Training and Retirement Point Credits and Unit Level ... - AskTOP

Training and Retirement Point Credits and Unit Level ... - AskTOP

Training and Retirement Point Credits and Unit Level ... - AskTOP

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Table D–1Drill attendance <strong>and</strong> credit symbols—ContinuedSoldier’s status IDT pay <strong>and</strong> retirement Symbol Additional remarkspoint creditFaculty member is authorizedabsence fromUTA/MUTA. Facultymember’s IDT trainingmust also be accountedfor by individual trainingschedule.Assigned soldier is authorizedabsence fromUTA/MUTA by reason ofpending reassignment,discharge, or transfer ordersto include transferorders after accumulationof a ninth“U” <strong>and</strong> initiationof action to removesoldier for unsatisfactoryparticipation.Not authorized pay or retirementpoints.Not authorized pay or retirementpoints.FZWhen a soldier performs according to the individualtraining schedule within the reporting month, entera“P” in the upper portion of the first unused block tothe right of the soldier’s last UTA/MUTA entry. Thenenter the date the duty was performed in the lowerportion of the same block. Document nonperformanceof individual assembly with the letter A, W,or U as appropriate. When a soldier’s individualtraining schedule assembly coincides with the UTA/MUTA, enter performance under UTA/MUTA column.Table D–2Attendance <strong>and</strong> credit for IDT for soldiers training for retirement points onlyR A B C D EULE If a soldier is at- by reason of then is awarded re- record in col g, DA record in col h, DAtached for retirement tirement points Form 1379 Form 1379points only <strong>and</strong> is1 present attendance at troop program unit orUSARF school assembly2 present attendance at RTU TPU or IMA Det assembly1 for each 4 hoursof assembly (maximum2 points perday)1 for each 2 hoursof assembly (maximum1 point perday)NNNot on RCMPF(Seenote.)Not on RCMPF(Seenote.)3 absent own volition none M Not on RCMPF(Seenote.)Notes:Except for member in TPC L.Table D–3Annual training attendanceR A BULE If a soldier’s status is enter in column h (see note 2).1 present during prescribed period at AT AT—(increment number, if applicable).2 auth leave during AT—Constr attnd not auth AT—(inclusive dates)—(ret pts auth) abs (type) (LWOP) (inclusivedates) (auth) during unit AT.3 AWOL during AT NOAT—Abs AWOL (hour &date) to (hour & date) during unitAT (see note 1).52 AR 140–185 • 15 May 1987

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