Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas

Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas

Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas


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SUMARIOS DE REVISTASPRESENTACIÓNNOVEDADES BIBLIOGRÁFICASLEGISLACIÓNPsychology of Addictive BehaviorsVolume 16, Number 4S, 2002S3 Predictor Variables by Developmental Stages: A Center for SubstanceAbuse Prevention Multisite StudyRalph E. Tarter, Soledad Sambrano, and Marija G. DunnS11 Prevention of Substance Abuse With Rural Head Start Children andFamilies: Results of Project STARRuth A. Kaminski, Elizabeth A. Stormshak, Roland H. Good III, and MatthewReader GoodmanS27 The Early Risers Longitudinal Prevention Trial: Examination of 3- YearOutcomes in Aggressive Children With Intent-to- Treat and As-IntendedAnalysesGerald J. August, Joel M. Hektner, Elizabeth A. Egan, George M. Realmuto,and Michael L. BloomquistS40 The Coping Power Program at the Middle-School Transition: Universaland Indicated Prevention EffectsJohn E. Lochman and Karen C. WellsS55 Predictors of Participation in a Family-Focused Preventive Interventionfor Substance UseDeborah Gorman-Smith, Patrick H. Tolan, David B. Henry, Amy Leventhal,Michael Schoeny, Kelly Lutovsky, and Elena QuintanaS65 Effectiveness of School-Ba.~ed Family and Children's Skills Trainingfor Substance Abuse Prevention Among 6-8- Year-Old Rural ChildrenKarol L. Kumpfer, Rose Alvarado, Connie Tait, and Charles TurnerOTHERSUMARIOS DE REVISTASS10 American Psychological Association Subscription Claims InfonnationS54 Call for Nominations: Psychology of Addictive BehaviorsS26 E-Mail Notification of Your Latest Issue Online!119

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