- Cowlitz PUD

- Cowlitz PUD

- Cowlitz PUD


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GeothermalThere are three different available geothermal generating technologies: drysteam, flashed steam, and binary cycle. There is a high amount of uncertaintysurrounding the availability of suitable sites. According to the Northwest Powerand Conservation Council, the most likely sites would be located in southeasternOregon and southern Idaho.Figure 15Geothermal Resource Potential (Source: Renewable Energy Atlas of the West)According to the Energy Atlas of the West, the potential for geothermal resourcedevelopment in Washington State is relatively low. The reference plant isassumed to be a 50 megawatt flash steam generator.Landfill GasThis generation type utilizes methane produced by decomposing materials inlandfills. According to the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, mostsites use reciprocating engines but micro turbines are starting to become more34

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