1959 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern Command

1959 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern Command

1959 NORAD CONAD History Jan-Jun.pdf - US Northern Command


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eing made to provide RCAF officers in a liaison capacityto the positions asked in <strong>NORAD</strong>'s 21 May letter.THE SUPER C0J4BA T CENTER PLAN,Approval of the <strong>US</strong>AF ADC plan to employ the ne~solid state computer, AN/FSQ-7A, by <strong>NORAD</strong> on 20 Decem._'­er 1958 and <strong>US</strong>AF on 5 February <strong>1959</strong> necessitated grea';';changes in the transition to SAGE.· The ADC plan providedthat the solid state computer would be employedin nine division combat centers in the U. S. and in onein Canada.In the months following publication of the original!DC plan on 5 November 1958 J a number of changesbecame necessary and a requirement was added for aligningair defense and air traffic control boundaries (seeseparate section below). A new plan was prepared(<strong>NORAD</strong> participated to insure inclusion of its operationalrequirements and concepts).*· This plan was dated19 <strong>Jun</strong>e <strong>1959</strong>. Fcllowing agreement on air defenseand air traffic control coincident boundaries J the SACEProject Office consolidated the old SAGE Schedule 7(Improved) and the coincident boundary schedule into anew SAGE Implementation Schedule, which was dated l.l.lly<strong>1959</strong>.There were to be ten Super Combat Centers (SCC's),one for each of ten divisions. Each was to employ asolid state computer. One additional AN/FSQ-7A computerwas planned for a direction center at the AlbuquerqueSAGE Sector. Five of the division SCC's were toperform a dual function, i e., in addition to operatingas an sec, they were to operate as a d~rection center(the 30th, 32d, 33d, 27th, and 35th).* For background, see <strong>NORAD</strong>/<strong>CONAD</strong> Historical Summary,Jul-Dec 1958, pp 23-29. ----­** other participating agencies: RCAP, SDC, FAA,MITRE, IBM, ADSID, <strong>US</strong>ARADCOM, and SAGE Project Office.". ::!!i:';,a,~\i____._=___________,...I[ 20

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