementsDecision Analysis—Return on AssetsChapter 2 Analyzing and Recording TransactionsAnalyzing and Recording ProcessAnalyzing and Processing TransactionsTrial BalanceDecision Analysis—Debt RatioChapter 3 Adjusting Accounts and Preparing Financial StatementsTiming and ReportingAdjusting AccountsPreparing Financial StatementsClosing ProcessClassified Balance SheetDecision Analysis—Profit Margin and Current RatioAppendix 3A Alternative Accounting for PrepaymentsAppendix 3B Work Sheet as a ToolAppendix 3C Reversing EntriesChapter 4 Reporting and Analyzing Merchandising OperationsMerchandising ActivitiesAccounting for Merchandise PurchasesAccounting for Merchandise SalesCompleting the Accounting CycleFinancial Statement FormatsDecision Analysis—Acid-Test and GrossMargin RatiosAppendix 4A Periodic (and Perpetual) Inventory SystemAppendix 4B Work Sheet—Perpetual SystemChapter 5 Reporting and Analyzing InventoriesInventory BasicsInventory Costing under a Perpetual SystemValuing Inventory at LCM and the Effects of Inventory ErrorsDecision Analysis—Inventory Turnover and Days’ Sales in InventoryAppendix 5A Inventory Costing under a Periodic SystemAppendix 5B Inventory Estimation MethodsChapter 6 Reporting and Analyzing Cash and Internal ControlsInternal ControlControl of CashBanking Activities as ControlsDecision Analysis—Days’ Sales UncollectedAppendix 6A Documents in a Voucher SystemAppendix 6B Control of Purchase DiscountsChapter 7 Reporting and Analyzing ReceivablesAccounts ReceivableNotes ReceivableDisposing of ReceivablesDecision Analysis—Accounts ReceivableTurnoverChapter 8 Reporting and Analyzing Long-Term AssetsSECTION 1—PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENTCost DeterminationDepreciationAdditional ExpendituresDisposals of Property, Plant and EquipmentSECTION 2—NATURAL RESOURCESSECTION 3—INTANGIBLE ASSETS 329Decision Analysis—Total Asset Turnover 331Appendix 8A Exchanging Property, Plant andEquipment 335Chapter 9 Reporting and Analyzing Current LiabilitiesCharacteristics of LiabilitiesKnown (Determinable) LiabilitiesEstimated LiabilitiesContingent LiabilitiesDecision Analysis—Times Interest Earned RatioChapter 10 Reporting and Analyzing Long-Term LiabilitiesBasics of BondsBond IssuancesBond RetirementLong-Term Notes PayableDecision Analysis—Debt Features and the Debt-to-Equity RatioAppendix 10A Present Values of Bonds and NotesAppendix 10B Effective Interest Amortization16
AccountingAppendix 10C Issuing Bonds between Interest DatesAppendix 10D Leases and PensionsChapter 11 Reporting and Analyzing EquityCorporate Form of OrganizationCommon StockDividendsPreferred StockTreasury StockReporting of EquityDecision Analysis—Earnings per Share, Price-Earnings Ratio, DividendYield, and BookValue per ShareChapter 12 Reporting and Analyzing Cash FlowsBasics of Cash Flow ReportingCash Flows from OperatingCash Flows from InvestingCash Flows from FinancingDecision Analysis—Cash Flow AnalysisAppendix 12A Direct Method of ReportingOperating Cash FlowsChapter 13 Analyzing and Interpreting Financial StatementsBasics of AnalysisHorizontal AnalysisVertical AnalysisRatio AnalysisDecision Analysis—Analysis ReportingAppendix 13A Sustainable IncomeAppendix A Financial Statement InformationNestléKraft FoodsAdidasAppendix B Time Value of Money B-1GlossaryCreditsIndexChart of AccountsFINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGwith IFRS Fold Out Primer, 5th EditionBy John J Wild, University of Wisconsin at Madison2011 (January 2010) / 736 pagesISBN: ACCOUNTING: Information for Decisions, 5th Edition addressesthe topics and issues typically covered in Financial Accountingwhile at the same time motivating student interest in accountingthrough the extensive use of entrepreneurial examples, applicationof analysis skills, integration of interactive tutorial software, and ahighly engaging pedagogical design. This book thoroughly integratesideas and practices followed by today’s business entrepreneurs,speaking more directly to students and better preparing them toenter the workforce.New to this editionIntegrated Apple iPod Content: Each chapter features iconsconnecting course content with learning resources available fordownload with the Apple iPod. Available downloads include audioonlylectures, lecture slideshows, narrated lecture slideshows, andeducational videos.New Presentation of Transaction Analysis: Identify – Analyze –Record – Post: a more logical and simple presentation of transactionanalysis that students understand. The change from the forth editionto this approach came directly from reviewer feedback.New IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) QuickReference Guide: This reference toll sets the stage for IFRS mappingsimilarities and differences to GAAP for each text chapter in ahandy 8-page laminated fold-out reference tool packaged free withnew copies of the text.New IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) Boxes:These boxes reflect recent developments in the business world thatare relevant to accounting practice and how IFRS may differ fromcurrent practices in the U.S. GAAP reporting.New Global View section: Financial accounting according to U.S.GAAP is similar, but not identical, to IFRS. Towards the end of eachchapter, a new “Global View” section highlights international accountingpractices, including the similarities and differences for financialreporting under IFRS versus U.S. GAAP relating to topics coveredwithin that chapter. Most chapters use GOME’s financial statements ascompared to Best Buy to illustrate the differences/similarities betweenthese financial reporting rules and concepts.New Feature Company: Students are provided relevant, realworldcompanies as a resource tool and motivating force in learningaccounting. Best Buy is the new feature company, which means thateach chapter has selected assignments that require student to use,analyze, or interpret its accounting data.New Comparative Companies: For comparative purposes withBest Buy, students are provided the financial statements of RadioShack.Assignments are included that ask students to compareand interpret Best Buy, and RadioShack data. GOME, a Hong Kongbased-company, serves as a global comparison for Best Buy andRadioShack Selected 2009 financial data for all three companiesis included in end-of-book Appendix A. Each of these companies isintegrated into the end-of-chapter material. Finally, Apple financialstatements are also included along assignments for each chapter.NEW! <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Connect uses end-of-chapter material pulleddirectly from the textbook to create static and algorithmic questionsthat can be used for practice, homework, quizzes, and tests. FA 5eConnect also includes The Personal Learning Plan (PLP) that connectseach student to the learning resources needed for success inthe course. For each chapter, students: Take a practice test to initiatethe Personal Learning Plan; Immediately upon completing the practicetest, see how their performance compares to chapter learningobjectives within chapters; Receive a Personal Learning Plan thatrecommends specific readings from the text, supplemental studymaterial, and practice work that will improve their understanding andmastery of each learning objective. All new texts come bundled withConnect Plus at no additional cost.CONTENTS1 Introducing Accounting in Business2 Analyzing and Recording Business Transactions3 Adjusting Accounts and Preparing Financial Statements4 Reporting and Analyzing Merchandising Operations5 Reporting and Analyzing Inventories6 Reporting and Analyzing Cash and Internal Controls7 Reporting and Analyzing Receivables8 Reporting and Analyzing Long-Term Assets9 Reporting and Analyzing Current Liabilities10 Reporting and Analyzing Long-Term Liabilities11 Reporting and Analyzing Equity12 Reporting and Analyzing Cash Flows13 Analyzing and Interpreting Financial StatementsAppendix A: Financial Statements InformationAppendix B: Applying Present and Future ValuesAppendix C: Investments and International Operations*Appendix D: Reporting and Analyzing Partnerships*Appendix E: Reporting and Preparing Special Journals17
AccountingACCOUNTING MADE EASY2nd EditionBy Rajesh Agrawal, International Crops Research Institute for Semi AridTropics and R Srinivasan, Professor IIM Bangalore2010 (July 2010) / 224 pagesISBN: 9780070700987<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India TitleThis new edition of Accounting Made Easy continues to provide asimple and easy-to-assimilate introduction to the subject of FinancialAccounting. The structure of the book has been defined andbuilt around two levels. The first level helps the readers to build anunderstanding of accounting in a step-by-step manner. The secondlevel builds a bridge between the accounting learnt in the first leveland the real-world accounting. The book follows a novel ‘Learn byDoing’ approach which engages the reader in work modules whileone reads the book.ContentsLevel IThe Green Company (Cash & Trading)The Yellow Company (Credit & TradingThe Blue Company (Credit & Manufacturing)The Brown Company (More Manufacturing)The Red Company (A Brief Strategy)The Orange CompanyLearning from Level ILevel IISimple T-Accounts: An IntroductionSimple T-Accounts: Do-It-YourselfTaking Stock of StocksComplex T- Accounts: An IntroductionComplex T- Accounts: Do-It-YourselfAccounting Systems: Cash Book, Journal and LedgersLearning from Accounting ScamsAccounting Concepts and the PolicyLearning from this Bookfinancial accountingBy S John Gabriel, Madras Christian College-Chennai and A Marcu,Loyola College-Chennai2010 (July 2010) / 1076 pagesISBN: 9780070682177<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India TitleThis book aims at discussing the basic as well as advanced conceptsof financial accounting. The focus of this book is on the principles andtools of financial accounting and their application. This book coversthe syllabus of Financial Accounting of the undergraduate courses ofUniversity of Madras as well as other universities in South I region.This book will meet the requirements of the students of this subjectin a comprehensive manner.ContentsUnit I1. Introduction to Accounting2. Accounting Cycle –Journal and Ledger3. Cash Book Petty Cash Book4. Subsidiary <strong>Books</strong>5. Trial BalanceUnit II6. Final accounts of Sole Trading ConcernsUnit III7. Single entryUnit IV8. Accounting for Non-Trading concerns – all methodsUnit V9. DepreciationUnit VI10. Rectification of Errors11. Bank Reconciliation StatementUnit VII12. Self balancing ledger – meaning – procedure – self balancingjournal entries – self balancing ledgers – transfer from one ledgerto another13. Insurance claims – normal loss – abnormal lossUnit VIII14. Hire purchase & installment – including Hire purchasing tradingaccountUnit IX15. Branch accounts – excluding foreign branches 16. Departmentalaccounts – Transfers at cost or selling priceUnit X17. Average due date – calculation of due date based on holidaysintervention – interest calculation18. Account current – methods of calculation of interest – productmethod – red ink interest method – époque method – periodic balancemethodUnit XI19. Royalty accounts – accounting treatment in the books of lessorand lessee – sub leaseUnit XII20. Insolvency of individual and firmUnit XIII21. Bills of exchange – Trading and Accommodation bills – Renewals– Dishonour due to insolvency – Retiring of billsUnit XIV22. Accounting for goods sent on ‘ Sale or Return basis’23. Investment Accounts24. Voyage accountsUnit XV25. Consignment accounts – invoicing goods at cost price – proformainvoice price – valuation of unsold stocks – accounting treatment ofnormal loss and abnormal loss26. Joint venture accounts – recording in individual venturer’s book– recording in separate set of booksUnit XVI27. Human Resource accounting28. Inflation accountingUnit XVII29. Definition – provision relating to partnership – capital and currentaccounts of partners – fixed and fluctuating – appropriation of profits– past adjustments and guarantee – final accounts of firms30. Introduction – Admission of a Partner – Treatment of goodwill –Revaluation of assets and liabilities – calculation of ratios for distributionof profits – capital adjustments31. Retirement of partner – calculation of gaining ratio-Revaluation ofassets and liabilities-Treatment of goodwill – adjustment of goodwillthrough capital account only-settlement of accounts retiring partner’sloan account with equal installments only32. Death of a partner – treatment of JLP – settlement of amount dueto legal representatives of deceased partner33. Dissolution – insolvency of partners – garner Vs murray – insolvencyof all partners – deficiency accounts – piecemeal distribution– proportionate capital method only34. Amalgamation of firms – creation of new firm – sale to a company18
AccountingFINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGIncluding International Financial ReportingStandards (IFRS)By Jan R Williams, Sue F Haka, Mark S Bettner, Joseph V Carcello,Nclson Lam and Peter Lau2010 (August 2010) / 816 pagesISBN: 9780071288965An Asian many texts are characterized as having either a “user” approachor a “preparer” approach, Financial Accounting: IncludingInternational Financial Reporting Standards is written for faculty whowant to strike a balance between these approaches. Business majorswill find relevance in the “Ethics, Fraud & Corporate Governance,”“Your Turn” and “Case in Point” boxes throughout the chapters whileaccounting majors will receive a firm grounding in accounting basicsthat will prepare them for their intermediate course. In addition, thetextbook incorporates examples, case studies, and questions drawnfrom Asian contexts and practices. Combined with robust end-ofchapterexercises and exciting interactive supplementary materials,Financial Accounting: Including International Financial ReportingStandards is absolutely relevant and essential for instructors andstudents in the region.CONTENTS1 Accounting: Information for Decision Making2 Basic Financial Statements3 The Accounting Cycle: Capturing Economic Events4 The Accounting Cycle: Accruals and Deferrals5 The Accounting Cycle: Reporting Financial ResultsComprehensive Problem 1: Susquehanna Equipment Rentals6 Merchandising Activities7 Financial Assets8 Inventories and the Cost of Goods SoldComprehensive Problem 2: Guitar Universe Company9 Property, Plant, and Equipment, Intangible Assets and NaturalResources10 Liabilities11 Shareholders’ Equity: CapitalComprehensive Problem 3: McMinn Retail Limited12 Profit and Changes in Retained Earnings13 Statement of Cash Flows14 Financial Statement AnalysisComprehensive Problem 4: Adidas AG, Herzogenaurach15 Global Business and AccountingAppendix A: Adidas AG, Herzogenaurach 2009 Consolidated GroupFinancial Statements (IFRS) and Additional InformationAppendix B: The Time Value of Money: Future Amounts and PresentValuesIndexFINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND REPORTINGBy Bill Collins and John McKeith of University of Stirling2009 / 608 pagesISBN: 9780077114527<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK Accounting and Reporting by Bill Collins and John McKeithtakes an uncomplicated, step-by-step approach to intermediate levelfinancial accounting for specialist students. Its unique three-partchapter structure builds up topic understanding without assumingtoo much prior knowledge, offering a manageable way to master thesubject one step at a time.Contents1. The Preparation and Regulation of Company Financial Statements2. Non-Current (Fixed) Assets3. Intangible Assets and Impairment of Assets4. Leases5. Inventories and Construction Contracts6. Share Capital and Reserves7. Liabilities8. Income Taxes9. Cash Flow Statements10. Groups11. Foreign Currency12. Interpretation of Financial StatementsAUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING6th EditionBy Craig Deegan, RMIT University in Melbourne2009ISBN: 9780070277748<strong>McGraw</strong>-HIll Australia’s market-leading financial accounting text provides studentswith a detailed grasp of reporting requirements in an accessible andengaging manner. Fully updated throughout, Australian Financial Accountingfurther develops and extends its coverage of consolidationsand encompasses topical issues such as social and environmentalaccounting. Renowned for his clear writing style, Craig Deegan successfullycommunicates the detail necessary to understand, challengeand critically evaluate financial reporting. Complete in theoretical andpractical coverage, this text gives students a strong foundation forcurrent study and their future professional lives.ContentsPart 1--The Australian Accounting EnvironmentCh 1. An overview of the Australian external reporting environmentCh 2. The conceptual framework of accounting and its relevance tofinancial reportingPart 2--Theories of AccountingCh 3. Theories of accountingPart 3--Accounting for AssetsCh 4. An overview of accounting for assetsCh 5. Depreciation of property, plant and equipmentCh 6. Revaluations and impairment testing of non-current assetsCh 7. InventoryCh 8. Accounting for intangiblesCh 9. Accounting for heritage assets and biological assetsPart 4--Accounting for Liability and Owner’s EquityCh 10. An overview of accounting for liabilitiesCh 11. Accounting for leasesCh 12. Set-off and extinguishment of debtCh 13. Accounting for employee benefitsCh 14. Share capital and reservesCh 15. Accounting for financial instrumentsCh 16. Revenue recognition issuesCh 17. The income statementCh 18. Share-based paymentsCh 19. Accounting for income taxPart 5--Accounting for the Disclosure of Cash FlowsCh 20. Statement of cash flowsPart 6--Industry-specific Accounting IssuesCh 21. Accounting for the extractive industriesCh 22. Financial reporting of general insurance activityCh 23. Accounting for superannuation plansPart 7--Other Disclosure IssuesCh 24. Events occurring after reporting dateCh 25. Financial reporting by segmentsCh 26. Related party disclosuresCh 27. Earnings per sharePart 8--Accounting for Equity Interests on Other EntitiesCh 28. Accounting for group structures: an introduction to19
Accountingconsolidation accountingCh 29. Further consolidation issues I: accounting for intragrouptransactionsCh 30. Further consolidation issues II: minority interestsCh 31. Further consolidation issues III: accounting for indirect interestsCh 32. Further consolidation issues IV: accounting for changes in thedegree of ownership of a subsidiaryCh 33. Accounting for equity investmentsCh 34. Accounting for interests in joint venturesPart 9--Foreign currencyCh 35. Accounting for foreign currency transactionsCh 36. Translation of the accounts of foreign operationsPart 10--Corporate Social-Responsibility ReportingCh 37. Accounting for corporate social responsibilityINTRODUCTION TO FINANCIALACCOUNTING6th EditionAndrew Thomas, University of Birmingham2009 / 768 pagesISBN: 9780077122805<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK sixth edition of Introduction to Financial Accounting has beenfully revised and updated to provide comprehensive coverage ofaccounting in the 21st century. Retaining its short, student-friendlychapters and practical approach, it’s an essential text for studentsstudying accounting for the first time.ContentsPart 1: The basic framework of accounting1. Entities and financial reporting standards2. International accounting: institutional framework and standards3. The nature and objectives of financial accounting4. Accounting principles, concepts and policies5. The conceptual framework of accounting6. Auditing, corporate governance and ethicsPart 2: Double-entry bookkeeping7. The accounting equation and its components8. Basic documentation and books of accounts9. The general ledger10. The balancing of accounts and the trial balance11. Day books and the journal12. The cash book13. The petty cash bookPart 3: Preparing final financial statements14. The final financial statements of sole traders (in brief)15. Depreciation and non-current assets16. Bad debts and provisions for bad debts17. Accruals and prepayments18. The preparation of final financial statements from the trial balancePart 4: Internal control and check19. The bank reconciliation statement20. Control accounts21. Errors and suspense accounts22. Single entry and incomplete recordsPart 5: Preparing final financial statements for manufacturingentities23. Inventory valuation24. Financial statements for manufacturing entitiesPart 6: Clubs25. The final financial statements of clubsPart 7: Partnerships26. The final financial statements of partnerships27. Changes in partnerships28. Partnership dissolution and conversion to company statusPart 8: Companies29. The nature of limited companies and their capital30. The final financial statements of limited companies31. Statement of cash flows32. The appraisal of company financial statements using ratio analysisExtra chapters available Online33. UK accounting: institutional framework and standards34. Changes in share capital35. An introduction to consolidated financial statements36. Value added tax, columnar books of prime entry and the payroll37. The role of computers in accounting38. Accounting for changing price levelsInternational editionFINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGA New PerspectiveBy Paul E. Solomon2004 / 768 pagesISBN: 9780071217187 [IE with PowerWeb] 1- Introduction to a Business: Cards & Memorabilia UnlimitedAppendix 1-1 Cards & Memorabilia UnlimitedChapter 2- Analyzing the Transactions of a BusinessChapter 3- Financial Statements and Their RelationshipsChapter 4- The Balance SheetChapter 5- Using the Balance Sheet to Make DecisionsChapter 6- The Income StatementChapter 7- Using the Income Statement to Make DecisionsChapter 8- The Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 9- The Accounting Process: Manual and ComputerizedSystems Appendix 9-1 Learning How to Use T-Account AnalysisChapter 10- Comparing Financial Statements by Entity and IndustryAppendix 10-1 Learning How to Read Consolidated Financial StatementsChapter 11- How Operating Activities Affect Financial StatementsChapter 12- How Investing Activities Affect Financial StatementsAppendix 12-1 Mastering Compound Interest Concepts (With Tables)Chapter 13- How Financing Activities Affect Financial StatementsAppendix 13-1 Measuring and Reporting Leases Appendix 13-2 Accountingfor Deferred Income TaxesChapter 14- Applying What You Have Learned To Analyze the GapAppendix 14-1 2001 Financial Information for the Gap, Inc. and forThe Limited, Inc. Appendix 14-3 Creating a Statement of Cash FlowsAppendix A Performance Objectives Appendix B Commonly UsedAccount Titles Appendix C Transactions A 1 through Z for Cards &Memorabilia Unlimited20
AccountingFinancial AccountingSupplementsEasy-to-follow review of financial accountingSupports all the major textbooks for financial accounting coursesSCHAUM’S EASY OUTLINE OFBOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTINGRevised EditionBy Joel Lerner, Sulivan County Community College2012 (September 2011) / 144 pagesISBN: 9780071779753A Schaum PublicationSchaum’s Easy Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting is a book forstudents looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview. This book is apared-down, simplified, and tightly focused version of its predecessor,Schaum’s Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting. With an emphasison clarity and brevity, this title features a streamlined and updatedformat and the absolute essence of the bookkeeping and accounting,presented in a concise and readily understandable form.Expert tips for mastering bookkeeping and accountingLast-minute essentials to pass the courseEasily-understood review of bookkeeping and accountingSupports all major textbooks for bookkeeping and accountingcoursesCovers all course fundamentals – supplements the major bookkeepingand accounting textbooksAppropriate for the following courses: Bookkeeping and Accounting,Principles of Accounting, Intermediate Accounting, FinancialAccountingSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF FINANCIALACCOUNTINGRevised 2nd EditionBy Jae K Shim, California State University and Joel G Siegel, QueensCollege2012 (October 2011) / 360 pagesISBN: 9780071762502A Schaum PublicationSchaum’s Outline of Financial Accounting mirrors the course in scopeand sequence to help enrolled students understand basic conceptsand offer extra practice on topics such as income statements, balancesheets, ledgers, debits, credits, financial statements, accruedexpenses, accrued revenue, condensed income statements, bankstatements, interest computation, and notes payable. Coveragealso includes current and noncurrent liabilities, bonds, stock splits,dividends, admitting a new partner, liquidating a partnership, solvencyratios, profitability ratios, cash and cash equivalents, and harmonizationof accounting standards.490 fully-solved problemsFull coverage of accounting concepts, principles, and toolsComplete self-testing examsSupports and supplements the leading textbooks in FinancialAccountingAppropriate for the following courses: Financial Accounting,Accounting for Management, Accounting Principles, Accounting I,Accounting IISCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF BOOKKEEPINGAND ACCOUNTING4th EditionBy Joel J. Lerner, Sullivan County Community College and Rajul Gokarn2010 (September 2009) / 480 pagesISBN: 9780071635363A Schaum PublicationSchaum’s Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting is the ideal reviewand reference for your accounting class. Inside you’ll find explanationsof the subject’s fundamentals and topics such as financial analysis,preparing cash flow statements, and the distinction between accountingfor perpetual and periodic inventory system. It also includes achapter on the most popular accounting software, which accountingstudents are expected to master before they graduate.Contents1. Assets, Liabilities, and Capital2. Debits and Credits: The Double-Entry System3. Journalizing and Posting Transactions4. Financial Statements5. Adjusting and Closing Procedures6. Computer Application: Peachtree Complete- Software Introduction7. Repetitive Transaction: The Sales and the Purchases Journals8. The Cash Journal9. Summarizing and Reporting via the Worksheet10. The Merchandising Company11. Costing Merchandise Inventory12. Pricing Merchandise13. Negotiable Instruments14. Controlling Cash15. Payroll16. Property, Plant, and Equipment: Depreciation17. The Partnership18. The CorporationREVIEW COPY(Available for course adoption only)To request for a review copy,• contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>representatives or,• fax the Review Copy Request Form foundin this catalog or,• e-mail your request or,• submit online at www.mheducation.asia21
AccountingManagerial AccountingGlobal editionNEW*9780078025419*2013 (January 2012) / 736 pagesISBN: 9780078025419ISBN: GE ISBN unavailable at press timeINTRODUCTIONTO MANAGERIALACCOUNTING6th EditionBy Peter C Brewer, Miami University ofOh-Oxford, Ray H Garrison, Brigham YoungUniversity-Provo and Eric Noreen, University ofWashingtonIntroduction to Managerial Accounting, 6/e by Brewer/Garrison/Noreen is based on the market-leading text, Managerial Accounting,by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer. Brewer 6e is a briefer, more accessible,and thoroughly student-friendly text that satisfies the basicneeds of the managerial accounting student without unnecessarydepth on advanced topics associated with the follow-up course costaccounting/cost management. Faculty and students alike will find thisnew edition has retained the hallmark features of the Garrison brand:author-written supplements, excellent readability, terrific examples,and balanced end-of-chapter material. In addition, Connect Accountingfor Brewer/Garrison/Noreen has been expanded with new learningresources for your students.New to this edition<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Connect Accounting offers a number of powerfultools and features to make managing assignments easier, so you canspend more time teaching. Students can engage with their courseworkanytime and anywhere, making the learning process more accessibleand efficient. In short, Connect Accounting facilitates student learningand optimizes your time and energies, enabling you to focus oncourse content, teaching, and student learning.• Create and deliver online, auto-graded homework assignments,quizzes, and tests directly from the end-of-chapter materials ortest bank. Problems are available as both static and algorithmicproblems, and there are also multiple-choice conceptual questions.• Students receive immediate, detailed feedback on their assignments,allowing them to focus on the areas where they needimprovement.• Questions mapped to AACSB and AICPA skill areas, Bloom’sTaxonomy levels, learning objectives, and difficulty level enableyou to run reports that assess specific learning outcomes.• NEW! LearnSmart ensures your students are learning faster, studyingmore efficiently, and retaining more knowledge. It pinpointsconcepts the student does not understand and maps out a personalizedstudy plan for success. Based on students’ self-diagnosesof their proficiency, LearnSmart intelligently provides studentswith a series of adaptive questions. This provides students with apersonalized one-on-one tutor experience.• NEW! Select key problems offer Guided Examples next to theassigned problems to show how to work through a similar problem.Students can learn from this video to then solve their ownassigned problems• NEW! Interactive Presentations teach the core learning objectivesof the text in a multimedia format, bringing the key concepts to life.• Detailed Feedback offers the option to present worked-out solutionsto the problem, showing the students each step of the process.Appropriate chapters and problems include calculator keystrokesolutions in addition to formulas.• A Self Quiz and Study program allows students to evaluate theirperformance through a practice test and then receive recommendationsfor specific readings from the text, supplemental studymaterial, and practice work that will improve their mastery of eachlearning objective.• Pre-built assignments are available to save you set up time.NEW! Chapter Updates• Chapter 1 (Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts) has beenrewritten to include coverage of mixed costs and contribution formatincome statements. The redundant coverage of the scheduleof cost of goods manufactured has been eliminated so that it isnow only covered in Chapter 2. The comparison of financial andmanagerial accounting has been moved to the Prologue.• Chapter 2 (Job-Order Costing) has added a cost formula approachto computing predetermined overhead rates.• Chapter 6 (Variable Costing and Segment Reporting: Tools forManagement) – the variable costing appendix has been expandedto an entire chapter. The coverage of segmented income statementshas been moved to this chapter.• Chapter 8 (Flexible Budgets, Standard Costs, and Variance Analysis)combines material from two chapters in the previous edition.It discusses flexible budgets and their application in service businesses.It also explains how standards can be used to separatespending variances into quantity and price variances.• Chapter 9 (Performance Measurement in Decentralized Organizations)has been reorganized, moving the segmented income statementsto an earlier chapter and adding nonfinancial performancemeasures to the chapter.• Chapter 12 (Statement of Cash Flows) has been completelyoverhauled to simplify the process of creating a statement of cashflows and to expand the discussion of how to interpret the statementof cash flows.NEW! “Helpful Hint” boxes are found several times throughouteach chapter and include a variety of common mistakes, key points,and “pulling it all together” insights for students.NEW! Each chapter now contains one “Foundational 15” exercisethat includes fifteen “building-block” questions related to one conciseset of data. These exercises can be used for in-class discussion oras homework assignments. They are found before the Exercises andare available in Connect Accounting.NEW! “Take Two” is a new end of chapter feature that provides asecond set of alternate numbers for selected exercises. The numberscan be plugged into the exercise, thereby providing instructors anoption to work out the same exercise more than once during class,sometimes showcasing a much different variation in the solution tofacilitate an additional learning opportunity. The alternate solutionscan be found in the instructor’s solutions manual.NEW! “Applying Excel” is a new end-of-chapter feature thatprovides students with an opportunity to build their own Excel worksheetsand formulas. Students are then asked “what if” questions inwhich they analyze how and why the related pieces of accountingdata affect each other. This feature will also be integrated in Connect. “Decision Point” boxes combine the “Decision Maker” and “YouDecide” boxes from previous editions into one feature that fosterscritical thinking and decision-making skills by providing real-worldbusiness scenarios that require resolution of a business issue. Thesuggested solution is located at the end of the chapter. (Example:Shoe Store Manager, Chapter 9.)Connect Plus Accounting. This packaging option combines allthe great features of Connect Accounting, along with access to anonline version of Introduction to Managerial Accounting, 6e, so thatstudents can easily refer back to the text for review and guidance.This media rich e-book links directly to tutorials and online resourcesand offers additional functionality like taking notes and highlightingkey passages for reviewing later.22
AccountingContentsPrologue: Managerial Accounting: An OverviewChapter 1: Managerial Accounting and Cost ConceptsChapter 2: Job-Order CostingChapter 3: Activity-Based CostingChapter 4: Process CostingChapter 5: Cost-Volume-Profit RelationshipsChapter 6: Variable Costing and Segment Reporting: Tools forManagementChapter 7: Profit PlanningChapter 8: Flexible Budgets, Standard Costs, and Variance AnalysisChapter 9: Performance Measurement in Decentralized OrganizationsChapter 10: Differential Analysis: The Key to Decision MakingChapter 11: Capital Budgeting DecisionsChapter 12: Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 13: Financial Statement AnalysisNEW *9780078111006*MANAGERIALAccOUNTING14th Edition2012 (January 2011) / 832 pagesISBN: Ray H Garrison, Brigham Young University-Provo, Eric Noreen, Univesity of Washingtonand Peter C Brewer, Miami University of Oh-OxfordAs the long-time #1 best-seller, Garrison has helped guide close to3 million students through managerial accounting since it was firstpublished. It identifies the three functions managers must performwithin their organizations—plan operations, control activities, andmake decisions—and explains what accounting information isnecessary for these functions, how to collect it, and how to interpretit. Garrison’s Managerial Accounting is known for its relevance, accuracy,and clarity. It is also unique in that the authors write the mostimportant supplements that accompany the book: solutions manual,test bank, instructor’s manual, and study guide – making them bothof high quality and extremely consistent with the textbook.New to this editionApplying Excel: This new feature, which has been added toChapters 2-13 of the text and Connect Accounting, gives studentsthe opportunity to practice using Excel formulas to build their ownworksheets. They are then asked a series of “what if” questions, all ofwhich illustrate the relationship among various pieces of accountingdata. The Applying Excel feature links directly to the concepts introducedin the chapter, providing students with an invaluable opportunityto apply what they have learned using a software they will usethroughout their careers, whether they become an accountant or not.Chapter 1: This chapter has been completely overhauled to helpall business students better understand why managerial accountingis relevant to their future careers.Chapter 2: This chapter has been extensively rewritten to includecoverage of mixed costs and contribution format income statements.The redundant coverage of the schedule of cost of goods manufacturedhas been eliminated so that it is now only covered in the JobOrder Costing chapter. The comparison of financial and managerialaccounting has been moved to Chapter 1.Chapter 14: This chapter has been completely overhauled tosimplify the process of creating a statement of cash flows.In Business boxes and End-of-Chapter material: revised<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Connect Accounting: In addition to Self-Quiz andStudy, the 14th edition of Garrison Connect Accounting offers newgame-changing features including LearnSmart and Guided Examples.Contents1. Managerial Accounting: An Overview2. Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts3. Job-Order Costing4. Process Costing5. Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships6. Variable Costing and Segment Reporting: Tools for Management7. Activity-Based Costing: A Tool to Aid Decision Making8. Profit Planning9. Flexible Budgets and Performance Analysis10. Standard Costs and Variances11. Performance Measurement in Decentralized Organizations12. Differential Analysis: The Key to Decision Making13. Capital Budgeting Decisions14. Statement of Cash Flows15. Financial Statement AnalysisAppendix A Pricing Products and ServicesAppendix B Profitability AnalysisInternational editionFUNDAMENTAL MANAGERIALACCOUNTING CONCEpts6th EditionBy Thomas P Edmonds, University of Alabama at Birmingham, PhilipR Olds, Virginia Commonwealth University, Bor-Yi Tsay, University ofAlaabama at Birmingham2011 (September 2010) / 704 pagesISBN: 9780078110894ISBN: 9780071220729 [IE] Overview: Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts6th edition is intended for the managerial accounting course takenprimarily by sophomores at both two and four year schools. Adoptersof Edmonds’ Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts may beinterested in this text for their managerial courses. This book is alsoa fit for schools moving away from Principles of Accounting texts tosplits and/or schools that find their current text to be too encyclopedicand would like a text integrating a more user-oriented perspective.Title Overview: Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts 6thedition by Edmonds/Edmonds/Tsay/Olds focuses on concepts thatare isolated and introduced in a logical sequence. The authors intentionallylimit the scope of the material to help students build a solidfoundation of the most important concepts in managerial accounting.Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts 6th edition is organizedin a distinctive way, particularly in the first six chapters. Theobjective is to establish a coherent, integrative framework that enablesstudents to build knowledge in stepwise fashion. The authors’ goalis for students to understand the underlying principles of accounting,not just memorize content.ContentsChapter 1 Management Accounting and Corporate GovernanceChapter 2 Cost Behavior, Operating Leverage, and ProfitabilityAnalysisChapter 3 Analysis of Cost, Volume, and Pricing to Increase ProfitabilityChapter 4 Cost Accumulation, Tracing, and AllocationChapter 5 Cost Management in an automated Business Environment:ABC, ABM and TQMChapter 6 Relevant Information for Special Decisions (Previously23
AccountingChapter 5)Chapter 7 Planning for Profit and Cost ControlChapter 8 Performance EvaluationChapter 9 Responsibility AccountingChapter 10 Planning for Capital InvestmentsChapter 11 Product Costing in Service and Manufacturing EntitiesChapter 12 Job-Order, Process, and Hybrid Costing SystemsChapter 13 Financial Statement AnalysisChapter 14 Statement of Cash FlowsAppendixGlossaryPhoto CreditsIndexNEW*9780071088015*2011 (April 2011) / 888 pagesISBN: 9780071088015An Asian ACCOUNTINGAn Asian PerspectiveBy Ray H. Garrison, Eric Noreen, Peter Brewer,Cheng Nam Seng (Singapore ManagementUniversity) and Katherine Yuen (SingaporeManagement University)Managerial Accounting: An Asian Perspective builds on the foundationof the market leading text, Managerial Accounting by Garrison,Noreen, and Brewer. It identifies the three functions managers mustperform within their organizations—plan operations, control activities,and make decisions—and explains what accounting information isnecessary for these functions, how to collect it, and how to interpretit. Faculty and students alike will find this new edition has retained thehallmark features: author-written supplements, excellent readability,terrific examples, and balanced end-of-chapter material.FeaturesChange of Chapter Flow: The 2 chapters on Systems Design(Chapter 3 Systems Design: Job-Ordering Costing and Chapter 4Systems Design: Process Costing) are moved to chapters 8 and 9,after the discussion on Activity-Based Costing. This change of chapterflow would highlight Activity-based costing being an important foundationthat could be mixed with Job-order and Process costing methodsto form activity-based job costing and activity-based process costing.New Chapter: Even with activity-based costing system, someorganization-level activities may still be allocated judgmentally.Furthermore, cost allocations are problems that consume much ofmanagement’s time to resolve. Therefore, this new edition highlightscost allocation in a new Chapter 6, moving it from 2 appendices (4B& 12B) previously.New Asian companies, examples and cases are included inIn Business boxes and chapter opening Business Focus feature.Examples of Asian companies include Japan Airlines, Temasek Holdings,Bank of Thailand, Disney Hong Kong, Samsung Electronics etc.New frameworks and approaches are introduced as alternativesto explain concepts and workings. Traditional workings/approachesare retained to give instructors an option to continue their existingmethod or adopt the alternative systematic approach.• A simpler method for calculating multiproduct breakeven pointusing the concept of breakeven percentage of sales in Chapter 4.• Included the dual method of cost allocation in Chapter 6, giving acomprehensive view of cost allocation techniques.• A tabulated format for ABC calculation to encourage students tofollow a systematic approach in addressing the topic in Chapter 7.• A systematic tabulated format to help student solve easy or complicatedprocess costing exercises in Chapter 9• A modified easy to use technique for variance calculations inChapter 12 to help readers solve and modify variance calculationsfor future real life problems.• The Value to Business (Owners) also known as Deprival Valuemodel in Chapter 14 to help assess the true value of assets in thedecision making process.New exercises: The authors have written new exercises forevery chapter (with suggested answers) at different challenging levels(easy, intermediate and difficult) and formats (MCQ, short questionsor long questions). These questions are in general more challengingand relevant to the Asia-Pacific environment. They will be availableto adopters in the instructor resource CD.CONTENTSAbout the AuthorsLet Garrison be Your GuidePowerful PedagogyNew Asian ContentInstructor SupplementsStudent SupplementsAcknowledgmentsChap 1: Managerial Accounting and the Business EnvironmentChap 2: Managerial Accounting and Cost ConceptsChap 3: Cost Behavior: Analysis and UseChap 4: Cost-Volume: Profit RelationshipsChap 5: Variable Costing: A Tool for ManagementChap 6: Cost AllocationChap 7: Activity-Based Costing: A Tool to Aid Decision MakingChap 8: Systems Design: Job-Order CostingChap 9: Systems Design: Process CostingChap 10: Profit PlanningChap 11: Flexible Budgets and Performance AnalysisChap 12: Standard Costs and Operating Performance MeasuresChap 13: Segment Reporting, Decentralization, and the BalancedScorecardChap 14: Relevant Costs for Decision MakingChap 15: Capital Budgeting DecisionsAppendix A: Pricing Products and ServicesAppendix B: Profitability AnalysisGlobal editionMANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING9th EditionBy Ronald W Hilton, Cornell University-Ithaca2011 (October 2010) / 832 pagesISBN: 9780078110917ISBN: 9780071220866 [GE] - Pub April emphasis of Managerial Accounting, 9th edition is on teachingstudents to use accounting information to best manage an organization.In a practice Hilton pioneered in the first edition, each chapteris written around a realistic business or focus company that guidesthe reader through the topics of that chapter. Known for balancedexamples of Service, Retail, Nonprofit and Manufacturing companies,Hilton offers a clear, engaging writing style that has been praisedby instructors and students alike. As in previous editions, there issignificant coverage of contemporary topics such as activity-basedcosting, target costing, the value chain, customer profitability analysis,and throughput costing while also including traditional topics such as24
Accountingjob-order costing, budgeting and performance evaluation.ContentsChapter 1 The Changing Role of Managerial Accounting in a DynamicBusiness EnvironmentChapter 2 Basic Cost Management Concepts and Accounting forMass Customization OperationsChapter 3 Product Costing and Cost Accumulation in a Batch ProductionEnvironmentChapter 3 Appendix Activity-Based Costing: An IntroductionChapter 4 Process Costing and Hybrid Product-Costing SystemsChapter 5 Activity-Based Costing and ManagementChapter 5 Appendix Just-in-Time Inventory and Production ManagementChapter 6 Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost EstimationChapter 6 Appendix Least-Squares Regression Using Microsoft ExcelChapter 7 Cost-Volume-Profit AnalysisChapter 7 Appendix Effect of Income TaxesChapter 8 Absorption and Variable CostingChapter 9 Profit Planning and Activity-Based BudgetingChapter 10 Standard Costing, Operational Performance Measuresand the Balanced ScorecardChapter 10 Appendix Use of Standard Costs for Product CostingChapter 11 Flexible Budgeting and the Management of Overheadand Support Activity CostsChapter 11 Appendix A Standard Costs and Product CostingChapter 11 Appendix B Sales VariancesChapter 12 Responsibility Accounting, Quality Control and EnvironmentalCost ManagementChapter 13 Investment Centers and Transfer PricingChapter 14 Decision Making: Relevant Costs and BenefitsChapter 14 Appendix Linear ProgrammingChapter 15 Target Costing and Cost Analysis for Pricing DecisionsChapter 16 Capital Expenditure DecisionsChapter 16 Appendix A Future Value and Present Value TablesChapter 16 Appendix B Impact of InflationChapter 17 Allocation of Support Activity Costs and Joint CostsChapter 17 Appendix Reciprocal-Services MethodAppendix I The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Internal Controls, and ManagementAccountingAppendix II Compound Interest and the Concept of Present ValueAppendix III Inventory ManagementReferences for In their Own WordsGlossaryPhoto CreditsIndex of Companies and OrganizationsIndex of SubjectsAll Global Editions areadapted to better meet theneeds of courses outsidethe United States.Please contact your localsales representative formore details.NEW2011 (August 2011)ISBN: 9780071016650<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia*9780071016650*MANAGEMENTACCOUNTING & CONNECTPLUS6th EditionKim Langfield-Smith, Monash University, HelenThorne, University of South Australia and RonaldW Hilton, Cornell University-IthacaManagement Accounting: Information for Creating and ManagingValue 6e explains the contemporary role of management accountingin organisations and demonstrates how it creates and enhancesvalue for shareholders. This text has been developed using majorcases based on real Australian businesses and includes numerousillustrations of current management accounting practices of organisationsin Australia, New Zealand and the wider Asia-Pacific region.It takes a broad perspective in viewing management accounting asthe efficient and effective use of resources, supporting managers inthe improvement of customer and shareholder value. The strategicand topical focus has been further developed and strengthened, newquestions have been added, text-flow streamlined and extensive revisionshave been made to capital expenditure decisions, activity andtarget-based costings, corporate social responsibility, and supply chainmanagement. Respected authors, a clear writing style and a wealthof features that reference the management accounting practices ofreal-life companies have made Management Accounting the mostpopular management accounting text in Australia.New to this editionMaterial on processes and techniques to improve value andcompetitiveness.Extensive range of review questions and exercisesCoverage of emerging issues and focus on the dominant Australianservice sectorContentsPart 1 Introduction to Management Accounting1.Management accounting: information for creating value and managingresources2.Management accounting: cost terms and conceptsPart 2: Costs and Costing Systems3. Cost and costing systems4. Product costing systems5. Process costing and operation costing6. Service costing7. A closer look at overhead costs8. Activity-based costingPart 3: Information for Managing Resources9. Budgeting systems10. Standard costs for control: direct material and direct labour11. Standard costs for control: flexible budgets and manufacturingoverhead12. Financial performance reports and transfer pricing13. Financial performance measures for investment centres andreward systems14. Contemporary approaches to measuring and managing performance15. Suppliers and customers16. Managing costs and qualityPart 4: Information for creating value17. Sustainability and management accounting25
Accounting18. Cost volume profit analysis19. Information for tactical decisions20. Pricing and product mix decisions21. Information for capital expenditure decisionsUK AdaptationNEW*9780077129897*International editionMANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING FORMANAGERS2nd EditionBy Eric Noreen, University of Washington, Peter C Brewer, Miami Universityof OH-Oxford and Ray H Garrison, Brigham Young University-Provo2011 (January 2010) / 672 pagesISBN: 9780073527130ISBN: 9780071221085 [IE] Accounting for Managers, 2nd Edition by Noreen/Brewer/Garrison is based on the market-leading text, Managerial Accounting,by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer. The Noreen book was created toserve customers who do not wish to teach the financial accountingorientedcontent that is included in the Garrison book. Of our threebooks (the Brewer book, the Garrison book, and the Noreen book),the Noreen book is the most pure management accounting textbook.The other two books have greater amounts of financial accountingcontent. Managerial Accounting for Managers, 2nd Edition is gearedtowards professors who love Garrison’s market-leading managerialaccounting content, but have been bothered by the debits and creditsincluded in the book. It includes the same coverage of managerialaccounting topics such as Relevant Costs for Decision Making, CapitalBudgeting Decisions, and Segment Reporting and Decentralizationwithout the journal entries. The job-order costing chapter has beenextensively rewritten to remove all journal entries. Furthermore, thechapters dealing with process costing, the statement of cash flows,and financial statement analysis have been dropped to enableprofessors to focus their attention on the bedrocks of managerialaccounting—planning, control, and decision making.ContentsChapter 1: Managerial Accounting and the Business and EnvironmentChapter 2: Managerial Accounting and Cost ConceptsChapter 3: Cost Behavior: Analysis and UseChapter 4: Cost-Volume-Profit RelationshipsChapter 5: Systems Design: Job-Order CostingChapter 6: Variable Costing: A Tool for ManagementChapter 7: Activity-Based Costing: A Tool to Aid Decision MakingChapter 8: Profit PlanningChapter 9: Flexible Budgets and Performance AnalysisChapter 10: Standard Costs and Operating Performance MeasuresChapter 11: Segment Reporting, Decentralization, and the BalancedScorecardChapter 12: Relevant Costs for Decision MakingChapter 13: Capital Budgeting DecisionsAppendix A: Pricing Products and ServicesAppendix B: Profitability AnalysisMANAGEMENTACCOUNTING4th Edition2011 (December 2011) / 896 pagesISBN: 9780077129897<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK Will Seal, Loughborough University BusinessSchool, UKManagement Accounting offers the ideal balance between technicaland conceptual approaches to Management Accounting. With itscomprehensive coverage and focus on assessment material andapplication, this new edition is an essential core text for undergraduateaccounting students and flexible enough to be used across avariety of levels.ContentsPart I: An introduction to management accountingChapter 1: Accounting and decision making in businessPart II: Cost and revenues for decision makingChapter 2: Cost terms and conceptsChapter 3: Short-term decision making: cost-volume-profit relationshipsChapter 4: Relevant costs for decision makingChapter 5: The principles of cost allocation: full costingChapter 6: Activity-based costingChapter 7: Pricing, target costing and transfer pricingPart III: Business planning and organizational controlChapter 8: Profit planning and controlling: budgetingChapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysisChapter 10: Long-term decision making: capital investment appraisalChapter 11: Strategic management accounting and the balancedscorecardChapter 12: Performance measurement and management control insegmented organizationsChapter 13: Management control and business process improvement26
