Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas

Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas

Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas


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SUMARIOS DE REVISTASPRESENTACIÓN249 Childhood Sexual Abuse, PTSD, and the Functional Roles of AlcoholUse Among Women DrinkersT. L. Simpson271 The Drug-User Husband and His Wife: Attachment Styles, FamilyCohesion, and AdaptabilityR. Finzi-Dottan, O. Cohen, D. Iwaniec, Y. Sapir, and A. WeizmanMEASUREMENTS, INSTRUMENTS, SCALES, TESTSNOVEDADES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS293 Construct Validity for Alcohol Dependence as Indicated by theSUDDS-IVN. G. Hoffmann and T. D. HoffmannTobacco ControlVol. 11, nº 4, 2002EDITORIALLEGISLACIÓN287 Harm reduction: 25 years laterW A FaroneCOVER ESSAY289 Bible's classS ChapmanNEWS ANALYSISSUMARIOS DE REVISTAS291 India: states ban oral tobacco . Germany: tobacco industry makes furtherinroads . Germany: how did it get like this? . Russia: the lobbyist'sart is alive and well. Sri Lanka: batting for health . France: seminarexplodes under PM. USA: New York protest. Pakistan: a hard andlonely struggle for the resistance130

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