DCA-600SSV Manual - Multiquip Inc.

DCA-600SSV Manual - Multiquip Inc.

DCA-600SSV Manual - Multiquip Inc.


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<strong>DCA</strong>-<strong>600SSV</strong> — INSTALLATIONOutdoor InstallationInstall the generator in a area that is free of debris,bystanders, and overhead obstructions. Make sure thegenerator is on secure level ground so that it cannot slide orshift around. Also install the generator in a manner so thatthe exhaust will not be discharged in the direction of nearbyhomes.The installation site must be relatively free from moistureand dust. All electrical equipment should be protected fromexcessive moisture. Failure to do will result in deteriorationof the insulation and will result in short circuits and grounding.Foreign materials such as dust, sand, lint and abrasivematerials have a tendency to cause excessive wear to engineand alternator parts.CAUTION - EXHAUST HAZARDPay close attention to ventilation when operating thegenerator inside tunnels and caves. The engine exhaustcontains noxious elements. Engine exhaust must be routedto a ventilated area.Generator GroundingTo guard against electrical shock and possible damage tothe equipment, it is important to provide a good EARTHground.Article 250 (Grounding) of the National Electrical Code (NEC)provides guide lines for proper grounding and specifies thatthe cable ground shall be connected to the grounding systemof the building as close to the point of cable entry aspractical.NEC articles 250-64(b) and 250-66 set the followinggrounding requirements:1. Use one of the following wire types to connect thegenerator to earth ground.a. Copper - 10 AWG (5.3 mm 2 ) or larger.b. Aluminum - 8 AWG (8.4 mm 2 ) or larger.2. When grounding the generator (Figure 4) connect theground cable between the lock washer and the nut onthe generator and tighten the nut fully. Connect the otherend of the ground cable to earth ground.3. NEC article 250-52(c) specifies that the earth groundrod should be buried aminimum of 8 ft. into the ground.Indoor InstallationExhaust gases from diesel engines are extremely poisonous.Whenever an engine is installed indoors the exhaust fumesmust be vented to the outside. The engine should be installedat least two feet from any outside wall. Using an exhaustpipe which is too long or too small can cause excessiveback pressure which will cause the engine to heat excessivelyand possibly burn the valves.MountingThe generator must be mounted on a solid foundation (suchas concrete) and set firmly on the foundation to isolatevibration of the generator when it is running. The generatormust set at least 6 inches above the floor or grade level (inaccordance to NFPA 110, Chapter 5-4.1). DO NOT removethe metal skids on the bottom of the generator. They are toresist damage to the bottom of the generator and to maintainalignment.NOTEWhen connecting the generator toany buildings electrical systemALWAYS consult with a licensedelectrician.<strong>DCA</strong>-<strong>600SSV</strong> — OPERATION AND PARTS MANUAL — REV. #0 (07/13/09) — PAGE 19

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