AccountingNEW *9780077126728*2011 (March 2011)ISBN: 9780077126728<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK FORBUSINESS DECISIONSBy Will Seal, Loughborough University BusinessSchool, UKWritten with the decision maker in mind, this new text from ProfessorWill Seal, author of the highly successful Management Accounting,takes a practical, real-world approach to the subject. Suitable forone or two semester courses, the text is aimed at both specialist andnon-specialist students at an introductory level. The book providesconcise and manageable coverage of key topics and theory, and issupported by contemporary examples from both the manufacturingand services industries, ensuring it is relevant and engaging to bothtoday’s students and tomorrow’s decision makers.CONTENTSAn introduction to management accountingChapter 1: Accounting and decision making in businessCost and revenues for decision makingChapter 2: Cost terms and conceptsChapter 3: Short-term decision making: cost-volume-profit relationshipsChapter 4: Relevant costs for decision makingChapter 5: The principles of cost allocation: full costingChapter 6: Activity-based costingChapter 7: Pricing, target costing and transfer pricingBusiness planning and organizational controlChapter 8: Profit planning and controlling: budgetingChapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysisChapter 10: Long-term decision making: capital investment appraisalChapter 11: Strategic management accounting and the balancedscorecardChapter 12: Performance measurement and management control insegmented organizationsChapter 13: Management control and business process improvementInternational editionMANAGERIAL ACCOUNTINGBy Stacey M Whitecotton, Arizona State University-Tempe, PatriciaLibby, Ithaca College, Robert Libby, Cornell University-Ithaca and FredPhillips, University of Saskatchewan2011 (January 2010) / 672 pagesISBN: 9780078110771ISBN: 9780071221214 [IE] line: Teaching Managerial Accounting in the Context of Business-Whitecotton 1e addresses the reality of students taking the managerialaccounting course: the majority of them will not become accountingmajors and accountants; instead they will use accounting informationin their professional lives to make business decisions. Therefore, thegreatest challenges instructors have are to engage these studentsin the managerial accounting course, keep the students motivatedthroughout the course, and teach them accounting in a way thatconnects conceptual understanding to the real world, so students willbe able to analyze and apply their managerial accounting knowledgesuccessfully in careers as managers in the world of business. Whitecotton1e will engage and motivate students by presenting accountingin the context of real, recognizable companies like Starbucks, Mattel,and Tombstone Pizza, then integrate those companies throughoutthe chapters. This will allow students to see accounting informationbeing used to make real business decisions in companies that arepart of their lives, helping them connect their learning to the real world.CONTENTS1. Introduction to Managerial Accounting2. Job-Order Costing3. Process Costing4. Activity-Based Cost Management5. Cost Behavior and Estimation6. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis7. Incremental Analysis for Short-Term Decision Making8. Capital Budgeting for Long-Term Investment Decisions9. Budgeting and Planning10. Controlling with Standard Costs and Variances11. Decentralized Performance Evaluation and the Balanced Scorecard12. Statement of Cash Flows13. Financial Statement AnalysisInternational editionINTRODUCTION TO MANAGERIALACCOUNTING5th EditionBy Peter C Brewer, Miami University of Oh-Oxford, Ray H Garrison,Brigham Young University-Provo and Eric Noreen, University of Washington2010 (September 2009) / 672 pagesISBN: 9780073527079ISBN: 9780070181915 [IE] to Managerial Accounting, 5/e by Brewer/Garrison/Noreenis based on the market-leading text, Managerial Accounting, by Garrison,Noreen and Brewer. However, this is not simply a briefer bookwith chapters removed; Brewer 5e has been rethought and retooledto meet the needs of the market. Brewer 5e is a more accessible,yet thoroughly student-friendly text that satisfies the basic needs ofthe managerial accounting student without unnecessary depth onadvanced topics associated with the follow-up course: cost accounting/costmanagement. Faculty and students alike will find this newedition has retained the hallmark features of the Garrison brand:author-written supplements, excellent readability, terrific examples,and balanced end-of-chapter material.ContentsPrologue: Managerial Accounting and the Business EnvironmentChapter 1: Managerial Accounting and Cost ConceptsChapter 2: Systems Design: Job-Order CostingChapter 3: Systems Design: Activity-Based CostingChapter 4: Systems Design: Process CostingChapter 5: Cost Behavior: Analysis and UseChapter 6: Cost-Volume-Profit RelationshipsChapter 7: Profit PlanningChapter 8: Flexible Budgets and Performance AnalysisChapter 9: Standard CostsChapter 10: Segment Reporting, Decentralization, and the BalancedScorecardChapter 11: Relevant Costs for Decision MakingChapter 12: Capital Budgeting DecisionsChapter 13: “How Well Am I Doing?” Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 14: “How Well Am I Doing?” Financial Statement Analysis27
AccountingMANAGEMENT ACCOUNTINGRevised Edition, 3rd EditionBy Bill Neish, Macquarie University and Alan Banks, Grafton College ofTAFE2010 (November 2010) / 672 pagesISBN: 9780070278448<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia revised edition of Management Accounting is an invaluableresource for students of Certificate IV Financial Services (Accounting),Diploma of Accounting and Advanced Diploma of Accountingin the FNS10 financial services training package. Featuring a newuser-friendly layout and writing style with updated revision exercises,this text is ideal for VET-level management accounting students.Chapter 11. Costing and Control of Administrative, Selling and DistributionOverheadsChapter 12. Activity Based Costing SystemChapter 13. Job-Order, Batch and Service CostingChapter 14. Process, Joint and By-Product CostingChapter 15. Variable Costing and Absorption (Full) CostingChapter 16. Volume-Cost-Profit AnalysisChapter 17. Budgeting and Profit PlanningChapter 18. Standard Costs and Quality CostsChapter 19. Cost Variance AnalysisChapter 20. Revenue and Profit Variance AnalysisChapter 21. Responsibility AccountingChapter 22. Short-Run Decision AnalysisChapter 23. Capital BudgetingKEY FeaturesMapped to the relevant competencies of the FNS10 FinancialServices Training PackageUser-friendly writing style and layout to increase readabilityA wealth of self-test questions, end-of-chapter review questionsand easy-to-follow examples to assist students with practiceand revisionAdditional practice and review exercises are available on theOnline Learning CentreScopeThe book is mapped to the relevant core and elective competenciesof the FNS10 financial services training package and covers:FNSACCT402B Produce job costing information—core unit forCertificate IV Financial Services (Accounting)FNSACCT507B Provide management accounting information—core unit for Diploma of AccountingFNSACCT613B Prepare and analyse management accountinginformation—elective unit for Advanced Diploma of AccountingMANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING5th EditionBy MY Khan, University of Delhi and PK Jain, Indiana Institute ofTechnology-Delhi2009ISBN: 9780070681965<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India TitleThis new edition provides a penetrating and comprehensive analysisof the concepts, theories, and techniques in a simple lucid style inthe frame work of Indian business environment. The subject matterof this volume is woven round the application of accounting informationfor decision making both about a firm and as well as by a firm.ContentsChapter 1. Nature of Management AccountingChapter 2. Generally accepted Accounting Principles and AccountingStandardsChapter 3. Accounting Cycle and Statements of Financial InformationChapter 4. Understanding Corporate Financial Statements andReportsChapter 5. Cash Flow StatementChapter 6. Financial Statements AnalysisChapter 7. Cost Concepts and Management NeedsChapter 8. Costing and Control of MaterialsChapter 9. Costing and Control of LabourChapter 10. Costing and Control of Factory (Manufacturing) OverheadsManagerial AccountingSupplementsSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF MANAGERIALACCOUNTINGRevised 2nd EditionBy Jae K Shim, California State University and Joel G Siegel, QueensCollege2012 (September 2011) / 384 pagesISBN: 9780071762526A Schaum PublicationSchaum’s Outline of Managerial Accounting mirrors the course inscope and sequence to help enrolled students understand basicconcepts and offer extra practice on topics such as cost classifications,income statements, balance sheets, analysis of cost behavior,target income volume, margin of safety, break-even, and CVP analysisassumptions. Coverage also includes the make-or-buy decision,the sell-or-process-further decision, utilization of scarce resources,standard costs, variance analysis, fixed overhead variances, transferpricing, and capital budgeting techniques.490 fully-solved problemsInformation on costing, capital budgeting, quality, variances,and inventoryExcellent preparation for the CPA, CMA, SMA, and CGA examsSupports and supplements the leading textbooks in ManagerialAccountingAppropriate for the following courses: Management Accounting,Cost Accounting, Accounting for Management, Managerial AccountingEasy-to-follow review of managerial accountingSupports all the major textbooks for managerial accountingcourses28
AccountingComputerized AccountingNEW*9780078025341*COMPUTER ACCOUNTING WITHQUICKBOOKS PRO 201214th EditionBy Donna Kay, Maryville University2013 (February 2012) / 768 pagesISBN: 9780078025341(Details unavailable at press time)NEW*9780078025358*COMPUTER ACCOUNTING WITHPEACHTREE COMPLETE 2012Release 19.0, 16th EditionBy Carol Yacht, Peachtree Consultant2013 (March 2012) / 704 pagesISBN: 9780078025358(Details unavailable at press time)NEW*9780078025570*COMPUTER ACCOUNTING ESSENTIALSUSING QUICKBOOKS PRO 20126th EditionBy Carol Yacht, Peachtree Consultant and Susan Crosson, Santa FECollege2013 (March 2012) / 256 pagesISBN: 9780078025570(Details unavailable at press time)COMPUTER ACCOUNTING WITHQUICKBOOKS PRO 2011MP - wQBPremAccCD, with Student CD,13th EditionBy Donna Kay, Maryville University2012 (March 2011) / 704 pagesISBN: a hands-on approach, Computer Accounting with Quick<strong>Books</strong>®2011 integrates understanding accounting with mastery of Quick<strong>Books</strong>software. The text provides proven instructional techniques based onaction research throughout the new edition to make students masteryof Quick<strong>Books</strong> as effortless as possible. The Thirteenth Edition offersa complete package to learn the leading small business accountingsoftware: Quick<strong>Books</strong> software, comprehensive text, Student Blog,and LIVE Projects.The text uses a highly effective three-step approach that aids studentsin constructing their own customized learning based on whatthey already know:1. Chapter Tutorials. Providing numerous screen shots and detailedinstructions, chapters in Computer Accounting with Quick<strong>Books</strong> aredesigned as tutorials for the student to initially learn the accountingsoftware features. All chapters are based on realistic, virtual companycases to enhance your understanding of the business environment inwhich Quick<strong>Books</strong> is used. YouTube videos @ reinforce chapter tutorials.2. Learning Activities. To improve long-term retention of student softwareskills and mastery of Quick<strong>Books</strong>, learning activities are includedat the end of the chapters. Designed with fewer instructions to test theunderstanding and, when needed, to develop skills at quickly seekingout additional information to complete tasks, the activities consist ofexercises, projects and web quests. JIT Learning, the ability to seekout information as needed, is an increasingly important skill in arapidly changing business environment. Computer Accounting withQuick<strong>Books</strong> is designed to seamlessly facilitate your development ofthis crucial skill. In addition, the virtual cases challenge you to applyand develop both software and problem-solving skills.3. Reflection. Reflection improves learning and retention. A reflectionexercise, A Wish and A Star, appears at the end of each chapter tohighlight what the student has learned.New to this editionSame Author, New Name: Donna Ulmer is now Donna Kay: Don’tlet the name change fool you, this text is written by the same marketleading author just like the previous 12 editions.New for Instructors! Quick<strong>Books</strong> Grade Assistant automaticallygrades selected Quick<strong>Books</strong> assignments (labeled with *).New! Expanded assignments 12 new Quick<strong>Books</strong> projects and4 Quick<strong>Books</strong> cases are incorporated throughout this new editionof the text.Go Paperless. Consistent with the sustainability and cost reductioninitiatives on many college campuses, this edition offers threeoptions for going paperless with Quick<strong>Books</strong>.Live Project: Quick<strong>Books</strong> in Action. Chapter 13 guides youthrough the development of an authentic Quick<strong>Books</strong> application thatcan be used as a capstone project or as a service learning projectfor a not-for-profit. By integrating and synthesizing skills learned inthe course, the Quick<strong>Books</strong> in Action project provides you with aneffective mastery opportunity and bolsters your resume with professionalexperience.A 140 day student trial edition of the Quick<strong>Books</strong> software comespackaged in the inside back cover of the text. The software allows thestudent to do the various projects and exercises in the book from theirhome computer. There are no limitations to the product functionalitywithin those 140 days.The book can be used with Quick<strong>Books</strong> Pro and Quick<strong>Books</strong>Accountant. The new edition is geared towards both versions ofQuick<strong>Books</strong>. This edition the book comes with Quick<strong>Books</strong> Accountantinstead of Quick<strong>Books</strong> Pro.ContentsSection I: Exploring Quick<strong>Books</strong> with Rock Castle Construction1 Quick Tour of Quick<strong>Books</strong> Pro 20102 Customizing Quick<strong>Books</strong> and the Chart of Accounts3 Banking4 Customers and Sales5 Vendors, Purchases, and Inventory6 Employees and Payroll7 Reports and GraphsSection II: Small Business Accounting with Quick<strong>Books</strong> 20108 New Company Setup9 Accounting for a Service Company10 Merchandising Corporation: Sales, Purchases, and Inventory29
Accounting11 Merchandising Corporation: Payroll12 Advanced Quick<strong>Books</strong> Features for Accountants13 Quick<strong>Books</strong> in Action: An Authentic ProjectSection III: Quick GuideQuick<strong>Books</strong> SoftwareCompany CommandsChart of AccountsCustomer TransactionsVendor TransactionsEmployee TransactionsBanking TransactionsEntriesReportsMicrosoft Office and Quick<strong>Books</strong>Section IV: Quick<strong>Books</strong> ExtrasAppendix A Install & Register Quick<strong>Books</strong> SoftwareAppendix B Back Up and Restore Quick<strong>Books</strong> FilesAppendix C Troubleshooting Quick<strong>Books</strong>Appendix D Electronic DeliverablesAppendix E Quick<strong>Books</strong> for MacAppendix F Quick<strong>Books</strong> BlogNEW*9780077505035*COMPUTER ACCOUNTINGWITH PEACHTREE BY SAGECOMPLETE ACCOUNTING2011Release 19.0, 15th EditionBy Carol Yacht, Peachtree Consultant2012 (February 2011) / 704 pagesISBN: Yacht’s Peachtree textbook is the market leader because herpedagogy is unmatched—she incorporates real-world businesses;step-by step-directions; numerous screen illustrations; challengingexercises and projects; and a website with additional resources. InComputer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting2011, 15th Edition, you learn about the relationship betweenPeachtree software and fundamental accounting principles, procedures,and business processes. The primary goal is for the studentto have a working familiarity with the software after completingthe course with this text. Computer Accounting with Peachtree bySage Complete Accounting 2011, 15th Edition, teaches you howto use Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 software. For morethan 35 years , Peachtree by Sage has produced award-winningaccounting software. Over 6.2 million customers use Sage softwareproducts. More than 13,000 employees work for Sage ( The Sage family of software products,which includes Peachtree Complete Accounting, is the leading globalsupplier of business management solutions and services. For moreinformation about Sage’s worldwide community, refer to page xxxii.In the United States and Canada, Peachtree is used by more than3.1 million businesses. Each year, tens of thousands of customerschoose accountant-recommended Peachtree by Sage for their businessneeds. Why? Because Peachtree helps you do more to supportthe success of your business. Industries that use Peachtree includeretail stores, healthcare, human resources/payroll, construction/realestate, transport/distribution, payment processing, not-for-profit,manufacturing, public utilities, legal, medical, and accounting firms.ContentsPart 1: Exploring Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011Chapter 1: Introduction to Bellwether Garden SupplyChapter 2: VendorsChapter 3: CustomersChapter 4: EmployeesChapter 5: General Ledger, Inventory, and Internal ControlChapter 6: Job CostChapter 7: Financial StatementsChapter 8: Stone Arbor Landscaping—Time and billingPart 2: Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 for Service BusinessesChapter 9: New Company Setup and Beginning BalancesChapter 10: Maintaining Accounting Records for Services BusinessesChapter 11: Completing Quarterly Activities and Closing the FiscalYearProject 1: Susan Watson, AccountingProject 1A: Student-Designed Service BusinessPart 3: Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 for MerchandisingBusinessesChapter 12: Vendors & PurchasesChapter 13: Customers & SalesChapter 14: Inventory & ServicesChapter 15: Employees, Payroll, and Account ReconciliationProject 2: Mountain SportsProject 2A: Student-Designed Merchandising BusinessPart 4: Advanced Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011 ApplicationsChapter 16: Customizing FormsChapter 17: Import/ExportChapter 18: Microsoft Word and TemplatesProject 3: Atlanta Computer ClubProject 4: ML Manufacturing, Inc.Project 4A: Student-Designed ProjectAppendix A: TroubleshootingAppendix B: Accounting Information SystemsAppendix C: Review of Accounting PrinciplesAppendix D: Glossarycomputer accounting essentialsusing quickbooks PRO 20115th EditionBy Carol Yacht, Peachtree Consultant and Susan Crosson, Santa Fe College2011 (April 2010) / 224 pagesISBN:<strong>Books</strong> Pro 2010 Essentials is an accessible, step-by-step guideto installing, using and mastering the most widely used software forsmall businesses. Supportive pedagogy helps students develop astrong working knowledge of Quick<strong>Books</strong> Pro. This book focuses onthe basic business processes of the software and teaches studentsstep-by-step how to set up and run a merchandising corporation.ContentsChapter 1: Software Installation and Creating a New CompanyChapter 2: Exploring Quick<strong>Books</strong>Chapter 3: New Company Setup for a Merchandising BusinessChapter 4: Working with Inventory, Vendors, and CustomersChapter 5: Accounting Cycle and Year EndChapter 6: First Month of the New YearProject 1: Your Name Hardware StoreProject 2: Student-Designed Merchandising BusinessAppendix A: Review of Accounting Principles30
AccountingCOMPUTER ACCOUNTING USING MYOBBUSINESS SOFTWAREVersion 19.5, 13th EditionBy Bill Neish, Macquarie University and George Kahwati, NorthernSydney Institute of TAFE2010 (November 2010) / 848 pagesISBN: 9780070279070<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia Accounting Using MYOB Business Software is the ideallearning resource for all students and professionals taking their firststeps with MYOB, whether in a classroom-based or self-pacedlearning environment. The thirteenth edition of the text is written forMYOB AccountRight Plus v19, MYOB AssetManager Pro v3.5 andMYOB AccountRight Enterprise v19. This new edition gives studentsa thorough understanding of MYOB business software, and theexpertise and confidence to use it in their professional lives. Thisbook will prove useful to all levels of users from those with little orno accounting knowledge to qualified accountants. For providers ofaccredited courses, assessment material is provided at the end ofeach chapter. Some assessment material is cumulative to allow formodule integration and re-enforcement of material covered in previouschapters. The authors have maintained the user-friendly styleof previous editions, with clear step-by-step instructions, abundantMYOB screen images, competency skills checklists, self-test questionsand answers, and concise practical examples.Key FeaturesRevised and updated to incorporate instructions for the featuresof MYOB AccountRight Plus v19 including payroll functions, 2010 taxtables, and numerous other smaller changes), MYOB AssetManagerPro v3.5 and MYOB AccountRight Enterprise v19NEW: 100 videos taking learners step-by step through the mostcommon and important functions (on CD)A wealth of screenshots and clear step-by-step instructions for afull understanding of new and existing features of MYOB v19User-friendly writing style enables students to process informationeasilyCompetency skills checklists, self-test questions and practicalexamples assist student comprehensionScopeComputer Accounting Using MYOB Business Software is writtenfor MYOB Accounting Plus v19, MYOB AssetManager Pro v3.5 andMYOB AccountRight Enterprise v19.REVIEW COPY(Available for course adoption only)To request for a review copy,• contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>representatives or,• fax the Review Copy Request Form foundin this catalog or,• e-mail your request or,• submit online at www.mheducation.asiaIntermediate AccountingNEW*9780078025327*INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING7th EditionBy J David Spiceland, University of Memphis, James Sepe, Santa ClaraUniversity, Mark W Nelson, Cornell University-Ithaca2013 (July 2012) / 1280 pagesISBN: 9780078025327ISBN: 9780077446499 (Volume 1, Chapters 1-12)ISBN: 9780077446482 (Volume 2, Chapters 13-21) Environment and Theoretical Structure of Financial Accounting2. Review of the Accounting Process3. The Balance Sheet and Financial Disclosures4. The Income Statement and Statement of Cash Flows5. Income Measurement and Profitability Analysis6. Time Value of Money Concepts7. Cash and Receivables8. Inventories: Measurement9. Inventories: Additional Issues10. Property, Plant, and Equipment and Intangible Assets: Acquisitionand Disposition11. Property, Plant, and Equipment and Intangible Assets: Utilizationand Impairment12. Investments13. Current Liabilities and Contingencies14. Bonds and Long-Term Notes15. Leases16. Accounting for Income Taxes17. Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits18. Shareholders’ Equity19. Share-Based Compensation and Earnings per Share20. Accounting Changes and Error Corrections21. Statement of Cash Flows RevisitedNEW*9780071328029*INTERMEDIATE FINANCIAL REPORTINGAn IFRS Perspective, 2nd EditionBy Nelson Lam and Peter Lau2012 (March 2012) / 950 pagesISBN: 9780071328029An Asian PublicationIntermediate Financial Reporting: An IFRS Perspective, Second Editionexplains the financial reporting concepts, accounting treatmentsand requirements, and preparation and presentation of financialstatements encountered at the corporate or individual entity level byusing the most updated International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRSs), including the latest IFRSs on financial instruments and fairvalue measurement. This book is suitable for students, lecturers andpractitioners. Students and lecturers should find this a good textbookfor undergraduate and postgraduate intermediate and advancedaccounting and financial reporting courses. Users and preparersof financial reports will find the concepts and explanations useful intheir daily work, and they can use the book as a guide in analysing,auditing and preparing their financial reports.31
AccountingCONTENTSAbout the AuthorsPreface1. Financial Reporting and International Financial Reporting Standards2. Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting3. Property, Plant and Equipment4. Leases5. Investment Property6. Intangible Assets7. Borrowing Costs8. Impairment of Assets9. Inventories10. Construction Contracts11. Revenue12. Employee Benefits13. Income Taxes14. Provisions and Contingencies15. Financial Instruments — An Introduction16. Financial Assets17. Financial Liabilities and Derecognition18. Financial Instruments — Presentation and Disclosure19. Presentation of Financial Statements20. Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors21. Events after the Reporting Period22. Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations23. The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates24. Statement of Cash Flows25. Fair Value MeasurementIndexContentsThe Role of Accounting as an Information SystemChapter 1. Environment and Theoretical Structure of Financial AccountingChapter 2. Review of the Accounting ProcessChapter 3. The Balance Sheet and Financial DisclosuresChapter 4. The Income Statement and Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 5. Income Measurement and Profitability AnalysisChapter 6. Time Value of Money Concepts Economic ResourcesChapter 7. Cash and ReceivablesChapter 8. Inventories: MeasurementChapter 9. Inventories: Additional IssuesChapter 10. Property, Plant, and Equipment and Intangible Assets:Acquisition and DispositionChapter 11. Property, Plant, and Equipment and Intangible Assets:Utilization and ImpairmentFinancial Instruments and LiabilitiesChapter 12. InvestmentsChapter 13. Current Liabilities and ContingenciesChapter 14. Bonds and Long-Term NotesChapter 15. LeasesChapter 16. Accounting for Income TaxesChapter 17. Pensions and Other Postretirement BenefitsChapter 18. Shareholders’ EquityAdditional Financial Reporting IssuesChapter 19. Share-Based Compensation and Earnings per ShareChapter 20. Accounting Changes and Error CorrectionsChapter 21. The Statement of Cash Flows RevisitedAppendix A: DerivativesAppendix B: Dell Annual ReportAppendix C: IFRS Comprehensive CaseInternational editionINTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING WITHBRITISH AIRWAYS ANNUAL REPORT6th EditionBy J David Spiceland, University of Memphis, James Sepe, Santa ClaraUniversity, Mark W Nelson, Cornell University-Ithaca and Lawrence ATomassini, Ohio State University2011 (March 2010)ISBN: 9780077395810ISBN: 9780071313988 [IE]ISBN: 9780077395834 (Volume 1, Chapter 1-12)ISBN: 9780077395827 (Volume 2, Chapter 13-21) the most satisfying textbook by students in independent research,Spiceland/Sepe/Nelson’s Intermediate Accounting, 6th Edition,has the quality, flexibility, and attention to detail students needto master a challenging subject. It’s your Vehicle to Success in theIntermediate Accounting course and beyond! Spiceland/Sepe/Nelsonprovides a decision maker’s perspective to emphasize the professionaljudgment and critical thinking skills required of accountantstoday. Reviewers, instructors, and student users of Spiceland haveenthusiastically embraced the relaxed, conversational writing stylethat engages students in an enjoyable and effective learning experience.In addition, accounting’s preeminent textbook website providesstudents a wide variety of electronic learning resources, includingiPod content. Study Guide, Instructor’s Manual, Solutions Manual,Testbank, and Website content are all created by authors, ensuringseamless compatibility throughout the Spiceland learning package.The end-of-chapter material is also written by the author team andtested in their own classes before being included in IntermediateAccounting. Few areas see the kind of rapid change that accountingdoes, and the Spiceland team is committed to staying current.The sixth edition fully integrates all the latest FASB Standards, andthe authors are committed to keeping you updated with all relevantcontent changes throughout the edition.INTERMEDIATE FINANCIAL REPORTINGAn IFRS PerspectiveBy Nelson Lam and Peter Lau2009 (October 2008) / 912 pagesISBN: 9780071274241An Asian PublicationIntermediate Financial Reporting: An IFRS Perspective explains thefinancial reporting concepts, accounting treatments and requirements,and preparation and presentation of financial statements encounteredat the corporate or individual entity level by using the most updatedinternational financial reporting standards (IFRSs). This book alsocontains several illustrative examples and real-life cases to help readersdigest and understand the IFRS. The real-life cases are sourcedfrom those countries and places that have adopted or permitted theuse of IFRS, including Australia, China, Finland, France, Germany,Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Singapore, the United Kingdomand some emerging markets such as the Russian Federation.CONTENTSAbout the AuthorsPrefacePart I Conceptual and Regulatory Framework1 Financial Reporting and International Financial Reporting Standards2 Framework for International Financial ReportingPart II Elements of Financial Statements--Assets3 Property, Plant and Equipment4 Leases5 Investment Property6 Intangible Assets7 Borrowing Costs8 Impairment of Assets9 Inventories10 Construction ContractsPart III Elements of Financial Statements--Liabilities, Equity,Income and Expenses32
Accounting11 Revenue12 Employee Benefits13 Income Taxes14 Provisions and ContingenciesPart IV Financial Instruments15 Financial Instruments--Introduction16 Financial Assets17 Financial Liabilities and Derecognition18 Financial Instruments: Presentation and DisclosurePart V Presentation of Financial Statements and Related Topics19 Presentation of Financial Statements20 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors21 Events after the Reporting Period22 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations23 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates24 Statement of Cash FlowsIndexIntermediate AccountingSupplementsSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF INTERMEDIATEACCOUNTING IRevised, 2nd EditionBy Baruch Englard, College of Staten Island, City University of New York2011 (February 2011) / 368 pagesISBN: 9780071756068A Schaum PublicationIn the thirteen years since the first edition of Schaum’s Outline ofIntermediate Accounting II was published, the Federal AccountingStandards Board has implemented important new guidelines forfinancial accounting which reflect the financial industry’s focus ontransparency and accountability in accounting practices. This secondedition of Schaum’s Outline of Intermediate Accounting II reflectsthese changes, and closely follows the table of contents of <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s bestselling Spiceland textbook.ContentsCh 1: Review of the Accounting ProcessCh 2: The Income Statement and Retained Earnings StatementCh 3: The Balance SheetEXAMINATION ICh 4: The Conceptual Framework of Accounting TheoryCh 5: The Time Value of MoneyCh 6: Cash and Temporary InvestmentsEXAMINATION IICh 7: ReceivablesCh 8: Inventories: General TopicsCh 9: Inventories: Additional Issues and MethodsEXAMINATION IIICh 10: Property, Plant, and EquipmentCh 11: Depreciation and DepletionCh 12: Intangible AssetsCh 13: Current LiabilitiesCh 14: Long-Term LiabilitiesSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF INTERMEDIATEACCOUNTING II2nd EditionBy Baruch Englard, College of Staten Island-City University of New York2009 (May 2009) / 336 pagesISBN: 9780071611664A Schaum PublicationMillions of students trust Schaum’s Outlines to help them succeed inthe classroom and on exams. Schaum’s is the key to faster learningand higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essentialcourse information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format.You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practiceexercises to test your skills.ContentsCh 1: Long-Term LiabilitiesCh 2: Stock OwnershipCh 3: Stockholders’ EquityCh 4: Dilutive Securities & Earnings Per ShareCh 5: Investments: Temporary & Long-TermCh 6: Revenue Recognition IssuesCh 7: Accounting for LeasesCh 8: The Statement of Cash FlowsCh 9: Accounting Changes and Correction of ErrorsCh 10: Accounting for PensionsCh 11: Net Operating Loss Carrybacks and Carry ForwardsDeferred Income TTaxes Appendix: The Time Value of MoneyCompound Interest TablesCost Accounting/Cost ManagementInternational editionFUNDAMENTALS OF COST ACCOUNTING3rd EditionBy William N Lanen, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Shannon Anderson,Rice University and Michael W Maher, University of CaliforniaDavis2011 (January 2010) / 752 pagesISBN: 9780073527116ISBN: 9780071220965 [IE] direct, realistic, and efficient way to learn cost accounting. Fundamentalsis short (approximately 700 pages) making it easy to cover inone semester. The authors have kept the text concise by focusing onthe key concepts students need to master. Opening vignettes and InAction boxes show realistic applications of these concepts throughout.All chapters end with a “Debrief” that links the topics in the chapter tothe decision problem faced by the manager in the opening vignette.Comprehensive end-of-chapter problems provide students with allthe practice they need to fully learn each concept.ContentsIntroduction and Overview1 Cost Accounting: Information for Decision Making2 Cost Concepts and BehaviorCost Analysis and Estimation3 Fundamentals of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis33
Accounting4 Fundamentals of Cost Analysis for Decision Making5 Cost EstimationCost Management Systems6 Fundamentals of Product and Service Costing7 Job Costing8 Process Costing9 Activity-Based Costing10 Fundamentals of Cost Management11 Service Department and Joint Cost AllocationManagement Control Systems12 Fundamentals of Management Control Systems13 Planning and Budgeting14 Business Unit Performance Measurement15 Transfer Pricing16 Fundamentals of Variance Analysis17 Additional Topics in Variance Analysis18 Nonfinancial and Multiple Measures of PerformanceAppendix: Capital Investment Decisions: an OverviewInternational editionCOST MANAGEMENTA Strategic Emphasis, 5th EditionBy Edward Blocher, University of NC-Chapel <strong>Hill</strong>, David Stout, YoungstownState University and Gary Cokins, Sas/Worldwide Strategy2010 (October 2009) / 928 pagesISBN: 9780073526942ISBN: 9780071267489 [IE] Management: A Strategic Emphasis, by Blocher/Stout/Cokins isthe first cost accounting text to offer integrated coverage of strategicmanagement topics in cost accounting. The text is written to helpstudents understand more about management and the role of costaccounting in helping an organization succeed. This text aims to teachmanagement concepts and methods, also to demonstrate how managersuse cost management information to make better decisions andimprove their organization’s competitiveness. In teaching these keymanagement skills, the text takes on a strategic focus. It addressesissues such as: How does a firm compete? What type of cost managementinformation is needed for a firm to succeed? How does themanagement accountant develop and present this information? Thistext helps students learn why, when, and how cost information is usedto make effective decisions that lead a firm to success.ContentsPart 1: Introduction to Strategy, Cost Management, and CostSystemsChapter 1: Cost Management and StrategyChapter 2: Implementing Strategy: The Value Chain, the BalancedScorecard, and the Strategy MapChapter 3: Basic Cost-Management ConceptsChapter 4: Job CostingChapter 5: Activity-Based Costing (ABC) and Customer ProfitabilityAnalysisChapter 6: Process CostingChapter 7: Cost Allocation: Departments, Joint Products, and By-ProductsPart 2: Planning and Decision-MakingChapter 8: Cost EstimationChapter 9: Profit Planning: Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) AnalysisChapter 10: Strategy and the Master BudgetChapter 11: Decision-Making with a Strategic EmphasisChapter 12: Strategy and Long-Term Investment AnalysisChapter 13: Cost Planning for the Product Life-Cycle: Target Costing,Theory of Constraints (TOC), and Strategic PricingPart 3: Operational-Level ControlChapter 14: Operational Performance Measurement: Sales, Direct-Cost Variances, and the Role of Nonfinancial Performance MeasuresChapter 15: Operational Performance Measurement: Indirect CostVariances and Resource-Capacity PlanningChapter 16: Operational Performance Measurement: Further Analysisof Productivity and Sales VariancesChapter 17: The Management and Control of Quality, Six-Sigma,and Lean AccountingPart 4: Management-Level ControlChapter 18: Strategic Performance Measurement: Cost Centers,Profit Centers, and the Balanced Scorecard (BSC)Chapter 19: Strategic Performance Measurement: Investment CentersChapter 20: Management Compensation, Business Analysis, andBusiness ValuationInternational editionCOST MANAGEMENTStrategies for Business Decisions, 4th EditionBy Ronald W Hilton, Cornell University-Ithaca, Michael W Maher,University of California Davis and Frank Selto, University of Colorado-Boulder2008 (September 2007) / 960 pagesISBN: 978 0071287999 [IE] (HMS) is for instructors who want to teach studentsto manage costs and not just account for costs. HMS maintains that,“Costs don’t just happen,” and with a pro-active approach towardcosts, managers who understand cost implications as well as accountantscan add value to an organization. Hilton, Maher, Seltofocuses on having students learn to make decisions by the use of CostManagement Challenges in the chapter opener, “You’re the DecisionMaker” boxes throughout each chapter, and the “You’re the DecisionMaker” simulation on the text website.ContentsPart 1 Setting the Strategic Foundation: The Importance of Analyzingand Managing Costs1.Cost Management and Strategic Decision Making Evaluating Opportunitiesand Leading Change2.Product Costing Systems: Concepts and Design Issues3.Cost Accumulation for Job-Shop and Batch Production OperationsPart 2 Activity-Based Management4.Activity-Based Costing Systems5.Activity-Based Management6.Managing Customer Profitability7.Managing Quality and Time to Create ValuePart 3 Process Costing and Cost Allocation8.Process-Costing Systems9.Joint-Process Costing10.Managing and Allocating Support-Service CostsPart 4 Planning and Decision Making11.Cost Estimation12.Financial and Cost-Volume-Profit Models13.Cost Management and Decision Making14.Strategic Issues in Making Long-Term Capital Investment Decisions15.Budgeting and Financial PlanningPart 5 Evaluating and Managing Performance Creating andManaging Value-Added Effort16.Standard Costing, Variance Analysis, and Kaizen Costing17.Flexible Budgets, Overhead Cost Management, and Activity-Based Budgeting18.Organizational Design, Responsibility Accounting, and Evaluationof Divisional Performance19.Transfer Pricing20.Performance Measurement SystemsGlossaryPhoto Credits34
AccountingBibliographyCompany Name IndexSubject IndexCost AccountingSupplementsInternational editionCOST ACCOUNTINGPrinciples and Applications, 7th EditionBy Horace R Brock, University of North Texas, Linda Herrington and LaVonda G Ramey of School Craft College2007 (August 2006) / 704 pagesISBN: 9780071115605 [IE] 1Chapter 1 Monitoring CostsChapter 2 Purchasing MaterialsChapter 3 Storing and Issuing MaterialsChapter 4 Controlling and Valuing InventoryChapter 5 Timekeeping and PayrollChapter 6 Charging Labor Costs into ProductionChapter 7 Departmentalizing Overhead CostsChapter 8 Setting Overhead RatesChapter 9 Applying Manufacturing OverheadChapter 10 Completing the Cost Cycle and Accounting for LostMaterialsPart 2Chapter 11 Process Cost System – Production Data and Cost FlowChapter 12 Average Costing of Work in ProcessChapter 13 Units Lost or Increased in ProductionChapter 14 First In, First Out (FIFO) Costing of Work in ProcessChapter 15 Accounting for By-Products and Joint ProductsPart 3Chapter 16 The Analysis of Cost BehaviorChapter 17 BudgetingChapter 18 Standard Costs: Materials and LaborChapter 19 Manufacturing Overhead Standard Costs: Completingthe Accounting Cycle for Standard CostsChapter 20 Cost-Volume-Profit AnalysisChapter 21 Analysis of Manufacturing Costs for Decision MakingChapter 22 Cost Accounting for Distribution Activities and ServiceBusinessesChapter 23 Decision Making – Capital Investment DecisionsInvitation to Publish<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> is interested to review yourtextbook proposals for publication.Please contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> office oremail to <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)Website:’S OUTLINE OF COSTACCOUNTING3rd EditionBy Ralph S Polimeni, Hofstra University1994ISBN: 9780070110267A Schaum PublicationThis powerful study guide includes all subjects found in the leadingtextbooks and parallels the full-year cost accounting courses mostschools offer. Also appropriate for solo study, this book makes thecomplex concepts and techniques accessible through clear explanationsand solved problems to provide a review and help studentsmaster their skills.College AccountingNEW*9780073396958*2012 (May 2011) / 528 pagesISBN: ACCOUNTINGA Contemporary Approach,2nd EditionBy M David Haddock, Chattanooga State Tech,John Price, University of North Texas andMichael Farina, Cerritos CollegeThe Haddock text features the successful author team Price et al. Theauthor team based A Contemporary Approach on the solid foundationof the Price 12e textbook; however, in Haddock, the approachhas been modified to fit the needs of a growing number of CollegeAccounting instructors who teach the course without covering specialjournals. These instructors feel that special journals are an unnecessarilycomplicated subject for such a basic course. By eliminatingspecial journal coverage, professors are free to focus on recordingto the general journal and posting to the general ledger - the basicbookkeeping functions that are so important to accountants in the realworld. Competing books have placed special journals in an appendix(Slater) or tried to separate special journal coverage from generaljournal coverage but retain both (McQuaig). Haddock is the only texton the market that eliminates special journal coverage completely (whymake students pay for material they will not learn in the course?). WithHaddock on the roster, instructor’s have a choice between a traditionalapproach that fully integrates special journals into the text in a succinctand logical way (Price 12e) or a contemporary approach thatfocuses on the basics and is more in keeping with where the courseis headed in the future (Haddock 1e).35
AccountingContents1. Accounting: The Language of Business2. Analyzing Business Transactions3. Analyzing Business Transactions Using T Accounts4. The General Journal and the General Ledger5. Adjustments and the Worksheet6. Closing Entries and the Postclosing Trial Balance7. Accounting for Sales and Accounts Receivable, and Cash Receipts8. Accounting for Purchases, Accounts Payable, and Cash Payments9. Cash10. Payroll Computations, Records, and Payment11. Payroll Taxes, Deposits, and Reports12. Accruals, Deferrals, and the Worksheet13. Financial Statements and Closing ProceduresAppendix A: The Home Depot 2009 Financial Statements for the yearended January 31, 2010NEW*9780078025273*COLLEGE ACCOUNTINGChapters 1-30, 13th Edition2012 (May 2011) / 1136 pagesISBN: 9780078025273ISBN: 9780077430627 (Chapters 1-13)ISBN: 9780077430634 (Chapters 1-24) John Ellis Price, University of North Texas,M David Haddock, Chattanooga State Tech andMichael Farina, Cerritos CollegeOverview: Price/Haddock/Farina has been a long-time market leaderbecause of its readability and relevance. The book includes manyreal-world examples, high-interest problems and activities, in-texthelp and practice, and classroom-tested dynamic pedagogy. Withthe addition of <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Connect Accounting, the new editionincludes more technology support than ever before.Contents1. Accounting: The Language of Business2. Analyzing Business Transactions3. Analyzing Business Transactions Using T Accounts4. The General Journal and the General Ledger5. Adjustments and the Worksheet6. Closing Entries and the Postclosing Trial Balance7. Accounting for Sales and Accounts Receivable8. Accounting for Purchases and Accounts Payable9. Cash Receipts, Cash Payments, and Banking Procedures10. Payroll Computations, Records, and Payment11. Payroll Taxes, Deposits, and Reports12. Accruals, Deferrals, and the Worksheet13. Financial Statements and Closing Procedures14. Accounting Principles and Reporting Standards15. Accounts Receivable and Uncollectible Accounts16. Notes Payable and Notes Receivable17. Merchandise Inventory18. Property, Plant, and Equipment19. Accounting for Partnerships20. Corporations: Formation and Capital Stock Transactions21. Corporate Earnings and Capital Transactions22. Long-Term Bonds23. Financial Statement Analysis24. The Statement of Cash Flows25. Departmentalized Profit and Cost Centers26. Accounting for Manufacturing Activities27. Job Order Cost Accounting28. Process Cost Accounting29. Controlling Manufacturing Costs: Standard Costs30. Cost-Revenue Analysis for Decision MakingAppendix A: The Home Depot, Inc. Annual Report.Appendix B: Combined JournalCOLLEGE ACCOUNTING CHAPTER 1-14WITH ANNUAL REPORT2nd EditionBy John J Wild, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Vernon Richardson,University of Arkansas-Fayetteville and Ken Shaw, University ofMissouri-Columbia2011 (January 2010)ISBN: Accounting by Wild, Richardson, and Shaw draws upon thesuccess of Wild’s Fundamental Accounting Principles text. Its innovationis reflected in its extensive use of small business examples,the integration of new computerized learning tools, superior end-ofchaptermaterial, and a highly engaging, pedagogical design. Inclusionof technology products such as Connect, Connect Plus, ExcelTemplates, and Quick<strong>Books</strong> Pro 2010 software provides studentswith every possible advantage as they strive to understand the keyconcepts of accounting and their role in business.CONTENTSChapter 1: Introduction to AccountingChapter 2: Accounting for Business TransactionsChapter 3: Applying Double-Entry AccountingChapter 4: Preparing the General Journal and General LedgerChapter 5: Adjusting Accounts and Preparing Financial StatementsChapter 6: Closing Process and Financial StatementsChapter 7: Fraud, Ethics, and ControlsChapter 8: Cash and Cash ControlsChapter 9: Employee Earnings, Deductions, and PayrollChapter 10: Employer Payroll Tax ReportingChapter 11: Merchandise Sales and Accounts ReceivableChapter 12: Merchandise Purchases and Accounts PayableChapter 13: Merchandiser’s Purchases Adjustments and Trail BalanceChapter 14: Merchandiser’s Financial Statements and the ClosingProcessAppendix A: Financial Statements InformationAppendix B: Accounting PrinciplesAppendix C via Web: Capital Budgeting and Investment AnalysisAppendix D via Web: Time Value of Money36
AccountingCOLLEGE ACCOUNTING CHAPTER 1-29WITH ANNUAL REPORT2nd EditionBy John J Wild, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Vernon Richardson,University of Arkansas-Fayetteville and Ken Shaw, University ofMissouri-Columbia2011 (January 2010)ISBN: Accounting by Wild, Richardson, and Shaw draws upon thesuccess of Wild’s Fundamental Accounting Principles text. Its innovationis reflected in its extensive use of small business examples,the integration of new computerized learning tools, superior end-ofchaptermaterial, and a highly engaging, pedagogical design. Inclusionof technology products such as Connect, Connect Plus, ExcelTemplates, and Quick<strong>Books</strong> Pro 2010 software provides studentswith every possible advantage as they strive to understand the keyconcepts of accounting and their role in business.ContentsChapter 1: Introduction to AccountingChapter 2: Accounting for Business TransactionsChapter 3: Applying Double-Entry AccountingChapter 4: Preparing the General Journal and General LedgerChapter 5: Adjusting Accounts and Preparing Financial StatementsChapter 6: Closing Process and Financial StatementsChapter 7: Fraud, Ethics, and ControlsChapter 8: Cash and Cash ControlsChapter 9: Employee Earnings, Deductions, and PayrollChapter 10: Employer Payroll Tax ReportingChapter 11: Merchandise Sales and Accounts ReceivableChapter 12: Merchandise Purchases and Accounts PayableChapter 13: Merchandiser’s Purchases Adjustments and Trail BalanceChapter 14: Merchandiser’s Financial Statements and the ClosingProcessChapter 15: Accounts Receivable and UncollectiblesChapter 16: Notes Receivable and Notes PayableChapter 17: Inventories and Cost of SalesChapter 18: Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and IntangiblesChapter 19: Accounting for PartnershipsChapter 20: Corporate Formation and Stock TransactionsChapter 21: Corporate Earnings, Taxes, and DistributionsChapter 22: Long-Term BondsChapter 23: Cash Flow ReportingChapter 24: Financial Statement AnalysisChapter 25: Managerial Accounting Concepts and PrinciplesChapter 26: Departmental and Responsibility AccountingChapter 27: Job Order Cost AccountingChapter 28: Budgets and Standard CostingChapter 29: Relevant Costing for Managerial DecisionsAppendix A: Financial Statements InformationAppendix B: Accounting PrinciplesAppendix C*: Capital Budgeting and Investment DecisionsAppendix D*: Time Value of Money* Appendixes C and D are available on the book’s Website,, and as print copy from a <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> representativeAccounting InformationSystemsInternational editionNEW*9780078025334*2013 (February 2012) / 448 pagesISBN: 9780078025334ISBN: 9780071318426 [IE] unavailable at press time)ACCOUNTING INFORMATIONSYSTEMS3rd EditionBy Robert Hurt, Californina State Poly University-PomonaInternational editionACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS2nd EditionBy Robert Hurt, Californina State Poly University-Pomona2010 (November 2009) / 448 pagesISBN: 9780078111051ISBN: 9780071220521 [IE]’s Accounting Information Systems, 2e continues to take a freshnew approach that puts judgment and critical thinking, not technology,at the heart of the AIS course. Using a conversational writing styleappealing to students, this book presents AIS as an art as much as ascience. AIS is presented as a set of fundamental ideas and conceptsthat can be applied in various organizational contexts. Students areprovided with vocabulary they will need to succeed in the professionand ensuring that they can communicate clearly and effectivelyabout accounting information systems with both accountants andnonaccountants. The text end-of-chapter exercises and assessmenttools are all competency-based, distilling knowledge to its essentialelements and then encouraging students to use those essential elementsto think for themselves.ContentsPart One Introduction and Basic Concepts1 Role and Purpose of Accounting Information Systems2 Transaction Processing in the AIS3 Professionalism and Ethics4 Internal ControlsPart Two Documentation Techniques5 Flowcharting6 Data Flow Diagramming7 REAL ModelingPart Three Systems Analysis and Information Technology8 Information Systems Concepts9 XBRL10 E-business and Enterprise Resource Planning SystemsPart Four Business Processes11 Sales/Collection Process37
