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Luxury EscapadesPrivateJourneyHighlightscapital and surrounding countryside. UlaanbaatarHotel (Deluxe room) – 1 night (B, L, D)Day 6: To Hustaiin Nuruu National ParkThis morning, you will visit Gandan Monastery,Mongolia’s most active Tibetan Buddhistmonastery. Observe the daily rituals of the monksas their chants resound through the monastery. Inthe afternoon, drive to Hustaiin Nuruu NationalPark, established as part of a unique project toreintroduce the world’s last surviving takhi (wildhorses) back to their natural environment. On thebrink of extinction during the last century, only avery few takhi or Przewalski’s horses were left inzoos around Europe. This graceful steppe horsewas returned to Mongolia, and today thanks tothis special project, many herds again roam theMongolian steppes within this protected park.Stay overnight in a ger camp. (B, L, D)Day 7: To KarakorumTravel back in time as you drive to legendaryKarakorum, built by Genghis Khan’s son, Ogedei,and famed throughout Asia as the capital of theMongol Empire. Once a bustling city, Karakorumwas abandoned for a new capital in Beijingand the city eventually fell into ruin. Mongolia’slargest monastery, Erdene Zuu, was reputedlyconstructed from the ruins of Karakorum in the16th century. Surrounded by 108 stupas, ErdeneZuu has been an active Buddhist monasteryfor centuries. Visit the ruins of the old city,the Erdene Zuu monastery and other historicalmonuments in the area. Stay overnight in a gercamp by the Orhon River. (B, L, D)Day 8: To UlaanbaatarReturn to Ulaanbaatar. Spend the remainderof the day at leisure. Ulaanbaatar Hotel (Deluxeroom) – 1 night (B, L, D)Day 9: To South Gobi – Continue to FlamingCliffsThis morning, fly south to the Gobi Desert,landing next to the Gurvan Saikhan Nationalwww.coxandkings.comPark, home to Bactrian Camels, Argali MountainSheep, Goitered Gazelle, Golden Eagles, SakerFalcons, jerboas and many reptiles. Continue tothe Flaming Cliffs, famed for the red sandstonecliffs formed by the erosion of sand and rock. Thearea is also recognised as one of the world’s mostimportant and largest dinosaur graveyards. Enjoythe sunset with a picnic dinner overlooking thecliffs. Stay 2 nights at the Three Camel Lodge, anaward-winning ger camp. (B, L, D)Day 10: Yol Valley – Moltsog ElsThis morning, travel to Yol Valley, which is partof the Great Gobi National Park. Ice formationsfrom the winter, found deep in the verdant valley,often exist until early July. A hike down the valleyoffers the opportunity to observe vulture-likeLammergeyers, Altai Snow Cocks, Ibex, Yaks andArgali Mountain sheep.In the afternoon, visit the sand dunes calledMoltsog Els. En route, stop to visit a camelbreeder family and observe their daily routine,which enables them to survive the stunning, yetoften unforgiving Gobi Desert. (B, L, D)Day 11: To Ulaanbaatar - Continue to GorkhiTerelj National ParkToday you will fly back to Ulaanbaatar. Onarrival, drive to the Gorkhi-Terelj National Parkand explore Mongolia’s verdant grass steppe andthe southern Khentii mountain range on foot orhorseback. Also visit a nomadic horse-breedingfamily. Stay overnight in a ger camp. (B, L, D)Day 12: To UlaanbaatarDrive back to Ulaanbaatar, arriving around noon.Check into your hotel. The afternoon is at leisure.In the evening, enjoy a performance featuringtraditional Mongolian dancers and Hoomi throatsingers, followed by dinner. Ulaanbaatar Hotel(Deluxe room) – 1 night (B, L, D)Day 13: Depart UlaanbaatarToday you will be transferred to the airport foryour international flight. (B)• Explore the diversityof Mongolia, from desertto steppes to forestsand mountains• Traditional nomadicculture, Gobi Desertlandscape, ger campsand wildlife• Experience the naturalbeauty of Lake Huvsgul• Hear the morningchanting session atGandan Monastery• Search for the takhi, theworld’s last remainingspecies of wild horse• Explore Erdene ZuuMonastery in legendaryKarakorum• Stay at the extraordinaryThree Camel Lodge• Visit a camel breederfamily and a nomadic horsebreedingfamily• Explore the Flaming Cliffsof the Gobi Desert• Performance oftraditional Mongoliandancers and hoomithroat singersImportant Notes:• Accommodations in the countryside are simpleand rustic at most ger (traditional, felt tents usedby Mongolian nomads) camps except the ThreeCamel Lodge in the Gobi. Bathroom facilities(showers and western-style toilets) are located in acentral building.• The season for travel to Mongolia is from the endof May to the end of September.• Domestic flights in Mongolia are only scheduledon certain days of the week so the itinerary mayneed to be adjusted depending on travel dates.Asia & Pacific 2011 I 47

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