Current Accounts, Open24, Savings and ... - Permanent TSB

Current Accounts, Open24, Savings and ... - Permanent TSB

Current Accounts, Open24, Savings and ... - Permanent TSB


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een incorrectly executed, we shall show by providingan abstract of our internal records that the operationwas accurately recorded <strong>and</strong> entered into the Card<strong>Accounts</strong> <strong>and</strong> was neither effected nor affected by atechnical breakdown or other deficiency. The correctrecording of previous <strong>and</strong> subsequent similartransactions shall constitute prima facie evidence thatthe system was functioning properly.14 PAYMENT USING LASER OR MAESTRO(a) Payments using Laser or Maestro may not becounterm<strong>and</strong>ed by a Cardholder for whatever reason<strong>and</strong> we may debit the amount of any such payment tothe Card Account.(b) Laser <strong>and</strong> Maestro Transactions will reduce theavailable balance on the Card Account, even thoughthe relevant Laser or Maestro Transaction might notyet appear on your statement.(c) The amount of any Laser or Maestro transaction willnormally be debited to the Card Account within twodays following receipt by us of the transaction recordfrom the Retailer. This is the normal time-scale butcannot be guaranteed.15 RETAILERS(a) In some cases it may become necessary for aRetailer to obtain specific authorisation from us orour agents to honour the Card for a particular Laseror Maestro Transaction (even though the amount ofthe transaction is within the credit balance <strong>and</strong> anyauthorised Facility limit on the Account). The grantingof any such authorisation has the effect of reducingthe credit balance <strong>and</strong> any authorised Overdraft limiton the Account.(b) We will not be liable for the refusal of any Retailer toaccept or honour the Card, whether in respect of aLaser Transaction or a Maestro Transaction. Thisincludes circumstances where it is not possible toauthorise a Laser Transaction or a MaestroTransaction, whether for systems reasons or becauseno authorisation signal has been received by us, <strong>and</strong>circumstances where authorisation is not possiblebecause the Card has been damaged.(c) We are not liable for any error or omission made by aRetailer through access to the authorisation service.(d) Where a Retailer becomes liable to make any refundto a Cardholder, we will credit the amount to berefunded only on receipt of a properly issued refundvoucher or other appropriate verification of the refundby the Retailer. We will not be responsible for goods<strong>and</strong>/ or services it does not supply <strong>and</strong> in relation tosuch goods <strong>and</strong> services we will have no dealingswith a Retailer on behalf of the Cardholder.<strong>Savings</strong> <strong>and</strong>Investment<strong>Accounts</strong>Terms <strong>and</strong> Conditions1 SCOPEThe terms <strong>and</strong> conditions in this section (the “<strong>Savings</strong>Account Conditions”) apply to the operation of thevarious savings <strong>and</strong> investment Account products offeredby us <strong>and</strong> (unless agreed in writing to the contrary) applyin addition to the General Terms, <strong>and</strong> are deemed to beincorporated into <strong>and</strong> form part of the Conditions <strong>and</strong> allrelevant Agreements between us for such <strong>Accounts</strong>. Inthe event of ambiguity or inconsistency between theGeneral Conditions <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Savings</strong> Account Conditions,the <strong>Savings</strong> Account Conditions shall prevail.2 NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS(a) Bills of exchange, cheques or other negotiableinstruments are accepted subject to examination <strong>and</strong>negotiation <strong>and</strong> are transmitted for collection at yourrisk. Items credited to an Account may not be drawnagainst until cleared (that is, any lodgement made bycheque or similar instrument has been honoured).(b) In the event that any item is returned unpaid, we maydebit the Account to which it was originally credited<strong>and</strong>/or any other Account held in the Bank by you.(c) In the case of a lodgement made in a branch officeof the Bank of a cheque or a draft drawn on a bankwithin Irel<strong>and</strong>, the normal clearing period is 5 clearingbusiness days from the date of the lodgement.(d) In the case of a lodgement in a branch office of theBank of a cheque or a draft in a foreign currency or aeuro cheque or draft drawn on a bank outside Irel<strong>and</strong>,the normal clearing period is 25 clearing businessdays from the date of the lodgement.3 PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS:(a) Subject to Condition 3(b) of the <strong>Savings</strong> AccountConditions, the provisions of Condition 12 of theGeneral Conditions apply to any payment instructionsissued in respect of your Account.(b) Your Account may be subject to restrictions as to thetype of payment instruction which may be issued onyour Account.4 NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL(a) Where the required notice of withdrawal (as specifiedin the application form for the Account) is not givento us, a charge will be payable by you to us. Thecharge will be applied on the sum to be withdrawn forthe number of days for which notice has not beenPAGE 29

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