Accounting12 Acquisition/Payment Process13 Other Business Processes14 Business Process ManagementPart Five Other Topics in Accounting Information Systems15 Computer Crime and Information Technology Security16 Decision-Making Models and Knowledge Management17 Professional Certifications and Career Planning18 Auditing and Evaluating the AISGlossaryComprehensive Chapter ReferencesIndexACCOUNTING INFORMATION ANDREPORTING SYSTEMSBy Al Aseervatham, Moreton Institute of TAFE in Queensland2009ISBN: 9780070286733<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia only Australian book on accounting information systems. Thisinnovative new text follows a logical progression from basic principlesand builds on the knowledge acquired in each chapter. A runningcase study throughout the book offers a practical application of thetheory that is developed in each chapter. With learning objectives,key terms, practical and numerical examples, summaries, self-testproblems and review exercises this text provides all the teaching andlearning tools students require.ContentsChapter 1 Information systemsChapter 2 Business activities and transaction processingChapter 3 Documentation techniques and databasesChapter 4 Project management toolsChapter 5 System requirementsChapter 6 Accounting information systems and securityChapter 7 Accounting statutory obligationsChapter 8 Testing and documenting systemsChapter 9 The implementation of systems and recordsChapter 10 Monitoring reporting systems and reviewing reportingproceduresChapter 11 Accounting transaction titlesChapter 12 The revenue cycleChapter 13 The expenditure cycleChapter 14 The payroll cycleChapter 15 The conversion cycleChapter 16 The financial cycleSolutionsIndexEnterprise OntologyChapter 3: The REA Enterprise Ontology: Value System and ValueChain ModelingChapter 4: The REA Enterprise Ontology: Business Process ModelingChapter 5: Task Level ModelingChapter 6: Relational Database Design: Converting Conceptual REAModels to Relational DatabasesChapter 7: Information Retrieval from Relational DatabasesChapter 8: The Sales/Collection Business ProcessChapter 9: The Acquisition/Payment Business ProcessChapter 10: View Integration and Implementation CompromisesView IntegrationChapter 11: The Conversion Business ProcessChapter 12: The Human Resource Business ProcessChapter 13: The Financing Business ProcessChapter 14: Introduction to Enterprise System Risks and ControlsChapter 15: ERP Systems and E-Commerce: Intra- and Inter-Enterprise ModelingAdvanced AccountingInternational editionNEW *9780078025402*2013 (February 2012) / 928 pagesISBN: 9780078025402ISBN: 9780071318211 [IE] unavailable at press time)ADVANCED ACCOUNTING11th EditionBy Joe Ben Hoyle, University of Richmond,Thomas Schaefer, University of Notre Dame andTimothy Doupnik, University of South CarolinaInternational editionENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMSA Pattern-Based Approach, 3rd EditionBy Cheryl Dunn, Florida State University—Tallahassee, J. Owen Cherrington,Brigham Young Univeristy—Provo and Anita Sawyer Hollander,University of Tennessee—Knoxville, Anita Hollander, University of Tulsa,Eric Denna and Jay Owen Cherrington, and Brigham Young University- Provo2005 / 544 pagesISBN: 9780071253192 [IE]CONTENTSChapter 1: An Introduction to Integrated Enterprise InformationSystemsChapter 2: Representation and Patterns: An Introduction to the REAREVIEW COPY(Available for course adoption only)To request for a review copy,• contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>representatives or,• fax the Review Copy Request Form foundin this catalog or,• e-mail your request or,• submit online at www.mheducation.asia38
AccountingInternational editionNEW *9780078025396*2013 (March 2012) / 640 pagesISBN: 9780078025396ISBN: 9780071318259 [IE] unavailable at press time)FUNDAMENTALS OFADVANCED ACCOUNTING5th EditionBy Joe Ben Hoyle, University of Richmond,Thomas Schaefer, University of Notre Dame andTimothy Doupnik, University of South CarolinaInternational editionNEW *9780078025648*2012 (February 2011) / 864 pagesISBN: 9780078025648ISBN: 9780071325998 [IE] OF ADVANCEDFINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGBy Richard E Baker, Northern Illinois University,Theodore Christensen and David Cottrell ofBrigham Young University-ProvoEssentials of Advanced Financial Accounting is an up-to-date andhighly illustrated presentation of the accounting and reporting principlesand procedures used in a variety of business entities. The bookis ideal for instructors who have only a single term or semester toteach the core elements of the advanced accounting material thatis most frequently represented on the CPA exam; this text containsthe essential information on consolidations, multinational entities,partnerships, and governmental and not-for-profit entities. Mostone-term courses are unable to cover all the topics included in atraditional comprehensive advanced accounting text. In recognitionof time constraints, this text is structured to provide the most efficientuse of the time available, while maintaining all the learning supportand ancillary materials that cover these essential topics. For studentsand instructors who would like to cover a wider set of topics, we inviteyou to examine our comprehensive text, Advanced Accounting, whichis now in its ninth edition. The text is highly illustrated with completepresentations of worksheets, schedules, and financial statements sothat students can see the development of each topic. Inclusion of allrecent FASB and GASB pronouncements and the continuing deliberationsof the authoritative bodies provide a current and contemporarytext for students preparing for the CPA Examination and currentpractice. The book’s building block approach introduces concepts withsimple examples and then gradually introduces complexity, allowingstudents to easily keep pace with the material.NEW TO THIS EDITION<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Connect Accounting and Connect Plus Accounting:This edition will include Connect and Connect Plus to be availablefor fall 2011.Introductory Vignettes—Each chapter begins with a brief story ofa well-known company to illustrate why topics covered in that chapterare relevant in current practice.New FASB Codification—All authoritative citations to U.S. GAAPinclude secondary citations to the new FASB codification. We maintainthe authoritative citations during this period of transition. The nextedition will transition completely to the FASB codification.IFRS Comparisons—As the FASB and IASB work toward convergenceto a single set of global accounting standards, the SEC isdebating the wholesale introduction of international financial reportingstandards (IFRS). Given the SEC’s February 2010 work plan, studentsneed to prepare for the imminent transition to IFRS. The textsummarizes key differences between current U.S. GAAP and IFRSto make students aware of changes that will likely occur if the SECadopts IFRS in the near future.A Building-Block Approach to Consolidation—Virtually all advancedfinancial accounting classes cover consolidation at least tosome extent. While this topic is perhaps the most important to instructors,students frequently struggle to gain a firm grasp of consolidationprinciples. The text introduces consolidation concepts and proceduresmore gradually by beginning the discussion earlier in chapters 2 and 3.Reorganization of Consolidation Elimination Entries—Consistentwith the building block approach to consolidation, the text organizesthe elimination entries used in consolidation to facilitate the eliminationof the investment in a subsidiary in two steps: (1) first the bookvalue portion of the investment and income from the subsidiary areeliminated and (2) then the differential portion of the investment andincome from subsidiary are eliminated with separate entries. Thisapproach facilitates the building-block approach in chapters 2-5. Thetext also uses frequent illustrations to help students visualize the stepsin the elimination process.Presentation of Intercompany Transactions— Intercompanyinventory transfers are presented before fixed-asset transfers. Inventorytransfers are (1) far more common than fixed-asset transfersand (2) easier for students to understand. The fully adjusted equitymethod is presented in Chapters 6 and 7. This method links back tothe building-block approach in Chapters 2–5.Instructor Resources—The authors have developed a set ofPowerPoint slides designed to do much more than simply summarizethe topics in each chapter. They illustrate key concepts but alsoinclude group exercises and practice quiz questions to give studentshands-on practice in class to better prepare them for future homeworkand assessment experiences. Instructors benefit from proven interactiveclass discussions and exercises fully annotated by the authors.Advanced Study Guide—The book introduces the most cuttingedge technology supplement ever delivered in the advanced accountingmarket. is a product created exclusivelyby the authors of the text which represents a new generation in studyresources available to students as well as a new direction and optionsin the resources Instructors can use to help their students and elevatetheir classroom experiencesCONTENTS1 Intercorporate Acquisitions and Investments in Other Entities2 Reporting Intercorporate Investments and Consolidation of WhollyOwned Subsidiaries with No Differential3 The Reporting Entity and Consolidation of Less-than-Wholly-OwnedSubsidiaries with No Differential4 Consolidation of Wholly Owned Subsidiaries Acquired at Morethan Book Value5 Consolidation of Less-than-Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries Acquiredat More than Book Value39
Accounting6 Intercompany Inventory Transactions7 Intercompany Transfers of Services and Noncurrent Assets8 Multinational Accounting: Foreign Currency Transactions andFinancial Instruments9 Multinational Accounting: Issues in Financial Reporting and Translationof Foreign Entity Statements10 Partnerships: Formation, Operation, and Changes in Membership11 Partnerships: Liquidation12 Governmental Entities: Introduction and General Fund Accounting13 Governmental Entities: Special Funds and Government-wideFinancial StatementsInternational editionADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING9th EditionBy Richard E Baker, Northern Illinois University, Valdean C Lembke,University of Iowa, Thomas E King, Southern Illinois University andCynthia Jeffrey, Iowa State University2011 (December 2010) / 1120 pagesISBN: 9780078110924ISBN: 9780071289108 [IE] Ninth Edition of Advanced Financial Accounting is an up-to-date,comprehensive, and highly illustrated presentation of the accountingand reporting principles and procedures used in a variety of businessentities. This edition continues to provide strong coverage of advancedaccounting topics, with clarity of presentation and integrated coveragebased on continuous case examples. The text is highly illustratedwith complete presentations of worksheets, schedules, and financialstatements so that students can see the development of each topic.Inclusion of all recent FASB and GASB pronouncements and thecontinuing deliberations of the authoritative bodies provide a currentand contemporary text for students preparing for the CPA Examinationand current practice. This has become especially important giventhe recent rapid pace of the authoritative bodies in dealing with majorissues having far-reaching The book’s building block approach introducesconcepts with simple examples and then gradually introducescomplexity, allowing students to easily keep pace with the material.The key strengths of this text are the clear and readable discussionsof concepts and the detailed demonstrations of concepts through illustrationsand explanations. The many favorable responses to prioreditions from both students and instructors confirm our belief thatclear presentation and comprehensive illustrations are essential tolearning the sophisticated topics in an advanced accounting course.ContentsChapter 1: Intercorporate Acquisitions and Investments in OtherEntitiesChapter 2: Reporting Intercorporate InterestsChapter 3: The Reporting Entity and Consolidated Financial StatementsChapter 4: Consolidation of Wholly Owned SubsidiariesChapter 5: Consolidation of Less-Than-Wholly-Owen SubsidiariesChapter 6: Intercompany Transfers Noncurrent AssetsChapter 7: Intercompany Inventory TransactionsChapter 8: Intercompany IndebtednessChapter 9: Consolidation Ownership IssuesChapter 10: Additional Consolidation Reporting IssuesChapter 11: Multinational Accounting: Foreign Currency Transactionsand Financial InstrumentsChapter 12: Multinational Accounting: Translation of Foreign EntityStatementsChapter 13: Segment and Interim ReportingChapter 14: SEC ReportingChapter 15: Partnerships: Formation, Operation, and Changes inMembershipChapter 16: Partnerships: LiquidationChapter 17: Governmental Entities: Introduction and General FundAccountingChapter 18: Governmental Entities: Special Funds and GovernmentwideFinancial StatementsChapter 19: Not-for-Profit EntitiesChapter 20: Corporations in Financial DifficultyInternational editionADVANCED ACCOUNTING10th EditionBy Joe Ben Hoyle, University of Richmond, Thomas Schaefer, Universityof Notre Dame and Timothy Doupnik, University of South Carolina2011 (March 2010) / 928 pagesISBN: 9780078136627ISBN: 9780071327091 [IE] approach used by Hoyle, Schaefer, and Doupnik in the new editionallows students to think critically about accounting, just as theywill do while preparing for the CPA exam and in their future careers.With this text, students gain a well-balanced appreciation of theAccounting profession. As Hoyle 10e introduces them to the field’smany aspects, it often focuses on past controversies and presentresolutions. The text continues to show the development of financialreporting as a product of intense and considered debate that continuestoday and into the future. The writing style of the nine previous editionshas been highly praised. Students easily comprehend chapterconcepts because of the conversational tone used throughout thebook. The authors have made every effort to ensure that the writingstyle remains engaging, lively, and consistent which has made thistext the market leading text in the Advanced Accounting market. TheTenth Edition includes an increase integration of IFRS as well as theupdated accounting standards.CONTENTS1 The Equity Method of Accounting for Investments2 Consolidation of Financial Information3 Consolidations: Subsequent to the Date of the Acquisition4 Consolidated Financial Statements and Outside Ownership5 Consolidated Financial Statements: Intercompany Asset Transactions6 Variable Interest Entities, Intercompany Debt, Consolidated CashFlows, and Other Issues7 Consolidated Financial Statements: Ownership Patterns andIncome Taxes8 Segment and Interim Reporting9 Foreign Currency Transactions and Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk10 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements11 Worldwide Accounting Diversity and International Standards12 Financial Reporting and the Securities and Exchange Commission13 Accounting for Legal Reorganizations and Liquidations14 Partnerships: Formation and Operations15 Partnerships: Termination and Liquidation16 Accounting for State and Local Governments (Part I)17 Accounting for State and Local Governments (Part II)18 Accounting and Reporting for Private Not-for-Profit Organizations19 Accounting for Estates and Trusts40
AccountingFUNDAMENTALS OF ADVANCEDACCOUNTING4th EditionBy Joe Ben Hoyle, University of Richmond, Thomas Schaefer, Universityof Notre Dame and Timothy Doupnik, University of South Carolina2011 (April 2010) / 640 pagesISBN: of Advanced Accounting, 4/e is ideal for those schoolswanting to cover 12 chapters in their advanced accounting course.This brief yet concise text allows students to think critically about accounting,just as they will do preparing for the CPA exam. With thistext, students gain a well-balanced appreciation of the Accountingprofession. The text continues to show the development of financialreporting as a product of intense and considered debate that continuestoday and into the future as it originates from Hoyle’s big textAdvanced Accounting. The writing style of the three previous editionshas been highly praised. Students easily comprehend chapter conceptsbecause of the conversational tone used throughout the book.The authors have made every effort to ensure that the writing styleremains engaging, lively, and consistent which has made Hoyle themarket leading franchise in the Advanced Accounting market. TheFourth Edition includes an increase integration of IFRS as well asthe updated accounting standards.CONTENTS1 The Equity Method of Accounting for Investments2 Consolidation of Financial Information3 Consolidations: Subsequent to the Date of the Acquisition4 Consolidated Financial Statements and Outside Ownership5 Consolidated Financial Statements: Intercompany Asset Transactions6 Variable Interest Entities, Intercompany Debt, Consolidated CashFlows, and Other Issues7 Foreign Currency Transactions and Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk8 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements9 Partnerships: Formation and Operations10 Partnerships: Termination and Liquidation11 Accounting for State and Local Governments (Part I)12 Accounting for State and Local Governments (Part II)NEW*9780071312912*CONSOLIDATED FINANCIALSTATEMENTS2nd EditionBy Ng Eng Juan2011 (August 2010) / 592 pagesISBN: 9780071312912An Asian PublicationConsolidated Financial Statements (Singapore) is a comprehensiveguide to the preparation of consolidated financial statements in Singapore.It discusses consolidated financial statements in the contextof the Singapore statutes and the Financial Reporting Standards(FRS) issued by the Accounting Standards Council that are effectiveas at 1 July 2009. In this second edition, the book has beenupdated for the new requirements of two new FRS, namely FRS 27(2009) Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements and FRS103 (2009) Business Combinations. The chapter arrangement in thissecond edition is the same as that in the first edition, except for theinclusion of the sections on Joint Ventures in Chapters 6 and 7. Thisbook is written based on many years of teaching, research and practicalexperience. It adopts a professional approach and is presentedin a step-by-step, easy-to-understand style. It contains more than 80illustrative examples and numerous problems for self-study.Topics Covered• Consolidated balance sheets (also referred to as consolidatedstatements of financial position), consolidated statement of comprehensiveincome, consolidated statement of changes in equityand consolidated statement of cash flows• Changes in shareholding interests• Complex group structure• Investment in associates• Investment in joint ventures• Foreign subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures• Consolidation theory• Merger accountingCONTENTSPreface to the Second EditionPreface to the First EditionAbout the AuthorTable of Statutes, Accounting Institutions and Accounting StandardsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 What Are Consolidated Financial Statements?1.2 Who Has to Present Consolidated Financial Statements?1.3 Consolidation Procedures1.4 Usefulness and Limitations of Consolidated Financial Statements1.5 Approaches Adopted in This BookChapter 2 Consolidation at the Date of Acquisition2.1 Introduction2.2 Combination of Accounts2.3 Fair Value Adjustments2.4 Goodwill on Consolidation2.5 Non-controlling Interest2.6 SummaryProblems for Self-study 46Chapter 3 Consolidation Subsequent to the Date of Acquisition3.1 Introduction3.2 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 53.3 Pre-acquisition and Post-acquisition Reserves3.4 Intragroup Account Balances3.5 Unrealized Intragroup Profits and Losses3.6 Intragroup Dividend3.7 Other Consolidation Adjustments3.8 New Rules for Non-Controlling Interest3.9 SummaryProblems for Self-studyChapter 4 Changes in Shareholding Interest and Other SpecificIssues4.1 Introduction4.2 Changes in Shareholding Interest4.3 Other Specific Issues4.4 SummaryProblems for Self-studyChapter 5 Complex Group Structure5.1 Introduction5.2 Father-son-grandson Structure5.3 Connecting Affiliation Structure5.4 Cross Holdings5.5 SummaryProblems for Self-studyChapter 6 Associates and Joint Ventures6.1 Introduction6.2 Associate: Definition6.3 Equity Accounting: Basic Principles6.4 Difference between Cost and Underlying Net Assets6.5 Transactions between Parent and Associate6.6 Impairment Loss6.7 Changes in Shareholding Interest41
Accounting6.8 Indirect Shareholding6.9 Joint Ventures6.10 SummaryProblems for Self-studyChapter 7 Foreign Subsidiaries, Associates and Joint Ventures7.1 Introduction7.2 Translation Process7.3 Foreign Subsidiary7.4 Foreign Associate7.5 Foreign Joint Ventures7.6 SummaryProblems for Self-studyChapter 8 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows8.1 Introduction8.2 Non-controlling interest8.3 Associates8.4 Acquisition of Subsidiary8.5 Disposal of Subsidiary8.6 Foreign Subsidiary and Associate8.7 A Comprehensive Illustration8.8 SummaryAppendix 8A: Statement of Cash FlowsProblems for Self-studyChapter 9 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity9.1 Introduction9.2 Requirements of FRS 19.3 Consolidation Issues9.4 SummaryProblems for Self-studyChapter 10 Further Issues10.1 Introduction10.2 Consolidation Theories10.3 Pooling of Interests (Merger) Method10.4 SummaryIndexADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGUpdated EditionBy Pearl Tan and Peter Lee2009 (March 2009) / 672 pagesISBN: 9780071269339An Asian PublicationThis book covers advanced level topics in financial reporting within theInternational Accounting Standards (IAS) and International FinancialReporting Standards (IFRS) reporting framework. While the book isaimed at advanced level accounting degree students in tertiary institutions,it is a useful primer for practitioners who wish to reinforce theirknowledge of rapidly changing accounting standards. (Note: Thereis a new section on permissible reclassification of financial assets.In the wake of the global financial crisis, the IASB in October 2008permitted limited reclassifications from fair value through profit or lossto align IAS 39 with US GAAP).FeaturesInclusion of the most recent amendments to existing standardsincluding the revised IFRS 3 (2008) and revised IAS 27 (2008).Coverage of complex topics: business combinations, consolidation,equity accounting, translation of foreign transactions and foreignoperations, financial instruments, share-based payments, earningsper share, deferred taxation and risk reporting disclosures.Application of the three “Cs” of sound accounting pedagogy:• Concepts Principles-based to enhance students’ conceptual understandingof the underlying rationale of accounting requirements.• Context Emphasizes the importance of understanding the economicsof and motivations for the specific transactions that arethe subject of accounting rules.• Competencies Focuses on the requirements of accounting standardswithin the IAS and IFRS reporting framework and providesin-depth coverage of how to apply them to complex settings.Rigorous and comprehensive illustrations, explanations andproblem sets aimed at achieving high standards of professionalcompetencies demanded by accountancy bodies worldwide.Analytical checks to allow for self-auditing of answers.Contents1 Economic Perspectives of Risk Reporting2 Group Reporting I: Concepts and Context3 Group Reporting II: Application of the Purchase Method underIFRS 34 Group Reporting III: Consolidation under IAS 275 Group Reporting IV: Equity Accounting under IAS 286 Group Reporting V: Special Issues7 Accounting for the Effect of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates8 Financial Instruments: Classification, Recognition and Measurement9 Accounting for Derivatives and Hedging10 Accounting for Taxes on Income11 Earnings per Share12 Share-based PaymentInternational editionMODERN ADVANCED ACCOUNTING10th EditionBy E. John Larsen, University of Southern California2006 / 880 pagesISBN: 9780073211596 (with OLC with Premium Content Card)ISBN: 9780071244596 [IE with OLC and Premium Card] One. Ethical Issues in Advanced AccountingChapter Two. Partnerships: Organization and OperationChapter Three. Partnership Liquidation and Incorporation; JointVenturesChapter Four. Accounting for Branches; Combined Financial StatementsChapter Five. Business CombinationsChapter Six. Consolidated Financial Statements: On Date of BusinessCombinationChapter Seven. Consolidated Financial Statements: Subsequent toDate of Business CombinationChapter Eight. Consolidated Financial Statements: IntercompanyTransactionsChapter Nine. Consolidated Financial Statements: Income Taxes,Cash Flows, and Installment AcquisitionsChapter Ten. Consolidated Financial Statements: Special ProgramsChapter Eleven. International Accounting Standards; Accounting forForeign Currency TransactionsChapter Twelve. Translation of Foreign Currency Financial StatementsChapter Thirteen. Reporting for Components; Interim Reports; Reportingfor SECChapter Fourteen. Bankruptcy: Liquidation and ReorganizationChapter Fifteen. Estates and TrustsChapter Sixteen. Nonprofit OrganizationsChapter Seventeen. Governmental Entities: General FundChapter Eighteen. Governmental Entities: Other Governmental Fundsand Account GroupsChapter Nineteen. Governmental Entities: Proprietary Funds, FiduciaryFunds, and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report42
AccountingInternational editionACCOUNTING FOR DERIVATIVES ANDHEDGINGBy Mark Trombley, University of Arizona2003 / 240 pagesISBN: 9780072440447ISBN: 9780071199209 [IE] Introduction to Hedging.2. Accounting for Derivatives and Hedging.3. Interest Rate Swaps.4. Interest Rate Futures and Options.5. Foreign Currency Derivatives and Hedging.6. Additional Topics.AuditingInternational editionNEW*9780078025440*2013 (January 2012) / 896 pagesISBN: 9780078025440ISBN: 9780071318143 [IE](Details unavailable at press time)AUDITING & ASSURANCESERVICES5th EditionBy Timothy J Louwers, James Madison University,Robert J Ramsay, University of Kentucky-Lexington, David Sinason, Northern IllinoisUniversity and Jerry R Strawser, Texas A&MUniversity-College StationNEW*9780077520151*AUDITING & ASSURANCESERVICES8th EditionBy William F Messier, Georgia State Universityand Steven M Glover, Douglas F Prawitt ofBrigham Young University-ProvoThe authors believe students are best served by acquiring a strongunderstanding of the basic concepts that underlie the audit processand how to apply those concepts to various audit and assuranceservices. The primary purpose for an auditing text is not to serve asa reference manual but to facilitate student learning, and this textis written accordingly. The text is accessible to students throughstraightforward writing and the use of engaging, relevant real-worldexamples, illustrations, and analogies. The text explicitly encouragesstudents to think through fundamental concepts and to avoid tryingto learn auditing through rote memorization. Students are promptedby the text to “stop and think,” at important points in the text, in orderto help them apply the principles covered. The text continues totake a systematic approach to the audit process by first introducingthe three underlying concepts: audit risk, materiality, and evidence.This is followed by a discussion of audit planning, the assessmentof control risk, and a discussion of the nature, timing, and extent ofevidence necessary to reach the appropriate level of detection risk.These concepts are then applied to each major business process andrelated account balances using a risk-based approach. In coveringthese important concepts and their applications, the book focuseson critical judgments and decision-making processes followed byauditors. Much of auditing practice involves the application of auditorjudgment. If a student understands these basic concepts and how toapply them to an audit engagement, he or she will be more effectivein today’s dynamic audit environment.ContentsPart 1 Introduction to Assurance and Financial Statement AuditingChapter 1 An Introduction to Assurance and Financial StatementAuditingChapter 2 The Financial Statement Auditing EnvironmentPart 2 Audit Planning and Basic Auditing ConceptsChapter 3 Audit Planning, Types of Audit Tests, and MaterialityChapter 4 Risk AssessmentChapter 5 Evidence and DocumentationPart 3 Understanding and Auditing Internal ControlChapter 6 Internal Control in a Financial Statement AuditChapter 7 Auditing Internal Control over Financial ReportingPart 4 Statistical and Nonstatistical Sampling Tools for AuditingChapter 8 Audit Sampling: An Overview and Application to Tests ofControlsChapter 9 Audit Sampling: An Application to Substantive Tests ofAccount BalancesPart 5 Auditing Business ProcessesChapter 10 Auditing the Revenue ProcessChapter 11 Auditing the Purchasing ProcessChapter 12 Auditing the Human Resource Management ProcessChapter 13 Auditing the Inventory Management ProcessChapter 14 Auditing the Financing/Investing Process: Prepaid Expenses,Intangible Assets, and Property, Plant, and EquipmentChapter 15 Auditing the Financing/Investing Process: Long-TermLiabilities, Stockholders’ Equity, and Income Statement AccountsChapter 16 Auditing the Financing/Investing Process: Cash andInvestmentsPart 6 Completing the Audit and Reporting ResponsiblitiesChapter 17 Completing the Audit EngagementChapter 18 Reports on Audited Financial StatementsPart 7 Professional ResponsibilitiesChapter 19 Professsional Conduct, Independence, and Quality ControlChapter 20 Legal LiabilityPart 8 Assurance, Attestation, and Internal Auditing ServicesChapter 21 Assurance, Attestation, amd Internal Auditing ServicesProfessional Judgement Module (avaliable online on the text (September 2011)ISBN: 9780077520151 (with ACL Software CD)
AccountingInternational editionNEW*9780073404004*2012 (February 2011) / 464 pagesISBN: 9780073404004ISBN: 9780071317160 [IE] AND ASSURANCESERVICESAn Applied ApproachBy Iris Stuart, California State University--FullertonStuart’s Auditing and Assurance Services: An Applied Approach is aconcise, easy-to-read auditing text that trains students of today for thebusiness world that they will face tomorrow. Using a fresh approachthat introduces auditing application prior to auditing theory, studentswill encounter auditing in practice first, become more engaged inthe subject matter, and consequently feel more readily prepared tounderstand the more challenging theoretical concepts. Stuart furtherengages students by highlighting real-world accounting scandals andby including the most up-to-date standards, including internationalcoverage.Most chapters begin with an overview to set the stage. All chaptersend with a takeaway summary of key points. Stuart’s writing style isconversational and easy to read.ExhibitsMany exhibits are highlighted throughout the text to call attention tokey points.ContentsChapter 1 What Is Auditing?Chapter 2 The Audit Planning Process: Understanding the Risk ofMaterial MisstatementChapter 3 Internal ControlsAppendix A: Information Systems AuditingChapter 4 Auditing the Revenue Business ProcessAppendix A: BCS Private Ltd.Appendix B: BCS Private Ltd.Chapter 5 Audit Evidence and the Auditor’s Responsibility for FraudDetectionChapter 6 Auditing the Acquisition and Expenditure Business ProcessChapter 7 Auditing the Inventory Business ProcessChapter 8 Audit Sampling: Tests of Internal ControlsChapter 9 Audit Sampling: Substantive Tests of DetailsChapter 10 Cash and Investment Business ProcessesChapter 11 Long-Term Debt and Owner’s Equity Business ProcessChapter 12 Completing the AuditChapter 13 Audit ReportsChapter 14 The Auditing ProfessionGLOSSARYFeaturesUnique Topical OrganizationMost auditing books are organized with the first half covering theoryand the second half covering how to audit an accounting cycle.Stuart, however, introduces the applications of auditing before thetheoretical details and, in doing so, this text helps to retain studentinterest, understanding, and motivation in a traditionally dry and difficultsubject area.Non-Traditional Treatment of Sampling ChaptersThe concepts of sampling, sampling and non-sampling risk, andstatistical and non-statistical sampling have been retained, but thesampling plans for internal control testing and substantive testing havebeen written to expose students to sampling issues that they actuallywill face in an audit. To further enhance this element, standardizedworksheets and written examples collaborated on with the “Big Four”CPA firms have been utilized to give students the most accurate realworldexperiences possible.High Quality End-of-Chapter Assignment MaterialThe end-of-chapter assignment material includes Review Questions,Multiple Choice Questions from CPA Examinations, DiscussionQuestions and Research Problems, Real-World Auditing Problems,and Internet Assignments, all tied to the respective chapter’s keylearning objectives.Current and Comprehensive StandardsStuart begins each chapter by noting the relevant standards fromthe following sets: auditing standards for private companies, auditingstandards for public companies, and international standards. “Did You Know?” FeaturesThis pedagogical feature highlights real-world accounting scandalsto further engage students in ethical dilemmas and connect theoryto practice. After each source document, Stuart asks the studentsa relevant critical thinking question. The feature is integrated withinthe text so that students do not assume it is unimportant and skips it.International editionNEW*9780077486273*PRINCIPLES OF AUDITINGAND OTHER ASSURANCESERVICES18th EditionBy Ray Whittington, DePaul University/McGowanCenter, Kurt Pany, Arizona State University-Tempe2012 (March 2011) / 864 pagesISBN: 9780077486273 (with ACL Software CD)ISBN: 9780071317139 [IE with ACL Software CD] is our market leader in the auditing discipline. Whilemost textbooks use a cycles approach, Whittington/Pany enlists abalance sheet approach – making it particularly straightforward anduser-friendly in addressing the auditing profession’s risk-based approachfor financial statement audits as well as for integrated audits offinancial statements and internal control. The 18th edition covers thelatest auditing standards to meet the needs of the current marketplace.The authors are well connected – both Ray Whittington and Kurt Panyserved as members of the Audit Standards Board, and Whittingtonrecently completed his term as President of the Auditing Section ofthe American Accounting Association.New to this editionThe 18th edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect two verymajor changes in auditing:Chapter Overview and Chapter Takeaways1) The AICPA’s “clarity project” which has resulted in complete revi-44
Accountingsion and recodification of the Auditing Standards Board’s standards(1) to make standards easier to read, understand, and apply, and(2) to converge those standards with the International Standards ofAuditing to the extent considered desirable. Almost all outstandingStatements on Auditing Standard were revised, with an effective datefor audits of periods ending after December 15, 2012.2) Modification of the CPA exam’s Auditing and Attestation sectioncontent, including elimination of 2 “long” simulations on each examand replacement with 6-7 shorter, completely objective form simulations.Modifications to Reflect Changes in the Auditing Standards:The broad scope of the clarity project has resulted in changes toeach chapter--some relatively minor, but others very major. Amongthe most major clarity project changes are:Chapter 2: Professional Standards This chapter is rewritten toreflect the Auditing Standards Board’s elimination of the longstanding“ten generally accepted auditing standards”--that is, the threegeneral standards, three field work standards, and the four reportingstandards. For purposes of AICPA professional standard coveragethe chapter now discusses in detail the new Principles Underlyingan Audit Conducted in Accordance with Generally Accepted AuditingStandards that replaced the ten standards. Yet, because the PCAOBstandards continue to be structured about the ten standards, thosestandards remain in place for public company audits and are alsodiscussed in the chapter. In addition, coverage includes presentationof the new “standard” audit report and modified reports. An appendixhas been added to this chapter to compare major differences betweeninternational and US standards.Chapter 17: Auditors’ Reports. Changes in AICPA terminologyreflected here better align U.S. GAAS with international standards.For example, an unqualified report is now an unmodified report; anexplanatory paragraph is now an emphasis of matter, an other matterparagraph or a basis for modification paragraph; an audit involvingother auditors is now a group audit. But there have also been manyother changes, including changes in the standard audit report’swording and changes in requirements in a number of areas in whicha report other than “standard” is issued.Chapter 19: Additional Assurance Services: Historical financialInformation. The clarity standards, following the international standardapproach, use the term “financial reporting framework” to representthe standards used to prepare historical financial information. Inessence the “financial reporting framework” becomes the “suitablecriteria” for historical financial information. This results in a numberof changes relating to this chapter, including elimination of “specialreports” and replacement with “special purpose financial reportingframeworks.”In addition, two other key changes include:Chapter 19: Additional Assurance Services: Historical financialInformation. In addition to the Chapter 19 clarity changes, modificationof compilation and review standards are reflected in the chapter. Thisarea is of particular importance to students who plan to take the CPAexam as the new content specification outline shows that the degreeof coverage of this area is significant.Chapter 20: Additional Assurance Services: Other Information isrewritten to reflect the fact that the nature of these other services isevolving as at this point some services seem to have gained a degreeof market acceptance (e.g., SysTrust, PrimePlus/Elder Care) whileothers have not (e.g., WebTrust). Additional new products such asproviding assurance relating to XBRL are discussed.Modifications to reflect CPA Exam Question Format Changes:The CPA exam’s coverage of shorter simulations has resulted inthe replacement of the “long” simulations in the text with a variety ofshorter objective questions. We entitle them “other objective formatquestions” in that they are “objective,” yet in general not structuredcompletely as multiple choice questions. The questions in the backof every chapter now include other objective format questions. Anumber of these are “simulation” questions that meet the new criteriafor CPA exam inclusion. Others are brief, and yet consistent with thenew simulation approach. In addition, every chapter of the instructor’stest bank now includes one or more other objective format questions.The clarity modifications presented force the CPA exam to updateits questions to reflect new terminology and requirements. Wehave revised the text and instructor test bank questions to reflectthese changes.Connect Accounting and Connect Plus Accounting – new to thisedition! Includes end-of-chapter, study guide, and test bank material.Contents1. The Role of the Public Accountant in the American Economy2. Professional StandardsAppendix A International and U.S. Standards Comparison3. Professional Ethics4. Legal Liability of CPAs5. Audit Evidence and Documentation6. Planning the Audit; Linking Audit Procedures to RiskAppendix A Selected Internet AddressesAppendix B Examples of Fraud Risk FactorsAppendix C Illustrative Audit Case7. Internal ControlAppendix A Antifraud Programs and Control Measures8. Consideration of Internal Control in an Information TechnologyEnvironment9. Audit SamplingAppendix A Probability-Proportion-to-Size SamplingAppendix B Audit Risk10. Cash and Financial Investments11. Accounts Receivable, Notes Receivable, and RevenueAppendix A Illustrative Audit CaseAppendix B Illustrative Audit Case12. Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold13. Property, Plant, and Equipment: Depreciation and Depletion14. Accounts Payable and Other LiabilitiesAppendix A Illustrative Audit Cases15. Debt and Equity Capital16. Auditing Operations and Completing the Audit17. Auditors’ Report18. Integrated Audits of Public Companies19. Additional Assurance Services: Historical Financial Information20. Additional Assurance Services: Other Information21. Internal, Operational, and Compliance AuditingInvitation to Publish<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> is interested to review yourtextbook proposals for publication.Please contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> office oremail to <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)Website:
AccountingInternational editionAUDITING & ASSURANCE SERVICES4th EditionBy Timothy J Louwers, James Madison University, Robert J Ramsay,University of Kentucky-Lexington, David Sinason, Northern Illinois Universityand Jerry R Strawser, Texas A&M University-College Station2011 (January 2010) / 864 pagesISBN: 9780077396572 (with ACL Software)ISBN: 9780071326025 [IE with ACL Software] fourth edition of Auditing & Assurance Services is the most upto-dateauditing text on the market. All chapters and modules in thefourth edition have been revised to incorporate professional standardsthrough SAS 116, AS7, international standards of auditing (ISAs), andunnumbered standards adopted through July 2009. New terminologyfrom the AICPA’s Clarity Project has been incorporated throughoutthe book. In addition, all chapters include new problems, KaplanCPA Review simulations, and comprehensive case questions. Fraudawareness, a thorough understanding of internal controls, and theability to use technology effectively are the hallmarks of a successfulauditor in business today. With Auditing & Assurance Services, 4thedition , students are prepared to take on auditing’s latest challenges.As a leader in fraud coverage, it is accompanied by the Apollo ShoesCase, the only standalone FRAUD audit case on the market (availableonline on the book’s OLC). The text is also designed to provide flexibilityfor instructors; the twelve chapters focus on the auditing processwhile the eight modules provide additional topics that can be taughtat the instructor’s discretion without interrupting the flow of the text.ContentsPart I: The Contemporary Auditing EnvironmentChapter 1: Auditing and Assurance ServicesChapter 2: Professional StandardsChapter 3: Management Fraud and Audit RiskPart II: The Financial Statement AuditChapter 4: Engagement PlanningChapter 5: Risk Assessment: Internal Control EvaluationChapter 6: Employee Fraud and the audit of CashAppendix 6A Internal Control QuestionnairesAppendix 6B Audit Plan QuestionnairesChapter 7: Revenue and Collection CycleFraud Cases: Extended Audit Procedures (SAS 99)Appendix 7A Internal Control QuestionnairesAppendix 7B Audit PlanChapter 8: Acquisition and Expenditure CycleFraud Case(s): Extended Audit Procedures (SAS 99)Appendix 8A Internal Control QuestionnairesAppendix 8B Audit PlansAppendix 8B The Payroll CycleChapter 9: Production CycleFraud Case: Extended Audit Procedures (SAS 99)Appendix 9A Internal Control QuestionnairesAppendix 9B Audit PlansChapter 10: Finance and Investment CycleFraud Case: Extended Audit Procedures (SAS 99)Appendix 10A Internal Control QuestionnairesAppendix 10B Substantive Audit PlansChapter 11: Completing the AuditChapter 12: Reports on Audited Financial StatementsPart III: Other TopicsModule A: Other Public Accounting ServicesModule B: Professional EthicsModule C: Legal LiabilityModule D: Internal, Governmental, and Fraud AuditsModule E: Overview of SamplingModule F: Attribute SamplingModule G: Variables SamplingModule H: Information Systems AuditingComprehensive CasesAndersen: An Obstruction of Justice?PTL Club—The Harbinger of Things to Come?GM: Running on Empty?Unhealthy Accounting at HealthSouthKPMG: How Many Firms?Something Went Sour at ParmalatGE: How Much Are Auditors Paid?Saytam Computer Services, Ltd.—India’s EnronETHICAL OBLIGATIONS AND DECISION-MAKING IN ACCOUNTINGText and Cases, 2nd EditionBy Steven M Mintz, Claremont McKenna College and Roselyn Morris,Texas State University-San Marcos2011 (October 2010) / 512 pagesISBN: overriding philosophy of this text is that the ethical obligationsof accountants and auditors are best understood in the context ofprofessional responsibilities including one’s role in the corporategovernance system, the requirements of financial reporting, the auditfunction, obligations to prevent and detect fraud, and legal liabilities.Ethical Obligations and Decision Making in Accounting was writtento guide accountants past a scandal filled age. Our book is entirelydevoted to helping students cultivate the ethical commitment neededto ensure that their work meets the highest standards of integrity,independence, and objectivity. Ethical Obligations and Decision Makingin Accounting is designed to provide the instructor with the bestflexibility and pedagogical effectiveness of any book on the market.To that end, it includes numerous features designed to make bothlearning and teaching easier.ContentsChapter 1 – Ethical Reasoning: Implications for AccountingChapter 2 – Accountants’ Ethical Decision Process and ProfessionalJudgmentChapter 3 – Corporate Governance and Ethical ManagementChapter 4 – AICPA Code of Professional ConductChapter 5 – Audit Responsibilities and Accounting FraudChapter 6 – Legal and Regulatory Obligations in an Ethical FrameworkChapter 7 – Earnings Management and the Quality of FinancialReportingChapter 8 – International Financial Reporting: Ethics and CorporateGovernance ConsiderationsMajor CasesAUDITING AFTER SARBANES-OXLEY3rd EditionBy Jay C Thibodeau, Bentley College and Deborah Freier2011 (March 2010) / 288 pagesISBN: approach used by Thibodeau and Freier emphasizes the substantialbenefits of using real-life case examples in helping to impartknowledge related to the practice of auditing. This type of approachhas long been acknowledged as a superior manner in which to teach.Since the authors present the concepts of auditing using actualcorporate contexts, they seek to provided students with a real-lifeappreciation of these issues and clearly demonstrate the value of theSarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the post-Sarbanes technical auditguidance. The Third Edition has been updated to reflect all of themajor changes happening in today’s society with actual companiessuch as Enron, WorldCom, Qwest, Sunbeam, that have becomesynonymous with the capital markets’ crisis in confidence. With 45different short cases, instructors can assign 8 to 9 different cases foreach of four different semesters.46
AccountingContentsSection 1 Fraud Cases: Violations of Accounting PrinciplesCase 1.1 Waste Management: The Matching PrincipleCase 1.2 WorldCom: The Revenue Recognition PrincipleCase 1.3 Qwest: The Full Disclosure PrincipleCase 1.4 Sunbeam: The Revenue Recognition PrincipleCase 1.5 Waste Management: The Definition of an AssetCase 1.6 Enron: The Revenue Recognition PrincipleCase 1.7 WorldCom: The Matching PrincipleCase 1.8 The Fund of Funds: The Conservatism ConstraintCase 1.9 Qwest: The Revenue Recognition PrincipleCase 1.10 The Baptist Foundation of Arizona: The ConservatismConstraintCase 1.11 WorldCom: The Definition of an AssetSection 2 Ethics and Professional Responsibility CasesCase 2.1 Enron: IndependenceCase 2.2 Waste Management: Due CareCase 2.3 WorldCom: Professional ResponsibilityCase 2.4 Enron: Quality AssuranceCase 2.5 Sunbeam: Due CareCase 2.6 The Fund of Funds: IndependenceCase 2.7 Bernard L. Madoff Investment and Securities: A Focus onAuditors’ Legal Liability and Due CareCase 2.8 Enron: Audit DocumentationSection 3 Fraud and Inherent Risk Assessment CasesCase 3.1 Enron: Understanding the Client’s Business and IndustryCase 3.2 The Baptist Foundation of Arizona: Related Party TransactionsCase 3.3 WorldCom: Significant Business AcquisitionsCase 3.4 Sunbeam: Incentives and Pressure to Commit FraudCase 3.5 Qwest: Understanding the Client’s Business and IndustryCase 3.6 The Fund of Funds: Related Party TransactionsCase 3.7 Waste Management: Understanding the Client’s Businessand IndustrySection 4 Internal Control Systems: Entity-Level Control CasesCase 4.1 Enron: The Control EnvironmentCase 4.2 Waste Management: General Computing ControlsCase 4.3 The Baptist Foundation of Arizona: The WhistleblowerHotlineCase 4.4 WorldCom: The Internal Audit FunctionCase 4.5 Waste Management: Top-Side Adjusting Journal EntriesSection 5 Internal Control Systems: Control ActivityCase 5.1 The Fund of Funds: Valuation of InvestmentsCase 5.2 Enron: Presentation and Disclosure of Special-PurposeEntitiesCase 5.3 Sunbeam: Completeness of the Restructuring ReserveCase 5.4 Qwest: Occurrence of RevenueCase 5.5 The Baptist Foundation of Arizona: Presentation and Disclosureof Related PartiesCase 5.6 Waste Management: Valuation of Fixed AssetsCase 5.7 Qwest: Occurrence of RevenueAppendix Company CasesCase A.1 EnronCase A.2 Waste ManagementCase A.3 WorldComCase A.4 SunbeamCase A.5 QwestCase A.6 The Baptist Foundation of ArizonaCase A.7 The Fund of FundsUK AdaptationAUDITING & ASSURANCE SERVICES2nd EditionBy Aasmund Eilifsen, Norwegian Sch of Economics & Business Administration,William F Messier, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Steven MGlover and Douglas F Prawitt of Brigham Young University-Provo2009 / 720 pagesISBN: 9780077122508<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK & Assurance Services, Second International Edition combinesa genuine international perspective and relevant internationalregulatory requirements with a conceptual and systematic approachto auditing. This fully up-to-date textbook provides students with themost current concepts of auditing and professional requirements.ContentsPART I INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT AUDITINGChapter 1: An Introduction to Assurance and Financial StatementAuditingChapter 2: The Financial Statement Auditing EnvironmentPART II BASIC AUDITING CONCEPTS: RISK ASSESSMENT, MA-TERIALITY, AND EVIDENCEChapter 3: Risk Assessment and MaterialityChapter 4: Audit Evidence and Audit DocumentationPART III PLANNING THE AUDIT AND INTERNAL CONTROLChapter 5: Audit Planning and Types of Audit TestsChapter 6: Internal Control in a Financial Statement AuditChapter 7: Auditing Internal Control over Financial ReportingPART IV STATISTICAL AND NON-STATISTICAL SAMPLING TOOLSFOR AUDITINGChapter 8: Audit Sampling: An Overview and Application to Tests ofControlsChapter 9: Audit Sampling: An Application to Substantive Tests ofAccount BalancesPART V AUDITING BUSINESS PROCESSESChapter 10: Auditing the Revenue ProcessChapter 11: Auditing the Purchasing ProcessChapter 12: Auditing the Human Resource Management ProcessChapter 13: Auditing the Inventory Management ProcessChapter 14: Auditing Financing Process: Prepaid Expenses andProperty, Plant and EquipmentChapter 15: Auditing Financing Process: Long Term Liabilities, Stockholders’Equity and Income Statement AccountsChapter 16: Auditing Financing Process :Cash and InvestmentsPART VI COMPLETING THE AUDIT AND REPORTING RESPON-SIBILITIESChapter 17: Completing the EngagementChapter 18: Reports on Audited Financial StatementsPART VII PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIESChapter 19: Professional Ethics, Independence and Quality ControlPART VIII ASSURANCE, RELATED SERVICES AND INTERNALAUDITING SERVICESChapter 20: Assurance, Related Services and Internal Auditing47
AccountingAUDITING AND ASSURANCE SERVICES INAUSTRALIA4th EditionBy Grant Gay, Monash University and Roger Simnett, University of NewSouth Wales2009ISBN: 9780070286740<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia & Assurance Services takes a business risk approach -thestandard in audit practice that has been incorporated into both nationaland international auditing standards over the past five years.Students are provided with a solid theoretical grounding in all aspectsof auditing, as well as insight into current challenges of the profession.With a reputation built over several editions for timely, comprehensiveand accurate incorporation of auditing standards this edition continuesthe trend. The 4e is current with the revised Australian AuditingStandards arising from the Clarity Project and enforceable from 1January 2010. Instructors can have confidence that students havethe advantage of being exposed to the framework that auditing firmswill be operating in from 2010.ContentsPart 1 The Auditing And Assurance Services ProfessionCh 1. Assurance & auditing: an overviewCh 2. The structure of the professionCh 3. Ethics, independence and corporate governanceCh 4. The legal liability of auditorsPart 2 Planning And RiskCh 5. Overview of elements of the financial report auditprocessCh 6. Planning, understanding the entity and evaluatingbusiness riskCh 7. Assessing specific business risks and materialityCh 8. Understanding and assessing internal controlPart 3 Tests Of Control And Tests Of DetailsCh 9. Tests of controlsCh 10. Substantive tests of transactions and balancesCh 11. Audit samplingPart 4 Completion And CommunicationCh 12. Completion and reviewCh 13. The auditor’s reporting obligationsPart 5 Other Assurance ServicesCh 14. Internal auditingCh 15. Audit and assurance services in the public sectorCh 16. Other assurance services and advanced topicsPRINCIPLES AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUESIN INTERNAL AUDITINGBy Puan Sri Datin Dr Mary Lee, Dr Hasnah Haji Haron, Dr Ishak Ismail,Dr Mohd. Hassan Che Haat, Norlela Zaini, Tong Seuk Ying, Lok CharLee and Mohd, Farook Nasar2009 (June 2009) / 356 pagesISBN: 9789833850679An Asian PublicationThis book provides readers with an overview of the latest developmentsand various contemporary and contentious issues in internalauditing. It gives a good understanding on the role and responsibilitiesof an internal auditor as one of the governance partners and valueaddersin an organization. It highlights the importance of the internalauditing function in risk management, controls and governance. Withthe latest amendments issued under Para 15.18 of Bursa Malaysia’s(Amended) Listing Requirements on 31 January, 2008, mandatinginternal audit function for all public-listed companies, there is a needfor greater understanding of the internal audit function as one of themeans of safeguarding shareholders’ interests. This book also incorporatesthe new IIA’s International Professional Practices Framework(IPPF) which includes the Mandatory Guidance (such as the Code ofEthics and the International Standards for the Professional Practiceof Internal Auditing) and the Strongly Recommended Guidance (suchas the Position Papers, Practice Advisories and Practice Guides).The book is a joint effort of academicians from Universiti TeknologiMARA, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Trengganu andpractitioners in internal auditing. The authors recognize that there isa need for more local and affordable books on internal auditing. Inthis regard, the authors hope that their concerted efforts in writingthis book would contribute to promoting the significance of internalauditing and also encourage continuous professional development inthis area. The authors also feel that they should share their knowledgeand experience on internal auditing to meet the motto of The Instituteof Internal Auditors, “Progress Through Sharing”.Auditing Practice CasesInternational editionPEACH BLOSSOM COLOGNE COMPANY4th EditionBy Jack W. Paul, Lehigh University2007 (December 2005) / 192 pagesISBN: 9780073276595 (with CD)ISBN: 9780071259828 [IE with CD]ContentsI. General Instructions and Preparations.II. Permanent File Materials.1. History and Background.2. Organizational Structure.3. Internal Control.4. Chart of Accounts.5. Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meetings.III. Problem Assignments.Assignment #1: Planning the Integrated Audit. Assignment #2: Cash.Assignment #3: Accounts Receivable and Credit Sales. Assignment#4: Inventory and Purchases. Assignment #5: Property, Plant,and Equipment (Fixed Assets). Assignment #6: Accounts PayableProcessing and Unrecorded Liabilities. Assignment #7: Notes Payableand Accrued Interest. Assignment #8: Completing the Audit.IV. Current Year’s Working Trial Balance.V. Prior Year’s Working Papers.REVIEW COPY(Available for course adoption only)To request for a review copy,• contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>representatives or,• fax the Review Copy Request Form foundin this catalog or,• e-mail your request or,• submit online at www.mheducation.asia48
