Wildlife and Nature Conservation - Centre for Ecological Sciences

Wildlife and Nature Conservation - Centre for Ecological Sciences

Wildlife and Nature Conservation - Centre for Ecological Sciences


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<strong>Conservation</strong> Project <strong>for</strong> introduction of captive bred Siberian Crane chicks in the flockof common cranes, so that the migration of the Siberian Cranes in India can be revived<strong>and</strong> the loss of this magnificent bird to India in recent years, be regained.9.2.12 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of WildFlora <strong>and</strong> FaunaThe Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora <strong>and</strong> Fauna(CITES), also known as the Washington Convention, is a very important treaty <strong>for</strong> theconservation of species. CITES came into being in 1976 <strong>and</strong> currently has more than 160countries as signatories to it. The CITES through its once-in-two year Conference ofParties <strong>and</strong> intervening Committee Meetings decides on the protection levels that need tobe accorded to various species in international trade, by placing them in the differentAppendices. For example species on Appendix I are banned from international trade,those on Appendix II have a certain regulatory regimen on trade <strong>and</strong> those on AppendixIII have regulations applicable only to those species <strong>and</strong> derivatives that come from acertain region. India was one of the earlier signatories to CITES <strong>and</strong> has been an activemember at all meetings, particularly in the area of tiger, elephant <strong>and</strong> Tibetan antelopeconservation, India has been very pro-active.A new resolution on the <strong>Conservation</strong> of Asian Cats was proposed by India in November2002, during the XII meeting of the Conference of Parties to the CITES. This resolutionhas been adopted. Whale shark is a highly endangered species. India, Philippines <strong>and</strong>Madagascar sponsored a joint-proposal <strong>for</strong> inclusion of whale shark in Appendix II ofCITES, which was ratified at the Conference of Parties in Santiago, Chile. India <strong>and</strong> USAalso jointly sponsored a proposal <strong>for</strong> including all species of roofed turtles of genusKachuga, in Appendix II, which was also ratified in COP XII of CITES.9.2.13 OthersOther international agreements <strong>and</strong> instruments, i.e. inter alia the Ramsar Convention,Convention on Migratory Species <strong>and</strong> International Whaling Commission are discussedunder Chapter Tiger Enumeration MethodologyAn all India estimation of tigers is done once in every four years, covering all its habitatsin the country, apart from Protected Areas <strong>and</strong> Tiger Reserves where it is done every twoyears, <strong>and</strong> in case of some reserves (e.g. Ranthambhore) every year. Daily trackingrecords are also kept in Project Tiger areas <strong>and</strong> record of sightings by visitors are alsomaintained on a daily basis. The methodology is amenable to being carried out byfrontline field staff. The pug marks (foot impressions) of tigers recorded through papertracings, plaster casts <strong>and</strong> digital photographs (at some places) which are dated, signed<strong>and</strong> preserved in the concerned Forests Divisions, enable fixing individual identity,sexing <strong>and</strong> ageing. These are recorded along with other evidence to arrive at an estimate,after tallying <strong>and</strong> eliminating duplicates. The methodology yields a total count, ratherthan a statistical estimate. However, there may be errors in taking paper tracings. Also,there has been a general feeling that tiger numbers may be overestimated in variousregions due to several reasons that may include technical <strong>and</strong> systemic issues. Thenumbers game puts undue pressure on the system to deliver “a higher tiger count” than122

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