A Guidebook on Capacity Development Agenda Formulation

A Guidebook on Capacity Development Agenda Formulation

A Guidebook on Capacity Development Agenda Formulation


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44Step 5Prioritize gaps for <strong>Capacity</strong> <strong>Development</strong> interventi<strong>on</strong>.Rec<strong>on</strong>cile Core Competency Objectivefor CD with the priority developmentagenda and capacity developmentrequirements as stated in the LGUSLGR, if available. Also refer to theLGU CDP-ELA and list the CDP-ELApriorities per performance area, ifavailable.This step is crucial and its purpose is toestablish the link of the identifiedcompetency gaps with the prioritydevelopment agenda of the LGU.Key Questi<strong>on</strong>s to Ask!. Are the capacity developmentrequirements identified in the SLGRc<strong>on</strong>sistent with the Core CompetencyObjective for <strong>Capacity</strong> <strong>Development</strong>?. Are the identified core competencyobjective/s for CD aligned with thethrust of improving the state of localgovernance of the LGU?. Would addressing the competencygaps c<strong>on</strong>tribute in accomplishing thepriority program, projects andactivities of the LGU as articulated inthe CDP-ELA?. Would efforts to address thecompetency gaps potentially lead toinstituti<strong>on</strong>alizing change in the LGU?

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