AccountingInternational editionAPPLE BLOSSOM COLOGNE COMPANY:AUDIT CASE5th EditionBy Jack Paul, Lehigh University2003ISBN: 9780072844504 (with CD-ROM)ISBN: 9780071244886 [IE with CD-ROM] Audit Planning and Integration of the Accounting Process2) Accounts Receivable and Credit Sales3) Cash4) Inventory and Purchases5) Prepaid Expenses6) Investments in Securities7) Property, Plant, and Equipment8) Accounts Payable Processing and Unrecorded Liabilities9) Payroll Processing and Accrued Liabilities10) Notes Payable and Accrued Interest11) Capital Stock and Retained Earnings12) Completing the AuditAdvanced ManagerialAccountingInternational editionaccounting for decision-making andcontrol7th EditionBy Jerold Zimmerman, University of Roch2011 (January 2010) / 608 pagesISBN: 9780078136726ISBN: 9780071289641 [IE] for Decision Making and Control provides students andmanagers with an understanding appreciation of the strengths andlimitations of an organization’s accounting system. This book providesa framework for thinking about accounting systems and a basis foranalyzing proposed changes to these systems. The Seventh Editiondemonstrates that managerial accounting is an integral part of thefirm’s organizational architecture, not just an isolated set of computationaltopics. The purpose of this text is to provide students andmanagers with an understanding and appreciation of the strengthsand limitations of an organization’s accounting system, thereby allowingthem to be more intelligent users of these systems. The main purposeproposed by the author remains in tact for the Seventh Edition.ContentsChapter 1) IntroductionChapter 2) The nature of costsChapter 3) Opportunity cost of capital and capital budgetingChapter 4) Organizational architectureChapter 5) Responsibility accounting and transfer pricingChapter 6) BudgetingChapter 7) Cost allocation: TheoryChapter 8) Cost allocation: PracticesChapter 9) Absorption cost systemChapter 10) Criticisms of absorption cost systems: Incentives tooverproduceChapter 11) Criticisms of absorption cost systems: Inaccurate productcostsChapter 12) Standard costs: Direct labor and materialsChapter 13) Overhead and marketing variancesChapter 14) Management accounting in a changing environmentUndergraduate TaxationNEW *9780078025488*PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION FOR BUSINESSAND INVESTMENT PLANNING2013 Edition, 16th EditionBy Sally Jones, University of Virginia and Shelley C Rhoades-Catanach,Villanova University2013 (April 2012) / 608 pagesISBN: 9780078025488(Details unavailable at press time)NEW *9780077434045*TAXATION OF BUSINESS ENtities2013 Edition, 4th EditionBy Brian Spilker, Brigham Young Univesity, Benjamin C Ayers, Universityof Georgia, John Robinson, University of Texas at Austin, EdmundOutslay, Michigan State University, Ronald G Worsham and John ABarrick of Brigham Young university and Constance Weaver, Texas A&MUniversity2013 (April 2012) / 640 pagesISBN: 9780077434045(Details unavailable at press time)NEW*9780077434113*<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s TAXATION OFINDIVIDUALS2013 Edition, 4th EditionBy Brian Spilker, Brigham Young Univesity, Benjamin C Ayers, Universityof Georgia, John Robinson, University of Texas at Austin, EdmundOutslay, Michigan State University, Ronald G Worsham and John ABarrick of Brigham Young university and Constance Weaver, Texas A&MUniversity2013 (April 2012) / 736 pagesISBN: 9780077434113(Details unavailable at press time)49
Accounting<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s TAXATION ofIndividuals2012 Edition, 3rd EditionBy Brian Spilker, Brigham Young Univesity, Benjamin C Ayers, Universityof Georgia, John Robinson, University of Texas at Austin, EdmundOutslay, Michigan State University, Ronald G Worsham and John ABarrick of Brigham Young university and Constance Weaver, Texas A&MUniversity2012 (April 2011) / 736 pagesISBN:<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Taxation Series continues to provide a unique, innovative,and engaging learning experience for students studyingtaxation. The breadth of the topical coverage, the storyline approachto presenting the material, the emphasis on the tax and nontaxconsequences of multiple parties involved in transactions, and theintegration of financial and tax accounting topics make this book idealfor the modern tax curriculum. With over 250 schools adopting the 2ndedition, <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Taxation of Individuals and Business Entitiesresonates with instructors who were in need of a bold and innovativeapproach to teaching tax. 280 professors have contributed 250book reviews, in addition to 17 focus groups and symposia. Theseinstructors were impressed on the book’s organization, pedagogy,and unique features that are a testament to the grassroots nature ofthis book’s development.New to this editionNew Ethics Boxes: New Ethics boxes were added to each chapter.These vignettes present a taxpayer facing an ethical questionrelated to the material covered in the chapter. Students are encouragedto consider the many ethical questions raised by taxation law;these boxes are designed to start a conversation in the classroomabout ethics in tax.Algorithmic Problems: Connect Accounting for Taxation of Individualsand Business Entities now includes algorithmic problems.The book has been completely updated for all new tax law, ratechanges, and 2010 tax forms. The book is current through March2011. Other updates beyond March can be found on the book’s OnlineLearning Center, content changes have been integrated throughout thetext. These notable changes include:All tax forms have been updated for the latest available tax formas of January 2011.TaxACT for Business Entities: We will now offer both TaxACT’sIndividual tax prep software, and their Entities bundle, which includesforms 1065, 1120 and 1120S as add-on products. This bundle combinesTaxACT’s 2010 Preparer’s 1040 with the 2010 Preparer’s Business3-Pack to offer preparer solutions for personal and business use.ContentsPart I: Intro to Taxation1. An Introduction to Tax2. Tax Compliance, the IRS, and Tax Authorities3. Tax Planning Strategies and Related LimitationsPart II: Basic Individual Taxation4. Individual Tax Overview5. Gross Income and Exclusions6. Individual Deductions7. Individual Income Tax Computation and Tax CreditsPart III: Business and Investment–Related Transactions8. Business Income, Deductions, and Accounting Methods9. Property Acquisition and Cost Recovery10. Property Dispositions11. InvestmentsPart IV: Specialized Topics12. Compensation13. Retirement Savings and Deferred Compensation14. Tax Consequences of Home OwnershipAppendix A: Tax FormsAppendix B: Tax Terms GlossaryAppendix C: Comprehensive Tax Return ProblemsAppendix D: Code IndicesAppendix E: Table of Cases CitedTAXATION OF BUSINESS ENtities2012 Edition, 3rd EditionBy Brian Spilker, Brigham Young Univesity, Benjamin C Ayers, Universityof Georgia, John Robinson, University of Texas at Austin, EdmundOutslay, Michigan State University, Ronald G Worsham and John ABarrick of Brigham Young university and Constance Weaver, Texas A&MUniversity2012 (May 2011) / 736 pagesISBN:<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Taxation Series continues to provide a unique, innovative,and engaging learning experience for students studyingtaxation. The breadth of the topical coverage, the storyline approachto presenting the material, the emphasis on the tax and nontaxconsequences of multiple parties involved in transactions, and theintegration of financial and tax accounting topics make this bookideal for the modern tax curriculum. With over 250 schools adoptingthe 2nd edition, <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Taxation of Individuals and BusinessEntities resonates with instructors who were in need of a bold andinnovative approach to teaching tax. 280 professors have contributed250 book reviews, in addition to 17 focus groups and symposia. Theseinstructors were impressed on the book’s organization, pedagogy,and unique features that are a testament to the grassroots nature ofthis book’s development.New to this editionNew Ethics Boxes: New Ethics boxes were added to each chapter.These vignettes present a taxpayer facing an ethical questionrelated to the material covered in the chapter. Students are encouragedto consider the many ethical questions raised by taxation law;these boxes are designed to start a conversation in the classroomabout ethics in tax.Algorithmic Problems: Connect Accounting for Taxation of Individualsand Business Entities now includes algorithmic problems.The book has been completely updated for all new tax law, ratechanges, and 2010 tax forms. The book is current through March2011. Other updates beyond March can be found on the book’s OnlineLearning Center, content changes have been integrated throughout thetext. These notable changes include:All tax forms have been updated for the latest available tax formas of January 2011.ContentsPart I: Business and Investment–Related Transactions1. Business Income, Deductions, and Accounting Methods2. Property Acquisition and Cost Recovery3. Property DispositionsPart II: Entity Overview and Taxation of C Corporations4. Entities Overview5. Corporate Operations6. FAS 109: Accounting for Income Taxes7. Corporate Taxation: Nonliquidating Distributions8. Corporate Taxation: Formation, Reorganization, and LiquidationPart III: Taxation of Flow-Through Entities9. Forming and Operating Partnerships10. Dispositions of Partnership Interests and Partnership Distributions11. S CorporationsPart IV: Multijurisdictional Taxation and Transfer Taxes12. State and Local Taxes51
Accounting13. The U.S. Taxation of Multinational Transactions14. Transfer Taxes and Wealth PlanningAppendix A: Tax FormsAppendix B: Tax Terms GlossaryAppendix C: Comprehensive Tax Return ProblemsAppendix D: Code Indices<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s TAXATION OFINDIVIDUALS and BUSINESS ENtities2012 Edition, 3rd EditionBy Brian Spilker, Brigham Young Univesity, Benjamin C Ayers, Universityof Georgia, John Robinson, University of Texas at Austin, EdmundOutslay, Michigan State University, Ronald G Worsham and John ABarrick of Brigham Young university and Constance Weaver, Texas A&MUniversity2012 (April 2011) / 1264 pagesISBN:<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Taxation Series continues to provide a unique, innovative,and engaging learning experience for students studyingtaxation. The breadth of the topical coverage, the storyline approachto presenting the material, the emphasis on the tax and nontaxconsequences of multiple parties involved in transactions, and theintegration of financial and tax accounting topics make this book idealfor the modern tax curriculum. With over 250 schools adopting the 2ndedition, <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Taxation of Individuals and Business Entitiesresonates with instructors who were in need of a bold and innovativeapproach to teaching tax. 280 professors have contributed 250book reviews, in addition to 17 focus groups and symposia. Theseinstructors were impressed on the book’s organization, pedagogy,and unique features that are a testament to the grassroots nature ofthis book’s development.New to this editionNew Ethics Boxes: New Ethics boxes were added to each chapter.These vignettes present a taxpayer facing an ethical questionrelated to the material covered in the chapter. Students are encouragedto consider the many ethical questions raised by taxation law;these boxes are designed to start a conversation in the classroomabout ethics in tax.Algorithmic Problems: Connect Accounting for Taxation of Individualsand Business Entities now includes algorithmic problems.The book has been completely updated for all new tax law, ratechanges, and 2010tax forms. The book is current through March2011. Other updates beyond March can be found on the book’s OnlineLearning Center, content changes have been integrated throughout thetext. These notable changes include:All tax forms have been updated for the latest available tax formas of January 2011.Better Examples: The examples used throughout the chapterrelate directly to the storyline presented at the beginning of eachchapter, so students become familiar with one fact set and learn howto apply those facts to different scenarios. In addition to providingin-context examples, we provide “What-If” scenarios within manyexamples to illustrate how variations in the facts might or might notchange the answers.ContentsPart I: Intro to Taxation1. An Introduction to Tax2. Tax Compliance, the IRS, and Tax Authorities3. Tax Planning Strategies and Related LimitationsPart II: Basic Individual Taxation4. Individual Tax Overview5. Gross Income and Exclusions6. Individual Deductions7. Individual Income Tax Computation and Tax CreditsPart III: Business and Investment–Related Transactions8. Business Income, Deductions, and Accounting Methods9. Property Acquisition and Cost Recovery10. Property Dispositions11. InvestmentsPart IV: Specialized Topics12. Compensation13. Retirement Savings and Deferred Compensation14. Tax Consequences of Home OwnershipPart V: Entity Overview and Taxation of C Corporations15. Entities Overview16. Corporate Operations17. FASB ASC Topic 740: Income Taxes18. Corporate Taxation: Nonliquidating Distributions19. Corporate Taxation: Formation, Reorganization, and LiquidationPart VI: Taxation of Flow-Through Entities20. Forming and Operating Partnerships21. Dispositions of Partnership Interests and Partnership Distributions22. S CorporationsPart VII: Multijurisdictional Taxation and Transfer Taxes23. State and Local Taxes24. The U.S. Taxation of Multinational Transactions25. Transfer Taxes and Wealth PlanningAppendix A: Tax FormsAppendix B: Tax Terms GlossaryAppendix C: Comprehensive Tax Return ProblemsAppendix D: Code IndicesAppendix E: Table of Cases CitedNEW*9780071078764*TAXATION IN SINGAPOREBy Simon Poh2011 (August 2010) / 424 pagesISBN: 9780071078764An Asian PublicationThis book is intended for candidates taking professional examinationsin Singapore taxation, as well as full-time undergraduate studentstaking Singapore income tax courses in local universities and othertertiary institutions. Lecturers may adopt it as the main text of a onesemestercourse on basic taxation in Singapore. It is also suitablefor those who have little or no knowledge in Singapore taxation, asit attempts to explain the tax laws in simple language. The depth ofcoverage is sufficient to enable readers to build a strong foundationin Singapore taxation, including preparation of both corporate andindividual tax computations.FeaturesDetailed coverage of main tax topics, including capital allowances,tax deductions and taxation of foreign income, non-residentsand companiesClear learning objectives set out at the beginning of each chapterIn-depth review questions at the end of each chapter to test thereaders’ grasp of Singapore taxation52
AccountingUp-to-date information on tax laws, regulations and practice toequip readers with sufficient knowledge on tax compliance and basictax planning topics and conceptsInclusion of extracts of the Singapore Income Tax Act and theGoods and Services Tax Act as a convenient and easy reference toreaders, which are often referred to in practice and in examinationsContentsPrefaceAbout the Author1. Introduction to Singapore Tax2. Concept of Income3. Tax Deductions4. Capital Allowances5. Taxation of Companies6. Taxation of Individuals7. Taxation of Partnerships8. Taxation of Non-residents9. Taxation of Foreign Income10. Goods and Services TaxExtracts of Income Tax ActPart I, Section 2: InterpretationPart III, Section 10: Charge of income taxPart IV, Section 13: Exempt incomePart V, Section 14: Deductions allowedPart V, Section 15: Deductions not allowedPart VI, Sections 16-24: Capital allowancesPart X, Section 39: Relief and deduction for resident individual andHindu joint familyPart XII, Section 45: Withholding of tax in respect of interest paid tonon-resident personsSixth Schedule, Sections 19(2) and 106(3): Number of years ofworking life of assetIndexGovernmental / Non ProfitNEW *9780078025457*ESSENTIALS OFACCOUNTING forGOVERNMENTAL andNOT-for-profitORGANIzations11th Edition2013 (February 2012) / 480 pagesISBN:’s Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations, 11e is best suited for those professors whoseobjective is to provide more concise coverage than what is availablein larger texts. The main focus of this text is on the preparation ofexternal financial statements which is a challenge for governmentalreporting. The approach in this edition is similar to that used in practice.Specifically, day to day events are recorded at the fund levelusing the basis of accounting for fund financial statements. Governmentalactivities are recorded using the modified accrual basis. Thefund-basis statements are then used as input in the preparation ofgovernment-wide statements. The preparation of government-widestatements is presented in an Excel worksheet. This approach hastwo advantages: (1) it is the approach most commonly applied inpractice, and (2) it is an approach familiar to students who havestudied the process of consolidation in their advanced accountingclasses. State and local government reporting is illustrated using anongoing example integrated throughout Chapters 3 through 8 and13. This edition incorporates all of the FASB, GASB, GAO and AICPApronouncements passed since the last edition.New to this editionNew Continuous Homework Problem: Students gain a comprehensiveoverview of the financial reporting process for state and localgovernments with a new continuous homework problem.Updated References: Descriptions and references have beenupdated to reflect FASB and GASB codification conventions for consistencywith current professional literature. Students are introducedto the structure of the codifications.Summaries of Academic Research: Financial information onnot-for-profit organizations is becoming increasingly available throughstimulating research by academics. The 10th edition of this text providesa brief discussion of published research in the nonprofit areafor the purpose of developing student awareness of the major issuesand findings from this important economic sector.Updated Presentation of Budgetary Accounting: The presentationof budgetary accounts, including encumbrances, is simplifiedto reduce student confusion associated with GASB Statement No.54 –Fund Balance Reporting.Most Up-to-Date Reporting Requirements: Updated for new IRSform 990 reporting requirements to reflect current law.ContentsChapter 1: Introduction to Accounting and Financial Reporting forGovernmental and Not-for-Profit OrganizationsChapter 2: Overview of Financial Reporting for State and LocalGovernmentsChapter 3: Modified Accrual Accounting: Including the Role of FundBalances and Budgetary AuthorityChapter 4: Accounting for General and Special Revenue FundsChapter 5: Accounting for Other Governmental Fund Types: CapitalProjects, Debt Service, and PermanentChapter 6: Proprietary FundsChapter 7: Fiduciary (Trust) FundsChapter 8: Government-Wide Statements, Fixed Assets, Long-TermDebtChapter 9: Accounting for Special-Purpose Entities, Including PublicColleges and UniversitiesChapter 10: Accounting for Private Not-for-Profit OrganizationsChapter 11: College and University Accounting—Private InstitutionsChapter 12: Accounting for Hospitals and Other Health-Care ProvidersChapter 13: Auditing, Tax Exempt Entities, and Evaluating PerformanceChapter 14: Financial Reporting by the Federal GovernmentBy Paul A Copley, James Madison University53
AccountingNEW*9780078110931*ACCOUNTING FOR GOVERNMENTAL ANDNONPROFIT ENTITIES16th EditionBy Jacqueline Reck, University of South Florida--Tampa, SuzanneLowensohn, Colorado State University and Earl Wilson, University ofMissouri-Columbia2013 (January 2012) / 784 pagesISBN: for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities provides userswith extensive, accurate, and up-to-date coverage of accounting andfinancial reporting for government and not-for-profit organizations, inaddition to information on governmental auditing and performancemeasurement. The textbook uses a unique dual-track approach toteaching governmental accounting and features two independentcomputerized government practice sets to enhance student learning.Chapter 7: Accounting for the Business-Type Activities of State andLocal GovernmentsChapter 8: Accounting for Fiduciary Activities—Agency and TrustFundsChapter 9: Financial Reporting of State and Local GovernmentsPart Two: Accountability for Public FundsChapter 10: Analysis of Governmental Financial PerformanceChapter 11: Auditing of Governmental and Not-for-Profit OrganizationsChapter 12: Budgeting and Performance MeasurementPart Three: Not-for-Profit Organizations and the Federal GovernmentChapter 13: Accounting for Not-for-Profit OrganizationsChapter 14: Not-for-Profit Organizations—Regulatory, Taxation, andPerformance IssuesChapter 15: Accounting for Colleges and UniversitiesChapter 16: Accounting for Health Care OrganizationsChapter 17: Accounting and Reporting for the Federal GovernmentGlossaryGovernmental and Not-for-Profit OrganizationsIndexNew to this editionSuzanne Lowensohn of Colorado State University joins theauthor team, bringing with her a strong teaching and research backgroundin government and not-for-profit accounting.The text has been thoroughly revised to incorporate fund balanceclassification and fund definition requirements of GASB Statement 54,as well as the reporting changes related to GASB Statement (StatementNumber coming soon), providing up-to-date changes affectinggovernments and accounting professionals.The sixteenth edition has adopted the comprehensive annualfinancial report of the City of Jacksonville, an early implementer ofGASB Statement 54, providing a real-world example of the impactof the new GASB standard throughout the text.The City of Smithville/Bingham Computerized Cumulative Problemhas been revised and updatedto incorporate standards changes and improve program functionality,providing students witha hands-on-experience in preparing accounting entries andfinancial statements. In addition,a reduced-coverage City of Smithville Computerized CumulativeProblem has been addedto provide a learning tool for those instructors who do not havetime to cover the completeSmithville problem.As with all prior editions, the sixteenth edition reflects the latestauthoritative guidance from GASB, FASB, FASAB, GAO, and AICPAapplicable to government and not-for-profit organizations, providingaccurate and up-to-date knowledge about government and not-forprofitaccounting and reporting, an important feature for those intendingto take the CPA exam.CONTENTSChapter 1: Introduction to Accounting and Financial Reporting forGovernmental and Not-for-Profit EntitiesPart One: State and Local GovernmentsChapter 2: Principles of Accounting and Financial Reporting for Stateand Local GovernmentsChapter 3: Governmental Operating Statement Accounts; BudgetaryAccountingChapter 4: Accounting for Governmental Operating Activities—IllustrativeTransactions and Financial StatementsChapter 5: Accounting for General Capital Assets and Capital ProjectsChapter 6: Accounting for General Long-term Liabilities and DebtServiceAccounting TheoryNEW*9780077126735*2011 (March 2011) / 576 pagesISBN: 9780077126735<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK accountingTHEORY2nd EditionBy Craig Deegan, RMIT University-Melbourneand Jeffrey Unermna, Manchester BusinessFinancial Accounting Theory, Second European Edition providesa complete grounding in the subject from a European perspective.Underpinned by research and applied through real-life examples it’sthe ideal text for anyone studying the theories of financial accounting.New to this editionUpdated coverage - all topics have been thoroughly updated andrecent debates added including extended discussion of the upcomingarea of social and environmental accountingNew and updated real life examples - real life exhibits have beenupdated to showcase the issues considered in a real world contextNew research developments - all the latest research in the fieldhas been added and integrated into the text to provide a contemporaryand rigorous account of the subjectContents1. Introduction to financial accounting theory2. The financial reporting environment3. The regulation of financial accounting4. International Accounting54
Accounting5. Normative theories of accounting 1: The case of accounting forchanging prices6. Normative theories of accounting 2: the case of conceptual frameworkprojects7. Positive Accounting Theory8. Unregulated corporate reporting decisions: Considerations ofsystems oriented theories9. Extended systems of accounting: The incorporation of social andenvironmental factors within external reporting10. Reactions of capital markets to financial reporting11. Reactions of individuals to financial reporting: an examination ofbehavioural research12. Critical Perspectives of AccountingFINANCIAL ACCOUNTING THEORY3rd EditionBy Craig Deegan, University of Southern Queensland2009ISBN: 9780070277267<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia accounting theory as a vibrant, relevant topic in a changingworld, this text has established itself as the market leader in Australiaand New Zealand. The third edition retains core strengths that appealboth to academics and students; critical evaluation, a writing style thatis easy to read and understand, and a balanced discussion of differenttheories of accounting to stimulate student interest. Contemporaryexamples and questions have been included and other content (suchas the topic of international accounting) extensively updated. Withtwelve chapters that are arranged in a logical sequence, this text isideally suited for one-semester subjects. It is also an ideal text forthose undertaking further research at post graduate levels; comprehensiveinternal referencing guides point the reader to undertakefurther reading or investigate aspects at a deeper level.Contents1 Introduction to financial accounting theory2 The financial reporting environment3 The regulation of financial accounting4 International accounting5 Normative theories of accounting: the case of accounting forchanging prices6 Normative theories of accounting: the case of conceptual frameworkprojects7 Positive Accounting Theory8 Unregulated corporate reporting decisions: considerations ofsystems-oriented theories9 Extended systems of accounting: the incorporation of social andenvironmental factors within external reporting10 Reactions of capital markets to financial reporting11 Reactions of individuals to financial reporting: an examination ofbehavioural research12 Critical perspectives of accountingIndexInternational AccountingInternational editionNEW *9780078110955*2012 (April 2011) / 816 pagesISBN: 9780078110955ISBN: 9780071086318 [IE] EditionBy Timothy Doupnik, University of South Carolinaand Hector Perera, Massey UniversityThe Third Edition of International Accounting provides an overview ofthe broadly defined area of international accounting, but also focuseson the accounting issues related to international business activitiesand foreign operations. This edition also includes substantiallyupdated coverage of the International Accounting Standards Board(IASB) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Theunique benefits of this textbook include its up-to-date coverage ofrelevant material, extensive numerical examples provided in mostchapters, two chapters devoted to the application of InternationalFinancial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and coverage of nontraditionalbut important topics such as strategic accounting issues of multinationalcompanies, international corporate governance, and corporatesocial responsibility reporting.New to this editionIFRS: Two chapters on International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS), including numerical examples demonstrating majordifferences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP and their implications forfinancial statements.Recent Developments: Detailed discussion on the most recentdevelopments in the area of international harmonization/convergenceof financial reporting standards.Financial Reporting Issues: Numerous excerpts from recentannual reports to demonstrate differences in financial reporting practicesacross countries and to demonstrate financial reporting issuesespecially relevant for multinational corporations.ContentsChapter 1: Introduction to International AccountingChapter 2: Worldwide Accounting DiversityChapter 3: International Convergence of Financial ReportingChapter 4: International Financial Reporting Standards: Part IChapter 5: International Financial Reporting Standards: Part IIChapter 6: Comparative AccountingChapter 7: Foreign Currency Transactions and Hedging ForeignExchange RiskChapter 8: Translation of Foreign Currency Financial StatementsChapter 9: Additional Financial Reporting IssuesChapter 10: Analysis of Foreign Financial StatementsChapter 11: International TaxationChapter 12: International Transfer PricingChapter 13: Strategic Accounting Issues in Multinational CorporationsChapter 14: Comparative International Auditing and CorporateGovernance55
AccountingChapter 15: International Corporate Social Responsibility ReportingNEW*9780078110863*Financial StatementAnalysisInternational editionNEW *9780078025310*FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS ANDSECURITY VALUATION5th EditionBy Stephen Penman, Columbia University-Business School2013 (March 2012) / 768 pagesISBN: 9780078025310ISBN: 9780071326407 [IE]This book describes valuation as an exercise in financial statementanalysis. Students learn to view a firm through its financial statementsand to carry out the appropriate financial statement analysis to valuethe firm’s debt and equity. The book takes an activist approach to investing,showing how the analyst challenges the current market priceof a share by analyzing the fundamentals. With a careful assessmentof accounting quality, accounting comes to life as it is integrated withthe modern theory of finance to develop practical analysis and valuationtools for active investing.CONTENTSList of CasesList of Accounting Clinics1 Introduction to Investing and Valuation2 Introduction to the Financial StatementsPart One Financial Statements and Valuation3 How Financial Statements Are Used in Valuation4 Cash Accounting, Accrual Accounting, and Discounted Cash FlowValuation5 Accrual Accounting and Valuation: Pricing Book Values6 Accrual Accounting and Valuation: Pricing EarningsPart Two The Analysis of Financial Statements7 Viewing the Business Through the Financial Statements8 The Analysis of the Statement of Shareholders’ Equity9 The Analysis of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement10 The Analysis of the Cash Flow Statement11 The Analysis of Profitability12 The Analysis of Growth and Sustainable EarningsPart Three Forecasting and Valuation Analysis13 The Value of Operations and the Evaluation of Enterprise Priceto-BookRatios and Price-Earnings Ratios14 Anchoring on the Financial Statements: Simple Forecasting andSimple Valuation15 Full-Information Forecasting, Valuation, and Business StrategyAnalysisPart Four Accounting Analysis and Valuation16 Creating Accounting Value and Economic Value17 Analysis of the Quality of Financial StatementsPart Five The Analysis of Risk and Return18 The Analysis of Equity Risk and Return19 The Analysis of Credit Risk and ReturnAppendix A Summary of FormulasIndex2012 (January 2011) / 1120 pagesISBN: REPORTING ANDANALYSIS5th EditionBy Lawrence Revsine, Northwestern University,Daniel W Collins and Bruce Johnson of Universityof Iowa-Iowa City and Fred Mittelstaedt,University of Notre DameFinancial Reporting & Analysis (FR&A) by Revsine/Collins/Johnson/Mittelstaedt emphasizes both the process of financial reporting andthe analysis of financial statements. This book employs a true “user”perspective by discussing the contracting and decision implications ofaccounting and this helps readers understand why accounting choicesmatter and to whom. Revsine, Collins, Johnson, and Mittelstaedt traintheir readers to be good financial detectives, able to read, use, andinterpret the statements and-most importantly understand how andwhy managers can utilize the flexibility in GAAP to manipulate thenumbers for their own purposes. Significantly, the new edition emphasizesthe differences and similarities between GAAP and IFRS,which is a critical component of this course.New to this editionNew Global Vantage Point sections have been added to mostchapters thatidentify key differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRSdiscuss financial statement excerpts of companies that followIFRSsummarize proposed new accounting standards issued by theFASB and/or the IASB as part of their convergence projectReferences to both the FASB Accounting Standards CodificationTM and the underlying pre-Codification U.S. GAAP literature havebeen addedAll FASB and IASB standards, exposure drafts, and discussionpapers released through October 2010 have been coveredDiscussion of the 2008 global financial crisis and how it affectedaccounting measurements is includedNew or updated company examples are incorporated throughoutthe bookNew and revised end-of-chapter materials including exercises,problems, and cases tied to Global Vantage Points or to proposednew FASB and IASB standards have been addedContentsChapter 1 The Economic and Institutional Setting for FinancialReportingChapter 2 Accrual Accounting and Income DeterminationChapter 3 Additional Topics in Income DeterminationChapter 4 Structure of the Balance Sheet and Statement of CashFlowsChapter 5 Essentials of Financial Statement AnalysisChapter 6 The Role of Financial Information in Valuation and CreditRisk AssessmentChapter 7 The Role of Financial Information in ContractingChapter 8 ReceivablesChapter 9 InventoriesChapter 10 Long-Lived AssetsChapter 11 Financial Instruments as Liabilities56
AccountingChapter 12 Financial Reporting for LeasesChapter 13 Income Tax ReportingChapter 14 Pensions and Postretirement BenefitsChapter 15 Financial Reporting for Owners’ EquityChapter 16 Intercorporate Equity InvestmentsChapter 17 Statement of Cash FlowsAppendix Time Value of MoneyIndexInternational editionFINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS10th EditionK R Subramanyan, University of Southern California and John J Wild,University of Wisconsin Madison2009 (May 2008) / 784 pagesISBN: 9780073379432ISBN: 9780071263924 [IE] Statement Analysis, 10e, emphasizes effective businessanalysis and decision making by analysts, investors, managers, andother stakeholders of the company. It continues to set the standard inshowing students the keys to effective financial statement analysis.The textbook is set up in a three part framework which makes thistextbook one of the best selling books in the market. It begins with anoverview (chapters 1-2), followed by accounting analysis (chapters3-6) and then financial analysis (chapters 7-12). The book presents abalanced view of analysis, including both equity and credit analysis,and both cash-based and earnings-based valuation models. The tenthedition is aimed at accounting and finance classes, and the professionalaudience – as it shows the relevance of financial statementanalysis to all business decision makers. The authors:1. Use numerous and timely “real world” examples and cases2. Draw heavily on actual excerpts from financial reports and footnotes3. Focus on analysis and interpretation of financial reports and theirfootnotes4. Illustrate debt and equity valuation that uses results of financialstatement analysis5. Apply a concise and succinct writing style to make the materialaccessibleContentsPart One: Introduction and OverviewChapter 1: Overview of Financial Statement AnalysisChapter 2: Financial Reporting and AnalysisPart Two: Accounting AnalysisChapter 3: Analyzing Financing ActivitiesChapter 4: Analyzing Investing ActivitiesChpater 5: Analyzing Investing Activities: Special TopicsChpater 6: Analyzing Operating ActivitiesPart Three: Financial AnalysisChapter 7: Cash Flow AnalysisChpater 8: Return on Invested CapitalChapter 9: Prospective analysisChapter 10: Credit AnalysisChapter 11: Equity Analysis and ValuationComprehensive Case: Applying Financial Statement AnalysisInternational editionEQUITY VALUATION AND ANALYSIS2nd EditionBy Russell Lundholm and Richard Sloan of University of Michigan--AnnArbor2007 (August 2006) / 336 pagesISBN: 9780077219857 (with eVal CD and Pass Code Card)ISBN: 9780071260558 [IE]ContentsPart One1. Introduction2. Information Collection3. Understanding the Business4. Accounting Analysis5. Financial Ratio Analysis6. Cash Flow Analysis7. Structured Forecasting8. Forecasting Details9. The Cost of Capital10. Valuation11. Valuation Ratios12. Some ComplicationsPart Two1. AOL Time Warner Merger2. The Valuation of in June 20013. Turnaround at Bally Total Fitness4. Boston Chicken, Inc.5. Four Valuation Models-One Value6. EnCom Corporation7. GAAP versus the Street: Three Cases of Conflicting QuarterlyEarnings Announcements8. The Home Depot, Inc.9. Evaluation Intel’s Earnings Torpedo10. Interpreting Margin and Turnover Ratios11. Netflix, Inc. 12. Overstock.com13. Pre-Paid Legal Services14. Determinants of Valuation Ratios: The Restaurant Industry in 200315. Forecasting for the Love Boat: Royal Caribbean Cruises in 199816. Can Salton Swing?17. A Tale of Two Movie TheatersAppendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix DIndexInvitation to Publish<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> is interested to review yourtextbook proposals for publication.Please contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> office oremail to <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)Website:
AccountingSurvey of AccountingInternational editionNEW*9780078110856*2012 (January 2011) / 672 pagesISBN: 9780078110856ISBN: 9780071315050 [IE] OF ACCOUNTING3rd EditionBy Thomas P Edmonds, University of Alabamaat Birmingham, Philip R Olds, Virginia CommonwealthUniversity, Frances M McNair,Mississippi State University and Bor-Yi Tsay,University of Alabama at BirminghamSurvey of Accounting, 3rd edition, is designed to cover both financialand managerial accounting in a single 16-week course, presentingthe material in a style easy for non-accounting majors to grasp. Itincorporates the same pedagogical innovations that have made Edmonds’financial and managerial titles such fast-growing successes inthe marketplace, including his unique Horizontal Financial StatementsModel and a multiple accounting cycle approach that demonstratesthe impact of related events over a series of accounting cycles.New to this editionReorganized the content to more closely follow a traditional balancesheet sequencing approach: the first three chapters introducethe accounting cycle for service and merchandising businesses.Thereafter, topics are presented in the order they normally appearin a balance sheet: accounting for assets, accounting for liabilities,and accounting for equity.Topics associated with corporate governance moved fromChapter 2 to Chapter 4.Chapter 4 now includes coverage of Accounting for Cash, InternalControls, and Ethics.Accounting for Inventory Cost Flow was moved from Chapter4 into Chapter 5.Chapter 5 now includes Accounting for Receivables and InventoryCost Flow.Consolidated coverage of Financial Ratios into a single Chapter(Chapter 9).Added basic coverage of auditing practices in Chapter 4.Added coverage of bond discounts and premiums in Chapter 7.Coverage of manufacturing costs flow through raw materials,work-in-process, and finished goods inventory is in Chapter 10.The Analyze, Think, Communicate sections now include a businessapplication case, a group assignment, a research assignment,a writing assignment, and an ethics case in each chapter.ContentsChapter 1 An Introduction to AccountingChapter 2 Understanding the Accounting CycleChapter 3 Accounting for Merchandising BusinessesChapter 4 Internal Controls, Accounting for Cash, and EthicsChapter 5 Accounting for Receivables and Inventory Cost FlowChapter 6 Accounting for Long-Term Operational AssetsChapter 7 Accounting for LiabilitiesChapter 8 Proprietorships, Partnerships, and CorporationsChapter 9 Financial Statement AnalysisChapter 10 An Introduction to Managerial AccountingChapter 11 Cost Behavior, Operating Leverage, and ProfitabilityanalysisChapter 12 Cost Accumulation, Tracing and AllocationChapter 13 Relevant Information for Special DecisionsChapter 14 Planning for Profit and Cost ControlChapter 15 Performance EvaluationChapter 16 Planning for Capital InvestmentsAppendix A Accessing the EDGAR Database through the InternetAppendix B Portion of the Form 10-K for Target CorporationAppendix C The Double-Entry Accounting SystemInternational editionACCOUNTINGWhat the Numbers Mean, 9th EditionBy David Marshall, Millikin University, Wayne William McManus,International College of the Cayman Islands and Daniel Viele, WebsterUniversity2011 (January 2010) / 784 pagesISBN: 9780073527062ISBN: 9780071221023 [IE] has become known as the language of business. This newedition is written to meet the needs of those students who will not beaccountants but who do need to understand accounting to learn thekey language that embarks us in the business world. Marshall, theleading text in the Survey market, takes readers through the basics:what accounting information is, what it means, and how it is used. Inusing this text, students examine financial statements and discoverwhat they do and do not communicate. This enables them to gainthe crucial decision-making and problem-solving skills they need inorder to succeed in a professional environment. The new edition stillhas a strong focus on Return on Investment while updated contentis integrated throughout.ContentsChapter 1. Accounting—Present and PastPart 1 Financial AccountingChapter 2. Financial Statements and Accounting Concepts/PrinciplesChapter 3. Fundamental Interpretations Made From Financial StatementDataChapter 4. The Bookkeeping Process and Transaction AnalysisChapter 5. Accounting for and Presentation of Current AssetsChapter 6. Accounting for and Presentation of Property, Plant andEquipment, and other Noncurrent AssetsChapter 7. Accounting for and Presentation of LiabilitiesChapter 8. Accounting for and Presentation of Owners’ EquityChapter 9. The Income Statement and the Statement of Cash FlowsChapter 10. Corporate Governance, Explanatory Notes and OtherDisclosuresChapter 11. Financial Statement AnalysisPart 2 Managerial AccountingChapter 12. Managerial Accounting and Cost-Volume-Profit AnalysisChapter 13. Cost Accounting and ReportingChapter 14. Cost PlanningChapter 15. Cost ControlChapter 16. Costs for Decision MakingEpilogue: Accounting—The Future58
AccountingAust AdaptationACCOUNTING: WHAT THE NUMBERS MEANRevised 2nd EditionBy Marshall (US Author), Jean McCartney, University of Western Sydney,Dianne Van Rhyn, Murdoch University, Wayne McManus (US Author) andDaniel Viele (US Author)2009ISBN: 9780070997394<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia Best Tertiary title (Adaptation) - Australian Publishing Awards2008. The judges particularly praised the book as follows: “the wraparoundjacket is a really good feature with identification of the needsof students. The learning objectives are graded and the chapters arewell structured. Everything is tied into the learning objectives and isgraded accordingly”.This accessible introduction to accounting retains a practical balancebetween accounting theory and practice. Taking a transaction analysisapproach Accounting: What The Numbers Mean is ideally suited forthe one–semester introductory accounting unit. These courses aretypically taken by non-accounting majors, as well as postgraduateand MBA students. The strengths of the first edition - such as theclarity of the pedagogy and writing style - have been maintained. Toaid learning, chapters have been streamlined and greater coverageof ratio analysis included, whilst debits and credits material has beenretained in the appendix.ContentsPart 1: Financial Accounting1. Financial accounting2. Financial statements and accounting concepts/principles3. The accounting process4. Accounting for and presentation of current assets5. Accounting for and presentation of property, plant, and equipment,and other non-current assets6. Accounting for and presentation of liabilities7. Owners’ equity8. The income statement and the cash flow statement9. Governance and other information10. Fundamental interpretations11. Financial statement analysisPart 2: Management Accounting12. Management accounting, cost-volume-profit relationships andshort-term decision making13. Cost accounting and reporting systems14. Cost analysis for planning and controlAppendicesAppendix 1. CFK Annual report for the year ended 30 June 2006Appendix 2. From transaction analysis to debits and creditsAppendix 3. Solutions to ‘What does it mean?’, ‘So what do you think?’and Multiple-choice QuestionsGlossaryIndexMBA ManagerialInternational editionACCOUNTING FOR DECISION-MAKING ANDCONTROL7th EditionBy Jerold Zimmerman, University of Rochester2011 (January 2010) / 720 pagesISBN: 9780078136726ISBN: 9780071289641 [IE] for Decision Making and Control provides students andmanagers with an understanding appreciation of the strengths andlimitations of an organization’s accounting system. This book providesa framework for thinking about accounting systems and a basis foranalyzing proposed changes to these systems. The Seventh Editiondemonstrates that managerial accounting is an integral part of thefirm’s organizational architecture, not just an isolated set of computationaltopics. The purpose of this text is to provide students andmanagers with an understanding and appreciation of the strengths andlimitations of an organization’s accounting system, thereby allowingthem to be more intelligent users of these systems. The main purposeproposed by the author remains in tact for the Seventh Edition.ContentsChapter 1) IntroductionChapter 2) The nature of costsChapter 3) Opportunity cost of capital and capital budgetingChapter 4) Organizational architectureChapter 5) Responsibility accounting and transfer pricingChapter 6) BudgetingChapter 7) Cost allocation: TheoryChapter 8) Cost allocation: PracticesChapter 9) Absorption cost systemChapter 10) Criticisms of absorption cost systems: Incentives tooverproduceChapter 11) Criticisms of absorption cost systems: Inaccurate productcostsChapter 12) Standard costs: Direct labor and materialsChapter 13) Overhead and marketing variancesChapter 14) Management accounting in a changing environmentREVIEW COPY(Available for course adoption only)To request for a review copy,• contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>representatives or,• fax the Review Copy Request Form foundin this catalog or,• e-mail your request or,• submit online at www.mheducation.asia59
AccountingMBA PrinciplesCorporate FinancialReportingInternational editionACCOUNTINGTexts and Cases, 13th EditionBy Robert Anthony and David Hawkins of Harvard Business School, KennethMerchant, University of Southern California2011 (May 2010) / 944 pagesISBN: 9780073379593ISBN: 9780071289092 [IE] Text & Cases is a product of lifelong dedication to thediscipline of accounting. Covering both financial and managerial accountingas well as broader managerial issues, the book incorporatesa breadth of experience that is sure to enrich your course and yourstudents. The approximately 109 cases that make up most of the endof chapter material are combination of classic Harvard style cases andextended problems, with 12 complete new cases added to the 13thedition. The text is covered as two parts. Part 1 deals with chapters1 -14 which cover financial accounting, while part 2 covers Chapters15-28 which in essence is associated with management accounting.The tale end of part 2 also focuses on broader issues of control andcorporate strategy. Both parts have been updated to reflect the currentchanges relevant to Accounting.ContentsPart One: Financial Accounting1. The Nature and Purpose of Accounting2. Basic Accounting Concepts: The Balance Sheet3. Basic Accounting Concepts: The Income Statement4. Accounting Records and Systems5. Revenue and Monetary Assets6. Cost of Sales and Inventories7. Long-Lived Nonmonetary Assets and Their Amortization8. Sources of Capital: Debt9. Sources of Capital: Owners’ Equity10. Other Items That Affect Net Income and Owners’ Equity11. The Statement of Cash Flows12. Acquisitions and Consolidated Statements13. Financial Statement Analysis14. Understanding Financial StatementsPart Two: Management Accounting15. The Nature of Management Accounting16. The Behavior of Costs17. Full Costs and Their Uses18. Additional Aspects of Product Costing Systems19. Standard Costs, Variable Costing Systems, Quality Costs, andJoint Costs20. Production Cost Variance Analyses21. Other Variance Analysis22. Control: The Management Control Environment23. Control: The Management Control Process24. Strategic Planning and Budgeting25. Reporting and Evaluation26. Short-Run Alternative Choice Decisions27. Longer-Run Decisions: Capital Budgeting28. Management Accounting System DesignNEW*9780078110863*2012 (January 2011) / 1120 pagesISBN: REPORTING ANDANALYSIS5th EditionBy Lawrence Revsine, Northwestern University,Daniel W Collins and Bruce Johnson of Universityof Iowa-Iowa City and Fred Mittelstaedt,University of Notre DameFinancial Reporting & Analysis (FR&A) by Revsine/Collins/Johnson/Mittelstaedt emphasizes both the process of financial reporting andthe analysis of financial statements. This book employs a true “user”perspective by discussing the contracting and decision implications ofaccounting and this helps readers understand why accounting choicesmatter and to whom. Revsine, Collins, Johnson, and Mittelstaedt traintheir readers to be good financial detectives, able to read, use, andinterpret the statements and-most importantly understand how andwhy managers can utilize the flexibility in GAAP to manipulate thenumbers for their own purposes. Significantly, the new edition emphasizesthe differences and similarities between GAAP and IFRS,which is a critical component of this course.New to this editionNew Global Vantage Point sections have been added to mostchapters thatidentify key differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRSdiscuss financial statement excerpts of companies that followIFRSsummarize proposed new accounting standards issued by theFASB and/or the IASB as part of their convergence projectReferences to both the FASB Accounting Standards CodificationTM and the underlying pre-Codification U.S. GAAP literature havebeen addedAll FASB and IASB standards, exposure drafts, and discussionpapers released through October 2010 have been coveredDiscussion of the 2008 global financial crisis and how it affectedaccounting measurements is includedNew or updated company examples are incorporated throughoutthe bookNew and revised end-of-chapter materials including exercises,problems, and cases tied to Global Vantage Points or to proposednew FASB and IASB standards have been addedContentsChapter 1 The Economic and Institutional Setting for FinancialReportingChapter 2 Accrual Accounting and Income DeterminationChapter 3 Additional Topics in Income DeterminationChapter 4 Structure of the Balance Sheet and Statement of CashFlowsChapter 5 Essentials of Financial Statement Analysis60
