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Luxury EscapadesEscortedGroup orPrivateJourneyHighlightsCity. Lunch at a restored royal home from theNguyen Dynasty. Afternoon drive over the HaiVan Pass to Hoi An, one of Asia’s most beguilingtowns. Life Resort – 2 nights (B, L, D)Day 10: Hoi AnMorning visit to the former trading port of Hoi Anwith its historic Chinese, Japanese and Europeaninfluences. (B)Day 11: To Mekong DeltaMorning transfer to Danang Airport and flyto Saigon. Drive to My Tho in the MekongDelta and take a boat trip to fruit orchardsand market. Continue to Can Tho. Victoria CanTho – 1 night (B, L, D)Day 12: To SaigonEarly morning boat trip to Cai Rang floatingmarket, Indo-China’s most impressive. Thewaterway becomes a maze of hundreds of boatspacked with fruits, vegetables, plants, foods, etc.Return to Saigon. Caravelle Hotel - 2 nights (B, L)Day 13: SaigonAfter breakfast, drive through typical southernVietnamese countryside and visit the Cu ChiTunnels. This vast network of tunnels, stretchingfor over 93 miles, was built by the Viet Cong inthe battles for the south. The Viet Cong virtuallylived in the narrow and claustrophobic tunnelswhile the war raged.Afternoon return to Saigon for a tour of theNotre Dame Cathedral, Post Office, ReunificationSquare and War Remnants Museum. (B, L, D)Day 14: To Phnom PenhTransfer to the airport and fly to Phnom Penh.Raffles Hotel Le Royal - 2 nights (B)Day 15: Phnom PenhThis morning, discover four of Phnom Penh’sfinest cultural and historical attractions - thebeautiful Royal Palace built in 1866, Silver Pagoda,www.coxandkings.comnamed so because of its floor that comprises of5,000 silver tiles, National Museum built in 1917exclusively devoted to preserving and displayingKhmer art and sculptures and Wat Phnom, thecity’s namesake, founded in 1373. (B)Option: Afternoon tour of Tuol Sleng Museumof Genocide, a former Khmer Rouge detentioncamp. Today it’s a museum, a ghastly reminder ofthe dark days of the Khmer Rouge regime.Day 16: To Siem ReapTransfer to the airport and fly to Siem Reap. Onarrival, transfer to your hotel. In the afternoon,tour the enchanting temples of Banteay Srei,Preah Khan and Neak Pean. Banteay Srei (10thcentury) is regarded as the jewel in the crownof classical Khmer art. Its rose-colored sandstonewalls have what many consider being the bestcarvings and bas relief of any temple. Preah Khan(meaning Holy Sword) is one of the largesttemple compounds in Angkor defended by fourconcentric walls. Neak Pean, also known as theTemple of the Coiled Serpents, is a Buddhisttemple consisting of a square pool with foursmaller square pools arranged on each axis. LaResidence d’Angkor - 2 nights (B, D)Day 17: Siem ReapFull day tour of the Temples of Angkor, includingthe antique capital of Angkor Thom (12thcentury); the Bayon Temple, unique for its 54towers decorated with over 200 smiling facesof Avolokitesvara; Ta Phrom, one of the mostbeautiful temples in the area as it has beenrelatively untouched since it was discovered andretains much of its mystery and the magnificentAngkor Wat at sunset. (B)Day 18: Depart Siem ReapToday you will be transferred to the airport foryour international flight. (B)Room Upgrades: A selection of room upgradesare available, please ask your tour consultant fordetails and prices.• Discover the wonders ofLaos, Vietnam and Cambodiaon one exceptional journey• Experience the splendor andarchaeological significanceof UNESCO World HeritageSites such as Hué, HoiAn and Angkor.• Explore Laos’ spiritualcapital• Cyclo tour of the OldQuarter in Hanoi• Cruise of the spectacularHalong Bay• Boat cruise on thePerfume River• Discover Vietnam’s ‘ricebowl’ – the Mekong Delta• Visit the amazing complexof underground tunnelsat Cu Chi• Watch the sunsetilluminate the ancientruins of Angkor WatOptionals• Tour of Tuol Sleng Museumof Genocide in Phnom PenhNote: Please contact your tourconsultant for further details.Extensions: Please refer to page 52 for a choiceof extensions.Private Journeys: In addition to the EscortedGroup departures, this itinerary may be takenat any time as a Private Journey, subject toavailability, and the prices for this option areshown on the price table. Please refer to page 9for more information about Private Journeys.Asia & Pacific 2011 I 51

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