1959 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern Command

1959 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern Command

1959 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern Command


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,··'-.......·..·..··..·..·..........·....·..·.........w·~eGREr.,•••••••••••• t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••specified the positions by service, grade, career fiel~and staff to which the positions were to be assigned.,The March <strong>1959</strong> Reorganization Plan showed the functionsthat HORAO/CONAO would perform and this plan wasapproved by the JCS, subject to the changes enumeratedearlier. But other than this~ t.he components were nottold what functions HORAD/CONAO would absorb and thecomponents would stop dOing or reduce in scope. The adjustmentof functional responsibil1tie~. I.e.: the gradualrelinquishment of a function in a camponent and thefull performance of the same function in <strong>NORAD</strong>/<strong>CONAD</strong> orsome in-between arrangement, was a matter that wouldtake some time to work out. The JCS had stated, in approvingthe reorganization plan on 23 <strong>Jun</strong>e, that <strong>CONAD</strong>should make every effort to consolidate functions andeliminate non-essential activi Ues. Considerable reviewwould be necessary.It had been noted by the Reorganization Ad Hoc Committeeat its meeting on 10 July that one problem inbuilding up the J-3, J-5, and J-6 sections waf? that whatthe components were doing in these area~ was required byService directives. The component acti~ity could bestopped only by eliminatIon of these directives ..At any rat.e~ the new st.aff structure for Headqu~.rj;­ers HORAO/CONAO wasest-abli.shed ·00 3 August ·1f15~ in thel'Oriil-shoWIl on the foilo·wing page ..... Sepa r'ite'g-enera1 ordersestablished the staff structure for <strong>NORAD</strong> and <strong>CONAD</strong>.They were identical except for the position of Deputy<strong>Command</strong>er-in-Chief on the <strong>NORAD</strong> staff. This posit10nwas held by Air Marshal C. Roy Slemon~ RCAF.During the process of assigning personnel, the problemcame up of whether more than one Service would pro­Vide required c1vlU an spaceEo, The personna1 as~ignmentplan sent to the components on 23 July asked for- ten civilianspaces from the Army. The Army replied that sincethe Air Force had been assigned by OSD as the Service toprovide administrative and logistica 1 support" it shouldprovide all civilian posi.tions. This, ~he Army said, wasin consonance witb the procedure a taIl other uni fiedcommands.iE8R~-

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