AccountingChapter 6 The Role of Financial Information in Valuation and CreditRisk AssessmentChapter 7 The Role of Financial Information in ContractingChapter 8 ReceivablesChapter 9 InventoriesChapter 10 Long-Lived AssetsChapter 11 Financial Instruments as LiabilitiesChapter 12 Financial Reporting for LeasesChapter 13 Income Tax ReportingChapter 14 Pensions and Postretirement BenefitsChapter 15 Financial Reporting for Owners’ EquityChapter 16 Intercorporate Equity InvestmentsChapter 17 Statement of Cash FlowsAppendix Time Value of MoneyIndexManagement ControlInternational editionMANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS12th EditionBy Robert N Anthony, Harvard Business School and Vijay Govindarajan,Dartmouth College2007 (May 2006) / 784 pagesISBN: 9780073100890ISBN: 9780071254106 [IE]ContentsCh. 1 The Nature of Management Control Systems.Part 1 The Management Control Environment.Ch. 2 Understanding Strategy.Ch. 3 Understanding Behavior in Organizations.Ch. 4 Responsibility Centers: Revenue and Expense Centers.Ch. 5 Profit Centers.Ch. 6 Transfer Pricing.Ch. 7 Measuring and Controlling Assets Employed.Part 2 The Management Control Process.Ch. 8 Strategic Planning.Ch. 9 Budget Preparation.Ch. 10 Analyzing Financial Performance Reports.Ch. 11 Performance Measurement.Ch. 12 Management Compensation.Part 3 Variations in Management Control.Ch. 13 Controls for Differentiated Strategies.Ch. 14 Service Organizations.Ch. 15 Multinational Organizations. Ch. 16 Management Control ofProjectsOther AccountingInternational editionNEW*9780078136665*2012 (April 2011) / 672 pagesISBN: 9780078136665ISBN: 9780071289320 [IE] ACCOUNTINgand fraud examination2nd EditionBy William Hopwood, George Richard Youngand Jay Leiner of Florida Atlantic University-Boca RatonGrounded firmly in real-world practice, Forensic Accounting providesthe most comprehensive view of fraud investigation on the market.Where other books focus almost entirely on auditing and financial reporting,Hopwood, Young, and Leiner include a vast range of civil andcriminal accounting fraud and related activities, from false businessvaluations and employer fraud to information security and counterterrorism.The author team provide experience in fraud investigationthat lends the book real-world perspective unmatched by any other.New to this editionCoverage of the criminal justice system as it relates to accountingis extensive, touching on areas such as forensic science, organizedcrime, litigation support, and expert testimony.In light of a general increase in the demand for fraud investigationservices, the second edition adds 5 new chapters relating to fraudinvestigation processes.A major distinction of the second edition is that it follows aprocess-oriented approach. Flow charts are present throughout PartII (Chapters 5-12) to graphically illustrate the sequence of steps followedin fraud investigations.ContentsPart One: Introduction to Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination1. Introduction to Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination2. The Forensic Accounting Legal Environment3. Fundamentals 1: Accounting Information Systems4. Fundamentals 2: The Auditing EnvironmentPart Two: Fraud Examination Theory, Practice, and Methods5. Fraud Prevention and Risk Management6. Fraud Detection7. The Fraud Investigation and Engagement Processes8. The Evidence Collection Process9. Fraud Examination Evidence I: Physical, Documentary, and ObservationalEvidence10. Fraud Examination Evidence II: Interview and InterrogationMethods11. Fraud Examination III: Forensic Science and Computer Forensics12. The Fraud Report, Litigation, and the Recovery ProcessPart Three: Occupational and Organizational Fraud13. Employee, Vendor, and Other Frauds against the Organization14. Financial Statement Fraud15. Fraud and SOX CompliancePart Four: Specialized Fraud Areas61
Accounting16. Tax Fraud17. Bankruptcy, Divorce, Identity Theft, and Loan and Insurance Fraud18. Organized Crime, Counterterrorism, and Antimoney-LaunderingPart Five: Other Forensic Accounting Services19. Business Valuation20. Dispute Resolution ServicesETHICAL OBLIGATIONS AND DECISION-MAKING IN ACCOUNTINGText and Cases, 2nd EditionBy Steven M Mintz, Claremont McKenna College and Roselyn Morris,Texas State University-San Marcos2011 (October 2010) / 512 pagesISBN: overriding philosophy of this text is that the ethical obligationsof accountants and auditors are best understood in the context ofprofessional responsibilities including one’s role in the corporategovernance system, the requirements of financial reporting, the auditfunction, obligations to prevent and detect fraud, and legal liabilities.Ethical Obligations and Decision Making in Accounting was writtento guide accountants past a scandal filled age. Our book is entirelydevoted to helping students cultivate the ethical commitment neededto ensure that their work meets the highest standards of integrity,independence, and objectivity. Ethical Obligations and Decision Makingin Accounting is designed to provide the instructor with the bestflexibility and pedagogical effectiveness of any book on the market.To that end, it includes numerous features designed to make bothlearning and teaching easier.ContentsChapter 1 – Ethical Reasoning: Implications for AccountingChapter 2 – Accountants’ Ethical Decision Process and ProfessionalJudgmentChapter 3 – Corporate Governance and Ethical ManagementChapter 4 – AICPA Code of Professional ConductChapter 5 – Audit Responsibilities and Accounting FraudChapter 6 – Legal and Regulatory Obligations in an Ethical FrameworkChapter 7 – Earnings Management and the Quality of FinancialReportingChapter 8 – International Financial Reporting: Ethics and CorporateGovernance ConsiderationsMajor CasesACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPINGPrinciples and PracticeBy Association of Accounting Technicians AAT and David Willis2010 (September 2010)ISBN: 9780071013932 (with Workbook)<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia and Bookkeeping Principles and Practice provides acomplete course for Certificate IV Financial Services (Bookkeeping)in the FNS10 Financial Services Training Package. It covers all themain requirements of the Tax Practitioners Board to enable registrationas a provider of BAS services in Australia. This text is also a usefulresource for students of a wide range of introductory accountingcourses. Featuring a student-friendly writing style and a wealth ofexercises, this is the perfect text for VET-level bookkeeping students.Cash & credit journals BSBFIA401AGeneral journal entries BSBFIA401APostings to ledger accounts and the trial balance BSBFIA401AAccounting for debtors and creditors, accruals and subsidiary ledgersFSACCT302A, FNSBKPG403ATrial tests No. 1 and No. 2Prepare Business Activity Statements for GST and Income Tax instalmentsFNSBKPG404AControls over cash and a petty cash system FNSBKPG402ABank reconciliations FNSBKPG404AEstablish and maintain a manual payroll system FNSBKPG405AMaintain inventory records FNSACCT405ARegister of Property and maintaining asset records BSBFIA401AEstablish and maintain an accrual accounting system, including balanceadjustments BSBFIA401AWorksheets, the Revenue Statement and the Balance Sheet BSB-FIA401ATrial testsSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF BOOKKEEPINGAND ACCOUNTING4th EditionBy Joel J Lerner, Sulivan County Community College and Rajul Gokarn2010 (September 2009) / 480 pagesISBN: 9780071635363A Schaum PublicationSchaum’s Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting is the ideal reviewand reference for your accounting class. Inside you’ll find explanationsof the subject’s fundamentals and topics such as financial analysis,preparing cash flow statements, and the distinction between accountingfor perpetual and periodic inventory system. It also includes achapter on the most popular accounting software, which accountingstudents are expected to master before they graduate.Contents1. Assets, Liabilities, and Capital2. Debits and Credits: The Double-Entry System3. Journalizing and Posting Transactions4. Financial Statements5. Adjusting and Closing Procedures6. Computer Application: Peachtree Complete® Software Introduction7. Repetitive Transaction: The Sales and the Purchases Journals8. The Cash Journal9. Summarizing and Reporting via the Worksheet10. The Merchandising Company11. Costing Merchandise Inventory12. Pricing Merchandise13. Negotiable Instruments14. Controlling Cash15. Payroll16. Property, Plant, and Equipment: Depreciation17. The Partnership18. The CorporationContentsIntroduction BSBFIA401ASource documents and Goods and Services Tax (GST) BSBFIA401A,FNSBKPG402A, FNSBKPG404A62
Bank Management..............................................................................................95Behavioral Finance.............................................................................................97Business Finance................................................................................................83Cases in Corporate Finance...............................................................................87Derivatives / Futures & Options..........................................................................91Finance for the Non-Financial Managers..........................................................101Financial Institutions and Markets.......................................................................93Financial Institutions Management.....................................................................93Financial Planning...............................................................................................97Financial System...............................................................................................103International Financial Management...................................................................96Investments - Graduate......................................................................................87Investments - Supplementary.............................................................................86Investments - Textbooks.....................................................................................83Managerial & Corporate Finance - Graduate......................................................79Managerial & Corporate Finance - Supplements................................................77Managerial & Corporate Finance - Textbooks.....................................................65Mathematics of Finance....................................................................................102Money and Capital Markets................................................................................89Personal Finance................................................................................................98Portfolio Management.........................................................................................90Professional References...................................................................................106Real Estate Finance / Investment.....................................................................106Real Estate Principles, Analysis & Management..............................................105Risk Management.............................................................................................102Upper Division Insurance..................................................................................105FINANCE, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE63
New TitlesFINANCE, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE2013 Author ISBN PageBank Management & Financial Services, 9e Rose 9780078034671 95Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: Alternate Edition, 10e Ross 9780077479459 65Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: Standard Edition, 10e Ross 9780078034633 66Personal Finance Walker 9780073530659 98FINANCE, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE2012 Author ISBN PageFundamentals of Corporate Finance, 7e Brealey 9780078034640 67Finance: Applications and Theory, 2e Cornett 9780073530673 68M: Finance Cornett 9780073382241 69International Financial Management, 6e Eun 9780078034657 96Fundamentals of Cororate Finance, 5e [UK Adaptation] Firer 9780077134525 71Analysis for Financial Management, 10e Higgins 9780078034688 71, 101Fundamentals of Investment Management, 10e Hirt 9780078034626 83Fundamentals of Investments, 6e Jordan 9780073530710 83Personal Finance, 10e Kapoor 9780073530697 99Financial Markets & Institutions, 5e Saunders 9780078034664 93FINANCE, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE2011 Author ISBN PageFinancial Mathematics for Actuaries [Asian Pub] Chan 9780071288934 102Managing Your Personal Finance [Asian Pub] Chan 9780071078863 100Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, 2e [UK Adaptation] <strong>Hill</strong>ier 9780077129422 72Fundamentals of Corporate Finance [UK] <strong>Hill</strong>ier 9780077125257 73Financial Management: Text, Problems and Cases, 6e [India] Khan 9780071067850 73, 80Futures and Options [Asian Pub] Parameswaran 9780071313643 91Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: An Asian Perspective [Asian Pub] Ross 9780071088022 74Security Analysis and Portfolio Management [India] Sasidharan 9780071078016 90Understanding Mutual Funds [India] Shashikant 9780071333481 8564
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateManagerial & CorporateFinance - TextbooksNEW*9780077479459*FUNDAMENTALS OFCORPORATE FINANCEAlternate Edition, 10th EditionBy Stephen A Ross, Mass institute of Tech,Randolph W Westerfield, University of SouthernCalifornia and Bradford D Jordan, University ofKentucky-Lexington2013 (January 2012) / 992 pagesISBN: 9780077479459 (Alternate Edition)The best-selling Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (FCF) has threebasic themes that are the central focus of the book:1) An emphasis on intuition—the authors separate and explain theprinciples at work on a common sense, intuitive level before launchinginto any specifics.2) A unified valuation approach—net present value (NPV) is treatedas the basic concept underlying corporate finance.3) A managerial focus—the authors emphasize the role of the financialmanager as decision maker, and they stress the need for managerialinput and judgment.The Tenth Edition continues the tradition of excellence that has earnedFundamentals of Corporate Finance its status as market leader. Everychapter has been updated to provide the most current examples thatreflect corporate finance in today’s world. The supplements packagehas been updated and improved, and with the enhanced ConnectFinance and Excel Master, student and instructor support has neverbeen stronger.New to this edition<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Connect Finance offers a number of powerfultools and features to make managing assignments easier, so youcan spend more time teaching. Students can engage with theircoursework anytime and anywhere, making the learning processmore accessible and efficient. In short, Connect Finance facilitatesstudent learning and optimizes your time and energies, enabling youto focus on course content, teaching, and student learning. Connectfor Ross/Westerfield/Jordan has been expanded with new learningresources for your students.• Create and deliver online, auto-graded homework assignments,quizzes, and tests directly from the end-of-chapter materials ortest bank. Problems are available as both static and algorithmicproblems, and there are also multiple-choice conceptual questions.• Students receive immediate, detailed feedback on their assignments,allowing them to focus on the areas where they needimprovement.• Questions mapped to AACSB skill areas, Bloom’s Taxonomy levels,and difficulty level enable you to run reports that assess specificlearning outcomes.• NEW! LearnSmart ensures your students are learning faster, studyingmore efficiently, and retaining more knowledge. It pinpointsconcepts the student does not understand and maps out a personalizedstudy plan for success. Based on students’ self-diagnosesof their proficiency, LearnSmart intelligently provides studentswith a series of adaptive questions. This provides students with apersonalized one-on-one tutor experience.• NEW! Interactive Applications stimulate critical thinking and reinforcekey concepts, and students receive immediate feedback andcan track their progress in their own report. Students will be askedto “click and drag” specific choices to make decisions, categorize,or put in a time sequence, and then are asked multiple-choice questionsto confirm understanding of the key concepts of the activity.• NEW! Select key problems offer Guided Examples next to theassigned problems to show how to work through a similar problem.Students can learn from this video to then solve their ownassigned problems• Detailed Feedback offers the option to present worked-out solutionsto the problem, showing the students each step of the process.Appropriate chapters and problems include calculator keystrokesolutions in addition to formulas.• A Self Quiz and Study program allows students to evaluate theirperformance through a practice test and then receive recommendationsfor specific readings from the text, supplemental studymaterial, and practice work that will improve their mastery of eachlearning objective.• Pre-built assignments are available to save you set up time.Connect Plus Finance. This packaging option combines all thegreat features of Connect Finance, along with access to an onlineversion of Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 10e, so that studentscan easily refer back to the text for review and guidance. This mediarich e-book links directly to tutorials and online resources.Excel Master for Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. This supplement,free to students and delivered from the text’s website, goesfar beyond existing spreadsheet tutorials. It expertly demonstrates tostudents how to use the most powerful tools in Excel to do professionalquality financial analysis. Excel Master is fully integrated with thetextbook such that every suitable topic in the text is covered in depth.The result is that students end up learning corporate finance andspreadsheet techniques at the same time. New to this edition, iconsin the sidebar identify concepts and skills covered in this program.Self Quiz and Study end-of-chapter feature. This new end-ofchapterfeature gives students a quick overview of what resourcesare available in <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Connect’s Self Quiz and Study program.Students get a glimpse of practice questions, the additional assetsavailable to help students study and master the content, and the addressto log on for more practice. This can be a great way to engageyour Connect-using students in Corporate Finance!Updated Topic Coverage:• Chapter 3 – defines enterprise value (EV) and discusses the widelyused EV-EBITDA ratio, and includes new end of chapter questionson industry-specific ratios and EV-EBITDA ratio• Chapter 8 – a new section illustrates using PE and price/sales ratiosfor equity valuation. More than ten new end-of-chapter problemsreflect this new content.• Chapter 23 - new material on enterprise risk management (ERM)and the use of insurance as an RM tool.• See book preface for a complete list of changesCONTENTSPart One: Overview of Corporate FinanceChapter 1: Introduction to Corporate FinanceChapter 2: Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash FlowPart Two: Financial Statements and Long-Term Financial PlanningChapter 3: Working with Financial StatementsChapter 4: Long-Term Financial Planning and GrowthPart Three: Valuation of Future Cash FlowsChapter 5: Introduction to Valuation: The Time Value of MoneyChapter 6: Discounted Cash Flow ValuationChapter 7: Interest Rates and Bond ValuationChapter 8: Stock ValuationPart Four: Capital BudgetingChapter 9: Net Present Value and Other InvestmentCriteria65
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateChapter 10: Making Capital Investment DecisionsChapter 11: Project Analysis and EvaluationPart Five: Risk and ReturnChapter 12: Some Lessons from Capital Market HistoryChapter 13: Return, Risk, and the Security Market LinePart Six: Cost of Capital and Long-Term Financial PolicyChapter 14: Cost of CapitalChapter 15: Raising CapitalChapter 16: Financial Leverage and Capital Structure PolicyChapter 17: Dividends and Payout PolicyPart Seven: Short-Term Financial Planning and ManagementChapter 18: Short-Term Finance and PlanningChapter 19: Cash and Liquidity ManagementChapter 20: Credit and Inventory ManagementPart Eight: Topics in Corporate FinanceChapter 21: International Corporate FinanceChapter 22: Behavioral Finance: Implications for Financial ManagementChapter 23: Enterprise Risk ManagementChapter 24: Options and Corporate FinanceChapter 25: Option ValuationChapter 26: Mergers and AcquisitionsChapter 27: LeasingNEW*9780078034633*FUNDAMENTALS OFCORPORATE FINANCEStandard Edition, 10th EditionBy Stephen A Ross, Mass institute of Tech,Randolph W Westerfield, University of SouthernCalifornia and Bradford D Jordan, University ofKentucky-Lexington2013 (January 2012) / 800 pagesISBN: 9780078034633 (Standard Edition) best-selling Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (FCF) has threebasic themes that are the central focus of the book:1) An emphasis on intuition—the authors separate and explain theprinciples at work on a common sense, intuitive level before launchinginto any specifics.2) A unified valuation approach—net present value (NPV) is treatedas the basic concept underlying corporate finance.3) A managerial focus—the authors emphasize the role of the financialmanager as decision maker, and they stress the need for managerialinput and judgment.The Tenth Edition continues the tradition of excellence that has earnedFundamentals of Corporate Finance its status as market leader. Everychapter has been updated to provide the most current examples thatreflect corporate finance in today’s world. The supplements packagehas been updated and improved, and with the enhanced ConnectFinance and Excel Master, student and instructor support has neverbeen stronger.New to this edition<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Connect Finance offers a number of powerfultools and features to make managing assignments easier, so youcan spend more time teaching. Students can engage with theircoursework anytime and anywhere, making the learning processmore accessible and efficient. In short, Connect Finance facilitatesstudent learning and optimizes your time and energies, enabling youto focus on course content, teaching, and student learning. Connectfor Ross/Westerfield/Jordan has been expanded with new learningresources for your students.• Create and deliver online, auto-graded homework assignments,quizzes, and tests directly from the end-of-chapter materials ortest bank. Problems are available as both static and algorithmicproblems, and there are also multiple-choice conceptual questions.• Students receive immediate, detailed feedback on their assignments,allowing them to focus on the areas where they needimprovement.• Questions mapped to AACSB skill areas, Bloom’s Taxonomy levels,and difficulty level enable you to run reports that assess specificlearning outcomes.• NEW! LearnSmart ensures your students are learning faster, studyingmore efficiently, and retaining more knowledge. It pinpointsconcepts the student does not understand and maps out a personalizedstudy plan for success. Based on students’ self-diagnosesof their proficiency, LearnSmart intelligently provides studentswith a series of adaptive questions. This provides students with apersonalized one-on-one tutor experience.• NEW! Interactive Applications stimulate critical thinking and reinforcekey concepts, and students receive immediate feedback andcan track their progress in their own report. Students will be askedto “click and drag” specific choices to make decisions, categorize,or put in a time sequence, and then are asked multiple-choice questionsto confirm understanding of the key concepts of the activity.• NEW! Select key problems offer Guided Examples next to theassigned problems to show how to work through a similar problem.Students can learn from this video to then solve their ownassigned problems• Detailed Feedback offers the option to present worked-out solutionsto the problem, showing the students each step of the process.Appropriate chapters and problems include calculator keystrokesolutions in addition to formulas.• A Self Quiz and Study program allows students to evaluate theirperformance through a practice test and then receive recommendationsfor specific readings from the text, supplemental studymaterial, and practice work that will improve their mastery of eachlearning objective.• Pre-built assignments are available to save you set up time.Connect Plus Finance. This packaging option combines all thegreat features of Connect Finance, along with access to an onlineversion of Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 10e, so that studentscan easily refer back to the text for review and guidance. This mediarich e-book links directly to tutorials and online resources.Excel Master for Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. This supplement,free to students and delivered from the text’s website, goesfar beyond existing spreadsheet tutorials. It expertly demonstrates tostudents how to use the most powerful tools in Excel to do professionalquality financial analysis. Excel Master is fully integrated with thetextbook such that every suitable topic in the text is covered in depth.The result is that students end up learning corporate finance andspreadsheet techniques at the same time. New to this edition, iconsin the sidebar identify concepts and skills covered in this program.Self Quiz and Study end-of-chapter feature. This new end-ofchapterfeature gives students a quick overview of what resourcesare available in <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Connect’s Self Quiz and Study program.Students get a glimpse of practice questions, the additional assetsavailable to help students study and master the content, and the addressto log on for more practice. This can be a great way to engageyour Connect-using students in Corporate Finance!Updated Topic Coverage:• Chapter 3 – defines enterprise value (EV) and discusses the widelyused EV-EBITDA ratio, and includes new end of chapter questionson industry-specific ratios and EV-EBITDA ratio• Chapter 8 – a new section illustrates using PE and price/sales ratiosfor equity valuation. More than ten new end-of-chapter problems66
Finance, Insurance & Real Estatereflect this new content.• Chapter 23 - new material on enterprise risk management (ERM)and the use of insurance as an RM tool.• See book preface for a complete list of changesCONTENTSPart One: Overview of Corporate FinanceChapter 1: Introduction to Corporate FinanceChapter 2: Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash FlowPart Two: Financial Statements and Long-Term Financial PlanningChapter 3: Working with Financial StatementsChapter 4: Long-Term Financial Planning and GrowthPart Three: Valuation of Future Cash FlowsChapter 5: Introduction to Valuation: The Time Value of MoneyChapter 6: Discounted Cash Flow ValuationChapter 7: Interest Rates and Bond ValuationChapter 8: Stock ValuationPart Four: Capital BudgetingChapter 9: Net Present Value and Other InvestmentCriteriaChapter 10: Making Capital Investment DecisionsChapter 11: Project Analysis and EvaluationPart Five: Risk and ReturnChapter 12: Some Lessons from Capital Market HistoryChapter 13: Return, Risk, and the Security Market LinePart Six: Cost of Capital and Long-Term Financial PolicyChapter 14: Cost of CapitalChapter 15: Raising CapitalChapter 16: Financial Leverage and Capital Structure PolicyChapter 17: Dividends and Payout PolicyPart Seven: Short-Term Financial Planning and ManagementChapter 18: Short-Term Finance and PlanningChapter 19: Cash and Liquidity ManagementChapter 20: Credit and Inventory ManagementPart Eight: Topics in Corporate FinanceChapter 21: International Corporate FinanceInternational editionNEW *9780078034640*FUNDAMENTALS OFCORPORATE FINANCE7th EditionBy Richard A Brealey, London Business School,Stewart C Myers, Mass Institute of Tech andAlan J Marcus, Boston College2012 (September 2011) / 768 pagesISBN: 9780078034640ISBN: 9780071314749 [IE] of Corporate Finance, by Brealey, Myers and Marcus,provides students with a solid framework of theory and application touse well after they complete the course. This author team is knownfor their outstanding research, teaching efforts, and world-renownedfinance textbooks, so it’s no surprise that they provide clear expositionof difficult material without sacrificing up-to-date, technically correcttreatments. The seventh edition has been fully updated to reflectrecent events and is now available with Connect Finance!New to this edition<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Connect FinanceConnect Finance offers a number of powerful tools and features tomake managing assignments easier, so you can spend more timeteaching. Students can engage with their coursework anytime andanywhere, making the learning process more accessible and efficient.In short, Connect Finance facilitates student learning and optimizesyour time and energies, enabling you to focus on course content,teaching, and student learning.• Create and deliver online, auto-graded homework assignments,quizzes, and tests directly from the end-of-chapter materials ortest bank. Problems are available as both static and algorithmicproblems, and there are also multiple-choice conceptual questions.• Students receive immediate, detailed feedback on their assignments,allowing them to focus on the areas where they needimprovement.• Questions mapped to AACSB skill areas, Bloom’s Taxonomy levels,and difficulty level enable you to run reports that assess specificlearning outcomes.• A Self Quiz and Study program allows students to evaluate theirperformance through a practice test and then receive recommendationsfor specific readings from the text, supplemental studymaterial, and practice work that will improve their mastery of eachlearning objective.• Pre-built assignments are available to save you set up time.• Guided Examples offer online student tutorials at the problem level.They present a similar problem using either formulas, calculator, orExcel, next to the homework problem to help students understandhow to move forward.• Prep Courses, comprised of animated tutorial modules with quizquestions, cover the subjects of Statistics, Math, Accounting,and Economics, and are intended to make sure students are upto speed on these key concepts before exposing them to morecomplex subjects.Connect Plus Finance. This packaging option combines all thegreat features of Connect Finance, along with access to an onlineversion of Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, linked to additionalstudy features, so that students can easily refer back to the text forreview and guidance.Updated Topic Coverage:• To reflect the increased attention on agency theory and behavioralfinance, the material on efficient markets in Chapter 7 (ValuingStocks) now includes a section on price bubbles as well as a discussionof behavioral biases. Other topics that receive increasedemphasis include company valuation, real options, and stockrepurchases.• There are plenty of references in this edition to the crisis of 2007-2009 and its impact on financial managers, and there are alsomany less dramatic examples of recent changes in the financiallandscape. For example, Chapter 3 (Accounting and Finance)includes a discussion of SOX, of mark-to-market accounting, andof recent developments in international accounting standards.• All statistics have been updated when appropriate, includingmeasures of EVA, data on security ownership, bond yields, anddividend and repurchase payouts.Improved Flow:• • Chapter 4 emphasizes how financial ratios are used in measuringthe value management has added to a firm. This context preventsthe chapter from becoming a tedious list of ratios. This introductionprevents the chapter from becoming a tedious list of ratios.• The discussion of the internal rate of return and its pitfalls inChapter 8 (Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria) hasbeen reworked to make the discussion of IRR flow more easily.Spreadsheet Solutions Boxes demonstrate how students mayuse Microsoft Excel to perform useful financial calculations demonstratehow students may use Microsoft Excel to perform usefulfinancial calculations. Questions have been added at the end ofeach box so students can perform their own similar analysis to make67
Finance, Insurance & Real Estatesure they understand the concept. Students who need assistancein using Microsoft Excel can refer to the student side of the OnlineLearning Center that contains a detailed Excel tutorial with spreadsheettemplates.ContentsPart One Introduction1 Goals and Governance of the Firm2 Financial Markets and Institutions3 Accounting and Finance4 Measuring Corporate PerformancePart Two Value5 The Time Value of Money6 Valuing Bonds7 Valuing Stocks8 Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria9 Using Discounted Cash-Flow Analysis to Make Investment Decisions10 Project AnalysisPart Three Risk11 Introduction to Risk, Return, and the Opportunity Cost of Capital12 Risk, Return, and Capital Budgeting13 The Weighted-Average Cost of Capital and Company ValuationPart Four Financing14 Introduction to Corporate Financing15 How Corporations Raise Venture Capital and Issue SecuritiesPart Five Debt and Payout Policy16 Debt Policy17 Payout PolicyPart Six Financial Analysis and Planning18 Long-Term Financial Planning19 Short-Term Financial Planning20 Working Capital ManagementPart Seven Special Topics21 Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Control22 International Financial Management23 Options24 Risk ManagementPart Eight Conclusion25 What We Do and Do Not Know about FinanceAppendix AAppendix BGlossaryCreditsGlobal IndexIndexInvitation to Publish<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> is interested to review yourtextbook proposals for publication.Please contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> office oremail to <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)Website: editionNEW *9780073530673*FINANCE: APPLICATIONSAND THEORY2nd EditionBy Marcia Millon Cornett, Boston University,Troy Adair, Wilkes University and John Nofsinger,Washington State Univesity-Pullman2012 (October 2011) / 736 pagesISBN: 9780073530673ISBN: 9780071314862 [IE]’s About Time! Finally, there’s a corporate finance book that incorporatesthe newest technology to facilitate the learning process, savingtime for instructors and students. The Second Edition continues toprovide the core topics for the course, highlighting personal examplesjust as instructors do during their class. New to this edition are uniqueQuick Response (QR) codes that enable students with smartphonesto instantly access online help or explore topics further without everleaving their page in the book. With Connect PlusTM Finance, studentscan take self-graded practice quizzes, homework assignments,or tests, making the learning process more accessible and efficient. Anintegrated, printable eBook is also included in the package, allowingfor anytime, anywhere access to the textbook. Isn’t it time to get themost out of a corporate finance text?New to this edition<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Connect Finance for Cornett/Adair/Nofsinger hasbeen expanded and improved. Connect Finance offers a number ofpowerful tools and features to make managing assignments easier,so you can spend more time teaching. Students can engage with theircoursework anytime and anywhere, making the learning process moreaccessible and efficient. In short, Connect Finance facilitates studentlearning and optimizes your time and energies, enabling you to focuson course content, teaching, and student learning.• Create and deliver online, auto-graded homework assignments,quizzes, and tests directly from the end-of-chapter materials ortest bank. Problems are available as both static and algorithmicproblems, and there are also multiple-choice conceptual questions.• Students receive immediate, detailed feedback on their assignments,allowing them to focus on the areas where they needimprovement.• Questions mapped to AACSB skill areas, Bloom’s Taxonomy levels,and difficulty level enable you to run reports that assess specificlearning outcomes.• Guided Examples offer online student tutorials at the problemlevel. They present a similar problem using formulas, calculator, orExcel, next to the homework problem to help students understandhow to move forward.• Detailed Feedback offers the option to present worked-out solutionsto the problem, showing the students each step of the process.Appropriate chapters and problems include calculator keystrokesolutions in addition to formulas.• A Self Quiz and Study program allows students to evaluate theirperformance through a practice test and then receive recommendationsfor specific readings from the text, supplemental studymaterial, and practice work that will improve their mastery of eachlearning objective.• Pre-built assignments are available to save you set up time.• Prep Courses, comprised of animated tutorial modules with quizquestions, cover the subjects of Statistics, Math, Accounting,and Economics, and are intended to make sure students are upto speed on these key concepts before exposing them to more68
Finance, Insurance & Real Estatecomplex subjects.Connect Plus Finance. This packaging option combines all thegreat features of Connect Finance, along with access to an onlineversion of Finance, 2e, so that students can easily refer back to thetext for review and guidance. This media rich e-book links directly totutorials and online resources.Chapter Reorganization: Based on feedback from users andreviewers, the authors revised the Second Edition to follow instructors’teaching strategy even more closely.• Understanding Financial Markets and Institutions has been movedfrom Chapter 8 to Chapter 6, to now precede the discussion ofstocks and bonds.• Addressing Working Capital Policies and Managing Short-TermAssets and Liabilities (previously Chapter 17) has been movedadjacent to Chapter 13, Weighing Net Present Value and OtherCapital Budgeting Criteria, for better tie-in with previous discussionsof cash flows and capital budgeting techniques.• Financial Planning and Forecasting, previously a Web chapter, hasbeen moved to the book as Chapter 15.• Assessing Long-Term Debt, Equity, and Capital Structure (previouslyChapter 14) has been moved adjacent to Financial Planningand Forecasting to build on the idea of altering capital structure inlight of previous discussions of forecasting.Guided Examples provide online tutorials in short video formatfor each numbered Example in the book. There are five tutorials perExample:• One that talks through how to solve the example in the book;• One that talks through a similar example and stops at decisionpoints where students choose the next step;• Two that show how to solve the problem using two different financialcalculators;• One that shows how to solve the problem in Excel.New to the Second Edition, Quick Response (QR) codes enablestudents with smartphones to go directly to the Guided Example fromthe actual page in the book.Viewpoints Extended expands on the popular Viewpoints featurefrom 1e (see retained features below), and leverages a variety ofmedia to provide an alternate look at each personal application raised.Word forms of selected formulas have been added before thenumber form to provide an intuitive bridge for a variety of learningstyles.Numbered examples have been cross-referenced to similar endof-chapterproblems so students can easily model their homework.More than half of the numbers in the end-of-chapter problemshave been updated to provide variety and limit the transfer of answersfrom previous classes.Every chapter has been revised and updated to reflect the latestdata and ideas in Corporate Finance. A detailed chapter by chapterchange list is available by request.ContentsPart I: IntroductionChapter 1: Introduction to Financial ManagementPart II: Financial StatementsChapter 2: Reviewing Financial StatementsChapter 3: Analyzing Financial StatementsPart III: Valuing of Future Cash FlowsChapter 4: Time Value of Money 1: Analyzing Single Cash FlowsChapter 5: Time Value of Money 2: Analyzing Annuity Cash FlowsPart IV: Valuing of Bonds and StocksChapter 6 Understanding Financial Markets and InstitutionsChapter 7 Valuing BondsChapter 8 Valuing StocksPart V: Risk and ReturnChapter 9: Characterizing Risk and ReturnChapter 10: Estimating Risk and ReturnPart VI: Capital BudgetingChapter 11: Calculating the Cost of CapitalChapter 12: Estimating Cash Flows on Capital Budgeting ProjectsChapter 13: Weighing Net Present Value and Other Capital BudgetingCriteriaPart VII: Capital Structure IssuesChapter 14: Addressing Working Capital and Managing Short-TermAssets and LiabilitiesChapter 15: Financial Planning and ForecastingChapter 16: Assessing Long-term Debt, Equity, and Capital StructureChapter 17: Sharing Firm Wealth: Dividends, Share Repurchasesand Other PayoutsChapter 18: Issuing Capital and the Investment Banking ProcessPart VIII: Other Topics in FinanceChapter 19: Considering International Aspects of Corporate FinanceChapter 20: Managing Mergers and Acquisitions and FinancialDistressNEW *9780073382241*M: FINANCEBy Marcia Millon Cornett, Boston University,Troy Adair, Wilkes University and John Nofsinger,Washington State Univesity-Pullman2012 (January 2011) / 368 pagesISBN: 9780073382241ISBN: 9780077506056 (with Connect Plus) Finance is a market-driven corporate finance book with the latestin teaching and learning tools – all at an affordable price! With M:Finance , students receive a cost-effective, easy to read, focused textcomplete with study resources (both print and online) to help themreview for tests and apply chapter concepts. Professors receive a textthat contains all the pertinent information--yet in a more condensedformat that is easier to cover. In addition, online gradable assignmentsare provided to utilize the power of the web, making projects more funfor students and automatically grade materials to support instructors.Features<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Connect Finance• Connect Finance offers a number of powerful tools and featuresto make managing assignments easier, so you can spend moretime teaching. Students can engage with their coursework anytimeand anywhere, making the learning process more accessible andefficient. In short, Connect Finance facilitates student learning andoptimizes your time and energies, enabling you to focus on coursecontent, teaching, and student learning.• Create and deliver online, auto-graded homework assignments,quizzes, and tests directly from the end-of-chapter materials ortest bank. Problems are available as both static and algorithmicproblems, and there are also multiple-choice conceptual questions.• Students receive immediate, detailed feedback on their assignments,allowing them to focus on the areas where they needimprovement.• Questions mapped to AACSB skill areas, Bloom’s Taxonomy levels,and difficulty level enable you to run reports that assess specificlearning outcomes.• A Self Quiz and Study program allows students to evaluate theirperformance through a practice test and then receive recommendationsfor specific readings from the text, supplemental studymaterial, and practice work that will improve their mastery of each69
Finance, Insurance & Real Estatelearning objective.• Pre-built assignments are available to save you set up time.• Guided Examples offer online student tutorials at the problem level.They present a similar problem using either formulas, calculator, orExcel, next to the homework problem to help students understandhow to move forward.Connect Plus Finance. This packaging option combines all thegreat features of Connect Finance, along with access to an onlineversion of M: Finance, linked to additional study features, so thatstudents can easily refer back to the text for review and guidance.Student friendly design: M: Finance was written and designedwith today’s student reader in mind.• The layout and design provides the visual stimulation they’vecome to expect.• The content was written to focus on the key concepts only.• Pop-up quotes, marginal key terms/definitions, and callouts thatfeature interesting and important facts are used throughout thechapters to capture students’ attention.• The examples provided have been selected for greater studentappeal.The book’s framework reflects the way instructors today teachthe course, emphasizing three themes:• Finance is about Solving Problems and Decision-Making• Finance can be taught using the Personal Perspective• Finance is about connecting Core ConceptsSolving Problems and Decision-Making:• Interactive Examples: Online tutorials in short video format for eachnumbered Example in the book.• There are five tutorials per Example:• One that talks through how to solve the example in the book;• One that talks through a similar example and stops at decisionpoints and students choose the next step;• Two that show how to solve the problem using two different financialcalculators;• One that shows how to solve the problem in Excel.• Interactive Examples can be found on the text website at and within Connect Finance. Additionally, studentscan use their web-enabled, camera smartphone to “click” onthe QR codes they see throughout the book to bring them directlyto the appropriate video! They’re also available within Connect tohelp students solve the problems.• End of Chapter Problems: A large quantity of end-of-chapterproblems are organized so that every odd-numbered problem ismirrored by a similar even-numbered problem. This gives instructorstwo different sets of similar problems to assign to differentsections or work in class.• “Math Coach” boxes: coach students in avoiding the most commonly-mademistakes in a particular problem.• Called-out examples detail the solution to a key problem or conceptin the chapter.• Calculator Keystrokes are included in the margin next to theseexamples if applicable, showing a quick snapshot of how to solvethe problem. This feature can easily be skipped if calculators arenot used for this class.• Self-Test Problems with Solutions are are available on the textWebsite so students can test themselves before diving into thehomework.• AnIntegrated Mini-Case is available for each chapter on the textWebsite, combining the concepts learned into a more integrativeproblem to help students understand how everything ties together.• Formula Review Cards for key chapters are perforated to createconvenient study tools for students or can be used as exam “cheatsheets,” if the instructor choosesPersonal Perspective:• The “Viewpoints” feature: at the beginning of each chapter illustratesa business perspective of the upcoming topics and is mirroredby a personal perspective. This immediately sets a contextfor the chapter and allows instructors to take class discussion ineither direction. The Viewpoints Revisited feature in the book’sappendix provides a possible answer to the scenario and connectsthe students back to the original goals of the chapter.• Select called-out Examples throughout the book will have apersonal perspective to continue the theme throughout the book.• Some end-of-chapter problems will also have personal perspectives,so students will be able to solve problems in both businessand personal contexts.Connecting Core Concepts:• Learning Goals begin each chapter and are tied to end-of-chapterproblems. This helps the student follow the building of concepts,and also helps instructors develop their class and assign readingsand homework based on these goals. The Test Bank is also labeledwith Learning Goals.• Finance at Work boxes highlight current events and hot topicsnoted in the news, and include a Want to Know More? feature withsuggested words to use for searching the Internet for updates.These are great for use during class for discussion or outside ofclass as homework assignments.• Time Out! boxes are featured at the end of each section and teststudents’ understanding of key terms and core concepts. Answersto the Time Out! questions appear on the text Website.• Tables and Figures illustrate the material visually to help studentsapply what they are learning and connecting concepts both withinand across chapters.• Questions are featured at the end of each chapter, and can be usedfor discussion in-class to review chapter concepts or as homework.• The “Research It!” feature is found on the text website and is anassignable project that requires students to research the web fordata and other information to answer the questions.• Minicases can also be found on the book Website.Contents1. Introduction to Financial Management2. Reviewing Financial Statements3. Analyzing Financial Statements4. Time Value of Money 1: Analyzing Single Cash Flows5. Time Value of Money 2: Analyzing Annuity Cash Flows6. Valuing Bonds7. Valuing Stocks8. Understanding Financial Markets and Institutions9. Characterizing Risk and Return10. Estimating Risk and Return11. Calculating the Cost of Capital12. Estimating Cash Flows on Capital Budgeting Projects13. Weighing Net Present value and Other Capital Budgeting Criteria14. Addressing Working Capital Policies and Managing Short-TermAssets and LiabilitiesREVIEW COPY(Available for course adoption only)To request for a review copy,• contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>representatives or,• fax the Review Copy Request Form foundin this catalog or,• e-mail your request or,• submit online at www.mheducation.asia70
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateUK AdaptationNEW*9780077134525*fundamentals of corporate finance5th EditionBy Collin Firer, University of Cape Town, Stephen A. Ross, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Randolph W. Westerfield, University of SouthernCalifornia and Bradford D. Jordan, University of Kentucky2012 (June 2012)ISBN: 9780077134525<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK TitleThis South African edition of Fundamentals of Corporate Financeprovides a modern, unified treatment of South African corporatefinancial management. The managerial focus prepares students forthe pragmatic decision making and judgement needed as a FinancialManager, including guidance on avoiding possible pitfalls.NEW to THIS EDITIONNew chapter on Behavioural Finance introduces students tothe cutting-edge study of the reasoning errors that can lead to poordecisions – and how to avoid them.Thoroughly updated to include the impact of the Companies Actand current IFRS terminology.Use of colour in the page design – engaging presentation.A mini case in every chapter, several of which are based onS&S Air, supporting an integrated understanding of corporate financeCONTENTSPart 1: Overview of Corporate FinanceChapter 1: Introduction to Corporate FinanceChapter 2: Financial Statements, Taxes and Cash FlowPart 2: Financial Statements and Long-Term Financial PlanningChapter 3: Working with Financial StatementsChapter 4: Long-Term Financial Planning and GrowthPart 3: Valuation of Future Cash FlowsChapter 5: Introduction to Valuation: The Time Value of MoneyChapter 6: Discounted Cash Flow ValuationChapter 7: Interest Rates and Bond ValuationChapter 8: Share ValuationPart 4: Capital BudgetingChapter 9: Net Present Value and Other Investment CriteriaChapter 10: Making Capital Investment DecisionsChapter 11: Project Analysis and EvaluationPart 5: Risk and ReturnChapter 12: Some Lessons from Capital Market HistoryChapter 13: Return, Risk and the Security Market LinePart 6: Cost of Capital and Long-Term Financial PolicyChapter 14: Cost of CapitalChapter 15: Raising CapitalChapter 16: Financial Leverage and Capital Structure PolicyChapter 17: Dividends and Dividend PolicyPart 7: Short-Term Financial Planning and ManagementChapter 18: Short-Term Finance and PlanningChapter 19: Current Asset ManagementPart 8: Topics in Corporate FinanceChapter 20: International Corporate FinanceChapter 21: Behavioural FinanceChapter 22: Risk Management: An Introduction to Financial EngineeringChapter 23: Options and Corporate FinanceChapter 24: Mergers and AcquisitionsChapter 25: LeasingAppendix A Mathematical TablesAppendix B Key EquationsAppendix C Answers to End-of-Chapter ProblemsInternational editionNEW*9780078034688*ANALYSIS FOR FINANCIALMANAGEMENT10th EditionBy Robert Higgins, University of Washington2012 (December 2011) / 480 pagesISBN: 9780078034688ISBN: 9780071086486 [IE] for Financial Management, 10e presents standard techniquesand modern developments in a practical and intuitive manner with anemphasis on the managerial applications of financial analysis. It isintended for non-financial managers and business students interestedin the practice of financial management.New to this editionDiscussion of relevant aspects of the recent financial crisis,with emphasis on the possible roles played by the efficient markethypothesis, fair value accounting, and the financial rating agenciesin precipitating the crisis.The examination of Kraft Foods Corporation’s $23 billion hostiletakeover of British confectioner Cadbury Plc, including the role playedby activist investor Nelson Peltz.Expanded coverage of real options analysis, including decisiontrees.An update of the empirical evidence on corporate restructuringand shareholder value creation.The use of Sensient Technologies Corporation (SXT), the world’slargest food and beverage color company, as an extended examplethroughout the book.Fresh examples throughout the text, including new company examplesand updated data to keep the text at the forefront of currency.ContentsPart I: Assessing the Financial Health of the FirmChapter 1: Interpreting Financial StatementsChapter 2: Evaluating Financial PerformanceAppendix: InternationalDifferences in Financial StructurePart II: Planning Future Financial PerformanceChapter 3: Financial ForecastingChapter 4: Managing GrowthPart III: Financing OperationsChapter 5: Financial Instruments and MarketsAppendix: Using Financial Instruments to Manage RisksChapter 6: The Financing DecisionAppendix: The Irrelevance PropositionPart IV: Evaluating Investment OpportunitiesChapter 7: Discounted Cash Flow TechniquesAppendix: Mutually Exclusive Alternatives and Capital RationingChapter 8: Risk Analysis in Investment DecisionsAppendix: Asset Beta and Adjusted Present ValueChapter 9: Business Valuation and Corporate RestructuringAppendix: The Venture Capital Method of ValuationAppendix A: Present Value of $1Appendix B: Present Value of an Annuity of $1GlossarySuggested Answers to Odd-Numbered End-of-Chapter Problems71
