Machine Manual - Production Tool Supply

Machine Manual - Production Tool Supply

Machine Manual - Production Tool Supply


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five times, or until there is no dirt or discolorationin the hydraulic fluid. Install a chain andlock on the reservoir filler neck and cap.Hydraulic fluid temperature over 130° is amalfunction. Check the fluid level. Check thefluid for proper viscosity. Check that all machinecycles function through completion, notpartly blocked.b. Gear case oil.NOTE: Drain the blade drive and optionaltable and chip conveyor drive reducer casesafter the first 80 hour run-in period. Flush thecase with a light flushing oil.Filter the old oil, or replace it with fresh oil.Each 2,000 hours of machine operation drainthe reducer cases, flush, and fill with fresh oil.See the contents page for the drive gearreducer bulletin and the drive assembly print.With the machine shut down, proper oil levelis in the centerline of the filler elbow.Add fresh oil as necessary to bring the levelup. W. F. Wells and the gear boxmanufacturer recommend using only MobilSHC 634 synthetic oil. W. F. Wells offers thisoil for sale by the quart. Our part number is900811.It is normal for the gear reducer to operate athousing temperatures up to 200 degrees.Keep finned areas on the case clean to allowmaximum heat dissipation.Keep the breather plug on top of the gearcase filler pipe clear of dirt and greaseaccumulation to avoid contamination enteringthe gear case.2. Variable speed pulleys.Keep the variable speed drive belt andpulley faces free of dirt and grease for longerservice life.Do not use sharp tools, pry bar or screwdriverto separate the pulley faces when changingvariable speed belts. Use a block of wood.Scratches or burrs on a pulley face quicklyruin a new belt.B. Coolant Fluids and Pump.Caution: During machine set up and trial running,unplug the coolant pump at the in-linedisconnect in back of the machine, or fill thecoolant tray. Coolant fluid is a heat sink forthe pump and it must not operate unlesssubmersed in coolant. Routinely clean thecoolant tray and pump screens.A blocked screen stalls the pump.A damaged screen lets chips block or enterthe pump chamber, ruining the pump inminutes. This machine has a 15 galloncoolant reservoir capacity. Consider coolanttype and machine use before filling the reservoirto capacity. Some fluids deteriorate morerapidly than others. The work piece and theblade determine coolant/lubricant type. Thereare coolant fluids and there are cutting fluids.Faster blade speeds require efficient coolantto prevent saw blade overheating. Increasedtool surface speed makes the cutting edgerun hot. Without proper coolant blade metaltemperature passes critical at a given point.Blade teeth soften and dull.1. Straight cutting oil.Slow blade speeds for hard metals and sawblades that remove a large chip require morecoolant/lubricant.At these slow speeds high lubricity straightcutting oil is popular.Do not use straight cutting oil in this machineunless factory labels clearly show machineequipment includes oversize coolant pump,lines and nozzles.2. Water soluble oils.Water soluble oils offer good cooling as wellas good lubrication.Use one part oil to fifteen parts water formost steels.Use one-to-one water and soluble oil for toolsteel sawing.This machine uses this fluid.3. Synthetic oils.Synthetic oils, without chemical solution, aresimilar to water soluble oil capability and dependabilityand used in the same manner.Use one part oil to fifteen parts water foraluminum sawing.A drawback to some synthetic oils is animalfat in the formula which deteriorates in time,and at high temperatures, causingbreakdown of the fats, creating anunpleasant odor. This machine uses thisfluid.4. Chemical solutions.Some cooling/cutting fluid used in high speedaluminum machining and free-machiningalloys contain chemical wetting agents.The application is useful but side effects areharmful to the work piece and the machine.Do not use chemical coolant in this machineunless factory labels clearly show machineequipment includes corrosion resistantpump, hoses, seals and paint.10

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