Report - LifeSciences BC

Report - LifeSciences BC

Report - LifeSciences BC

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meaningful engagement with stakeholders, theuse of the very best evidence and through clearpolicy direction from government.On the cost side, value for money andsustainability will continue to be core guidingprinciples. Program administrators with thePSD will be required, as they are now, to makedifficult decisions regarding which therapies andproducts will, or will not, be listed for coverageunder the provincial formulary. These decisions,however, can – and should – be informed by asubstantially enhanced level of engagement withknowledgeable disease specialists, with otherhealth professionals, with patientrepresentatives and with industry. Thisincreased commitment to engagement ofstakeholder interests in the drug review andlisting process will also be central to theimplementation of more effective strategies toimprove drug utilization management. Thegreatest opportunities for sustainable innovationin the system will likely occur at the intersectionof diverse thought that may come from sucheffective engagement.Proposed Modifications to the DrugBenefit CommitteeAt present, one of the most significant rolesin <strong>BC</strong>'s listing process is carried out by the DrugBenefit Committee (D<strong>BC</strong>), an arm's lengthentity that provides advice to government onwhether, and to what extent, drug therapiesshould be listed for coverage under thePharmaCare program. The Task Force sees therole of the D<strong>BC</strong> as key to the management ofan effective and respected program but wouldoffer a number of recommendations regardingproposed improvements in respect of themembership, transparency and operations ofthe D<strong>BC</strong>.It is important to note that the Ministry ofHealth and the PSD have already recognizedthat changes to the membership of the D<strong>BC</strong> areboth necessary and appropriate. Prior to theinitiation of the Task Force process the PSDalready had plans to move ahead with theappointment of a public member to the D<strong>BC</strong>.Action to address this issue was held inabeyance awaiting the outcome of the work ofthis Task Force.The Task Force is of the view thatgovernment's intention to expand, or alter, D<strong>BC</strong>membership to increase the level of publicengagement is appropriate but the addition of asingle public member will not be sufficient tomeet that goal. The appointment of not lessthan three public members, selected through a17process external to the PSD , would be bothmore appropriate and consistent with what theMinistry of Health has already done withrespect to the governance of the Medical18Services Commission. This step would bemore compatible with modern governancepractices, would provide for increased publicand patient engagement and would substantially17The Board Resourcing Office may be the most appropriate agency to carry out this role.18The appointment process would be different in nature than the one currently in place for the Medical ServicesCommission.THE REPORT OF PHARMACEUTICAL POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH 10 APRIL, 2008

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