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November 1st 2<strong>01</strong>0 Page 35Tel: <strong>01</strong>923 272960LOGISTICS NEWSEmail: warehouse@flame1.comMEACHERS GLOBAL LOGISTICSINVESTS £500K IN NEW TRAILER FLEETMeachers Global Logistics, one ofthe UK’s leading independentproviders of logistics services hasannounced the purchase of 20 newtrailers at a price tag of almost £500,000.The significant investment by theSouthampton based business, willprovide the Company with capacity tomove 250,000 tonnes of freight peryear by road. Meachers GlobalLogistics operates a modern substantialfleet of over 70 vehicles.The purchase follows MeachersGlobal Logistics recently announcingtwo high profile contracts. In July thisyear it entered into an agreement withRed Funnel Distribution, to supportthe company with its UK collections.The Company also recently announcedsigning a trunking deal with internationalbusiness-to-business expressdelivery provider TNT to trunk freightovernight from TNT’s regional facilityin Southampton to its national sortinghub based in the Midlands.Commenting on the acquisition,Gary Whittle, Meachers GlobalLogistics, Commercial Director said:“The acquisition programme for newtrailers comes at a time whenMeachers Global Logistics hasannounced a series of significant newcontracts and has experienced astrong period of growth.Meachers Global Logistics is one ofthe UK’s leading independentproviders of logistics services. Forover 50 years, the company has builtan enviable reputation by providingcustomers with complete solutions totheir Freight Forwarding, SupplyChain Management, Warehousing,Distribution, Logistics and ContractManagement, Training and Advisoryrequirements.Meachers Global Logisticswww.meachersglobal.co.ukEURO 5 FUSO CANTER TAKES THE HIGHFIELD ROADDevon-based Highfield Garageruns six Canter-based recoverytrucks but the latest is its first cleaner‘greener’ Euro 5 model.Like all new Fuso Canters, itsengine and exhaust system meets notonly the latest mandatory emissionsstandard, but also the voluntary, andeven more stringent, EEV (EnhancedEnvironmentally-friendly Vehicle)limit.The 7.5-tonner is powered by arange-topping 175hp (130kW) versionof the new, 3.0-litre engine thatpowers all Euro 5 Canters. This drivesthrough a six-speed transmissionwhich is also new - it retains thespace-saving, dashboard-mountedgearstick, but the previous ‘dog-leg’first gear arrangement has now beendropped and replaced with a conventionallayout.As a Canter 7C18D model,Highfield Garage’s latest truck alsocame with a factory-built Double cab,capable of carrying a driver and fivepassengers.The vehicle was supplied byTewkesbury-based Mercedes-Benzdealer Mudie-Bond - the Germanmanufacturer’s dealer network is alsoresponsible for sales and servicing ofthe popular Canter light truck rangein the UK.It underwent conversion byrecovery systems specialist RogerDyson Group, of Droitwich,Worcestershire, which fitted thechassis with its Enforcer 2 roadsiderescue lifting equipment. Thehydraulic tilting ‘spectacle’ system hasa lifting capacity of 2,500kg and isfully radio controlled for simple andsafe single-operator use.Highfield Garage’s five otherCanters are all fitted with RogerDyson bodies - some have ‘spectacle’lifts, others are transporters withHydraloader slideback platforms.The Highfield fleet comprises 14recovery trucks with payloads of upto seven tonnes, as well as three roadsiderepair vans.Highfield Garage proprietor JonCox said: “The Canter is ideal for thisjob. Its relatively compact dimensionsare a key attribute, because they allowthe vehicle to get into and out of areasthat others in the same weight categorymight struggle to access.“Payload and towing ability arealso very good, while we’ve alsofound our Canters to be superbly reliable.The new engine is particularlyimpressive too - the power rating isunchanged but our new Canter seemsto have a lot more ‘get up and go’than the truck it has replaced.”He continues: “The fact that theCanter is backed by the Mercedes-Benz dealer network only adds to ourpeace of mind.”MASTERNAUT LAUNCHESWORLD’S FIRST ALL-IN-ONE VEHICLE TELEMATICS SYSTEMMasternaut has launched theworld's first vehicle tracking systembased around a single intelligentmobile communication unit. Thesystem comprises a MobileCommunication Centre (MCC) combiningvehicle tracking, GPS satellitenavigation, hands-free mobile communicationsand real-time job schedulingand messaging in a single unit.Masternaut already has 150,000telematics units installed across Europewith over 65,000 subscribers in the UK.The new all-in-one unit eliminates theneed for separate Sat-Nav, mobilephones and hands-free equipment. Italso integrates with Masternaut’s ThreeX mobile workforce applications, as wellas Microsoft Outlook and MicrosoftCRM providing a wireless link to importantbusiness data while on the move.As well as breaking new ground insystem design and user ergonomics,the MCC is believed to be the mostcost-effective in-vehicle solution onthe market. The unit is designed forquick and easy installation reducingvehicle downtime. There is no softwareto install as the MCC links to theweb-based Masternaut service, whichupdates instantly and wirelesslywithout disrupting the user.The system is available withMasternaut’s optional CANbus enginemanagement application. This monitorsdriving behaviour and detailed engineactivity in real time, including rpm, fuelusage, vehicle speed, journey distancebetween stops and duration, andbraking as well as acceleration levels.Two sizes of touchscreen displayare available - standard 3.5 inch and a6.5 inch version suitable for HGVapplications. The MCC uses the highlysecure and virtually indestructibleMasternaut mobile collection unit; thisis the brain of the MCC and continuesto track the vehicle even if the touchscreenis damaged or stolen. Thetouchscreens are replaced easily in theevent of accidental damage or loss.The system also includes its ownspeaker so that drivers can continue tocommunicate with their HQs in theevent of an accident and loss of vehiclepower. The handy button pad includesthe microphone for hands-free telephonyand it also has a privacy button allowingdrivers to switch between personal useand business use for mileage recording.For mobile workforce management,the MCC provides seamlesswireless job scheduling and reportingusing Masternaut’s web-based schedulingsoftware. Jobs are scheduledand updated and sent in real-time tothe unit. As jobs progress, mobileworkers update the system using thetouchscreen to keep back office systemsconsistently up to date.“The new Mobile CommunicationCentre is a breakthrough in in-vehicletechnology. It gives fleet operatorseverything they could possibly need in asingle cost-effective unit. As a fully integratedsystem, it reduces cost ofownership removing the need for extraequipment, installations and maintenance.Drivers - the users - will alsoappreciate that they only have to use asingle device and will prefer the familiarlook and use of the touchscreen,” saysMartin Port, MD Masternaut Three X.Masternaut Three XMartin PortTel: <strong>01</strong>13 281 4000Email: media@masternaut.co.ukwww.masternaut.co.ukYODEL OPENSNEW SORT CENTRE TO SUPPORT GROWTH AMBITIONYodel, the fresh new brand inparcel delivery, has acquired the freeholdto a purpose built distributioncentre to meet the needs of ambitiousgrowth plans for the company.Ideally located at a prime site inWednesbury, West Midlands, it combinesan excellent UK location foroperational and transport requirements.The facility, in association withYodel’s other sort centres will supportnetwork capacity for the coming years.When complete, the premises willprovide an intelligent, state of the artsystems platform, with machineryinstalled by a world class industryleading supplier to optimise benefitsfrom improved parcel handlingprocesses to linehaul optimisation.

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