Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas

Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas

Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas


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SUMARIOS DE REVISTASPRESENTACIÓNNOVEDADES BIBLIOGRÁFICASJournal of Drug EducationVolume 32, Number 3, 2002179 Impact of Perceived Second-Hand Consequences Related to AlcoholUse on College Students' Drinking Behavior Intent: A Test of FeasibilityMickey Trockel, Andrew Wall, and Janet Reis . . . . . . . . .195 Traumatic Symptomatology Characteristics of Adult Children of AlcoholicsCathy W. Hall and Raymond E. Webster . . . . . . . . . . . .213 Assessing the Temporal Relationship between Race and Ecstasy Useamong High School SeniorsGeorge S.Yacoubian,Jr.227 Effects of a Social Norm Feedback Campaign on the Drinking Normsand Behavior of Division I Student-AthletesDennis L. Thombs and Monair J. Hamilton . . . . .245 Drugs-Not Here!-Model of Group Intervention as Preventative TherapeuticTool for Children of Drug AddictsNeta Peleg-OrenLEGISLACIÓNJournal of Drug EducationVolume 32, Number 4, 2002261 To Pee or Not to Pee: Reconsidering the Need for UrinalysisGeorge S. Yacoubian, Jr. and Blake J. UrbachSUMARIOS DE REVISTAS271 Response Distortion in Adolescents Who Smoke: A Pilot StudyL. A. R. Stein, Suzanne M. Colby, TracyA. O'Leary, Peter M. Monti, DamarisJ. Rohsenow, Anthony Spirito, SuzanneRiggs, andNancyP. Barnett287 The Reliability of Environmental Measures of the College Alcohol EnvironmentJohn D. Clapp, Mike Whitney, and Audrey M. Shillington95

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