PE Pipe Technical Catalogue (PDF) - Pipelife Norge AS

PE Pipe Technical Catalogue (PDF) - Pipelife Norge AS

PE Pipe Technical Catalogue (PDF) - Pipelife Norge AS


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<strong>Pipe</strong>life <strong>Norge</strong> <strong>AS</strong><strong>PE</strong> CATALOGUE-SUBMARINE APPLICATIONS, PI<strong>PE</strong>LIFE NORGE <strong>AS</strong>, December 2002.In such cases the amplitude of the fluctuations will be in the range of ± 1 m above maximum andbelow minimum operating level respectively.For transit pipelines and intake and outfall pipelines connected directly to pumps, the water hammercan imply damage to the pipe if the pressure class is too low.The most critical is normally the under-pressure which can reach values >10 mwc if there aresignificant high points in the trace.To reduce the pressure surge, we can install flywheel mass on the pumps or connect pressurevessels.Such solutions are most often economic favourable compared to reduction of the SDR ratio for thepipe, but depend on the length of the pipeline and the diameter.It shall also be mentioned that pressure surge can occur during sinking of <strong>PE</strong>-pipes [12].The size of the water hammer is derived from the general relationship of surge∆v⋅ c∆ p =A.3-23)gThe surge pressure/water hammer is said to linearly depend on the pressure wave speed, c, in waterinside a pipe. ∆v is the change of water flow speed (acceleration/retardation) andg = 9.81 m/s 2 . The pressure wave speed, c, is given by :1/ 2E o⎡ s ⎤c = ⋅2 ⎢ ⎥ A.3-24)(1 − ν ) ⋅ ρ ⎣Dm⎦E o = short time modulus of elasticity, ref. table A.1.2.ν = 0.4-0.5 = Poisson ratioρ = density of waters = wall thicknessD m = D o -eWith rewriting, we get an equation of c as a function of the pipe SDR class :E o 1c = ⋅A.3-25)21/ 2(1 − ν ) ⋅ ρ (SDR −1)Surge is a short time condition (few seconds) under which a <strong>PE</strong> pipe, applied to a constant long termstress, returns to its initial E-modulus at time zero.In table A.3.3.1, we have calculated the pressure wave speed for <strong>PE</strong>100 and <strong>PE</strong>80 materials asa function of SDR class.Polyethylene <strong>Pipe</strong>Pressure wave speed in water inside a <strong>PE</strong>-pipe c m/secSDR33 (PN322) SDR26 (PN4) SDR17.6 (PN6) SDR11 (PN10)<strong>PE</strong>100E o = 1050 N/mm 2203<strong>PE</strong>80E o = 800 N/mm 2 180230200282250263320ν = 0.45Table A.3.3.1 Pressure wave speed for <strong>PE</strong>Side 37 av 84

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