Section 5 - Airport Land Use Plan - Melbourne Airport

Section 5 - Airport Land Use Plan - Melbourne Airport

Section 5 - Airport Land Use Plan - Melbourne Airport


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5.4.2 <strong>Airport</strong> Expansion PrecinctThis precinct adjoins the Airside Operations Precinctand largely comprises vacant land that is likely to berequired for future airport operations. This precinctincludes land that will be required in the future forthe airport’s third and fourth runways. It also includessections of the Tullamarine Freeway and Sunbury Road,as well as environmental areas that extend around theprecinct perimeter including land adjacent to Deep Creekand the Maribyrnong River, which forms the westernboundary of the precinct, and Moonee Ponds Creek,which forms the north-east boundary.Included in this precinct is the Grey Box Woodland andArundel Creek, which runs through the precinct fromnorth to south. The Airservices facilities in OperationsRoad are also located here, including the control tower.Some parcels of land in this precinct, on the west sideof McNabs Road, are still privately owned and aresubject to future acquisition. <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Airport</strong> willensure sufficient land is available for it to achieve itsexpansion requirements as outlined in the <strong>Melbourne</strong><strong>Airport</strong> Strategy 1990, previously approved Master<strong>Plan</strong>s and this Master <strong>Plan</strong>.The role of the <strong>Airport</strong> Expansion Precinct is to:• provide for the airport’s future expansion, includingadditional future runways and taxiways and possiblefuture terminal or aviation support facilities• support the ongoing operation and growth of aviationrelatedorganisations, including Airservices servicesand facilities (the control tower, air traffic control andHot Fire Training Ground)• conserve environmentally significant land where suchland is not required for future airport operations.The precinct has been identified for future expansion,which will include additional runways, taxiways andassociated aviation support infrastructure. The precinctwill not be used or developed for any purpose that mayprejudice or conflict with its objectives, or that mayinterfere or conflict with safe and secure airport andaircraft operations in the Airside Operations Precinctor <strong>Airport</strong> Expansion Precinct.The existing Tullamarine Freeway and Sunbury Roadroad reserve will be maintained to allow for the safe,secure and long-term functionality of this corridor and thepotential future connection between <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Airport</strong>and the Outer Metropolitan Ring Transport Corridor.5.4.3 Terminals PrecinctThis precinct is the site of the T1, T2, T3 and T4 passengerterminals and contains land required to expand thepassenger terminals in the future. With the exceptionof T4, the existing terminals are integrated under oneroof in a multi-level building combining domestic andinternational terminal facilities and commercial activitiessuch as restaurants and shops.This precinct excludes the related landside facilities, suchas car parks, which are included in the <strong>Land</strong>side MainPrecinct. The main terminal forecourt is also in the<strong>Land</strong>side Main Precinct.The role of the Terminals Precinct is to:• provide for the operation, use and development of landfor passenger and baggage processing, enabling theterminal facilities to operate safely, securely, efficientlyand cost-effectively• provide world-class facilities for airlines and passengers,including efficient terminal facilities with adequatelylocated and sized commercial areas• provide an integrated terminals facility with amplecommercial and retail uses• provide for the flexible expansion of passengerterminal facilities to meet forecast demand.DRAFTThe precinct’s future use and development will focus onenhancing and expanding the terminal complexes, so itcan continue to provide essential passenger services.The Terminals Precinct will not be used or developedfor any purpose that may interfere or conflict with safeand secure airport and aircraft operations in the AirsideOperations Precinct or <strong>Airport</strong> Expansion Precinct.5.4.4 <strong>Land</strong>side Main PrecinctThis precinct adjoins the eastern boundary of the Airsideand Terminals Precincts. Its primary purpose is to provideservices and facilities relating to these adjoining precincts,including freight, ground transport and car rental facilities,hotels and offices. The precinct accommodates theexisting Joint <strong>Use</strong>r Hydrant Installation (JUHI) facility andhas excellent connections to the terminals and aircraftrelatedareas. The airport’s main entry and exit roads runthrough this precinct, including the Tullamarine Freeway,Terminal Drive and Melrose Drive.64

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