1959 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern Command

1959 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern Command

1959 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern Command


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!~REt'bI~ ·~·..·..·........··..·..·........··......·..····....·~·l ......... ...... It64th), for a total of 15. <strong>CONAD</strong> also had eight divisionswithin the continental U. S. and bad three outside(10th, IIth, and 54th), for a total c';' 11. HORAD hadfive regions within the U. S. and::'~:,~ u! tside (Alaskanand <strong>Northern</strong>). <strong>CONAD</strong> also had fie 'eg:;'oDs in the U. S.and one outside (Alaskan),According to current planninb, 011 1 <strong>Jan</strong>uary 1960,the Central <strong>NORAD</strong>/<strong>CONAD</strong> Region would De discontinued.Two of the divisions within Central, the 29th and 33d,were to be redeSignated as regions and divide the areaof responsib1lity. Of the other thrt~e divisions currentlywi thin the Central area, two I,ere to be discontinuedand one was to be redes.ignated as a sector.,On 1 July 1960, Wes ter.n NORAOl(ONAD Region was tobe discontinued. Its area of re~pon~ibility was to bedivided between the 25th and 28th Di"isions whjch were,at the same time, to be redesig.nated as regions. Athird division within Western would be redeSignated asa sector. Thus, there would be hy ! July 1960 sevennumerically-designated regions wlthl!l the continentalUnited Sta tes.Tentative planning at <strong>NORAD</strong> Headquarters alsocalled for redesigna Hng t be Nort:hel'n :NOHAO Region inCanada as the 35th NORAO Region a~out 1 July 1960.INTEGRATION OF THE 25TH AND .jTH DIVISIONSIn November 1958 JWestern Region forwarded a jointproposal of the 5th and 25th NORAO Divisions for a shUtin control of radar units. Their pr~posal was to placethe 917th (C-19), 9l8th (C-20~ 919tn (C-21) and 825th(SM-153) ACW Squadrons under the cOiJlOand and operationalcontrol of the 25th tlORAD Di VI ~ i 0'1 These were <strong>US</strong>AF!­manned-and-operated units in Canada, currently under the5th <strong>NORAD</strong> Division.RCAF ADC/NNR concurred on ]9 December 1958 andNORAO approved the plan and dire

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