Report - LifeSciences BC

Report - LifeSciences BC

Report - LifeSciences BC

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In addition to the submissions from thegroups mentioned above, the Task Force metwith representatives of the National CommonDrug Review (video conference) and U<strong>BC</strong>'sTherapeutics Initiative, with the AssistantDeputy Minister in the Ministry of Healthresponsible for administration of thePharmaceutical Services Division (PSD) and theExecutive Director of the Drug Intelligence unit ofthe PSD.The Task Force also heard from Dr. ChrisCorbett of CSCW Systems Corporation (CSCW)who was made available by the Ministry of Healthto discuss the content of a Ministry-sponsoredreview CSCW conducted in respect of the3Province's PharmaCare program in 2003/4.Managing Pharmacare: The <strong>BC</strong> Context1. The Role and Objectives of thePharmaceutical Services DivisionThe Task Force met first with the AssistantDeputy Minister and the Executive Director ofthe Drug Intelligence Unit of the PSD to receivea comprehensive overview of the PSD'sapproach to the administration of pharmaceuticalpolicy, the processes applicable to the evidencebasedreview of submissions for the listing ofnew drug therapies in <strong>BC</strong>, cost pressures facedby the PharmaCare program and on othercomplex factors which influence theenvironment that program administrators andpolicy makers work within. The discussion withsenior representatives of the PSD addressed:the PSD's Mission, Goals and Objectives;baseline information about thepharmaceutical distribution environmentin <strong>BC</strong>;the nature of <strong>BC</strong>'s drug review processesincluding the respective roles of the PSD,the Drug Benefit Committee, theTherapeutics Initiative and how <strong>BC</strong>interacts with related external processessuch as the national Common Drug Review(CDR) and the Patented Medicine PricesReview Board (PMPRB);the demands on the PSD to effectivelymanage the rising costs associated with thePharmaCare program;the impact cost pressures have ondecisions regarding the province'sformulary management system; andstrategies which have been – or likely willbe – deployed to further contain the cost ofpharmaceutical products eligible forreimbursement under British Columbia'sPharmaCare program.3“Findings of the CSCW Review of PharmaCare”, May 2004.THE REPORT OF PHARMACEUTICAL POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH 2APRIL, 2008

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