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Page 28 IMHX 2<strong>01</strong>0 - 16th-19th November 2<strong>01</strong>0Email: warehouse@flame1.com IMHX 2<strong>01</strong>0Tel: <strong>01</strong>923 272960PYROBAN TO LAUNCHNEW ‘ZONE 2’ EX FORKLIFT SOLUTIONS AT IMHX 2<strong>01</strong>0Safety specialist PyrobanGroup has announced the officiallaunch of a new generation of‘Zone 2’ explosion proof forkliftoped for the growing Zone 2 marketwhich is present in a wide range ofmanufacturing and logistics operationsworldwide” explains Malcolmergonomics” Malcolm explains.“System 6000 compliments thelatest technologies seen in engineand battery electric truck designindustries are handling a widerange of products.Infrared technology is particularlysuited to operation inconversions. System 6000 will be Davis of Pyroban <strong>Ltd</strong>. “It supersedes particularly VNA, pallet, picking and distilleries and handling ofshown for the first time at 12pm our award winning system 5000 reach truck designs. It was also aerosols. “We know that manyon the opening day of IMHX 2<strong>01</strong>0.Pyroban is a specialist engineeringcompany that convertsstandard forklift trucks and similarmobile equipment so that theycannot cause a fire or explosionwhen used within industries thatprocess, store and distribute flammablematerials. Ex conversionrequirements vary, but the mostcommon need is to protect equipmentfor operation within Zone 2classified areas where flammablewith new software, new hardwareand most importantly with infraredand pellistor gas sensing options, sothat virtually all material handlingapplications where there could be agas or vapour hazard can be managedwith the most appropriateZone 2 technology. The System 6000gas detection system will also beoffered with IECEx certification toIEC 60079 standards”.Visitors to IMHX are invited tothe official launch of System 6000 atdeveloped to work with other typesof mobile equipment such ascleaning machines, cranes andaccess platforms”.DETECTING FLAMMABLE GASAND VAPOURSWhen a mixture of flammable gasor vapour in air is detected, System6000 gives an audible and visualwarning at 10% Lower ExplosiveLimit (LEL) propane in air and at25% LEL it shuts down the protectedindustries may benefit through theuse of Zone 2 systems with infraredtechnology but used in the wrongapplication the truck user could be“blind” to the presence of a flammableatmosphere and therefore atconsiderable risk.System 6000 allows users toselect and interchange the technologythat is best suited to theirapplication and without having tochange the whole Zone 2 protectionsystem”. Pyroban experts can helpaerosols indus-liquids, bottled gases and aerosols 12pm on the opening day of theequipment automatically and support users in their undertries.Systemare present.At the IMHX exhibition inNovember on stand 18M140,Pyroban will officially launch itsnew solution for Zone 2 classifiedhazardous areas, System 6000.System 6000 is suitable for all typesof diesel and electric mobile equipment,and incorporates intelligentgas detection to continuously monitorthe direct environment aroundthe protected equipment and toautomatically shut down the equipmentwhenever necessary.“System 6000 has been devel-show on the Pyroban stand in Hall18. System 6000 Zone 2 protectioncombines gas detection with variousexplosion protection methodssuch as restricted breathing enclosures,stainless steel cladding offorks and surface temperaturecooling to ensure the engine,motors, brakes, electrics and othercomponents remain below the autoignitiontemperatures of flammablematerials.“Forklift technology has becomeincreasingly complex with a focuson energy consumption andeliminating the risk of an explosion.“System 6000 is a unique gasdetection system as it can now beselected with either pellistor orinfrared gas sensing technology” headds. Previously Ex trucks could beoffered with either pellistor basedor infrared gas sensing systems butneither system suited all Zone 2applications.standing of which type of gasdetection technology best meetstheir needs rather than leaving suchdecisions in the hands of sometimesinexperienced salesmen selling tosometimes poorly informed buyers”.6000 can be seenfor the first timeat IMHX 2<strong>01</strong>0 atthe NEC, 16th-19th NovemberSTAND: 18M140APPLICATION SPECIFICTECHNOLOGYSystem 6000 gives users theoption of selecting the gas sensingsystem best suited to their specificneeds. For example, pellistor basedsystems may not be suitable if siliconesare present in theenvironment. However, the pellistorsystem would detect 95% of hydrocarbonsand is therefore the mostversatile system when users in thechemicals and paints/coatingAUTOCALIBRATION ANDSELFTESTSystem 6000 is ATEX 94/9/EC*compliant in line with EN1775:2000+A1:2009. The systemauto-calibrates and self-tests the gashead at start up to ensure it isworking correctly, an essentialsafety requirement when complyingwith the harmonised Europeanstandard for the explosion protectionof industrial trucks. Theauto-calibration function obviatesthe need for periodic and costly sitevisits by engineers having to recalibratethe gas detection system asrequired by other systems on themarket. It also removes the risk thatthe gas detection system could beoperating out of calibration for significantperiods of operation.Certifying the System 6000 gasdetection system to IECEx and witha new ambient limit of 50°C enablesthe system to be specified by internationalcompanies as part of theircorporate safety standard.“We have worked with the globalforklift brands to ensure System6000 can retain almost all the originalperformance characteristics oftheir trucks” Malcolm adds,explaining that one of the biggestchallenges over the last few yearshas been ensuring Pyroban systemscan operate with trucks fitted withturbo charged engines and increasinglycomplex electronic truckmanagement and control systems.System 6000 with infraredsensing is already operating innumerous field trials with great success,particularly in the whisky andon stand 18M140. Pyroban will alsobe promoting its DSEAR/ATEX consultingand training services to helpbusinesses manage their explosionrisk cost effectively. The company’sEnvironmental Division, Envirosafe,will also have a presence at IMHXshowcasing systems that controlexhaust emissions.*ATEX - The legal framework forcontrolling explosive atmospheresand standards of equipment andprotective systems used in themFor more information, visitwww.pyroban.com,tel: +44(0)1273 466200 oremail: info@pyroban.comWWW.WAREHOUSENEWS.CO.UK

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