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Luxury EscapadesPrivateJourneyHighlightsNote: Dinner subject to a permit from the localauthorities. Alcoholic beverages cannot be served.Day 4 (Tue/Fri): To MandalayAfter breakfast, transfer to Bagan Aye Yar jettyto board your cruise boat and commenceyour journey to Mandalay. Relax on deckand enjoy a welcome cocktail. Journey betweentwo of Myanmar’s most historic cities. Feaston a delicious lunch and in the late afternoon,visit a typical river village. RV Paukan 2007 (Suitecabin) – 2 nights (B, L, D)Day 5 (Wed/Sat): Upstream to MandalayCruise all day with a stop en route in the morningto visit Yandabo, a river village that specialisesin pot-making. Moor overnight nearby a village(Ywar Thit Gyi or Pauk Myaing Pauk Taw), a fewmiles away from Ava Bridge. (B, L, D)Day 6 (Thur/Sun): MandalayAfter an early breakfast, disembark at Sagaingjetty (Thursday) or Gawein jetty (Sunday).Proceed on a tour of Mandalay with a visit toMahamuni Pagoda with its spectacular Buddhaimage. Tour traditional workshops wherecentury-old techniques of wood carvings, kalagatapestries, and gold-leaf crafting are still intact.This afternoon, visit Kuthodaw Pagoda consistingof 729 marble slabs engraved with Buddhistscriptures. Continue to Shwenandaw Monastery,known for its exquisite woodcarving. Head tothe top of Mandalay Hill at sunset. Mandalay HillResort (Junior suite) / Red Canal Hotel (Run of theHouse) – 2 nights (B)Day 7 (Fri/Mon): MandalayAfter breakfast, visit Sagaing, widely regarded asthe main religious center of Myanmar. Home toover 3,000 monks and 100 meditation centers,visit pagodas such as Swan Oo Pon Nya Shin, UMin Thone Sae, and Shin Pin Nan Gyaing.Option: Experience the Soan Offering ceremonywhich is the last meal of the day for Buddhistmonks and enjoy lunch at the monastery.www.coxandkings.comIn the afternoon, visit a silk weaving workshopwhich produces exquisite handmade products.Continue for a walk along the 150 year-old UBein Bridge built in 1851. (B)Day 8 (Sat/Tue): To Inle LakeMorning flight to Heho. Upon arrival, proceed ona drive to Nyaung Shwe, the gateway village toInle Lake. En route, stop at the wooden ShweYan Pyay Monastery. On reaching the border ofInle Lake, board a private motorboat. Sail pastvillages inhabited by the local Intha people. VisitNga Hpe Chaung Monastery, famous for itsunique ‘jumping cats’ that jump through hoopsin the air! Continue to the mystic Phaung DawOo Pagoda, which contains five sacred Buddhaimages covered in gold leaf.Option: Authentic Intha House lunch on the lake.Situated in the village of Nampan, it belongs tothe descendant of an Intha family and has beenrenovated to its original form.In the afternoon explore the local crafts at theweaving village of Inpawkhone and a cherootfactory. Time permitting, enjoy a short walkthrough one of the lakeside villages. Inle PrincessResort (Lake Front View Chalet) – 1 night (B)Option: Participate in a unique dining experienceat the Wine Cellar of the Inle Princess Resort.Day 9 (Sun/Wed): To YangonAfter breakfast, visit the lake’s morning market.Continue to the Pa-oh village of In Dein. Strollaround visiting a local school and wander throughthe picturesque Alaung Sitthou area filled withancient stupas. Fly to Yangon. The Governor’sResidence (Deluxe Garden View room) – 1 night (B)Day 10 (Mon/Thu): Depart YangonDepending on flight time, there is an optionto take a ride on Yangon’s Circle Train in themorning. Proceed to the railway station for aunique ride on the city’s circular train. Disembarkat the Insein market and wander through variousstalls before returning to Yangon.• Majestic Shwezigon Pagoda• Hot-air balloon flightover the plains of Bagan• RV Paukan cruise to Mandalay• Magnificent sunset viewsfrom Mandalay Hill• Visit the main religiouscenter of Sagaing• Inle Lake cruise• Visit the unique Nga HpeChaung Monastery• Explore the mysticPhaung Daw Oo Pagodaand a cheroot factoryOptionals• ‘Elephant Coach’ transfer -Shwedagon Pagoda to hotel• Sandbank cocktail orBurmese dinner• Soan Offering ceremony andlunch at the monastery• Authentic Intha Houselunch on the lake• Wine & dine at the WineCellar at Inle Princess ResortNote: Please contact your tourconsultant for further details.This afternoon, visit Bogyoke Market (closed onMondays and public holidays). Transfer to Yangonairport for your international flight. (B)*Important Note: RV Paukan does not operateduring low season (May to Sept). Please refer to‘The Spirit of Burma’ itinerary on page 76 which hassimilar content without the Mandalay cruise.Note: Whenever possible, we work with localorganisations to ensure that any money or investmentin the country remains at the local level.Asia & Pacific 2011 I 75

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