HISTORIC CEMETERIES - The City and Borough of Juneau

HISTORIC CEMETERIES - The City and Borough of Juneau

HISTORIC CEMETERIES - The City and Borough of Juneau


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STATEMENT . OF SIGNIFICANCEEvaluation Criteria<strong>The</strong>National Register <strong>of</strong> Historic Places identifies three key concepts that are used toevaluate whether or not a property is qualified for listing on the register. <strong>The</strong>se concepts are:historic significance, historic integrity, <strong>and</strong> historic context.SignificanceHistoric significance is the importance <strong>of</strong> aproperty to the history, architecture,archeology, engineering, or culture <strong>of</strong> acommunity, State, or the nation. To beeligible for the National Register, acemetery must be shown to be significantunder one or more <strong>of</strong> the following Criteriafor Evaluation:Criterion A Association with events thathave made a significantcontribution to the broadpatterns <strong>of</strong> our history.Criterion B Property is associated with thelives <strong>of</strong> persons significant inour past.Criterion C Property embodies thedistinctive characteristics <strong>of</strong> atype, period, or method <strong>of</strong>construction or represents thework <strong>of</strong> a master, orpossesses high artistic values,or represents a significant <strong>and</strong>distinguishable entity whosecomponents lack individualdistinction.Criterion D Property has yielded, or islikely to yield, informationimportant in prehistory orhistory.Grave Marker, Historic Cemeteries <strong>of</strong>Douglas, 1995CM CollectionPhotograph by Renee HughesInventory <strong>and</strong> Survey <strong>of</strong>Historic Cemeteries in Douglas, Alaska Page 52

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