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateGlobal editionFOUNDATIONS OF FINANCIALMANAGEMENT WITH TIME VALUE OFMONEY CARD14th EditionBy Stanley B Block, Texas Christian University, Geoffrey A Hirt, DePaulUniversity and Bartley Danielson, North Carolina State University2011 (October 2010) / 736 pagesISBN: 9780077454432ISBN: 9780071220644 [GE] - Pub April 2011Foundations of Financial Management has built a loyal following dueto its strong real-world emphasis, clear writing style, and step-bystepexplanations that simplify difficult concepts. The text focuseson the “nuts and bolts” of finance with clear and thorough treatmentof concepts and applications. In addition to completing the textbookrevisions, Block, Hirt, and Danielsen also revise all end of chapterproblems and complete the solutions themselves. The authors knowwhat works and what doesn’t work for students, and they have consistentlymaintained a high quality textbook that is responsive to thedemands of the marketplace.ContentsPart 1. Introduction1. The Goals and Functions of Financial ManagementPart 2. Financial Analysis and Planning2. Review of Accounting3. Financial Analysis4. Financial Forecasting5. Operating and Financial LeveragePart 3. Working Capital Management6. Working Capital and the Financing Decision7. Current Asset Management8. Sources of Short-Term FinancingPart 4. The Capital Budgeting Process9. The Time Value of Money10. Valuation and Rates of Return11. Cost of Capital12. The Capital Budgeting Decision13. Risk and Capital BudgetingPart 5. Long-Term Financing14. Capital Markets15. Investment Banking: Public and Private Placement16. Long-Term Debt and Lease Financing17. Common and Preferred Stock Financing18. Dividend Policy and Retained Earnings19. Convertibles, Warrants and DerivativesPart 6. Expanding the Perspective of Corporate Finance20. External Growth through Mergers21. International Financial ManagementUK AdaptationNEW*9780077129422*financial markets andCORPORATE stragegy2nd EditionBy David <strong>Hill</strong>ier, University of Strathclyde, MarkGrinblatt, University of California-Los Agnelesand Sheridan Titman, University of Texas atAustin2011 (November 2011) / 936 pagesISBN: 9780077129422<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK second European edition of Financial Markets and CorporateStrategy provides comprehensive coverage of financial markets andcorporate finance, brought to life by real world examples, cases andinsights. Placed in a truly international context, this new and updatededition takes an academic and practical view-point to guide studentsthrough the challenges of studying and practicing finance. Aimedspecifically at an international audience, this edition boasts hundredsof references to new and relevant non-US research papers from topfinance journals. Whilst retaining the well respected structure of thesuccessful US text, Professor David <strong>Hill</strong>ier has also made a numberof additions which include:• Fully updated research, data and examples in every chapter.• Coverage of the global financial crisis, the impact it made on thefinancial markets and the lessons being learnt by the financeindustry.• A stronger emphasis on corporate governance and agency theory.• Updates on accounting standards, bankruptcy laws, tax rules andtax systems.ContentsPart I. Financial Markets and Financial Instruments1. Raising Capital2. Debt Financing3. Equity FinancingPart II. Valuing Financial Assets4. Portfolio Tools5. Mean-Variance Analysis and the Capital Asset Pricing Model6. Factor Models and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory7. Pricing Derivatives8. OptionsPart III. Valuing Real Assets9. Discounting and Valuation10. Investing in Risk-Free Projects11. Investing in Risky Projects12. Allocating Capital and Corporate Strategy13. Corporate Taxes and the Impact of Financing On Real AssetValuationPart IV. Capital Financial Structure14. How Taxes Affect Financing Choices15. How Taxes Affect Dividends and Share Repurchases16. Bankruptcy Costs and Debt Holder-Equity Holder Conflicts17. Capital Structure and Corporate StrategyPart V. Incentives, Information, and Corporate Control18. How Managerial Incentives Affects Financial Decisions19. The Information Conveyed by Financial Decisions20. Mergers and AcquisitionsPart VI. Risk Management21. Risk Management and Corporate Strategy22. The Practice of Hedging23. Interest Rate Risk Management72
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateNEW*9780077125257*FUNDAMENTALS OFCORPORATE FINANCEBy David <strong>Hill</strong>ier, University of Strathclyde andIain Clacher, Leeds UniversityNEW *9780071067850*FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTText, Problems and Cases,6th EditionBy M Y Khan, University of Delhi and PK Jain,Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi2011 (January 2011) / 752 pagesISBN: 9780077125257<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> UK of Corporate Finance, 1st European Edition, bringsto life the modern-day core principles of corporate finance using aproblem solving approach. The book is an adaptation of the highly successfulFundamentals of Corporate Finance text by Ross, Westerfieldand Jordan and is aimed specifically at an international audience.FeaturesMore relevant coverage of regulatory frameworks, internationalcorporations and organizations.A wealth of new examples and cases looking at corporate financein action at well-known international companies such as BMW,Google, Lloyds TSB, McDonalds, Louis Vuitton, Ryanair, Nokia andmany more.Numerous opportunities to test your knowledge with ConceptQuestions, Chapter Review and Self Test Problems, Concept Reviewand Critical Thinking Questions, and Questions and Problems.ContentsPart One: Overview of Corporate FinanceChapter 1: Introduction to Corporate FinanceChapter 2: Corporate GovernanceChapter 3: Financial Analysis and PlanningPart Two: Valuation of Future Cash FlowsChapter 4: Introduction To Valuation: The Time Value Of MoneyChapter 5: Discounted Cash Flow ValuationChapter 6: Bond ValuationChapter 7: Equity ValuationPart Three: Capital BudgetingChapter 8: Net Present Value and Other Investment CriteriaChapter 9: Making Capital Investment DecisionsChapter 10: Project Analysis and EvaluationPart Four: Risk and ReturnChapter 11: Some Lessons from Capital Market HistoryChapter 12: Return, Risk, and the Security Market LinePart Five: Cost of Capital and Long-Term Financial PolicyChapter 13: Cost of CapitalChapter 14: Raising CapitalChapter 15: Financial Leverage and Capital Structure PolicyChapter 16: Dividends and Dividend PolicyPart Six: Topics in Corporate FinanceChapter 17: Short-Term Financial Planning and ManagementChapter 18: International Corporate FinanceChapter 19: Behavioral FinanceChapter 20: Financial Risk ManagementChapter 21: Options and Corporate FinanceChapter 22: Mergers & Acquisitions2011 (February 2011) / 404 pagesISBN: 9780071067850<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India TitleThis new edition of Financial Management continues to emphasise onthe theories, concepts, and techniques that aid in corporate decisionmaking, Apart from updating the chapters with recent developmentsin the subject, it presents to the readers several new cases andexamples, along with new-age tools like ‘excel’ for problem solving.Contents1. Financial Management – An Overview2. Time Value of Money3. Risk and Return4. Valuation of Bonds and Shares5. Cash-flow Statement6. Financial Statement Analysis7. Volume-Cost-Profit Analysis8. Budgeting and Profit Planning9. Capital Budgeting I: Principles and Techniques10. Capital Budgeting II: Additional Aspects11. Concept and Measurement of Cost of Capital12. Analysis of Risk and Uncertainty13. Working Capital Management – An Overview14. Management of Cash and Marketable Securities15. Receivables Management16. Inventory Management17. Working Capital Management18. Operating, Financial and Combined Leverage19. Capital Structure, Cost of Capital and Valuation20. Designing Capital Structure21. Capital Markets22. Equity / Ordinary Shares23. Term Loans, Debentures/Bonds and Securitisation24. Hybrid Financing / Instruments25. Lease Financing and Hire-purchase Finance26. Venture Capital Financing27. Option Valuation28. Derivatives: Managing Financial Risks29. Corporate Governance30. Dividend and Valuation31. Determinants of Dividend Policy32. Business Valuation33. Corporate Restructuring34. Foreign Exchange Markets and Dealings35. Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management36. International Financial Management73
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateGlobal editionessentials of corporate finance7th EditionBy Stephen A. Ross, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Randolph W.Westerfield, University of Southern California and Bradford D Jordan,University of Kentucky--Lexington2011 (February 2010) / 672 pagesISBN: 9780073382463ISBN: 9780077400200 (with Connect Plus)ISBN: 9780071314367 [GE with Connect] of Corporate Finance, 7th edition by Ross, Westerfield,and Jordan is written to convey the most important concepts and principlesof corporate finance at a level that is approachable for a wideaudience. The authors retain their modern approach to finance, buthave distilled the subject down to the essential topics in 18 chapters.They believe that understanding the “why” is just as important, if notmore so, than understanding the “how,” especially in an introductorycourse. Three basic themes emerge as their central focus:1. An emphasis on intuition—separate and explain the principlesat work on a common sense, intuitive level before launching intospecifics. Underlying ideas are discussed first in general terms, thenfollowed by specific examples that illustrate in more concrete termshow a financial manager might proceed in a given situation.2. A unified valuation approach—Net Present Value is treated as thebasic concept underlying corporate finance. Every subject the authorscover is firmly rooted in valuation, and care is taken to explain howdecisions have valuation effects.3. A managerial focus—Students learn that financial managementconcerns management. The role of financial manager as decisionmaker is emphasized and they stress the need for managerial inputand judgment.ContentsPart I. Overview of Financial ManagementCh. 1 Introduction to Financial ManagementPart 2. Understanding Financial Statements and Cash FlowCh. 2 Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash FlowCh. 3 Working with Financial StatementsPart 3. Valuation of Future Cash FlowsCh. 4 Introduction to Valuation: The Time Value of MoneyCh. 5 Discounted Cash Flow ValuationPart 4. Valuing Stocks and BondsCh. 6 Interest Rates and Bond ValuationCh. 7 Equity Markets and Stock ValuationPart 5. Capital BudgetingCh. 8 Net Present Value and Other Investment CriteriaCh. 9 Making Capital Investment DecisionsPart 6. Risk and ReturnCh. 10 Some Lessons from Capital Market HistoryCh. 11 Risk and ReturnPart 7. Long-Term FinancingCh. 12 Cost of CapitalCh. 13 Leverage and Capital StructureCh. 14 Dividends and Dividend PolicyCh. 15 Raising CapitalPart 8. Short-Term Financial ManagementCh. 16 Short-Term Financial PlanningCh. 17 Working Capital ManagementPart 9. Topics in Business FinanceCh. 18 International Aspects of Financial ManagementAppendix A. Mathematical TablesAppendix B. Key EquationsAppendix C. Answers to Selected End-of-Chapter ProblemsAppendix D. Using the HP-10B and TI BA II Plus Financial CalculatorsAsian AdaptationNEW *9780071088022*FUNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE FINANCEAn Asian PerspectiveBy Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Bradford Jordan, Ruth Tan (NationalUniversity of Singapore) and Joseph Lim (Singapore Management)2011 (August 2011)ISBN: 9780071088022An Asian AdaptationThe best selling Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (FCF) is writtenwith one strongly held principle—that corporate finance should bedeveloped and taught in terms of a few integrated, powerful ideas.As such, there are three basic themes that are the central focus ofthe book:1) An emphasis on intuition—underlying ideas are discussed in generalterms and then by way of examples that illustrate in more concreteterms how a financial manager might proceed in a given situation.2) A unified valuation approach—net present value (NVP) is treatedas the basic concept underlying corporate finance. Every subjectcovered is firmly rooted in valuation, and care is taken to explain howparticular decisions have valuation effects.3) A managerial focus—the authors emphasize the role of the financialmanager as decision maker, and they stress the need for managerialinput and judgment.Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: An Asian Perspective is an adaptationof Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 9th Edition, by Ross,Westerfield and Jordan. This Asian edition continues the tradition ofexcellence that has earned Fundamentals of Corporate Finance itsstatus as market leader. It aims to meet the significant gap for a bookwith Asian examples and internationalized Asian content.CONTENTSPART 1 Overview of Corporate Finance1 Introduction to Corporate Finance2 Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash FlowPART 2 Financial Statements and Long-Term Financial Planning3 Working with Financial Statements4 Long-Term Financial Planning and GrowthPART 3 Valuation of Future Cash Flows5 Introduction to Valuation: The Time Value of Money6 Discounted Cash Flow Valuation7 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation8 Stock ValuationPART 4 Capital Budgeting9 Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria10 Making Capital Investment Decisions11 Project Analysis and EvaluationPART 5 Risk and Return12 Some Lessons from Capital Market History13 Return, Risk, and the Security Market LinePART 6 Cost of Capital and Long-Term Financial Policy14 Cost of Capital15 Raising Capital16 Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy17 Dividends and Payout PolicyPART 7 Short-Term Financial Planning and Management18 Short-Term Finance and Planning19 Cash and Liquidity Management20 Credit and Inventory ManagementPART 8 Topics in Corporate Finance21 International Corporate Finance22 Behavioral Finance: Implications for Financial Management23 Risk Management: An Introduction to Financial Engineering24 Options and Corporate Finance25 Option Valuation74
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate26 Mergers and Acquisitions27 LeasingFUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIALMANAGEMENT5th EditionBy Pasanna Chandra2010 (April 2010) / 592 pagesISBN: 9780070700796<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India book discusses the fundamental principles and techniquesof financial management. Designed for the first course in financialmanagement, it is aimed at students of B.Com, BBM, M.Com, ICSI,ICWAI, ICAI and MBA programmes.The chapter on ‘Basics of CapitalBudgeting’ has been expanded and structured into two chapters, viz.,‘Techniques of Capital Budgeting’ and ‘Project Cash Flows’.Elevennew sections have been added on the following topics: ‘FundamentalPrinciple of Finance,’ ‘Regulatory Framework,’ ‘Profits versus CashFlow,’ ‘Standardised Financial Statement,’ ‘Additional Funding Needs,’‘Sustainable Growth Rate,’ Checklist for Capital Structure Decision,’‘Debt Market,’ ‘Money Market,’ ‘Portfolio Restructuring,’ and ‘MultinationalCorporations,’ContentsPart I: Overview and Financial Environment1. Financial Management: An Overview2. The Financial SystemPart II: Financial Analysis and Planning3. Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash Flow4. Financial Statement Analysis5. Funds Flow Analysis6. Break-Even Analysis and Leverages7. Financial Planning and ForecastingPart III: Fundamental Valuation Concepts8. Time Value of Money9. Valuation of Securities10. Risk and ReturnPart IV: Capital Budgeting11. Techniques of Capital Budgeting12. Project Cash Flows13. Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting14. The Cost Of CapitalPart V: Capital Structre and Dividend Policies15. Capital Structure and Cost of Capital16. Planning the Capital Structure17. Dividend Policy and Share Valuation18. Dividend Policy: Practical AspectsPart VI: Long-Term Financing19. Sources of Long-Term Finance20. Raising Long-Term Finance21. Securities MarketPart VII: Working Capital Management22. Working Capital Policy23. Cash Management24. Credit Management25. Inventory Management26. Working Capital FinancingPart VIII: Special Topics27. Leasing, Hire Purchase and Project Finance28. Mergers, Acquisitions, and Restructuring29. International Financial ManagementFINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FORBEGINNERS3rd EditionBy Rodziah Abd Samad, Rohani Abdul Wahab and Shelia Christabel2010 (June 2010) / 460 pagesISBN: 9789675771002An Asian PublicationFinancial Management for Beginners has been written for students ofBusiness and Accountancy. The book is written for both newcomersto finance as well as students with a prior knowledge of the subject.Some prior knowledge of economics, statistics and accounting willbe helpful. Student learning is aided by learning objectives at thebeginning of each chapter, concept questions in each chapter, trueor false, multiple choice, self-test questions and problems at the endof each chapter. It is specifically structured for use in the classroomand as a selfstudy text. Key answers for a number of questions areincluded. The book is composed of narrative explanations with workedexamples and diagrams, as well as relevant formulae which are easyto follow. This book consists of 12 chapters, beginning with an introductionto financial management, followed by evaluation of financialperformance, Financial Training and Forecasting, working capitalmanagement, management of current liability, – management of currentassets, time value of money, risk and return, capital budgeting,cost of capital, analysis and impact of leverage, and ending with dividendpolicy. The aim of this text is to provide a foundation in financialmanagement for students, to help them in their future career. The textis relevant to students pursuing diploma and undergraduate coursesin Business and Accountancy and also professional courses such asthose offered by Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants,Chartered Association of Certified Accountants, Chartered Instituteof Management Accountants and Institute of Chartered Secretariesand Administrators.CONTENTS1. Introduction to Financial Management2. Evaluation of Financial Performance3. Financial Planning and Forecasting4. Management of Working Capital5. Management of Current Assets6. Management of Current Liabilities7. Time Value of Money8. Risk and Return9. Capital Budgeting10. Cost of Capital11. Analysis and Impact of Leverage12. The Dividend DecisionAppendixSuggested SolutionsGlossaryBibliography and Further ReadingIndexInvitation to Publish<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> is interested to review yourtextbook proposals for publication.Please contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> office oremail to <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)Website:
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateAust AdaptationESSENTIALS OF CORPORATE FINANCE2nd EditionBy Stephen A Ross, Mass Institute of Tech, Rowan Trayler and Ron G Birdof University of Technology Sydney, Randolph W Westerfield, Universityof Souhtern California and Bradford D Jordan, University of Kentucky-Lexington2010 (November 2010)ISBN: 9780070284975ISBN: 9780071012270 (with Connect Plus)<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia is the second Australian and New Zealand edition of Essentialsof Corporate Finance(Ross, Westerfield and Jordan, US) adapted bylocal authors Rowan Trayler (UTS) and Ron Bird (UTS). Trayler andBird have created a successful and engaging text for students in singlesemester courses, balancing theory with real-world regional storiesand examples and concisely covering essential financial principlesand concepts. Essentials of Corporate Finance is part of a suite ofRoss products and has an emphasis on applications and relevancyto business within a 18 chapter structure. The text aims to make coreintroductory finance topics accessible and relevant through the use ofreal-life, regional examples. Perhaps the most exciting developmentfor the new edition is that Essentials of Corporate Finance now comeswith Connect Plus. This is a new, unique and powerful tool for lecturersand students which includes an integrated ebook, assignment andquiz builder, pre-built assignments and algorithmic testbank questionsContentsPart 1. Overview of Financial ManagementChapter 1: Introduction to Financial ManagementPart 2. Understanding Financial Statements and Cash FlowChapter 2: Financial Statements, Taxes and Cash FlowChapter 3: Working with Financial StatementsPart 3. Valuation of Future Cash FlowsChapter 4: Introduction to Valuation: The Time Value of MoneyChapter 5: Discounted Cash Flow ValuationPart 4. Valuing Stocks and BondsChapter 6: Interest Rates, Bill and Bond ValuationChapter 7: Equity Markets and Share ValuationPart 5. Capital BudgetingChapter 8: Net Present Value and Other Investment CriteriaChapter 9: Making Capital Investment DecisionsPart 6. Risk and ReturnChaper 10: Some Chapters From Capital Market HistoryChapter 11: Risk and ReturnPart 7. Long Term FinancingChapter 12: Cost of CapitalChapter 13: Leverage and Capital StructureChapter 14: Dividends and Dividend PolicyChapter 15: Raising CapitalPart 8. Short-Term Financial ManagementChapter 16: Short-Term Financial PlanningChapter 17: Working Capital ManagementAppendix A: Mathematical TablesAppendix B: Key EquationsGlossaryIndexAust AdaptationFUNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE FINANCE5th EditionBy Stephen A Ross, Mass Institute of Tech, Mark Christensen, QueenslandUniversity of Technology, Michael Drew, QIC Consulting Firm/GriffithUniversity, Spencer Thompson, Queensland University of Technology,Randolph W Westerfield, University of Southern California and BradfordD Jordan, University of Kentucky-Lexington2010 (December 2010)ISBN: 9780070284951ISBN: 9780071012287 (with Connect Plus)<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia Australian author Mark Christensen in writing this edition isMike Drew, Griffith University, who has brought his extensive teachingand industry experience to the text and has helped to create a considerablyupdated and revised text that continues to capitalise on the richpedagogy and thorough treatment of the topic by the US Ross team.In addition to illustrating pertinent concepts and presenting up-to-datecoverage, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 5e strives to presentthe material in a way that makes it accessible and relevant and easyto understand. To meet the varied needs of its intended audience,Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 5e is rich in valuable learningtools. The text is relaxed and approachable in tone and the authorscontinue to convey their considerable enthusiasm for the subject.CONTENTSPart 1 Overview of corporate financeCh. 1 Introduction to corporate financeCh. 2 Financial statements, taxes and cash flowPart 2 Financial statements and long-term financial planningCh. 3 Working with financial statementsCh. 4 Long-term financial planning and corporate growthPart 3 Valuation of future cash flowsCh. 5 First principles of valuation: the time value of moneyCh. 6 Valuing shares and bondsPart 4 Capital budgetingCh. 7 Net present value and other investment criteriaCh. 8 Making capital investment decisionsCh. 9 Project analysis and evaluationPart 5 Risk and returnCh. 10 Lessons from capital market historyCh. 11 Return, risk and the security market linePart 6 Current investment decisionsCh. 12 Current investment decisionsCh. 13 Working capital managementCh. 14 Australian financial markets and liquidity managementPart 7 Long-term financingCh. 15 Capital markets and long-term financingCh. 16 Capital raising and the primary marketPart 8 Cost of capital and long-term financial policyCh. 17 Shareholder value and the cost of capitalCh. 18 Rewarding shareholders: setting dividend policyCh. 19 Financial leverage and capital structure policyPart 9 Special topics in corporate financeCh. 20 Derivative securitiesCh. 21 Mergers and takeoversCh. 22 International corporate financeCh. 23 Leasing 804 Appendix 1 Mathematical tables Glossary 839Index 85376
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateInternational editionFUNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE FINANCE9th EditionBy Stephen A Ross, Mass institute of Tech, Randolph W Westerfield,University of Southern California and Bradford D Jordan, University ofKentucky-Lexington2010 (February 2009) / 800 pagesISBN: 9780073382395 (Standard Edition)ISBN: 9780077246129 [Alternate Edition]ISBN: 9780071088558 [IE] best-selling Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (FCF) is writtenwith one strongly held principle– that corporate finance should bedeveloped and taught in terms of a few integrated, powerful ideas. Assuch, there are three basic themes that are the central focus of thebook: 1) An emphasis on intuition—underlying ideas are discussedin general terms and then by way of examples that illustrate in moreconcrete terms how a financial manager might proceed in a givensituation. 2) A unified valuation approach—net present value (NPV)is treated as the basic concept underlying corporate finance. Everysubject covered is firmly rooted in valuation, and care is taken to explainhow particular decisions have valuation effects. 3) A managerialfocus—the authors emphasize the role of the financial manager asdecision maker, and they stress the need for managerial input andjudgment. The Ninth Edition continues the tradition of excellencethat has earned Fundamentals of Corporate Finance its status asmarket leader. Every chapter has been updated to provide the mostcurrent examples that reflect corporate finance in today’s world. Thesupplements package has been updated and improved, and withthe new Excel Master online tool, student and instructor support hasnever been stronger.ContentsPart One: Overview of Corporate FinanceChapter 1: Introduction to Corporate FinanceChapter 2: Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash FlowPart Two: Financial Statements and Long-Term Financial PlanningChapter 3: Working with Financial StatementsChapter 4: Long-Term Financial Planning and GrowthPart Three: Valuation of Future Cash FlowsChapter 5: Introduction to Valuation: The Time Value of MoneyChapter 6: Discounted Cash Flow ValuationChapter 7: Interest Rates and Bond ValuationChapter 8: Stock ValuationPart Four: Capital BudgetingChapter 9: Net Present Value and Other Investment CriteriaChapter 10: Making Capital Investment DecisionsChapter 11: Project Analysis and EvaluationPart Five: Risk and ReturnChapter 12: Some Lessons from Capital Market HistoryChapter 13: Return, Risk, and the Security Market LinePart Six: Cost of Capital and Long-Term Financial PolicyChapter 14: Cost of CapitalChapter 15: Raising CapitalChapter 16: Financial Leverage and Capital Structure PolicyChapter 17: Dividends and Payout PolicyPart Seven: Short-Term Financial Planning and ManagementChapter 18: Short-Term Finance and PlanningChapter 19: Cash and Liquidity ManagementChapter 20: Credit and Inventory ManagementPart Eight: Topics in Corporate FinanceChapter 21: International Corporate FinanceInternational editionTHEORY OF INTEREST3rd EditionBy Stephen Kellison2009 (February 2008) / 480 pagesISBN: 9780073382449ISBN: 9780071276276 [IE] third edition of The Theory of Interest is significantly revisedand expanded from previous editions. The text covers the basicmathematical theory of interest as traditionally developed. The bookis a thorough treatment of the mathematical theory and practicalapplications of compound interest, or mathematics of finance. Thepedagogical approach of the second edition has been retained in thethird edition. The textbook narrative emphasizes both the importanceof conceptual understanding and the ability to apply the techniquesto practical problems. The third edition has considerable updates thatmake this book relevant to students in this course area.ContentsChapter 1: The Measurement of InterestChapter 2: Solution of Problems in InterestChapter 3: Basic AnnuitiesChapter 4: More General AnnuitiesChapter 5: Amortization Schedules and Sinking FundsChapter 6: Bond and Other SecuritiesChapter 7: Yield RatesChapter 8: Practical applicationsChapter 9: More advanced financial analysisChapter 10: The term structure of interest ratesChapter 11: Duration, convexity and immunizationChapter 12: Stochastic approaches to interestChapter 13: Options and other derivativesAPPENDIXESAppendix A: Table numbering the days of the yearAppendix B: Illustrative mortgage loan amortization scheduleAppendix C: Basic mathematical reviewAppendix D: Statistical backgroundAppendix E: Iteration methodsAnswers to the exercisesGlossary of notationIndexManagerial & CorporateFinance - SupplementsCASEBOOK TO ACCOMPANYFOUNDATIONS OF FINANCIALMANAGEMENT14th EditionBy Stanley Block, Texas Christian University2011 (September 2010)ISBN: 9780077316174These 31 cases, written by Block/Hirt/Danielsen, are ideal for indepthanalysis and facilitate an integrated understanding of the topicspresented in the book.77
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateInternational editionCASE STUDIES IN FINANCE6th EditionBy Robert Bruner, University of VA-Charlottesville2010 (January 2009) / 816 pagesISBN: 9780073382456ISBN: 9780071267526 [IE] Studies in Finance links managerial decisions to capital marketsand the expectations of investors. At the core of almost all of the casesis a valuation task that requires students to look to financial marketsfor guidance in resolving the case problem. The focus on value helpsmanagers understand the impact of the firm on the world around it.These cases also invite students to apply modern information technologyto the analysis of managerial decisions.CONTENTSPart 1: Setting Some ThemesCase 1 Warren E. Buffett, 2005Case 2 Bill Miller and Value TrustCase 3 Ben & Jerry’s HomemadeCase 4 The Battle for Value, 2004: FedEx Corp. vs. United ParcelService, Inc.Part 2: Financial Analysis and ForecastingCase 5 The Thoughtful ForecasterCase 6 The Financial Detective, 2005Case 7 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc.Case 8 The Body Shop International PLC 2001: An Introduction toFinancial ModelingCase 9 Horniman HorticultureCase 10 Kota Fibres, Ltd.Case 11 Deutsche BrauereiCase 12 Value Line Publishing: October 2002Part 3: Estimating the Cost of CapitalCase 13 “Best Practices” in Estimating the Cost of Capital: Surveyand Synthesis”Case 14 Nike, Inc.: Cost of CapitalCase 15 Teletech Corporation, 2005Case 16 The Boeing 7E7Part 4: Capital Budgeting and Resource AllocationCase 17 The Investment DetectiveCase 18 Worldwide Paper CompanyCase 19 Target CorporationCase 20 Aurora Textile CompanyCase 21 Compass RecordsCase 22 Victoria Chemicals plc (A): The Merseyside ProjectCase 23 Victoria Chemicals plc (B): Merseyside and RotterdamProjectsCase 24 Euroland Foods S.A.Case 25 Star River Electronics Ltd.Part 5: Management of the Firm’s Equity: Dividends, Repurchases,Initial OfferingsCase 26 Gainesboro Machine Tools CorporationCase 27 EMICase 28 JetBlue Airways IPO ValuationCase 29 TRX, Inc.: Initial Public OfferingCase 30 Purinex, Inc.Part 6: Management of the Corporate Capital StructureCase 31 An Introduction to Debt Policy and ValueCase 32 Structuring Coprorate Financial Policy: Diagnosis of Problemsand Evaluation of StrategiesCase 33 California Pizza KitchenCase 34 The Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company: Capital Structure, Valuation,and Cost of CapitalCase 35 Deluxe CorporationCase 36 Deutsche Bank Securities: Financing the Acquisition ofConsolidated Supply S.A.Part 7: Analysis of Financing Tactics: Leases, Options, andForeign CurrencyCase 37 Baker AdhesivesCase 38 Carrefour S.A.Case 39 Primus Automation Division, 2002Case 40 MoGen, Inc.Part 8: Valuing the Enterprise: Acquisitions and BuyoutsCase 41 Methods of Valuation: Mergers and AcquisitionsCase 42 Arcadian Microarray Technologies, Inc.Case 43 Yeats Valves and ControlsCase 44 Hershey Foods CorporationCase 45 General Mills’ Acquisition of Pillsbury from Diageo PLCCase 46 The Timken CompanyCase 47 Matlin PattersonCase 48 Hostile Takeovers: A Primer for the Decision MakerCase 49 General Electric’s Proposed Acquisition of HoneywellInternational editionFINGAME 5.0 PARTICIPANT’S MANUALWITH REGISTRATION CODE5th EditionBy Leroy D Brooks, John Carroll University2008 (June 2007) / 170 pagesISBN: 9780077219888ISBN: 9780071275675 [IE]Brooks’ FinGame Online 5.0 is a comprehensive multiple periodfinance case/simulation. In the game, students control a hypotheticalcompany over numerous periods of operation. Students have controlof major financial and operating decisions of their company. Studentsdevelop and enhance skills in financial management, financial accountingstatement analysis, and general decision making. Internetaccess by the instructor and student is required. Students use the Fin-Game Participant’s Manual for instructions to operate their companyon the <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>/Irwin website. The Participant’s Manual includesa password in order to access the website. The Instructor’s Manualis very important and imperative to teaching from FinGame Online5.0. FinGame Online can be found at ManualChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Initiation and Use on the WebChapter 3 Establishing a Management PlanChapter 4 The Company Environment and RulesChapter 5 The Game and The Real WorldAppendix Financial Statement ConstructionInstructor’s ManualWelcomeChapter 1 Web Access and Operating InstructionsChapter 2 Use of the Game in a CourseChapter 3 The Company Environment and RulesAppendix: FinGame Report Requirements78
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateInternational editionFINANCE AND INVESTMENTS USING THEWALL STREET JOURNALBy Peter Crabb, Northwest Nazarene University2003 / 408 pagesISBN: 9780071218856 [IE]CONTENTSPART I: INTRODUCTION.1. Finance and Investments Using the Wall Street Journal.PART II: MARKET ANALYSIS.2. Economic Analysis.3. Industry Analysis.4. International Economics and Markets.PART III: SECURITIES MARKETS AND ANALYSIS.5. Time Value of Money.6. Bond Valuations.7. Stock Valuations.8. Foreign Exchange.PART IV: INVESTMENT ANALYSIS.9. Financial Statement Analysis.10. Technical Analysis.PART V: DERIVATIVE SECURITIES.11. Options.12. Futures.13. Index Futures and Options.PART VI- PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT.14. Risk Measurement.15. Asset Allocation.16. Benchmarking.PART VII—CORPORATE FINANCING.17. Cost of Capital.18. Public Offering of Securities.19. Dividend Policy.20. Mergers and Acquisitions.SCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF FINANCIALMANAGEMENT3rd EditionBy Jae Shim, California State University and Joel Siegel, Queens College2010 (August 2009) / 504 pagesISBN: 9780071635318A Schaum PublicationSchaum’s Outline of Financial Management provides a succinct reviewof all financial management concepts in topics such as financial forecasting,planning and budgeting, the management of working capital,short-term financing, time value of money, risk, return, and valuation,capital budgeting, and more.Contents1. Introduction2. Analysis of Financial Statements and Cash Flow3. Financial Forecasting, Planning, and Budgeting4. The Management of Working Capital5. Short-Term Financing6. Time Value of Money7. Risk, Return, and Valuation8. Capital Budgeting (Including Leasing)9. Capital Budgeting Under Risk10. Cost of Capital11. Leverage and Capital Structure12. Dividend Policy13. Term Loans and Leasing14. Long-Term Debt15. Preferred and Common StockSCHAUM’S QUICK GUIDE TO BUSINESSFINANCE201 Decision-Making Tools for Business, Finance,and Accounting StudentsBy Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., California State University, Stephen W. Hartman,New York Institute of Technology and Joel Siegel, Ph.D., Queens College,CUNY1998 / 354 pagesISBN: 9780070580312A Schaum PublicationFor quick and authoritative answers to questions on business andfinancial formulas and tools, this unique book is unequaled! It not onlyclearly explains all major business and financial formulas, it showsyou how to apply them, step by step. Perfect for college and graduatestudents in business, finance, marketing, operations, management,and accounting, this comprehensive, portable guide gives you quickaccess to all major financial and business formulas with explanationsyou can grasp and use in seconds. You get explanations, examples,and demonstrations of formulas for vertical analysis; net-cost method;sales mix analysis; regression statistics; profit margin; samplingformulas; discount cash flow analysis; weighted averages; cost ofcapital; earnings per share; inventory turnover; and nearly 200 more.This is the handiest tool available for mastering business formulas!Managerial & CorporateFinance - GraduateGlobal editionPRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE FINANCE10th EditionBy Richard A Brealey, London Business School, Stewart C Myers, MassInstitute of Tech and Franklin Allen, University of Pennsylvania2011 (February 2010) / 1088 pagesISBN: 9780073530734 (NAI)ISBN: 9780077356385 (+ S&P Market Insight)ISBN: 9780071314176 [GE] - Pub Nov of Corporate Finance is the worldwide leading text thatdescribes the theory and practice of corporate finance. Throughout thebook, the authors show how managers use financial theory to solvepractical problems and as a way to respond to change by showingnot just how, but why companies and management act as they do.This text is a valued reference for thousands of practicing financialmanagers. The Tenth Edition has been rewritten, refreshed, and fullyupdated to reflect the recent financial crisis and is now accompaniedby Connect Finance, an exciting new homework management system.ContentsPart One: Value1- Goals and Governance of the Firm2- How to Calculate Present Values3- Valuing Bonds4- The Value of Commons Stocks5- Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria6- Making Investment Decisions with the Net Present Value RulePart Two: Risk7- Introduction to Risk and Return8- Portfolio Theory and the Capital Asset Pricing Model9- Risk and the Cost of CapitalPart Three: Best Practice in Capital Budgeting79
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate10- Project Analysis11- Investment, Strategy, and Economic Rents12- Agency Problems, Compensation, and the Performance MeasurementPart Four: Financing Decisions and Market Efficiency13- Efficient Markets and Behavioral Finance14- An Overview of Corporate Financing15- How Corporations Issue SecuritiesPart Five: Payout Policy and Capital Structure16- Payout Policy17- Does Debt Policy Matter?18- How Much Should a Corporation Borrow?19- Financing and ValuationPart Six: Options20- Understanding Options21- Valuing Options22- Real OptionsPart Seven: Debt Financing23- Credit Risk and the Value of Corporate Debt24- The Many Different Kinds of Debt25- LeasingPart Eight: Risk Management26- Managing Risk27- Managing International RisksPart Nine: Financial Planning and Working Capital Management28- Financial Analysis29- Financial Planning30- Working Capital ManagementPart Ten: Mergers, Corporate Control, and Governance31- Mergers32- Corporate Restructuring33- Governance and Corporate Control Around the WorldPart Eleven: Conclusion34- Conclusion: What We Do and Do Not Know About FinanceInternational editionPRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE FINANCEConcise, 2nd EditionBy Richard A Brealey, London Business School, Stewart C Myers, MassInstitute of Tech and Franklin Allen, University of Pennsylvania2011 (April 2010) / 672 pagesISBN: 9780073530741ISBN: 9780071289160 [IE] Principles of Corporate Finance, Concise the authorsshow how managers use financial theory to solve practical problemsand as a way of learning how to respond to change by showing notjust how but why companies and management act as they do. Thefirst ten chapters mirror the Principles text, covering the time valueof money, the valuation of bonds and stocks, and practical capitalbudgeting decisions. The remaining chapters discuss market efficiency,payout policy, and capital structure, option valuation, andfinancial planning and analysis. The text is modular, so that Partscan be introduced in an alternative order.ContentsPart One: Value1: Goals and Governance of the Firm2: How to Calculate Present Values3: Valuing Bonds4: The Value of Common Stocks5: Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria6: Making Investment Decisions with the Net Present Value RulePart Two: Risk7: Introduction to Risk and Return8: Portfolio Theory and the Capital Asset Pricing Model9: Risk and the Cost of CapitalPart Three: Best Practices in Capital Budgeting10: Project AnalysisPart Four: Financing Decisions and Market Efficiency11: Efficient Markets and Behavioral FinancePart Five: Payout Policy and Capital Structure12: Payout Policy13: Does Debt Policy Matter?14: How Much Should a Corporation Borrow?15: Financing and ValuationPart Six: Options16: Understanding Options17: Valuing OptionsPart Seven: Financial Planning and Working Capital Management18: Financial Analysis19: Financial PlanningAppendixGlossaryIndexNEW *9780071067850*FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTText and Problems, 6th EditionBy M Y Khan, Formerly Professor of FInance,Dept of Financial Studies and P K Jain, IndianInstitute of Technology, Delhi2011 (February 2011) / 1404 pagesISBN: 9780071067850<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India TitleThis new edition of Financial Management continues to emphasise onthe theories, concepts, and techniques that aid in corporate decisionmaking, Apart from updating the chapters with recent developmentsin the subject, it presents to the readers several new cases andexamples, along with new-age tools like ‘excel’ for problem solving.New to this editionAnalytical Approach and Decisional FocusManagerial decision-making perspectiveProcedural Orientation, Practice Discussion and CasesFinancial Tables and BibliographyContents1. Financial Management – An Overview2. Time Value of Money3. Risk and Return4. Valuation of Bonds and Shares5. Cash-flow Statement6. Financial Statement Analysis7. Volume-Cost-Profit Analysis8. Budgeting and Profit Planning9. Capital Budgeting I: Principles and Techniques10. Capital Budgeting II: Additional Aspects11. Concept and Measurement of Cost of Capital12. Analysis of Risk and Uncertainty13. Working Capital Management – An Overview14. Management of Cash and Marketable Securities15. Receivables Management16. Inventory Management17. Working Capital Management18. Operating, Financial and Combined Leverage19. Capital Structure, Cost of Capital and Valuation20. Designing Capital Structure80
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate21. Capital Markets22. Equity / Ordinary Shares23. Term Loans, Debentures/Bonds and Securitisation24. Hybrid Financing / Instruments25. Lease Financing and Hire-purchase Finance26. Venture Capital Financing27. Option Valuation28. Derivatives: Managing Financial Risks29. Corporate Governance30. Dividend and Valuation31. Determinants of Dividend Policy32. Business Valuation33. Corporate Restructuring34. Foreign Exchange Markets and Dealings35. Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management36. International Financial ManagementGlobal editionCORPORATE FINANCECore Principles and Applications, 3rd EditionBy Stephen A Ross, Mass Institute of Tech, Randolph W Westerfield, Universityof Southern California, Jeffrey Jaffe, University of Pennsylvaniaand Bradford D Jordan, University of Kentucky-Lexington2011 (October 2010) / 736 pagesISBN: 9780073530680ISBN: 9780071221160 [GE] - Pub April 2011ISBN: 9780077905200 (plus Connect)ISBN: 9780077971304 (plus Connect Access Card) Finance: Core Principles and Applications, 3rd edition, byRoss, Westerfield, Jaffe and Jordan was written to convey the mostimportant corporate finance concepts and applications at a levelthat is approachable to the widest possible audience. The conciseformat, managerial context and design, and student-friendly writingstyle are key attributes to this text. RWJJ Core Principles strikes abalance by introducing and covering the essentials, while leavingmore specialized topics to follow-up courses. This text distills thesubject of corporate finance down to its core, while also maintaininga decidedly modern approach. The well-respected author team isknown for the clear, accessible presentation of material that makesthis text an excellent teaching tool.ContentsPart I Overview1 Introduction to Corporate Finance2 Financial Statements and Cash Flow3 Financial Statements Analysis and Long-Term PlanningPart II Valuation and Capital Budgeting4 Discounted Cash Flow Valuation5 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation6 Stock Valuation7 Net Present Value and Other Investment Rules8 Making Capital Investment Decisions9 Risk Analysis, Real Options, and Capital BudgetingPart III Risk and Return10 Risk and Return Lessons from Market History11 Return and Risk: The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)12 Risk, Cost of Capital, and Capital BudgetingPart IV Capital Structure and Dividend Policy13 Corporate Financing Decisions and Efficient Capital Markets14 Capital Structure: Basic Concepts15 Capital Structure: Limits to the Use of Debt16 Dividends and Other PayoutsPart V Special Topics17 Options and Corporate Finance18 Short-Term Finance and Planning19 Mergers and Acquisitions20 International Corporate FinanceInternational editionCORPORATE FINANCE WITH S&P CARD9th EditionBy Stephen A Ross, Mass Institute of Tech, Randolp W Westerfield andJeffrey Jaffe, University of Pennsylvania2010 (October 2009)ISBN: 9780077337629ISBN: 9780071313070 [IE without S&P] Finance, by Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe emphasizesthe modern fundamentals of the theory of finance, while providingcontemporary examples to make the theory come to life. Theauthors aim to present corporate finance as the working of a smallnumber of integrated and powerful intuitions, rather than a collectionof unrelated topics. They develop the central concepts of modernfinance: arbitrage, net present value, efficient markets, agency theory,options, and the trade-off between risk and return, and use them toexplain corporate finance with a balance of theory and application.The well-respected author team is known for their clear, accessiblepresentation of material that makes this text an excellent teachingtool. The ninth edition has been fully updated to reflect the recentfinancial crisis and is now accompanied by Connect, an exciting newhomework management system.ContentsPart I--OverviewChapter 1: Introduction to Corporate FinanceChapter 2: Financial Statements and Cash FlowChapter 3: Financial Statements Analysis and Long-Term PlanningPart II--Valuation and Capital BudgetingChapter 4: Discounted Cash Flow ValuationChapter 5: Net Present Value and Other Investment RulesChapter 6: Making Capital Investment DecisionsChapter 7: Risk Analysis, Real Options, and Capital BudgetingChapter 8: Interest Rates and Bond ValuationChapter 9: How to Value StocksPart III--RiskChapter 10: Risk and Return: Lessons from Market HistoryChapter 11: Return and Risk: The Capital Asset Pricing ModelChapter 12: An Alternative View of Risk and Return: The ArbitragePricing TheoryChapter 13: Risk, Cost of Capital, and Capital BudgetingPart IV: Capital Structure and Dividend PolicyChapter 14: Efficient Capital Markets and Behavioral ChallengesChapter 15 : Long-Term Financing: An IntroductionChapter 16: Capital Structure: Basic ConceptsChapter 17: Capital Structure: Limits to the Use of DebtChapter 18: Valuation and Capital Budgeting for the Levered FirmChapter 19: Dividends and Other PayoutsPart V: Long-Term FinancingChapter 20: Issuing Securities to the PublicChapter 21: LeasingPart VI: Options, Futures, and Corporate FinanceChapter 22: Options and Corporate FinanceChapter 23: Options and Corporate Finance: Extensions and ApplicationsChapter 24: Warrants and ConvertiblesChapter 25: Derivatives and Hedging RiskPart VII: Short-Term FinanceChapter 26: Short-Term Finance and PlanningChapter 27: Cash ManagementChapter 28: Credit and Inventory ManagementPart VIII: Special TopicsChapter 29: Mergers and AcquisitionsChapter 30: Financial DistressChapter 31: International Corporate Finance81
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateInternational editionBEHAVIORAL CORPORATE FINANCEBy Hersh Shefrin2007 (November 2005) / 224 pagesISBN: 9780072848656ISBN: 9780071257367 [IE] Behavioral Foundations2- Valuation3- Capital Budgeting4- Perceptions About Risk and Return5- Inefficient Markets and Corporate Decisions6- Capital Structure7- Dividend Policy8- Agency Conflicts and Corporate Governance9- Group Process10- Mergers and Acquisitions11- Application of Real-Option Techniques to Capital Budgeting andCapital Structure (on the website only)International editionFINANCIAL MARKETS AND CORPORATESTRATEGY2nd EditionBy Mark Grinblatt, UCLA and Sheridan Titman, University of Texas atAustin2002 / 864 pagesISBN: 9780071088510 [IE]ISBN: 9780071236867 [IE - Printed in 2 Colors] I. Financial Markets and Financial Instruments1.Raising Capital2. Debt Financing3. Equity FinancingPart II. Valuing Financial Assets4. The Mathematics and Statistics of Portfolios5. Mean-Variance Analysis and the Capital Asset Pricing Model6. Factor Models and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory7. Pricing Derivatives8. OptionsPart III. Valuing Real Assets9. Discounting and Valuation10. Investing in Risk-less Projects11. Investing in Risky Projects12. Allocating Capital and Corporate Strategy13. Corporate Taxes and the Impact of Financing On Real AssetValuationPart IV. Capital Structure14. How Taxes Affect Financing Choices15. How Taxes Affect Dividends and Share Repurchases16. Bankruptcy Costs and Debt Holder-Equity Holder Conflicts17. Capital Structure and Corporate StrategyPart V. Incentives, Information, and Corporate Control18. How Managerial Incentives Affects Financial Decisions19. The Information Conveyed by Financial Decisions20. Mergers and AcquisitionsPart VI. Risk Management21. Risk Management and Corporate Strategy22. The Practice of Hedging23. Interest Rate Risk ManagementAppendix A. Interest Rate MathematicsAppendix B. Mathematical TablesBusiness FinanceBUSINESS FINANCE10th EditionBy Graham Peirson and Rob Brown of Monash University, Steve Easton,University of Newcastle and Peter Howard, Monash University, Claytonand Sean Pinder, University of Melbourne2010 (August 2010)ISBN: 9780070144675ISBN: 9780071012911 (Revised with Connect Plus)<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia in its landmark tenth edition, Business Finance is the authoritativeAustralian business finance text. Written by the same highly regardedauthor team, this edition has been extensively updated and revisedto ensure that it continues to meet the needs of today’s students. Updatedstatistics, numerous real-life examples and information on newregulatory changes and market developments have been integratedthroughout. Quality, proven content and a trusted pedagogy combinein Business Finance to provide comprehensive subject coverage forfinance majors.ContentsCh 1 IntroductionCh 2 Consumption, investment and the capital marketCh 3 The time value of money: an introduction to financial mathematicsCh 4 Applying the time value of money to security valuationCh 5 Project evaluation: principles and methodsCh 6 The application of project evaluation methodsCh 7 Portfolio theory and asset pricingCh 8 The capital marketCh 9 Sources of long-term finance: equityCh10 Sources of finance: debtCh11 Dividend and share repurchase decisionsCh12 Principles of capital structureCh13 Capital structure decisionsCh14 The cost of capital and taxation issues in project evaluationCh15 Leasing and other equipment financeCh16 Capital market efficiencyCh17 Futures contractsCh18 Options and contingent claimsCh19 Analysis of takeoversCh20 International financial managementCh21 Management of short-term assets: inventoryCh22 Management of short-term assets: liquid assets accountsreceivableAppendicesGlossaryAuthor indexSubject index82
