1995 NPTS Databook - National Household Travel Survey - Oak ...

1995 NPTS Databook - National Household Travel Survey - Oak ...

1995 NPTS Databook - National Household Travel Survey - Oak ...


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INTRODUCTIONuse. A trip was segmented when more than onemode was used on that trip and one of themodes was public transit (bus, subway,elevated rail, commuter train, or streetcar). Atrip was also segmented when there was atransfer on the same public transit mode (e.g.,bus to bus). When a trip was given segmentedtreatment, certain data, such as mode andtravel time, were collected for each segment.For a complete discussion of segmented trips,see the material preceding Table 4.21 inChapter 4 and Appendix H.Trip purposeThe <strong>1995</strong> survey collected much more detailthan the other surveys on trip purpose – 17purposes in <strong>1995</strong> compared with 11 in all priorsurveys except 1977. Among the changesbetween 1990 and <strong>1995</strong>:• The 1990 purpose “To or from work” hasbeen divided into two purposes: “To work”and “Return to work”vehicle is 1992, this vehicle was 4 years old forthe <strong>1995</strong> survey. If the difference between themodel year of a vehicle and the survey yearwas less than zero, the vehicle age wascategorized as “1 year old or younger.” Allearlier data related to vehicle age were revisedby this approach and therefore may not agreewith data published earlier.1.8 REPORT ORGANIZATIONThe primary purpose of this <strong>Databook</strong> is toserve as a statistical compendium of the <strong>1995</strong><strong>NPTS</strong>.In Chapter 2, estimates of annual travel datafrom the <strong>1995</strong> <strong>NPTS</strong> are reported. Estimatesreported include total person miles of travel(PMT) and total vehicle miles of travel (VMT).These estimates are broken down by thedifferent data sources, such as the travel day ortravel period, within the <strong>1995</strong> <strong>NPTS</strong>.• “School or church” has been divided intotwo distinct <strong>1995</strong> purposes, “School” and“Church”• Five new purposes were added in <strong>1995</strong>:“Take someone somewhere,” “Picksomeone up,” “Went out to eat,” “Changemeans of transportation,” and “Home.”The 1990 purpose “Pleasure Driving” wasdeleted.The <strong>1995</strong> data has been coded in a way suchthat the 1990 purpose can be determined inorder to allow comparisons between 1990 and<strong>1995</strong> measures.Vehicle ageVehicle age in this publication is calculated asthe difference between the model year and1996. For example, if the model year of aChapter 3 contains demographic characteristicsand household vehicle ownership patterns thatshape travel activities at the individual and thehousehold level. The remainder of the<strong>Databook</strong> consists of the following:• Chapter 4 discusses data on person tripsand travel.• Chapter 5 includes analysis of vehicletravel, in terms of the number of vehicletrips and VMT.• Chapter 6 presents data on journey-toworkand work-related trips.• Chapter 7 reports on ride-sharing andvehicle occupancy distributions.1-10NATIONWIDE PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION SURVEY

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