Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas

Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas

Nº 13. Marzo - Plan Nacional sobre drogas


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SUMARIOS DE REVISTASPRESENTACIÓNNOVEDADES BIBLIOGRÁFICASLEGISLACIÓNDrug and Alcohol DependenceFULL LENGTH REPORTSVolume 68, Issue 2, 2002121 'Intention-to-treat' meets 'missing data': implications of alternate strategiesfor analyzing clinical trials dataC.Nich,K.M.CarroIl131 Clinical impairment of benzodiazepines-relation between benzodiazepineconcentrations and impairment in apprehended driversJ.G.Bramness,S.Skurtveit,J.Morland143 Increased mortality among previously apprehended drunken and druggeddriversS.Skurtveit,A.S.Christophersen,M.Grung,J.Morland151 Status hearings in drug court: when more is less and less is moreD.S. Festinger, D.B. Marlowe, P.A. Lee, K.C. Kirby, G. Bovasso, A.T.McLeIlan159 Predictors of drug abuse treatment entry among crack-cocaine smokersH.A.Siegal,R.S.Falck,J.Wang,R.G.Carlson167 What motivates adolescent smokers to make a quit attempt?B.W.Riedel,L.A.Robinson,R.C.Klesges,B.McLain-AIlen175 Ketamine impairs multiple cognitive domains in rhesus monkeysM.A.Taffe,S.A.Davis,T.Gutierrez,L.H.GoldSUMARIOS DE REVISTAS198 Consequences of monosodium glutamate or goldthioglucose arcuatenucleus lesions on ethanol-induced locomotionC.Sanchis-Segura,C.M.G.Aragon195 Mental disorders in ecstasy users: a prospective-longitudinal investigationR.Lieb,C.G.Schuetz,H.Pfister,K.vonSydow,H.-U.Wittchen81

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