1959 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern Command

1959 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern Command

1959 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern Command


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., '·SECRE1#~~........................................................ ~ ·t·!,-,to the U. S. component commands and their subordinateunits.~~ong other changes or guidance laid down by theJCS were the following. They stated that personnelfunctions of <strong>CONAD</strong>, with respect to the components,were limited to the establishment of policies to insureuniform standards of military conduct. Direct trainingresponsibility, the JCS stated, should be limited tojOint training. <strong>NORAD</strong>/<strong>CONAD</strong> functions in weapons andenvironment systems de"Jelopment and testing should belimited to preparing qualitative and quantitative requirements,making recommendations for resolution ofunsatisfactory situations to the JCS, and wor~ing withthe Service with development responsibility to includerepresentation at operations test conferences, provisionof observers during test operations, and review oftest reports. The JCS also directed that there be onechief of staff from the Army and an Assistant Chief ofStaff from the Air Force. This chan&ed the <strong>NORAD</strong>/<strong>CONAD</strong>concept of having two chiefs of staff -- one for operationsand one for administration and logistiCS.IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REORGANIZATIONFollowing approval of the Reorganization Plan,<strong>NORAD</strong>/<strong>CONAD</strong> formed an ad hoc committee to carry it out.This committee was established on 2 July <strong>1959</strong> and includedrepresentatives from <strong>NORAD</strong>/<strong>CONAD</strong>; ADC and ARAD­COM. Among the tasks given to it in its charter wereto specify the functions and manpower spaces to be absorbedand to reco,umend a time-phased plan for takingthe people and functions.In carrying out its responsibilities and instructionsfrom the JCS and interpreting responsibilities assignedto CINC<strong>NORAD</strong>/CI N<strong>CONAD</strong>, the co~~ittee agreed onthese guidelines. In the areas of personnel (J-l), 10­listics (J-4), and programs, the headquarters shouldconcern itself only with monitoring and providing broadcommand guidance and policy. This was not true in theremaining J staff areas, however, of intelligence (J-2),l . -.....•1----"U;J'i?lR~.lIi'IlIiO~"'~.~,"1'..~:rZtr":{L.,'~.fiiDFJI/{___"._ III ..n.'....J4;

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