Security - Telenor

Security - Telenor

Security - Telenor


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1.2 Cryptanalysis<br />

While cryptography denotes the search for methods<br />

and algorithms to protect communication<br />

against adversaries, cryptanalysis finds weaknesses<br />

in these algorithms (breaks them) to facilitate<br />

eavesdropping or counterfeiting. Cryptanalysis<br />

is not necessarily “evil”; your friendly<br />

cryptanalyst can disclose weaknesses in your<br />

systems and propose countermeasures. Much<br />

cryptologic research is concerned with finding<br />

weak points in existing cryptosystems, and then<br />

modify them to withstand these attacks. A frequently<br />

used method for testing the security<br />

of computer systems is employing a team of<br />

experts with knowledge of security “holes”<br />

(tiger team), and let them try to break into the<br />

system.<br />

In earlier times, cryptosystems usually depended<br />

on the language in which the plaintext was written.<br />

Cryptanalysts employed knowledge of the<br />

message language, including the structure, frequencies<br />

of letters and words, and the relationships<br />

between vowels and consonants. The use<br />

of computers for cryptanalysis has generally<br />

made such systems obsolete.<br />

Analysis and breaking of modern cryptosystems<br />

require advanced mathematical/statistical methods<br />

and major computer resources. Typically<br />

Terabytes of storage space and operations<br />

counted in thousands of MIPS-years are necessary;<br />

see e.g. the account of the breaking of RSA<br />

keys in Chapter 3.5.<br />

If cryptography is used in a communication system<br />

with a significant number of users, one must<br />

assume that the details of a cipher cannot be kept<br />

secret. If the security is based on the secrecy of<br />

the cipher, the system is said to rely on “security<br />

through obscurity”, a rather derogatory term<br />

within the crypto “community”. This does not<br />

imply that all secret ciphers are insecure, although<br />

this is a common misunderstanding.<br />

Obviously, it is much more difficult to cryptanalyze<br />

an unknown cipher than a known one, and<br />

cryptosystems that protect matters of national<br />

security are generally kept secret.<br />

While considering the security of a cipher, secret<br />

or public, it is therefore assumed that an attacker<br />

knows all details of the cipher, except the actual<br />

key in use. This principle was first stated by the<br />

Dutch/French philologist Auguste Kerckhoffs<br />

in his seminal book La cryptographie militaire<br />

(1883), and is known as Kerckhoffs’s principle.<br />

In addition, a common assumption is that an<br />

attacker can generate an arbitrary number of<br />

corresponding pairs of plaintext and ciphertext<br />

for a given key. This is called a known plaintext<br />

attack, or a chosen plaintext attack if the attacker<br />

can choose which plaintexts to encrypt.<br />

Telektronikk 3.2000<br />

Alice<br />

Key channel<br />

Eve<br />

Bob<br />

The one-time-pad system, where the key and the<br />

message have the same length, was described by<br />

the American engineer Gilbert S. Vernam in<br />

1917. If the key is truly random (e.g. resulting<br />

from fair coinflips), such a cipher is perfect, as<br />

was shown mathematically by Claude Shannon<br />

[9] in 1949. The main drawback with this cipher<br />

is that the key must be at least as long as the<br />

message, and it must be used only once (hence<br />

the name). Because of the key exchange problem,<br />

one-time-pad systems are used only in environments<br />

where security is paramount and the<br />

messages are rather short. As an example, a onetime-pad<br />

system developed by the Norwegian<br />

telephone manufacturer STK was used to protect<br />

the “hot line” between Washington D.C. and<br />

Moscow in the 1960s.<br />

2 Some History<br />

The history of cryptography is probably is old as<br />

the history of writing itself. Of course, during<br />

most of the history of writing, the knowledge of<br />

writing was enough – there was no need to encrypt<br />

messages (or encrypt messages further),<br />

because hardly anyone could read them in the<br />

first place. There are a few examples of Egyptian<br />

scribes playing around with the hieroglyphic<br />

symbols, possibly to attract the curiosity of the<br />

readers, much like rebuses. (Considering the<br />

problems modern linguists encountered trying to<br />

read hieroglyphs, one is tempted to say that they<br />

were thoroughly encrypted in the first place.)<br />

2.1 The Caesar Cipher<br />

One of the most well-known ciphers in history<br />

is the Caesar cipher, probably employed by the<br />

Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar. Each letter<br />

in the alphabet is “moved” three places to the<br />

right, so that A is replaced by E, B with F, etc.<br />

This is an example of a simple substitution<br />

cipher, as each letter in the plaintext is replaced<br />

with another letter (monoalphabetic substitution.)<br />

The Caesar cipher is a simplified case of the<br />

linear congruence cipher. If we identify the<br />

English letters with the numbers 0–25, encryption<br />

and decryption is defined as follows: (We<br />

assume the reader is familiar with the modulo<br />

notation.)<br />

Figure 1 The fundamental<br />

cryptographic objective<br />


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