Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas

Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas

Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas


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SUMARIOS DE REVISTASPRESENTACIÓNNOVEDADES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS681 The RFFT as a Screening Tool for Adult Substance Use DisordersL. Bastiaens, K. Riccardi, and D. Sakhrani693 Drugs and Substances: Views from a Latno CommunityJ. Hadjicostandi and S. Cheurprakobkit711 Genetic Segregation Analysis of Alcohol and Other SubstanceUseDisorders in Families with Recurrent, Early-Onset Major DepressionB. S. Maher; M. L. Marazita, W N. Zubenko, B. B. Kaplan, and G. S. Zubenko733 Environmental Influences on Alcohol Consumption Practices of AlcoholicBeverage ServersM. R. Nusbaumer and D. M. ReilingPsychiatric Illness in a Clinical Sample of Children with Prenatal AlcoholExposureM. J. O'Connol; B. Shah, S. Whaley, P. Cronin, B. Gunderson, and J. Graham755 Index to Volume 28LEGISLACIÓNSUMARIOS DE REVISTASThe American Journal on AddictionsREGULAR ARTICLESVolume 11, Number 4, FALL 2002255 Clinical Characteristics of Under-Reporters on Urine Drug Screens in aCocaine Treatment StudyHugh Myrick; M.D., Scott Henderson, B.A., Bonnie Dansky, Ph.D., ChristinePelic, M.D., Kathleen T Brarfy, M.D., Ph.D.262 Need for Medical and Psychosocial Ser\Tices Among Injection DrugUsers: A Comparative Study of Needle Exchange and MethadoneMaintenanceMichael D. Stein, M.D., Peter Friedmann, M.D., M.P.H.70

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