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Luxury EscapadesEscortedGroup orPrivateJourneyHighlightsDay 6: XianToday proceed on a full day visit to theTerracotta Warriors, the City Walls and the OldCity. The Terracotta Warriors are one of themost significant archaeological excavations of the20th century. An army of thousands of life-sizedwarriors and their horses in battle formation,which were buried for 2000 years, stand guardover the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi-Huang. Theywere discovered accidentally in 1974 by farmersdigging a well. Visit the City Walls, built in theTang dynasty (618AD -907AD) and enlarged inthe Ming dynasty (1368AD-1644AD). It is themost complete city wall survived in China as wellas one of the largest ancient military defensesystems in the world. (B, L)Option: Evening Tang Dynasty music performancewith dinner. Enjoy dinner with a colourfulperformance of traditional music and dance fromthe Tang Dynasty era; an outstanding exponentof this ancient stable and prosperous society,keeping alive its splendid culture and providing aninsight into the peaceful lifestyle of the period.Day 7: To GuilinThis morning, enjoy a tour of the impressiveShaanxi Museum. Established in 1952, the Shaanximuseum is rated as one of the best in China andholds exhibits dating from prehistoric through toearly dynastic China up to the early 20th century,many from the local area. Fly to Guilin. Guilin ParkHotel - 2 nights (B, L)Day 8: GuilinThe highlight of your visit to Guilin is a leisurelycruise down the Li River, through Guilin’slandscape of green limestone hills, fishing villagesand rice fields. Meander through the sleepycountryside offering a relaxing way to enjoy thesuperlative river scenery and life along its banks.Be inspired by breathtaking views of peaksand pinnacles, crystal-clear water and picturesquepastoral views of rice paddies and waterbuffaloes. (B, L)www.coxandkings.comOption: Evening Cormorant Fishing show andboat tour. Take a boat cruise on Guilin’s famousfour lakes, a symbol of Guilin. These four lakesused to act as the city’s moat system, and areconnected by the Li River and its tributary.Cruise to the venue for a demonstration in thetraditional practice of cormorant fishing. Thefishermen stand on bamboo rafts lit by lanternsand use their cormorant birds to dive into thewater and catch their fish.Day 9: To ShanghaiMorning excursion to Reed Flute Cave and FuboHill. A city tour this morning includes descendinginto the most extraordinary scenery undergroundin the Reed Flute Cave, and climbing up the FuboHill for a panoramic view of the city. Multi colouredlights illuminate the impressive stalactites andstalagmites at the Reed Flute caves. The localshave attributed numerous stories to the unusualrock shapes and caves and the large caverns wereactually used as bomb shelters during World WarII. The peak of Fubo Shan derives its name fromeither the way the hill descends into the riveror from a temple that was built here for a Handynasty general, Fubo Jiangjun. This afternoon,fly to Shanghai. Radisson Hongquan or similar -2 nights (B)Day 10: ShanghaiMorning tour of Shanghai including the ShanghaiMuseum, Yu Yuan Gardens and the Bund. Thebiggest museum in China, with a collection ofover 120,000 pieces of Chinese art and culturalrelics, the Shanghai Museum is especially famousfor its treasures of bronzes, ceramics, paintingsand calligraphy. Meander through the Yu YuanGardens with its many scenic courtyards. Datingfrom the 16th century, it is characteristic ofthe architectural style of the Ming Dynasty.The tour ends on the Bund, lined with finecolonial buildings from the 1930’s whichhave been restored as a showcase of the city andare spectacularly lit up at night. The afternoonis at leisure. (B)• Discover the Great Wall &China’s UnmissableHighlights in 11 days• Pedicab tour of the hutongs• Tour the magnificentGreat Wall at Mutianyuand the Ming Tombs• Unravel the legacy of theTerracotta Warriors• Cruise the picturesqueLi RiverOptionals• Tang Dynasty musicperformance with dinner• Cormorant fishing show• Cruise on Huang Pu Riverand visit the ObservationDeck at the Jin Mao TowerNote: Please contact your tourconsultant for further details.Option: Enjoy a cruise on Huang Pu River andvisit the 88th floor Observation Deck at the JinMao Tower.Day 11: Depart ShanghaiToday you will be transferred to the airport foryour international flight. (B)Note: The tour involves some long walks and climbingsteps, and therefore requires a good level of fitness.Extensions: Extend your stay with an additionalnight in Shanghai, take a cruise on the YangtzeRiver or select one of the recommended optionson Page 14.Private Journeys: In addition to the EscortedGroup departures, this itinerary may be takenat any time as a Private Journey, subject toavailability, and the prices for this option areshown on the price table. Please refer to page 9for more information about Private Journeys.Asia & Pacific 2011 I 11

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