Current Accounts, Open24, Savings and ... - Permanent TSB

Current Accounts, Open24, Savings and ... - Permanent TSB

Current Accounts, Open24, Savings and ... - Permanent TSB


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(i)(ii)hold <strong>and</strong> retain any credit balance to which youare now or hereafter entitled on any Account untilsuch time as all or any of your obligations to ushave been discharged in full;combine all or any of your accounts (including all<strong>Accounts</strong>); <strong>and</strong>/or(iii) apply any credit balance (whether matured ornot) to which you are now or hereafter entitled onany Account in discharge of any of yourobligations (whether matured or not) to usregardless of the currency of such balance orobligation.(b) If the balance <strong>and</strong> the obligation referred to inCondition 8(a)(iii) are in different currencies, we mayconvert either the balance or the obligation at amarket rate of exchange customarily utilised by us inour usual course of business for the purpose of theset-off.(c) If the obligation referred to in Condition 8(a)(iii) isunliquidated or unascertained, we may set-off anamount estimated by us in good faith in accordancewith commercially reasonable st<strong>and</strong>ards to be theamount of that obligation.9 FEES AND CHARGES:(a) Details of the fees <strong>and</strong> charges which are charged byus on <strong>Accounts</strong> are set out in the Fees Booklet (aspublished from time to time) which is available onrequest at any branch of the Bank.(b) Subject to notifying the relevant regulatory authoritywhere applicable, we may from time to time alter suchfees <strong>and</strong> charges <strong>and</strong> introduce new fees <strong>and</strong>charges, giving 30 days notice in accordance withthese Conditions. Where we alter any fees or chargesthat are applicable to the services provided under thePayments Services Directive, we will give you at least2 months notice. Where a change in fees is to yourbenefit, we may, at our discretion, give you shorternotice.(c) You may be eligible to apply to have certain fees <strong>and</strong>charges exempted. The conditions under which fees<strong>and</strong> charges are discounted <strong>and</strong>/or exempted areavailable on request at any branch of the Bank.(d) Where applicable, those fees <strong>and</strong> charges which theFees Booklet indicates are pre-notified will be debitedto the relevant Account quarterly (or at such otherintervals as may be indicated in the Fees Booklet fromtime to time or as agreed with us). Where the fees<strong>and</strong> charges to be charged are above €12.70, theywill be pre-notified to you 14 days in advance of beingdebited from your Account. Other fees <strong>and</strong> chargeswill be debited as they arise or as otherwise indicatedin the Fees Booklet from time to time, without priornotification to you.10 DEPOSIT INTEREST RETENTION TAX:(a) <strong>Accounts</strong> held by Customers, with certain exceptions,are liable for DIRT.(b) DIRT is deducted, where applicable, from interestcredited to the Account. This is deducted wheninterest is paid <strong>and</strong> forwarded by us to the RevenueCommissioners.(c) A certificate of interest credited to an Account can beobtained from the branch where the Account is held.Customers eligible to reclaim DIRT should remit thiscertificate with the relevant form to their local taxoffice.11 NON-RESIDENT ACCOUNTS:(a) <strong>Accounts</strong> held by non-residents must be operated inaccordance with statutory conditions <strong>and</strong> bankingregulations. An additional form must be completedwhere a non-resident Account is required.(b) We reserve the right to designate a non-residentAccount as being other than a non-resident Accountwhere the amount invested in the Account falls belowthe sum of €12,600 or such other minimum amountas may be prescribed by us from time to time.(c) Where the amount invested in a non-resident Accountfalls below the sum of €12,600 (or such otherminimum amount as may be prescribed by us fromtime to time) <strong>and</strong> the Account is re-designated as anAccount other than a non-resident Accountaccordingly, the Account will not revert to its previousdesignation as a non-resident Account if the amountinvested exceeds the sum of €12,600 (or such otherminimum amount as may be designated by us fromtime to time) at any time subsequently, save oncompletion of the form specified at Condition11(a)above <strong>and</strong> then only in respect of interest capitalisedafter receipt by us of the completed form.(d) We will make no change in the minimum amountwithout you receiving reasonable notice of suchchange.12 PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS(a) You are solely responsible for the accuracy of eachpayment instruction. We are not responsible for anydelay or error which arises from incomplete, unclear,inconsistent or mistaken instructions which you giveus or by us accepting, where we exercise ourdiscretion to do so, an instruction in a form other thanour st<strong>and</strong>ard form for payment instructions.Where you give us inconsistent instructions (forexample, where the receiving bank’s NSC or BIC<strong>and</strong> its name <strong>and</strong> address details do not match),we shall not be liable for acting in accordancewith any part of those instructions.(b) Where signing instructions are not provided to us inrespect of a Direct Debit in accordance withapplicable scheme rules, we may rely on theinstructions received from the payee’s bank in order tomake the payment.(c) Direct Debits are subject to applicable scheme rules.(d) Before a payment is made from your Account, youmust comply with our applicable procedures includingcompleting, either manually or online, the relevantPAGE 7

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