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateCreate and deliver online, auto-graded homework assignments,quizzes, and tests directly from the end-of-chapter materials or testbank. Problems are available as both static and algorithmic problems,and there are also multiple-choice conceptual questions.Students receive immediate, detailed feedback on their assignments,allowing them to focus on the areas where they needimprovement.Questions mapped to AACSB skill areas, Bloom’s Taxonomylevels, and difficulty level enable you to run reports that assess specificlearning outcomes.A Self Quiz and Study program allows students to evaluatetheir performance through a practice test and then receive recommendationsfor specific readings from the text, supplemental studymaterial, and practice work that will improve their mastery of eachlearning objective.Pre-built assignments are available to save you set up time.Connect Plus Finance. This packaging option combines all thegreat features of Connect Finance, along with access to an onlineversion of Fundamentals of Investments, linked to additional studyfeatures, so that students can easily refer back to the text for reviewand guidance.Increased CFA coverage, support and mapping: The sixth editionincludes expanded coverage on 10 CFA readings and completelynew coverage of 15 CFA readings. In total, the sixth edition coversmore than 70 percent of the readings from Level 1 of the CFA examand about 35 percent of the readings from the Level 2 and 3 exams.Each chapter opens with a CFA Exam box citing references to specificreadings from the CFA curriculum that are covered within the chapter,mapping to the level of the CFA exam for the reading, and more than95 percent of end-of-chapter material is related to the CFA exam,which has been similarly mapped to CFA exam levels.Highlights of new coverage in the sixth edition include:• Chapter 1 contains new sections on the crash of 2008, dollarweightedaverage returns, and the equity risk premium.• Chapter 4 contains a new material on target date funds and agreatly expanded section on exchange-traded funds, particularlyleveraged ETFs. Considerable new material is introduced onhedge funds, particularly their fee structure and investment styles.• Chapter 7 contains new material on the market crash of 2008.• Chapter 8 offers new material on heuristics, herding, and overcomingbias. Students have an opportunity to take an online quizabout overconfidence.• Chapter 13 contains new material on calculating alpha using regression;calculating an information ratio; calculating a portfolio’sR-squared; and Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS).• Chapter 18 contains some new material on bond ratings andalternatives to bond ratings.CONTENTSPart I Introduction1. A Brief History of Risk and Return2. The Investment Process3. Overview of Security Types4. Mutual FundsPart II Stock Markets5. The Stock Market6. Common Stock Valuation7. Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency8. Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of InvestingPart III Interest Rates and Bond Valuation9. Interest Rates10. Bond Prices and YieldsPart IV Portfolio11. Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation12. Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line13. Performance Evaluation and Risk ManagementPart V Options and Futures14. Futures Contracts15. Stock OptionsPart VI Topics in Investments16. Option Valuation17. Projecting Cash Flow and Earnings18. Corporate Bonds19. Government Bonds20. Mortgage-Backed SecuritiesAppendix A: Answers to Test Your Investment Quotient QuestionsAppendix B: Answers to Selected Questions and ProblemsAppendix C: Key FormulasIndexGlobal editionINVESTMENTS9th EditionBy Zvi Bodie, Boston University, Alex Kane, University of California-SanDiego and Alan J Marcus, Boston College2011 (September 2010) / 1056 pagesISBN: 9780073530703ISBN: 9780071289146 [GE] - Pub March, Kane, and Marcus’ Investments sets the standard for graduate/MBAinvestments textbooks. It blends practical and theoreticalcoverage, while maintaining an appropriate rigor and a clear writingstyle. Its unifying theme is that security markets are nearly efficient,meaning that most securities are priced appropriately given their riskand return attributes. The text places greater emphasis on asset allocationand offers a much broader and deeper treatment of futures,options, and other derivative security markets than most investmenttexts. It is also the only graduate Investments text to offer an onlinehomework management system, <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Connect Finance.ContentsPart I Introduction1 The Investment Environment2 Asset Classes and Financial Instruments3 How Securities are Traded4 Mutual Funds and Other Investment CompaniesPart II Portfolio Theory and Practice5 Introduction to Risk, Return, and the Historical Record6 Risk Aversion and Capital Allocation to Risky Assets7 Optimal Risky Portfolios8 Index ModelsPart III Equilibrium in Capital Markets9 The Capital Asset Pricing Model10 Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return11 The Efficient Market Hypothesis12 Behavioral Finance and Technical Analysis13 Empirical Evidence on Security ReturnsPart IV Fixed-Income Securities14 Bond Prices and Yields15 The Term Structure of Interest Rates16 Managing Bond PortfoliosPart V Security Analysis17 Macroeconomic and Industry Analysis18 Equity Valuation Models19 Financial Statement AnalysisPart VI Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives20 Options Markets: Introduction21 Option Valuation22 Futures Markets23 Futures, Swaps, and Risk ManagementPart VII Applied Portfolio Management24 Portfolio Performance Evaluation25 International Diversification26 Hedge Funds84
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate27 The Theory of Active Portfolio Management28 Investment Policy and the Framework of the CFA InstituteReferences to CFA ProblemsGlossaryName IndexSubject IndexNEW *9780071333481*UNDERSTANDING MUTUALFUNDSBy Uma Shashikant, Sunita Abraham and ArtiBhargava2011 (September 2011) / 224 pagesISBN: 9780071333481<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India TitleThis book serves a simple purpose: it helps in preparing for the mandatorycertification examination prescribed by the National Instituteof Securities Markets (NISM – Series VA – Mutual Fund DistributorsExam). This examination is mandatory for independent advisors andemployees in the sales, distribution and customer service functionsof mutual funds and distribution companies.This book stays faithfulto the syllabus for the examination and test objectives as outlined byNISM. Several students who take the NISM examinations in preparationfor their job and project placements will find this book useful.This book covers several basic concepts relating to mutual funds,which may also be of interest to mutual fund investors. The objectiveof this book is to simplify the basic concepts and principles relating tomutual funds. Examples and illustrations have been used to reinforcethe concepts wherever necessary.Contents1. Concept And Role Of Mutual Funds2. Fund Structure And Constituents3. Legal And Regulatory Environment4. Offer Document5. Fund Distribution And Sales Practices6. Accounting Valuation And Taxation7. Investors Services8. Risk, Return And Performance Of Funds9. Mutual Fund Scheme Selection10. Selecting The Right Investment Products11. Financial Planning And Model PortfoliosInternational editionESSENTIALS OF INVESTMENTS WITH S&PCARD8th EditionBy Zvi Bodie, Boston University, Alex Kane, University of California-SanDiego and Alan J Marcus, Boston College2010 (September 2009)ISBN: 9780077339180ISBN: 9780071267496 [IE without S&P Card]ISBN: 9780071084383 [IE with Connect Plus] market leading undergraduate investments textbook, Essentialsof Investments, 8e by Bodie, Kane and Marcus, emphasizes assetallocation while presenting the practical applications of investmenttheory. The authors have eliminated unnecessary mathematical detailand concentrate on the intuition and insights that will be useful topractitioners throughout their careers as new ideas and challengesemerge from the financial marketplace. The eighth edition has beenfully updated to reflect the recent financial crisis and includes a newchapter on Hedge Funds.ContentsPart 1: Elements of Investments1- Investments: Background and Issues2- Asset Classes and Financial Instruments3- Securities Markets4- Mutual Funds and Other Investment CompaniesPart 2: Portfolio Theory5- Risk and Return: Past and Prologue6- Efficient Diversification7- Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory8- The Efficient Market Hypothesis9- Behavioral Finance and Technical AnalysisPart 3: Debt Securities10- Bond Prices and Yields11- Managing Bond PortfoliosPart 4: Security Analysis12- Macroeconomic and Industry Analysis13- Equity Valuation14- Financial Statement AnalysisPart 5: Derivative Markets15- Options Markets16- Option Valuation17- Futures Markets and Risk ManagementPart 6: Active Investment Management18- Portfolio Performance Evaluation19- Globalization and International Investing20- Hedge Funds21- Taxes, Inflation, and Investment Strategy22- Investors and the Investment ProcessREVIEW COPY(Available for course adoption only)To request for a review copy,• contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>representatives or,• fax the Review Copy Request Form foundin this catalog or,• e-mail your request or,• submit online at www.mheducation.asia85
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateInternational editionINVESTMENTS2nd EditionBy Mark Hirschey, University of Kansas-Lawrence and John Nofsinger,Washington State University-Pullman2010 (January 2009) / 672 pagesISBN: 9780077305574 (with S&P Bind-In Card)ISBN: 9780071271035 [IE]ISBN: 9780071104357 [IE with S&P Card] Analysis and Behavior, 2e is the first textbook to integrateexciting new developments from the field of behavioral finance in acomprehensive and balanced introduction to the field of investments.Since behavioral is intertwined in all aspects of investing, this textdoes just that. Investments: Analysis and Behavior is written froma unique perspective that will provide students with knowledge ofinvestment analytical tools and an understanding of the forces thatdrive the industry.ContentsPart 1 Introduction to InvestmentsChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Equity MarketsChapter 3 Buying and Selling EquitiesChapter 4 Risk and ReturnPart 2 Market Efficiency and Investor BehaviorChapter 5 Asset Pricing Theory and Performance EvaluationChapter 6 Efficient-Market HypothesisChapter 7 Market AnomaliesChapter 8 Psychology and the Stock MarketPart 3 Investment AnalysisChapter 9 Business EnvironmentChapter 10 Financial Statement AnalysisChapter 11 Value Stock InvestingChapter 12 Growth Stock InvestingChapter 13 Technical AnalysisPart 4 Fixed IncomeChapter 14 Bond Instruments and MarketsChapter 15 Bond ValuationPart 5 Investment ManagementChapter 16 Mutual FundsChapter 17 Global InvestingChapter 18 Option Markets and StrategiesChapter 19 Futures MarketsChapter 20 Real Estate and Tangible AssetsAppendix A The Time Value of Money and CompoundingAppendix B Reference to the Chartered Financial Analyst QuestionsGlossaryIndexInvestments - SupplementarySCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF INVESTMENTS2nd EditionBy Jack Clark Francis, Bernard M. Baruch College and Richard Taylor2000 / 330 pagesISBN: 9780071348492A Professional reference TitleCONTENTSChapter 1: Money Market Securities.Chapter 2: Common and Preferred Stock.Chapter 3: Corporate Bonds.Chapter 4: The Time Value of Money.Chapter 5: U.S. Treasury, Agency and Related Bonds.Chapter 6: Municipal Bonds.Chapter 7: Issuing and Trading Securities.Chapter 8: Secondary Security Markets.Chapter 9: Federal Investments Regulations.Chapter 10: Security Market Indexes.Chapter 11: Analysis of Financial Statements.Chapter 12: Short Positions, Hedging, and Arbitrage.Chapter 13: Total Risk and Risk Factors.Chapter 14: Bond Valuation.Chapter 15: Bond Portfolio Management.Chapter 16: Common Stock Valuation.Chapter 17: Technical Analysis.Chapter 18: Efficient Markets Theory.Chapter 19: Futures.Chapter 20: Put and Call Options I.Chapter 21: Put and Call Options II.Chapter 22: Portfolio Analysis.Chapter 23: Capital Market Theory.Chapter 24: Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT).Chapter 25: Portfolio Performance Evaluation.Chapter 26: International Investing.Appendices: A: Present Value of $1.B: Future Value of $1.C: Present Value of an Annuity of $1.D: Future Value of an Annuity of $1.Invitation to Publish<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> is interested to review yourtextbook proposals for publication.Please contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> office oremail to <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)Website:
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateInvestments - GraduateCases in Corporate FinanceGlobal editionINVESTMENTS9th EditionBy Zvi Bodie, Boston University, Alex Kane, University of California-SanDiego and Alan J Marcus, Boston College2011 (September 2010) / 1056 pagesISBN: 9780073530703ISBN: 9780071289146 [GE] - Pub March, Kane, and Marcus’ Investments sets the standard for graduate/MBAinvestments textbooks. It blends practical and theoreticalcoverage, while maintaining an appropriate rigor and a clear writingstyle. Its unifying theme is that security markets are nearly efficient,meaning that most securities are priced appropriately given their riskand return attributes. The text places greater emphasis on asset allocationand offers a much broader and deeper treatment of futures,options, and other derivative security markets than most investmenttexts. It is also the only graduate Investments text to offer an onlinehomework management system, <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Connect Finance.ContentsPart I Introduction1 The Investment Environment2 Asset Classes and Financial Instruments3 How Securities are Traded4 Mutual Funds and Other Investment CompaniesPart II Portfolio Theory and Practice5 Introduction to Risk, Return, and the Historical Record6 Risk Aversion and Capital Allocation to Risky Assets7 Optimal Risky Portfolios8 Index ModelsPart III Equilibrium in Capital Markets9 The Capital Asset Pricing Model10 Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return11 The Efficient Market Hypothesis12 Behavioral Finance and Technical Analysis13 Empirical Evidence on Security ReturnsPart IV Fixed-Income Securities14 Bond Prices and Yields15 The Term Structure of Interest Rates16 Managing Bond PortfoliosPart V Security Analysis17 Macroeconomic and Industry Analysis18 Equity Valuation Models19 Financial Statement AnalysisPart VI Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives20 Options Markets: Introduction21 Option Valuation22 Futures Markets23 Futures, Swaps, and Risk ManagementPart VII Applied Portfolio Management24 Portfolio Performance Evaluation25 International Diversification26 Hedge Funds27 The Theory of Active Portfolio Management28 Investment Policy and the Framework of the CFA InstituteReferences to CFA ProblemsGlossaryName IndexSubject IndexInternational editionCASE STUDIES IN FINANCE6th EditionBy Robert F Bruner, University of VA-Charlottesville2010 (January 2009) / 816 pagesISBN: 9780073382456ISBN: 9780071267526 [IE] Studies in Finance, 6e links managerial decisions to capitalmarkets and the expectations of investors. At the core of almostall of the cases is a valuation task that requires students to look tofinancial markets for guidance in resolving the case problem. Thefocus on value helps managers understand the impact of the firm onthe world around it. These cases also invite students to apply moderninformation technology to the analysis of managerial decisions. Thecases may be taught in many different combinations. The eight-partsequence indicated by the table of contents relates to course designsused at the authors’ schools. Each part of the casebook suggests aconcept module, with a particular orientation.ContentsPart 1: Setting Some ThemesCase 1 Warren E. Buffett, 2005Case 2 Bill Miller and Value TrustCase 3 Ben & Jerry’s HomemadeCase 4 The Battle for Value, 2004: FedEx Corp. vs. United ParcelService, Inc.Part 2: Financial Analysis and ForecastingCase 5 The Thoughtful ForecasterCase 6 The Financial Detective, 2005Case 7 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc.Case 8 The Body Shop International PLC 2001: An Introduction toFinancial ModelingCase 9 Horniman HorticultureCase 10 Kota Fibres, Ltd.Case 11 Deutsche BrauereiCase 12 Value Line Publishing: October 2002Part 3: Estimating the Cost of CapitalCase 13 “Best Practices” in Estimating the Cost of Capital: Surveyand Synthesis”Case 14 Nike, Inc.: Cost of CapitalCase 15 Teletech Corporation, 2005Case 16 The Boeing 7E7Part 4: Capital Budgeting and Resource AllocationCase 17 The Investment DetectiveCase 18 Worldwide Paper CompanyCase 19 Target CorporationCase 20 Aurora Textile CompanyCase 21 Compass RecordsCase 22 Victoria Chemicals plc (A): The Merseyside ProjectCase 23 Victoria Chemicals plc (B): Merseyside and RotterdamProjectsCase 24 Euroland Foods S.A.Case 25 Star River Electronics Ltd.Part 5: Management of the Firm’s Equity: Dividends, Repurchases,Initial OfferingsCase 26 Gainesboro Machine Tools CorporationCase 27 EMICase 28 JetBlue Airways IPO ValuationCase 29 TRX, Inc.: Initial Public OfferingCase 30 Purinex, Inc.Part 6: Management of the Corporate Capital Structure87
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateCase 31 An Introduction to Debt Policy and ValueCase 32 Structuring Coprorate Financial Policy: Diagnosis of Problemsand Evaluation of StrategiesCase 33 California Pizza KitchenCase 34 The Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company: Capital Structure, Valuation,and Cost of CapitalCase 35 Deluxe CorporationCase 36 Deutsche Bank Securities: Financing the Acquisition ofConsolidated Supply S.A.Part 7: Analysis of Financing Tactics: Leases, Options, andForeign CurrencyCase 37 Baker AdhesivesCase 38 Carrefour S.A.Case 39 Primus Automation Division, 2002Case 40 MoGen, Inc.Part 8: Valuing the Enterprise: Acquisitions and BuyoutsCase 41 Methods of Valuation: Mergers and AcquisitionsCase 42 Arcadian Microarray Technologies, Inc.Case 43 Yeats Valves and ControlsCase 44 Hershey Foods CorporationCase 45 General Mills’ Acquisition of Pillsbury from Diageo PLCCase 46 The Timken CompanyCase 47 Matlin PattersonCase 48 Hostile Takeovers: A Primer for the Decision MakerCase 49 General Electric’s Proposed Acquisition of HoneywellCASES IN CORPORATE FINANCEBy SR Viswanath, Institute of Management Technology2009 (April 2009)ISBN: 9780070090255<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India“This book will compete with the HBR cases and also the case problemsgiven in various text-books. But the advantage here is that itdiscusses Indian cases and so will be more useful, as the studentswill be more familiar with the scenarios described in the cases…Thecases give an overall perspective of a business venture– Prof. InduNiranjan, SPJIMR, Mumbai• Basic analytical skills and principles of corporate finance• Functions of modern capital markets and financial institutions• Estimation of cost of capital• Standard techniques of analysis, including capital budgeting• Estimation and management of working capital• The first module consists of cases that form the building blocks ofmodern finance. These are on time value of money, risk and return.• The second module covers capital budgeting and valuation. Thismodule introduces standard DCF models in a variety of settings.A problem set on option pricing is also included here• The third module is on working capital estimation and management.Case topics include cash budgeting, seasonality and workingcapital management• The fourth module (the final one) is on long term financing andrisk management.ContentsMODULE 1: BUILDING BLOCKS1. Lisa Mathew’s Investment Opportunities2. Valuation Problem Set (A)3. Reliance Capital4. Cost of Capital for Utilities in India5. Financial Statements and Industry Structure, 20076. The Use of Cash Flow Statements7. Financial Performance of Major Steel Firms8. Value Based Management at Marico Ltd.MODULE 2: CAPITAL BUDGETING AND DISCOUNTED CASHFLOW VALUATION9. Valuation Problem Set (B)10. Indian Premier League11. Option Pricing Problem Set12. Tata Steel: The Bid for CorusMODULE 3: WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT13. Working Capital Management at Excel Crop Care Ltd.MODULE 4: CAPITAL STRUCTURE, SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM FINANCING14. Trent Ltd. Rights Issue of Convertibles and Warrants15. Financial Instruments Problem Set16. BGR Energy Systems’ Initial Public Offering17. Shree Cement Ltd.18. Fujairah BankInternational editionCASES IN FINANCE2nd EditionBy Jim DeMello, Western Michigan University—Kalamazoo2006 / 192 pagesISBN: 9780072983227ISBN: 9780071244367 [IE] 1- Signal Cable Company; Cash Flow AnalysisCase 2- Bigger Isn’t Always Better; Financial Ratio AnalysisCase 3- Playing the Numbers Game!; DuPont Analysis Case 4-GrowingPains; Financial ForecastingCase 5- There’s More to Us Than Meets the Eye!; Financial Analysisand ForecastingCase 6- Lottery Winnings-Looks Can Be Deceptive; Time Value ofMoneyCase 7- It’s Better Late Than Never!; Retirement PlanningCase 8- Paying Off That Dream House; Loan AmortizationCase 9- Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!; Time Value of MoneyCase 10- Corporate Bonds-They Are More Complex Than You Think;Bond Analysis and ValuationCase 11- How Low Can It Go?; Application of Stock Valuation MethodsCase 12- What Are We Really Worth; Valuation of Common StockCase 13- The Lazy Mower: Is It Really Worth It?; Estimating CashFlow-New Project AnalysisCase 14- If the Coat Fits, Wear it; Replacement Project AnalysisCase 15- The Dilemma at Day-Pro; Comparison of Capital BudgetingTechniquesCase 16- Too Hot to Handle; Capital BudgetingCase 17- Flirting with Risk; Risk and ReturnCase 18- I Wish I Had a Crystal Ball; Real Options and CapitalBudgetingCase 19- Can One Size Fit All?; Determining the Cost of Capital Case20- We Are Not All Alike; Divisional Costs of CapitalCase 21- Where Do We Draw the Line?: Marginal Cost of Capitaland Capital BudgetingCase 22- EVA – Does It Really Work?; Economic Value Added (EVA)Case 23- It’s Better to Be Safe Than Sorry!; Evaluating Project RiskCase 24- Look Before You Leverage; Debt Versus Equity FinancingCase 25- Is It Worth More Dead or Alive?; Bankruptcy and ReorganizationCase 26- Is It Much Ado About Nothing?; Dividend PolicyCase27- Timing Is Everything!; Working Capital ManagementCase 28- Getting Our Act Together; Cash BudgetingCase 29- The Elusive Cash Balance; Cash BudgetingCase 30- A Switch in Time Saves Nine; Accounts Receivable ManagementCase 31- Will it be Worthwhile to Venture?; International CapitalBudgetingCase 32- When In Doubt, Hedge!; Hedging with DerivativesCase 33- Made for Each Other; Valuing Corporate Acquisitions Case34- Why Buy It When You Can Lease It?; Lease Versus Buy Analysis88
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateInternational editionCASES IN FINANCE2nd EditionBy Ben Nunnally, Jr., and D. Anthony Plath, University of North Carolina1997 / 288 pagesISBN: 9780071145640 [IE]CONTENTSPART I. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS, PLANNING AND STRATEGY:1. Triple A Office Mart.2. Airline Profitability Analysis.3. Retirement Planning, Inc.-NEW!.4. Babes-N-Toyland.5. Pop’s Recycling Co.6. Personal Computers, Inc.7. Personality Associates. 8. Rapid Fire Batteries, Inc.PART II. WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT:9. Bison Tool Corp.10. Aero-Strip, Inc.11. Ohio Rubber Works.PART III. CAPITAL BUDGETING:12. B.J. Plastic Molding Company.13. Infomercial Entertainment, Inc.14. Restore Incorporated.15. Kirby Industries.16. The Winning Edge, Inc.17. Gideon Research.18. Metal Fabricating and Recycling-NEW!19. Midwood Electronic -NEW!PART IV. INTERMEDIATE AND LONG-TERM FINANCING:20. Deal’s Computerland.21. Clearline Filters, Inc.-NEW!22. Suburban Electronics Company.23. Neptune’s Locker, Inc.24. Burkeville Power and Light.25. Commercial Builders, Inc.-NEW!26. Buffalo River Steele Company.27. * Village Plaza Shopping Center.PART V. FINANCIAL STRUCTURE, THE COST OF CAPITAL, ANDDIVIDEND POLICY:28. The Orient Express.29. Speciality Chemicals, Inc.-NEW!30. McDermott Manufacturing, Inc.-NEW!31. High Rock Industries.32. South East Merchandisers-NEW!33. Touring Enterprises-NEW!34. COBA Corporation (Part A).35. COBA Corporation (Part B).36. * Cole-Williams, Incorporated.37. Orchard Mill Development.38. FuzzyTronic, Inc.PART VI. OTHER TOPICS IN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT:39. Performance Cycle, Inc.40. Progressive Office Outfitters-NEW!41. Xtronics Corporation-NEW!Money and Capital MarketsMERCHANT BANKING AND FINANCIALSERVICES3rd EditionBy S Gurusamy, Vaishnav College2009 (June 2009) / 480 pagesISBN: 9780070153622<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India TitleA good text book on this subject written by a well-known author. Thisbook can be pitched in where our other titles on this subject do notfit well for any reason.Contents1. Merchant Banking: An Overview2.Merchant Banking: Regulatory Framework3.Public Issue Management4.Marketing of New Issues5.Post-issue Activities6.Prospectus7.Underwriting of Securities8.Capital Structure Decisions9.Capital Market Instruments10.Depository Receipts11.Stock Exchange: An Overview12.National Stock Exchange (NSE)13.Over-the-Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI)14.M&A Advisory Services15.Portfolio Management Services16.Credit Syndication Services17.Financial Services: An Overview18.Leasing: An Overview19.Hire Purchase Finance20.Bill Financing21.Factoring and Forfeiting22.Consumer Finance23.Real Estate Financing24.Credit Cards25.Credit Rating26.Mutual Funds27.Venture CapitalInternational editionMONEY AND CAPITAL MARKETS10th EditionBy Peter S Rose, Texas A&M University and Milton Marquis, FloridaState University-Tallahassee2008 (December 2007) / 800 pagesISBN: 9780077235802 (with S&P Bind-In Card)ISBN: 9780071284325 [IE with S&P Bind-In Card]ISBN: 9780071268592 [IE without S&P Card] and Capital Markets, 10th edition by Peter Rose and MiltonMarquis provides a thorough and comprehensive view of the wholefinancial system. All the major types of financial institutions and financialinstruments present today are discussed, along with how andwhy the system of money and capital markets is changing. Moneyand Capital Markets also provides a descriptive explanation of howinterest rates and security values are determined. It discusses thecurrent and future trends of the globalization of financial markets, theongoing consolidation of the financial institutions’ sector, and recentefforts to protect consumer privacy in the financial services field.89
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateCONTENTSPart One – The Global Financial System in PerspectiveChapter 1 – Functions and Roles of the Financial System in theGlobal EconomyChapter 2 – Financial Assets, Money, Financial Transactions, andFinancial InstitutionsChapter 3 – The Financial Information MarketplaceChapter 4 – The Future of the Financial System and the Money andCapital MarketsPart Two – Interest Rates and the Prices of Financial AssetsChapter 5 – The Determinants of Interest Rates: Competing IdeasChapter 6 – Measuring and Calculating Interest Rates and FinancialAsset PricesChapter 7 – Inflation and Deflation, Yield Curves, and Duration: Impacton Interest Rates and Asset PricesChapter 8 – The Risk Structure of Interest Rates: Defaults, Prepayments,Taxes, and Other Rate-Determining factorsChapter 9 – Interest-Rate Forecasting and Hedging: Swaps, FinancialFutures, and OptionsPart Three – The Money Market and Central BankingChapter 10 – Introduction to the Money Market and the Roles Playedby Governments and Security DealersChapter 11 – Commercial Banks, Major Corporations, and FederalCredit Agencies in the Money MarketChapter 12 – Roles and Services of the Federal Reserve and OtherCentral Banks Around the WorldChapter 13 – The Tools and Goals of Central Bank Monetary PolicyPart Four – Financial Institutions: Organization, Activities, andRegulationChapter 14 – The Commercial Banking Industry: Structure, Products,and ManagementChapter 15 – Nonbank Thrift Institutions: Savings and Loans, SavingsBanks, Credit Unions, and Money Market FundsChapter 16 – Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, Investment Banks,and Other Financial FirmsChapter 17 – Regulation of the Financial Institutions’ SectorPart Five – Governments and Businesses in the Financial MarketplaceChapter 18 – Federal, State, and Local Governments Operating inthe Financial MarketsChapter 19 – Business Borrowing: Corporate Bonds, Asset-BackedSecurities, Bank Loans, and Other Forms of Business DebtChapter 20 – The Market for Corporate StockPart Six – Households in the Financial MarketplaceChapter 21 – Consumer Lending and BorrowingChapter 22 – The Residential Mortgage MarketPart Seven- The International Financial SystemChapter 23 – International Transactions and Currency ValuesChapter 24 – International BankingMoney and Capital Markets DictionaryIndexPortfolio ManagementNEW*9780071078016*SECURITY ANALYSIS ANDPORTFOLIO MANAGEMENTBy K Sasidharan, School of Asset Management,Cochin and Alex K Mathews, ManatharaAdvisory Services2011 (August 2011) / 708 pagesISBN: 9780071078016<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India TitleThis book provides a comprehensive coverage on security analysisas well as portfolio management with a student-friendly approach.With discussion on latest topics, numerous examples, rich pedagogy,as well as exercises, it will adequately meet the requirements of businessmanagement students.CONTENTS1. Investments: Concepts and Features2. Investment Avenues3. Indian Capital Market4. Stock Exchanges in India5. Stock Market Indices6. Depository System and Listing of Securities7. Futures and Options8. Real Estate9. Risk and Return10. Market Regulators11. Multifactor Risk and Return Models12. Effi cient Market Hypothesis13. Company Valuation14. Equity Valuation15. Bond Valuation16. Technical Analysis17. Fundamental Analysis18. Portfolio Construction19. Markowitz Model20. Sharpe Portfolio Optimisation Model21. Portfolio Evaluation22. Portfolio Revision and ManagementAppendix A: Investment AnalysisAppendix B: Using Calculator/Coputer for ComputationsAppendix C: Standardized Normal Distribution TableAppendix D: List of Useful WebsitesModel Question PaperModel Question PaperIndex90
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateInternational editionRUNNING MONEYProfessional Portfolio ManagementBy Scott Stewart, Christopher Piros and Jeffrey Heisler2011 (January 2010) / 576 pagesISBN: 9780073530581ISBN: 9780071259453 [IE] Money: Professional Portfolio Management 1e focuses onthe business investment decision-making from the perspective of theportfolio manager. The authors combined professional experiencemanaging multi-billion-dollar mandates, working with real clients,and solving real investment problems is reflected throughout thetext. Their goal is to expose students to what it is really like to “runmoney” professionally by providing the necessary tools. This newtext is most effectively used in conjunction with cases, projects, andreal-time portfolios requiring “hands on” application of the material.Excel Spreadsheets and Outboxes help the students understand theapproach of this first edition text.ContentsChapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Client Objectives for Managing Diversified PortfoliosChapter 3: Asset Allocation: The Mean Variance FrameworkChapter 4: Asset Allocation InputsChapter 5: Advanced Topics in Asset AllocationChapter 6: The Investment Management ProcessChapter 7: Introduction to Equity Portfolio InvestingChapter 8: Equity Portfolio ConstructionChapter 9: Fixed Income Portfolio ManagementChapter 10: Internal InvestingChapter 11: Alternative Investment ClassesChapter 12: Portfolio Management Through Time: Taxes and TransactionCostsChapter 13: Performance Measurement and AttributionChapter 14: Incentives, Ethics and PolicyChapter 15: Investor and Client BehaviorChapter 16: Managing Client RelationshipsAppendixesReferencesGlossaryDerivatives / Futures& OptionsNEW *9780071313643*FUTURES AND OPTIONSBy Sunil Parameswaran, Tarheel ConsultancyServices2011 (October 2010) / 600 pagesISBN: 9780071313643An Asian PublicationThis book presents an in-depth exposition of the major derivativecategories, namely futures, options, and swaps. Written in a racyand conversational style, the book simulates a one-on-one discussionbetween the reader and the author. It covers the intricacies ofthe financial instruments and the markets in which they are traded.It is embellished with sufficient numerical examples to facilitate thelearning process. Readers are given adequate opportunities to testtheir comprehension by way of end-of-chapter questions and reviewof key concepts. The book is intended to serve as a one-stop referencefor traders, investors, and serious students of Finance. It is astand-alone text that seamlessly integrates material on the underlyingfinancial securities such as stocks, stock indices, money andbond markets, and foreign exchange with the core concepts of thederivatives markets. It can also serve as a textbook for a graduatelevel course on futures and options, and readers should find that itprovides adequate coverage of both forwards and futures contractsand options contracts. The text can also be used as supplementarymaterial for courses on financial markets and international finance.Market professionals will find this book a useful and handy referencein their daily work.FeaturesForeword by Professor Tom Smith (Australian National University)Exhaustive coverage of both futures and optionsA racy and conversational style of expositionNumerous illustrations and examplesAssignment questions and review of key conceptsthat provide an in-depth test of the readers’ comprehensionREVIEW COPY(Available for course adoption only)To request for a review copy,• contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>representatives or,• fax the Review Copy Request Form foundin this catalog or,• e-mail your request or,• submit online at www.mheducation.asiaCONTENTSForewordAbout the AuthorPrefaceAcknowledgmentsFigures and Tables1. Introduction to Futures2. Valuation of Futures Contracts3. Hedging and Speculation4. Orders and Exchanges5. Money Market Futures6. Bond Market Futures7. Foreign Exchange Forwards and Futures8. Stock and Stock Index Futures9. Fundamentals of Options91
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate10. Arbitrage Restrictions11. Options Strategies and Profit Diagrams12. Valuation of Options13. Options on Stock Indices, Foreign Currencies, Futures Contracts,and Volatility Indices14. Exotic Options15. Term Structure of Interest Rates and Valuation of Interest RateOptions16. Fundamentals of SwapsIndexInternational editionDERIVATIVESBy Rangarajan Sundaram and Sanjiv Das2011 (March 2010) / 940 pagesISBN: 9780072949315ISBN: 9780071244800 [IE] has been the authors’ experience that the overwhelming majorityof students in MBA derivatives courses go on to careers where adeep conceptual, rather than solely mathematical, understandingof products and models is required. The first edition of Derivativeslooks to create precisely such a blended approach, one that is formaland rigorous, yet intuitive and accessible. The main body of thisbook is divided into six parts. Parts 1-3 cover, respectively, futuresand forwards; options; and swaps. Part 4 examines term-structuremodeling and the pricing of interest-rate derivatives, while Part 5 isconcerned with credit derivatives and the modeling of credit risk. Part6 discusses computational issues.ContentsChapter 1: IntroductionPart 1: Futures and ForwardsChapter 2: Futures MarketsChapter 3: Pricing Forwards and Futures I: The Basic TheoryChapter 4: Pricing Forwards and Futures IIChapter 5: Hedging with Futures & ForwardsChapter 6: Interest-Rate Forwards & FuturesPart II: Equity DerivativesChapter 7: Options MarketsChapter 8: Options: Payoffs & Trading StrategiesChapter 9: No-Arbitrage Restrictions on Option PricesChapter 10: Early Exercise and Put-Call ParityChapter 11: Option Pricing: An IntroductionChapter 12: Binomial Option PricingChapter 13: Implementing the Binomial ModelChapter 14: The Black-Scholes ModelChapter 15: The Mathematics of Black-ScholesChapter 16: Options Modeling: Beyond Black-ScholesChapter 17: Sensitivity Analysis: The Option “Greeks”Chapter 18: Exotic Options I: Path-Independent OptionsChapter 19: Exotic Options II: Path-Dependent OptionsChapter 20: Value-at-RiskChapter 21: Convertible BondsChapter 22: Real OptionsPart III: SwapsChapter 23: Interest-Rate Swaps and Floating Rate ProductsChapter 24: Equity SwapsChapter 25: Currency SwapsPart IV: Interest Rate ModelingChapter 26: The Term Structure of Interest Rates: ConceptsChapter 27: Estimating the Yield CurveChapter 28: Modeling Term Structure MovementsChapter 29: Factor Models of the Term StructureChapter 30: The Heath-Jarrow-Morton and Libor Market ModelsPart V: Credit Derivative ProductsChapter 31: Credit Derivative ProductsChapter 32: Structural Models of Default RiskChapter 33: Reduced Form Models of Default RiskChapter 34: Modeling Correlated DefaultPart VI: ComputationChapter 35: Derivative Pricing with Finite DifferencingChapter 36: Derivative Pricing with Monte Carol SimulationChapter 37: Using OctaveFINANCIAL DERIVATIVESMarkets and Applications in Malaysia,2nd EditionBy Ismath Bacha Obiyathulla, International Islamic University-Malaysia2006 / 353 pagesISBN: 9789833219957An Asian PublicationFinancial Derivatives: Markets and Applications is designed specificallyfor a first course in derivatives. It has been written with thebeginner in mind and assumes no previous knowledge or familiaritywith derivatives. Written in an informal, easy to read style, it guidesreaders through the challenging and complex world of forwards,futures and options. As the first book of its kind on Malaysian financialderivatives, the emphasis on local conditions enables easierunderstanding. All financial derivative contracts traded in Malaysiaare covered according to their three common applications: hedging,arbitraging and speculating which are shown by means of fully workedout examples. Extensive use of illustrations and write-ups provideeasy comprehension of the underlying logic of derivatives.CONTENTS1 Derivatives: Introduction and Overview2 Malaysian Derivatives Markets and Trading3 Forward and Futures Markets: Pricing and Analysis4 Stock Index Futures Contracts: Analysis and Applications5 Interest Rate Futures: The 3-month KLIBOR Futures Contract6 Introduction to Options7 Options Contracts: Specifications and Trading8 Option Strategies and Payoffs9 Option Pricing10 Replication, Sythetics and Arbitrage11 Options in Corporate Finance and Real Options12 Interest Rate Swaps, FRAs and Credit Derivatives13 Derivatives Instruments and Islamic BankingInvitation to Publish<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> is interested to review yourtextbook proposals for publication.Please contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> office oremail to <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)Website:
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateFinancial InstitutionsManagementInternational editionFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS MANAGEMENTA Risk Management Approach, 7th EditionBy Anthony Saunders, New York University and Marcia Millon Cornett,Southern Illinois University—Carbondale2011 (September 2010) / 864 pagesISBN: 9780073530758ISBN: 9780071289559 [IE without S&P] and Cornett’s Financial Institutions Management: A RiskManagement Approach 7/e provides an innovative approach thatfocuses on managing return and risk in modern financial institutions.The central theme is that the risks faced by financial institutionsmanagers and the methods and markets through which these risksare managed are becoming increasingly similar whether an institutionis chartered as a commercial bank, a savings bank, an investmentbank, or an insurance company. Although the traditional nature of eachsector’s product activity is analyzed, a greater emphasis is placed onnew areas of activities such as asset securitization, off-balance-sheetbanking, and international banking.ContentsPart I IntroductionCh. 1 Why Are Financial Institutions Special?Appendix 1A The Financial Crisis: The Failure of Financial ServicesSpecialnessAppendix 1B Monetary Policy Tools (online)Ch. 2 Financial Services: Depository InstitutionsAppendix 2A Financial Statement Analysis Using a Return on Equity(ROE) Framwork (online)Appendix 2B Commercial Bank’ Financial Statements and Analysis(online)Appendix 2C Depository Institutions and Their Regulators (online)Appendix 2D Technology in Commercial Banking (online)Ch. 3 Financial Services: InsuranceCh. 4 Financial Services: Securities Brokerage and InvestmentBankingCh. 5 Financial Services: Mutual Funds and Hedge FundsCh. 6 Financial Services: Finance CompaniesCh. 7 Risks of Financial InstitutionsPart II Measuring RiskCh. 8 Interest Rate Risk IAppendix 8A The Maturity Model (online)Appendix 8B Term Structure of Interest RatesCh. 9 Interest Rate Risk IIAppendix 9A The Basics of Bond Valuation (online)Appendix 9B Incorporating Convexity into the Duration ModelCh. 10 Market RiskCh. 11 Credit Risk: Individual Loan RiskAppendix 11A Credit Analysis (online)Appendix 11B Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model (online)Ch. 12 Credit Risk: Loan Portfolio and Concentration RiskAppendix 12A CreditMetricsAppendix 12B CreditRisk+Ch. 13 Off-Balance-Sheet RiskAppendix 13A A Letter of Credit Transaction (online)Ch. 14 Foreign Exchange RiskCh. 15 Sovereign RiskAppendix 15A Mechanisms for Dealing with Sovereign Risk ExposureCh. 16 Technology and Other Operational RisksCh. 17 Liquidity RiskAppendix 17A Sources and Uses of Funds Statement, Bank ofAmerica, December 2005 (online)Part III Managing RiskCh. 18 Liability and Liquidity ManagementAppendix 18A Federal Reserve Requirement AccountingAppendix 18B Bankers Acceptances and Commercial Paper asSources of FinancingCh. 19 Deposit Insurance and Other Liability GuaranteesAppendix 19A Calculation of Deposit Insurance PremiumsAppendix 19B FDIC Press Releases of Bank FailuresAppendix 19C Deposit Insurance Coverage for Commercial Banksin Various CountriesCh. 20 Capital AdequacyAppendix 20A Internal Ratings-Based Approach to Measuring CreditRisk-Adjusted AssetsCh. 21 Product and Geographic ExpansionAppendix 21A EU and G-10 Countries: Regulatory Treatment of theMixing of Banking, Securities, and Insurance Activities and the Mixingof Banking and Commerce (online)Ch. 22 Futures and ForwardsAppendix 22A Microhedging with Futures (online)Ch. 23 Options, Caps, Floors, and CollarsAppendix 23A Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model (online)Appendix 23B Microhedging with Options (online)Ch. 24 SwapsAppendix 24A Setting Rates on an Interest Rate SwapCh. 25 Loan SalesCh. 26 SecuritizationAppendix 26A Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Balance Sheets (online)Financial Institutionsand MarketsInternational editionNEW *9780078034664*FINANCIAL MARKETS &INSTITUTIONS5th EditionBy Anthony Saunders, New York University andMarcia Millon Cornett, Bentley University2012 (September 2011) / 736 pagesISBN: 9780078034664ISBN: 9780071086745 [IE] Markets and Institutions, 5e offers a unique analysis ofthe risks faced by investors and savers interacting through financialinstitutions and financial markets, as well as strategies that can beadopted for controlling and managing risks. Special emphasis is puton new areas of operations in financial markets and institutions suchas asset securitization, off-balance-sheet activities, and globalizationof financial services.New to this edition<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>’s Connect Finance. Connect Finance offers anumber of powerful tools and features to make managing assignments93
Finance, Insurance & Real Estateeasier, so you can spend more time teaching. Students can engagewith their coursework anytime and anywhere, making the learningprocess more accessible and efficient. In short, Connect Financefacilitates student learning and optimizes your time and energies, enablingyou to focus on course content, teaching, and student learning.• Create and deliver online, auto-graded homework assignments,quizzes, and tests directly from the end-of-chapter materials ortest bank. Problems are available as both static and algorithmicproblems.• Students receive immediate, detailed feedback on their assignments,allowing them to focus on the areas where they needimprovement.• Questions mapped to AACSB skill areas, Bloom’s Taxonomy levels,and difficulty level enable you to run reports that assess specificlearning outcomes.• Pre-built assignments are available to save you set up time.Connect Plus Finance. This packaging option combines all thegreat features of Connect Finance, along with access to an onlineversion of Financial Markets and Institutions, linked to additionalstudy features, so that students can easily refer back to the text forreview and guidance.Extensive new coverage of and features related to the financialcrisis of 2008-2009 have been integrated throughout the text. Virtuallyevery chapter includes new material detailing how the financialcrisis affected risk management in financial institutions. Examples ofthis new coverage include:• New Appendix 1A describing events leading up to the financialcrisis, events occurring at the peak of the crisis, and events associatedwith the aftermath of the crisis, including changes to financialinstitutions, the impact on the US and world economics, federal financialand fiscal rescue efforts, and proposed regulatory changes.• A new boxed feature, Notable Events from the Financial Crisis,appears throughout the book.• Chapter 4 includes discussion of the actions taken by the FederalReserve and other international central banks during and afterthe financial crisis.• Chapters 5 through 10 highlight the effects of the financial crisison various financial markets and include discussions of the freezingof commercial paper markets, the municipal default crisis, themortgage market meltdown, and the role of credit derivatives inthe financial crisis.• Chapter 13 provides a synopsis of the Wall Street Reform andConsumer Protection Act of 2010, the FDIC’s attempts to dealwith the liquidity crisis, a discussion of the TARP Capital PurchaseProgram, and a review of the new international capital standardsbeing implemented for depository institutions worldwide.• Several chapters include discussions of major firms that havebeen lost or dramatically altered as a result of the financial crisis,including the failure of Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, and AIG;conversions of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, GMAC, and CITGroup to bank holding companies; the failure of Primary ReserveMoney Market Funds, and the failure of CIT Group.Tables and figures in all chapters have been updated to includethe most recent available data.ContentsPart I. Introduction and Overview of Financial Markets1. Introduction2. Determinants of Interest Rates3. Interest Rates and Security Valuation4. The Federal Reserve System, Monetary Policy, and Interest RatesPart II. Securities Markets5. Money Markets6. Bond Markets7. Mortgage Markets8. Stock Markets9. Foreign Exchange Markets10. Derivative Securities MarketsPart III. Commercial Banks11. Commercial Banks: Industry Overview12. Commercial Banks’ Financial Statements and Analysis13. Regulation of Commercial BanksPart IV. Other Financial Institutions14. Other Lending Institutions: Savings Institutions, Credit Unions,and Finance Companies15. Insurance Companies16. Securities Firms and Investment Banks17. Mutual Funds and Hedge Funds18. Pension FundsPart V. Risk Management in Financial Institutions19. Types of Risks Incurred by Financial Institutions20. Managing Credit Risk on the Balance Sheet21. Managing Liquidity Risk on the Balance Sheet22. Managing Interest Rate and Insolvency Risk on the Balance Sheet23. Managing Risk off the Balance Sheet with Derivative Securities24. Managing Risk off the Balance Sheet with Loan Sales and SecuritizationFINANCIAL MARKETBy Pok Wee Ching, Mohd Nizal Haniff, Ganisen Sinnasamy, RashidAmeer, Sharifah Fadzlon Abdul Hamid2010 (December 2009) / 350 pagesISBN: 9789833850891 [Printed and Sold in Malaysia]An Asian PublicationFinancial Market is an introductory textbook in the area of finance.The book discusses on various basic topics on Malaysian financialmarket such investing in shares, bonds and derivatives instruments.It endeavors to provide a clear, simple and practical style of deliveringthe subject matter to the reader via worked examples, graphs, tablesand illustrations. This is to ensure readers have good grasps of thebasic principles, theories and practical applications. The book alsoincludes topics of regional and global importance such as the AsianFinancial Crisis and recent US Subprime Mortgage Crisis to providean understanding of the impact of the crisis to the financial market.Another key distinguishing feature of this book is it has included achapter about the Malaysian Islamic Capital Market. The discussionabout the various Islamic financial instruments has been kept simplewithout excessive technical and legal jargons. This clearly differentiatesit from others on the shelf. The authors hope that the book’s focuson easy manner discussion approach to the various financial emergingtopics would leave the reader intellectually stimulated and satisfied.FINANCIAL MARKET ESSENTIALSBy Christopher Viney2010 (November 2010)ISBN: 9780070286658<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia Viney is firmly established as Australia’s leading textbookauthor in Financial Institutions and Markets thanks to his marketleadingtitle Financial Institutions Instruments & Markets. Now Vineyhas produced a completely new text to provide first year students witha quality, authoritative product in a package that meets the uniqueneeds of a shorter, first year course: Financial Market Essentials.Financial Market Essentials is a ground-up text from a trusted name,specifically designed for use by academics that need a resource for a12 week course. It is carefully crafted to cover the essentials withoutomitting important concepts. It strikes the right balance betweenreal-world examples and theory, is full of current issues and topicalcases and, thanks to Viney’s enthusiasm and style, this is a text thatreally engages students.FeaturesComprehensive coverage of globalisation, deregulation, technologyand competition94
