Current Accounts, Open24, Savings and ... - Permanent TSB

Current Accounts, Open24, Savings and ... - Permanent TSB

Current Accounts, Open24, Savings and ... - Permanent TSB


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(iii) The relevant Account will continue to be eligiblefor interest where you have failed to lodge theminimum amount in any 2 months within thecalendar year.(iv) The relevant Account must remain open as atthe close of business on the 31st December ineach year in order for the interest to be creditedto the Account.(v)The Account type is non-business <strong>and</strong>/or is nota Student <strong>Current</strong> Account.(vi) Account holders who from our records arestudent or business customers are not eligible toearn credit interest.(vii)The interest rate applicable to the eligibleAccount shall be our St<strong>and</strong>ard Switch <strong>Current</strong>Account Credit interest rate (subject to any otherinterest rate which we may introduce from timeto time under certain circumstances) applicableon cleared Account balances of up to €1,500.00(or such other amount as we may from time totime allow) <strong>and</strong> which interest rate may be variedat our discretion from time to time.(viii) Where any of the above Conditions are notcomplied with in any one calendar year, interestwill not be paid <strong>and</strong> will not be credited to thatAccount for that calendar year.(ix) Notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing the provision in Condition 6(a)of the <strong>Current</strong> Account Conditions for thecrediting of interest on a quarterly basis, creditinterest will be credited less DIRT, whereapplicable, on the next Business Day followingthe 31st December of each year.(x)Where a Switch <strong>Current</strong> Account is opened by anew customer**, the bank may from time to timeoffer a special introductory interest rate*** onbalances up to €1,500 (or such other amount aswe may from time to time allow) for a period wemay decide at our discretion subject to thisCondition 6(d) of the <strong>Current</strong> AccountConditions.* Switch <strong>Current</strong> Account, <strong>Current</strong> Account, <strong>Current</strong>Account Plus <strong>and</strong> Loyalty <strong>Current</strong> Account (excludingLoyalty <strong>Accounts</strong> which are not described on accountstatements as Loyalty <strong>Current</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong>).** New customer is a customer who has no existingcurrent account or ATM Account with the Bank.*** The special introductory rate is only available inrespect of one Switch <strong>Current</strong> Account per Customer<strong>and</strong> therefore will not be available in respect of anyother Switch <strong>Current</strong> Account whether held in yoursole name or jointly with another or others.7 SWEEP FACILITIES:(a) In certain circumstances we may at your requestgrant a facility (a ‘Sweep Facility”) on an Account, thatis to say a facility under which we may transfer fundsPAGE 17from another designated account with us to meetpayment or withdrawal requests or other debits onthe Account. If a Sweep Facility is granted it will besubject to our terms <strong>and</strong> conditions applicable fromtime to time to Sweep Facilities.(b) Where you have requested <strong>and</strong> we have agreed thata Sweep Facility will apply to an Account, you shallspecify to us the other account (the ‘SpecifiedAccount”) with the Bank from which transfers may bemade by us so that sufficient funds are available onthe Account to meet payment or withdrawal requestsor other debits on the Account.8 CHEQUE TRANSACTIONS(a) The Customer shall not draw any cheques whichwould create any unauthorised overdraft or whichwould cause any authorised overdraft limit to beexceeded.(b) Cheque must be kept safe <strong>and</strong> all reasonable care<strong>and</strong> precautions should be taken by the Customeragainst either being lost or stolen.(c) The amount of any cheque transaction shall bedebited from the Account within the normal clearingcycle (usually 5 Business Days).(d) If the cheque book is lost / stolen or mislaid, theCustomer shall immediately notify us in the mannerspecified in Condition 15 (b) of the GeneralConditions.9 CHEQUE, LASER, ATM AND OPEN24 CARDS:Any cheque, Laser ATM, <strong>Open24</strong> or other Card issued byus in respect of an Account shall also be subject to ourterms <strong>and</strong> conditions applicable from time to time tosuch Card or Cards which are available at the applicationstage, online on our Website <strong>and</strong> which are provided atthe time of issue of the relevant Card.10 THIRD LEVEL STUDENT CURRENT ACCOUNT:In addition to the above <strong>Current</strong> Account Conditions <strong>and</strong>the General Conditions, the following terms <strong>and</strong>conditions in this Condition 9 apply to the Third LevelStudent <strong>Current</strong> Account (hereinafter ‘Student <strong>Current</strong>Account’)(a) You must be 18 years of age or over <strong>and</strong> in full timethird level education at an Approved Institution asrecognised by the Central Applications Office (CAO)(an ‘Approved Institution”) to apply to open or convertan existing current Account to a Student <strong>Current</strong>Account.(b) A Student <strong>Current</strong> Account can be maintained at ourdiscretion from the date of opening or conversion toa Student <strong>Current</strong> Account until the earlier of:(i) the expiry of a period of five years from the dateyou convert or open the Account; or(ii)the date you advise us that you have ceased tobe a full time third level student, whereupon we

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