Security - Telenor

Security - Telenor

Security - Telenor


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not be compatible with the security policy<br />

within which the host platform operates.<br />

• Regardless of whether data are passed on to<br />

the host or not, the second issue after policy<br />

compatibility is the enforcement of legitimate<br />

data usage. This has a lot in common with<br />

copyright issues.<br />

Policy data that an agent carries with it, may<br />

therefore end up having a lifetime significantly<br />

longer than the agent’s entire computation. This<br />

in turn implies that agent visits may entail irreversible<br />

changes to remote security policies or<br />

access control structures.<br />

Enforcing security policies is a problem that is<br />

generally difficult, particularly when the policies<br />

also say something about how data may be used,<br />

distributed, etc. There are mainly two sides of<br />

this problem in the mobile agent context:<br />

• securing the host against policy violations by<br />

an agent running on the host’s agent platform;<br />

and<br />

• securing an agent against policy violations by<br />

the host platform on which it is running.<br />

A lot of work has already been done on the first<br />

half of this problem. Schneider recently proposed<br />

in [8] a mechanism that handles a class of<br />

policies more sophisticated than those that can<br />

be modeled by the classic access control matrix.<br />

The real challenge is providing the same protection<br />

to the agent and its data. This appears to be<br />

a very hard problem, as the agent computation is<br />

running on a platform completely under the control<br />

of a potential attacker. Therefore one must<br />

assume that the attacker effectively has read and<br />

write access to all parts of the agent.<br />

2 Terminology<br />

For the sake of brevity, the term agent will hereafter<br />

refer to mobile, autonomous processes<br />

(sometimes also called mobile agents), or code<br />

for processes embedded within data (sometimes<br />

also called embedded agents), unless otherwise<br />

is stated. The main practical difference between<br />

the two types of processes covered by the term<br />

mobile agent is that code embedded in data most<br />

often is not autonomous. A platform is the environment<br />

within which an agent executes.<br />

Denote by Ψ the set of all possible executions<br />

(terminating and non-terminating) by any single<br />

process. Each element in Ψ is a string where<br />

each symbol represents an event, a state, or a<br />

combination of these; the type of representation<br />

is not relevant for the purposes of this article.<br />

Telektronikk 3.2000<br />

A process p has an associated set of possible<br />

executions Ψ p .<br />

Let φ be the set of all algorithmically definable<br />

operations. A very general model of access control<br />

is an extension of the access control matrix.<br />

The normal access control matrix model consists<br />

of a matrix of elements A[s, o], which contains<br />

the rights subject s has to object o. An object is<br />

merely a named data structure. A subject is an<br />

object that happens to represent executable code<br />

or a hardware processor of some kind. A right is<br />

a reference to an operation in φ that may be<br />

applied to an object. Note also that s may apply<br />

some right r ∈ A[s, o] to o at any time. This<br />

model may be generalized by:<br />

• letting A[s, o] be a set of triples (r, q, c),<br />

where<br />

- r is a reference to an algorithmically<br />

expressible operation selected from φ;<br />

- q is a state of some sort;<br />

- c is an algorithm that takes q as a parameter<br />

and checks if s may apply r to o; and<br />

• requiring c to return the decision result as well<br />

as a q' that replaces the q stored in A[s, o]<br />

prior to the access attempt.<br />

By dropping the informal requirement of algorithmic<br />

expressibility, as well as allowing subjects<br />

to be both legal persons and automated<br />

components, the above model can accommodate<br />

both the automated and manual parts of a system<br />

(read: both computers and people).<br />

A subject s has a right (r, q, c) to an object o<br />

if and only if it has the legitimate authority to<br />

apply r to o under the constraints defined by<br />

c and q. A security policy can be viewed as a<br />

system for assigning and managing rights.<br />

An interesting model proposed by Schneider in<br />

[8] is one based on execution monitoring. In the<br />

execution monitoring model, a security policy<br />

is defined by a predicate P operating on a set<br />

P Ψ. Since it is not practical to evaluate predicates<br />

on sets, another predicate ^ P is defined,<br />

which operates on the elements of each set: the<br />

execution of a process. ^ P is necessarily at least as<br />

restrictive as P (see [8] for details), and one says<br />

that a process p adheres to its security policy if<br />

for any given execution σ, ^ ⊆<br />

P (σ) holds.<br />


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