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateFinance Minutes case studies and chapter on government debtupdated in light of current issues in financeNew chapter on risk management and derivativesCONTENTSCh 1. What is a financial system and how does it work?Ch 2. Interest rates, monetary policy and the economyCh 3. Commercial banks and investment banksCh 4. Personal financeCh 5. Business financeCh 6. Corporate financeCh 7. The stock exchangeCh 8. Understanding the share marketCh 9. International financial marketsCh 10. Government debt and the payments systemCh 11. An introduction to risk management and derivativesCh 12. Case studies in financial crisesFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, INSTRUMENTSAND MARKETS6th EditionBy Christopher Viney, Deakin University2009ISBN: 9780070140899<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia text discusses the structure, functions and operations of amodern financial system and, crucially, recognises that finance is aglobal business. Therefore, as well as solid integration of the localfinancial environment, the international aspect has been consideredessential and means the text is as relevant to a commercial bank inHong Kong as to an investment bank in Sydney. Comprehensivelyupdated to take account of the continuing crisis in the world financialmarket, this text has been further improved with an additional chapteron risk management and derivatives. This provides flexibility to thelecturer, who may choose to cover the four chapters in Part 6 or relysimply on the more concise coverage of Chapter 18.ContentsPart 1: Financial Institutions1 A modern financial system: An overview2 Commercial banks3 Non-bank financial institutionsPart 2: Equity Markets4 The share market and the corporation5 Corporations issuing equity in the share market6 Investors in the share market7 Forecasting share price movementsPart 3: The Corporate Debt Market8 Mathematics of finance: An introduction to basic concepts andcalculations9 Short-term debt10 Medium- to long-term debt11 International debt marketsPart 4: Government, Debt, Monetary Policy, The Payment System& Interest Rates12 Government debt, monetary policy and the payments system13 An introduction to interest rate determination and forecasting14 Interest rate risk measurementPart 5: The Foreign Exchange Market15 Foreign exchange: The structure and operation of the FX market16 Foreign exchange: Factors that influence the exchange rate17 Foreign exchange: Risk identification and managementPart 6: Derivative Markets and Risk Management18 An introduction to risk management and derivatives19 Futures contracts and forward rate agreements20 Options21 Interest rate swaps, currency swaps and credit default swapsBank ManagementInternational editionNEW *9780078034671*BANK MANAGEMENT &FINANCIAL SERVICES9th EditionBy Peter S Rose, Texas A&M University andSylvia C Hudgins, Old Dominion University2013 (February 2012) / 768 pagesISBN: 9780078034671ISBN: 9780071326421 [IE] Management and Financial Services, now in its ninth edition,is designed primarily for students interested in pursuing careers inor learning more about the financial services industry. It explores theservices that banks and their principal competitors (including savingsand loans, credit unions, security and investment firms) offer in anincreasingly competitive financial-services marketplace.ContentsPART ONE Introduction to Banking and Financial Services1. An Overview of the Changing Financial-Services Sector2. The Impact of Government Policy and Regulation on the Financial-Services Industry3. The Organization and Structure of Banking and the Financial-Services Industry4. Establishing New Banks, Branches, ATMs, Telephone Services,and Web SitesPART TWO Financial Statements and Financial-Firm Performance5. The Financial Statements of Banks and Their principal Competitors6. Measuring and Evaluating the Performance of Banks and TheirPrincipal CompetitionPART THREE Tools for Managing and Hedging Against Risk7. Risk Management for Changing Interest Rates: Asset-LiabilityManagement and Duration Techniques8. Risk Management: Financial Futures, Options, Swaps, and OtherHedging Tools9. Risk Management: Asset-Backed Securities, Loan Sales, CreditStanbys, and CreStandbysivativesPART FOUR Managing Investment Portfolios and Liquidity Positionsfor Financial Firms10. The Investment Function in Financial Services Management11. Liquidity and Reserves Management: Strategies and PoliciesPART FIVE Managing Sources of Funds for a Financial Firm12. Managing and Pricing Deposit Services13. Managing Nondeposit Liabilities14. Investment Banking, Insurance, and Other Sources of Fee Income15. The Management of CapitalPART SIX Providing Loans to Businesses and Consumers16. Lending Policies and Procedures: Managing Credit Risk17. Lending to Business Firms and Pricing Business Loans18. Consumer Loans, Credit Cards, and Real Estate Lending95
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateInternational FinancialManagementGlobal editionNEW *9780078034657*INTERNATIONAL FINANCIALMANAGEMENT6th EditionBy Cheol Eun, Georgia Inst of Tech and Bruce GResnick, Wake Forest University2012 (March 2011) / 576 pagesISBN: 9780078034657ISBN: 9780071316972 [GE] - pub Oct Financial Management is written based on two distinctparts: emphasis on the basics and emphasis on a managerial perspective.As capital markets of the world become more integrated, asolid understanding of international finance has become essential forastute corporate decision making. International Financial Management,Sixth Edition, provides students with a foundation for analysisthat will serve them well in their careers ahead. The decision-makingprocess is presented through the text with the goal of teachingstudents how to make informed managerial decisions in an evolvingglobal financial landscape. International Financial Managementhas been completely updated with the most current data tables andstatistics in the field today.New to this editionNew and expanded coverage of recent economic developmentssuch as the global financial crisis, the sovereign debt crisis of Europe,cross-listing and security regulation, and Basel III capital adequacystandards.Application of key concepts through real-world scenarios, illustratedby International Finance in Practice boxes, Mini-cases,and Case Applications. New real-world examples cover topics suchas hedging, FX market growth, and the danger of currency swaps.Fully updated market data and statistics are integrated throughoutthe text. Some of this includes updated statistical analysis ofinternational markets and diversification with small-cap stocks.ContentsPart One: Foundations of International Financial ManagementChapter 1: Globalization and the Multinational FirmChapter 2: International Monetary SystemChapter 3: Balance of PaymentsChapter 4: Corporate Governance Around the WorldPart Two: The Foreign Exchange Market, Exchange Rate Determination,and Currency DerivativesChapter 5: The Market for Foreign ExchangeChapter 6: International Parity Relationships and Forecasting ForeignExchange RatesChapter 7: Futures and Options on Foreign ExchangePart Three: Foreign Exchange Exposure and ManagementChapter 8: Management of Transaction ExposureChapter 9: Management of Economic ExposureChapter 10: Management of Translation ExposurePart Four: World Financial Markets and InstitutionsChapter 11: International Banking and Money MarketChapter 12: International Bond MarketChapter 13: International Equity MarketsChapter 14: Interest Rate and Currency SwapsChapter 15: International Portfolio InvestmentPart Five: Financial Management of the Multinational FirmChapter 16: Foreign Direct Investment and Cross-Border AcquisitionsChapter 17: International Capital Structure and the Cost of CapitalChapter 18: International Capital BudgetingChapter 19: Multinational Cash ManagementChapter 20: International Trade FinanceChapter 21: International Tax Environment and Transfer PricingInternational editionINTERNATIONAL CORPORATE FINANCEBy Ashok Robin, Rochester Institute Technology2011 (January 2010) / 512 pagesISBN: 9780073530666ISBN: 9780071325868 [IE] the ongoing global economic crisis still taking full effect on today’ssociety, International Corporate Finance 1e brings a fresh approachand perspective on present events. This text focuses on a key playerin this financial world: multinational corporations (MNC). By applyinggeneral financial concepts and procedures, it explains the conductof financial management in MNCs. Because most corporations areeither directly or indirectly affected by multinational entities and havea global exposure, a study of MNCH financial management has broadapplicability. This new text takes a quantitative approach with anemphasis on excel spreadsheets and current examples.ContentsChapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: International Financial Markets: Structure and InnovationChapter 3: Currency and Eurocurrency DerivativesChapter 4: Currency Systems and ValuationChapter 5: Currency Parity ConditionsChapter 6: Currency Risk Exposure MeasurementChapter 7: Currency Exposure ManagementChapter 8: Capital BudgetingChapter 9: Advanced Capital BudgetingChapter 10: Long Term FinancingChapter 11: Optimizing and Financing Working CapitalChapter 12: International Alliances and AcquisitionsChapter 13: International TradeChapter 14: International Taxation and AccountingChapter 15: International Portfolio InvestmentsINTERNATIONAL FINANCEAn Analytical Approach, 3rd EditionBy Imad Moosa, La Trobe University2009 (November 2009)ISBN: 9780070278516<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Australia third edition of Imad Moosa’s International Finance text has beensignificantly updated and revised in this long awaited third edition.The book is organised by starting with the basic concepts, markets,institutions and arrangements before moving on to a description ofinternational financial operations. The book integrates internationalcoverage with appropriate discussions of Australia and the regionalcontext throughout. With a clear and engaging writing style, strong96
Finance, Insurance & Real Estatepedagogical framework and current data International Finance is theideal choice for upper level undergraduate and postgraduate courses.ContentsCh 1 An OverviewCh 2 The Foreign Exchange MarketCh 3 The Balance of Payments and Effective Exchange RateCh 4 Exchange Rate DeterminationCh 5 The International Monetary System and Exchange Rate ArrangementsCh 6 The Eurocurrency Market and International BankingCh 7 International Banking Regulation and Basel AccordsCh 8 Exchange Rate Forecasting, Technical Analysis and TradingRulesCh 9 Currency Futures and SwapsCh 10 Currency OptionsCh 11 International ArbitarageCh 12 Foreign Exchange Risk and ExposureCh 13 Foreign Exchange Risk ManagementCh 14 International Short-Term Financing and InvestmentCh 15 International Long-Term Financing and InvestmentCh 16 Foreign Direct Investment and International Capital BudgetingUseful websitesCurrency symbolsList of formulaeGlossaryIndexBehavioral FinanceInternational editionBEHAVIORAL CORPORATE FINANCEBy Hersh Shefrin, Santa Clara University2007 (November 2005) / 384 pagesISBN: 9780072848656ISBN: 9780071257367 [IE] Behavioral Foundations.2- Valuation.3- Capital Budgeting.4- Perceptions About Risk and Return.5- Inefficient Markets and Corporate Decisions.6- Capital Structure.7- Dividend Policy.8- Agency Conflicts and Corporate Governance.9- Group Process.10- Mergers and Acquisitions.11- Application of Real-Option Techniques to Capital Budgeting andCapital Structure (on the website only)Financial Planningfinancial planning and wealthMANAGEMENTAn International PerspectiveBy Louis T W Cheng, Yan Tak Leung and Y H Wong2009 (August 2008) / SoftcoverISBN: 9780071249843An Asian PublicationFinancial Planning and Wealth Management provides an updated dateand detailed documentation on what financial planning and wealthmanagement means and how it is being implemented in theory andpractice. This textbook also provide insights on the future developmentof the professions, and new theoretical concepts that are notpopular now but are critical to enhance the financial planning andwealth management services for clients in the long run. This bookis the first of its kind published in Asia providing a holistic knowledgeon financial planning and wealth management in a textbook format.ContentsPart I Fundamental Concepts of Financial Planning and WealthManagement1 An Overview of the Financial Planning and Wealth ManagementProfessions2 Financial Planning: Basic Concepts, Professional Ethics, andPractice Standards3 Essential Concepts in Economics and Finance4 Financial Planning Components (Part I)5 Financial Planning Components (Part II)6 Personal Profiling, Risk Profiling, and Life-cycle AnalysisPart II The Financial Planning Process7 Step 1: Establishing Client-Planner Relationship8 Step 2: Determining Client Goals and Expectations and GatheringClient Data9 Step 3: Determining Client’s Current Financial Status10 Step 4: Developing and Presenting the Financial Plan11 Steps 5 and 6: Implementing and Monitoring the Financial PlanPart III Wealth Management12 Investment Techniques (Part I)13 Investment Techniques (Part II)14 Asset Allocation StrategiesPart IV Advanced Topics15 The Concept of Total Life Planning16 Total Wealth Index17 ConclusionREVIEW COPY(Available for course adoption only)To request for a review copy,• contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>representatives or,• fax the Review Copy Request Form foundin this catalog or,• e-mail your request or,• submit online at www.mheducation.asia97
Finance, Insurance & Real EstatePersonal FinanceInternational editionNEW *9780073530659*PERSONAL FINANCEBy Robert Walker, Kirkwood Comm College2013 (February 2012) / 704 pagesISBN: 9780073530659ISBN: 9780071318181 [IE]This new book offers students a comprehensive and engaging treatmentof personal finance, while incorporating unique themes, anapplication-driven pedagogy, and a definitive action plan. Unlike othertexts on the market, it offers a frank and timely discussion of livingwithin one’s means and incorporating personal values and prioritiesinto a personal financial plan. The intent is to help readers set prioritiesthat guide their finances, rather than the other way around. Thisbook establishes a path toward financial freedom that is less aboutaccumulating wealth and more about building a future tailored toindividual goals. With Walker/Walker, your future looks bright!eaturesPersonal Finance focuses on three main goals and themes: responsiblefinancial decision making, alignment of personal and financialgoals, and the importance of maintaining a personal financial plan.1. Responsible Financial Decision Making – Before students candevelop their own financial plan, they must understand the key terms,concepts, and principles of financial planning. To address that need,the text offers a comprehensive table of contents and pedagogicalfeatures, providing students with the foundation they need to makeresponsible financial decisions.Learning Objectives shape the organization and goals of eachchapter. These objectives link to individual sections of the book andare referenced in the review and assessment materials, allowinginstructors to assign the most important concepts in personal financein a deliberate and complete fashion and test students’ mastery ofthat content.Concept checks in the Making Sense boxes at the end of eachsection test students’ retention of key content.Quality end-of-chapter concept questions and quantitative practiceproblems, along with a running case for concept application, allowadditional opportunities for assessment and review.2. Alignment of Personal and Financial Goals – PersonalFinance sets itself apart from the field by helping students directtheir finances according to their goals. While maximizing wealthmay well be in the long-term interests of many, not everyone isgoing to be wealthy – nor is everyone motivated by the pursuitof wealth. Similarly, the text examines the value of mindfulspending and emphasizes the importance of living within one’smeans by living simply, reducing consumption, and budgetingfor a long-term, sustainable financial plan.Financial Fitness / Stopping Little Leaks boxes give creative and,in some cases, eye-opening tips about how cutting down on small,unnecessary spending can lead to big savings.An online Every Penny Counts spending journal and instructionsfor using it effectively encourages mindful spending.Maintaining a Personal Financial Plan – Students are encouragedto actively assess their relationship with money by including inevery section examples relevant to students’ lives and plans. In thisway, the text teaches students to make and review financial plansas a lifelong habit.The goal of building a personal financial plan is emphasized bythe model: Learn, Plan & Act, Evaluate (LPAE). This model is updatedin every chapter.Learn - bulleted summaries of the topics students have studiedand the objectives achieved.Plan & Act - a checklist of action items for students to do whilesetting up their financial plan.Evaluate - questions that help students analyze the effectivenessof their plan.An online Goal Tracker at the end of each chapter helps studentscreate their own financial plan and align their personal goalswith their finances.Worksheets, highlighted at the end of each chapter (and housedin full online), show students step-by-step how to get financial aspectsof their lives under control. For example, in Chapter 5, a chapter oncredit cards, one of the accompanying worksheets guides studentsthrough how to access a credit report, follow up on inaccuracies, anddevelop action plans to improve their overall score.QR Codes allow access to relevant content about current eventsremind students of the broader implications of personal finance.In addition, Personal Finance addresses two persistent coursechallenges: how to engage students in the material and how to reachstudents who lack the computational skills needed to solve financialproblems.1. Engaging Students – To help students become and stayengaged with the variety of personal finance topics in the course,the textbook includes:Chapter-opening scenarios that make the topics real and relatableto student readers. Personal finance is, well, personal. Thechapter-opening scenarios lay the groundwork for the importance ofthe chapter topic by sharing the stories of real people. These storiesilluminate how financial planning (or the lack of) affects people differentlydepending on their age and life situation.In the News boxes, which incorporate current events into the text.Examples of real-life situations to reinforce concepts and lessons.These examples are taken from current events, hypotheticalsituations, and actual experiences.Financial Fitness boxes, which provide additional interestingand useful tips and information about different aspects of financialplanning.You’re the Expert cases, which are extended problems that putstudents in hypothetical situations and then ask them to lay out afinancial plan and solve problems.Interesting quotes about finance. Students have enjoyed theWalkers’ quotes and have demonstrated their enthusiasm by sharingnew ones, many of which are included in this volume.Live and interactive media through the authors’ blog ( Twitter account (@frugalfinances).Through these resources, students can access additionalarticles, tips, and thoughts about finance directly from the authors.QR codes, which enable students to use their smartphones toaccess relevant, updated content about current events or chapterquizzes directly from the Walker website.2. Solving Financial Problems – To help students master themath in personal finance, the text incorporates the following strategiesand tools:A detailed explanation of time value of money early in the book(Chapter 2). This allows students time to learn the concept and thenmove on to applying it throughout the course, in different areas ofpersonal finance.98
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateDoing the Math boxes throughout each chapter present exampleproblems that require the use of financial calculations to solve.Connect Finance offers a number of powerful tools and featuresto make managing assignments easier, so you can spend more timeteaching. Students can engage with their coursework anytime andanywhere, making the learning process more accessible and efficient.Create and deliver online, auto-graded homework assignments,quizzes, and tests directly from the end-of-chapter materials or testbank. Problems are available as both static and algorithmic problems,and there are also multiple-choice conceptual questions.Students receive immediate, detailed feedback on their assignments,allowing them to focus on the areas where they needimprovement.Questions mapped to AACSB skill areas, Bloom’s Taxonomylevels, and difficulty level enable you to run reports that assess specificlearning outcomes.Interactive Applications stimulate critical thinking and reinforcekey concepts, and students receive immediate feedback and can tracktheir progress in their own report. Students will be asked to “click anddrag” specific choices to make decisions, categorize, or put in a timesequence, and then are asked multiple-choice questions to confirmunderstanding of the key concepts of the activity.Detailed Feedback offers the option to present worked-out solutionsto the problem, showing the students each step of the process.Appropriate chapters and problems include calculator keystrokesolutions in addition to formulas.A Self Quiz and Study program allows students to evaluatetheir performance through a practice test and then receive recommendationsfor specific readings from the text, supplemental studymaterial, and practice work that will improve their mastery of eachlearning objective.Pre-built assignments are available to save you set up time.Connect Plus Finance combines all the great features of ConnectFinance, along with access to an online version of PersonalFinance, so that students can easily refer back to the text for reviewand guidance. This media rich e-book links directly to tutorials andonline resources.CONTENTSSection One: MONEY $ MONEY $ MONEY $Chapter 1 Money Matters: Values, Vision, Mission, and YouChapter 2 Time Value of MoneyChapter 3 Planning and BudgetingChapter 4 Financial Instruments and InstitutionsSection Two: CREDIT MANAGEMENTChapter 5 Consumer Credit: Credit Cards and Student LoansChapter 6 Credit Bureau Reports and Identity TheftChapter 7 Auto and Home LoansChapter 8 Debt, Foreclosure, and BankruptcySection Three: LIMITING YOUR LIABILITYChapter 9 Tax ManagementChapter 10 Insurance: Covering Your AssetsSection Four: WEALTH ACCUMULATIONChapter 11 Investment BasicsChapter 12 Mutual FundsChapter 13 StocksChapter 14 BondsChapter 15 Real Estate InvestmentsSection Five: PERPETUAL PAYOFFSChapter 16 Retirement and Estate PlanningChapter 17 Financial Planning for LifeInternational editionNEW*9780073530697*PERSONAL FINANCE10th EditionBy Jack R Kapoor, College of Dupage, LesR Dlabay, Lake Forest College and Robert JHughes, Dallas County Comm College2012 (January 2011) / 768 pagesISBN: 9780073530697ISBN: 9780071327657 [IE] journey to financial freedom starts here! Kapoor/Dlabay/Hughes’market-leading Personal Finance provides practical guidance on howstudents can achieve peace of mind with regard to their financial situation.It provides many financial planning tools using a step-by-stepapproach to help students identify and evaluate choices as well asunderstand the consequences of decisions in terms of opportunitycosts. Managing money in order to obtain freedom from financialworries – that’s what the 10th edition of Personal Finance is all about!New to this edition<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Connect FinanceConnect Finance offers a number of powerful tools and features tomake managing assignments easier, so you can spend more timeteaching. Students can engage with their coursework anytime andanywhere, making the learning process more accessible and efficient.In short, Connect Finance facilitates student learning and optimizesyour time and energies, enabling you to focus on course content,teaching, and student learning.• Create and deliver online, auto-graded homework assignments,quizzes, and tests directly from the end-of-chapter materials ortest bank. Problems are available as both static and algorithmicproblems, and there are also multiple-choice conceptual questions.• Students receive immediate, detailed feedback on their assignments,allowing them to focus on the areas where they needimprovement.• Questions mapped to AACSB skill areas, Bloom’s Taxonomy levels,and difficulty level enable you to run reports that assess specificlearning outcomes.• LearnSmart ensures your students are learning faster, studyingmore efficiently, and retaining more knowledge. It pinpoints conceptsthe student does not understand and maps out a personalizedstudy plan for success. Based on students’ self-diagnoses of theirproficiency, LearnSmart intelligently provides students with a seriesof adaptive questions. This provides students with a personalizedone-on-one tutor experience.• Interactive Applications stimulate critical thinking and reinforce keyconcepts, and students receive immediate feedback and can tracktheir progress in their own report. Students will be asked to “clickand drag” specific choices to make decisions, categorize, or put ina time sequence, and then are asked multiple-choice questions toconfirm understanding of the key concepts of the activity.• A Self Quiz and Study program allows students to evaluate theirperformance through a practice test and then receive recommendationsfor specific readings from the text, supplemental studymaterial, and practice work that will improve their mastery of eachlearning objective.• Pre-built assignments are available to save you set up time.Connect Plus Finance. This packaging option combines all thegreat features of Connect Finance, along with access to an online99
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateChapter 7 Debt.PART III PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT.Chapter 8 Non Financial Investments.Chapter 9 Financial Investments.Chapter 10 Risk Management.PART IV SPECIALIZED PLANNING.Chapter 11 Other Insurance.Chapter 12 Retirement Planning.Chapter 13 Educational Planning.PART V TAX AND ESTATE PLANNING.Chapter 14 Tax Planning.Chapter 15 Estate Planning.PART VI PLANNING ESSENTIALS.Chapter 16 Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds.Chapter 17 Background Topics.PART VII INTEGRATED DECISION MAKING.Chapter 18 Capital Needs Analysis.Chapter 19 Behavioral Financial Planning.Chapter 20 Completing the Process.PART VIII FURTHER SPECIALIZED TOPICS.A. Special Circumstances Planning.B. Career Basics.C. Regulation.Appendix A Modern Investment Theory.Appendix B Employee Benefits.Appendix C Behavioral Finance-Applications.Appendix D Comprehensive Financial Plan-Dan and Laura.*Web basedFinance for theNon-Financial ManagersInternational editionNEW *9780078034688*hypothesis, fair value accounting, and the financial rating agenciesin precipitating the crisis.The examination of Kraft Foods Corporation’s $23 billion hostiletakeover of British confectioner Cadbury Plc, including the role playedby activist investor Nelson Peltz.Expanded coverage of real options analysis, including decisiontrees.An update of the empirical evidence on corporate restructuringand shareholder value creation.The use of Sensient Technologies Corporation (SXT), the world’slargest food and beverage color company, as an extended examplethroughout the book.Fresh examples throughout the text, including new company examplesand updated data to keep the text at the forefront of currency.ContentsPart I: Assessing the Financial Health of the FirmChapter 1: Interpreting Financial StatementsChapter 2: Evaluating Financial PerformanceAppendix: InternationalDifferences in Financial StructurePart II: Planning Future Financial PerformanceChapter 3: Financial ForecastingChapter 4: Managing GrowthPart III: Financing OperationsChapter 5: Financial Instruments and MarketsAppendix: Using Financial Instruments to Manage RisksChapter 6: The Financing DecisionAppendix: The Irrelevance PropositionPart IV: Evaluating Investment OpportunitiesChapter 7: Discounted Cash Flow TechniquesAppendix: Mutually Exclusive Alternatives and Capital RationingChapter 8: Risk Analysis in Investment DecisionsAppendix: Asset Beta and Adjusted Present ValueChapter 9: Business Valuation and Corporate RestructuringAppendix: The Venture Capital Method of ValuationAppendix A: Present Value of $1Appendix B: Present Value of an Annuity of $1GlossarySuggested Answers to Odd-Numbered End-of-Chapter ProblemsANALYSIS FOR FINANCIALMANAGEMENT10th EditionBy Robert C Higgins, University of Washington2012 (December 2011) / 480 pagesISBN: 9780078034688ISBN: 9780071086486 [IE] for Financial Management, 10e presents standard techniquesand modern developments in a practical and intuitive mannerwith an emphasis on the managerial applications of financial analysis.It is intended for non-financial managers and business studentsinterested in the practice of financial management.New to this editionDiscussion of relevant aspects of the recent financial crisis,with emphasis on the possible roles played by the efficient marketInvitation to Publish<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> is interested to review yourtextbook proposals for publication.Please contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> office oremail to <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)Website:
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateRisk ManagementMathematics of FinanceInternational editionRISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE2nd EditionBy Scott Harrington and Gregory Niehaus of University So Carolina-Columbia2004 / 704 pagesISBN: 9780072339703ISBN: 9780071232449 [IE - 2 Color Text] Risk and Its Management2. Objectives of Risk Management3. Risk Identification and Measurement4. Pooling Arrangements and Diversification of Risk5. Insurer Ownership, Financial, and Operational Structure6. Insurance Regulation7. Insolvencies, Solvency Ratings,and Solvency Regulation8. Insurance Pricing9. Risk Aversion and Risk Management by Individuals and Corporations10. Insurability of Risk, Contractual Provisions, and Legal Doctrines11. Loss Control12 Legal Liability for Injuries13. Automobile Insurance14. Homeowners Insurance15. Life Insurance and Annuities16. Employee Benefits: Overview and Group Medical Coverage17. Retirement Plans18. Workers’ Compensation and Employee Injuries19. Social Security 20. Corporate Risk Management and ShareholderWealth21. Tax, Regulatory, and Accounting Factors Affecting CorporateRisk Management22. Risk Retention/Reduction Decisions23. Commercial Insurance Contracts24. Hedging Risk with Derivative Contracts25. Alternative Risk Transfer26. Analysis Tools used in Corporate Risk Management27. Enterprise Risk Management: A Case Study28. Corporate Liability to Customers, Third Parties, and Shareholders29. Issues in Liability Risk and It’s ManagementNEW *9780071288934*Financial Mathematicsfor ACTUARIESBy Wai-Sum Chan, Chinese University of HongKong and Yiu-Kuen Tse, Singapore ManagementUniversity2011 (Oct 2010) / 336 pagesISBN: 9780071288934An Asian PublicationThis is an introductory textbook on the mathematics of interest ratesfor actuarial science students. It is written at a level of rigor that isrequired for students majoring in actuarial science and prepares themfor further analysis of financial instruments. It emphasizes an intuitivetreatment of the mathematics of finance and insurance, with specialattention to applications. Each chapter contains many examples illustratingthe applications of mathematical analysis to financial productsand personal financial management. The authors use the financialfunctions in Excel as the computational tool in this book, which areillustrated through numerous examples.ContentsAbout the AuthorsPrefaceList of Mathematical SymbolsChapter 1 Interest Accumulation and Time Value of MoneyChapter 2 AnnuitiesChapter 3 Spot Rates, Forward Rates and the Term StructureChapter 4 Rates of ReturnChapter 5 Loans and Costs of BorrowingChapter 6 Bonds and Bond PricingChapter 7 Bond Yields and the Term StructureChapter 8 Bond ManagementChapter 9 Stochastic Interest RatesAppendix A Review of Mathematics and StatisticsAppendix B Answers to Selected ExercisesIndexBUSINESS MATHEMATICSBy Zin Ibrahim and Daud Mohamad2008 / 292 pagesISBN: 9789833850280An Asian PublicationBusiness Mathematics is an introductory text on the practical applicationsof mathematics in business. Using examples and exercises,the book illustrates the derivation of common business applicationslike compound interest and annuity. Each section in this book buildsupon concepts from previous sections, thus guiding the reader to agradual understanding of the material in its entirety. Although this bookis aimed at students taking business-related courses, non-businessstudents who want to understand the calculation of financial chargeswill also find the book useful.102
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateFINANCIAL AND ACTUARIAL MATHEMATICSBy Yiu-Kuen Tse, Singapore Management University and Wai-Sum Chan,Chinese University of Hong Kong2007 (January 2007) / 400 pagesISBN: 9780071258562An Asian PublicationThis is an introductory textbook covering the mathematics of interestrates, life contingencies and loss models. It can be adopted as (1)the main text of a one-semester first course in the mathematics ofinterest rates and actuarial mathematics, using selected chapters andsections, (2) as the main text of a one-semester first course in themathematics of interest rates and investments, using all chapters inPart I, or (3) as a supplementary text of a one-semester first coursein actuarial mathematics, using all chapters in Part II.CONTENTSAbout the AuthorsPrefaceList of Mathematical SymbolsPart I Financial MathematicsChapter 1 Interest Accumulation and Time Value of MoneyChapter 2 AnnuitiesChapter 3 Rates of ReturnChapter 4 Amortization and Sinking FundChapter 5 BondsChapter 6 Bond ManagementChapter 7 ApplicationsChapter 8 Stochastic Interest RatesPart II Actuarial MathematicsChapter 9 Survival Models and Life ContingenciesChapter 10 Life Insurance, Life Annuities and Net PremiumsChapter 11 Short-term Risk Models for Life InsuranceAppendicesAnswer KeyIndexSCHAUM’S OUTLINE OF MATHEMATICALFINANCE2nd EditionBy Robert L Brown, University of Waterloo, Canada, and Petr Zima,Conestoga College, Canada2011 (January 2011) / 304 pagesISBN: 9780071756051A Schaum PublicationNow updated to reflect the changing environment of business finance,this book includes new material on life insurance, life annuities,and more. Students learn how to master effective problem-solvingtechniques with 1,224 practice problems and questions. The largenumber and variety of practical applications offer a feel for how toconduct business and financial transactions in the real world. Finally,review problems offer the opportunity for more study or self-testing.Financial SystemESSENTIALS OF FINANCIAL SERVICES2nd EditionBy S Gurusamy, DG Vaishnav College2009 (March 2009) / 452 pagesISBN: 9780070083103<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India TitleIt is designed to suit the requirements of undergraduate students ofcommerce and management. This book provides a thorough foundationto the subject of Financial Services. It deals with contemporarytopics like merchant banking, venture capital , pension funds andcovers the syllabus on toto.Contents1. Financial Services: An Overview2. Financial Services Environment3. Merchant Banking4. Public Issue Management5. New Issues Market (NIM)6. Underwriting of Securities7. Capital Market8. Stock Exchange9. SEBI: Functions and Working10. Leasing11. Accounting for Lease Framework12. Hire Purchase 20. Pension Plan13. Factoring14. Consumer Finance15. Venture Capital16. Mutual Funds17. Credit Rating18. Insurance: An Overview19. Insurance: RegulatoryFINANCIAL SERVICES2nd EditionBy S Gurusamy, DG Vaishnav College2009 (May 2009) / 590 pagesISBN: 9780070153349<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India TitleFinancial Services an important segment of the financial system,is considered an essential adjunct for the development. This bookFinancial Services provides a comprehensive coverage of contemporarytopics such as Factoring, Leasing, Venture Capital Financing,Insurance, Pension Funds and Micro-Financial services.Contents1. Financial Services: An overview2. Credit Cards3. Debit Card4. Smart Cards5. Credit Rating6. Commercial Bill Financing7. Consumer Finance8. Hire Purchase Finance9. Insurance Services10. Factoring and Forfeiting11. Leasing-An Overview12. Accounting and Reporting for Lease13. Lease Evaluation103
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate14. Merchant Banking15. Mutual Funds16. Money Market Mutual Funds (MMMFs)17. Public Issue Management18. Public Issue of Securities: A Conceptual Framework19. Securitization20. Stock-Invest21. Underwriting of securities22. Book-Building23. Venture Capital: An overviews24. Venture Capital Funds- Regulatory Framework25. Venture Capital in India26. Infrastructure Financing Services27. Housing Financing Services28. M&A Advisory Services29. Portfolio Management Services30. Credit Syndication Services31. Asset-Liability Management Services (ALMS)32. Custodial Services33. Micro Financial Services34. Depository (Demat) Services35. Depository Receipts36. Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs)37. Stock-Trading38. Pension Fund: An OverviewFINANCIAL SERVICES AND SYSTEMS2nd EditionBy S Gurusamy, DG Vaishnav College2009 (June 2009) / 456 pagesISBN: 9780070153356<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India TitleA good text book on this subject written by a well-known author. Thisbook can be pitched in where our other titles on this subject do notfit well for any reason.ContentsFinancial System1. Financial System-An Overview2. Macroeconomic Aggregates3. Indian Financial System4. Profile of Entrepreneur5. Global Financial System6. Capital Structure DecisionsFinancial Services7. Financial Services-An Overview8. Book Building9. Credit Cards10. Debit Cards11. Smart Cards12. Credit Rating13. Commercial Bill Financing14. Consumer Finance15. Hire Purchase Finance16. Insurance Services17. Factoring and Forfeiting18. Leasing-An Overview19. Accounting and Reporting for Lease20. Lease Evaluation21. Merchant Banking22. Mutual Funds23. Money Market Mutual Funds24. Public Issue Management25. Securitization26. Stock Invest27. Underwriting of Securities28. Venture Capital-An Overview29. Venture Capital Funds-Regulatory Framework30. Venture Capital in IndiaFINANCIAL SERVICES5th EditionBy M Y Khan, University of Delhi2009 (October 2009) / 960 pagesISBN: 9780070681996<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> India new edition of the leading text book on Financial Services isaimed at reflecting the current regulatory and policy developments inthe financial sector in India. The recent economic depression worldwide has led to a shift in many policies for this sector. The book aimsto capture them well. This book will continue to be useful to the studentsof the management as well as commerce disciplines. It will alsocater to the needs of professionals in the financial services sector asa valuable source of referenceContentsChapter 1. Non-Banking Financial CompaniesChapter 2. Theoretical and Regulatory Framework of LeasingChapter 3. Accounting/Reporting Framework and Taxation of LeasingChapter 4. Financial Evaluation of LeasingChapter 5. Hire-Purchase Finance and Consumer CreditChapter 6. Factoring and ForfaitingChapter 7. Bills DiscountingChapter 8. Housing FinanceChapter 9. Insurance Services and ProductsChapter 10. Venture Capital FinancingChapter 11. Banking: Products and ServicesChapter 12. Mutual Funds: Products and ServicesChapter 13. Issue Management: IntermediariesChapter 14. Issue Management: Activities / ProceduresChapter 15. Issue Management: Pre-Issue and Post-Issue Obligationsand Other RequirementsChapter 16. Corporate RestructuringChapter 17. Stock Broking, Depositories, Custodial Services andSecurities Lending SchemeChapter 18. Credit RatingInvitation to Publish<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> is interested to review yourtextbook proposals for publication.Please contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> office oremail to <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> Education (Asia)Website:
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateUpper Division InsuranceReal Estate Principles,Analysis & ManagementInternational editionTHEORY OF INTEREST3rd EditionBy Stephen Kellison2009 (February 2008) / 480 pagesISBN: 9780073382449ISBN: 9780071276276 [IE] third edition of The Theory of Interest is significantly revisedand expanded from previous editions. The text covers the basicmathematical theory of interest as traditionally developed. The bookis a thorough treatment of the mathematical theory and practicalapplications of compound interest, or mathematics of finance. Thepedagogical approach of the second edition has been retained in thethird edition. The textbook narrative emphasizes both the importanceof conceptual understanding and the ability to apply the techniquesto practical problems. The third edition has considerable updates thatmake this book relevant to students in this course area.ContentsChapter 1: The Measurement of InterestChapter 2: Solution of Problems in InterestChapter 3: Basic AnnuitiesChapter 4: More General AnnuitiesChapter 5: Amortization Schedules and Sinking FundsChapter 6: Bond and Other SecuritiesChapter 7: Yield RatesChapter 8: Practical applicationsChapter 9: More advanced financial analysisChapter 10: The term structure of interest ratesChapter 11: Duration, convexity and immunizationChapter 12: Stochastic approaches to interestChapter 13: Options and other derivativesAPPENDIXESAppendix A: Table numbering the days of the yearAppendix B: Illustrative mortgage loan amortization scheduleAppendix C: Basic mathematical reviewAppendix D: Statistical backgroundAppendix E: Iteration methodsAnswers to the exercisesGlossary of notationIndexInternational editionREAL ESTATE PRINCIPLESA Value Approach, 3rd EditionBy David C Ling and Wayne Archer of University of Florida at Gainesville2010 (October 2009) / 704 pagesISBN: 9780073377322ISBN: 9780070167131 [IE] Estate Principles: A Value Approach demonstrates how value iscentral to virtually all real estate decision-making. Students using Lingand Archer should finish the course with a value-oriented framework,and a set of valuation and decision making tools that can be applied ina variety of real-world situations. The key to making sound investmentdecision is to understand how property values are created, maintained,increased or destroyed. Since the launch of Real Estate Principals:A Value Approach, 2e significant and lasting changes have comeupon the world of real estate. This is very true in real estate financeand capital sources where most of the traditional lenders have beentransformed or displace, giving way to a radically different set of playerin mortgage finance. There has been change as well with profoundand far-reaching implications in a world where it is understandablethat property values can go down as well as up. This realization willcolor every aspect of real estate investment, finance and transactionsfor the foreseeable future.ContentsPart 1: Setting the StageChapter 1: The Nature of Real Estate and Real Estate MarketsChapter 2: Value and Real Estate DecisionsPart 2: Legal and Regulatory Determinants of ValueChapter 3: Legal Foundations to ValueChapter 4: Conveying Real Property InterestsChapter 5: Government Controls and Real Estate MarketsPart 3: Market Analysis and AppraisalChapter 6: Market Determinants of ValueChapter 7: Forecasting Ownership Benefits and Value: Market ResearchChapter 8: Valuation Using the Sales Comparison and Cost ApproachesChapter 9: Valuation Using the Income ApproachPart 4: Financing Home OwnershipChapter 10: Real Estate Finance: The Laws and ContractsChapter 11: Residential Mortgage Types and Borrower DecisionsChapter 12: Sources of Funds for Residential MortgagesPart 5: Brokering and Closing the TransactionChapter 13: Real Estate Brokerage and Listing ContractsChapter 14: Contracts for Sale and ClosingPart 6: Time, Opportunity Cost and Value DecisionsChapter 15: The Effects of Time and Risk on ValueChapter 16: Mortgage Calculations and DecisionsPart 7: Financing and Investing in Commercial Real EstateChapter 17: Commercial Mortgage Types and DecisionsChapter 18: Sources of Commercial Debt and Equity CapitalChapter 19: Investment Decisions: RatiosChapter 20: Investment Decisions: NPV and IRRChapter 21: Income Taxation and ValuePart 8: Creating and Maintaining ValueChapter 22: Enhancing Value through Ongoing ManagementChapter 23: Leases and Property TypesChapter 24: Development: The Dynamics of Creating Value105
Finance, Insurance & Real EstateReal Estate Finance /InvestmentProfessional ReferencesInternational editionREAL ESTATE FINANCE & INVESTMENTS14th EditionBy William B Brueggeman, Southern Methodist University and JeffreyFisher, Indiana University At Bloomington2011 (February 2010) / 672 pagesISBN: 9780073377339ISBN: 9780071289184 [IE] Fourteenth Edition of Real Estate Finance and Investments preparesstudents to understand the risks and rewards associated withinvesting in and financing both residential and commercial real estate.Concepts and techniques included in the chapters and problem setsare used in many careers related to real estate. The material in thisedition is also relevant to individuals who want to better understandreal estate for their own personal investment and financing decisions.The Fourteenth Edition is designed to help students learn howto evaluate the risk and return associated with the various ways ofinvesting and lending. Upcoming students who are interested in thisfield can use this book as a guide to perform the right kind of analysisto make informed real estate finance and investment decisions.ContentsPart One Introduction1 Real Estate Investment: Legal Concepts2 Basic Real Estate Financing: Notes and Mortgages3 Mortgage Law Foundation: The Time Value of MoneyPart Two Financing Residential Properties4 Fixed Rate Mortgage Loans5 Adjustable and Floating Rate Mortgage Loans6 Mortgages: Additional Concepts, Analysis, and Applications7 Single Family Housing: Pricing, Investment, and Tax Considerations8 Underwriting and Financing Residential PropertiesPart Three Financing Income Properties (Debt and Equity)9 Income-Producing Properties: Leases, Rents, and the Market forSpace10 Valuation of Income Properties: Appraisal and the Market forCapital11 Investment Analysis and Taxation of Income Properties12 Financial Leverage and Financing Alternatives13 Risk Analysis14 Disposition and Renovation of Income Properties15 Financing Corporate Real EstatePart Four Financing Proposed Projects16 Financing Project Development17 Financing Land Development ProjectsPart Five Alternative Real Estate Financing and InvestmentVehicles18 Structuring Real Estate Investments: Organizational Forms andJoint Ventures19 The Secondary Mortgage Market: Pass-Through Securities20 The Secondary Mortgage Market: CMOs and Derivative Securities21 Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)22 Real Estate Investment Performance and Portfolio ConsiderationsIndexISLAMIC FINANCE AND BANKING SYSTEMBy Sudin Haron and Wan Nursofiza Wan Azmi2009 (July 2009) / 548 pagesISBN: 9789833850303 (Softcover)ISBN: 9789833850617 (Hardcover)A Professional Asian PublicationThis book, Islamic Finance and Banking System: Philosophies, Principles& Practices, introduces readers to the history and development ofIslamic banking. It provides an in-depth discussion on the theoreticaland conceptual aspects of Islamic banking. Key concepts in IslamicFinance and Banking, and how they are applied to provide alternativeIslamic Financing options, are examined. The vibrant and thrivingtakaful industry and Islamic capital market are also explored here.In addition, the book evaluates the role and development of specialorganizations related to the Islamic financial system.CONTENTSChapter 1: Fundamentals of Islamic Economic SystemChapter 2: History and Development of the Islamic Banking SystemChapter 3: Objectives, Philosophy and Principles of Islamic BankingChapter 4: The Concept of Interest, Usury and RibaChapter 5: Laws and Regulations of Islamic BankingChapter 6: Operational Aspects and Practices of Islamic BankingSystemChapter 7: Islamic Financial MarketsChapter 8: Islamic Insurance SystemChapter 9: Organizations Related to the Islamic Banking SystemREVIEW COPY(Available for course adoption only)To request for a review copy,• contact your local <strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong>representatives or,• fax the Review Copy Request Form foundin this catalog or,• e-mail your request or,• submit online at www.mheducation.asia106
ATitle IndexAccounting and Bookkeeping: Principles and Practice [Aust] Assoc of Accounting Technicians 62Accounting for Decision-Making and Control, 7e Zimmerman 49, 59Accounting for Derivatives and Hedging Trombley 43Accounting for Governmental and NonProfit Entities, 16e Reck 54Accounting Information and Reporting Systems [Aust] Aseervatham 38Accounting Information Systems, 2e Hurt 37Accounting Information Systems, 3e Hurt 37Accounting Made Easy, 2e [India] Agrawal 18Accounting: A Framework for Decision Making, 3e [Aust] Jackling 6Accounting: Texts and Cases, 13e Anthony 60Accounting: Understanding and Practice, 3e [UK] Perks 10Accounting: What the Numbers Mean, 9e Marshall 58Accounting: What the Numbers Mean, Revised 2nd Edition [Aust] Marshall 59Advanced Accounting, 10e Hoyle 40Advanced Accounting, 11e Hoyle 38Advanced Financial Accounting, 9e Baker 40Advanced Financial Accounting, Updated Edition [Asian] Tan 42Analysis for Financial Management, 10e Higgins 71, 101Apple Blossom Cologne Company: Audit Case, 5e Paul 49Auditing & Assurance Services, 2e [UK] Eilifsen 47Auditing & Assurance Services, 4e Louwers 46Auditing & Assurance Services, 5e Louwers 43Auditing & Assurance Services, 8e Messier 43Auditing after Sarbanes-Oxley, 3e Thibodeau 46Auditing and Assurance Services in Australia, 4e [Aust] Gay 48Auditing and Assurance Services: An Applied Approach Stuart 44Australian Financial Accounting, 6e [Aust] Deegan 19BBank Management & Financial Services, 9e Rose 95Behavioral Corporate Finance Shefrin 82, 97Business Finance, 10e [Aust] Peirson 82Business Mathematics [Asian] Ibrahim 102CCase Studies in Finance, 6e Bruner 78, 87Casebook to accompany Foundations of Financial Management, 14e Block 77Cases in Corporate Finance [India] Viswanath 88Cases in Finance, 2e DeMello 88Cases in Finance, 2e Nunnally 89College Accounting Chapter 1-14 with Annual Report, 2e Wild 36College Accounting Chapter 1-29 with Annual Report, 2e Wild 7, 37College Accounting: A Contemporary Approach, 2e Haddock 35College Accounting: Chapters 1-30, 13e Price 36Computer Accounting Essentials using Quickbooks Pro 2011, 5e Yacht 30107
Title IndexComputer Accounting Essentials using Quickbooks Pro 2012, 6e Yacht 29Computer Accounting using MYOB Business Software: Version 19.5, 13e [Aust] Neish 31Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011: Release 19.0, 15e Yacht 30Computer Accounting with Peachtree Complete 2012: Release 19.0, 16e Yacht 29Computer Accounting with Quickbooks Pro 2011: MP - wQBPremAccCD, with Student CD, 13e Kay 29Computer Accounting with Quickbooks Pro 2012, 14e Kay 29Consolidated Financial Statements, 2e [Asian] Ng 41Corporate Finance with S&P Card, 9e Ross 81Corporate Finance: Core Principles and Applications, 3e Ross 81Cost Accounting: Principles and Applications, 7e Brock 35Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, 5e Blocher 34Cost Management: Strategies for Business Decisions, 4e Hilton 34DDerivatives Sundaram 92EEnterprise Information Systems: A Pattern-Based Approach, 3e Dunn 38Equity Valuation and Analysis, 2e Lundholm 57Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations, 11e Copley 53Essentials of Advanced Financial Accounting Baker 39Essentials of Coporate Finance, 2e [Aust Adaptation] Ross 76Essentials of Corporate Finance, 7e Ross 74Essentials of Financial Services, 2e [India] Gurusamy 103Essentials of Investments with S&P Card, 8e Bodie 85Ethical Obligations and Decision-Making in Accounting: Text and Cases, 2e Mintz 46, 62FFinance and Investments using the Wall Street Journal Crabb 79Finance: Applications and Theory, 2e Cornett 68Financial & Managerial Accounting, 16e Williams 5Financial Accounting [India] Gabriel 18Financial Accounting and Reporting [UK] Collins 19Financial Accounting Theory, 2e [UK] Deegan 54Financial Accounting Theory, 3e [Aust] Deegan 55Financial Accounting, 15e Williams 14Financial Accounting, 2e Spiceland 16Financial Accounting, 7e Libby 15Financial Accounting: A New Perspective Solomon 20Financial Accounting: An IFRS Perspective [Asian Adaptation] Wild 16Financial Accounting: Including International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) [Asian] Williams 19Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions, 6e Wild 12Financial Accounting: Making the Connection Spiceland 11Financial Accounting: with IFRS Fold Out Primer, 5e Wild 17Financial and Actuarial Mathematics [Asian] Tse 103Financial Derivatives: Markets and Applications in Malaysia, 2e [Asian] Obiyathulla 92108
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WAuthor IndexWalker Personal Finance 98Whitecotton Managerial Accounting 27Whittington Principles of Auditing and Other Assurance Services, 18e 44Wild College Accounting Chapter 1-14 with Annual Report, 2e 36Wild College Accounting Chapter 1-29 with Annual Report, 2e 7, 37Wild Financial Accounting: An IFRS Perspective [Asian Adaptation] 16Wild Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions, 6e 12Wild Financial Accounting: with IFRS Fold Out Primer, 5e 17Wild Fundamental Accounting Principles, 20e 7Wild Fundamental Accounting Principles: Including International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 5Wild Principles of Accounting, 19e [Asian Adaptation] 8Williams Financial & Managerial Accounting, 16e 5Williams Financial Accounting, 15e 14Williams Financial Accounting: Including International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) [Asian] 19YYacht Computer Accounting Essentials using Quickbooks Pro 2011, 5e 30Yacht Computer Accounting Essentials using Quickbooks Pro 2012, 6e 29Yacht Computer Accounting with Peachtree by Sage Complete Accounting 2011: Release 19.0, 15e 30Yacht Computer Accounting with Peachtree Complete 2012: Release 19.0, 16e 29ZZimmerman Accounting for Decision-Making and Control, 7e 49, 59117
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