Current Accounts, Open24, Savings and ... - Permanent TSB

Current Accounts, Open24, Savings and ... - Permanent TSB

Current Accounts, Open24, Savings and ... - Permanent TSB


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9 TERM 30 ACCOUNTSIn addition to the above terms <strong>and</strong> conditions (whereapplicable), this Condition 9 of the <strong>Savings</strong> AccountConditions also applies to Term 30 <strong>Accounts</strong>:(a) The initial investment term is 90 days.(b) On the expiry of the initial term of the Term 30Account, the balance of the Term 30 Account shall, inthe absence of instructions from you, beautomatically reinvested by us for a term of 30 daysat a rate of interest to be decided at our discretionwhich will be confirmed, as soon as practicable afterthe date of reinvestment, to you <strong>and</strong> the new balancewill continue to be reinvested in 30 day intervalsthereafter at a rate of interest applicable on the dateof reinvestment until such instructions are receivedfrom you to invest otherwise.10 SAVE2BUY/HEADSTART/MORTGAGESAVERACCOUNTSFor the purpose of this Condition 10 "Account" means aSave2Buy, Headstart or MortgageSaver account. Inaddition to the above <strong>Savings</strong> Account Conditions (whereapplicable), the following terms <strong>and</strong> conditions apply tothe Account:(a) The cleared balance of the Account (excludinginterest accrued but not credited) must not exceedan amount as determined by us.(b) The Qualifying Period comprises a period of 12consecutive months from the period the account isopened during which you make Specified MonthlyLodgements to the Account.(c) Specified Monthly Lodgement is the amountspecified by you when opening the Account <strong>and</strong> tobe lodged monthly. We may require a minimumamount to be lodged.(d) You must make the Specified Monthly Lodgement atleast 10 times during the Qualifying Period.(e) You will be permitted to make two withdrawals withinthe Qualifying Period provided each withdrawal shallnot exceed an amount equivalent to 10% of thecleared balance of the Account at the time of thewithdrawal.(f) No more than two persons can hold an Account, butthe Bank reserves the right to review that number.(g) Statements will be issued to you annually <strong>and</strong> uponthe completion of a statement page of an Account.(h) You will be entitled to claim certain benefits <strong>and</strong>discounts as advertised by us from time to time intaking out a home loan with the Bank (subject tonormal credit criteria, terms <strong>and</strong> conditions) providedthe foregoing terms <strong>and</strong> conditions have been fullycomplied with.(j) You are obliged to advise us of all <strong>Accounts</strong> held withthe Bank when applying for a homeloan to showentitlement to the benefit of the discounts hereunder.(k) The benefits <strong>and</strong> discounts referred to above applyonly to customers who apply for the home lo<strong>and</strong>irectly through permanent tsb branches.(l) In accordance with the Consumer Credit Act 1995,normal credit criteria applies. Subject to st<strong>and</strong>ardterms <strong>and</strong> conditions. Security is required.(m)Where you fail to comply with any of the foregoingterms <strong>and</strong> conditions for the Account, yourentitlement to the benefits <strong>and</strong> discounts referred toabove will, at our discretion, cease <strong>and</strong> we may eitherclose the Account or transfer the funds into analternative account which may have a lesser interestrate.(n) Housing Loans Under Consumer Credit Act 1995WARNING: YOUR HOME IS AT RISK IF YOU DONOT KEEP UP PAYMENTS ON A MORTGAGE ORANY LOAN SECURED ON IT. YOU MAY HAVE TOPAY CHARGES IF YOU PAY OFF A FIXED RATELOAN EARLY (SEE FIXED RATE LOANS BELOW).INTEREST ONLY: THE ENTIRE AMOUNT YOU HAVEBORROWED WILL STILL BE OUTSTANDING ANDOWED BY YOU AT THE END OF THE INTERESTONLY PERIOD.VARIABLE RATE LOANSWARNING: THE PAYMENT RATES ON THISHOUSING LOAN MAY BE ADJUSTED BY THELENDER FROM TIME TO TIME.ENDOWMENT LOANSWARNING: THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT THEPROCEEDS OF THE INSURANCE POLICY WILL BESUFFICIENT TO REPAY THE LOAN IN FULL WHENIT BECOMES DUE FOR REPAYMENT.The early surrender of the Insurance Policy in respect ofyour Endowment Loan may result in a return to youwhich would be less than you have paid in premia orother charges.FIXED RATE LOANSWhenever (i) repayment of a loan in full or part is madeor (ii) with our agreement the loan is switched to avariable rate loan or other fixed rate loan, before expiry ofthe fixed rate period (hereinafter called the “EarlyTermination”), you shall, in addition to all other sumspayable as a condition of <strong>and</strong> at the time of the EarlyTermination, pay a sum equal to our estimate of the loss(if any) arising from the Early Termination. In thecalculation of the said loss, we shall endeavour to applyin so far as it is fair <strong>and</strong> practicable, the formulaC=(I-S) x R x (M-T)(i) We shall incur no liability if you do not meet the creditcriteria for eligibility for a home loan.PAGE 31

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