Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas

Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas

Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas


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SUMARIOS DE REVISTASPRESENTACIÓNNOVEDADES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS419 Psychometric properties of the Substance Abuse Subtle ScreeningInventory-3Richard Clements425 Optimizing smoking cessation outcomes among the methadone maintainedDominick L. Frosch, Deborah Nahom, and Steve Shoptaw431 Psychopathology influences treatment retention among drug-dependentwomenDeborah L. Haller; Donna R. Miles, and Kathryn S. Dawson437 Improved health and self-esteem among patients with.AIDS in a therapeuticcommunity nursing programJohn I. McGovern, Frank Guida, and Paula Corey441 AUTHOR AND KEYWORD INDEX TO VOLUME 23, 2002NIDA NotesVolume 17, Number 3LEGISLACIÓN3 RELAPSE INSIGHTS inDirector'sColumn7 MARIJUANA WITHDRAWAL affects smokers at home12 BLENDING CONFERENCE speaks to researchers, practitionersPrevideasAño 1, nº4, octubre 2002SUMARIOS DE REVISTASENTREVISTAAntonio Adsuar. Campeón de Salto de Longitud de España de 2001SUMARIOLa Comunidad lidera la disminución de consumo de alcohol juvenil110

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